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Lindsay Post (1907), 12 Jun 1908, p. 5

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fl 3 Are You getting what you want ? You can ; ave if you buy here. We could fill this whole :‘ Paper with lists of good stuff'at greatly reduced : Prices but what’s the use when you know YOU . CAN BUY EVERYTHING FOR LESS HERE. W0 ¢ ; “0": a few bargains to prove It. . . §w°m?n’s Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, etc. E Quote a few § Women’s 75‘: Leather ‘ $1.25 White 25c and 50c 75c to $1.00 6°C Lace or 1 25C Cashmer I5C Women’s 50C Cotton .1 E. E. W. McGAFFEY; Fawn, champagne, brown," men and cop- 30 enhagen Voile, reg. 40c, sale .............. c Black and white check Dress Goods, 256 40 for19c, 30c for 25c, 48c for 36c, 50c for C Black and colored French Voiles, regular 98 1.00 sale 75c, reg. 1. 25, sale ............... c Black Peau de Soie, reg. 1. 50, sale” ..1 10 70 Black Herve Silk, reg. 1. 00, sale .......... c fit, navy and brown Panima. regular '606, sale .................................... SW of light weight Summer Tweed mg. 406, sale .............................. ”Mgmv -----v---â€"--â€"â€"V~ â€"- _ Mssc ment. sale .......... 750 W Cashmere Shirts and Drawers. ”5.1.40 each, sale ............. 1.35 re‘21.]0 sale ................. 950 n, hood Cashmere Shirts and Duvets, reg 85c. sale" .750”): nan. ------ and black and white G‘ ' . m “8' 13% sal 11 . e ............ m resin broken plaids and fine lands, reg. 12$, sale ............ 100 III" Balbriggan Underwear he Ellis Elastic Rib Unshrinkable, ... 5%. sale ............... ‘7 1-20 ~ ”piecmtochoose from, reg sale...a ..... kmduhitnGiho , blac an ‘ . mmueaahu,‘ w ° 3?. “1"”; ."fime . .binb ' Muslin in w . e no, ”55%. Bcuhnle....i;£§;. . ting. H in, in _ pa, MM 311‘ blue. reg. 05c. salemuc Wm with broad whitentin my flarnlpattern. 103.450me ' Hex-cerind Lawn. 1n black and “5:90“, reg. we. sale ........ 35¢ “gum in Ttfleta Mull Mug: ' \le .................... I!!- .s . l . t 1"“ T5???f.‘?‘t’?‘g. I“. . .°¢°”a.m“,.:a 155;; of light and dark Print, as; wwidg, Special at“... 1.li _ -11 -AL‘A-Q any. nn‘n‘ Yes, we are giving very real bargainsâ€" heallied up values In the goods you want now. Mark you, we’re not giving these bar- nlns tor the mere “glory” In It. We want to Mace this stock so low that it will be easier to sell outrightâ€"there are more buyers for a small stock than a. large one, There are stacks o5 good goods left yet. We know that the buyers are pleased with the bargains by the way sales keep up", last week was a hummer. ‘ Liaving Town Sale PMS and VOILES. LIGHT WEIGHT SUMMERI‘I'UEEDS Women’ s and Girls’ Ready-to-wear Garments 591.993 and Bags. $1 25 White Cotton Night Gowns ............ 35¢ and sec Silk, Lather or Cotmn Belts, 2 for 75C to $I- 00 COISCtS ......... H . ......... 6°C Lace or Lisle Thrad Glows ............ 25C Cashmere or Cotton Hose .............. 5C Women’ 5 Wash Collars ................ soc Cotton Applique and Silk Dress Trimmings 5°C and 60c Wool Dress Goods at 75C and $1.00 Silks ............ 5‘50 All-over Laces ............ Opposite the Post Office, Lindsay. Wowonwowoww DO§OO Lug 5' 51-00 Waists, sizes 32 and 34, at nen’s $5.00 Wash Dresses . . . . . . . “”5 $5.00 Dress Skirts . . . . . . . .. ° Black Sateen Underskirts . .. . . 5 White duck Dras Skirts ....... Here’s Knee Deep in June Bargains A Season’s Round-up in Dress Goods and Wash. Goods JUNE SALE Dress Goods and Silks on New and Seasonahle Goods. Brings Savings Banging to Half, ; weight Summer T,w.e.e.(.]:...3nc mxusu. mu. JUN-E, 12. a Totals Linen Towels 18:3), reg.15c, sale L3: 62013“ f“ 1; 1'3; ;;i ton owe e Reg.18c, 3316.....mg ......... Men’E Sdffi Front tta Shirts, sizes 14, 14 1-2, 15, 15 1-“ 16 and 16 1-2, gag.56c,sale_lsc. Reg.85c,salezgc Dark" Duck Shirts 1n ts, stri and checks, reg. 55c, salsepf ...... pesm _ng._800,316 . .............. 70¢ 1113331113 and dig-k colprs. Light Oxfggd Cashmere 80:. x“? 25c, sale ...... am: an Fancy Tans Fanc Black, 50c. sale ............... y. ....... x Men’ 8 Cotton Work 80:, 100, 19 1-80 and ......................... 15c Embroidered Sox .......... . . . . . . . . . 25o Green and white Awning. for vex-an: dam, res- 30c. sale... ................. 85¢ 60 inch unbleached Linen, mg. 3310800. .500,sale........ Bluched Table on. 43c for ..... ‘ 50cfor........... .. .. ............ A. O. A. Feather Ticking. reg. gfiflgAreg._5fic,sale.....ll ..... 45¢ BLACK, WHITE and cm ALLOVER [AGES Men’s nodal-y TABLE LINEN Work Shh-ts JUNE SALE Cream and white Allover Lace, 30c for 47 25c, 50c for 38c, 60c for .................... C Black, white and cream Allover Lace, in 1 50 striped effects. Sale 75c, 1.00 and...... u 36 inch black Taffeta Mantle Silk, bright lustrous finish, reg. 1.75, sale ............. Tan and Navy Bengaline Silk, regular 60c, sale ................................... Colored and Natural Shantung, regular 60¢, sale ..................................... Black and Colored Japan Taffeta Silk, 28 in. reg. 50c, Sale ........................... Black Taffeta Silk, regular price 650 sale ................ 25c 2.90 1.98 1.19 1,98 2 5c 69c 25c 49C 43c 19c 19c 39c 59c 69c Tue: weaker sex is assailed at at! .1ch my the evus resulting from ‘blmdlessucss, from the girl who is wcsk and languid, with!‘ dull eyes. 1pale, pinched cheeks. iitfuL appetite. ‘ and palpitating heart. tq the woman who feels never well. With gnawing: paws in the back. aching limbs and. nervous headaches. fl Dr. Ruhams' Pink Pills are 5906-. ally \aluable tovwoxncn‘ at all ages, to: they possess the power of makmg ‘m abundance the rich; red blood. I_Wl[h’.‘ui which“ no woman can have perfect health. They [ill the starved news with new blood. so that. en- Iechlr-u bodies are ; strengthened. week, nervous systems are fortified. {and robust health restored. M-sa .‘Rose D‘Aragon, ofi Waterloo. Qua. follows the professxon of tea-3h- u'z, 'which brings more than ordinary ltram to all who tollow this camng. 'MLSS D'Aragon says,-â€""It seemcdn as though: imr maximum into a ’decime I lost all. my strength; my 2impetus? :was very max“ I was pale nd autfered from Irequent headaches Anaemxais written on the features 01! mm ty women and: girls out of every hundred. Ummstakcable are the 513115 of too littic blood. ‘ Pale Face and Pinched Checks Show That Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills m Needed. '1 was. oft en duly and the least extr- hon mould leave mbroathless. I flmt'ored for a tune but with !i.; tlc or no ‘bweht. One dax I read; in the Waterm Journal the partlcularscf a case sxmilar to mine ennui: by; D‘.'. leliams' Pink Pills and I determin- ed to try them. in. a few ka'i there {was a decxded improwmentin my conduion. and bar the timed had taken seven or emhti'aboxes I was agam m the best of health. and Job: to enjoy myself as Well as any of my young ’fnenda.‘.’ LV ‘ I ‘ PO0R BLOOD BRINGS MISERY Sold by all medzc’mek dealers or by maul; at 500 a M: or six; boxes for $2.50. from the Dr.. .Wllliamq‘ Med:- cme 00.. Brockville. Ontq . , --Attentlm is directed ta the 31, vertnsemcnt in another column. of He great horse. Salzburg, Owned '9? Mr. M‘ccse. our wells known horse- man, .whxch was recent!“ ”1190‘.” J from? Austrla. .This is a grand horse and havmg been inspected. by many at ”u tarmers, he he: been unmet-sal- lyj admired and approved. HJfil ufl GMHRED SfllS mfitflEMED NMNNMG JUNE SALE CoTpBBiiéige'iifiigiit'Biiié‘and pink Cot- ton Hose, mg. 280, sale ............... 220 Children’s Pan-9.8013. pink. _ cardiggl, blue and fawn, $1;qu sale ...... 500 157’ 03 311 Ladies’ tles and Sklrts. 157; 03 all Carpets and Oilcloths. Ladies’ Lisle Thread Hose, natural wool sole, reg. 30c, sde ............... 250 Ladies' Lace Hose, embroidered, reg. fie. sale .................................... 810 Pink and blue Lace Hose. regular fig. Laiiu" sud Ill-of Tun Hod-r1 Ladiee’ Cashmere Hose. sizes 10. 9 1-2 __--, unâ€"vâ€" â€"â€"â€" reg. 2.00. «lo 1.75 20 inch. in black and colored Kid. reg. 2.50. sale ................................. 2.20 Tan. black and green Lather Belts. gilt buckles. reg. 55c, ale .. ........45 Narrow black and tan Leather Belg, Long black and white Lace Gloves. reg. we. sale 350. reg. 55c, “10...!“ Black and colored Kid Gloves, 16 inch. The Fit-Right Glove. in tans. fine llale‘ long wristed. reg. file. sale ......... ”o In tgn and golden brown silk, reg. % GLOVES and HOSIBRY “1 Sham“ T5531.‘TT...450 NEXT TO PHILIP MORGAN, Draggist Lpan Taffeta Silk’ 28..40c gal” Price 65? ......... 520 ... I... o..- 0-. ’“‘“T....55c €3.31 .40 penetration a! dim lad like five nursu who have graduated from the Boss Memorial Hospital alter the usual thud nut-f oourge; . Each of the clergyman had told of the many bout-tonic! lentended them when they had paid visits to'tho in-4 stitlxtion Ind :11 had warm wont at puns-n far the entire daft. To Miss Miller {neon Mt themselves to be the debtors tor. numerous acts or! kind- Dr. 81mm. on bqbal‘t of the 33m pint W? am m ”838 '80! m '...'.r. J, D. {Flawlle WB'MtLyI mitt ested. -. . ‘ F. .L Mr. Fianna. Wh’d is a. member of tlnfioa‘rd of Governors of the Ru: Memorial (Heapixml. made a. very effi- cient bhainmnn. On his own behalt as mell as 'on behalf of the W. Flamlle had also a how word» to any imaged-ding the Rood work being, accomglished I; up ML and in this "card: gpvg a grant den! of the credit to Miss Miller and her Very ab}. usa'stanti in Miss Barker. (the head hum. 1 - I ' L Mayor quh; abd/ Warden Mason bdh offered moat Share 0011ng slam. to the graduating clan? and felt sum they would. prove m nreafit .to the mat'ututian in which they receivfi 0d their training. . : HIGHLY ESTEEMED ; -â€"II one tot-ll 'dull and m in At the outset Dr. Bingmm paid a. the spring or early summer. they call - - ‘.-°"=°‘ ."B mmmn VQ'Iy meant,“ tmbuma at pm“ to Mm . lfvevefl'f-mfistfaivl‘y’f‘lt [gtthe after e5? mule” superintpndent at {the RU" foot of our Winter habits. The nerve; Memorial {HOSPi'tal' and to Mia‘s Bark: ' ara mostly at fault. Tired. worm 4 , - . ‘ ~ . 'd lifefle a £1. tn head. nurse Any, a: movable“: m! W: as an that}? who ”11$“! 111:!Witho'lt ”if“ ’mm \A qu ountry or. v ""5 :doses of Dr. Bhuop’c mum wfll f‘J-t sum. would gain a valuable; 3%: ' absolutely and Quickly Dbl-118G 1‘“ of set in the wvlces at either. on k those depressing nympho-Ins. The Be- M' < . delete: stain" of ammo m1: bring you 1» Bum the m mm” bank to full human a an or cm to Fay, and it waflms; Ulp m’l'oruf .0" it will 501“" m 43 mm to to me ihad a young man When he had satisfy you that the is nudi- trainod very carefully! for years and .11.: tbahi. 'timdm." It! u Quart: w“ ve wen-3w cm are his ac . 3 WM he thought 17 W31 “:0 ; ;plendld and pm Nerd tonic. It himfm that “comm the last apt- gm, w vim mam must to the eratloin (he had [had in Linda” spoonful than my what hwyn tonic. bzougvht mm to ,anathur mymndn sharpens c hams 0W. lids no how waved that m. ' anaemfiifle'm H min I a ,wasnrommMINPanmtq ‘fimgfimu °' [hmppgmmshbhfifllhfilm valnad-Gddhdlm Such. in brief. was the ettect ot 'lulge. and, in addition. she had her onto l‘uesday to the audience which wman's intuition. I umplctely filled the Academy or "Names are lit» poets in one ra- Mnsic to mm the cloning exercises 'swct. [they an bum. not made. " . in connection with the graduation and , 59 said' thu 12am. and then pro- Previous to! all this Mr. J. 1),. Flag voile had introdwcag as weaker; Rev. Dr. Mason. of Fanelan Falls. Warden of the County at :Viwhriak Mayor Bag; and Dr. Blanchard. all addresy mg the audience briefly on behalf of the bodies or amt-creasing: they. repre- seated. - I I . . l Archdeacon Casey. Rev. Dr. wombat: at her. bommnd to enable her I’p ran“! nur-a must tint o: .u have health; all! In“ mum-n it by 6.1in nmfituflmb and by Wu! hibits; m must be Wimm, “(1 1b! : course of feuding must teem home]: in touch with all ”gt 5 oc- ourrin-g in who world around her , .5. must be able to W I'll opinion in- ulzizently on an! “Moot; but Ibo must duo ha able to keep things to hand: why: coca-ta mail-ea. 31;. must be Mum: and Should ho gun to combine but oblerntiom ‘with “night. 13“! m. Laqt Ind not but. fire mould ha always lay.) to Mr doctor. while bboolutp devotion nhouid be the oumfllmz rule of he:i Interesting Ceremony at m Acumy of Insic Lu! Night-Addrmd by Dr. Binzhm R088 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL . GRADUATION or CLASS Top Row-Miss Hickson, Miss Garbutt, Miss Costello Second Rowâ€"Miss Batty, Miss Miller (Supt), Miss Wallace GRADUATIN G CLASS , LOOKED CHARMING o The graduating ulna, a wall as the otbr hm comprising: dha up“ mu m In in. uniform and looked most chanting. Each; 91 um grads. curried I. hamlet ht flown. no ‘audmnce. which mated tor the most part of fining. complamly till- rd the Iowa-put put; of the Menu 30min: W em aflo- Were givâ€" :onby WWW. of “06(1).“er 4:. 7:. Pym. of Linduy-g both ware .wa1 received. \ . nap while awn.) may. a tedious hour. and also the must have sufficient in- tcuigenoe ’od wfll‘power to eneble ibertobeulmlmmdtheeimc alien. One thing she must nevér for. .3372. (Put! the fit always there in her loffwial capacity which n alight ra- serve i=1 weary Mines. Above all {things the must: never [one her dig;- tral figura- in the pm "m right We; Min Gtrbuttt. Mia W835 inc. Miss 8mm Mi- Hickson, and pin. a souvenir Qudmnymehua toropdtoo‘fiu “in nest» in the udhry. Miss Costello. Th. pmantation ot the divm mMnt, WW n“- “M the president d up m’ Auxiliu’b Pinned on each 10““? W “ “he “'3' landed the W ‘ We coedul 'to give his opinion. at. the idea-I nurse In Which motioned. THE QUALIFICATIONS I ~ The nurse m to be in]; sud among “ouch to be Ihh m "bundle” her mummy}: neeth tp‘ have on tho cthnr hand sufficient unnamed". pow- Ito prinoipfl Ilium of the ever is; was Wand” Mr. Fhve’llo ”41):. WdWonod uuhostkuo‘rnmrgnon-in theDo- www.m“dmmt unima- unwannmmbm ingMemadtothehmemlin Toronto City. In which a. W b! of thaldnlctu' who Ind given In! in- :truotloa-pbou. the 0‘80; who had ptobnbly but than emu: W to tell he: vb” uh murmur-Mb.- In; mm Mica-.111: to Hie mne- ladiu tbowt to resolve their diploma! he said M all nut-oi mm :30 out; into “A world m a N3]: idea}. but at 511W nbont whbh they would in careful cure W ”:1'heluhould keep Ural; lip- ”led. ' to In: .Whunem my unit van in mtoundwitht’honurutorwreli- Ion. which my Islam. it um um citon not no: uni-mm. ml the tag; wnh good action. and in no way resembles the Clydesdale home. H». we a very hendeome head and nec ll bnght eyes. end very intelligent countenance. He he: the very. best at disposition. perfectly kind end tree from ell vicioue hebite. eheolut- ely eound end in rtect heelth. ”Sulebnxg" is the on , hone otthie breed in Onterio today. There ieno doubt. he will prove e very beneficial site [9: the termere 0! this dietrict. This horse he: come e long dietenoc end, hes can!) me e lot 0! money. 1 imite'the firmer-Pb! this eectionto cell and see him. If they epprove at hm I will .be lewd with e_ny buep thorough horsemen» at e deeler. He e much tugged end very weeltny 77Lâ€"_ _. LA.._|e‘. B “WI-I I-Iâ€"v-u-wâ€" â€"â€"â€"_ ..7_ _ man, and while in Australia. bought this horse. bqfiving the Austrian bred: to be: on. o! the but broods of horses in‘ film yorld. PARCEL; NO; I v-y. Wyn-[mg lots 19 AAA was'trod. to be to imprqvemnt on that funons breed. Will 'stand 10: mm: in Lindsay. during the aeuon “1%.: ., . ‘ A: the season is well advmwi.. and the bong. ha been 3 long ‘Lime on the voygge to Canadaâ€"six weeks 00 W m m m. 0! the celebs-steel Pingan breed, whith is nomqwhat 31:11th to the Belgium break but oondderod by all 3003 horsemen in the country where he â€"h¢: wri'J serve only a limited numv ber oi mares. The price this year will be very cheap as he is new m this district. 1'0 insure $12. Hecan be seen at any time in my harms No. 8 Melbourne-st. south award. He weighed on his arrival at Montreal. 1.5703‘ "Salsburg" is a hand- some bay. with’ black points, stands 16 1-2 hands high; very musculor; hen) y. hard flat bone. with clean born: not hairy leased, the best of (eat. and bone._ He_w a st_raight_ Enowr. m3“, 1 ; [z r I [PPI'IIII'LI PARCEL' no. 2. â€" aw. wt mm 1, Fenian. mm In :wm ‘0 gens ole-red. 1_5 angel! pggture. -‘filg ms mPomn THOROUGHBRED I smmon ”RNIP “SAlZBURG” and 20. Mon 3. Feudal. 200 news. more or: lanes. about 90 acres under cultivation. 20 acres pasture reminder mixed timber. cIearian well fanned with! cedar rails. (good clay loam. wall tile drainod and: ww- tored by aver-failing Spring. 01-- cbard. oommodious hum good well Ind chem. Frame barn 30: 61. mnlyelxso. Butane Easement. Con- vonicnt sup’ wi 'wfiniz WIb noun. Bitmhod a! main 10,98. now 1.2 has Dn. Inseam-4:11}(111%1 m2“. 0 ‘ . w 0km “4 331m sum 0 I IRA-l um ' Situatui ' fir parcel No. . 91!; to B. A. SMITH Cash and One Price J. Sutclifl’e Sons “0‘ Reduced Prices Good Carpets at SALE REGISTER. 200 yards of heavy qunlity body BRUSSELS CABPETS. good range of patterns and good color-lugs. A carpet that for wear ;is unsurpassed and at this price will nuke exceptionally good buying and money saving. No borders for these, but ymany Nroome do not need a border. Some odd lines of bor- dots that could be used nnd give good color harmony. Qualities that none sold at less than a dollar a yard now going nt only .................... 79¢ OW lo o good tlmo to buy your Car- poto om! may Houoo Fumlohlngo that you an llkoly to hood, .3 rom- nunt cloarlng prlooo provoll on a." odd Ilnoo, brokon mortmonto or "no. of which too grout a quontlty romolno. Mmuro oomo of thou rooms and lot as toll you just how rouohohlo wo con vcovor than with a good carpot now. Noto thooo prlooo. About 75 yards of Imported TAPFBTRY CAR. PET, 27 inches wide, crimson colorlngs, good shade and goodlpottem, worth 65c yard today, but must be cleared at once at only per yard .. .. 5°C 100 yards of good quality imported TAPESTBY CARPETS, 27 inches wide, good serviceable color. inga andgood wearing qualities. Just a. couple of oddpctterns. BegularbOcandGOca yd., to . clear at only ............................ 39° LINDSAY SHIPS ll HEW All! SE60!!! HAND WHEELS. Everything repaired from Clocks 00 Automobiles. Bficycla and Lawn Mowers givenl'speaal attention. DUNOON’S Farming to-day like any other busi- ness or profession must be conducted along scientific lines in order to get the most out of it, and no person will question the splendid work being done by the Agricultural College in dissem- inating scientific knowledge regarding every department of farming. They experiment with and test seeds as to their Productivity and quality, the test oovenngaperiodoffive yars, which leavesnodonhtastotheenctness o thetest. We are keeping in close touch with the department and are handling the swds showing the high- est test and having authorized litera- ture can give you the same information as isto behad at Guelph. They re. commend in Swedes FOB. SAWâ€"'Portable threehm'g en- gme. and boiler. 14 h. p. Fun pa:- tzcuhrs apply t9 1’. Northoott. Gnu; . «onâ€"wt. , . , . . fPersons desu'ing pumps and paw pom}: ahould ace J. Dénnis Rush-st. next creamery. All perms 'wamâ€" mg plow points should heave amber and make and how many an bere- quxnd‘ tor [all use so that tiny may be 9n hand when new Pumps and mud min: women; attended to; am U‘(.\_ ...;2 .J m3 WI". mo. 80..., 8E0. W. SHEPHERIL DRUG STORE Pumps ml Plow Points Webstet’s 01d Stand. Thesembehndat Also in Oshawa.

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