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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Jun 1910, p. 12

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thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. . 25c. a box. Every ’3. - 9 0:. them ,g. The Hand Sewn Bootmaker .0 0.. '0‘. _______.__â€"â€"â€"â€" o? 9" Has much pleasure in announc- North 9" for the purpose of making all kinds of high-grade boots and -: shoes to order. .lorns, bunions, '0 ’0 O O 9.09,, especially attended to. Custom ers are invitei to call and in- in the various 0 90.. O .0 g. .0 cor venience of 02° 9°. ’ w.nt At nine o’clock this morning inguished general went over 9:. has 0:0 . ~ 0’. pe d a branch Store on the ... North of \Villiam St. next door 0? ’: Blacksmith Shop, :3: to select 0:. All boots 2:: O O 6 field over 0:. 0:. 0:. O O 0:. 0:. O O Barriefield, ]une 19th. night . b h b Friday was a quiet but busy day at the largest in camp, ut t e CSt equipped. Barriefield camp, as being made before t Sir John French an over the hill to practice other manoeuvres to be pu the distinguishe no complaint could manoeuvre ous issue, ston and attacking General Sir John ral Sir Percy Lake, of Canadian Forr es, in the city at midnig biles owned by Kingston g General French first and any kind of deformed feet :3. the camp grounds, w '8' by Col Sam Hughes, camp ant, and his staff. Aft to the commons, where was put on. The man final touches were he arrival of Gen d his staff. The ry charming pic- ernoon with the the grounds pected aking a finel The army service corps and staff Col Hughes and his ' officers were on horseback from 10 o’- T he clock until 2 in the afternoon In the n ' morning a sham battle was fought in the attack and . which all the men took part Yester- t on before I dav afternoon the men were again out (1 English General. :in full force The manoeuvres brought dhimself well, and the men down to the bridge, across be found. TheZinto Dead Man’s Bay and several down the Gananoque rqad A . o . l . s were out‘ined in a prev1- ’miles er of the soldiers fell vic. the entire three brigades ' large numb. ' ary enemy from King tims to the heat 0 0 ‘ them again to drive l In the past two days twenty five Heights. l men have been brought to the army I 1 On Sunday an excursion .is expected to be run by the 45th Reg to Vincent \ Point on the American side, and by all appearances a good. crowd is ex- man acquitte l _â€"- from Barriefield French and Gene- l medical corps suffering from heat pros- - inspector-general . tration Nine or ten cases have been 0 the station hOSpital They ht Friday, and ,are reported to be progressing favor-l, directly to the Frontenac Hotel :any \Vh’le skrrmishing yesterday'i the dist- l morning a private of the 40th Brigade ’ . to Barrieâ€"lstumbled and seriously injured his= . l The trip ,knee automo- The fol owing is a conservative esti- l l l entleman. mate of the food consumed in a day : l went directly to . 412 lbs each of butter, sugar, jam and l 12 36 lbs vegetables ; ‘ split peas and salt and These provisions to inspect the camp. was made in two large here he was met beans; command- ' lbs of cheese, er going over about 40 lbs of tea. the sham fight are provided by corps through its capable Quarter- master Sergeant, Harrison, formerly of i oeuvres t°°k up the best Halifax, now stationed here :3: be waterproof. Repairs in all :3: J . ’z‘ ts branches promptly and 5, part of the forenoon from 9,30 till near it. neatly executed. :2: twelve O’clOCk- The general was | __m - V I A cod .. 3. . . h the a wee of | Kitchener n ' ates. ' greatly pleased w1t p pea . paring the South African War Lord :Kitchener, who has returned to Eng- l Don‘t forget the address mutam St. North and i \t a reasonable price. GOLD M '5 DAL grade Manitoba wheat at Victoria Flour Mills. Boat REPAIRS al repairs done. â€"‘ Cullon’s Old Stand, That’s what you get when you buy Flour made from strictly high and Engine l '7 3 i l the BLACKS-fir THING “Ta-gnu, Carriage and gener- PJ. CALLAGH AN Lindsay-st. Br Idge. W Dr. 1'. P. McCullough 166 Brock-st., ‘Peterboro Will visit BENSON HOUSE, LIND SAY, everylst and 3rd Wednesda. yo the month, from 2 p. m. to 6 consultations in Eye, Ear, Throat . m for ose and things and wit . through the manoeuvres. 1 been at the cam " l and staff had unc p ' !Hence a disastrous delay. l inspection was over l 'ly, the captain’s horse cast a shoe.§ . l and were driven to the cuy, l l for the west at 12.25 o’clock. where he jment, _ h ’ h ‘ . gcampaignona orsessoeorano -: ifi'erenb camps, the ‘oer’s carelessness.” Thus it is thatl hi5 Ofl‘l- y ‘will inspect the d \ next stop being Niagara. ‘ a large number 0 1 wer i worked. 'sion Following in the a’ternoon drill It. was during the Boer War, at ZVredefort Road Station, that he start; t iuntil 4 30, when for three-quarters of an hour. ‘ escorted on his leav Davis’- Menthol Salve (“ The ; D. L.”) and be prepared for a hundred ailments, which may not be dangerous but are very annoying and painful, like neu- ralgia, earache, bruises,insect stings,cuts, piles, h the way the men went . After the gland after eight years’ work abroad, . General French Wm . “Very sor- leaving '17,” was the general’s sarcastic com: “but I cannot rest. my plan or 1 ,“K. of K.” impresses upon ‘cers the futility of excuses and the 3 red for any-t, The inspection this morning drew lnecessity of being prepa f civilians and all thing and everything. N0 man,.it isi . . ' d, has a greater faculty of estimat- l e surprised Wlll'l the way the men ling a man’s capabilities at a glance.l But he made a mistake on one occa-l ted mar 30, a rest was ,3 them into the field at a turnout was made General French was welcomed and ing by the massed :critical eye. . _ :corps of mounted infantry I have 1113i: sod,” said the general. “Very goo , bands. ,rai l The arrival of the Medical staff iii; ER)? ‘yl’g‘irmguggifi lj'ffi’y‘ggll J05. MAUNDER SON signalers. who left Lindsay on Friday yes, sir.” “Then don’t argue. Whati ' :is firm regiment?” “Blankshires, sir." F1008, GRAIN, 00M. AND GENE!" â€"___==_â€"_â€"-/___ :1“. at rank?”.“Ma.ster tailor, sir.” King Edward’s Reign. King Edward VII. has reigned longer than Edward V., Richard 111., Edward l James 11., Mary II. and William IV., and he will this year have reigned as long as Henry V. Although . his reign has been a short one, the l only sovereigns since the conquest who '= have lived longer than he were Queen _ etc. It is a household remedy Elizabeth, George 11., George 111., W11- liam IV. and Queen Victoriaâ€"London always useful for some trouble, and should be kept in the ‘94“ family medicine closet. sprains, burns, i 5 Touching Verso. ‘ At first she touches up her hair To see it it’s in place, And then with manner debonalr She touches up her race. A touch to curls behind her ear. A touch to silken collar. . And then she’s on to hubby dear-â€" To touch him for a dollar. 7 -Now Orleans Times-Democrat. _______,.+___â€"â€"â€"â€" Lucky Fisherman Mr. Herb Morrison, was among the lucky orik Saturday. Down in the Big Bay he landed some nice lunge ia a short time during the afternoon and evening. of the Canadian Delicately perfumed. iangler on Saturday afternoon went 0 He determined to 1 and about three hours. IRE LINDSAY POST a Cincinnatiamummmmuanuunmuummummnzmnumnuumannnunnao Emmaamanuuuummmr . DDDDDIBDDDDEDDD unce trimmed with tucks These are made with deep fio Regular 75 sale price 50c Extra strong material. Reg $1.25 Underskirts ounce trimmed with embrordery and Made of deep fl tucking. Made of very fine cambric. Regular $1.25 sale price ........................................................................ 75c White U'nderskirts 1 tucks, deep flounce finished with Comes with five smal extra specral price $1.25. Large lace, very fine quality, showing from $1.50 up. lt‘lisses Skirts Fine Underskirts made full tucks and lace These are very special at............ Gowns Made of very fine cam shape neck, long sleeves- on a band trimmed with soc V bric with yoke of insertion and 50c Regular 75c white sale finished with frill of self, Comes with tuck yoke, Special price... with lace, high neck and long sleeves. Nainsook Gown Trimmed with dainty embroidery, slip over style, are very fine quality. Special price at WAK _.___â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-- Greater Berlin. . Plans for a “greater Ber " been worked out as the result of a prize competition among leading archi- tects, builders and town planners. Prizes of $8,000 each have been award- ed for schemes which peer three gen- erations into the future and contem‘ BBBDBDDEDDD I ElElEl lDElElElEl I BBBDBBDD‘BBBD‘BUEDDUBDDD DDDBDDDBBBBBDDUBB 1' I Bummmm __,.____.____..__â€"â€"â€"â€"z_ ' , _.___, ,_ _.. ' o , Mr. Jos. Roderick, the left landed a private creek near Nestleton, captured thirty beauties in May Now Have Beauti- full llair Mr. digiti- ' botlnm Has the Article And Guarantees it to“, ulatibn will then be 4,300,000, 0 will aggregate 8,250,000. latlon of 10,000,000,” I Grow Hair . dime a great peril for Berlin, at peril for which we must be prepared." It is Mr. Higinbotham, backed up by proposed to avert this danger by a the manufacturers of SalVia, the plan to regulate the construction of great hair grower, gfuafllnt‘cfzs it to street buildings and parks so carefully grow hair. that overcrowding will practically be , lmmssihh SalVia destroys daodl‘lfi in ten ' "‘"F" days. N crop 0‘ vention of Cruelty to deco- nourished and fed that a ne Gowns $2.50 Nainsook, dallion and val lace and heed- ing, short sleeves neck- White Dresses with front of embroidery and lace ins and tucks, three ter sleeve, flounce also four large tucks. Very special at ......... snowrNo on MILLINERY plate the Berlin that will be in the ich is fixed as the period have tripled by 1920 and that the pop. 1' dou- ‘ quantities from regions which now are , s . ble the present total. In 1950 the to- tal will reach 6,450,000, and in 1975 it I “In a popu- say the professors who captured the second prize, “we that have distinguished LINDSAY. FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Inl-l-I-P-I-I-I -l-l-I-l-l-lfll-I-l-l-l-l Very dainty made of fine trimmed with me- and low Clearing at ...... $2.50 Comes in one piece style, quar- skirt with deep $54.50 Ladies’ , White Blouses Embroidery fronts, tucked sleeves and in back. These are very special- Regular $1.25 to 1.35 sale price... 95c McCall Pattern DAINTY SUMMER GOll'N E ,.____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"___.A,_- ment \vals s... '; St? naâ€" " African Animals For the Southwest. Captain Fritz Duquesne, native or lthe the Transvaal, secret service office of s were (15;. 5: the Boer government, African hunter, , 1,, ,. _ 9 ~17. :v .. w naturalist, author and lecturer, pro- . Cine .. '2” poses to introduce in the southern and i 39d 9* - "it; southwestern part or the United States " “men i : “ i w M some of the most useful animals of i the African rivers and deserts. He de l clares that many of them would flour- 8 | ish in our climate and become a very i l valuable addition to our fauna. He l l i says they would produce lather, meat ' and other commercial articles in great , almost unproductive. The prOposal has met with favor in influential cir- . Righatu“ cles in Washington. -â€" Success Maga- , Young' Man Fell late the River - V‘s-mm Mu . . ' l Quite a. bit of excitement was causedSaturday around six o'clock at the lorks by a. young man from . . ,. out of town falling into the water. H harir springs up to the amazement rates dogs and delight of the usr. The hair is themselves by deeds of bravery with a H _ _ ‘. made soft and fluffy. Like all Ameri- tastefully designed “collar of honor.” e W?” 'Walkmg. around m corn- 9. is daintlly Among the animals decorated in this pany mth a. number of young friends SEA l looking at the handsome works. In SAN F I can preoarations, Salvia an ac- _way one of the most celebrated ls Bac- some way be either stumbled on a perfumed. It is hard to find tress who does not use Salvia con- ““159 a large bulldog, _ ,- . it is to stop runaway horses by jump- wall. and plunged headlon into the - “we“? [n u andseizln themb the brldl ' g . fr ‘\ L131” 0‘ , Ladies of societ d influence use g p g y e. ere or walked into a recess in the I‘L ‘ “ . y an 1:; \ts calculated that this intelligent water Which I k'l d also , no other animal has already saved the lives of ’ ' Was “c 1 Y 999' 50 E” - i ' el ht persons. 11 not more. Pautland, he Was Mt hm- He was unable ‘0 00 VENTWI 6“ land is the lahies’ favorite A large, a. Great. gel: out, on account of the smooth ce- SPIN“ ” ‘ x generous bottle 50c. The Scobell saving his mistress from the attack of __________f___________ PM ‘ , ‘ i ,. . ' , has, Canadian 9. tootpad. and Turk,,a splendid New- . l§§:g,§;,;jt- oath“ roundlonn. has had similar honor for chlldren Cry T. c. l A. Higinbotham druggist, Lindsay yOung dren N am“ FOR FKETCHER’S J_ w. M m on m ~ .. on'Q-‘p -.:..338 c S . o... - ‘ “m" .A TORIA I‘

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