ple meals, in the berry season." A demonstration on the making of ' will be given by the fol- F.1d“ nay 33m 9.: me usury. flour, 3 uxaucu 2.36 ML, when a very pleasant time Don't Seamed. As it is. the yearly elec- : and a ton ofoï¬cers for the Women’s In- 99¢th same the yearly report will 8150 be 1 Miss vim. A paper will be given by Mrs :msem A Webster on “How to Prepare sim~ Flatt. pieueals. in the berry season.“ A I Mien toward the church fund in con- tain: with Ladies' Aid work. ' in ms of bath societies as Elisabet ladies will be given a 31"! welcome. Its. B. Davey, bf Lindsay returned D lam on Honday. her brother, IT: 8. Walters accompanying he!“ and ’51 Spend the week there. (Special to The Women's Insti imam: holding 2 the home of Mrs. M hilt! by 25th at 1 an. m, is spending the week Mu- daughter, Mrs. J. Rich, of n lr'.ï¬ah.3- H. .1, 111919 app! \1:_. Kiss F RIBBGN SPECIAL at 10:, 35 inch PAILETTE SILK, 89c Sm LADIES $1500 SUITS, $10.00 l‘tf\'\\lll'\1.\e'e[g gLADIES’ $20 surfs, $16.50 §LADI£S’ $25 SUITS, $20.00 LADIES LONG COATS, $3. 95 .1..1,1:1 1 11: 11:: 21:: <tyles in black tb new JCS. “snug 'I'Om here I. of Virden, ‘ma‘ nitoba ’2 her brother. Dr N f‘ Cunning LOI‘ spent Sunday With e Britain. Webster, of Cambrav, mt \’ F aft 9’ Were gilt-381:5: Tait on Sun tobe FRIDAY, MAY. Spell t and Mr M’S- Porter J, ° me guest at Linden V 9’ a trip through t the usual and (z T/zz'm’ 2‘0 Lindsay on May 22nd Sz'I/zg/e Fare 2‘0 Lz’mz’sayom . May 2375! eexpact to at- COnVention and be held in Man- of M: \\ ‘HU\3- 1 ~“VIH IIKLAD" SrYIQS 111 black I :z\_\ Mm- wrgv and fawn covert $1 » uni $21 \' t} 195. Holld 1V 8. 95 the week end Spent Wed- :LLusmATED 15 $10.00) and Miss rsts of bunday Hall a con- o: alley : {\- “Rusted :md Serge in“ '1 N'HH ï¬tting cont, Enu- 5133') and 3.3 $10 19, 1911' hrmvn Quite a number from here attend~ ed the funeral of Mrs. E.f Wors- ley last week. (Special to The Post) A very interesting debate was held Friday evening last in the Meth- (dist church hall between friends from Emily and Dunsford. Notwith- standing the powerful argument put 371‘s. Crittal, also of the . Queen city was visiting friends and rela- tives. ‘ .' Mr. Robt. McGee intends to ra‘se his tam next week to replace the one that was burned last summer. Sam Hughes has gone to the coro- nation. Some one should rat-ind him of the attack that he made on the Gran Grower’s Associaton. The far- mers of \‘ictona and Halibutton haV: misplaced their conï¬dence in A large number of cattle gave been taken north :9 the ranches The numbers seem to Ancrease as the years roll around. F siticn that he holds. Mrs. John Qu'nn, of Toronto, calâ€" led on friends here laS't wee-k. Mr. D. Smith of Camercn, has leased the Robe farm for ranching purposes. and he had no difï¬culty :11 stocking the ranch to- Lts_ ut- most capac-xy. The rain last Monday afternoon. was very acceptable, and it will do an untold amount of good. “ kxiled, dressed and deliveredvttns Ue‘r. in the 3f rug. If the farmers would show as much enthusiasm for the establishment of a telephone as they do over the beef rfng. they would show great enterprise and V and go'od understandmg. { (Special to the Post.) 'Dunsford te Mr. A. McGee ad! Mr. John S. out of the‘ Brown, have fianhed theu' beef cat- Wicus has c tie. and have delivered them to the along the re buyer, They were a ï¬ne lot and of this new anywhxe and everywhere this beef is on all sides cooked and served it will tempt The moat the appetite. The ï¬rst beat will be “L .._-L m Meanings From Powles’ Corners We are pleased to hear that. Mrs. Rev. Elliott has recovered, and is now able to takea short drive. Mr. Thos. Mom is spending a few days with Lindsay friends. Miss Helen Fisher was the guest of her csusin Miss Maud Prouse Sun- day. honsive suit. offer- ):i~s season. “He sider the auspices of the Ladies Aid [forth by Mrs. F. Woodger and Mr. cf the \iethodist Church. Talent has ‘F. E. Gordon in favOr of women’s been see: :red from Lindsay as well as Suffrage, Mr. McDonald and Mr. A. local talent. The programme W111 C03“ IElliot were there .With the goods and szst oi choruses: by the Ladies’ Aid, after'delivering the right stuff receiv- rec;tations and readings by Mrs. MC- ed an advance over Dunsford by two unlock. also duets by Dr- and Mrs. points therefore it is resolved in the Dr. IrVine. Lindsay. A Play entitled, Dunsford Parliament that the fair -‘ How the Story Grew’: Will be given sex will not get the suflrage. At a by eight ladies and music will be fur- showing of hands after the debate it nished by the Oakwood orchestra. was discovered that only one woman Don't forget the date and be sure desired the much coveted prize â€" a and attend, as a good time is ex- vote. The average farmer's wife has pected. no time to waste 011 politics if she Miss Skuce. of Belmont, Man is at IOOKS after her borne she has en- l I ! present visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. ough to dO- Suflravettes are only Fiett. disturbers of the peace. SUTCLIF F E’S BIG HOLIDAY SALE lines out now-â€" LINDSAY'S MOST 10c ACCESSABLE STORE '1 .41 11: am my are grey 1'05( ;. ï¬ne quality. ï¬ne an DU NSFORD is not worthy of mulls green sa'iu 89c PO‘ Our Bible Society meeting was held in the Methodist Church on Tu- esday of last week. Rev. Mr. Walker, who represents the society, gaVe a vcry helpful and interesting address on Canada and her needs, illustrated by limelight views. Mr. Walker is appointed to work in Japan in the near future. We bid him God-speed in his great work. Our two school teachers and others are busily engaged these days pre- paring the children for our anniver- sary. They are endeavouring to make this anniVersary second to none. Nearly all the fan wheat in this section was killed by the frost. The seeding did not start very early and the weather being all that could be desired, seeding operations were com. pleted in good time and now prepar- ing the soil for roots is the order. of the day. The trustees of our South Ward Ward School have been improving their already commodious premises on the South and West of the grounds Mr. A. P. Mark is remodelling his house and adding a piece to it. He is moving into the house formerly occu- pied'by the late Mr. Burke Swain. (Special to The Post) Mr. Wm. Glass has an upâ€"to-date barn. Kennedy Bros. did the carpen- ter work, and it is a credit. to any workman. A large sheet of plate glass was broken on Wednesday last at Mr Web- ster's store. The damage isEortun- ately covered by insurance. out of the west line in order and Mr. Wicus has commenced digging holes along the route. With the completion The monthly ‘meeting of St. John’s Church W. A. was held on Thursday afternoon last. Mr. S. M. Thurston. manager of the Dunsford telephone Co has the lining We extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Purdy, of Bobcaygeon. Mr. Purdy, is making cheese for the Duns ford factory this year. We wish him every success. Don't forget the cheap fares for round trip, good going May 23 and 24. returning May 26th. Mr. E. Tiers .spent Friday and Sat- urday last in Toronto. A bonny wee girl has come to at \the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Thurston. Big Bill's face is one {math of smiles. 0h lucky 3m. ~\_ FROM NOW UNTIL MAY 24th A¢mmmm My 4 U fl 2 m m chorm m.m.«w,m._ WZOW mumJQPDw . line we shall be connected VALEX’I'IA These are the best value we have shown this season. Thev were bought last August and just placed 9n stock this week. Extra heavy thrzad l and a strong cuxtain for wear; good pat‘erns. Per pair This sale of Holiday wearables is a sale that most conclusively proves that this big store with its tremendous distributing power presents unequalled opportunities for securing seasonable, high grade, thoroughly dependable summer merchandise at less than regular prices. These offerings are far reaching in their scope and include every department in the store. Watch for the bargain tickets throughout the entire store; they are beacons of economy. u“... Via-“rayon, -nubuo Vumauouu anlu I‘VUIC‘ “11; I -. ,=. L v 9 20 nd 21.! {Cf Ctn' 1" eet‘. eon lots 1 ’ a of Mariposa.â€"Carried. I -â€"a, .. dR'h . ntto fspem has M" mm“ ‘C' was prese at Motion by Messrs. Varcoe and I“erâ€".f Dr. 3219 range a right Of W3? northward from guson, that Messrs. Michael and Roâ€" ! toda‘ 93' ’gravel pit at lot 18, con. l- MP- Qas. «' gers be appointed to inspect a graVels Mr. only i Webster wanted a grant to assist in '13“. 011 Ml". Eli Short’s fam. and! ronto iffound advisable to purchase a pit? Mr. {building road allowance on con. 8, 4 from him.â€"-Carried. , geon, 8t . ay I as he considered this one of the main | - J' i 1 Motion by Messrs. Rogers and- Mr. big roads 0f the township. Lorenzo Dav-l Swain that Messrs. Michael, Varcoe. town idson thought it would be wise tojli‘erguson and Swain bea. committee' Mr. Sat- purchase some stone from ML Rom:l‘to negotiate with Mr. John Glenny cago, POEM» as 8‘3791 in his vicinity is .for digging a waterway on the north Mr. somewhat scarce. M" J35 Curtis de- side of road allowance. east of his I Rrass for and V sired Council to do some grading and’ barn at lot 17, con. 5 in order that he Rev. draining on road allowance oppos te may do away with the building and Falls, Mr. his farm and to north Of railroad maintenance of bridges.â€"Carried. Cons track. Mr. Edwm Rogers reports on, Motion by Mesa-9. Varcoe and Fer- Falls, iuns drainage "33“er as “9‘39“er at 01' I guson that council grant the sum of: Miss Iim near'Mr. J. W. fiancock s. The com- 860 for building cement walks along ‘ spent mxsswners, D. Xerex andRS Mark township propery at the township, Mess report on work for future. hamâ€"Carried. leave the RESOLUTIONS PASSED n: . . Accounts aggregating 8250.00 were ' inlg. nng Motion by Messrs. Aarcoe and Fer- ordered to be paid including sum Mr M" 8090!! that messrs. Michael and Rog- of $220.00 for operating, working-«Wfor Ga 4'89 ers beappointed a committee to look repairs for the grader manag 310“ into the matter of road allowance at Motion by Messrs Swain and Rag- Miss =ted lot 19 and 20 in con. 15â€"Carried. m a.-. m-_,_._ --.-_ ._ -,_,e- .ther of Lace Curtains at $1 -. jProceedings of : Mariposa Council Motion by Messrs. Rogers and Vat» coe that Council allow Mr Chas Rich sum of $10.00 for aright of wa.y narthward from gravel pit on his farm at lot 18, con. 7 for aterm of two years. Mr. Rich to put tip a good gate at boundary line between his lot and Mr G. A. Washington's lot. Motion by Messrs. Rogers and that Mr. Jcs. Jewell, Jr.. be \. ap. pointed overseer in road beat No. 7 en Western boundary of Mariposain- Motion by Messrs. Ferguson and. Swain that, :pursuant to Sec. 6173 of Municipal Act. this Council hereby declares that a bridge situated be- tween lots 20 and 21 in con 4 of T’p' of MaripCSJ, is over 300 feet long and it is therefore unjust that township should be liable for the whole cost of the maintenance and repair oisaid bridge. and that it should be main- tained and repaired by Corporation of the County of Victoria, and that ap-- plication should be made to Judge of County Court of Victoria for an ord- er declaring such bridge a County bridge, to be repaired and maintain- ed by County Corporation and that Clerk be instructed to forward a cerâ€" tiï¬ed cop8 of this resolution with the Corporate Seal attached, to Clerk of the County of Victoria. â€"Carried. Motion by Messrs. Swain and Rog- ers that Messrs. Michael, Varcoe and Ferguson be appointed to arrange for grading road and drainage at Mr Mr, Jas Curtis’ farm north of rail- road track, Motion by Messrs. Ferguson and Rogers that Messrs. Swain and Var- coe be appointed to look into matter of puechasing stone from Robt Pogue fcr township purposes.â€"Carried. Motion by Messrs.. Swain and Fer- guson that Clerk be authorized to notify Mr. Richard Dale to come to meeting to explain his action in re- moving trees from road allowance op- posite his farm.â€"Carried. Maripcsa Council met May 8, 1911. Messrs. Seth Armitage and William Wells were present respecting sale of tile to road allowance at north half LENDSAY THE LINDSAY POST i (Special to the Post.) The many friends of Mrs. P. Barr i will be sorry to hear that she is ill , at present. Council adjourned till Saturday, June 3. for Coart of Revision, and (for general business. OBITUARY On Sunday morning May 14th John Gillespie, son of Mrs. J. Gillespie died from the effects of an attack of scarlet fever. The death is particular- ly sad as it was just two months before that Mr. Gillespie died. Not many weeks afterwards Scarlet fever broke out in the family, and after several weeks of intense suffering death came to his relief. Mr. D. McColl and family have moved into his father's farm, south of Gooderham. Mr. and Mrs. Beech, came home from the west last week owing to the illness of her mother. Mr. Beech went to Kinmount on Saturday to visit his father there. m‘ Seed Corn Get your seed cam now. It may be scarce. Never before have we had such a good sample of each difl‘erent kind. J. H. FLUREY, Oak Front Grocer. The funeral of the latte David Smith of White Lake was largely attended, on May, 6th. Interment took place at Kinmount. Mr. Smith was a broth- er of Mrs. D. McColl of this village. Messers John and Wm. Maxwell have bought Mr. D. McColl’s store here and commenced business there. We wish them every success. Motion by Messrs Swain and RagJ era that Clerk' 3 salary be advanced} to $500 00 per year, and that the7 Treasurer' s salary be anvanced to $200.00 per year.â€"-Carried. Accounts aggregating 8250.00 were ordered to be paid, including sum of 5220,00 for operating, working repairs for the grader. stead of Jos. Jewell removed.â€"Car- ried. ' Motion by Messrs. Ferguson and Swain that Clerk be authorized to notify the lollowing persons to meet at or near lot 10 con 15. Mariposa to consider matter of drainage under the Ditches and Watercourse act on Thursday May 25th at 2 p.m., namely Colin Graham, John Currie, John Campbell, Angds Jamieson and Reeve of Mariposa.-â€"Carried. ‘ GOODEiul-L-XM ENTRANCE-IS :' KENT AND WILLIAM‘ srs. MEN’S $16.00 SUITS HOLIDAY SALE PRICE Warden Callan and Mr. J. E. Jack- son, of Coboconk. were in town to- day. Mr. Wm. Heard, Mrs. Porter, Miss S. Burtchaell, Mrs. This: and Mrs W Messrs. Thos. Austin and T1105. Cashore, of .Fenelon Falls. were in town to-day. The many friends of Mr. George Simpson will regret to learn that he is seriously ill. Mr. J. McLean and Mrs. McLean of Montreal are in town for a few days. Mr. N. Smale leavcs on Tuesday on a busmess trip to the West. He will be may several months. Mr. Jack Simpson is home from Toronto owing to the illness of his father. Miss Flavelle of Toronto and a num ber of lady friends passed through town this morning to Sturgeon Point. Mr. Peter Wilson leit Saturday for Galt, where he will assume the management of the Galt Reiormer. Miss Lulu Jones, of Fenelon Falls, spent the day in town. Constable Jack Jones, 'of Fenelon Falls, was in town tcrday. Messrs Howard and Wm. Graham. leave for Edmonton Tuesday even- a ing. ‘ 9 Rev. W. H. A. French 0! Fenelon, Falls, was in town to-day. Mr. W. H. Roberts, of the C. P. R. Rrass Hill, was in town to-day. Mr. R. J. McLaughlin. K.C., of Toâ€" ronto, is in town on business. Mr. John 8. Henderson, of Bobcay- geon, was a visitor in town toâ€"day. Mr. David Aldridge, of Galt, was in town to-day on business. Mr. J. G. Berry and wife, of Chi- cago, are visiting in town. Dr. Coven, of Toronto, is in town tcday on business. Mr. R. J. McLaughlin. K.C., of To ronto, is in town on business. Mr. John 8. Henderson. of Bobcav- Miss M. Northcott, of Cameron, is spending the day in town. ‘Mr. G. McDonald of Brunswizk, On- tario, was in town Sunday. Mr. J. McDonald, of Toronto, is in town today. “ THE MILLâ€..___â€"__ THREE PERFECT FLOURS Canadian Cereal Milling 60., From Monday's Post. Mr. Aird Flavelle left for Ste Agathe, Que., Saturday evening. PURELY PERSONAL King of Patents FOR BREAD and GUARANTEED by the makers. Order From Your Grocer These are extra good Corsets, gocd long style in guy or white Cortelle or net, heavily steeled and have four hose 75 supporters. Vex-y special holiday sale prxce..................... c A GOOD CORSET, 75c Extra. special value in thlies' Hand Bags. leather- mnrcpnlmed, lwrge> size with small change purse, plain and bellovs ends. Special holiday pmce each... ....... ......... HAND BAGS for $1 MADE IN LINDSAY LINDSAY. ONTARIO Ladies' size “’hite Handkerchiefs at a very hw price. During mu holiday sale we will ".25 give you 9 for .. .. C 9 HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c \Iens Fine Fur Felt Hats in grey colorinrs mediumshapï¬s, lines that sold r-egulaxly 98c at $2. 00 and. 250. Y mu choice for. ......... MEN’S FELT HATS, 98c MEN’S LINEN HATS, 50c Men's Colored Negligee Shirts. in a good variety of (:oloz-ings and patterns, mostly all sizes. 89 Regular value 81 each. for ..................... C MEN’S $1 SHIRTS, 89c Men's a‘l wool \Voz-sted Suits. this season's new- est styles small patterns and medium stripes in dressy grey Shades. sizes 35 to 42: regu- leu' prices $16.50 and 815. Sale ........... 12.95 For Pastry The only ymedmine a mother should lgive her Lttlesones is on: she can ‘ give and feel ‘absolutely safe that Enot theislightest harm wdl result- a medicine that is guaranteed free from injunous drugs. Such a med- icine -.s Baby’s Own Tabletsâ€"every box is sold under such a guaran- tee. and the mother may fee! per- fectly tare in giving them to ?pen the new born babe.‘ Concerning them Mrs. Albert E. Wood. Lon- don- Ont.. says: “I have ‘found the Baby's Own Tablets all that is claim ed for them. My baby has had them from birth, and will. take them eagerly. I am. sure there is no better medlc'na for little ones." The tablets are sold by median} dealers or by‘ mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr. Wdhams’ Med- icine Co., Brockv'zlle-, Ont. ,. TEE ONLY MEDICINE A representative of Howe's circus was in town to-day looking over the ground with a View to having the show appear here at an early date. He left for Peterboro on the eleven o'clock train. The best place in town to get fresh seeds is at Higinbotha-m's drug store.â€"-4d. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Gilette. of New Westminster, B.C., were in town on Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson. Mr. Gilette who is C.P.R. agent at New Westminster has been attending tha contention of operators and agents. at Toronto. 'ome 2‘0 Safe/(ff? Mn and Mrs. Neville Sharpe, who have been spendmg the past week in town, left this morning for Ei- monton, where Mr. Sharpe, will be (ngaged in survey work, during the pnesebt year. $12.95 Heard are in town to-day attenuiug High Court. Rowe's Circus FOR BREAD and Pastry BUY AT SUTCLIFFE’S FOR ME MI! PAGE 5