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Lindsay Post (1907), 12 Jun 1908, p. 10

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Albert 6. Stacey Passes Away at ledicine Hat Word was mega on Wednesday last from Medicine Hat of the ser- ious illnem of Mr; A. G. Stacey. and on Thursday the and intelligence was lttmvw v; ”â€"V -7 , Stat-cy‘ at Limits m, that he had passed away during themornim; at time hoSpital In that city. The 'de- :ceasod was well known in Lindsay, Tharing been raised In this country and § E8§z=28r. so... In}: 9 “900009000909909909 and; early last W book s. cm of surveying w. t? _ ‘ 312131 miles north of We EM: and was, “ , L ‘ -vn- ~Mell as a Dominion surveyor. that death naturally was a stun; shock -' ho wage not aware 11! his illness until tho (but baton his death. The family have thug finccre sympathy of a. very large circle of Ilium: in thpir affliction. “an..- ._v_ engaged on th {Work When h thicken of typhoid [awn and was taken to M! W The Manet! 8W”. v --â€"â€",V '. In the death; 01 It. James Farr-‘1! twine): occurred on the 28th clay of May. Lmdsay been one of. the' oldest gloacers in the township of Ops.E1e was born in Ireland in the year =25 and cnme to Canada when but a chill. flamed don: t avhile in Darlington and later moved to the farm known :51 Salem Corners; Ops, where his (mull), of seven daughters and two mus (were born and raised. ~ 1119 Cate Mr. Farrell was a. (promin- ~ent figure in whom affairs, and held the position of trustee and treasurer OBITUARY _. JAMES FARRELL. . In the death 01 Hr. Jame :whvcl: occurred on the fit May. Luldsay loses one of ti uni-2- -1 rent. llgure LU WM. .. «the position of trustee and treasurer I No. 10 for”. years. HQ was a 1 of. S. 8. good neighbor and much respected in xhat neighborhood where he resrdcd ’txil‘about ten' years ago he< retired ' irozn farming and} has lately resided with his eldest daughter, Mrs. Pat- rick O‘Connor ,where he died. Th.- glher members at his family are; Mrs. 33611. Callaghan, Reaboro;_Mx-s. P. Mil- Zoy. Teterboro; Mrs. Alice Martha. and S's-Its. Thos. Collins, town; and 1111's. A. Milloy, N. D. One son, Wm. now wesiding in Los Angeles, Califor- nia, all survive him. His wife pre- deceased (him twenty-six years ago. His son, M'm.. occupying the position ofbondnctor on a tram, had his back injured this spring in a wreck and was :unabie to attend his father’s lune'ai which took place on Saturday May" 30th. tor the Roman Cathoiic church where r‘eqmem high mass was celebrated by Non. Arch-deacon Case 3- rlmerment took place in the R. L. cemetery. May he resqnin peace. To late (or last week. The death of James R. Moon on Sunday morning. May 81, though not unexpected. came as a great shock to; hiking for the pad {no or three years 'wimh heart troub- :12, and his death through heart fail- ure came suddenly on Sunday morn- ing, while eating breakfast. Mr. Mcore has been a ”resident of BexI-ey township for an. umber of years, in fact he was one of the earliest-with ie’rs in these parts, coming here from Ireland in 1872. 'He was one of the most prosperous farmers in this nor- thern section. Mr. Moore in his ear- lier days .took an active pant in m-i- nFcipal life, having served a number of years ‘n ’Bexley Council. In religion I): was a. life-long member of the Cut xch of England. and in pom-tics Mr he “as a staunch Conservative. Moore is survived by his wile and seven children. Mrs. C. M. Callan. oi ‘ - ' A n nay-1- of Fraser ‘4 . It_- , PATRICK QUINN. ' ““1“ “TN-- vâ€"H ~ - . ‘ Many of our readers in Lindsay and and W111 of Coboconk; Ohms. and : James at home. The funeral on Tues- melg ,will regret. to learn of. the _ death \of Mr. :Patrick Quinn. which day to Norland cemeterm was hr“- took Iplace on May 11th near Mam. Ely attended. . - son. Iowa. Referring to his demise, l 311s. A. H. Carl. dt Frazerville. and 'Ihe Dcmocrat of that place says; EMrs. J. W. Smeflsan. of Toronto. wars .The death of one of the oldest set- in town this tweak to attend the. fun- tlers in this vicinity occurred last era; of the labs J. R. Moore. Monday attemoon, when Patrick ' H. J. Townley and D. Malawian. of 'Qcmn breathed his last at the home FeneIon Falls. were i'n town Thursday of his son, Andrew, four miles north on business. of town. ML. Quinn's illness was of l I, C. Bimha‘rd. Chas. Rae and J. 'very short duration{ as he was in _ A. Ham were among the number who {Pomeroy only a “133' 01' two before, took in the amour-Siam to Guelph 611 but. his advancedé’age made life very Thursday. '. ______ MM and when the fatal illness ; C. Hormel. of Port Hm is hem to Ihe death of one of the oldest set- tlers in this vicinity occurred last Monday alternoon, when Patrick 'Qcmn breathed his last at the home of his son, Andrew, [our mites north of town. ML. Quinn’s illness w‘as of 'very, short duration as he was in {Pomeroy only a fida'y or two before, but his advancedE’age made life very precarious, find ‘when the fatal illness dame he did not last long. The fun- eral was held Wednesday forgnoon at half past ten o’clock. services being ing (onducted in 'the Catholic church by Rev. Father McAuliHe, and. the in- HENRY BROS. Post Cards Okinawan.» Photos souvenir Sta- tlonefv Collegiate Boy . Farrell was a. (promin- schom affairs, and held >1 trustee and treasurer 10 for: years. flag was a ATâ€" latat “mm mm in m énhehaeagn: up“ awn by the am 9% his mum We who was} away; am i Mi 2mm we: like my Mm 3mm: we m m tum“! ‘ , vi in at ? “ma: 85mm inmgfia me 022.: Mm; was Md: ”F: ann -._ w: ham m 9.93M? Mammam mum. Mmh‘ 913 Wish and moved t9 aim: MR m £6353: fl! married Evident, nuihcnnn LX033“ 1- luagfi MM ‘th ggagfifi swag Md Nam 4» Emmy Mum §3 43% MR: m 1.6% fl Quintana Mm Guiltmn Nam 19. mm. mm my mama in 1mm. in Xnvmm. 1373. aml'm m a hmafimd in mun-sue township. Wmhmtal county: Bout: teen children. thrpa danlhtm and dawn sons, were. born to than and survne with the exception 0! Hats. wife of Thomas .Enright, 0! Hanson. The Quinn family wss one or the remaikable families at this motion and are well and very tavorably known. Mr. Quinn was honestaolr er. industrious; always kind to his was a devout Catholic and alwnys lent. his best ettorts to the upbuildingot his church and,_ parish. Althorbe had lixed past the alloted time .01:» man and lwed his long life well. than mull be none, who will not sincerely; regret .lhe passing of good. honest Patrick Quinn. . STufiGEON POINT Thursday was an ideal any at Stur- geon Point. There wags hardly a rip- ple on the Jake. bUt it. was by no means stifling hot on the share. The trees are now’wroll leafed exit and the woods have a beautiful! amine fresh- ness The f-lowem ave Very plentiful. [or these who will takn the trouble ‘uU LWn. Tnc golf «grounds by' Judge 0'- Lt-ary's cottage are in first. class con- dition and very profits. with the grass still green belong the heat 01 . Num less small improve- ments hove been carried out and a‘ carutakex is (in bharge. who will de-l vote his whole lime to the interests‘ 1 of too mebers of the club. ’ l l The other club's golf grounds. siLuJ aled immediately behind the Point. ‘arc also in good condition. Tho 'stumpa have all has! moved from the grounds and the fence has been acrosn’ the Fenolon mad. A moved in also being erected 'small log cabin int-er the linby i A larger number than usual were on the boats from Liam youtgrday to enjoy um day, do)? ncar tjm grater. l Mrs. Rugh :O'Leary. ‘of You: Ar- thm. was down ymdnyl 3.0 open up 'their cwtago below the Palm. ll”‘l’.§vvvâ€"â€"_ , \ and grounds at the lower wharf. I Mr. J. D. 'F-lave'lln's nattage is be- ing remained by Mr. Skinner. at zLindsay. It is very pmmy‘ in darkt green. , . 1 u. . I Mr. and Mrs, John 7981an of iBond-st" Lindsay. arrived IWednesday. {to occupy their fiottags near the Mr. and Mrs. nWail:x-.~ .h ronto. arrived the other day from Toronto. Mr. Jones (a unpeliptending the enlargement 0! his calm“. Mr. Sharpe. of Ling-83. has tho contract. Mr. J as. Flavolln h making several imprmuments to his fine wattage. and grounds at the lower wharf. Mr. J. D. 'F-lave‘lb's cottage in be- store. Mrs. Walkey iggettziqgttn her aca- son‘s supply of goods. Point peopb “111 be well supplied.‘ this year. Luvy uv "iv v le’rs in these parts. coming here from Ireland in 1872. ‘He was one of the most prosperous farmens in this not. thorn section. Mr. Moore in his ear- lier Jays .took an active part in inu- nkipal life, having served a number of years :n 'Biexley Council. In religion1 b: was a life-long member of the Chuxch of England. and in politics he “as a staunch Conservative. Mr. Moore is survived by his Wife and seven chfldren. Mrs. C. M. Callan. of :Coboconk; Mrs. A. 'H. Carl, of Frazer- lville. Mrs. Sunnis-en, ‘of Toronto; John and Wi-il of Cobooonk; Chmis. and James at home. The funeral on Tues- day .to Norland cemetery. was urge- Mr. C. M. Adams spent mm», a..- Saturday in Peterborp. She returned on Saturday night, mampanfied bx hur'siater. Mrs. Came-mile. ‘Jos. Shields and fl: ‘A‘nsh of V1:- to:ia Road, were“vfisit011a in‘tdwn' on Sunday. _ , , “Miss Irene Ealhday, of 'l‘dro‘nvto, ar- rived in town on Friday night for than summer. - . 5 Geo1 Bicthg Wheat, of town, OOBOCONK "or M! POOR HEAD” 'ifip hm launches. Masks and 50mm m are: housed m 9! Need museum: was when a! ma lame seam tram m mm mm; a! the My Man Mt m me system. mm at 991m; mm: was: an by an WM; w www- an my! mvv [Marla m Muse u “warm m Mood» Tim. tho Mood tan in with can! when! WM; mm- mm Poor skin acttou “so can... b who ad usury-1‘9. Input!“ on Poot skin action also um um- uho ad noun-181.8. Impurlml cannot not” through 6!. skin. .0 tin blood must at: them up 3nd deposit than on tho nerves. 1! the bow“: and “In m not M- bad business in Fonda: F ua'y. u w..__ -, ‘Tmltâ€"n-tivea” keep blood pure and richâ€"relieve the stomach and kidney! -â€"regu1ate the bowels: and invigorate the skin to healthy action. “Fruit-a- tives" ate a. wonderful discovery, being a, combination of fruit. Juice. and tonics. 50¢ a boxâ€"six for $2.50. At all dealers. or from ‘Tnxlt-n-uvea" Limited. Ottnwn. é. Clegé. of PbterborO. came up on lot a few 'hours on W'odnefiday hat and again on.Batundny. swing until Monday mprnins in part. 8110 certain- ly is aneott'bamat modernbod': Satundays inqtead at Fridays. Th0 trip from Lindsay to Coboconk is one of‘. he most benwtitul an the anar- itha Lakes. and Mid be well pat- ‘__..:.....I nu:- van-r bv Lindsay and Fan- ronizcd this year by W elcn Halls Mic. J. H. Cum 0 the government bu on Wednesday and a short time. ‘ Min 8. E. Shields. Miss Mcfionry and J. Lytlo. of Victoria Road. spent Sunday in town. { , Jns. A. Pool, Robt. \Armfitrong and E. Malone ot’l‘hae Gull River Lumber Co . drove to Lindsay on Saturday, m- t-Huin; again on Monday. ' 31'. s. A. «V. (Phillips. 01 Toronto. is '|,O.Iu° .â€" _-, W The 0-.” River Lumber Co. shipped a scow load of lumber and lath on Manda: 1.0 the timber It.Kirktield. to “1" used for building put-poise there The government but the, "Bedej Butler" Es getting to be [quite oi nyxlar visxtor in town. She wok up his election by neclunation on Mon- ‘riay, June lat. mqmnfly there will ‘be no election. in East Vimia on the 8th. Mr. Carnegie will move his family to his hammer honio ht Indian .Pcint. Cobqoogk, immediately after we elections from Toronto, where they have byen' residing for the win- ce: months. a . ~ I ‘ visizmg in town The Great Post Free Excursion Some Scenes of a Most Delightful'l‘rip for Ten Young Ladies One of the great hishdno qus ~to be visuted’ is the Plains ad Abmham. which will be the scene of the-Agr- century bqlehration next month. This is b. place which will attract much AL\_ -1 interest a viswt. renoe is one of the mos} that m be imagined and thoroughly enjoyed. after v vuio‘us tights in the city g... Ar'vâ€" â€"- ,' Coming back the {party will be again ‘tkaen through the Thousand Islands, @3109; the south shame of Lake Ontario. disambarkim; ut the beautiful bity of Rochester, whore special conveyances will be taken to .the bity mi in: Win: places. 1 which are: many. Again the steamer will b9 board- ed and tit-hem a dough-fink sad across the Lake Toronto: the Queen City of the eat. will be thoroughly explor- cd, ’ um ‘uhqpxhaiibjiktion. which is â€"n. Again: A! tain En uninensa w...- __ ,__7 can be sum including the shippinzfl in the palm- kt)» city itself. thoureat railway bridges. Labs. St. Louis cud many other interesting axis. The trip! down! the riVer will bire- freshfm'g nhbufn tour pt (the city and many historic places will be seen en route. [UM finest: Mel on [the route will bd'em'ployedi an the trip so that every comfort and convenience will be secured! for the excureionist-B. On our front page we publish one at the beautiful scenes on the St. Law- ‘xenm which are to be enjoyed by. the {ix-ippers. \. . 1 __.~n L‘ ZZB'SHM mo'é't‘iinmm ,the yen; than 7 . d __ -JdA‘ OASTQBIA. 3mm. JIM Kmd You Have Aims I sail down the River St- End 51111 be well womb! 0‘ imagined. and will N mjoyod. after visiting the “a m the city of MODI' tram {1” MO“! mail" M. P. P.. wound wt We Butler Luna in town (or Falls on Mon a! country hud- 'evfe‘nts of Garden Put! to Conference mm m um n harm...» to mm mm Later in fin atoning votes’ 01 thanks were noved‘ to all theladixs at we churchi who had anythmg w (Id-with; waxentertainment of the visitors. as wel‘. as to the banks. who lent them money. and the newspaper writers M’ho Motthup the conference. Gospel Temperancg Closing Picnic Held on Friday After- moorâ€"Lam has Now One Hun- The Gospel Temperance League held their cloning excursion to But- :on's grove Fridey afternoon mm»: the moat favotehlo amen. The weath- cr man- oeruinly smiled upon. the amt. Ihe can supplied by ' Mn Workman. rolled eions in’ merry: tim: will; the temf'xranco songs sung oy the-ehildron. A z . V The close: file meetings until af- ter the holiday. The opening men- ing mu be (1er announced in th» (all. The leesrixclaol .with a mum- beuhnp of one nndred and the workâ€" ers hope all t e members will have a delightful efemmer. The Rambles of a Post Man Visits Omemu and Tells of His lm- passions Durmg the rambles o! u represen- tative of The Evening Pa. 3 putrid Visit was made to Omexnee and new- erat scenes of mdnstrhl activity an- spccu-d. 1111: first impression upon en. :ermg the village [tom the G. '1‘. R. muwny station suggesto that rum: anyonure. (an. easy going country Villzlgt where all is more like Lang- iclloyv’s "Blacksmith" With measured beam and slow. but under the [newt- 1y. escort. or Mr. Thornton. amt-2* a different aspect at the Omcmcm: character came mto prominence.surl no small amount at mterest was -.-vl-: cedl by the ever aggressxvc citlxenu. m the Iorth coming elections and 2:1 effect .upon that sevcnl industries for not anthem. good reason do they watch the comercnl state or [he Dommion. One of the moat noted: 13 the inn- «ter;. of Mr. J. Lamb, where a large small of mprktrs are constantly um- ;aoytd. turntnz out some of the best (“ml“) of harness leather that in produccd'tn the Dominion. Mr. Lamb has made a apectal study on that. class of work [or over (my years and had earned for. himself a reputation and. a good\ market (or every pound of leather he can produce. 1: 13‘ qmte an extensive plant 0! all up-to- date machmerx. and within four months after thethtde is taken {ram ‘ the bullock. Mr. Lamb guarantee; to [turn out the. boat ude 0! leather a harness maker .wmlltl wuh to handle and as an errdence of his .taith' in the mntmuancx of his business he has over 600 tons oI hark ready to: tanntng purposes. . A lattie [urther 0n, standing out oonspxeuously. is that indispensable in all iarrmng centresâ€"a cheese factory The present owner. Mr. Teaford, 13 Just startmg his first year and mum every ergu of making his undertaking a thorough success. A few alterations m the arrangements of the plant are ‘tndc'.’ way and. preparatnona for an Increase in business. The present out- put us from so to 100 cheeses a week. andtmth the same process of manu- mture, could tha. null: be supplied. a marker could be found [or- Ittty tune: Lthat amount. for it 1! PYO‘ mum by 64 J. Cameron; dau‘ylng emgtuto be of first quality, and'nu Englmh market. . .Tne column Mr mill: and electric plant gnaw; that Ornamee re xeepmg at time. For. ‘that that noun mama-at teeter will give “Milli.“ in so many other Oeudnnmu; anthem!!!“ wireeu 4;th “a the m mot pvw-vnm hunt“ "I“. who wi‘hc'l k walnut amnion. it is ‘ body in town (or the cou- tended the garden party, Went m neonatal m cv- I to ho helluva! it the or o! the ministers count [or and spprentlx it would be [arm not to believe All they League Our show/tug qf Men’s $15. 00 Suz'z‘s f/us sin and summer is pronounced our “besf e/j‘orf,” T lze unusual in the way of 5!er is as szgmfia as {he “at? of qua/22y ” l/uzf prevaa'es flee who/e12} othér Mums industries. We use ledrn tut IMO: Evans, owner or the foundry, m earning an extensu'e xgpuuclon u a manufa- turer o! hre cash“. A few by! pre- mm. to mu whit MN din-W . K_ENNEDY WWW" wwwfll coon-116:“, d0 ’0 CURES GU ARANTEED OR NO PAY HER Dundas 8c Flavelles, Limited, 60;; “iChiSfln AW. ! n____.. WEI-I PABQLYSIS. OUR $15.00 SUIT. Cletnlng and Furnishing Department to the townshxp o! Kearney a splend- "3. engine, capable o! throwing a jet of water over one hundred feet, out onthsasmeclmthst Ms scores oi; m min? wanna. mun @3557 I’ «onto ,.91 2:9 {ARNOLD TH REGULAR 825.00 ......... 22.00 ......... 20.00 ........ 18.00. 100...I'.'.I? All goods “mm: Pit and «mm 0rd» before seein troublo with 304: a!“ "" g. to s W In 01"" mace-ed by the Win! .3 mid“ ad has: his 059'”; Linda"- It i3 3"“ Very model-“e PM“ 3’ consolation tree- 4/ Wouldn’tfl Kent-1 Dealer! in :1: In" antic Marble ”‘1 test 6‘ _-...|.an‘ A 0011 “i at Factory Hm require Formerl! and-I LI! if!“ M:- 11

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