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Lindsay Post (1907), 5 Jun 1908, p. 5

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bur! h ’3’ ‘39 ed“? . 3 ice cream .parloya There “‘1' F35 Spent imbibing unquisite , and due. :then the cravings hunger had bgen elitirely allayed‘ toast 155*- ‘Was comideredi and MI. ~- rmsent Cadet Corpus - 3e" .. to by Capt. Thompson. 11’9“ L “£303. sgcund ngut. McQuatt “it! thé inspeqfiw, the cadets re- W to the “gym,” where Mf- ’uks and Mr. Dunkley treated them ”Nit. Three chqersfiand a tile: be hanily given to both gentlev If" 35 were also (to Mr. Bo‘aevear ' “Pt. Thompson. i" . r“ ”93mg the corps marqhed ""1 Kent-st” forming in different m’ and difiplaying fthm‘r Speed Idpxecision, aftelfm‘hfich a [hm 1’0“ M was made to Mr. A. B. Terry’s wt laws} 001‘ PS *1 Responded to Wham 61%.. 'b Magiate Stat: â€" W i: y anm Bantam, Mri 7W 31h, 53“” Mr coma. lib L. hbmnq; Waite y Wm. M. um. 525%: Wed to by J. ml Raview Took Place Monday Emingâ€"Retreated to Ice Cream Parlor median of ““8 men 'ac luterized Lawn in use “spots. res. 80. Balq . 11 pattern in ‘Tafmta Mun mg 30.131072“ ... ... ... ........ Cant Ionday afternoon the "5;" 8211 D: on“, x-vv- 'â€"" " *‘ .17 * ~â€" W? dam? to echecked Dress Goods, 264: for 19c. 30° for 25°, 48° for 56c, 50:5 for I"... m Whi 2:191 ma nch Voile: regular 31. 00, 3;) 75¢:- . 1° , 0 re Ir 1. 25, mgdfi‘é we Silk regum $150 a 31. 10- B] Mgr-11: ,fiofi. fié'fiiéil. ....... ”k” Taget’ M’sntle k' bright In, 83c} ‘1,7!5egn e. . , ... ...... ...-g 0.1.0.... .IIIII....IIIIII.IIIII8 me}! blwk'r 5 ‘.1k 60o "" Ben 2aline x regula- Islo 55¢. Colored Ind Natursl Slum 3mm” ’1‘ t Silk 98'11 m2 regain-600. "381.6". 01 ed Jgp do a a, .. me reguhr 50c 8810 406-1Ick .3 gt] “1 pl 12’! c wlfxie Allover Lace. 39° 101’ 25° 50° 101' 380 600 for-.-.. B.......T.. a“ .....S.ilk..:.e. ... ”656° . . H III-III I8: ‘L’wgitw’e 3nd Cream All over I‘m, in ’strip.d eflmt.’ 756, $LMI IIII .W ......OOODIO. I am III III III IIIIIII W The Obie diffeth designs cTéaflng at .......................... ' 11w. ?rint. all mutgrns ax 200 pieces (to choose 1-2. sale ... ... ...... of light and dark ”in“ 36 mm at . ...... 10c. yd- NEXT DOOR inn with broad white skin a floral pattserp- res. 4;: Collegiate Cadets 13 '1-: “rm Lu ”J v. Puffer. - 'Rmfir â€" Proéoaed by I”? Mded to by Mr. d black and white 93-119; broken 1131354“ and 2 1-2, Sale ... “-1 THE McGAFFE‘Tr s‘ Tfifi E. 2119‘ of. almost uniform m, roarmxnsu. mu, 1d u 1:).un .â€" wâ€"ii ght weight Summ'er Tweed raglan" m brown, ' 40c green gnd Acopeahm" ‘ P‘Vode.’:gl:1;r.zdguw -_ . -_ .- :_ 9 in fin white. pald I28, special ......... 22 Clearing Sale of Dress Goods. Vollos. light largd patterns ‘ 55, sale ..A' '45 sale is to rduce our Dress Goods stock. In order to do this radical price reduc- Wthh makes thlS the Dress Goods Event of the season. l. McLaug‘fl- black and .... 11‘ 1 .. '11 '1 ibdré from. alle. ‘25. ,V 10 Dr. George A. Bingham, of Tortflto, “in speak on 5.11 interesting subjaqta and there will b; brief addre‘SSes by zesidcnt dergyme'g‘. members of the :ncdical'staff and othmfi. Muvsical pro- gramme. -A cordial invitation is 9.3:- tended to all citizens. were win be no charge for admifion. : ‘ . [ . 1111, Simpson, Spmtt and Who. 1119 following are the names 0'.’ the Cadet Corps;â€" C. B Thompson.capt.,1M. Mciiea. lst. Lieut; D. McQuarrie. 2nd.Liev1: W. Spense. D. Puffer. Jos. O’Nei!‘ sec‘ on commanders; Privates. a. .Mmthorne, Jack Simpson, V. Baiicy, Graduation of Nurses The exercises in bolnnectiom with the graduation 0f nujeas who have oom- pfcted their course of training in the Ross Memorial Hospital will be held in the Academy of Music on Tuesday waning, June 9th. at 8 o’clock. Jobhztt, C. Graham. V. Suggitt, G. Thompson, C. Suttcilfie, A. Greer, W. Knoxlson, Ed. McNabb, M. Knowls-m, G. Button. '9. Spratt, R. leliamsmx. F. Bagshaw, F. Caflazban. A good méetmg m the int-means of Mr. Stewart was held at Reaboro last evening. when ndqufiee «We're Miter- ed by Mr. 8mm Dr. W.;hittp and S. Newton. L. Stacey, N. Callaghan. J. Spratt, H. Mercer, R. Johnston, D. Edwards. 0. Stewart, M..Fxsher, J 15 Murphy. F. Hutton, N. Nesbxtt, W. Gray. W. McMullen, Jas. Glllogiy,(}. Aid Smale. The audience {gave the speakers 9. Very attentive healing and gcod order rpreVafled {tu'oqgtholuh ' x â€"'k’iies are eaflib’ and Quickly unack- ed with Dr. Shoap’s Magic Ointment. To pros-c .11; {will mail a_ smafllS trial box as a bomvinning teat. Simply; adr- drez-B Dr. Shoop. WWW“ I Sure;- ly would not “‘3 h” m Ime_ celtaint hat Dr. Sheep’s Magic 01mgâ€" ment would stand the test. Remem- ber it is made express]; and alone {or piles. either sxtemal or internal. Large jar 500. Sold by. all dealers. Green addwhixtq Lawfiin’g 'for mug; 60 imh.unb1eacmd Linen. was. '38. sale 30; mg 60. 1:3an ............... 40 Bleached vtable line‘n.‘43 tom: 35 50 £25 .......................................... The cuff of a [leather gawnflet lined with the shqe'pskin from £125: palm of the glove. makes {serviceable holes for a. child’s bedroom film I "v. ; v _vâ€" ‘7 , gethdr as “they will Hour nuickly. Spread than out 'an a large didh. -“ H a pork sticks to a We. turni‘lt upside down and thh Hum will Boots- en it. 11 3311383 stopper. pwt‘a atop of oil ammdthn hip-s, i, i 19%"? ‘ Linen Tovmls. 18:30. was 15,3313 12: 12 1-2.3319 ........... - ...... 10 Large cotton Towels Ireg. 431 mile 10: reg.18. sane - ..................... 15 In light and Ema-k boilers: light 0:!- ford Shirts. reg ~50, nah 40; rem 55. sale ..................... ‘45. Dark duck Shirts in Spot's. quit»: and specks. 1135.” 45am 80, sale ... ........................... 70 Men 8 soft front tregafiqta Shirts. sizes 15. 14 1-2. '15, r15 1-2 aid 16 1-2. reg. 55.sa.le45; 11181285 sale 70; neg.1.05_ The Ellis Elastic 1111mm tag 55. sale .47 1-2 English cashmere shuns mid drawers. 10821.40 ream sale 125; mag. 1.10. sale ............................................. ”95 The Robinhood Cashmere 18mm" and Drawers.rleg reg 85.133119. .75 sale Do not pile 1°:th sa C."A;VVFéathar Ticking; mg 27, Black, White and Cream All- over laces JUNE SALE. Men’s Balbriggan Underwear Good Meeting at Reaboro Men’s Hosiery PHILIP MORGAN, DRUGGIS‘I’. mi 30, Table Linen Work Shirts Towels 1903 (40 1gChamplain and ’: Sturgeon Point don. 01’ South 0p was brought. 1') the Ross Hospitalr'l'ucsdny in a bad- ly scalded ndition. The story 0 the accident is as fol- lows; The father of the child, Mr. Weldon, was making preparation to kill pigs and a. large tub of ho: wat- er used m the process of butchering was eating in the yard. .While the father was looking elsewhere the little fellow backed into the tub,, and in consequence was scalded from his head down to his knees. , He'hud fallen backwards intd the hot water And was unable to get out. Hearing his cries the father rushed to his aid-and taking him into the house the mother rendered what aid'she aouid, taking off his clothes and wrapping a sheet around him. 'lhe parents then hurried to town win: their child. ‘ Fell Into Tub of Hot Water Prepared for Scalding Pigs Buggy Wrecked \ on way to town Md. Smale and secretary Cook,of the local Y.M.C.A., are _at presm: makug .arrangements for a Lrij'Il‘O Stuxgwn You“: in which p :mm'J-r of boys will participate. The. Ldnlie to go down there [or a day an \ and usit an the historic Spois am; plumes of interest especially waerc Champlam travelled and. oampel on his way westward. _ old son of Mr. and Mrs.4 Thos. Wal- Y.M.C.A. Party to PayiVisit to Histor- ic Spots in That Neighborhood Child Scalded Will Likely Die 15 per cent. 011‘ all Ladles’ Mantles and Skirts. 15 per cent. of! all Carpets and The mp is expected to be verna- tercst ng eSpecially so in now 95:11: neat apprOacn Qf the Quebec Tamer.â€" tenar}. The excursnon wiil take place in about two necks.‘ WV} 0 the": me party, will be lecture! on Champlain and everything of mar- mL 1» that connection pointed 2.1; w the boys. fizzt they did not arrive 'Without misnap. “men they reached the cam:- etery the horse shied and upped the three occupants of the buggy into the ditch, bruising; all of them Very severely but especially. -.the little fel- low, already suffenngf. a great deal. The buggy wahmrecked too badly to be of any further use and so they were force: tohborrowtr. fine from Mr. cCausla‘ n t e care a_ er of the give“ cemetern Wlth this they werefilfie to get to the hospital and have the little lad’s wqunds attended to. He rested very, 1310er all night but his injuries are Q0 sevqre that; little hope is he“ out for his recov- ery,’ Dr: White mm In attendance. Pink and 111116 11159 M380 ccpenhagan light 11199 and Pink b ot- vvr U , am hose. mi 28.5an 22 Children’s «pat-angle. pink. cardinal. blue and fawn, (neg. 65( sale ..... 450 Wso1e. nég. 30.13316 Ladies' labs Indie 8 Sizes 7 18 1-2.8..1133 30 and 35 sale ... ... ... p4 ....................... 05 Ladies’ lylae um Mae. natural wool Ladies’ 2.50 sale :...' ... . ....... 2.20 Tan. blank and green leathur belts. with gilt bushes. has 651 310..“ Narrow blalck mud (tan leather belts; (reg. 28 $131... ... .... .....‘22 The Fit Riflmt Glow in tall. lon‘g‘ misted in “319; [ten 80. sale 89; in tan and golden brown silhm . rec. 80. Style ....................................... 69 Lang blag]: and white lcae gloves; wept. 30 39.1925; tl‘eg. 55 met... Black and colored kid Gloves. 13 in.. mg. 2.00 39.13.. ...............(1.75 20 inch. in black and oo‘lored bid, m. Ladies’ 8; Misses’ Tan Cashmere Hosiery OOIOIIO Gloves and Hosiery Black and colored Silks and Colored Shantung JUN E SALE. A SECOND IACCIDE NT. In; no . . Oilcloths. myizes 10; 0-: .- .81 50 ........... I37 fmbroideredi. - ......... 21 .70c 81. 40 ".47‘ Will be visited and ample oppor- tunity and time given for see- ing the sights in each city. See Full Particulars Next Week Miss Jame Graham. Who has upént some flaw weeks ‘at this bone at her mother, warned be We mus week. .A_-..-7(t L.'frl‘,l' Mifi Lizzie Green. of [Pom H viziting uncier vb]!!! Webb“; 3‘00"- I Miss Mabel Ohriaihialn‘. d1 Linda”. spent a. few m 183K” Week at him hmehre..:.; mu mum mtorartémm The Excursion will include a Trip by Steamboat from Toronto to Quebec by the beautiful steamers of the Rich- elieu 8: Ontario Navigation Co. AT NO COST TO THE LUCKY ONES. THE POST PAYS THE HILLS Ghanee ofa Lifetime For Ten Young Ladies of Lindsay and Victoria County Toronto Kingston Montreal Quebec Rochester a tow days with friend! in Lindsay. Tue Misses Rose and ham 'Eltord, of Toronto. spent ur- M'und‘cr. the pun-ma! root. ., a { é . Mu. Martin and mm. flan 'l nephew, Mr. Mnrtin. d! Limdm.’ Eng- land. as visiting at Mr. H. Boydq’. - Mina May .Mmia, of D. C. 1.. W the holidays at liar hump have. ‘ Mrs. Jane: «Wilson Manna homo' last weak utter m um um sith mwmmmx u 1- 1' tn {or each nip-fl; Formal-80:11pm!) olderol so Bookl'ichtm ”warm. For Momsflw- and “etc" ..pply . WW. um Ann: or to the unpar- oflco. w M "I, H“ turwâ€". 01! m3;- will uvut “rim! of 03.3. tum: from Two-to and Port 3 . - $mnmtromonw.mam Pollutant“! Milkmen”. NOTl.â€" mne- oLu-rinl and W st scum-Point mentioned m. Mo: to upper Wflâ€"Lv 6.16 Ln" urire 8.151“!- mamâ€"m. 715 um 1:45 pin-- ~10 DEW ..an 7.!5p'm‘ “Ln" 2.15 pm. 5-“!!- “vellum 2309-:â€" 5‘59”" ’10.”.vale “bar “5.45;..m. mmmow‘san unload! 03m flawsvdtmvfldcul’fi- H1-.. hâ€" ...-tag” Pow" 7.15 3.111.. 8.“ Jun. Ar- sun-pol are 12.35 9.111.. o ‘5 pl. fluidityâ€"Ar. 8.80 Inn. 5.00 p.111. Lv. 11.00 mm. 5.!) .m. “fiMflMtPohtsndMPohtm «Son .33 mummy: 3-85! 4 8 3:10 .aé 8.» >8 ..... ELEM ..... Al..- 36~ : dnadd:.-uonoo\uuo glanno-uoaac‘a.° 5‘“ I) i . :83 ESTUBION on MANITA Lindsay. Stun-gm 99M :W m - lent Mt : :90OQOOQQOQOQOQQQ9 Q Trent Valley Navigation COO, Limited. . “V .‘-. Fire Crank.“ 8"! Boom J. Sutclifl’e Sons Cash and One Price The largest assoztmeut of Fire Works in town, Come early and have a pick from a full stock. 250 for mm. Dram Regular 83.00, for ..................... 82.00 lull mm low Mood Indiu' flu Sheer Inn Wm; :11- mronbroiderysndvd. MW :11?th oollunndcuflu, xxx-$011 u: cotd'nmod, «1,qu to mother style. with moddliou uni hoe trimmed fronts. tasked bub. Vorymomutueh .................. 1” verylu-go mortuant of Indies’ WM at from 8100 to 84.00. Flu. mum at 81.89 Indiee’ White Len end Colored Muslin WM; embroidered and tuck- edtronu, then end long sleeves. Regulu- 31 each, now only ......... no 500 for 81.00 mum. butâ€"It costs no moreâ€"those prices will con- vlnco youâ€"tho goods will please you. {TIIE TABLE POI m. 1908. We are sole representatives for The Colonlal Whltewear 00., of Guelph, Ont., The Crescent Manufacturlng 00., of Montreal. These are the biggest and best makers efLadles' Whlte Wants In Canada. Buy from us and you buy the many Ist Pro- Jm 15th to June 80th inclusive. From my 16th tolmuthlncluin A Week of Savings on White Garments. Ma’WhitoCottonDnmt ro tucks, she Inn hill with Whitewear Specials HENRY BROS. ’Boboaygoon Bouts. _. \TURNIP ‘ " ISEED NEWS. LINDSAY LUST HEIFER - Taken along from .Va’ctotia Bond with ”a of ‘31»- buds a. light red and white heiicrq with white star on forehead, and at; tail whim d fl 1131* from shoulder, two years off. Party (10-. tuning please rotum to Abraham; Lurker Victoria Rodâ€"W3. SIAPS IN NEW AND SE60!!! HAM] WHEELS. Everything repaired from Clocks to Automobiles. Bicycles ard Lawn Mowers given special attenticn. FOR. SALE â€" 94 acre tum for Bale. at Inlay. in the township of Fen» about, good log house. partly plan-s tamed and partly boh'rded imidb News trambamSOxfis. withlatoua wald and stable. extra Wall finish- ed. Ghana to school and Hat: mm shop. 6 milm from Dummy Shh tiou. Canes-on und Gm; (hit. 4 Im'ku from W. a mu. from Gm. W he said «he» and on Farming to-day like any other busi- ness or profession must be conducted along scientific lines in order to get the most out of it, and no person will question the splendid work being done by the Agricultural College in dissem- inating scientific knowledge regarding every department of farming. They experiment with and test seeds as to their productivity and quality, the test covering a period of five years, which leaves no doubt as to the exactness of the test. We are keeping in close touch with the department and are handling the seeds showing the high- est test and having authorized litera- ture can give you the same information- as is to be had at Guelph. They re~ commend in Swedes ml}! HWY. Um MI, W, MOVE am. These can be had at DUNOON’S um 8181,15 ova... Goodqnslity White Cotton Under» skirts,15inchtrillolhwn.tonrtmks udeznbroidery insertion 31-2 Inches mothershsvoli'inchtrfll, sixpin mhsndtwo rows of insertion snd Modems Only esch... 1.15 WhitoUndez-skixts sttrozn5ocnpta $5.me Fine IA", Ndnsook and Cunbric Corset Coven, til-over embroidery fronts, bending yokes, sleeve and mp0, tucked huh, also hoe trimmed covers. Thu lot 1: made up of broken lines. all sizes in the lot. Regulu- 75c $1.00 an! $1.25 qualities. Your choice Print or Ginghun Drones for school m, fut colon, trimmed with his: told. And father stitch, in use: 6 to 10 years. Only- 81... 81.00 for CW8 0mm 500 for col-sot com hdiu’ Cunbric Cox-set Covers, neck end sleeve edged with embroidery, hunt trimmed with two rows of three inch ill-onion, duo fig: fitted covers, hoe trimmed. the. to 42. Your choice for........................... ...... 150 250 for Corset Gown 6E0. VI. SHEPflEBfl. DRUG STORE Webster's Old Stand. 0.00000 Also in Oshawa.

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