(fflw GANADA OO’TT PMMT ' i K '»"s .L 'g - 1 I. -â€"t. 1 ' " a‘tlrvd 111 White embroidered dress ‘and curled a bouquet of white came-1 of thé v 3.1le The 1 little Olive Parnell. The groom’s pre- REOOOEO TO A SKELETON OOOTOR SA|O___ SHE WOULD DIE “Finite-tiles†Saved Her life “lee? : flower girl. who 1 (aarch. 8' E“ the st and P t on the even 1!. lat pOLDtSv 3M ADE K 1111' (11.153 in Toronto and 0:111. 0! blue 1 11111121111 11 13112111112, 91111., May 9111 191a K 1 1-r,de travelling 111 a “I 1011: upon my recov ery as nothing K t .e A. d hat to match Sl13rl of :1 miracle I was for eleven T $31.51" an , l 1 (-1.113 co. islantly suffering from Chronic P AHN --""‘ St e Dy pe 11..i.1 ludigestiofu311dCuonstip:Iition. r' 0! 11131151111. years 0 n1 1 11055 was w m... K "Kc new ““5““ our atten- co: 1. to my . bed nearly all the time. _ .1 _ ‘ï¬MJâ€"I’ W ' v-lll‘.d TIRE ‘4) ca Y M Sh. ' I v; '1‘ 53 till" I V Clglled cal? 90 pounds, I K be \ K e Ath of the Green ‘1 1 .1. 1.1 1101.11 t'3d everything ate Even Linseed ('3! $3 ,1 =9 ,'- 1:: ., 1..-u 7 '35 " C“) w m Eur-n run-I m "1111 111. .r.‘i:i:c 1.15 3‘11. gs .thrl Roi son, (Ki‘iv tlsillrlllcr of.‘~lz'.:m.l.ri1>‘. “V9.11 Hui-$1.11, and Mr. Frederick W \v.1.1.'rc;.l 1 th 11' Fr-nelvui Falls, 1.1 1s (1 lcbr itcd 1’ l..1li 1135': six o‘clock on W cdncsday 1mm“, June 14111, in St. Andrew's, Rev. 1‘. 51‘. l..ord the 1rist 1r r 1t1d1 1:.th roses, svringas pink and white, «01 its 9.11.111. 1white salt 1.1 ribbon. rat: ons ‘1 91111.: W rourht by the The bride. who was unnt 11 113113150 me brown silk CI‘ 01111 11.108 yoke “1111K. wedding dress, with Th1 il.C yirl :ri«‘-nds. an}. 11, re 1.11.111 SlPthr‘. 11.511 mother‘s and ,1 inrge white hat trimmed and look .11 1e"; charming»: ’i‘he bridal music glivsd by Miss Irene .VIcDougnll, Mr. Gray 51.1113, “Oh pro- be singing of the éiut‘. »‘ ..... 11's,; cvl ln‘lei‘ï¬oli. mire 11'3" duringt 1e;13t.r. the llf‘TYir, the ceremony invited repaired to the of the p .rnzs, Highland Home where 1110115 wedding: breakfast was 3:71.111. Many 1.0::11tiful and c-1s'tly pre- nnd pictures 21 1'75"“. silver. cut glass among them being presented to the first same of were received, nandsoxe bible couple married in the Church. Mrs. Warren left on morning trsin for Toronto and other 1.101.015, the bridc tind‘eliing in a suit .fsteel grey, with becixming hat of with trimming of coral the 11 1.117. P 1 straw Bi’R‘JSâ€"..IEAGHER. Sacred ileum; church, l‘et- l'»'.dn.sd1y .‘.I-ss (‘athctine '1h:r-sa 211.1 rhcr, d-.ughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. 1.1:. Maughar, :20 Puffy sinet, and Sir. 'rsnms Burns, of l. ndsly, were ~oioed in 1.v.di1..cl:. by Rev. Dr O’Brien, The. bride. who was given away by hr 12.111 1', was leconxingly ut- tirtd in Fhantonia cloth w.th trim neings of val .nc1snnes emoroid red 111cc and wore a but of cream tus- can, garnished with pink r:ses abd carritd a. beautiful pearl 11.15-1132 sts [“3 EriSa M lit-n 1, 1 P3., _ At the erboro, at 7.30 o'clock, morning, of Pi:ts‘,11r wno acted. as br.‘drsm9.id was prettily gowned in French em‘;roid- cred mull, and a haulsome hat of str aw braid, with fold of SP; nd pink I‘OS?S. The groom 'Sted by h:r broth; 1', Mr. Patrick Burns. After the jenner was the «IQ ram-is V91 Vrt an "2‘11311133 ceremony .91 dainty de- srnd at. the hame of perents, Perry street, belatifully decorated 1' th cz'rrzre-ns sniiix and. frns. .‘Jr. and Burns d1parted the 71.28 CPR. tra'n for T rant'. and pomts west on their horny- On thr-ir return th-'-y w'll re- in th1 vicinily of Linds-y. i Tititl S ‘.‘.‘l’l:i‘h 131.11. Mrs. 031 r110- :11. girl? VK“. ‘11.S-â€"WH.TTE pleasing Retires/13y, home (11' A vrry event took place J1me, 7th., at the Mr. Ephraim White, Cedar- ilzele Farm, Gavan, when his second eldest daughter, Miss Carrie Edna Wine, was united in holy wedlock to ATPXflndzl' H. Venls; of Franklin, by the Rev. D. Williams in the pres- ence on only the immediate friends of Li) lalade from Pure lead and, r. '11:1 Ch urch was richly decâ€"l 179 C0 \V-‘ltll‘ Mould n: 11 stay 011 m stomach. "W ’ lunn. The 11:10 t 0:11 “Undo. 11.“; give me up t1}; 111833 the “‘0 stroll... as star: 11.11 trouble proluccd licnt weak- in the province, with 1 11115-3 1: 1 l l 1119.: !. equently unconscious. and district. At 11.121 1.312, :1 laly friend strongly in! all: 51: l 13c i) try‘ 1 ruit- :1 lives" and 110 . t. .111..1111 I .1111 t‘. 1711 Iiiilso. \Vhen l T11] liken one his. I was much better :111 l9 9.1Tii r three 1) mes, I was practically \v :ll .1" 1i: 1 311.1 111-.l gnined 20 pounds. 1.. Zed (o 1,. . 1 ll over the Midi 1.1. 111an2 :11 their leader, new scale Williams, :J‘nnCli’S t. 7:551:31 ;‘.T.‘. 11‘1'.‘ (1 11'1â€â€œ)S 1.. 11: ch are 111 the . 11;» on exhibitio. . F ollow 111,; . 1m... .11 i 1 \\ 1111; UT St I 11.1? ciakc 1 thirteen boxes in all and “U“ ' 111t1r rec.“ 11d ffm?‘ “‘9 nox- . ..cigh 1511119.:1111mn11 unlabsolutely ‘ a copy Ki .1 u (1.3 New York. -‘ v. 211711011111» â€"113indigestlon-â€"no cons- Met-301101111111 011973 ‘ lipalioiiâ€"llly l11 .111 is sound and com. ,1 plant) Co. Ltd- plcnon 011.11 ‘. - 11111111011111 1 . RTOURAROEAU. (‘s-‘i 1WD. unt. (011- ‘ 71’ .1- . 50c, 511101, 61042. 50, ortrialsize, 25c. ‘ 111l'111011,»â€"‘ . you are pro .3118 4P1" At all dealers, or from Fruit-a tives ’: 1 the VLquolitan OPFTEK '0 1 Limited, Ottawa. .1..1£ ., 1110 11! limes Dostlnn Farrar: ems-:12. --Cwâ€" .0 1"- NEW CURATE TOR ST. PAUL’S CHURCH who K and d ntrenl commencmg 1 (If :ln Aprl 17th. and we should like t0)1 0 now if your company will be able tn! Kirj1rni:1‘-'s with‘icw SCil.’ Williams 111 4 O 1.11.11: this (11;: 3 111111111 119?. H. G. Kingston, B.A., about completed his college 1courae, has been appointed by the uire about )0 Plums upâ€" 1131511019 of thi .1 diocese. a; curate Arm‘s “1" well 383 «11â€"101, St. Paul’ 5 church succeedLng the T 1“ S OCCRSKLD’ Km“ we . Rev C. H Bilkey, who became the instruments rector at Stayuer. 11413 1 .. \‘n willl'th‘. 1i ‘lllS kill. Krl ..lnd E1 confi d1 1nt th .‘1t your and f:1le mret With the approval 0! our; lev. Mr. Kingston is a resident nrlists. K of Toronto, and son of . a promo Trust's: tnllt‘ï¬l‘ from you at _531nent barristar 1n that city. He W111 ! --. 1- 9. date as possible. we 1191111111,; take the sgrvices at Cameron and K e“ 3 i Yours “‘1‘? “1115'. 15311010 on Sunday, and w‘.ll then preach at St, Paul's church in th; evening. I Evicti'opoiitsin 0901-1 (‘0. 11111911110), uapsious 11; mo 1DOUBEE PRESENTATION AT COLLEGIATE PLEASiNG EVENT THURSDAY AFTERNOON ments in 1h: very best of conditâ€" ion. ;All this has been much appre- ciated by us and we wish you to accept this five-dollar gold piece as a token of on; gratitude 129 you for our very many favors received Yistgrdly aft;rnoon the s:ud.nts ol the Col‘eglate Institute assault-led in the asSPmbly hall to witness the t-r.s:ntation of the M 1161: Shged 1) Company A. and also the pres-nt; [lku to ill: popuiur janitor, Mr. and of our best wishes fora long Wm Walsh. and pleasant future with us, Sign- Yr T A Kir‘onrr-ll a9t'd as Ed cn behalf of the battalion. Ll . . - - 5- 4 1. - k .. cnzirmnn. He referred to the excel- OJPL 1]- O‘IVElll, 3- Company. 1 f the c 11111 the put Cam- 0- 1“- Dmm. 13- Company. P . Y ..L 3 w len- 311701" 0' . .3 ., Capt. M. C. Broktnshire, C. Lam- but believed init they had tang-3n a . . Dani’- step forwiird. Mr, Kirkcgnnell then c-ill-d MJjOl' Miller, C‘npz. Joe 0‘N_il and Lieut Lindsay, June 15,1911. Mr. 'Walsh was taken completely by surprise but 3.; a few w1ll ghosâ€" nan“ W. .‘11d3rson, and K. Ah- 1 3,13): t0 the platform 7‘13]. l’ hill‘ en VVOIdB thanscd the members 0! U . o - . 1.:r m Hakim" the DFCS°ntati0n the battll’n for their kindness. thanked his oi.ic-;rs r.11-.l 111,11 for 'th: $1181 1100315 mg“ 181mg. "For He 8 a way in “-111.11 tiny 11111 asisted ~ 01': 0°11 elOW- . him. He spoke in glowing terms of 1 The singing of God nge the king the future of the 1111113111., when 11.11.1191 the meeting to a close. the; , Would 11; W L1,. r 150 new R0 .3 I The shield, which was presented by â€11,3 and all] r ace-.mtrements and iMr.Vlille1-. for competition among the Ta: et praCL' ce is to b91compnnles of the Lindsay Collegiate a feature of L. at year's 51m.†The Institute Cadet Battalion, is aheavy entnusi am with whlch the comâ€" laurel wreath of German silver sur- pan es entered into the competition rounded by a number 9‘ small shields and mounted on white In the uniform s. is reward enOUgh for offcrng the 011K. shield. centre of the wreath is a. representa- Capt. d 0' .\e 11 and Li ,ut; nants tive of a cadet in uniform. Under this is a small shield on which is‘to be en- graved the school crest. The small shields surrounding the wreath are for the names of the ofï¬cers of the winning company each year. A picture of the shield has “1. Anderson and K. Andersm each made a fittin: reply to the addres ses of Major Miller. 1 The presentation to Mr. Walsh then followed. Mr. Kirkcannell com- plimented him on the very amiable been taken, which will be printed on post- way in which he and the bOys got cards. on with one another. Capt. G. A. Dunn read the ad. 1___-_.._.___\-__._.. dress. Capt. . Brokens-hire making the presentAtion. The following is a copy of the ad dress: :1 Dear Mrâ€" Walsh: 3. .7, We, the members of the Lindsay $33 7.. Collegiate Institute Cadet Battalion vish to,make use of this oppc-rtun ity to rem-ltd you of the fict that we appreciate your many earnest ef “cuss Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Ogle!- -foets to make our life in Connect- ion with the school pleasant and ageeeable, 1n so far as it is withâ€" in your power. the c.1ntracting partEes. The bride, arm, of leaning on her father’s 100k her place beneath an archi evergreen; and roses under the . . 1 - . . . u ' re .1..1r1 cf 1.-(1h,r_'_r1n 5 Wedding March YO r inte St in our Undertakings Isl-ya} Ty M‘ss Ola Me Mullen, of, 01 every kmd'. and your desire to 1.113.115) The bride. Was suitable be of as much assmtance at pos- - , sible to 113 have been m1n‘f;stsd on sever.1l occasions. Your willznznesa to hell us make our functions gnl festivities succcssiul and enjoyable, has be;n ever apparent. You have, perhaps, been brought into closest touch wlth us through our work 11 the gymnasium and in 111. lltsry (111.111 Thcre, you hope done what you Could to make our surâ€" roundings agreeable. You have 21- ways teen an interested party at 1111. time of our annual inspection; and have rendered ass'stanca to us in a tangible way, in your efforts ,to have rifles ard othzr accoutre- . A few years ago 1f machines were hardly f '13 thought 0511.011 was Scott’s Emulsian ._ in summer. Now Scott’ 8 '7 Emulsion 18 as much a sum- 1' me! as a. winter remedy. 09311111101111. um dent to :1 111110123 state of the system. such as Dinzincsa, N: .2309, Drov: 81111383, Distress after eating. 1 11111 1.. 1 t. e a’chl e. While their most knble success “been shown in caring $3ch Headache, yrt Carter' 3 Little Liver Pm: are (:11. why 11111111? Zeln Constipationmnringmd pre- vmtlng this annoyinncomplr int. while theyaleo correctulldla rdcrsci 1111. stomach, stimulatethe 111' u and 11: gui to the bomls. Lven if they only "i HEAD Ache they would he nlmostpi' lcckesfothccewho cunt-1- from 1! is distressing complaint; but forur 11119.31 ilieir gown-:Ssdooe notcnd here, and those who once 1. y themv: in find these little pills vain. 3010' 1111-0 1.y1an 11.1113 thatth ey will notbewll- 1111;: 1.1 do ..lrhoutthcrn. Butane: anatomical ACHE ' '11 thebaneofeomny lives that berets when use [nuke our great boast. Ourplllacureltutule others do 1161-. Carter's Little Liver Pills new small and lamske a dose. i1?!“‘i’a‘ii°‘ 0253 ‘“° do 1 yares c 11 can no NATeg mural: mmmmur 3m mewwm KrucnoN RIOIS IN “1111‘: 10m; A60 - Fulton- Scrap. in the “Good Old Tlmu" In Edinburgh. Cardiff: Carnarvon. South Devon and Other Places 1 the “good old times" if no not 11.1mm“! during an election it was generally voted 11 very dull affair, es- pecially as the rival parties would often hire burly ruffians to keep order at their meetings or defy their oppon. cuts during demonstrations. One of the worst election riots oc- curred at Sixmilebrldge, in County Clare. on July 22nd, 1852, when the military fired on the mob, killing no fewer than five of them. Mobs In Edinburgh But England cannot point the finger of acorn at Ireland, because hardly a General Election passes but what some constituency shows that it considers disorder a. good argument. Scotland, on the other hand, takes its elections Very seriously. trouble only belngm with in the rougher districts. However, these modern disturbance. during election times are nothing 11k the wild! llOlS that occurred during the Refoxm Act General Election of 1831. Scotland was especially vehe- ment in her demonstrations, windows being broken and voters against Re form being prevented from exercising their constitutional rights. --- 4‘.~‘" - .,./ ~_-, #1 In Edinburgh a mob seized the Lord Provost on election day and threat- ened to throw him over North Bridge. while at Lanark the Conservative can didate was seriously injured. A1 Jed burgh a. howling mob booted Slr Wal ter Scott. He wrote in his diary “The mob were exceedingly vocifer one and brutal. as they usually are nowadays. The population gathered in formidable numbersâ€"a thousand from Hewlck, sad blackguards." Trouble at Cardiff At Dumbarton the Conservatlv: candidate had to hide all day in a gnrrct as his life was in danger, while at Ayr voters of the same color tool refuge in the town ball. A gallant band of Whigs escorted them out of danger to a steambcat. It was the riots that occurred 11 London at this time that caused the Duke of Wellington to have the win down of Apsley House guarded with the famous iron shutters. The pupil- were so overjoyed at the dissolution of Parliament and the coming of a (leper! Election that they smashed the w udowa of all who had opposed the policing of the Bill. But there have been some pretty good riots in modern times. Fe 1111;- ran very high in 1886 in some places and serious disturbances took place at Cardiff. Sir Edward Reed, the fa mous naval constructor, was the Lib era], and the Hon. H. R. Brand, after wards Viscount Hampden, the Union 1st. The contest was a very stormy one and the return of Sir Edward cause the greatest exultatlgp. After the de- claration of the poll a crowd, estimated at 10. 000 strong, armed with brickbats stones, and sticks, proceeded to th offices of the Conservative newspape1 intent on wrecking its offices. 1 The local police had been reinforczd by members of the county constabu lary. and they charged the mob wltl drown truncheons. A fierce battle en sued, and there was considerabl. bloodshed, even women and children inc-Eng injured 111 the melee. The Home Office sent down Sir John Bridge, th famous Bow Street Magistrate, to in quire into 111; mutter, after peace had been restored. Lloyd George's Town Carnarvon is :1 1011.111 in which feeling has run very high during'the past few elections, trouble occurring both i. 1906 and last Jan..a:1y.Mluers and quariyineu someti .1113 all 0111 their feel lugs to get the bctt: r of them, and in the first~uamed year hundreds of them swarmed into tht:1 10111111, driving all known opponents off the streets, Mr Lloyd George himself having to rebuke his exuberant support rs. But matters were worse a year ago. Two thousand quarrymen came into Cumarvsn an 3} of used a reign of ter- ror. Windows were broken, and even ladies assaulted Fifty extra police men had b1. :11 imported from Munchies. ter. butt hey were powerless, and as it was thought the crowd was disap pointed because the result was not going to b-.- declared that night thex were quietly withdrawn; but the mat got to 1111011 of it, and seevral of thczr were roughly handled as they mad. their way to the station. It was a. crowd largely composed of , quarry and pottery wmkers 11.911 caused the 11101 at Newton Abbott, South Devon. about, two years ago. . when Captain Morrison Bell was r:- 1 turned at the by-electlon. Mrs. Pank ' burst had a narrow escape. and the premises of the Conservative (nub were nearly wrecked. Last January a riot occurred at High Wycombe after the close of the polling,a a“dump†shop being wrecked and its contents burned in the middle 'of the street. For the declaration of 1 the poll 1 000 police were imported to 1 keep order. EUROPEAN NOTES W a" i Five hundred horses were sold this week by the London General Omnibus Company. . t I I K The Duke of Argyll is about to sell the island of Tiree, Inner Hebrides, 30 square miles in extent. a v 1' Lees Court, Faversham, Kent, the residence of Lord Sondes, which was destroyed by fire, is to be rebuilt. - The funeral took place at Tllford of Captain Henry Bacchus, late RA. 3 Crimean veteran, who rose from the ranks. l l l Alderman John Scmerville. J ...P ex Mayor of Camberwell, died at tPeck ham Rye. after a long illness. follow- ing an operation. Satisfaction follows the surprise of every housewife who uses Surprise Soap - You wonder how it can make' the clothes so white and clean, With so little rubbing? It is just SOAPâ€"perfectly pure with peculiar qualities for With- lng clothes. - Try it the next wuh. '( Rad the directions or the wuppcr. ) . - .. 1 a SERIOUS WRECK NEAR BOWMANVILLE ONE MAN DEAD AND SIX TNJURED Bowmanville, Unt., June 17.40112: man was killed and six injured in a wreck immediately west of Newcastle at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, when the tender and seven coaches of the “International Limited" left the rails and toppled over to the south track, to hep pureckcd and torn by the drive of the engine until the COUplings broke and left the shattered cars upon their sides. Dead. James Madill, 47 years, a commer- cial traveler, married, 50 Spencer ave- nue, Toronto. Head crushed and leg almost severed. Body held at New- castle for inquest. 'njured. Fred Allison. commercial trawler, 35 years, married. 83 Dezirbnrn ave- nue, Toronto; 1111:. fractured; :i‘rlollï¬; taken home. i Thomas P. Smith, sailor, 44 years, single, Kingston; left rib broken; tak- en to St. Michael’s Hospital 111 .‘ilut- thews' private ambuluiicc; not ious. Hector Dauphinnis, shoemaker, 4:: cars, married, St. Hyacinthu,Q:1c-- ec; cut on llcad;.lizk¢3li to al.311- chael’s Hospital; not serious. â€" Simmons, said to 1111; on Luuricr avenue, Toronto, and taken lioflic; broken rib. Mrs. Pallistcr, Ottawa, bruised ince; at Palmer House. Miss Swerer, Philadelphia, P11. , sprained ankle; at the King ljdwaid. The cause of the .1 I'Lclx is unknown, save that it appuars there has been trouble with t'- 3 south ruil,uhi_c.1 ap- pears to have spread or l'roken aftir the engine passed over it, allouing the heavy tender and cars down upon 1.1112 roadbed which was plowed up for a consideiable dis lance. There were 250 passengers in the five passenger coaches and diner, and the cars were terribly slluktii, as. one by one, in rapid succession, they left the rail. The engin still held to the tracks and pulled the trucks from be- neath the laboring coaches. These fell to their sides and were wrecked and torn until the couplings broke and left them free from the urge of the engine. Fortunately, not chn the din er, which held the only fire in the' coaches, was set ablaze, and s: the horrors of fire was not added to the wreck When the rocking coaches came to 3 stands till, all those who were able, made their way outside. and several doctors who were aboard immediately began to care for the injured, who were taken to Newcastle in automo- bi Ice and then the three most serious- iy injured were sent on to Toronto in a special train sent out from that place. in charge of Dr. Gordon Rf ce, assistant to Dr. Riordan, (3.128. 5111'. 33:1“ 11 .‘-':2L‘..;;1-11...119 Ezrzn :1 as sent on from benevule, and a crew work to clear the tracks. i'he ‘body of James Madill of To- ronto, the only fatality, was taken to Newcastle, w,here under the instruc- tion of County Crown Attorney W. F. Kerr Coroner A. E. Tiller set about lDVeSli siting the wreck.p1eparatory to 1101 ins an inquest. K “'91“. Do Insects. All insects can walk in proportion to reduction methods. their size much faster than an express brain can travel. l K i 1 K i ~ :‘cr- , â€".â€"â€"â€". i l LINDSAY, WPRTUAEH, :11 '51.: Tï¬EL'VERPch up 1311.1." , NHSUR’NLE (3011193111 â€"â€"._ FIRE Am: 1.11:: The largest Fre Insuranc the Nomi Cal-'13! .. . $ .\c::un.ui.1‘.. . i . .'. Innate-.1 .1. f'.;.,. 1: Office in ' ‘:1:11i 1.1.1 ' 5".“ l‘ }l 1X1. 1'1 9111i 2.1.91 411.? lf‘i1lil't‘1l in L' 1 (U! .‘igL‘ï¬l smrH 3141171.. :0 Sci... 1_____.;___ 1 Seed Merchant Best Binder Twi- 1“. if? William St, Lirusay Ont. Kâ€"_ _~- -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘_\:. ) £5 ~33 “ l‘. l:3.,~'.\ 5. L" ""‘ (‘1! 1 , PU.l 1.11.1 PM 11.11. _ . . “‘"‘““â€" (r':.~- , . , . 1' .1 Handle A223 Contains Lip $311.1: :1 ,K 1 -' . 11.31,. Rouge ‘ (â€BIRCH d’ii-'1lK1(1'i11"lltl: H11 11.11.11 11 of ill. \‘veal'u‘ 1: 'll: .‘1'. ' 1, .1. , .. especially ii: iii all: 11:: 11.6‘ t ll thinning , ,1 . f l0 lill’ [3:1 £113.11“ 1 'J uL'Vl (l1. ’ lll t ll . K “KUK. K, 1:1, . K . â€hm-:7“, i'vldl' TS C'iKl lK'l railr;i. A i) (fl) lull; w: K ' . 3:1. 11 1 011131“. . (911111111 has: 115112 grlu’i'hl j. ‘ . ' 1" ' z .vital :1 tiny powder pull or ..(1111. ' : ' . Otl11rc-Juul1)’ ï¬lth-Eon! l):‘.'l'|llill',‘r. . " ..K K When opportunity offers ill-1' shay . . " slip the puff out and use: it. ' ,1 Just imagine how infinitely more "cnient to have â€1081- little 11.}. " " ’ 1111:1123 Siul'u‘l in 111;;- landie of a 131:1 503.1."11010 they can be quiv k1} rea ind v. imout being notired. 1’3 :':::015 11.111 Dentist L ndsay untrellns with these novel appurzc \Kr'r': 1 r i _ 1 purines are now obtainable, berause -‘1 K 1 r (11‘ the thoughtfulness of un unto-date 1111.1 ntor. The top of the handle 0f1:.e l1?1;'.111:,'l.‘> -,: : ~1 ' Rooms 1111 11111.81 â€I“ ' K s_* -â€" -_____ 1.; .1'ssol is hinged, so .1: at it can be (.213in lulsed. Bentat‘n the lid is a DRS. KNEELAND.) 31 lRVlNE small cup. containing 110.1. der puff, DEN' ls ate. in some of 1110542 handles the top ' K5 l1? when raised reveals :1. small mirror. 1 1 .-1 "KKK‘NZK 1..". additional convenience that will 11'“. K' 'I K izuiuralltv’ b: aunt's-(Listed .. - Other person-.1 ornaments that (on :- a1 11".: .101: 1.3119 p1f1’11re theirs: 11:1: .\ll.l'l inrtc itails in 1.111111 a puff (an 1:? act-c: iniciialcâ€"I '1 under :1 hinged 1.3;) :«lLCRMIS and 53:11:11 bracelets. 1:1 2.01.23: 01" 12:; 1.011.711 curt-lets, whlih :1»: o: 1- 11:31.33 01111123110, 11:11 puii' 1,1. concenird inflicalh 1:,1: “311,111 in a 1‘“ '1 .. ..\.. ., _ liglic cavity just the right size and T ““1 “‘1 K“ ' 11.211130. J .. . . \. ... , 5007711111 ,.;.1 l- \ l'r‘zi '~'|(".i ’11:! i (‘61:!) ‘f‘s AS (Lb-i" :RLSPONDENIS 11>\.l-.'.'1‘\..Y~l.11:1;. K‘. 41. 1.11.111 .; _ 1141.1}: . For Sher: Distances They Have Car. â€"â€"â€".- -â€"__...- -..-..â€" ‘lKKKK' i 1K; 'K\ :1 (Jilin. rlc-cl “is? Hea' .‘arters of an Ounce For more than two thousand pars :arricnpizgccns Lave been used 1.1 rar- 1'y messes-:3 \lllEll no 0. 1111.1 nit-ans suffired, and during the Si: 5e of Mars. i. ‘11. 111:1“ n 30% 1.11 as were sent 01.1 from the doomed 1113/. one 01‘ the bird-.1 per- formed the almost incredible l'ent of turning to the outeiJg wmld on 0111.- tii 110 {ex-.er 111m ‘ 01,10 :mssages nvgrw‘lng U'Nillly words 611111. This BARRlSTERS SOLIS lit-128, 3"" NOT'flli, was 800000 words, or 1h- (â€0191.31.111 1\K“" ‘ ~"'¢1’1'1~'-;1 ‘1 of five or six average no1els.““ K' ' i" ' ’ This marvel “as 8.600:1 .1lplslrd bv ‘“ (“N‘s " ' means of microscopic IllOlOUV" .111) R- the messages ho; ing 11159: prime-d Willi ordinary type, and then photographtd and rephotographed 1213151 1‘11 y lzad been reduced aevxe :11 hundred diame i ll‘iet'lr~.,".‘. ,, 311.1111 . .1.. ".CKwS ...â€"....t 1". STINSON '. 12-1.0, :.~ 1.11.3011 'Hclaughlin K c.. A M. Fu'fnct James A. Peel 'r. H sunset __ _____.... - i -\ ‘\ lulu-12‘. V-\.\‘ )1 1'. \\7 ‘13 "\ 1.11:1: >..r. tors. The final photographs 1141.1 11:1,4.“ reflux taken on Unis or pellicles of enlfcdisn. 1.., 1.,¢1.,.,,,,..';.,_ each of which, about two inc-hes lingei‘s ll}: 1...â€... square, contained 50,000 nerds. A Phone 2137, K dozen of these films rolled in in a quill, weighed but one twentveiu nth of an. ounce. The messages (13:10, of course. be read with a inferoccepe, without the necessity 01" 113-1111010- graphlng and enlarging. Under favorable conditions, and for comparatively 8110111 distanc 5, pi goons have carried as him l1 as Hirer.» qucrtere of an ounce. Using the 11.1110 it would there fore be possible for a single bird to carry messages equal in words to no fewer than 130 011111111117 volumes. MONEY T0 EOAN AT LOIEOT 61113111311118 “'11 9.: 111411;, , . v. .1133“ and 11111111111111): I. .. -.' (1.2.13. 111mm mloamn; (3111111112.:1, 1 . .. ,1: r: cs0. ““3 In 511111» 10 «.1.: .’- ... t: 3-! P‘K‘ NOSCQ. \IULA ll. 1;. ' ; “:K ‘K‘fu: 1 «1:1 c 111 1.. 1 1 1!.ciiiii r. x 1.11.1: .. STEWA RT O’CONNOR .. “‘5‘ Lille†1:13 i:.' . ~ ‘cvâ€"J l. ‘ . . . \.\.,x --â€"â€"7â€"â€"7~7 M Hopkins, Weeks nHopkiM .dl‘: ,. 11;..1 h , “'11:sz "..‘c :1 “J" Father Morriscy’s “No. 11†Cures Stomach Troubles. When your stomach is working right you never know it is there. But when it feels as heavy as leadâ€"â€" when you have Heartburn, Belching of Wind, Sourness, a_ gnawing hunger, with l’zi: 11 His, NJ: ... 1 idi‘ l‘ll l:.1... ‘V lu-Jll :11 I..1.1.«.', - 3:1.1ullx, 1.31.5-..1. K ' ' ville. I (i. H. Ti‘ li‘i§i\<, 1' Kill 111113121 lllC l'rchAUGHLlN, PEEL. FULTON distress after eatingâ€"when you feel irritable and depressed â€" then you may know that the digestive fluids in the stomach are not sufï¬cient to digest what you eat. Father Morriscy’s “No. 1 1†Tablets supply these fluids in concentrated form. Each tablet, dissolved in the stomach, will digest 13/ pounds of food, which is more than an average meal Read what Father Morriscy’s treatment did for Mr. Gosline, of Salmon Lake. He writes Nov.30, 1908: “I was troubled with indigestion, so severe that I really thought I had cancer of the stomach. I took much doctors’ remedies, till I was forced to seek another resource, and this was the Rev. Father Morriscy. His treatments worked miracles, until I have been entirely cured, so that now I do not look to the quality of the diet but to the quantity. †.' chatherMorrlscy 5°C. at your dealer's. Father Mommy Medicine 60.. Lab. Father Morriscy’ s prescription for sale and guaranteed in Lindsay by E. GREGORY f‘l‘l'i‘1‘.‘11i1.i-l1....1 11:111.]. T1111. iil\ iltl" \ «.1.:1 A good, :Lrong 91'. sizes, cum 1: wtc with hinge-‘- Varnished and well braced styles, complete wt up. Window Sweeps wide adjustable sizes from . _____â€"â€"â€"-_:.â€"""“'"’._â€"â€"-â€"--" int 'th hinge5- '31 75 1; Chill“ 3 non.- K31" 110115!“ "1 51.0.. 1..-... THE SFO H.110 117A?“ Pvnpii‘ .l 13 ' (taxi 3-51.0. .\ o R lil'H‘TV‘ 01b 1' [h,)\v \\ lit) 1: (:50. SPOT! ' STU and (1::iillf1‘ in T1 l>llit v I to d 1this. [in S: 1.111 t'i 14131112111 1 \ §‘-“'§ Q-Qâ€˜ï¬ I . K . Ws~sss VETEREN Hon-.1." gm Veterinary (' atc of lliv 1’11 lege : :iisu (1H Tropical .‘li 11 Day and 1111 tended. CAflBI! Depth-1113' moderate. residence Cambridge-s