NJ .4 . That it is quite Within not possibility to control one’s thought and in oousequenoo to shape our): character, a‘nd tuther still, one‘s des- tiny. was the subject on which; Rev. Geo. A. Bishop, D. 1).. pastor, ot‘ ~Qambridge-st. Hethodist church, ,preached his farewell sermon Sunday Jamming. Dr. Blah)? goes to Bridge- at. church. 80110qu after a brief holiday: About 100 members of the‘ Canadian Order of Foresters were present. , One‘s thoughts are generally. held as things of little consequence, of little moment. said the speaker, but the fact of the matter is that our}: destiny is determined by the thoughtj at the heart. Dr. Bishop‘s text was taken from the verse wherein [Home ,generally are tqkl' ‘to think on those things which are true. honest. pure. just. lovely. and 0! good report. . "Thought in the beginning and :basis of character-.0! life. “As a man athinketh. eo is he.‘ and does he."do- :ciared the speaker. .“813 thinning .eoutrols his living; good thoughts .are a blessmg. a help; they. build up Jhe wan. Thacher)" says, 'Sow a .thought and reap a habit and. reap; ~pharzu-ter. sow a character and reap a destmy.‘ and nothing was ever more £rue." , , . \ . .I u the limit Stomach trouble is but; symptom of. and not ’mmddi dige'sdwe thmkloéigm 'et an :1 cans tea Y ~they are symptoms only 0! a. certain speciï¬c Nerve sicknessâ€"nothing else. mehhathstnmcomalylodnrï¬hggg 5h¢hoaugrmonhnnowvenrénovuhr3wm Mâ€" . mam v0. Golnxdirect NWMWMWMW Dr. Shoop’s ReStoratiYe ? 7 ST. ANDREW’S ‘ V ‘ Rev. Jae. Wallace preached am both Services at this church on Sunday: In the morning he took his text from a. poflion at Igaiazh 64. 2, "Lengmvan thy cords and strengthen thy stakes.†The speaker said that this reference was :to a mew fugura in the 'life owhe .Je-“s. There had been: a Wof diso- ‘laxion, but now they {had In future "brfore them what was bright-.1 and en- Continuing Dr. Bishop spoke in no measured tones in relation to the "lewd thoughts" in art. "High art Will have much to answer for." he :said. Books next engaged his atten- r't'ion and he had something to say 0! the page of the book; supposed to he realistic, which suggested immor ‘al Ihmgs. It is the suggested thOught Ithat is fatal the thought iq itseli is :powerless to defile \until the “hub er cherishes it. thereby making t his own. That 15 when the sinulng Luke-a placeâ€"when the thought is cherish- ‘there :5 nothing in which men are â€more careless about than their thoughts." sand Dr. Bishop. Most Lu-Iwuw. v--- ._ _ _ , mu. wxll attempt to cover up their! worCs and acuons for prudential moJ ï¬ves but very few attempt tochcck “ht-1t thoughts. "There is hardly a man ever breathed who has not (bought things which he vmuIdn't want his neighbor to know for the W0! Id,†be said. God 15 no respecter of pet-sonatbut Ho 13 a rcspecter of chatauer. and ultimately that is what will bq tak- en m‘eo consideration by Him 384168- .tiny is determined by character. as much under subjection as Doe's fret or one’s tongue. But how? "Bring every thought into captivnty to the obedimce of Jesus Christ," was quot- ed as the so'ution. [m '10 the members of the Canadian Order of Foresters present Dr. Bishop spoke briefly at the close of his sermon. Their organization sprang ixom the noblest thought and sug- gestion. He exhorted them to (ï¬t their hearts go out in the broader1 telioxvship of humanity that was theirs. To the ordinary man there issecm- iagly nothing se uncontrolla blc as the that-gm. but said the speaker. it is quite as possib'.e to bring misthought Indigestion CAMBRIDGE'S' wanmus muss Correct color, correct shape: correct qaality, carted? ï¬nish, “ALL DRUGGISTS†;â€"sT. METHODIST. Issum of Marriage Licenses. not. In temperance and moral reform there and been an advance. although Dr. Shearer had been in oflice for less than a year. He was tpanï¬pul'ar- ly struck by the sane methods 0!- that gentleman. Some people werel very zeal-one. but had no tact, and! their. efforts were not as fruitful’aa they might be. but Dr. Shearer seem- ad to be endowed W the [qualities necessary for his office. A‘ significant thing occurred which showed the ten- dency of the times and! than. was the receipt of a telegram by‘ the commit- tec during the Bessien from Sir Wilfrid Laurier go‘ the effect that abuses which had xbeen found to exist in the Yukon- would be looked! "Int. and remedied a8 speedily as possible. It shoWed the need fonithejohurchito keep from any entanglements at par- Jty politics as a church, and it also showed that; Ztlie church should al- uaya evince an inter-eat in the lite . . I ‘ l 01' the ‘ nation. \ One of the impontpnt Questions un- der disou-buim (be W which Queen‘s University should in tum. bear to Yme ohurch. Some years ago the link batman the twahad been sirangï¬hened and it was felt necesf nary .;.o raise an endowmanm 015500.- 060 (u it. In the meantime conditions inn-e :hangod‘iomem. owiï¬g to the Cum-gin University Fund. ’l‘o lthis nll wvrv oligible excepting those which were of a denominational character. and i'.‘ was though-t by some that it was unfair label; any obstacle should exis‘. to the participation by\ the uni- Another matter which engaged the attention of 'the anaembly was the‘ matter. of evangelization. Irt was a new departure for the Preahyterinp church to appoint. a committee on evangelization. (Presbyterian! Ire‘ Iprme ta look upon protesaimd enn- gelists with ambient. but when we hit“ such earnest me‘n speak along the lines at bhriqtjan. awakening; them is no reason why them should not be a religious Wining Session of the Gene Wmnnipeg. to which gate. . nuuragzing. In this we might ï¬nd something mt would mly to the groving expansion 6! m «hutch. and he proceeded to discuss the recentt session of the General Assembly ant; “annim. to which he was a dele- As 'to the lengthening of the cords. Mr. W'allace said there were foun things involved in talking a. forward sup. One of these was thau of eye- ttmaï¬zic giving. This!» is.‘ a greaten tond-ency towards conducting the at- fairs of “the church on business prim ciplas and there were ever to be found more and more business men wiliing lo devqtp their attention to this end. Id: was found that: by the application of business mdthods dune ‘ 30,00.) more had baen given for the schemes oft-he church than former- varsity in {this fund. The nuestion’J hOWeVGI" was not to separate the uni- vers‘ty from We church. but to re- 'cr the whole mattter no the trustees. He could not WI: Vote tor the motion. .. ‘ k - Cnumh union was also discussedd but in motion befor'o the assembly was nc- Um question of church union. Tne business life of the connm'j was found 'to be all a: Eigh' Under. It was true that there were some' peo- ple who adventbed ‘goods at. leset than cost, and hevaskad what\ was to be thought of such men. A man who would Sell below cost was c$ther a tool or was in embarrassed circum- a'ances. And why should any: man wan-t to buy goods am less than cost. if he believed in doing his duty. by his fellowman and wished to deal wrth others as he would be dealt by‘{ So much for the Winning of the stakes. ( u hm! been xaported. but u ttheh- ct: the committee which had pre- viuwly been appointed Ito draft a earmitutron. be continugd in ofï¬ce. He was of opinion than: tl'b feeling unpubbout the church was rather in (an: of a federal than of. an brganic union. He felt. however, that much good would come of the; discussion. Begazding the report of the church 11%: and work. he said this was a math-r which should be discussed 9“er year. because fl: indicates the temper of the people. They found Ithat. the church was endeavoring to erp pace with the timed in' thereast as well as in: bat west“ Inhometoitia however. it was not keeping pace, 213. for instance, Winnipeg, Where the ins cro-ase in population was such that than: should be rtwo new churches each year. It was so also in Tom. In the matter, of contributions .the church was doing fairly Well. WEDDING GIFTS «wary. flno chllll‘. Block.- We are always pleased 30 receive visitors and show our [t is. now, far. an: Andrew?! phat-oh: Ll N DQAY. to do its out were torwud mova- mnt. and a: 'wu wall to: them an to number m the mh'ole . moves wannmmdoweirmk.ho ahou hi this bowl-«2W griso to its opportunities. and strengthen the stakes of religious mm and long- umg. the cords of our aympgthies und“ out exertions. . - . - hi the even-his Rev. Mr. .Wplhcc rpreachcd. from Jana; 1', 234., _ - Jun than: for home made marks if spread on when the paste ispearly or nuie poll]. it bhul on than rtprt the pasta undemedfliis likely. to be- come mu 1nd haw. . ' T ‘3 ---i. Y 3 7 ‘7 An olitun'ry' lien cannot JWIWLB be taken an a sign In umw which way thebubjedfortit want. u x ' ivxi. was taken from John 14:11. ‘He oqm 94.19qu o; [13mm xtrqnoï¬md tm‘epe'aker. was and Mint reference his remarks bad. .when Christ. spoke of "many mansims" which were the property of his Father. He (“tested that attention to the spa- ni‘ens uni-verso'around. and it; divine resrrts of anode. and um this the Chtiqtian oould look as part of the tag-amtfaom of God for his future habitation. Cadet also spoke of the temple as God's mansions. and' the Hebrews lacked upon it. in the same light. After directing the attention or his audisno «no the different: depart- ments and the separate section or an- cient ritual with. its inspiring sanc- tity. he drew a comparative concep- ;tion or the Me of Christ’s an- :ocurse to his disciples. Fl‘here were many bright ideal at hesnn and the mansions Itp yet be inhabited by the twitthl. in having an ideal home up- on earth. and of all the Spots that To preserVe ï¬sh sprinkle powder- ed‘bomx omtwmphpoin skaodM‘ ii In c L: Li In ‘he morning Rev. G. R. Welch‘ delivered an interesting sermon on Palm-tree Christians. Iron Psalm92 12. the char singing two anthems with great. credit to themselros. In the evening Mr. Watch again took charge of the service speaking on f‘chriacian patriotism†from.8ulm 122. 6-9. Tile choir rendered anoth- er wry pleumg nnthem. the bank: 1c of which was taken by Mrflll’ Win t 81‘. PAUL'S . Rev. B. B. Grobb. M; Afot Port Hope. mock charge at both services. In the morning he rnedered an inter- eqtin discourse. on unhelie! and. in the 4’?ng oaths severity of Christ from John 2,15. ( G K The subject taken ‘by the. Rev. L. helps {or his morning discourqe was that at home nnd its gmiutione. His After. using pond wmr Starch' let at â€M then pour of! the walerlhd allow the m1! tho dry Wit“ dry it my: phonflin the. march box to: future use. . L. . | The Subject ‘for the evening was Htaken from Judges 16. 20, "Samsom wust not that the Lord was departed from him.†Preacher expressed some respect for a. gallant defense of a man's rights. no matter what form it took. and With all the failing in the life of. Samson he had. a heart of courage, and it. was in this great na- fztianal crisis that be displayed his ‘vaior and like many men of rtQ-dna' mt vas at a paxtxcular crisis the heroic ‘espcct of the character name out. The man of busines. or «the toilet, when meeting with misfortune in the dis- charge of his duty meeives sympathv. dissipation and neglect. 'the world tun-s it bank upon them. and like Samson the Lord deserts them. To all appeal-woe. Samson was as be- fore .in his physical qtkagte‘ no mark; of declining strength had. enfeebled b'n movement‘s. but L‘Delilah had known his mabpring qpu'it and the Lord had dopamted’and he wint it not. It seemed a small infirmity; butLtho results were h‘d for at db: crisis. when Divine cum wee specially rajauired be dead due. The wont utterance the preachers could call to 1mm: was flat of 111*; Lon! when he said. "Ephriam is joined Ito lhiq idols, let him alone.†. . where. the funnies end whims were indulged and even redpeoted. There was a freedom of intercourse. an ab- sence of convemtaimnlity unknown to all mixing with the world. Then lthere was the shame letter and all it wound to the heart that longed for home. How many tender thoughts o brief note of remembrance present- ed Ito the mind of the fmwnywvon- dexer. and: here Ghr’ut’s letter re- specting the home above. gave ta the longing mind a. dream of repose in proportt‘flon to the dreams of that place Itp his heart. In the homes there was charity shown towards the ahor t- eaming: of it‘s different members. and the attractions of home alga won the prodigal back trom his revelry ï¬t) a. matuml .path of virtue. Ha referr- ed Ito Francis Murphy who worked‘ with J. B. Gough in bi temperance reform. showing how a voice from home in the nequeet of; his daughter. when all either: moral appends had failed. melt with a response to the word of â€We miss you all; home." The name voice came from Christ to the world. Were dear Ito the heart: of man. home was the decent. Home granted re- fuse mt could ad; ho found else- where. the 1m and whims were QU EE N ~S'1'. METHODIST BAP I'IST. Captured a It. Ala. flom Dixon“ W °“ cis 8t. Inhylonht -'°‘ Curiosity All“! Children. 34" Alex How. “on: with (abet gentlemen «pent-ed : porcupine Mon ‘18! mowing. The gain“ had enscormc mum: on the venndah in trout- or Mr. B. F. Rccwr'l guidance and it was Wllh some little difllcnltx that Its capture was enacted. It was ï¬nally put in a box where a 390:! The porcnpm h at a good also and how It came to he sat. where it mu tanned the tome of much contem- thls morning. It will be allw'cditn mum again. ‘1'th specie: of animal is scarce, u: this scctnqn of the‘. country. al- though back north where they It? unmoleated there are some to wnrcn Vegetable Planting This Month ..- .â€" etwood» und 1 med' Trunk in Oahrio am uucucv Mr. L. ivé-gh 3k Fle . Mr. and Mrs. Lithuania. 0! Ldlord. E and media: (has. will be .ble to spent Sunday in this vicinity- ‘ bane In 5W of flow {roan east- Mr. John Lowery is. at omentmf- era to Wyn 0mm vi. Chicago. tering from . .pnined mud. 'St. Paul uni Minneapolis d1 tbq low- We no 3M to no In“! 1'“ ~' est. cummv tore- by my route» Megan able to he wmflgtnr A: the (hind Trunk “my hue re “ruins fun the 0" a. dame mg: q. cue-3o warmt- - :9 boro In A" ’0" 8°"! ‘9 “’m _ an " xcal. mg, mm Bmttord.‘ Seed: Tint lay Go in During the lat Fortnight. 12th! Areyoigolnï¬tnfl For lagte work in the vegeteblc patch. to repleoe plants! that he"; produced and ere let. an end. or to fill apnea mt are "cant thxpugh failure of preview!!! planted seed. the following may go in during the, rest at this month. . suing henn- will b creed], to at about the end of July. , ~ \ Beet}: will be ripe for tthle use about the mend week in Agent. Pena -- Sow the smooth-seeded kind ‘by preference, Should be ready, [or viable in from forty to Henna-flu: days, before there is danger of trout. Radish â€" Sow in ground cunt has not. been freshly manuxed. My will do cx‘tlrp Well in 911cc: where pens haw been growing. Should be ready in a. «north. Be cnretul to pick us soon as [any are ripehor they. fwill (urn tough and woody. g . Snub â€" It plenum! as late a: Una. give them very rich ground, and bury (them by, feeding liquid man- ;zre qt. frqluent intervals. Cm be planï¬pd between the ‘billa of late- oorn or in bills Maven other cropa that will be out of the ground by the time the Hannah vines need -room. Will be really; for table about the beginning of (the second week' ml November. ‘ KC": Fm. Rev. Mr. Cngé. of Fenelbli Fulls. my. conducted the services on SW" day. preaaching u very imPTWive 3"" mon to the children in the morning. On Monday evening the “m"! â€' umhlpd in “it! of the cold. Proceei‘ On Monday evening scmbled in spite of the zunounted to $80.00. _ Miss Min-y Lupennce or UUWuxs. isj visitng gt Mr. Joe. McGnhey's. . Mr. and Mm Shaver at Little Br;- tain. are viaitng at at. W. H.8kuoc's Mrs. A. Hart of Huntsville. spent. a few dnys visiting friends here. Hr. und Mrs. Flatt of Vex-alum. spent a few dq- with Mrs. Flows “that. Kr. Wm. Bruce. it. L. Many; of Redwood» und It. and Mn. “thanâ€. 0! Word. spent Sand†in thii Viciniti- ‘ Mr, 3.»... n..." is. st present In!- Sweet. Corn â€" Should be ready: for :tnble (young cup)! by the med pt! July. The anniversary which was in: here, on the 14th sud 1512!: .m avg“ sm- - , . VISA-Adm Pal Sago â€" Set. growing plants: in such 3 Way flat the crown will be snot under Mae aurtooe. Will be ready lot 035 fresh in a. few Week: altar tak- ing hold. Ready for dryjng rot win- ter use in September. \ x . A number of people from attended the services on hear their former pastor. Brussels qmmtp'nhould B ereody thou-t the time tint frost is due, out should be lam to be bunched; with; frost before picking. Curouâ€" This lute crop will be better than the earlier cropsto store tor wing“ use. .Will be: really] to His about Septedber 20. Cacmnbens - Plum; ‘late' crop in bills. Will be teddy in from two; months to seventy-five days after PRWDS- ~ " ’ Mugkmelon â€" Will (be ready in about the last week in October. Give plenty of mnpure to hurry growth. :50 Mint it willn at be delved moo long.1“oed once I. ween Wm pinches of nigmte o! suds. . . «In-nip -â€" Should MW ‘0 take out in the last Week in August or early in Member. Store them for winger use like carrots. in haze: of Very dry, syn phced in cold. collar or storage'ï¬ts. . . Lettuceâ€"All kinds, "such as Cos. Head, qtp. Give hen manure or ni- [uuc of sod: as soon as the plants at: three inches high. Will be ready for table, use in [tom twenty: to seventy days, accord-ins to kind. Endive â€" Tie up when thirty! days old ltD blamh. Ready (or table two we_ekn angry-uni. flora Discmï¬ o'f_°‘"m' MOUNT HOREB. from Fleetwood on Sunday to cc of Cobourz- McGuheY'S- I r of Little Bri- -, W. H.8kuoc's um snoceutm eel-noes were eon- ducted Saturday evening and nude: Sundey in connection with the local come ’01 the Selvetion Army. The unit of the ether band of the Peter- boro .corpo was the bx: tenure of (tie two days' special services. They made a dutinetly; lu'onble impru- Salvation Army . A Good Band Very Sums“! Smim on Snub! ml Sunday The Warmer department. of the Gram! Trunk runway uyuem hu juat nude tn impounnst mnoumement in conneoï¬an vita: the movement onu- Iona!" fm «tern to Weï¬ern Can- ldl- Commencing Juno MthK all W_Qhew.then¢mofthe The band arrived on the Saturday evening train and utter marchininp town got their copper. They were mlleted around town. In the earl] part 01 the evening an open air aer nee was held on the corner. of Kent and Williem-ete. to which wee attract- ed an immenae crowd. Traffic waa almo't blocked (or a tune ao dense wee the throng.\Latcr a very new .tonoun programme .wal rendered in the Salvation Army barracka. Pee!- et. 31'. .l A. White was chairmen. The programme Included eclectiona by the bend. a vocal solo by! handyman French, a euphomnm aolo by Bandp‘ man Doorman. a vocal solo by. Ensign Riley. e trombone eolo by Bendunur‘ Noynee. a vocal aolmby Mr; Greene bandmaatcr end a eoronet aolo by Deputy-bendmaeter Ford. A numb»:- whtcl: caught the fancy o! the crowd was the drum eolo representing a train shunting end learn; a station aiao e betttieheld with the “ring of guns. the troops leaving the field. ‘and the bend: playing the march past. ,by Bendemen Meadows. SUNDAY SERVICES. The eeruoel on Sunday were of a meet helpful and beneficial character ‘Scrnece were held in the barracks at 7 and 11 a.m. In the afternoon at three detach the band gave an.6pen err sacred concert in Victoria Park [to which a crowd estimated at: from 2000 to 3000 attended. In the c\- entng a public salvation service was held tn the Academy 01 Kneic.« The smart appearance of the band was the subject at comment and: on all side: was heard murmnra ofl ap~ precmtion. The band marches \anl. But above all this was theii playing the excellence of tonal quality and other thinze which contributed to make their visit here a. musiceltr-zet to hundreds. Spam or the pro-pacts tor the year. Mr. Gillespie. o! Peta-borough. said flat thouth the tea-on here m much lunar than M been the cue with the Peterborouzh Baird. he thought it would pic'k up. m pa- tuxe m good. with the number 0! can slightly lo- thm («a yum wot kn. The opening meeting of the Lind- nay cheecp baud took place Monday morning in the council chamber. In all 1159 cheece were boarded. c corn- paraï¬jnly low number. The ruling figure we: 11 3-8 cent. offered by Mr â€Wm Flemlle. All cheece bocrd- ed were cold. 1 Inc bidding wcc started by Mr. Goo .A. Gillespie. of Farm nb 11 cent}. Mr. J. J. Brown. of Lindsay; niced ttp eleven nnd c.“ sixteenth- Mr. Gillespie bid 11 5-16 and Mr. Flnveue {'lcvelle went. up another eighth. Mr Mt. Fhvclle took N. Verulun. Bob- cayseon. Red Bock end Benboro. Mr. Gillche mm W. Dnnctord. Stu and North 01!. Mr. Brown bought Omcmee. Mcple Lent and Nonth Hervey. Large Quantity Buddâ€"Prices Rule at Eleven and Three Eighth. Lindsay Cheese Board Meeting The band returned to Pcterboro Monday. . ‘ Speakzng of the services through- out Bum Culvert whose tarewdl sen-:cca were conducted yaterday al- so “pressed hunself as much plenqad Sonic-than; (or which he had also cause' to be thankful was that alluv- hgations were met satisfactorily. - .‘l'he cheese boarded tut Hominy “(re- 0-0.0. Dumtond .. oent‘ ale ttkel . ..., ... ... "1‘2 . ... ...... 24 .4... ... 145 I place in two 180 176 104 112 WM. M Ma: and ache: principal “than in Quebec end outdo, and “min 3 I-Iuperior grain nervico mdu'dinc the two!!! "Intern-ï¬end Limited." it in 0:1 penned mt men! wungens will pre- tertotlvelhp'motwm addition «.0 Chi eduntece. the Grand Trunk now diet! the choice at eeven connectintl ine- butwcen Chicago. St. Pen] and Minneapol'l.‘ a choice ot the. cm line. will be unil- ehlc. Many Candies:- hue friend: and a'ehï¬m residing at Gringo. St Paul. Mimeepoli. an! anthem Inga Amen.“ emu peuocl through b! then new routes. who will ammo- eppre- ‘ rate the opportunity that dtorded of u bxiet flit at the nation- in such 1m"l zll'll‘til All «tenement- hive been com- pleted Io tilt the We of passen- 3vre will be untried month the, United m ln bod without reâ€" uniting my special attention on the put of passengers. end there will be no detention 01'. {Ignatius of sue. patengere at en: plus. in they Unit- ed Sims. V . w 39¢oaoo¢¢ooooo¢ooo3 \‘fhile through nun will not. at preeent he opereced beyond Chicesu it in hethed that many pueengets outing on greet a journal will much meter the Womble tnmfer at pain! like We and at, Paul into (rah-Ky until-fed clean cue. {the connecting lines from Ohicego are credited wih running some of the time limited all other padenger train- on the American continent. Another feature of the new route is the Wiution of the St. Chi: tunnel wh'eh Inn ow heen complet- ed. and all tninl ere W by eiec- trio lcmetivee. Itvwill interest those who have in the [unheard or imag- inrd that under the former method-e greeable odor from engine ewes he know that. now under. the new! elec- tnod «animal. end its operation. the element. at peel end emote are entirely elm and; Unit the in- side 0! the tame! is en bright-u day. 69009990990909.0962 4m Sum ï¬nding the farewell services at Em and Mn. Cglvent, hastened tron the 100:1 corps to Cobalt, Went down to Peter-borough ï¬liamorning. ..-. ¢ Many do not see as well as they should. Others see well,but their eyes become tired. Others suffer from Headache caused by the eye- strain. The one remedy is a pair of our glasses properly ground and ï¬tted. For any eye trouble or new glasses see us. We have the appliances, skill and experi ence to fit any eye that glasses will help. -CoL Shire and Mrs. Sharpe. of London, Oil... pmvinoinl otticers oi the Salvution Anny. who were here -Pilu no cum: and union: chok- od with Dr. Sheep's Hugh Ointment. To prove It [-will mu 3 M (rid box a: a caninein: m Simply: ad- drcas Dr. Sham. Bacme, Fig.1 sun:- ly would not send 1t free unless I ma In connection with the C. L. S. Inc-:2 next August Dick Bnker. who is mm- ngxug Simpson. the Peter'ooro Indian now on hm way to the Olympic gums says thlt he will have four crack run- ners hcrc. Before bailing Manure:- sand that in all his experiences he uad newer reclcvcd b'ettcr treatment tlm: WIND 13 Linda, 'lnst summer. o'ox'tnint hat Dr. Shaw's Magic 0mg- msnt would Rand use can. Ban-em: piles. «'thcr uteml or internal. Luge u! 60:. Sold by ull anglers. Headache and Eye-Strain M. B. ANNIS. Oph. D.. 93 Kent-n. (Oyorï¬oill’l Shoe Store) “mu! m UE‘DSAY. FRIDAY um; 28 , The funeral at tinâ€"‘1‘; ' nay. gm took 9:30. ‘1“ turn; m meal: tttendod b, in the abused both “03th (J m I. dintmce The â€mm “mm mud on Wednesday n were conveyed to than“ Ml": Ir. Mathew KM out yard. Ian, M M?“ body Last “arm, a. at} held in St. MIU'I am} ~ mus being oelebnted but" or Collins. Inter-m: m‘ie 'M the Boom Cctholic and", thou troun’ont at town 35:: prmnt were. Mr. M Dots Ill. “3:1“;th at Orilln. Hrs. By an, a" an- F. J. Daly. of North ma“: Sodé exceptionally good W and sow pigs, just waned, 5h bulbous and two sows, m . “'0 old. These pigs are bred in 7?! ' ' stock of the h, ‘ mnmng breeding. whining 100mm principal,†g udinahighuucootcultim W“. buildings. This hm m aim“ â€â€˜1". 1:th road shout six m 11*†orturther puticuhrs‘PPl’" Pm very moderate M thehighqmlityofthestockm North Half of Lot 8. Our Summer Session m a“ to m an time and uh s "h count. rite for undon- dough and nut roli‘blo school, tho ' Best Quality and lowest Prion l.G.[DWARDS(ll “AID'AIE. 60M. . The Lakefleld Portland Cement mold rollsblopsinunndehp leadmdoiLinthohmmdlh mbohadinsnqutity. SE B I S M2333: Ready Mixed Paints ME, WHITE. II!“ Yorkshire Swim OPEN ALL "IE CANADA PAINT W8 LINDSAY. SIGN at THE ANVHj MCIENNAN (0.. HIGHLAND RM Yong. Ind IcGilJa, '1'. I. WATSON, ARE AGENTS F“ EDWARD den 10, Elï¬n", O’N “flea and the ï¬r 1!. TN e1: I: Cindi: if. ngc “thin! ’eterb‘