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Lindsay Post (1907), 19 May 1911, p. 6

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PAGE 6. -..- â€"â€"â€" Ir. Andrews _pmbco Di. Horse’s Indian Root Pills. .â€" Ir. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., m: "For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation. This ail- ment never comes single- -handed, and I have been a victim to the marry illnesses that constipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I haxe taken in order to find relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky day for me, for l was so impremed with the state ments made that 1 determined to give them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and Iclanntheyhavenoequalasamedi- m.,’ For over half a century Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pills have been curing con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which result from them. They cleanse the whole system and pnrifv the blood. Sold covhere .1 25“. a box. 2 ._..â€"- _- ____â€"_â€" Bridal Silver ~ Wedding Gifts At The P0011111 Jewthv Stm 1‘ 1'111 ht 11.111111 exclusnt‘ designs. .1111.'11> and 51 lt‘l‘l ti1vns‘ to he soon :9 “ha-1c in llllllhl’tll \‘.'11"i1‘ti1.~' to l l. \)U\ ) 1111111 and “where the stock i3 greatest the prlce is always low- est".\\'1- obi -1' 11111 set-w "uss tl1;.11<i1111‘.1 111 '1il “1081 5\ ~t11 1 1611 tin-f.1111~‘1.111:1‘11-itl11 1-111111- ‘.;1ti.’111~11ip1i1'c1)t' 1"111 Stl'.“ lions 2'1'11111;«.1‘._v 1!1-p:1rt111cnt. RINGS AND .lt'lCXS‘ICS “Fl l)l.\(i 3-111111 i-\(ri‘. W. F. McCARTY. N11 othet personal asset (: 11‘. he 11 ore 'lllf'hlv ptized than "01111 1-v1sight.Da tot. sacrific: the eves in auv \v. -1\. showm" skilled eyesight speti. .1list. Lon1r years 111' sxperien: e has brought. “111'?“ to 113. \cu are salt in unsulting .15. Lowest. pl’les. Best Results M. B. ARMS 01th., D. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. a Kent-at. (Over Nezll 3 Shoe Store) Lindsay. Ex '1m1 '11:1tin11 1" 11-9. l? \1‘ g}. asses 1-9 .: i'.1ed Broken lerlsesq;1cpl-â€"â€"â€"â€"-_tccd. § FOR GOOD § r’" Carriage Pamtmg s AND General Repairng TRY 11.3. 3111611, \\ be! c you will get goml 11 01kg ~' '11. moderate prices. Vothing but the beet material used Sat- zsfaczfon alumnae-11“.? also' do HOUSE PAINTING, DECOR- ATING” GRAWING, P A P E R HANGING. All \\ 01k mired lari'ot'e doing it. Dist. 11‘. cc 1111 tille‘t‘t. You shou’d see our new line 1 f WALL PAPER this vear. which we ran sell you at reasonable prices. Note the address W. S. SUNGO, Kirkfield . A ,x 4 I \ \ ____â€"â€"â€"____.â€"â€"â€" -.â€"â€"â€" Real hstate Bought and Sold and Fire Insurance litfected. 311mm, to Loan l on Mortgages All business strictly confidential and charges low, as I do :1l1 my :wn writings. . ‘11 ixvnt-st - 111111- .53, 5 O . . . “O . 9 W. 9. O O 9 ‘ 9.9 9.99. 99 :9999. :999W 9999. .9 9:99. .:99.99.“ 99 ::999 499.9... 9 9.. DR Me ALPH ‘1'}: = 9.. . x 9.9 - . . ,-, \1 1:. .ltr'11">111111\1-::\:'~ g. : _~._ 1. “11 1 : :- oo (1 *“~. 12"" U). \1.1.\., : . . , ‘ . . 0.. .3 W. T. RlCH, 5’1. [3,, ":1'12'1'1-1 HIV 5 99 , .' ‘. \1 , , . .3 1...\. :11 (1-1:_:- 121 5.1 :: -.r:1~. ,1. 9 ' ‘ . . .3. l.'111:‘11111.i 1‘. :1- .:1:‘..- 5314-1-11 1:. 9 . . ' . ' , . . . J l' ,o, 1111111112111[05112-2811. .1111111:~'~ ~10 o . . .e. 1-.‘.~1-.\1=f 111111111111l1'l11l1.1'111'.° 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 " "too’buzoc: .1»:»°..:. 0:00.90:0...0:».u.u.oo.u.eo.oo.oo$ Dr. T. P. Mchullough l U llllCLK >"l.. I’ h'l'l'.RBORU \‘1' H not. BEN‘ o ‘4 HOUSE, LIV“ SAY, 1 cry. lst and 3rd \Vodnesday c we tum-1h 11cm 2p. m tt 1. p m of 0118 1 Lions in Eye. R". .‘d, 9 11m . .l‘hnat thv townnl l.:111i:av. 1311' 311.11101151‘ assmtments offer \ . . ~ . lt trouble is held at 2.30. " ,., 1tselfâ€"houmexe1 slight morn nsnl! an e\pex1e1_cetl .11111 ‘cemetery. “Q There Was a small msurance on Kirk- 5" field. " people of this corner in their recent ‘ cut. with new in the chair. ’2 $51..) 3. THE LINDSAY ‘POST MED 0F__ WWI")! COUNCIL DID NOT FAVOR APPOINTMENT 0111110111111 orguum 130111115510111115 'Frour Tuesday’s Post. 'look after the sinking fund andinves‘t At last night's meeting of the Fin- lit to the best advantage. ance Committee, His Worship Mayor Beal said Mr. }Smale’s proposition meant getting 1 from responsible government, (‘hairman Smale said that. in a few months the town would likely have some $275,000 of bonds to sell. away {and adopting the autocratic form The Council was responsl 1e to the pality was ready to issue .straight people for its actions, an hewould terms bonds, which the market more ’not “NO!“ the proposition of A111. {Smale’ 3 under any consideration. 1 Reeve McCrae endorsed Mayor bonds were issued w c 11 ~ 11 0 1" dispose 0' ,Beal' 5 stand and pointed out some of At present the munici- and more demands. Ifstraight term them in British and United States éthe elements of danger which might markets, whereas instalment honds- [arise should such acommission he could only he sold in this county. iappointed. Mr. Smale said that while he andl Reeve Vrooman 3150 opposed the the Mayor were in Toronto they Uere ! proposition in a strong speech. The linformed that if the town sold its provincial statutes, he pointed out, bonds as straight term it would Egave the municipality the opportunity mean a saving of $7,300 to the town of placing its bonds with the Pro- Then the selling of straight term 'vincial Treasurer at four per cent. and bends means the creation of a sinking i he urged this 35 the proper course to fund. It the town decides to purchase pursue. He would never consent to the power plant a commission of citi- the town adoptin: such a proposition zens would have to be selected to!as' submitted by Ald. Smale. handle it just as- the Board of Water After some. further discussion, in male explained exhaus. Commissioners was constituted, and i WhiCh Ald- S Mr. Smale strongly advocated the ap- tively his proposed scheme, the Coun- DOiDtment of a Commission, compos-scil decided to take no action in the ed of two reputable men, who would matter. MRS. J. BRYANS THAMLET WIPED PASSED AWAY GUT BY BLAZE From Tuesday’s Post. Maynooth, May, 13.â€"â€"The hamlet There passed away yesterday afterâ€"v known as Lake St. Peter was Satur- . 1 noon at her home, Albert-st, Mrs. l day afternoon drstmycd by flre. The John Bryaus, aged 74 years and 6, fire :=.artc<l in the Woods about; 10 months. Three weeks ago Mrs. Bryans 11.31., and there was a fferre gale was severly burned by 1151‘ clothes blowing str.‘,ight for the village. It catching fire and it “'5 s thought by was almost impossible to live in the atterdfnzdc r hats cl ‘ ‘.. 1 7 o to s t he ou d not 1 V1C.n.ty, s‘ue suc- l ssibl r‘c ' . ' '1' r. , . ~ - p0 y ‘ oxer HOME 9 _ heat. The Rath )11n (ompauy lss'c all hearing up untilc cecded bravely in ‘ h' 1 h Tl‘ "ll g t . yesterday, although she was sufieriug! t -11' p ant t .re. .e 11 age ‘ a “1‘ considerably. She is survived by lllrs iday looked like a hug‘ fellow, and L ttlejohn, of Dakota, Mrs. Finley, of Cmth 112 not burned “35 either float Chicago, Mrs Geo Bates of town, Mrs Badgerou, of town, Mr. Albert Bry- ans, Parry Sound and Mr. W. Bryans of town. The late Mrs. Bryans born in Hope Township, near Port Hope. The funeral will proceed from the family residence, corner Albert and Colborne, on Wednesday to St. Paul‘s Church, where service will be Interment at Riverside owing to the smoke and the ing in Lake St. Peter or sunk to th: bottom. There remams only Ban- the house, and cue dwelling house. By ager’s boardlng-house, school- W {I S the almost superhuman efforts of Wm. Netterville, fire ranger. and T. O’Neal those bu-1dings were saved. At 4 o‘c.ock a relief train came .up from Bancroft and p'cked up the I women and children, who were hemâ€" 3med in by fire, and could not get i out of danger una1ded. It Was re- 1 l -â€"â€" PLEASANT POINT. , ported that Wm. Livingston had per- ’shcd in h.s house, but. he had ta't- en his horses out in the lake and lspecial to The Post) 011 Thursday afternoon this COT- ner was again visited by fre when ' kept than in water to save them the house of Mr James Ha ncoc k, 51', from bum-jug. 11:15 burned to.. .the ground. The The l're is s‘ill ran ’11 in th - l 1. g. z 9. 'fire originated from a spark, .w hich 'woods along the railroad, and if it. i-rn.ted a weed p1le near the house, does not razn much more damage landd fanned by the high wind, soon wlll be done. As it is, there are a- its awful work. 1 . . . ,L'out thxrty people 1101111211125. 1 Mrs. Hancock was alone at the, time, and the short warning, gave‘ her no time to remove any of the P d f ontents.Sl;e,as-1t was, when try-‘ rocee lags o in: to save some th ngs, was badly Eldon Council Councll met in Kirkfield on April- 92 the' .at. ll o 'clock 8.111. Members all pres- burncd about the face and hands. the house. Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, have the sincere sympathy of trouble. Comm unicatlons A very fierce hail {storm passed lows: 19"“ this region '3” Thursday even- Feom Alex Matthieson, asking for mg.- The hlgh wmd. which accorrx,grant of $100 for repairing road beâ€" paured 11:. caused much damage to tween Eldon and Mara fences and trees. Several farmers .l'rom Provincial Treas., enclosing had windows broken in, by the very cheque for $50.46 balance due Eldon large hail stones. wh'ch in some cases resembled hens' eggs from Railway taxation under 6 Ed- ' ' ' ward VII, chap. 9, after deducting Mr. Wilscn Hamilton has set 011113219 09 charged against Township a hundred apple trees recently, onifor maintenance. of patients sent the south side of the house, and in a few years w1ll have a fine orâ€"l chard. from E.don to Provinci‘ al Asylums. Frcm Robert Hargrave, calling at- _ ‘ tention to dangerous condition of the Messrs Robert and John Wallace, .31“) d on boundary between Eldon and are preparing the foundations andgli‘e'nclon from the 3rd quarter line to timber for two new houses at: pre-' lot. 19 sent. Spenceâ€"McFadyenâ€"That Clerk be instruct d to Write Department of at Railways and Canals, re dangerous iconditicn cf road on 10th con. oppoâ€" site 24,1-1nd being flooded by Trent Many of the farmers have finished seeding already, and are basy their root grounds. Mr. Miny” O'Lcary was enter- . . I tamed on Sunday evenmg by a feW,Canal.â€"Carried. of his old friends and acquaintauc-i Geo. Ashman, thro’ Reeve Steele, 65- They assembled 1h h03t51 buggles ; sent in his resignation as member of and automobiles and after a chat Board of Health, accepting a posi- refresh 11:. cuts were served by the visit ticn in Lindsa, A. D. McEachrenâ€" (.rs. A few sr 1115 were rendered in :Mchdycn, That resignation be ac- memor." of 01-1 days. and then the ccpted, and John Staples, Kirkfield, . -, l _ party dgspcrsed. the uppomted to fill outâ€"Carried, 311-. lieub. Morgan, anl a few Of: A 113-111;- to appoint J. Staples h‘s friends '1.-1:3?th the Beach SHIP as member of the B.'O. H. to fill the day in 11‘s motor boat, Eleva. lpl: cc of Gco. Aehman, was introduced - :by Messrs. McFadyen and Spence and KITCHENER'S HUNTENG 5190st passed' __.____ . 1 W. F. McEachrenâ€"A. D. McEachren â€"-That Council does not approve of lecrrian 1382") Lord Kitchener brought home with him from his trip through tl1'- Soudan. l’gauda. and East Africa. a fine collection of trophies of the and Seaboard Railway . :r..s< ng bomnlr ry of Eldon and Thom chase which he shot during 11"‘1' - . - A. 1 111 ~ '1'}? 5 u v. v tour, writcs a London ccrz'eszmn-l 1' S: 1 r0 c215. to ralluay be dent. Among the more notable digger. _d .1yf3nCss.â€"Carr1ed. these is a very good specimen of the l Scuda: 35:2: ..l..:..2. c2. of the spec-Ls which Mr. Selous ts sojourning at the present time in Be‘u' el-Ghazal in or- 1131- to obtain for the Natural History (‘11 motion of W. F. McEachren and A. 1). Mch’achren accounts to amount of $89.83 were passed. Spence, W. F. McEachren, That. this Council instruct Reeve Steele to make -~ ..-.,-- .. 1:31:35! - ‘ ’1.... ’ _.._..~â€"â€".‘â€"â€"- were read as 101â€" l f1cers, which were as follows' White Mull Ladies’ White \[ull Dresses, trim 11mg; of h e embroidery and \a ‘enc: ennes if s rtion. Skirt comes uith tucks and insertior‘ \ cry neatly nude. . ..... . ............ ...... $3. co White Organdy These: are very n're, cool Summer llr sses, t'immed with Baby Irish intertfon. {Hwy allover embroidery yoke, double tur ks on Sk‘ft. Soeciil price ................................. $3 75 Fine Mull Com: 5 with emb' oidny panel Cfirf‘, trim n1? rgs of bey lri sh insertion p rated frr 111 wais , s eeves made xxizh tri:11n.iogsoflate insertion, $4 25 Organdy Dresses Skirt h'lS heavv wide embroidery inscriin on be tom Also trinruirgs of val. insertim. tin: lace yoke front waist, pretty lace on slec::.s. $13.00 Misses’ Dresses Sized: 12â€"14â€"16 years. Real fine l-1rli1 1.13m, (mhroflery and val. lac-2 yoke with lira: tucks Tuck skirt with rows of 13:15.2 va'. insertiou, Special ............................... $1 ~ ~ - -._, Misses’ $3.00 Dresses Ithl 11.11.5111 «a: Price, 15 out: insert'e1 on sleeve, two rows of insertion on skirt, w11h4 full arrangerrants with township soli~. citor to defend 'I" p in action taken by Geo. K. nghorner, flooding by water. Council adjourned to meet at Lorne- ville on May 29, as Court of Revision Sturgeon 10.nt on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Smith expect to settle on Mtllersmith corner. The boys had a short practice at . - , foottail on Saturday evening, and ' 3' STACEX- Clerk. Iwe hope to have'thz game 'n full swing 1n the near future. LIhDEN VALLEY- l The detate ton Women's sufrage fspecial to The Post) J. McEachern, of 3 will be held at ~Dunsford Friday night. The negative side will he Mrs‘. “The Lawn, embroidery yoke, trimmirgs of A pm um; no“ 1'11 mcertzon. sizes 12â€" 1.1,- 16 years. embroidery ha: finch tucks ................. $ , on _._.J . :; v ' Y , 1 (.11 \\ e :1-N,1.11t1-l_\' gll;ll‘:ll27v'1'uh:'4111'». ., ' y (65 If you 113-1111 111:11'1-11,\\'e-1'1.1- ~[11‘1'1l ~11- , . (f Batteries, Columbia lgnitors, all the highest class prod..;~.: 1;: the .‘ittiza' ; Carbon Co. ‘9' Propeller Wheels, Bryant 6': Berry W” nee. s :- re gue. ”2.: 5213.1: inane V’ 6, your speed. Tires, guaranteed mileage. Oils. Cree c Carmine. lac'i ' 2 be money in pocketby making scentract w 1th us .cr _\ ( r'cason: v.93: m 6: ._...e ..- .........- .â€" Woodwlle, taken by Miss Macdouald and Alex spent a few days the guest. of her Elliott, while the afirmative side parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeu’ell, w1ll be taken by Mrs. W'oodger anli and SlSLCI‘ Mrs. J. McE'roy. l Mr. F. E. Gordon. As th’s is 5, Mr. Harold Cody, of Toronto spent a few d.1ys in our vicinity 011 busi- llve question of the day, no doubt it will prove interesting. A large HESS. I CI'OWd are expected to go down to On Thursday, May 4111, t‘n: ladies- hear it. Institute held their annual meet ng Mr. and Mrs. Eplett, and family, 111 the Grange Half. The object of the meet. ng wrs the elect on of o'- of Goldwater, who are vi51ting at Mr. Join Graham's attended church l We have a most Complete Stock of Ladies’, Children’s Wash Dresses made in the very Newest American Styles. House Dresses One piece Dresses. petcales, light and dark colcrs, with figures; also in p'ain blues. great value, each . . . Check Gingham These are mad;- ummer Dresses , _~ Misses’ I H!) 'I 1125: Dress 5 are wry tire-:1 1. 1': ., black pearl buttons, h‘ack rok~ a Cl made. will give Splendid s:11‘sfar:ti 1“, g Muslin Dresses Tues: are me tv stre at ll." ~ 390. patter 1s, trim tings of ,1' 1 .’l .. yoke, 1111113113 sen ..................... Lau'cs’ Suits cl a'i:‘_' 2' (3r; rice: 1.1 mo: -umn‘. r th Cb .lclre as W :1561 Dresses in... 1“. Special Priced Millinery $700 1"1’111', for S: 53 $4 5o value for $2 75 l ' 3' $6.00 value for “hrs 1‘1" $4 73 value for $2 5c 3r." ' $8 00 value for $4 on $5 85 1'3er for $3.01 lTQLKYZLlCS 20+O+O+O+C~+O+O+O+O+O+O+ O+O~+O+O+O+O+0+O+O+G+C>+ G+C~+C+O+O+CWD+C~+C+ -:'+« 4 o + e +;+:+;+:+; (- OWQWWCQAQGW<©©€4dx 5-? 5' YGU WANT IT DGNE RlGl'lT ,;G. W. HALL, % Fel'rnl'ingints.111'l-.111.\l:,;i:1-1~. l’iw WWW “{‘XOA' @flé-‘éré‘é‘ r’ 8 t;\ Miss Eta Smi 11' hrs ecu-3 to 1111!- lid to 1is.t Miss Agg‘e Osbur;.11 E111111115 11111111111; .9....... __ .-â€"..__. l . here Sunday evening 1n their auto- l‘rcsidentâ€" â€"..1rs. J. . ‘lcE my. mobile. Vice Presâ€"Mrs. W. Fowl-r. Secâ€"Miss lC. Meixorvia. BUR'VT RIVER Treesâ€"Miss A Anderson. Dis. Directorâ€"Mrs. J. Cullis. (Special to The P05“ . ._ The Many winds of the last few: ..1Z§§.1L°§fey'l"l§.2§§."0'32: "2321’ 6"" “" .1... 8°“ °‘ ""3 "a" ' ' ’ " (out. ‘of the ground, and rain is bad dai- ily needed. Mr. Lee Cruess, of the L. C. I; Mr Sta 1 , .. -. spent the week end at hlS home ' . ney meh ey who Is here the pohce fame in Toronto, is visit-' Mr. Char. Foster, our cheese mak- ' .ng his brother here. We are to see his smiling face again. or, has arrived and is getting in ‘ . “e are sorry to say that Mr. J. order to begin his work. Mr. Russell Cues, and his sister, iBrysondrs :9” 111, and also . the Florence, attended the funeral of fig? “2:“: if; 0221?. 3' 1: Hand' Mrs Worsley at Zion on Tuesday. lpneumonia y 11 ac 0‘ Most of the farmers of our "neigh- Mr. Fred G'odwin, who has horhood, have finish/ed seeding. and are now workin'; at their root ii“ the. Li‘ndsa-V Hosp1tal, i~ ground. lagam, after havmg a bad 'a'ttack __ l of pneumonia. MILLERSMIT-H. Mr. F. Eldridge has got 9. new buggy, and ha' these days. drives out in style (Special to The Post) On Monday evening, a' mtet l'lg of thz officers and teach-:rs of the S. S. met 1'51 the c'1urch to rc-orga't- 126 the school frr the com'ng wear. The following Wire he ments made: prox'de (humor and tea, and Suptâ€"Jeff Ashmore. 1young people are getting; up areal Asst Suptâ€"Ale): Elliott. lgood programme of rungs B.C. teacherâ€"Miss Macdonald. land reeltations. Inter.â€"-OrV1lle Zealand. ' 1 Primaryâ€"Mrs. Ja-tncs Courtney. Sec.â€"Trees.â€"-W. Kcnne dy Librarianâ€"M. Couxtney. Organistâ€"Miss E. Kennedy. Dr. Rice, of Lindsay, is doing 3. Victoria Day is goin ibratcd in this village, nd a iday is expected. There will be all ikinds of sports in the afternoon and 1 6.111101: tics lift-0311' cars a day anl there forty men at Work." .1."â€" We are glad to hear our rector Mr- l‘hSh‘n" husln'ss .111 th? community Lawrence is Improving slowly and lately ° ‘ . hope he keeps on. .We have a stu- Mr. George English is busy dig- dent from Wycliffe COIIe'ge holding sing the cellar for us new house, services in the St. Luke's church, MMrs. Weston Smith came ovar from “1.318 the reCtor's 11111698. .,. 1 . 1. "was: - g to he cele-I a bi: , The stone quarry is going full swim: here. They are shippmz from ten to ' is about ’ l h.-â€" l 1 l \ Examiner: A Very enjoyable {11:sz tion t- o‘: plrce at Norwood Friday afternoon. the occasion being the d»â€" dlcat on of the new Masonic No . 223. The new rooms are cons; 'g-dox- ed ta be one of the finest and best gutted up apartments that will be Ludtr 0“ fouud in Ontario to 1l.ay Grand Mas- ter W. M. Bro. Judge .JcWatt, of $31- gla'd nia, ass sted by Past Grand Master Judge Harding, of l.' ndsay, and 1.2-1)- rcs‘ntatix es of the Grand Lodge took a prominent part in the c remouies. In the evening a reCeption was given in the lodge room, which was largely attended by the ladies 81111 gentlemen been other which the party 111131111111-‘1 1-1 home the town hall, where a banquet was ' hrovided. l l g \ appoint; who ladies of St. Luke’s church will' the . 'Z‘l‘e Chairman 01' the evening I? ‘ 'vl. Bro. Pickford, of Norwuml Lodgv. and who made a Very cf-ic ClCIlt o 1101-: pushing the details of the ‘1.-11:11:“: through with promptltudc. Rem-«~11- $65 to the several toasts- hy the P. G. .‘11. '13". 11.11:, of Lindsay; Rz‘t. \‘v’. 131w. Lead, of Newcastle Bro. Ilcv. W. ' Dobbin, and Rot. W. \\'L";".‘ 11. ,-‘.: "VT"' Y . l\‘..'_--1_ .‘ . Pctcrborm, \‘.'. ' ... .‘Sf {‘1‘ Brc. Jlltit-C 1E:,~.1‘-' 9‘55: ' l\" ’ af'i,“(' ;_, s " ,‘1,..“13 l‘lds' 9% 2 hi 0 ' “wedge-19"“ @ \v‘ (Q * 111101111001) (9) hot ad 1‘1111 . 011111118: Cl 7,. small, - A1 conic: s~~. ,, ...... E3111 i McCall Patten lit. ‘33 Price, 15 out: A CHARIING COSTLI ' â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"-‘â€"â€"- ,. Fl .. @557 hooooohdi I Q tel Elli} (tr-““11, l h" .13“ ’ t : 1 1' .- X2. {73 £5le i ( |l ’T‘Bdll l. . " 1.11.4111 C‘ 11. .1111; 11.- >93 L: 1" ~11. 1, Hr - die I" ~ 1 1 ”ll ". ‘ Ma.) Q n- '2" Va.) hit 111311 f?" 11'. Ill la.- m \ I I ”DA 1-, no .11 h lib; 1,",... «1‘ ‘1 If; :\ ) 7Tb? ' YES} 1‘1 ”C: e. on» I» p. A I t . 1‘16-

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