€233 :83 5175,00 mm s M “in .1 d â€#5.. C O. 017 WILLIAl-St, Opposite St. Andrew’s Church. P. 0. BOX 217 M. J. CARTER, - 4o Kent-St. Pumps! Pumps! Pumps! memedy fol-Cons afloat StomachDiafla W gonvulsionsfeverishm “55 and Lois or SLEEP- WEDDING RINGS Correct color, conect shape, correct quality, correct ï¬nish, correct weight, correct styles, Stamped “Britten Bros,†and guaranteed Cor all time. luuon of Marl-Iago Llconus. Foot of Kent-gt. . LIND BRITTON BROS, Eggs other clothingcosting â€{3} from 20% to 30% “' MORE. Look for the label that protects. 7 l Sold and guaranteed by " Pianos, Urgans‘ and Sewing Machines. The Progress Brand LabeL in Suits and Overcoats GUAR- ANTEES that the garments will wear longeg, have more We are oï¬eriug the very best goods, fully guaranteed, at clos- est prices and terms to suit pur- chasers. Patronize your ovin town and get value for your money. style, and keepâ€"tHeir shape better, than ‘ABBEN i wsnnms mns The Kind You Have For Infants; andVChildren. Jewelry. Fine chlnn, sumac, tut class, clocks. Art loads. clocks, We are always plasod to receive visitors and show our Goods. IV. “(V l“ c 11a: cannu- co Ll N DSAY. ’F’G CO IT '- P38561183? business 58 omits»! â€" greater. in fact, now than it was at this time last year; There will be a great rush. of bou1ï¬g,‘m connection \vi‘thxh the ï¬neï¬mry a}: Quebec. Bat the pawser business for Mty has been all that could be dared. Our passenger department was right when it estimated that the budnes this year would'be as great. if not greener. than rtiha‘t at last. The fall- ing of! has been in freight. Wholes- saJers have not been ordering from unload, am} them'kn’t n M d..~- in the country. Our steamers are 81‘ riving at this port. guitq light. which account, in turn. {on We para '00 the railways. L mass is pickingu'p, nevertheless‘" was the comment of a Gmd Trunk offi- cial. 'm disculsbl'ng the trade Butptaion wamhaï¬gmmr > w: NOT HARD (HIT 'But.†continued [the cum; “we are not sufï¬ering anything like what the railways in the Umite¢ States are endu ring.. \ There we find men (turned off, dreds of thousnnds Moors iying idle. 'At the same time. there are signs of recovery. Our reports indicate that conditions in the Waggon favorable for a wlandid crap. One thing we are all figuring onthe result of the lad- ditional acreage under cultivaition During the past five or ï¬x years hundreds of (thousands bf Migrants have arrived in the country. (fhe great bulk of them have taken up‘ land in the Northwest. in: is now that ‘iheirlabors should begin to Show. It is calculated that a. million Elm-ea have teen added to the wheat area but most people think the nddï¬ion is more than that. 'With the constant increase of the when area. the rm].L way business. so far as this particular trahspoflnltio'n is concerned «Will be doubled. Idle ears are only a tampon- Falling Off Only on Freight Grand Trunk Ofï¬cial Explains Situa- tionâ€"Passenger Business is Good ary condition. mi» Grand rrnmk Pal- ‘éitic mll find [1: difficult. before long. when it is bomblete and running in the West, to keep pace with the de- mand. and this notwithstanding the activity of the dither tines.†Mr. Ali. Robinson‘s. team of horses met with an accident Thursday morn- ing although no serious damage was done. [While the driver was hum.- iitg. lo: a place to <1qu .1 Joad of send :his horses moved to th-Lfl side of the mod to eat wind grass. 2:. : unfoztnnaLely there happened to be an unprotected hole just where L'nev went and one of them feli into it.1t was found impossible to extricate we lnimal however until assistance ar- rived. The animal “as unhurt. Horse Fell Worst Case of Eczema Doctor Had Seen in 40 Years - For Six Months Father Expected His Baby to Dieâ€"Blood Oozed Out All Over Her Body-Had to Be Wrapped in Silk and Carried on a Pillowâ€" Now She Is Perfectly Cured. NUT N PANTIELE NF SKIN UN BNNY Exams! 3nd Interns! Tm â€â€œ1!me "7““aazualm‘wwmm- ‘2: 15m“? . Zï¬Ã©â€˜u‘k °ommm to Heal me am. and cm “My little girl was born two weeks before be: time and my wife died four hours after the birth of our child and I had to raise the baby on art). acid foods. Six months after birth she broke out and I had two doctors in attendance. There was not e . _pu_-tk:le a! 3km left _._L I.._A 3* 3,4, lun- u DI "I ma every known romody to nun- vfato hvr suflerin$ for it; Was tvrriblo to witnru. Dr. ,._â€" ave hrr up and chm! wont to 0-â€" â€"- and gut. Dr. Bâ€" and ha and Cutivum Soap and Cudcuru Oinungnt mwd hnr. Ila msmmondod the (xutioum Rvmvdlea. or mid we wen right. in nmklux ura 4‘ them. A3 1103?} as 1 film Nmmnber. we mod 01%; c on of Cuuuum Hour» and three 03 0’ Cutioum Ointment; but you must. calm into comm-won that mu m exception! can. for u: 01 ad good doctor said am it was thowontouo that hadoamoto him tarot-Gym I laugh m “:3 Outlet!“ Soap to keep or to ve her u M 001119102103. James ch. Wood and mm P {may Box 23‘. BMW-ta. v33? a mi 22. mos." DOCTOR RECOMMENDED CUTICURA REMEDIES râ€" â€"v_ - on her body. the blood ooIBd out just anywhere. and wehad temp hen-in silk and carry her on a flier for ten Weeks. She was the most rriblo [fight I ever saw. and for sï¬x months I mixed for her to go to her mum. but thunk God and his ts. she 51 um Ind well te-day an she will b. three rs old the seventh of December Ind as never had; sign of the dread troghle‘ since. "l‘hc decreases still bulk but busiâ€" Into a Hole on; tho 1mnnnt'womon of tho Aun- u'inn WM. and RNA mod“ n! mum- lm um w“ rm In peculiarly wdll mm the “no! of tho autumn of to- day. It too flat. n "M" dlunmr or or- zume him-mom: nt Mob Itch. {named in cloud! to tho 0mm will omen mat thu vall more booothlmzï¬ , . Enslllh huldm nun Mom to pr'~.'»r the vault! nthoml toll ‘tull up. which. hex-dared with tiny «any! at man blaiï¬oml. in wt to ba my beaming. Thu am can b â€Mutual caulaly wall in war 1000 or. bun-Ion. The Simple-t â€went 01 lbs wedding veil'and this one Ml! Ind general- ]: lean. ad more to ho mm; than any other, llth'omwn or tuna emu. TIM II M by the “when; 3.th in Ind tntened manly to the Ma Ma: ugh: M In th- mm. in an- orange blew. m and In um. mu; The Bridal Veil In order :Lhat there may. be no un- necessary haste at the last moment and no needles anxiety lest her veil is not won) ht jug: the most becam- ing angle. the bride-to-bo might. care- fully study her profile uni! the con- tour of her face some link]: time be- low the day ‘aet (or her wedding. and have it deï¬nitely decided in M'hapt‘ style tholgee ornaï¬veil '3 to be 3dr justed to givo [It ,the best 3nd most becoming affect. Thom ore as many different wag o: adjusting a. wedï¬ng veil in there are the divans Myles at m fashioni- ablemttlnoneï¬mqandthem isthe same dm 0! m at looking at he host“ 3' 115an yin:- instcad at a low. baud lino mm the pdtnpadour is MM.“ thzre ‘ would be shun lib wear 3 mushr- room hate“ u I Mom-shaped ht.‘ or vice mm. (Every yd]. whether at lace or illusion. Md be wired or gathnmd into mha reunited nape. and the mitten-ll (It so on not. to'bo massed too thin y ovum two. or Viffcice‘fll'muat'mtunny be drap- ed 301110th differently from hate and while our! 'brkhï¬rho can We“: u lace voil gvae much the effvot of that cloudllke {lulu-ion fl flaunt-in: variably more Incoming may he or 3mm. comfort to bride. nu blotted with .no’h I loom. ' bï¬$¢flihmc amneom-mtr o! a lace vdl uvuo much tho “(on o! the flat budge!!! non prmgl-pglly‘mm- ot tiara. Revision Court Holds Session «as; n Mr, C. Squier's. taxes having bum, lowc'ed for a nnmber of years on account of bringing_ the pea into.)- to town. were again decreased. Mr. Staples thought that he should not he taxed quite PM]: a navy bu;- iness tax. Taking into coulderaciou the number of houses that Mr. Stapl- les has built the business tax mun accordingly struck off. but hisappenl ton lowering his, general taxes were not wandered. r _ Mn 5. Garbraxth’s appeal Lor low- erm: his taxes wan not considered. It was decided that. Madison Wil hams should pay the name as last year but no tux-the: reduction could be made. 3.1}; .E. Davm’ regnest to have a ehght error in his name corrected hau..g made a diflcrence in taxes, was grgntpd. . ’ Mr. E H. Reid wt entirely exempt from taxes owmg the education pursuits which he lowed. , ~ Mr. Rom. Me ell was refused any rcductm in. xea. Lu any ono‘ WHI- V‘ BL Bur;5;\'s' assepsment was also allowed to remain ts placed oy the assenws. 7 i . . .' be‘ granted the anadxan Express In Sit. Murphy's ‘ssessmcnt tho ss- sessors made u all t error in murm- uremcnt and it wï¬ therebre decid- ed that they shouldfgo oVer the mat- £te agam. 1 -_ - .. The Court of ReVision held its; reg- ular meeting last Wednesday. Those prevent. Were Mayor 3888. Aldermen Mcï¬gough, Jordan and Wray, Dep- uuy-Beevc ny cs. .Wm. Aikcns elm-med his propern was assessed too high. but it was al- lowed to stanq. ~3T<T§E3ï¬ctxou was made in the Keno nedy. 1!an asgcsancnt: The assessment d1 Mr. Geo. Brum- men’s mxll property was considered as quxte rcasonabk and was new. fore allowed to stand. , Mr, Smelair withdrew his appoa‘n. Mr. C. Marsh’s (property near the Enghsh chute}. although lately church property yas consxdcrcd as- sessable now. I Too Close a the Saw An unfortunate? acoidmd: happened Thursday that wilneccssitato 153w days’ rest “for , _r. 'Jolm W’inbers. St. Peter-qt; e floyed nt, Oarew‘s mill. ‘ ( " . Mr. Winters. ‘W‘ho wab' stationol at om‘e of that! birq‘flar saws. while in the act a: piokin‘mp a slab. 101:. 11:.- fix'gers come to close to the saw, with'the rnésultt t‘ the tips of his third and fourth users on his right hand won cut at rletving the nails intact. The inju min was hurried An Early Gold line An Egyptian mining centre-prob- ably worked‘ as braly as 2.500 B. C. â€"-was in the Emu Desert, be- tween the Red Sea: and the Nile. The lately discovered remains described by C. J. Alford include small irregular stone huts. arranged in groups of two or three to mums large enough for $1,000 man. The ancient workings no buried in sand (rho only vestiges of mining appliances an elliptical rub- bing stones for course crushing and quartz mills for reducing the rock to a fine powder. ready for washing out the gold. . D . . l want to the mama-moms zi an by Mr. J. Sulliva’ being misunder- stood the matter 9waas allowed to stand untxl some tare riod. The R. M. Bea Lest er 00.no- nery asscszsmev.r has confirmed. .tq Dr. ycflwjm the wound was draseed and the pain rdievad. On 83th we will be prepared to give full detain at our eomlngt '0“ 0m ‘1 I‘ll“ ten young ladies will beckon tree of III charge to thaneelm one '6'! the most delightful W Halt can be ted in this lead <1 beauty spam. They will tn WM a com- pont hdy of mm peareiuna I member at The Post mt: will 301. along to pay all em Odd Que- bec. MW. Kingston. Room and Tomato will bu Includnd In the itmoury and an m podble time will ho Ind. Ala you used II enough m toolewyun 0- oncu the lucky cm. This exouxlion tea- tme has been hardâ€! out by mut- sl W new and but prov- en one of tie most successful 5nd l h.» settled. The call for energetic ac tion in boosting up Lindsay as a uni: “Cftldul'lng centre. will not b: m win it‘ a tithe o! the energy dispiiy» ed in the poiitical arena ts now de- voted to forming a committee of :cp rt; *tttatnc authorities and townsmr - interested in the development at the town. The scheme should receiW: the cadet sement of all residents and v.1. tradesmen as every, working u'm brought into the town means so much extra revenue. I have visited most 0! the towns between Buffalo zine ;h~ west and Montreal} on the east. uvl [or :‘.-: else have seen no bettei st- tuned town than Lindsay [or develop ing its resources and advantaga, u a manufacturing centre. The mini adt untages to the usual observe-.- be- ing the splendid. connection with the ORR. and the G.T.R. system. in conjunction with these main arteries of commerce there are the water- watts of the Trent Navigatim Com- _.my. the utility. of which is open to considerable expansion. but this will no doubt be utilized to its highest ca- ptcily as the districts and tnduntries grew along its courne. Linked with these three main factors there la‘ the river [rontagc with n plentiiul supp y of water for steam or mm- nlactunns purposes together WV,“ cheap land to suit all clause: of in- dustries with the lurther advantage: of low rates. md electrical power the day land 9! which should-compare favorably with my other district. It may bejntcreating to now the “touting policy" in widely adoptci b1 many 0! the prodrcuive towns in G‘eat Brituin. indeed it is alto used by the lending rcilwuy com- paniel. In the one of tbc_towmtu-. town clerk or. any rowan-lb!» oti‘laul lumen pamphlotc. in which Ire giv- en the main “vantage: (or mnnutm- tum. and when my new company is formed the» are forwarded and oven tolluwcd up by one or the con.- mu‘ -0 or duly appointed representa- enonoot Our Excursion ' - Competition Arrangements Made for a lost Elliâ€- able Trip to the Tercentem City and Other Historic 8W5 Miss Barnes Returned Home 0n nut-day noun, Bands m unp- cdinmate of the Mercer Reformatory oilifsronto. was given the "coup de grace†at. a local hotel by Chief 3m- cent. ,who immediately proceeded to ship be! back to the reformat}. ‘ Minimal-nee mas completing a year in the Mercer charged with their, but eï¬dcntly becoming dissatisfied wkh her simation in life. proceeded town: he: thougnts into echution. when on Ithe 25th April, while alone in a room belonging to nae gorerness of the institution she disguised berselt in different attire and made a dasu for liberty. in which she was eminemly successful. - . Th3 police have been considerably baffled as to. her whereabouts. since that time. alzhough she was several times suspected of being in certain places. but each time she succeeded in cleverly evading the notice. emf-l lately.{when she was suspected of be’ mg in nth: neighborhood of Lindsay. Scour Chief. was at once given ord-us to capture the escape, which he at once proceeded to do. LINDSAY AS A MANUFACTURING CENTRE. CO MM UNICATIONS . (31‘ I. W. Shellieâ€) It is highly interesting to note the [cinder m the Lmdsay Post of the. 29 of May, under: the title of "Let. us boot-.1 Lmdsay." which e‘prcssiou Is very opportune now. that. the polit‘c ll business at the electors will show»; vantage: of this town were known to the Industrial and residential oom- munzty, there would soon be agra‘l- nal influence of both. The disadvan- tages 0! building works in or near the large centres in Great Britain has been fully realized by the [act tint some or the Ingest concerns are new building new tactorieo' or extentions in places that had hitherto been agri- oultnrul villages. with’ a small nil. wny station in the vicinity, which has readily been enlarged or even removed to meet the demands of the The [.0. Foresters at Church Will Attcnd Divine Service at the Cambridge-st. Methodist Church a Week from Sunday care. I‘oburboronch. Jun". 3. -« Mrs. An- drew (lumen. formerly at Hastings. was found dead Ln bar room. 541 Homewood avenue. wt ban o'clock this mowing. 8110 ml â€min the bun-a at alumna Jan-bud hing In Baum. Convuldonl «used but dm1c\.“ \‘. (11.7; The latter pone! is also quite ap- plicable to Linaay. sith its bent:- in! lakes and scenery. which compare very favorably with many distri "- !urihcx aï¬eld, indeed for one who has had sufï¬cient of the larger cen- tres, I ï¬nd Lindsay an ideal spot offering tacilities for, travel and change unequalled by many of me mote advertised towns of Canada. There is no doubt it the manifold m1- ‘l'ho came pollen will no doubt are long be adopted: by some at the ca- pitalists leekmg new markets in Can nda. 'And notwithstanding the [reigh‘t changes between such centres as Tor- Ln head would be thrown to a dog ‘making them feel unnecessarily mean. when «they one only; asking for the fulfilment of the town’s put of the bargain. There are men on our. Court of ltevisiom who Mum]. acorn to be credited as mean mm word wsn not to be unwed. and who yet ‘will, without a Question. override a bar- gain made by former Councils. This reputation of our W1 is known exerywheme. and it is not long b-uw.‘ prospeotive manufacturers km“ what m up against: In: ‘5 all very wet; a Ring the citizens to ‘oaxJ’ the town. m haunting in that m'n-r. Is gumlly don oh: the mnufac'turers who one M W the treat: moat dull: Hm themed“: hnye been subjected to. “Last (I! o native to take then In my! motions? “out M my man by: Arrangements haw been made withkhe trustee: 0! (he Cambrid‘gu- It. Maw church nod with Rev. 1):. 13m hrs'hk‘h the Court lel- uy. Ind-pendent Order 0! Foreman \WI uttué union M. ‘htt church on oundu. «chum. In: III expand that (hue hull be a lung. turnout ot the! wombat. Pod: it not good for ohfldron. as u I. too rich. but! bacon {at I» good lo: than with brand It In" like cod live! on in maniac: an custom. onto. will find. with me. ever in- creasing rates and labor disturbances in the iarge cities. it. is highly bene- ficial to: :11 consumed :10 ‘take ad- vantage of the heflities such 911%: a. Linda†can oftér. (To the Editor of The w Sir. - Your uditoxiu] advising t1- formtion of adub or organizgtion to "boot†Lindaâ€. rad mm well. and it apparently has kpucbed ane pet» ple. judging by tho communications since. in your paper regarding the came. I prams by â€boosting" you mean something done. that will bring people hem to live. It is admitted that the only thing that will bring peoplo here. is more facton'ea. and the question arises. are we doing any- thing to encourage blimp that are here to enlargb. or. even stay here! I think thqt I an we†within the mrk, when 1;“, flat in tin Ian" :9“! years there I'm been no agree- ment entered into by! we town with 3m" factory that has come hare. or thathuboenenJu-sdwmnot been deliberately broken. or, sought to be broken or oonditions amchde that make flu agreemul: worthleq. by the town. If two men make ‘cn agxeoment. it is generally carried out â€" why should: the town not do the same! The Inn: factory to come here - the Madison William Co. â€" are suppoaod to have Exemption, but their assessment for schpoi bur-(M atone. is max-1y $5.00! more than the plant antuany coat, and in trying to iéét this' was tight. the m i» told "to be satisfied†with what they urn getting. in! one they might- lose it all. Dos this mike you. Mr. Editor. :8 being boast! Another con- com is in tho some predicament. on- ly the differences more glaring. the school tax being very ï¬utle lam. than the whole tax would he. were a. prop- eT' assessment madp. Several bon- oorns that but home here. haw mere verbal W knude with tori mar Councils. but than! have to come may you. but in hand. and" get bare and naive the m I'm Dead at Peterboro BOOSTING LINDSAY HDNESTY. Gives Interatiu Lecture to Society on His Trip Through the Emerald Isle St. Mary's pariah mm was well m- lod‘l'uadnytowvholeuture 111 Mr. Fund! Melinda. on his new! trip to Mad. given undo? the ma- pinoa a! the C. L. 8. Rev. Flm culin- wounded man Mr introduc- lnu the maker. «mo. in u forty-ll" ninuto addu- wd o! m plum. u mum to It. lam-dd He. nan- bl: Dubltn. tho Lab:- 0! lfllim‘g and M points. Mr. Molina): punctuated hit marku- m many, humorous morm mutt-ï¬ns m: chum" at tho Irish pooplo. a. wu mule the walnut o! l but“ vote 0! tun;- u‘¢b_9!up. . AI.~ 2 SUMMER SCHOOL Parnell McHugh to the C. L. 8. In connection wan uh lecture. the {mowing municnl programme want. rendered: pinto niobium Budy; vo- 1‘1“ “f“ï¬moww‘n“ "MW"; 'u Io o. In ‘ 0: tic-l. A. O'Louchlin; ' m? mâ€" Fucury; Min: Cow; violin cola mu Kuhn. . 0000000000000000000 v 77 (.e0. Spotm Principal 0.9609090900000000: 0 Our annual-newt tum more 0 young ‘9 than a: 0th.: in O Ontnrio! here must . sneaon; 6 write forit. spacial euro. for O Touched Iall Court» 2 harbor. Mount-collect Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. JANE’I VILLE. Opentions, ty. â€"6 633m"? 3nd Dentistry College. .Cslls receive prompt uttention «it! mht. OFFICE-46 2901 a}, _betveon 8. FREE TO LADIE§! nnd Ailments. I have found 1 cure for Dis- placement or Fulling of the Womb, Leglcorrhoel, or Whites, ceraï¬o Suppressed and Panic: Menstruation, Uterine and Ovarian Troubles, and all Weakneep and Ailment peculiar to our sex. In! coupon below to me for Free Sam 1e. Address THE GERTRUDE MEDI AL CO., Box 184, Windsor, Ont. BROAD NEWTON VETERINARIANS, nuns", - - ounm. Town Pleuse send me your FREE ten days’ tritl trettment. ‘ EPPS’S A delicious drink and nsutnlnlng food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Coco: maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist ' winter's extreme cold. Graduates of the Ontuio Veterinuy STANLEY L. GILSON W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent You cannot ibly have a better maths! themselves at home, 0‘ .11 Female Weaknesseg =HOOL indium “chain It «stoma; um for [O’- ’rlncipal. OQQQQQQQQ