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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Jun 1910, p. 15

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â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-___- _' 3. , IT ’â€" Presmtmmtx 0f ROChCSl“ M311 - v” , _ the Grand J cry, Was Arrested g \ , : Punishment Should Not be Leasened . ‘ W For Infants and Children. for CrimeI £12223? bl! one Thornbury inflmount Friday , i A '_ ’1' , o L ' t l ,, ' iii); i A ,1 l The Klnd You Have The grand jurors of Our Sovereign frcfrfltmgth:pon a e egram repel-“d is , IVA... .~o Always Bought P-.. .. 231.2323: 35.3: P.-. hbgelablcPreparaticniorAs- , . a .Q mty, « . . _ . ’7“"li"’ldR"gllia' ' ‘ ’ [1"‘9uEl-ccuâ€"L» \v 5 i figmgcsmm anilBowclsof ‘ ’ lying? , ,. . 3 â€"# SW ‘ ' «mo-“s Dir'"csiion.Cl"£erfiil- . i. ll WW” ‘5- . _ . . wt} 3 ness and Pest; :ntams neither ; I! ‘« a in, \. \r J; Opmm.llciph...: tor -nnaml. . ‘ 3‘ v v , .‘1 ' :sborbnacolic. 2 J, v: 1.1..3. 1. : wince , I ,- 1 ' , w 3.4. .2317LW . 7-,- '--â€" If mw’t’f ' " fier'M’L'I \YtX.’ H (axioms; l Edda} 50M: ' ' .m; Jag! * 7' ram: - . . if RWWLJ; a i: w ”.217 no; - ;.:« "5 (new Juxr" . L l loamy/“r is": / _. I Apert’rctlicflmsdyforQonsiim- lion.Sour>t<é«mach.Diarrhoea, , , i - ‘. i l I; horns ,C ‘ 71:1; sons feverish- t work- Spring Is Here AND SO ARE WE I'm 1'30”?” Pianos,0rgans and Sewing Machines all kinds . ,, s not a ‘2 Winter boarder dealer, but an all the year round dealer, who 15 W00!” always here to see that what. you ; Ironing . _ orderyou get, and that gives good ., service in the years of run afterward. e s ' IXG. the ' r e Piano an . m... NM. WARREN H‘ghest G ad ., s d uaranteed “mm s: . ”WWW Preshvmim Organs. Best Canat ran and m rim. 9 1311.. Po. Box 21-. American Sewing Machines e of W006? _ __.._. rurnished . ' kit's; 9:12};- :«r-. 7- " 1 g -‘:j-:.’:;_ ; 3 0F 15 “0'51‘ NERVHUS LIFELESS S DEBILITATED MEN rouse. Nil-ZN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. the "lctlnls or earl y indiscretions and. later ex- cusses. who are failures in lifeâ€"you are the 3:2“: kcgrfi Crestore todmatnliotod eBJd trevive ' . - r' ncrg' an v . o ‘ ' Counzyana upinpdcspair becaiise you lhalali‘eytreatgd gift? Ken: other doctors. u‘cd electric belts and tried I168 01 various drug store nostrums. Our New! i‘vlfihod Treatment has snatched huzidrcdSiqz-g inc brink of despair, has re- stored happniess to hundreds 01' homes and has me. 2c successful men of those who were ”(i-""5531 and out." We rescribe specific rem~ ed. for each individual) case according to the 0 symptoms and complicationsâ€"we have no ()me patent medicmes. 'lliis is one of the secrets of , 't" our wonderful success as our treatment can- nd Trim all not fail. for we prescribe remedies adapted to nthn tack?» each Sakai/due: case Only curable cases ac. .. lie cep e'. e ave done business thro bout ged Canada for over 20 Years. u ... 2 $04.9 CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED bV appear OR NO PAY READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are jou intending to marry? lias your blood been iseased? Have you an weakness? Qur New Method Treatment will ) I cure you. W but it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest o inion Free of Charge. B " oyhood. Manhood. Fatherhood?!“ Freeâ€". ed) on Diseases of Men. U. (‘4’ WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No name T â€" thrill?“ confidential. Question List and Cost of Treatment. Paéfioxgafirfisvfilé REA DR Co Eyrnnenvamurov r. ichigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. “NOTI CE to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- See us “ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you de‘i Io Mpfstsfnfllly can at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and lie: . in our Windsor offices which are for cOTI’GSPOIIdence and Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows' DRS. KENNEDY 8r. KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. Private address. N0 NAMES USEn ”LE All letters from Canada must be addressed Fit? [3”; .“v‘~.wm~â€""‘ ' . a, L“ ‘ lea-rt." a“ e. - I ‘? ~ .v'.» . ‘.. '. .n'v "':. L .‘ .1". .. ""r .v u ," I Mrs. Randolph McDonald. of ROS? We“ °f the f ' A Passed through town ’on Tuesday on follow Will’ example“ :5”.- thelr W9? +n mnrfin+n I . n ‘1‘ \’ ..II #â€" Va“ In. ment. the decease of King Edward an event Em- pire and by no one of its Dominions truly lamented by the whole more than that of Canada. They haVe visited the county gaol and found the premises in good order with the excepeion of the steps the front entrance. They have assured that this seriaus defect at the entrance is to be remedied withâ€" delay by the construction of steps and a substantial porch There were three prisoners in out granolithic the gaol, one serving sentence one a sentence for obtaining goods false pretences. The lockup of the town of Lindsay The was found in fair condition. steps ae too steep for the use which they are Intended, and conse- injury from stumbling forward. The ceiling liquid the floor of .the horse stable above. and such a result shouldbe quently there is danger of is stained from leakage of from prevented. They would express their hension that in too many quor cause a course being pursued by the forcement of the law. They found the court house in an excellent condition. of cleanliness and would express their appreciation of . the admirable system of heating the NH. WARREN Dealer In III II Grade, ' 3 county buildings which. has been in- stalled by the county cauncil. They have had pleasure in visiting the Ross Memorial Hoshital and would express their gratification on finding that the institution is be- stowing benefits on the community. The House of Refuge was found to have as inmates 37 men and 22 wo; men, 9. 01:23.1 of 54 persons. The house is in good condition, thor- that their comfort fully provided for. The arm is well cultivated and they would mention especially the fine It was a matter of surpris to them to find there is a. slaughter house across the road from the House of their visit a, very offensive odor was noticed as they entered the lane. All of which is humbly submitted. Sgd. ANDREW BRADEN, Foreman. ‘_+__ Was a Motive For the Murder Niagara Falls, Ont., June 18.â€"Sever- a1 witnesses at last night’s inquest swore that George Raddovalvetch, who was attacked by Eli Kendock and Tosa Birto in a coal shed at the Michigan Central Montrose yards. and died in the hospital here Tuesday, had been killed evidently because he had pre- viously attempted to bribe the fore- man to discharge the two men who later attacked him. Department Will Watch Airships Ottawa,~June 18.;Annou'ncement is made at the Militia Department that expert oficials oi the Department will attend the aviation meet to be held in Montreal beginning on June 25, with the object of making observations as to the adaptability of aeroplanes for military purposes. Tests will be made by shooting and dropping. explosrves from the aeroplanes on objects below. for a breach of the Liquor License Act vagrant and one undergoing under appre- instances where crime is committed by persons under the influence of intoxicating li- there is a tendency to make the condition of the person from this an excuse for lessening the punishment. They disapprove of such om- cials who are entrusted with the en- THE LINDSAY POST _â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"__r-__ , leged Soon there it is said that Pownceby an hour as they were constable went and spoke to he responded. Constable Thornbury then lodged in the county gaol. the necessary papers. 23 years of age. eighteen of of good appearance and address. is alleged lady in Kinmount. â€"â€"-â€"§~ The Twelfth Promises to be a Record Breaker miscs to be. from Counties will celebrate here. monstration will be a record breaker. the business men. greatest benefit, as meals and accomo dation have to be sugplied to the im. mense throng weather conditions are in this part of the Province. The following speakers are expected to deliver addresses T. B. Collins, P.G.M.; J. H. Devitt, M.L.A.; Col. Sam Hughes, M P., P, C M ; John Kelley, P C.M.; S. J. Fox, M.L.A.,' J. H. Delmere, P.D M.,' Dr. Mason. M.L A.; Rev. L A. Duprau, P.G.C.; Dr. J. W. Wood, P.D.M.; Dr. A: E. Vrooman, Rev. J. F. Chapman, Rev. A. H. Brace, Rev. W. H. French Elevator the resident clergyman, and several others throughout the country and from a distance. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-+â€" Proceedings Confidential. London, J une 18.-â€"The conferees re- presenting the Government and the Opposition on the subject of the House of Lords’ veto legislation held their first sessmp yesterday. It was agreed that. their deliberations, the scope of which 18 to. be untrammelled, should be confidential. . ,_.4 y.... - ~-â€"...». . mâ€"~-â€".â€" Alleged‘Burglar Captured by Cdnitable But Henderson May Not Hang Next Rochester police Friday which Robert Hendeeson is to .meet} to have committed burglary It is their first duty to refer to and larceny in Rochester city. Con- stable Thornbury was sent .to Kin- mount to locate the man in questiOn after the constable arrived, had gone out into the country with a. young lady. Following on the trail, at the constable came in sight been two, and shadowed them for about returning to Kinmount. When near the village the the man, calling him by name, to which of the made known his business, and the man was placed under arrest. He was brought to Lindsay'ou the evening train. and Chief of Police Vincent advised the' for Rochester authorities of the arrest, and an officer is now on his way with The prisoner claims to be a Cana- dian, born in Hamilton. He is about which have been spent in the States. He is It A local young man who has been that his undoing was brought about by a letter which is supposed to hate been written by the In Lindsay Orange Demonstration on That Date The greatest Orange Demonstration in the history of the Midland District is what the nth of July Celebration to be htld in Lindsay this year pro- The energetic committe: in charge of the demonstration has received as- I I I . , surances from every lodge in Victoria, Whmh Mr' Kerr s Haliburton, Peterboro and Durham oughly clean and they found evidence Counties that they Will be here in full the inmates are well fed and strength, while a number of ledges Northumberland and Ontario This will be the first visit to Lind garden in connection with the house .537 ofa number or lodges and this in itself is sufficxent proof that the de- Thousands of viSitors will pour into Refuge and that on the occasion of town from all parts of the Midland District, which means considerable to bridge and was carried over the falls. This is an oc- casion, held without any great ex- pense to the citizens at large, and from which the merchants reap a benefit. The hoteikeepers of course reap the The. suicide wore a thin straw colored ' The demonstration ,3 protracted spree. therefore 15 of great value, and if the favorable, Lindsay will be the scene of the big gest Orange demonstration ever held The Scaffold ‘ ls Completed 4 I _.... Thursday ,. Peterboro Reviewâ€" The scaffold on l his death, has been practically com- pleted. A gang of four men has been working on the scaffold for some days past under the supervision of I the official executuioner. In spit-e of 1 several enquiries at the Sheriff’s ofi- ice, the name of the hangman could not be found out and for the reasons the Review presumes, that he wants his identity concealed. From a reliable source it is learned however, that the executioner is a man of middle size aboup fifty years of age and speaks with an English accent. The scaffold is in the inner jail yard on the north side and about two feet of it may be seen above the jail wall. A portion of the rope was visible yesterday, but it will be impossible for the public to see any part of the execution as the boarding at the top will be arranged so as to Two more were recognmed’ yesterday, prevent this. making atotal of 26. Two other bodies , - are still at the morgue, and four more The executuioner has left the city, ' are yet in the ruins. . - and will officiate at the hanging of The city authorities ceased last , h 1 night the work of hunting for ‘mord wait-“(fr Ross at North Bay on t e 2 victuns, and The Herald took over the arrivmg here from there for I-Ibnder- task this mormn' g. son’s execution on the 23rd. This morning a public funeral was held by the Typographical Union on behalf or 13 members. Twenty-Six Bodieildentified (Special to The Post) Monti-em ' ,‘Jiiné'iSTâ€"One" .,-_- by one the blackened remains of the victims of The Herald fire are being identified. a prisoner in the jail until recently, on a minor charge, states that Hen‘ Missionaries Not Trouble Makers. derson is just as indifferent in his Edlnb , J1me 13â€"me E season attitude as reports would ind cate. Bryan the evening He shaved the condemned man on a Of the .World‘s Missionary COnference. couple of occasions and the latter re- He refuted many °f the objections.“ ' ’ d ' that ‘ marked thathis barber might as well "313310113 an and mm were much less apt to 1: Wow cut his throat as let somebody else trouble than-persons . went hang him. for the purpose of making money. The young man says that Hender- Flios Highest Yet. ; son is a clever parodist and readily Indianapolis, Ind, June 13...de composes parodies on “Old Grey Bon- Brookms' ’in 6 Wright biplane hrokd net" and other popular Songs. the world s aeroplane record for alti- His counsel Mr. F. D. Kerr, is in tude yesterday, when he soared to a Toronto trying to put forth his best height of 4.503 feet. His motor , ; ped as he. was 6 ' and a endeavors to save a life, and he has matiile a ghdelgitfitgg miles, had,“ succeeded in his initial step. 938 y m a w - Yesterday, Mr. Kerr made initial application to the trial judge, ML} Justice Riddell. ‘ He obtained a reserve case. :3 cfgeéecogdlggtogsmggfsotg 13:; 0331‘ 'A special court will be held ati finger tips when drawing a ticket or Osgoode H311 on MODdaY next, at a transfer from a bunch. This order exceptions, made is being made at the request of the at the trial here, will be heard. Board Of Health "â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"-- Scott Going to England. 0 - Ottawa, June 18.â€"W. D. Scott, .com- 8‘1“]de at I'missioner of immigration, will sail for England on July 15. He will .be abâ€" sent about six weeks and W111 inspect Niagara Falls; permeate a... .. the 3...... __ , __+;___ illrink CauSed i This Alexandria, Ont., J'une 18.â€"Post- master E. A. Newton of Fassifern cut ibis throat yesterday morning at two ’o’clock with a razor, and expired im- mediately. n Dry Transfers at Ottawa. Ottawa, June 18.â€"A free distribu: tion of saliva on Ottawa street cars is Niagara Falls, Ont., June 18.â€"An unidentified man, between 35 and 40 years of age, yesterday morning ump- ed into the/river from Green sland Arthur Wells, Leeds, England, a. tour- ist, saw the suicide jump into the wat- er. and describeshim as being above medium. height, of light complexmn and. garbed in light-colored clothes. moustache and had on a black derby. Wells thought that the man’s appear- , and removed from Montreal to - The funeral of the twelve Hungar- iFassifern about three years ago, where {an 'fire victims was held yesterday i he purchased a store. mornin . About five hundred people [drinking heavily. attende . The coffins were taken to ' the cemetery on four draped drays. _a__._._._... He had been A couple of neighbors were spend- ing Thursday night watching him. About two o’clock Newman got up and went to a bureau drawer evident- ly to‘get a cigar but actually to se- cure a razor. PORT ARTHU , 8...... .. - . ds, h blew out the lamp, andbe- ”HA8 SENSATION Eéhggeg:f?huilgtfi:§iie the Situation. . ,l. Port 5:th out; June lagâ€"A first- class sensation was Sprung in eleva- O tor circles at the head of the lakes T P to-day when it became known that W0 resentAtlons Commissioner Casizlef 13.3 ' sealed u the bins of severa o e A C ll terminalpelevators here, and that the t 0 e late result of a full investigation wrll probably be the proving of a antic system of manipulation of gra es. The exact facts are not. known yet, but it is rumored that operations have net- ted millions to those in the 11119.. What points strongly to seriousness in the afiair is that Castle is taking (personal e Winners of Debating Series and Mr. Rosevear Remembered ._ A, special meeting of the Literary antic? Gagging? DOt left any tail to Society of the Collegiate was called Prominent grain men here believe laet'night to settle some business be- that the Dominion Government vull shortly step in and take over all the terminal elevators. fore the end of the term. Two.- pre- sentations took' place: The first when accessions?- , that fish'day islike child’s pp}... “Qt-9" - 'It cannot mime'tbۤcbtba ind five.~ " the sweetest cleanest “9.10“,- ' Soap frhe'é'e ii’ nothing in it 51,!959‘3'05 53‘3’1 - ”â€"w-â€"-- Mr. Joseph O'Neill and Miss Ruth' McPhaden, who won out the debating series as representativec of form IIIA" were presented with a fine shield, on which was engraved the names of the winners. .. Mr. Jennings before presenting the shield congratulated the winners and trusted that stiff competition might be kept up by the forms each year to claim such an honor and prize. The second when the executive the Literary Society presented Mr.- Rosevear with a kodak accompanied " by a liberal suply of photographic material, a present from the school. and the following address: Dear Mr. Rosevear,â€"’l‘he executive of the Literary Society, remembering your long and faithful services to this important phase of Collegiate life, feel impelled to place on re- cord their appreciation of your help- ful advice and hearty (Do-operation- They feel that from you they hire learned valuable lessons in proper methods of conducting business, and preparing for the duties of life. We shall miss you asthe final link binding the old order of things to the new. You have‘helped to sustain the best traditions of our society, and our best wishes go with you to your new sphere of activity. ‘ Please accept this kodakas a EOE- en of our good will and you may be assured that membtrs of the Literary Society will follow with much inter. est your career of unceasing influence and usefulness. Signed on behalf of the Literary: Society: WILL I. HENDERSON, PreS. J. HENRY PHILP, Rec. Sec. Mr. Bosevear made a very suitable reply, thanking the students for such recognitions. The meeting then closed with singing of the National Anthem. the Dropsyâ€"â€" Man’s Death Given up byDoctoi- ' “I had dropsy, and was told by my family physician that there was no chance for me. My, family also gave me up. My; limbs and body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering. I took Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy; until I was entirely cured. This was in 1902, and I am now able to do any kind of work on my, farm. My cure was certainly. marvelous.” L. TURLEY CURD, .VVilmore, Ky. Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy has been wonderfully successful in relieving heart trouble. Its tonic efiect upon the heart nerves and of ’1-

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