-...,, . ~,. $.35} kt» <“ BAT) FINE AT CURTIN’ :3 7 I4 . Last evemng, shortly before elzvea ' i: o‘clock, a brilliant reflection was I: 7‘ notmed on the sky about two miles an east of 1111 town, and on cn1u ry eAl'ways Bought, and which has been :as borne the signature of 11d has been made under his per- ners. ' . ~ , ' " . «tin’s brick yard, at Pottery Cor- /r"'""'" ï¬Ã© /flâ€"a’~ sonal supervision since its infancy. _ The fire was DOtACCd by some / v1.46“ Allow 100110 todeceive you in this. j 1 min 90mg home from town to the All Countâ€: ‘oits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good†are but ' railway construction camp, who gave Experiments that trifle 11 1th and endanger the health of _ .tbe alarm and went to me Wts and derenâ€"Exl1cr1enco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cacto'ia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goï¬c, props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not other Narcotic .ubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and 311275 Fev crishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the f Stomach hand Bow cls, givi..g healthy and natural sleep. The Children’ s Panaceaâ€"The Mother’s Friend. assume CAST3RI A ALWAYS of ~. ~--..-..... From Friday's Post. Lindsay is losing another well known and popular c;tizen in the person of Mr. R. J. Menzies, who has rtsigned his position with Dun- das and Flaveile’s and will leave Monday. for Saskatoon, where he the R. B. Irvine and Co. Lumber :l and coal office in that city. trict, but all will join in wzshing him every success .n the flourish- city of Saskatoon The Alli You Hare Always Bcughl in Use For Over 30 Years. Tut CINTAUI COMPANY. " MURILV "RECY, Hm YORK cm. dry goods business, and has been mn-, - for some twenty years, and is probably the oldest employee of the firm. 1 Bob started at the dry goods business in his teens. He entered .0 son in an important position. In 1882, “Bob" journeyed to Wi nnipe: ' and- Dealer in Pianos and Organs :inn m Ili‘ .'.'i:'1 _: tlr- very best PIANGS that money can hi!“ to II. ï¬l‘nlii :ml :1: reasonable turns. it required also l1 nulles the Firâ€; yUA. .it was found to be at Frank Our- . scene . will accept a splendid position in' "Bo n†will be much missed by' his many friends in town and disâ€". Mr. Menzies is a vet'ran in the; ' was secretary, and the. motive pow- 1n the employ of the D. (9: F. firm . er behind the famous Lindsay Red which is in itsslf a splend'd tri-j mite to his worth and a'-ility. He? the employ of the late J. Thomp-' Petcrboro and afterward; went to Rochester,,lwhere he filled p ONTARIO, S BRIIAI’AND FRIDAY. €003} WORK llfiNi'". BI WILLING iiEIPERS of the conflagration, and rendprcd very valuable asaistancc in szvlng the propcrty. There was burned the _s~.~_â€".. _. ibuilding in wh1ch the nick press insurance. It‘ls hoped, however, to have the, plan.L in tWo weeks, and Mr. trade in the'meantime. ROBT I. NIENZIF S LEAVING LINDSAY GOES TO SASKATOON ON MONDAY I remained there for a short t' me, {0nd finally came back to Lindsay l wnzre he became 1dentf1ed as clerk with the firm of Bradburn and Co, during whrchltime, he managed, with great success. the local opera house. Afterwards he entered the tral Pr.son was handed out this. A c1t12e0,who was out wes t of issued by the Examiner of that I employe 0f Dundas and ' FlaVEIIB'S I morning by Police Magistrate Jack- the town in the neighborhood of c ty, and are combattn' the pest I when they conducted the SWIG son, to a worthlacss character who Bryscn's school house, Stilt-CS that I 11'. th great success. 3 :Zgrefifgd ghgsvsefz :3: b::;:dssposi:f Elias been wandering the streets of there are millions of the.p:sts on i The chug have 31-0 made their : 1 L1ndsay for over a fortnight. It .s the trees and shrubbery, and unlgg * app earance 99.: e :11 di ,f;reny_ runsâ€; ‘0“ It 0°C“) 55 today I.s to be hoped this punishment will something is done' to exterminatz I the town, and unless brom‘fvt act- I Mr. Menzies is an enthusiastic cur- : be the mean; of dr.v.ing the other them, a. great deal of damage wil 101:1:5 t:ken, the result 27.3.1 prove,- ' ler. a member of the C 0.0.F. and 'A.O.U.W. He is an ardent promot. (1131111: and boiler house, and the . was located†The loss will ‘11: con- With oil tnis year and' the ‘siderable and was not, COV'crc-d by In operator), again Curtin will also be able to take care of his PAGES NINE JUNE 2 1911 GILING STREETS IN PETERBGRO l 351111111; 122111 11111711111) 11111113 circa-2121 c 1': 1.1721111 streets Pcterboro has experimentzd [w th :1 kni.e or sti‘l,to, away from Ilil‘ ct ““iliiollr'. ..., 3-. r1 :1 Per-- Visltors from Lindsay to Peter-i A mysterious stobbinv afiray took . ‘rrccecdd t» 11"(ztl:.rc - cilia: here yesterday had an opportunity lilaiiin thctFarstVanu this morning I the) found a «0mm : 1 a 12.312: of of seeing the effects of oil on the ; :23 8:1':::1: gibigdc r .t:01;':::z:c:en iltsl. “.1“: cums in. l , '; quiz.»- 3. ..m ‘t11,~11~.d. 5:11;: :1 1.1- :1 - 1-4 to at: l r:su1ts I it appears :nac satisfactory. In convcr- :‘ed by â€'0 companions “Cm-â€fl Lyn ch I , . . ; and Abcrcrombie we.“ n .. I " ' ' " ‘ satxon with several business men, s ’ e U tUEII‘ W y I15 ddmï¬d ma home, about two o ’clock this morn- ' on the matter, they stated that . 111g Accordin t éfight it out. The result was that he . . . I O as, f . or \d'v ‘ . sq . ‘33-, dust nu1srn3e had been pract,czl'.y g ‘t'ory told by one . 1:..4 :Ucre1y stabbed ...ce _ of the art ', shout . .' eliminated. Of course, ashght odor y rd b: they 5“ inc :ruere heard 11 a from the oil was qu.’te 1.1ercepti3f13,2 V I 3 111,49, The trio but it was far from being disagree :j§:h;.;:.:,:; .515. :1 g. iS 1111 CATERPILLAR PEST WITH US? “ " ' 11111111 10111 ____1__REES FOR use ises to be a success. Lnless our citizens take prompt ‘ ady, when their nests were I l l l r‘ ,_‘ \IuLCC‘ll acomp'inâ€" - Ltion followed in Hi; (21 :1 3.1.2? 1:? scantISng figured ,rrcsni mt? AvA are highly ‘. and. it. i . (acctâ€"en ws left 11;- times in the arm. A local physician was visi- tei and the w winds v r~rp drgsaed. o.â€"- ..- -’W burned. tent-1y, statics that the caterpillars hive made their appearance titre" 11 good numbers. The citizens, however have taken heed to the note of wanting .â€"---nu-n-vâ€"-. - IVAGRANT GETS A action, there promis: s to he a rep- :SIX MONTHS TERAI 1...... .. p. wh 1c21 swept this pr v.nce some Visitor to Peterboro ves years ago. A six months" term in the Cen- Ibums from our borders. , ‘ The prisoner this morning, who result. Many were destroyed yester- -sutro er. Of clean leg timate sport. and :gave his name as Brodey, was a 3153101 or 21111131119 ASSiiClA'fiGl: on RuSSell-st. west yesterday and ‘- Birds for several seasons, at altme fr1ghtened the housewife by his 111-; MR. jASo STflRZE} MERE iii ï¬TEB ‘ ‘ when they won the Midland League :solence- He ev1nced no desire to I E31 :E: L ‘ Championship. and brought fame leave, but the presence of aV’Sil-OI‘ and glory to the town. In fact ; Mr. Menziesz has been ' with baseball for twenty years. I Messrs Norman and Harry Men in the; city of Saskatoon. I Mrs. Menzies w.li remain in Lind say for some time. W SUI’T. IRWIN GIVEN A SEND OFF identified ci‘es, sons of Mr. Robt. Menzies at present occupy responsible Positions I .of officers took place 3112 resulted ‘as follows: resgdrntâ€"Jas. Storer Lnddfy. Vice President~Mr Wr.it;s ‘ oi .Little Br ritain. Sec.-Treas.â€"â€"l\fr. Webster. of 611111» I I I x I soon forced him to make tracks. 0g Victoria Day, the annual mac: Brodey exercised little judgment, ing of the Victoria County Be: when he thought he could g?t mon ikeepers Association 'was held in - 'ey in a pm nting ofï¬ce. He held up the Public Library w: th about thir- f the stcnographer .n the Post for cash ty delegates present The president but of course he got none. “Jr. James Storer pres 'ded The ! The six mentns will do h.m good 1569543,] was a most enthus as,“ one '11 n3 â€" and the magistrate is deSerVing OfIand the discussion on co- operation 1 The res aiton of 31-â€" -\ H the thanks of the citizens for met- I in selling honey and other quesu Ixome, 55 secretary 0‘ L3,)- . ' in}; 0111: the punishment. tions pertainiog to aplculture elicit- g Assmiaï¬onwas rCCe-ived wzt'a re; A h ch ‘ - - - ' , "0t 91' aracter named 3151930“ 3 ed valuable 1nformat1on for those _ gre't, as that gentleman hes ting-d alias Burke, who was classed as a _ .vzyl $11211 If; ' litest Imuin" SSQING BAGBISES bOtll -â€"'\1l1t‘!'1¢an present. ,the postion with crcdlt {3;â€" (10m null and :111 11 :LI\(>‘.~. mull 111 ROW) rink Vihf-t’ng 5t3193- “I“ tolba’ vagrant, wans remanded until ThUI‘S- Interesting addresses were deliver- years, 13,-..- p, _\';\\"1\'. '11 ~(lt‘l idml to “1111111 11.29 slmr 1’. date payments 3 'day. when a charge of theft w.ll be d b M J 1 ~- - :1'1} :"1‘ 11. 1-- biz. u at «ash prices i 11' short date settlements. B I d , h' e y r. ames Armsmcng, 0f g The ‘xictona County Bee Keepers, AI: ..1 0 ‘ . ‘1‘1'1- m ..--:11 1:17 w », V1 4111111? we sell 111 111 w goods and will es in mg: 0 0 0 pre erre analDSt 1m. Cheapsxde, an acknowledged author- 2 Association iS affiliated v.73: the (r l ( IL _ . . , _ ' mu: 1 l1.1:1 '. .1" I 1"7‘1»: lum lit fi'ului ("151113 :1:\\ (23:81: :tlgeSdb'ntlliS Pgilffwg _.. 1ty on aplculture, and Mr. John ’ Ontario Beekeepers Assoc::~.tio:1 and 17:1i,i:r\~lil-~t~i\c:lf~.iip:'1\pe'1 v (-21 'e 11'. I . . _ _ . . . . _ . ‘ b.1'.-- “l,- .3 v1 1 w- 11.; lutll 111 New 1111-1 Second Hand Goods. Saskatoon Capital: A large num- tion to (1th. by WhICh YOU have Here’s Aï¬Gthef ston, of Cannington. 5 this and sgmzlar assocmt.:::13 in her of the C.N R. staff gathered in endeared yourself to 113. and to A question box was 8180 one of ‘ the province; are handled ly the ' â€"â€" "‘ ask that you accept fcl’ yourself the important features of the se:- ,Government,51milariy to the F312“ the superintendent's office in the OppOSIte St’ Andrews for the patrol leaders and corpor- .:.I‘~.-m“'§ osss§ sm‘m‘ -Q§-§‘.‘~‘-‘\“ o. 1.....â€"â€"u â€".â€"â€"-â€" OI. ““QLQ‘A‘ ‘M‘“- W“““ Church, â€illiam- st _ _ i: 1 Phone I3f-L. BOX 217 the purpose of show1ng Mr. Irwin their apprccï¬ztion of his untilrlng “‘ W“Wm ‘ . “' â€â€œâ€œâ€œâ€˜ “““‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ._ :nzrgy 1n the interests of the com- pany which they all served, and al- Jso the esteem in which he was hell W?! $5535 7 43:5" u 9- ’N4.' ,by every member of the staff of SURE "‘0 SEE this division. After Geveryone was present Mr. Irwin was informed ERIEA QDE BUGGEES that as there was no chazr which ,they could ask him to stand on and face the music. They would let him stand on the floor. Mr. A. J. ' Hughes then read the address which Iwas as follows: John Irwin, Esq.â€"The staff of the Canadian Northern Raway in this Icity, whose names are subscribed Ihereto, desire to voice their eppre I I STRONG AND STYLISH Sale Cheap Several Second-hand Buggies For. ciation of the manner in whc‘n you have conducted the affairs of the company here. and cheerfulness of manner and of your atten- M 1011mm Secures I 55$? EEEFS‘) 435’: ii. 3.511135 3.555 .2 Shaw: mall:- by patients l~""'g 111. New? 1.2201511. Tr: 21312111. They knew it Cares .. I?" No Name: or Tcsï¬moaial; used without written consent 1,033 523:5:1; ill-$.13???) \I'ZXZ‘CS CCBED. A New Armory or: the face. (to. After two mo 1.115 :(s as follows: â€"- ‘1'. ur welconlc litur 1-; hand and am very 2:31p} to 5:12: 1'2111 I mink myself cured. 31y 'x'aric rl-‘e Veins have completely dis- ;ppvazcoz for (1131-. :1 w bile and it seems :1 (2111-. l “.1111: 1 '1r" er and feel lets if r d. I be. 'e no (ms: re for that habit 117". 1'1:' 1'7'...‘ ;: 1335' 122:;- this “hie-l1 â€Cw†" ‘ ‘ .The Militia Deuartment at Ottawa ihas announced that a class D arm- :ory of cement and brick will be built fin the village on the sight of the old , _ . I l . I Ivl 111.7 -,-'.'-r\ rr-aSHR to hell me I “ill. >- : '. 5:131:22; 1,011 for your kind attention," frame drill shed. eiC. . It is now a settled policy with the (2.113111) 1-: rent-s IX ONE MONTH. -j 122111-11: Na. 13:22. This patient (aged “ 5‘1 ; Militia Department to build ermorics ,where companies are stationed in or- '- ' ‘» .-: 2.1:. :1 (-l....,_- rage of Nervous Dev .. “2'1 (15m; very well. '13 l.1 one month to that , - ‘ 1 cc ,2: :1 1:12:11: :fou Later .37 . ..1 be: inning to feel more . I feel my condition is ‘J'l' every week.†Ills last re- l,‘.-.::o:'sâ€"â€".1.s I feel this is :2:-n:‘n's treatment that I will 1. I {bought at one time I . ‘ l,r- cur-:d but I put con- .»:;,.~ 3133'“ from the start and you are curve are." ‘15:,1' and 51-2121: '3'c-zicness and was run . ' am. in v. and vitality. After one ' Ider to keep them up to their full montas l!"‘f‘.lI‘.'it"l[ he rcpoi‘ts as fol- ;’ I ~ . . .. 1 have strength. $14 .,.,- ' M9 $223115 DP - 1532371: .9 1fn-o» PRESENTED WITH CA SE (IF PISES On Saturday, Mr. R. J. Menzies, fwho left today for Saskatoon, was ,the recipient of a'case of pipe; :from the L1ndsay Curling Club. Mr. George McFadden and Mr. T. J. I’Tilley, wanted on ,Mr. Menzies in Ithe D. F. store, and made the presentation on behalf of the club. . Mr. Menzies made a graceful ac- 1‘7." '1 '-'.'.':' 31:“. '1 H91 - "Pt‘T CHENNAI-'17 .4 ’I‘Ir AI‘IK‘ or... - .5-.. 3...: .. .._ __ _ . - 7 y "2'â€- :",:"- " : ~-'~‘~ ,- » . '3::.‘E:.!"'"' .11 1', .BLOOD AND ~-- -';-. .1“). ..'.- 1-1..) 14.11.142... 31.7.13. hi.) and all Dawes _I“'."* '1‘ p. «p, .7...†can..- scflsaalaso on so acrv - ~¢~Ju.~»mc~uâ€"o*s .. ‘Nngl-l : . 1 .3. a . ,aâ€" â€"..â€" T‘ï¬.ra â€qr-w , "‘3'" -2 J. 1.1:: :.-..'.._. If and“: to call wzim. .cr :1 Question r~:-.~1‘v. :- ., "- ‘ '-'=-‘ = ’ " r3331?- '\ mtzthe addreszed to our Can- ". 1' '9. ’1’ ' sh.) 12-111’31 COT r‘: :’;e C‘:;- 'flrflcnt as £0139“, 2 “"râ€" -â€"...“ , Law-mes..- :3 12.45. marrow . c. amass? ,wmoséx.01‘l'l‘ ,: .,. ‘ 5573:1314 g I unqgaii gig ’ gig %Eï¬HE ‘ W Pu .‘a 3. :35 3 Mfl=l|o , - ucmgan Ave. and Gris'WOId SL9 Debi ' 001'" "â€â€™j¢f’l,ï¬â€â€˜/ï¬"l: i"? ' :ï¬â€˜ul’f. ,- _, , howledgcmedt. 1.1.514 . I,.l.'1la l l l 1 (‘me ." . 16883.81'mptvms when he s: ;.1;_U. trcazment :â€"Agc 21. single. in- I 1 .1119. 1".†~lightr'uu'ars - I '.';-.:2 se v41: .5 on w 21 Shierâ€"pimples 2’: Omemee is to have a new armory. place with mud. Yet no iciA 551131.01 and Mrs. Irwin this little gift up- on the eve of your departure. While we regret your departure, yet we _ the Lindsay bins that mg with each other to see feel that it is a move in right direction, and we know your uprightness of character, your ability,, and your unszlfishncss will secure for you in the new district, the great esteem and reward with whilch you have Been Held here. He Was then presented with a travelling compan.on, ’ Mr. Irwin though consldzra‘olysur prised. was soon able. to find his voice, and made an appropr‘ te re- ply, thank.ng the staff on behalf of himself and Mrs. Irwin, and, in concluding said that he would al- ways have a warm spot in his heart for the staff at Saskatom Mr. Irwin.leaves for he new d.- vision today at Dauphinn, and his pcsit.on here will be filled by Mr Fisher. No Holiday 011 Saturday Saturday, June 3rd, the King’s Birthday, has been proclaimed a legâ€" al holiday throughout the Dominion of Canada. Ia some centres an eï¬ort is being made to observe the day by suspending business in the stores and factories, while in the majority of pla ces. the occasion will be observed by the banks and law courts. Lindsay merchants, it is under- stood, will keep open on Saturday. Apetition was circulated this mor- ning among the merchants in favor of keeping open shop. and it was signed by practically every businessman. AKnock From Griffin Orillia Packet: Lindsay should be a pleasant: place of remdence. The other day, a gang of young hood- lums‘gathered before a Chinese lnun dry, threw fire crackers in at the door, among the laundered parcels, and then plastesed the front of the arrests were made. -. hild‘ren Cry- ron Putnam's .1 'General Electric Compï¬ny. 1E 1-1 During the day the election I ers' Institutes. IDIVGRCED AND ldonster Egg seem to 23,3;- FIRST COMMUNION can produce the largest hen fruit. AT ST Egg-RYSS ï¬g; E Some worthy examples haVe. al-- . Eu FRP‘EEE) fig-g along this part1culsr line of fruit ready been noted but the latest, From Thursday's Post. was an egg laid by a Rhoda Is- , At 8 o'clock mass in St. Maryaâ€"3 â€"».â€"-.. Alli of T ":1 3:0 and. .. . C napxn, . 3 ‘ .. ' ï¬r : :v A '4" land Red, belonging to .Jr. Con church tï¬ls morning, an irrpress sivel Lame \vebb, of Reno koala were quergood, Adelaide street. The egg ‘ceremony took place, when over oneI mar tried by Justice of the Peace, ' ' . .1, ' _ k 4 - ,. - ' -. ‘3 , 1n quest.on measured 8 by GA in ..undred and se\ enty-fne little ch1ld-I W1ll-am J_ Burke, 111 the (my Hall ’ches in circumference. An egg like that would mean a very ren received Holy Communion for the I . . Jersey City, reap: ct- I first time N J., on Tuesday last. The bride was a nativ e of Bzight 00, and belongs to one of the bat. known familxs 1n the County of able meal in “5811- The littleones have been under going instructions in the Christian doctrine for some weeks at the hands of Ven- erable Archdeacon Casey in order to fittingly prepare then: for the recep- 1111111151 11111 . This morning the little tots assem- bled in the Convent Hall and Peterboro, Ont., May 26.â€" Mrs. 'I‘. marched to the church singing a H. G. Denne, wife of ex-Mayor Denne, hymn of praise to the Almighty. The; died suddenly this morning about 9.20 girls were attired in White: With veils, while the boys had a bow of ribbon on the right arm. They occu- . pied the seats in the centre aisle 1 With local apple buyers. - Rev. Father Gniry celebrated mac 5, . l 3:13:52;.A‘c°f.ii:Ԥf.?.faiii..ii?â€if,I DEATH OF FORMER the celebrant of the mass. I WELL KNOWN 6TH“ This afternoon, the children assem-g E““‘~“â€â€œâ€˜â€œâ€˜ ' ““ bled in the church, where they wereI «enrollx. in the scapular. They also re-[ The announcement of the death of D 0 abituafy Inewed litcir baptismal kows and re- Mr. J, J, Wetherup, of Vancouverr I , . “ Iowa! and act of consecration. ,, which occurred last evening in that city, after a, short illness will be ERNEST ALFRED EDGAR I received with sincere regret by a I Examinerz-â€"After along and pain-l 'HOLIDAY BLAZE i’large number of friends and rein- g.ful illness, Ernest Edgar passed awayI BAHAGED FESIDENCE: tives in this district The deceased last eveninn'. The deceased was born; W3 9 born 'n the townsh. p of Fen. l l . l and came with hisI 'eld on, and later moved to Lindsay. l I Norzhumberland. She was ï¬rst unrâ€" ried in Toronto in 1898 to Drf A1- bert Warner of Napanee. and m Pat. divorced from him on St. r-c':i's Day, 1911. Arthur S. Chap1n, is a well known apple exporter, and has done an extensive trade. and for many yeasts has done more or less 21133: at Maplehurst, the family residence. She was sitting at breakfast with her two daughters when she was seizâ€" ed with an attack of heart aï¬ection, and died almost imstantly. She was a daughter of Mr. J. 1. Davidson. Mm m...- m-..â€"...â€"-.-- . in Bobcaygeon, I l parents to Peterboro some seven years? 3’83“?de morn‘ng 3'00“ 11 30 the an went into the hardWRre bug. lfire brigade was called out to put _ a o. The bod will be sent to Bob- .- a , ears g t y b 710 out a. fire which had begun on the nes-, nd 1atcr for many y f caygeon o-morrow morning y ' roof .of Mr. ’Ihos'. Carew’s on Ade ,co ducted a piano and organ boar I l l I l 1 train. †.laid-e-st. It was thought that a 11: 3. He was a faithful member of Mr. Edgar, W110 is only 23 years and I spark from the chimney started the th: Cambridge-st Method.s: Chm' I has suffered more or lessl l.~1aze. Furled by a strong was: a Conservative â€1 pol' t‘c‘ and a . 8 months, from diabetes for five years. 1 He leaves to mourn his loss, a moth TOOL er, Mrs. Annie Edgar, four sisters MrsI brought into serv.‘Ce 11" t1 the 111'â€. Host sana Gordon and Miss Ni-na. Eaâ€"I gade arrived but on account 0’ th I ____.__.. l gar 0f puts-burg, and Mrs James, HerIf re being largely bencath the 100, The King's Birth 1a.}, ton and Mrs. Sarah Edgar of this city it 6011M not be very W911 reached ‘ 9 Iand three brothers, Earl, Oscar, and 111 this way When th“ f.remen 31“ Ottawa May 8' 'S aleg'al Orwell. His father died nine years ago rived However, it was $0011 brough‘ [holiday 3'1 mar Ccnada Giurnnent. Previous to his indispositi'on, Mr. under control. The loss is not Very emcee, banks, etc. close. Observance mm was employed at the Canadian great? but the roof is practically a by the general public is of courses? mkv. I....II. :2 ',1.-l.ll..l: “on! 2;. ; ..':I1:.,' . ouch re pectcd (:1 12:11. He laws 8 :.:~'.‘-: ' ~ 7’l11‘1,‘ '11 Buckets and water pads were : “d“ and young much I me n :hls loss. wind it soon spread over the whole 3 0!. June T0 TWELVE y‘a." «£519., “2115;.â€