day, Thursday, FLAGS Every loyal subject of King George V, should fly a flag on Coronation Day. ‘We have them in all kinds kinds and sizes at from Ic each up to $3.50. Be sure and get some. CORONATION HANDKERCHIEFS and CUSHION TOPS Do not fail to get one of o u r Souvmir Coronation Han ikerchiefs and CUSl‘llOl'l Tops with the pictures of their Majosties, the Royal Family, and British posses- sions. These are a nice thing to keep and the prices are within the reach of 3 for 5c and each everyone. “‘K Week’s Doings From Woodville (Special to The Post) On Monday evening, Dr. Ray, are- .tumed missionary, gave a lecture on South America and the :eople and tribes, illustrated with her-of curiosities from that country. On Friday afternoon the W. M. S. of the Lindsay Presbytery met in the Presbyterian Church. The ladies of the congregation served dinner to ov- grono hundred and twenty-five and :over three hundred took tea. ,A good and very interesting programme was, given "In the afternoon. i ’Miss Pearl Jordon visited friends here oser Sunday. Miss Sarah McDetmot, of Toronto 33 Km}, at Mrs. H. Ferguson's. ’5’}. and. Mrs. J. Treblico and child- ren, were in Lindsay on Saturday. i Mrs. Moore, of Midland, visited her nephew, Mrs. J. Huan, this week. Mrs. Daynes visited her daughter, Mrs. Lucas last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. McKay, of Glenn arm, visitd at Mrs. J. Murchison's' on Monday. The most destructive storm that was ever seen in this part of the coun tty, passed over about five o'clock on Sunday afternoon, destrOying fences, chimneys and barns in its path, break- ing and s:r. ishing trees and windmills The most terrible ever witnessed in this part of the country. Although a great deal of damage done to proper- ty, no lives are reported. The skating rinkis ucomplete wreck. The sheds in connection with the Presbyterian Church. are a mass of ruins. Rev J. Coburn, of Toronto. occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday, and two very ï¬ne men; were listened to. The congre- gations were not very large on ac- count of the severe storm. .Miss Ida Walker spenta few days with her sister at Derryville last week . l i t l t 1 Miss Rundie, of Sunderland visit- edher sister, Mrs. Bagshaw, over Hancock and family, of 30000 . ooo «Wows/99 . Defend Shrubs. Tree ‘ ‘ and Plants $0 W WNW») The? ad luv:- tlir-ii- e Fillies-â€" llc'till'.‘\' that will Spyii thrive, Purity e\‘.-:i if they do im‘ tic-(0% «illipilsll lll-‘ll' cmnpleteIlesliuic- 3 ion. There‘s :1 (lo-fence against H'li nl' llu'm‘ (‘i.i'illlt$. 522:4», Q lt', mildew. 1.:-.i- hugs. (Later- 8 titan. potato hugs. lulutct'u, nuns. Cari-rent wn lll~, rte, all g “'luirc (liil'ei-ent :r-cztl merit. \‘v'c .3,§%,Wai\e amoow - § .u‘c the right lnst'i‘thlde for y , tilt and mu te.l you how to rise (.0) *5: Vi†all flIl' best results. Q at} O t. ' .118 Cliff! A‘BENATE 0F LEAD >30: {,3- ii ever'yili ng as.- ft 1' protcct- . 3 1 your vegetation. Let us tell . 3 u about them. Ln it after this 9" at. er at once, I) fore it‘s too Q a". . . é ,.â€"_.__â€"_ O 3 __..___________. Q A. HIGINBOTHAM g [)ruggist, Lindsay. % Nearlyoopposite Post omce This store will be closed all carom TION DA Y different ' W lune 22nd, here. BUGGY DUSTERS If you need a buggy dust- cr, do not fail to see our ex- cellent assortment of Linen and Crochet dusters, shades of brown, green, grey and fawn, with fringe to match. At each $150, $1.25, $100 and ...................... 75G TABLE . CLOTHS Linen Table Cloths, pure bleach, ï¬ne even thread, pretty floral patterns, size 2x 2% yards; an excellent assortment cloth f6r every day use- Special $1.29 TOWELLlNG Pure Linen Russian Crash Towelling, half bleach, 20 inches wide, good weighty cloth. Very special per var/1......†............ 12 1-2c Linden Valley, visited at Mrs. S. Han . cock's on Sunday. -bank, l gisited friends this week. Miss Nora Brandon, of Cannington, spent a few days at Mr. W. Clark's. l Mrs. Heffner, 'friends here last week. ‘7" of , ngy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, Green- at Woodville Mr. and Mrs. W. Pervus, of Sunder- of Toronto, visited A‘good time is in store for all. Crochet Quilts White Crochet Quilts in extra large sizes, assorted patterns, well ï¬nished; ex- cellent quilts for the price. Specialeach 1.19 Sheeting Pure bleached English Sheeting, fine cven thread; has the appearance of linen sheeting; 21 vards wide, fr:e THE LINDSAY POST Hosiery Ladies’ Cotton Hcse. a beautiful range in fancy polka dot and striped pat- terns; all sizes. Special per pair 25c Blouses Ladies’ ï¬ne pure Linen Blouses, with hand embror- dered fronts, long sleeves, from dressing. Per yard open in either front or back; just ........................ 33c assorted s-zes. Regular $3, $3.50 and $4 00, While thev Corsets last, at each............ 1.25 Ladies’ Summer Corsets. in long hip styles, white D1 not forget our June only; all srzes. Per pair sale of Ladies Whitewear d .................. 500 of all kinds. 75C an .â€" J l Peter Moffat was in our village on spent Tuesday. With hit 93:63“ Mr Thursday, taking orders for fruit , and Mrs. Otsen Weldon. 'trees. - I MrI and Mrs. Elihu Rogers, and Mrs. J. Blewett, ofToronto,fs visâ€" son, Evvart, and also Mr. Maurice iting in our village this week. lRogers, attended the wedding of The Christain Church is holding a? Miss M. Stf John, and Mr. C. May, strawberry festival on the 12 of July on Wednesifay at Beaverton. Mr. Lorengo Davidson had the nio- fortnne to have his bani blown down ZIONâ€"F ENELON . .â€" land visited at Mr. J. Ruan’s on last last week. lantern views. He also showed .a num- ;Tuesday. l Miss Lena and Hannah McArthur, Toronto, were home over Sunday. On Wednesday afternoon and even- in; the Methodist congregation had a very successful tea and concert, good music by the choir, addresses by Rev. McCullough and Mann, and the burnâ€" ing of the Church Mortgage. The Church is free founded. LITTLE BRllAlNi (Special to The Post) Rev. Archer preached in our Metho- dist Church on Sunday evening last, in the absence of Rev. Chapman, who was supplying for Rev. Mr. Wilson, Lindsay. He gave a very fine sermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Glenny and Mrs. Jos. Jenkins departed on Tuesday morning of this week, for the North- west. w'aere they intend ViSiting F31- Paton and Mrs. Authors, of Toron- atives for a. few weeks. The Women's Institute will hold their next public meeting on June, l l l 23rd at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ; J. W. Henderson’s. tion is extended to all ladies to at- tend and hear the address to be given by Mrs. Thos. Shaw, Hespeles, Sub- ject is “Listen, learn,' and love,". Music will be applied by local talent. This premises to be a very interest- 'ing meeting, and a large attendance is looked fae. A large crowd attended the Chris- tian Church last Sunday evening on account‘of it being children's day. No sermon was performed, the children giving a programme, consisting of singing, drills and recitations. Every- one was well pleased with the pro- gramme. A specialt inVita- ; l The young peaole of our vicinity are ' holding their annual picnic on Coroâ€" , nation day, June 22nd. As usual they are looking forward to a very enjoy- able time. There will be no service in the Chris tian Church next Sunday, as Mr. Trainer will be attending conference. On Tuesday evening next our Ep- lworth League is holding its meeting on Mr. Fletcher Dix’s lawn. During nesday for Orlllia. where she in-- the summ?r months the meetings Will tends remaining for the summer. he held in open air. All are cordially invited to attend. Quite a large number from our village attended the anniversary and tea at Valentin. on Monday and as usual they report a ï¬ne time. " Mr. John Rodman is erecting a new verandah in the front of his residence. 1: Mr. J. J. Rich is busily engaged these days taking the census. ' Mr. W. J. Webster, of Montreal was the guest of Mrs. Alfred Webster, 3 day last week. During the storm last Saturday, Mr. W. J. Glenny’s barn was struck by a bolt of lightning. The shingles‘ mills, trees. etc. and sheeting on the roof were dam- aged somewhat but beyong that no , Mr. E. R. Rogers recently. harm was done. many roofs off buildings. (Spedal to the Post.) Short, of Oakwood, Was the Lott meanings From Powles’ Corners (Special to the Post.) A tornadic storm passed‘over here Sunday evening, doing a good deal of damage. Silos, windmills, chin:â€" neys. trees of all kinds, roofing buildings, etc., were torn off, and carried twenty rods away. Chicken coopa seemed to be aspecialty. Lightning struck Mr. Rutherford's barn, and tore part of one: gable (nil- ‘ 13%†A number from here took‘ in the Mrs. ggest of her brother, Mr. Worslevy for a few days. Quite a large crowd attended the Iron tea on MondaY. The baseball match between Powles Contacts and. Zion was not finished. on account of. the rain, and will be played at some further date: The. supper of pork and beans, pickles,.amdt other dainties was served from. flVe until. eight o'clock, after: which as good programme ensued- Not one number faiilhd to be present. Rev. Mr. EI- liott, of Oakwood, gave a gocd ado aress. Miss Alice Story, eloeution- of Markham, Mr; W. Howie, of Zion tea last 'Monday arm, assisted, and also the Zion The present wet spell is coming 21:11:. Rev. M" HOWard, was Chau‘ in a bad time. as there is so kindly acted as organise, for the W. W bster, Mrs. e tea, was well appreciated, also Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark,:Mr. H'w;e Ca- er to, have returned borne, afttr vislt- ,. e ' 0! m cn, . , , and kiss W. Moore. of Fenelon mg at Mr. D. Morton s, LakeSide . Falls, assisted. Much thanks were Cottage. given to those and the congregat. ion, who showed their thanks by a good Clappingi' The proceeds for the evening amounted to about $90. Mr. Wiltert Worsley spent WHITE LAKE. (Special to the Post.) Miss Maria Jackson, is weep end at home. tron Toronto. A strawberry festival will be held Mr. S. Switzer is taking the czn- {at Zion 0n the evening of June sus of Snowden township. 22nd in Mr. LeWis Moynes’ orchard Rev. J, E. Davey, will preach which is fust a few rods from the his farewell sermcn here and at church. A good programme is be- Ewan on Sunday. His new appointâ€" ins Prepared by the Epworth League ment is at Dunsford. and Rev. Mr. Pi’ L and Zion will then finish Smith, of Omemee is h's successor their baseball match. A priZe win here be given to the winner. .. oumrngprrmcs ited Mrs. S. Switzer last Saturday. and Sunday. What is Happening at the Pretty Little Capital c 1111in Township the home. 'Ilwo Very seVere thunder storms passed over here on Sunday. LrNDEN VALLEY. (Special to the Post.) (Specml to the Post.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank loggitt, Mrs. Robinson, of Toronto, is tha spent the week end at Norland vis- ' ggest of her niece. Miss E. Robin- itiï¬g his sister, Mrs. M. Kerr. ison- ‘ Miss Tillie Hancock left on Wedâ€" . Miss Susie Clarke left on Thurs- day for an extended visit with rela- tives in Goldwater Mrf and Mrs. H. Gallagher, of North Bay, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Teen Weir. the weekâ€"end with her brothers, Messrs Weir. Mr. Milton Nugen’c is spending the summer vacation at its home here. Miss Hannah Coad spent a few Mrs. McPherson, of Toronto was days with her cousinfMiss Jessie .the guest of .Mrs.T. A. McPherson. Coad this week. ‘ iOVer Sunday. Quite a severe wind storm passed. Mr. and Mrs. Graham. of Mount over our neighborhood 'on Sunday l Pleasant, were: the guests of the which did considerable damage by ldaughter, Mrs. H. Shields, on Sun- blowing hown sheds. sll‘oa, windâ€" , day. Mr. T. arsons left ' for Tor- r. Harold Cody visited his uncle onto on day evening, where he spent a few days before selling for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nether-ton, England. to attend the â€coronat’on. Quite a number of the ladies of Linden Valley branch of the Womens Institute, attended the Institute ton vention held in Lindsay on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cruess, spent Sunday in Brock, visiting his sis- ter, Mrs. A. Shires. of Keene, spent the Cameron. and Miss Ford, of Glen: I o I l Gmghams Fancy Striped Ginghams, good weighty cloths, true even weaves in shades of grey, pink. sky and Copen- hagen. These will make excellent h o u s e dresses. Price per yd.. ...... . 8 1-20 Serpentine Crepes American Serpentine in handsome two S LIMITED-«- 1911 , OUR CONSTANT THOUGHT Hustling and planning never ceases ijoyable evening .. The chief Crepes tone stripes, bird, Japanese, and plain patterns. Very suitable for dresses and kimonos; wark perfectly and do not require ironing- A great range that sells regu- larly at 25c yd. Now...19(‘; -W M Mr. Parson's sister ac:ompan.e3him to England. A number» of lag ate plhoarded for scarlet but as no new cases have broken houses in the ‘lil- lam erwise might During July WASH SUITINGS Do not fail to see our range of Wash Suitings, in fancy stripes, shades of fawn, grey, pink, copen. hagen and sky ; for tub coats, skirts, dresses and boys’ wash suits, these materials are unexcelled. Price per yard .................... 20c DIMITIES Fine imported Dimities in shades of pink, sky, mauve and white; beautiful sheer materials for wash dresses and separate waists. Per yard ..................... 206 We are offering v e r y specral inducementson wash fabrics this month. Reliable floods at Reason- able Prlcos, Our Ah on tbs inside whrn it was noticed. prompt action on the part of tho mill hands raid others prevented what oth- have been a serious thing fofour village. out recently" it is to be hoped the Baker’s drive is pass‘lig‘througlz the spread 31 mom is checked. On Monday evening, at the close of the Epmeh. We. of the Methodist church, the members pro- ceeded ?o methane of Wise Hat- tie Courtney, arnl spenta very en- icature was a kitchen 3%“: for Miss Courtney, and the gifts were‘ all piled into a metallic cab, and the tride-elect blind-folded. was made guess the nature‘ of each parcel i the tub. before it’ was opened. This caused much merrfineut. and at the conclusion, dainty refreshments were served, after which‘ the gathering broke up. On Monday morni ,,. about forty volunteers left for'L'ihdsay, leaving for camp at‘Ki‘ngston. Miss Kate Cameron: is the of Miss Sarah Lamq: l Invitations are issued for the mar ï¬age of Hattie J. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hone. Courtney, to Mr. Harold W. H'orn'r, of Lind- _ say, the marriage ttrt‘alte place on ‘ The servmea of Mrs. Lasscndxwho June 20th. Mrs. Hodgetts, of St. Catharines, is visiting her son, Mr. getts. Mr. Gordrn Whitelaw, who has been waiting iriends h‘rre, ior the past two weeks, returned to Tor- onto on Monday. ' Miss Sarah Lamb entertaintd a numbergf her frrends~ with cards on Tuesday evening in honor...of her friend, M188. Camerorr. Mrs. J. M. McChea. is her mother, Mrs. Roberts, of bourg. Reeve Mulligan attended the coun- ty council held in Lindsay last week. Mr. Petey Parsons is building a C0- fine verandah in the front and at, resi- 1 the side of his alarge double deuce. The house occupied by Mrs. A. C. Hod ' village omthe Burnt River to-day and to-morrow, Mr. Matrhet, of Liniï¬ay. paid arr Village a viiit last week. Mr. M. Mabsfield was a Lindsay Visâ€" iï¬r‘last' Sa‘Irday. Our' lads to the number of sixteen; lelt’this morning for"Kings'.bn for a. two week's drill. Two very beJVy rain‘swuns passed ovexi‘our villags‘last' sunday refresh- :1 ing the props but cutting uprthe roots 3,: announcer: zoo- in a good many places. Mr. N..Rivers in command. The Women's Institute held a spec-l 311 lit-"vii 321:1 121.161 P~ before ial meeting last Tuesday, when a full sfmrt vzsz‘. a: ':;.>. E. me 23'? 3:51!!! house listened to two fine addresses .. Mr. Fine: Essaâ€".5 :s laid of! writ: guest lirom Mrs. Farley and ’Mrs Lettss. ‘With bloui 34:: in his 32 Messers’John and Charles Doh'erty, arm. We '3’?" :‘5 "‘31" 590‘ â€90'5" drove to Peterbo-ro last M‘onday af- YM- ternooarto attend accusin’s funeral. The Warns; ~ ‘:=1 I re W4: “a The Eritranca Examinations will be held in- Kinmount Public School, on Monday-Tuesday and Wednesday, the 26th. 27th. and 28th, of June, oomâ€" mencing at £15 p.m. on- Monday, Mrs. Robertson. of’ Anson township returned‘from Toronto last week and remained‘a couple of dayt with her daughter, Mrs». F. D. Herlihey, before going home. .a. Mrs. .Alex Morrison wasa visitnrto ' Lindsay}- during most of last week. a... Weeks Doings Fronbï¬akwood Min. and Mrs. DaVï¬dm spam: Sun- day with friends at W'oodvine; Rev. Mr. Howard,,of Carm‘sray, oc- cupied the pulpit ofthe Methodist Clarch on Sunday and‘ delivered two . Shields on the same street, is also good sermons. The:- music for the day l l l l having repairs made to the dab. Mrs. J. McCrea has very kindlv placed at the disposal of the 0.0 B. the tennis court and VE ran- green on T1“? property for each Thurs- lï¬â€˜ the lChWCh. when cce‘ members day evening. Mr Richard Poast left on Mon- the Canadian West. KINMOUNT (Special to The Post) ing for a three wrek’s holiday trip to Toronto, Gravenhurst, Barrie other places. Mrs. _Dr. White paid friends. in Fen- elon Falls 8. visit last week. 'Treblico, of' Woodville, spent Sundae Mrs. R, A. LeVia left Friday morn-i . was rendered by that 8.5. choir and in the evening were assisted by: the or- lustre. The ladies of the H-311 8. held bowl“. .uheir meeting on» Thursday- afternoon. basement of the Methodist of the Presbyterian Auxiliary were inVited day evening for a. months' trip t-Jlto attend. Reports from the council- lors were read' by Mrs. A. C. White, and Mrs. J.F. Brass, after which llunch was served“ and avery enjoy- able time was spent. Mr. Garnet Wilson and Miss 13. in Oakwopd. ‘ Miss Hazel Richardson, or Toronto, and ' is spending the week with her moth Her, Mas. V. Richardson. 1 1 Tha worst; storm of the season ms. ised over this section of the country! Many a hearty hand shake greeted on Sunday afternoon about fire 0‘ Mr. Harry Graham. on Saturday, cloak. T he wind was terrible. Several when he came up from Lindsay. ' . horns were mooted, wind mm; and Mr. Micheal Mansfield is back in our , and fences were blown down and 8 midst once mare. He enioyed his westg targe number of shade and trilit trees era trip. What might have been a dimtmg fire, for Kinmount. was averted, by the citizens last week. Craig “a An- stid'sold amaze not! Austin's mill, caught ï¬re and was being consumed- ,deatroyed, and the rain came down in torrents, lasting about one hour. Mr. Ivan N. Tomakim, of 11th of Montreal, Winnipeg, spent :5, rev daysln our Village, m. we.“ «ml cousin of Mr. E, J, Lytle. store closes daily at 5 o’clock Saturdays excepted l Mr. A. 1.. <7. rt, spent the W Thz‘stave factory, north dthe Vil-J lage, that was shut down“. allrsprlngfli commced ‘operartaons’last week, with l l is improvzn.’ gramme is send: prepared and 31' new officers :ing the wet J â€â€œ1 1860---DUND'AS FLAVELLE =1 AKlNG YOUR NEEDS’ Looking for opportunities that will bring the double return of satisfaction and profit. M_ M this list of picked items for Coronation Week. and August this \ H '53 - 1:3â€qu a harlf‘iS) - ‘ A»; fQZlL‘e dress led; a: a tar-ff.“ ï¬gur. . Off," r-i: 53,1? maining etc-ck of 5,0: and 6'8. Amencm l-ou~ - ivofc at per yard. .. . 39: WASH SKIRTS Ladies' 11),.“ 33,: ,, ‘ '- ~ A . u > “Ede of repp, gnarl: iiead and dusk. handsomeiy trimmed shades or tan. cure- nation bu; '. f .z’.‘;{ and white polka Cot. $1.010 1.25 vi“:- 67:1. 4. ‘ 3.33.94 “if CW3, L51 ’3‘ .f.>:.';1< :.~.'~ 1 Wedge/558: 321W .J. 'ï¬'v‘afer. of Elect" ’ spent in: i..j: 1: or midst W21; friends. Several Lion 57 '2: here may the meet-“1: Presbytery a: Woodville »:; Fairly. Among the; were, Mrsfl. E‘ f. 9 Mrs. ; Caz- ero'i, 'Mr~g l‘»rr:r.. Mrs, L. B_ 38.3 and Mrs B " amewn Mrs. H1; “a",“' e‘ Fort, IL: is speniir.-gr a “4 1av~ the 2:23? 1' M135 Etti Wait 2. ‘ The Epwvirti; I. ‘ astrawherrm festzn'a'. o: Tusdaym 27th of Jun». Further particular .u.-l. at his hime here. Cr. 0.311. {1.2.12- has been. "on? :1 this week, but a: {:2 let. at the :3. rte . . ster at the :Lsua hour. . t f. r thzs year wlilfl , charze of th» means. A cordial'iu'f‘ tation is encased to all tit 39 bers to be preys: at this merit!!- Mr. Will l’aSCee. of Dunszord; :1“ led on friends ire Monday. Rev. w. E. Elm: and fam’l‘le’†“ t a: mcnth for-m at the end , . ton, near lbs: 12, and Rev. I'llâ€"‘9 . z bert, of Oren) {:35 been Chm his successor rere- to Mr. Nelson Barber left W spead a coup.) of weeks 8". kingâ€- Dr. G. w H11, at Little W p . visited our 211 3‘ Mr. nd Mrs. E. P. .godman '. a the 8711‘ SUnday W112!) friends ntlit ain. Mr. Nuns. of Toto ISO. 1185 ed a DOEKlOU in the store of and Co._,nere. W . gal Empire‘s V and all kinds :1 w HIGLleiO'l'li 17. >. ..