PAGE 8. Canada Life Assurance Co Canada Life policies are ex- tremely simple, safe and pro- fitable. They are world-wide, indisputable after one year, automatically non-forfeitable after three years in force un- til value is exhausted. They provide for 30 days’ grace without interest for payment of premiums, and contain generous loan and cash val- ues. Best on the Continent. “It pays to have a policy in The Canada Life.†General Agent LINDSAY W. R. WIDDESS, N ,___..__.._-.._.A * T CASE.“ Ԡâ€SEEB‘ND HEBER Montreal Man Wants Annullment on ‘ THE LINDSAY POST Lindsay Market Weekly Quotations Flour, best-Manitoba, $2.80. Shorts. retail $1.25. Rolled oats, $2.50. Bran, $1.20. Fail wheat 80c. Spring wneat 76c. Goose wheat 75c. Buckwheat 45c ,bus. Barley, 50c. Rye 59c. Oats 40c. Large peas, 90c. Small peas 750. Hay $10 120313 Pea straw. $1.50 per load. Eggs 18c. Dairy Butter 20c. and 23c. Creamery Butter 27 and 28c. Cream, 15c and 30c. Lard 15 to 18 Honey 25¢. a comb Cheese 17c Hens 14c and 15c Live Hoge $7. Little hogs, $7.50. Pork, 12; to 15. Beef Cattle, 5c to 6. Sirloin steak. 15¢. per lb. Rib roast, 12c. to 15¢. per lb'. Spare ribs 10c. 81b. Hides $7 to $8. Head cheese 12 Potatoes 75c. to $1 per bag. Straw $1. per load. Dressed hogi, 8c, 9c and tile. Dried apples 10c I lb i Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Future Close Higherâ€"Live Stock- Latest Quotations. est trading of the Year turned the pits Ioâ€"day into berilam. crcrs put a prlc'eS. l CHICAGO. June 20.â€"Posslbly the wih- grain Hot damage to nerve-wrecking strain on; Realizing of profits dimini bed 0-: one sne'cp. 340 entries 5"! and one horse. Exporters. - There were several loads ofwexporadiilc‘n tle. or cattle of export “‘QIBhts' of 4“) sold at $5.90 to $6.10. and one 10‘ cattle of extra quality, fed by J- p, All" 503- was sold to the _ Harris Abattou‘ CumDany at $6.25. Butchers. Geo. Rowntree, buyers for tho'llarrl: Abattoir Company, twilight 412 (WHIP-"dâ€; reports prices as fclluwsz. llu'rcnfso steers and heifers, $5.50 if! $0; C0“). 3"" 10 $5.30; hulls. SLRO toss».i rs Milkcrs and pr nge . A fair supply of mllkers and 8914113973 501d at $40 to $70 each.l V “I Ca ves. Vcat calves Sgld at steady to firm prices. ranging from :4 to $7.30 per on [-1 with a very few new milk-fed \eals M $8 per cwt. L b Shee and am 8. Ewes of heavy? weights sold at $1.50 to $3.75: lightweight ewes. $4 to $1ch (>th rams. $3 to $2.50: yearlings, $5.50 to 5me Der cwt.; spring iaanbs. sl/éc 10 9léc per pound. I cattle, 1282 no i l l Hogs. The hot: market remains firm 3‘ {“5 for selects. fed and watered. and 37.19 t0 drovers for hogs f.o.b. cars at country points. East Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO. June 20.-â€"Cattleâ€"lte- ceipts. 375 head: market slow. steady; prime steers, $0.40 to $6.60; butcher grade, 3 m 6.25. . S Celticsâ€"Receipts. l25 head: market slow. steady: cull to choice. 85 to 38:75. ' Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts. .500 head, market slow, 50c. higher; choice lambs. $7 to $7.23: cull to fair. 83 to 37: 3'53?- llngs. $5 to 85.50; sheep, 82 to 84. Hogsâ€"Receipts. 2350: market fairly ac- tive. firm: yorker-s. 86.50 to 86.60; 5:389. $4.50 to $5: pigs. $6.1): mixed, 86.5.; to “.60: heavy, 86.50 to 86.90; rOughs, $5.50 to 88. Chicaoo Live Stock. CHICAGO. June 20.-Cattleâ€"Receipts. 25.000; market steady: beeves, "-90 10 $6.50: Texas steers, 84.55 to 86.85: “78319“ steers. $4.73 to $5.70: stockers and feeders. 83.65 to 85.60; cows and heifers. $2.50 .0 $5.90: calves, 86.10 to 88.00. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 13,0t0; market steady at yesterday's best figures: light, 36 to $6.40: mixed. 86 to 85 40: heavy, $5.90 to 36$: raugh, $3.90 to $05: good to'cuolce hogs. $6.05 to $6.35; pigs, $5.65 to $6.3»; bulk of sales, $6.25 to $6.35. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 15.000: mar- ket steady to strong: native. 82.50 to $4.33: western. $2.75 to 84.35; yearlings, SLIO to 3H6: lambs. native, $4 to 36.50; western. $4.33 to $6.60. the excitement in wheat ncar the cosé. lowering the market from extreme fig- ures, but other cereals held tight. “'herlt finished 1" 13;: higher than last l Religious Grounds. Montreal, June 2l.-George Howden seeks the annullment of his marriage. solemnized thirty years ago, on the grounds that his marriage is not valid according to the Roman Catho- ‘OR SALEâ€"First class farm for 1 sale. 140 acres Reach township, :4 con. Apply to John Thomas owner Layton, P.O. on premise, or Neil Me. 4C t0 night; corn up lhtc io ï¬e up. and oats ï¬t Dire to lie to like to 33¢ advance. flog products gained from a shade to I'll/gc. A:...5XATI0N AcAIN. Minnesota Man Raises Cogey in the United States Senate. l’hadden , Sunderland. M WANTED __________.___._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"<l . 'ANTEDvâ€"Quailfied teacher want- i‘“ed for 8.8. No. 1, Oakley, Mus- koka, duties commencing first of Sep- tember, salary $350.00 Apply to H. '. Johnson, Secretary Treas. Vank- NA'DI'AN ' PAC] Fl c. santrns’ TRAINS MANITOBA and NORTHWEST Come into Lindsay for your tickets and travel by the short line via Toronto and Sudhnry. TIME. SAVED BY THIS ROUTE ("nine in by morning trains and leave Lindsay 4 35 pm. daily. leav- ing Toronto 10.10 p.In. daily. Only 40 hours Lindsay to Winnipeg by this route Full supply "Settlers Guides" and "\Vestern Canada." ready now. apply early. CA ' c - ' ‘ tions For tickets and berth l‘f‘St’tht- apply T. t'. )IATCHLTT. agent It," P.R.. Kent-st.. Lindsay. Sale June 24, ’I l 16 horses all classes. 1 black gelding, 9 years old and sound 1 black mare 11 years old 1 brown mare 11 hundred pounds 1 black mare, serviceably sound. 1 grey geldlng. middle aged delivery 1 first class driver and young 2 new top buggies with seats 1 new top buggy piano bottom. 1 new auto seat runabout. 4 sett single harness, new. 1 setr. double driving harness, new. l l ' 1’08 i i While Mrs. Howden (nee Poitras) was born a Catholic. her husband was never baptized, and for that. reason the marriage cannot, it is alleged, be recognized by the church. The se- cond reason is that the two contract- ing parties were married by a Pro- testant minister, and a third allega- tion is that the woman, when she married. was under the age of 21, and that. she had not the consent of her h.-.“ll ‘JJLCUDO. Mrs. Howden claims that. they have been married 28 years, and that her two sons and daughter will fight for her honor. She claims that. her hus- band has not been near her for six- teen years, and that she had to edu- cate the family, and now has to keep i boarders. l Rode on Wagon Tongue. London, Ont.. June 21,â€"Mrs. Ach- enburger, a farmer’s wife, had a re- markable experience here yesterday when marketing strawberries. ' She was standing in her rig when lthe team bolted. When crossing the .ccr tracks at King street. the jolt lparted the wagon from the horses, land the woman was shot. forward be- ltween the animals. She twisted her ~arms and legs around the wagon ’ tongue. and in this position the horses carried her for several blocks. The itongue nally broke from the yoke. ldropping her in the street. none the worse for he: thrilling experience. Condemn Declaration. London. June 21.â€"A score of promi- nent British admirals met yesterday laiternoon under the presidency of ‘Admiral Lord Charles Berestord, and unanimously condemned the Declar- ation of London. the international agreement governing prizes of naval warfare, adopted at a conference of the chief naval powers t-- 1 years ago. One hundred and four admirals al- dy have signed a petition to Pre- mier Asquith, pleading with him not 0 ratify the declaration. e L Canadians Honored by Baptists. Philadelphia. Pa., June 2l.â€"The Baptists of North America elected A. L. MacCrimmon, Winnipeg. Mam, president, and A. P. McDiarmid, Manitoba, 3. vice-president. Died 'From .a Cat. Montreal, June 2Lâ€"Rene Martin of 114 Drolet street, a pupil of the Olier School, died last Tuesday night, as the result of a cut which he received while playing on the mountain. The youngster played truant from school Tuesday afternoon, and with six companions went for a ramble on the mountain. Climbing a steep knoll he came suddenly on a man sleeping lic Church, to which his wife belongs. I The Liverpool market to lxd highe 5nd higher. wheat. Budapest I-Xc higher, lléc higher. Winnipeg Options. Close. Open. High. Low. Close. \Vheatâ€" July 97 9755 98-35 97% 97% Oct. 90% 91% 91% 90% 90". Dec. 90". 90% 8.9% 89% Oatsâ€" July 3634 38-31 Oct. 37 37% Toronto Grain Market. Wheat. fall, bushel ...... “$082 to 3.... Wheat. goose, bushel..... ow .... Rye. bushel ............... 070 .... Oats. bushel ................ 0 i3 .... Barley. bushel ....... ...... 0 60 .... Buckwheat, bushel 0 4‘5 0 50 Peas. bushel o 78 u so Toronto Dairy Market. Butter. store lots ......... 016 O 17 Butler. separator. dairy, lb. 0 19 020 Butter, creamery. ll). rolls.. 0 22 0 23 Butter, creamery. solids.... 0 23 .... Eggs. new-laid 019 Cheese. new. thaw. 0 12 01255 Cheese, lb. ...... .............. 0 14% U 15 lioneycombs, dozen.......... 2 50 071932 extracted, lb......... 0 10 0 11 Liverpool Grain and Produce. LIVERPOOL. June 20.â€"Beefâ€"Extra In- lia mess. Sls 3d. Porkâ€"Prime mess, western, 73s 9d. Hamsâ€"Short cut. It to 16 lbs., 703. in pails, 415 9d. ll Baconâ€"Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 le-. 525 id: short rib. 16 to 21 lbs., 553; clear bei- llght, 28 to 34 lbs., 52s; long clear mlddles, heavy. 35 to ~10 lbs. 505 6d; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs.. 495; shoulders, square, ll to 13 lbs.. 458. Lardâ€"Prime western. American refined, Cheeseâ€"Canadian finest white and col- ored. new. 55s 6d. lies. 14 to 16 lbs., 515: long clear middles, Butterâ€"Good United States. 823. Turpentineâ€"Spirits, 455. Rosin-Com- mon, 165. Petroleumâ€"Refined, Glad. Loin. seed oilâ€"153 6d. Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, June 20.-â€"The foreign de- mand for oats was good. and the prices bid showed an advance of use per quar- ter. Owing to the further advance in prices at American and Canadian centres exporters were not disposed to accept all the bids, and sales of Only a few load: were made. The tone of the local market is firm under an improved demand, sales of some fair-sized lots were made. including one lot of 20.000 bushels No. 2 Canadian western at 40%c afloat. There continues to be a {air inquiry from for- eign buyers for winter wheat flour, but the demand for spring wheat grades in slow. A fair local trade is passing, and prices are firm. The demand for mlllfeed is good. Oats-Canadian wes 42c. car lots. ex-store 410 to “‘40; No. 3 C.W., 4035c to Me: No. 2 local white. 4ch to 4014c; No. 3 local white. 3915c to 3333c; No. 4 local white. 38‘,~’;c to we. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat patents. firsts. 33.30: seconds, 34.80: winter wheat patents. $4.60 to $4.75; strong bakerS'. 8-1-60: straight rollers. $4.10 to $4.25; in bags. $1.85 to 2.. Feed barley 52c. Corn-American 6117,20. Mlllfeedâ€"Bran. Ontario. dllngs, Ontario. 52': in tierceS, 413 so; very and tern, No. 2, 41%0 ,to ; extra No. 1 feed. â€"Car lots, ex-store, 51c to No. 3 yellow, 610 to $22 to 823; mid- .50 to $23; shorts, Mani- closed to-day W1 r than yesterday. corn 34d to Berlin closed 59c lower on Antwerp \l'ashinglon. Juno 21.â€"Statements in the Sedate yesterday by Senator Heyborn of Idaho, that “whatever we have taken from England has. been taken at the point of the bayonet." produced the only tense moment of yesterday's short debate on the Cana- dian reciprocity bill. Senator Hey- born’s remark. which he later ex- plained, extended only to govern- mental acquzsitions. was challenged by Senator Bacon of Georgia as a “ rave matter." In view of the pend- ing arbitration negotiations with Eng- land. "We have more to enjoy that we have received from England than from all the rest of the world put to- gether,†said Sendtcr Bacon. Senator Galliuger brought on the controversy by asking if this nation did not owe more to England in the way of reciprocity, than it. did to Canada, because of the free made market that England had always giv- en to this country and the rest of the world. Senator Nelson of Minnesota de- clared that. his only hope of benefit from the Canadian reciprocity agree- ! ment was that it 'might lead to an- nexation of Canada. He met Senator Gallinger's argument that. reciprocity ought to be given to Mexico and all other nations, if given to Canada, by saying that. this country could not hope to annex the rest of the world. “But if we can accomplish the en- nexation of Canada we will have done a. great deal,†said Senator Nelson. “Canadian annexation at this time is an irridescent dream," said Sena- tor Gallinger, who is a Canadian by birth. "At one time it. was seriously considered by the leading men of Canada; but now that country has grown to be a big. strong. soli-assert~ ing nation, and by this treaty we will further strengthen it. “I am convinced.†added Senator Gallinger, "that when this. bill passes there are many Republicans on this sid: who will join the Democrats in kicking out the foundation stones of the protective tariff system. We will be: fortunate if the whole structure of protection does not fall." Senator Lodge of Massachusetts re- newed his argument yesterday that the reciprocity agreement as it stands is not reciprocal on wood pulp and paper, and that the Root amendment is necessary to correct and make it conform with the original agreement between the two countries. “This amendment. had been offered in no spirit of hostility to the bill,†sail Senator Lodge. “and I am sup- porting it in no spirit of hostility. l think it will make the agreement bet- ter and stronger. I intend to vote for the reciprocity measure because I think in the long run it will draw the United States and Canada closer pnrtmcnt. was k.ll<-d by a live wire, and a numb r cl lil'i‘lilt‘ll were llljlll‘v-J by falling walls on lighting half the busine Cal. ' Chapman, a Frost ended his life Tuesd ~.-..- _..â€".. SNAPPY CLOT FOR THE YCUNQ atdm eyewi’eé‘ï¬'éi" .7 ' “To sell clothes of such smart t,†that practically all the, knowing rural: fellows come here for their swell cic‘ltesz \Ve sir-cw many distinctly new (.lC two and three button effects. . Many new patterns of cloths, and new shades in coiorings. ' SEE OUR SPECIAL $12 SUIT PATTERNS .. V‘ ..~n->-v Mr. Young Man, 'come in and see the stunning new models at $8, $10, $ I 2, 35 I 5 .w .«nvvw - '1,†‘ . This Spring we have passed all our former achievements as leaders in Young Men’s Fashions. c-.~ --. ‘ ti. vi Mv "rt“-.-w. ‘ V' the little details t at mark the v.5": '_ dressed man. The style of your shirt, the h colorings and shape of your tie. :b: chants: of your Gloves, Collars, Hoszcry. c::. e::. always rests the responsibility cl yogi" "we set up appearance.†\Ve size: :33: 23.5: } makers’ up to-date styles, different .. 1.] ..,.- : _ the Iev.l of the ordinary. Th.-::, 2.325. ~. '7 in} prices are always RIGHT PRICES .. L they are never cxtravagan Choice new Shirts at 50c, 75c, $2.00 to 32.5%}. c _ Handsome New Hosiery at 15c, 25c, 35:. Sec. 73: The best makeis’ Underwear New Straw and Panama Hats. . - «WM-nâ€-.. â€M. . h†From." ’ - "“ be “"1 i-‘ell Fr: l Third Floor. ' Montreal. June ‘..'.l.--.‘~larle Luszel Berthmume, aged 31-2 years, climbed BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. James Norvan of Montreal was ar- on the railing of the third floor bal- rested and eLgiit charges of ti.-ft were ,. : .___._ cony at too rear of her home, 341 laid against him. ' "““ j Slierbrooke street cast, a:.d fell to the ground, receiving total â€juries. She was the daughter of Arthur llertin- auIIIc, general manager (5 La Pres ’lhere is a small epidemic of scarlet lfcfer in the Chathnrn schools. but 31¢ laumorizzes think they now have ' se. ’ disease checked. {I ml": ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ Dr. "tcel of 'I‘avistock was yesterday . - ., _ , Live Wire Kills Fire Chief. renonunated by the South Perth C'Jil‘ l . ~ - ' Bakershcld. (at... June 2Lâ€"Fred. crvatives to contest the riding for v ' †T Hall, chief . Ma" nus S tilt: l icopa lire de- ..: House of Commons. At the annual meeting of the (fanaâ€" ‘o’ian I’rI-ss , izc-Iti . I .. King Edward hotel, Mr. C. \‘t'. Yours of Cornwall was elected president. The last days of the sessions of the National Council meeting dawnci very bright and fair and every dale gate was in her place i'hen the roll was called. The International Fur Seal Confer- ence failed at yesterday’s meeting to i l . . rly yesterday, while a tire \'.'lll(‘l'l destroyed one- ction of Maricopa. VV< S: :L‘ M“ Shot His Head Oï¬. Sher-brooke, Que. June 2l.â€"Edwin \‘illage farmer, :iy by shooting I ~ - ‘ 3:31;: 3" , ' , himself. His head was at s oad'ust the i 9 ~ . ~ . 11‘ka “‘1'?" i "- r - 1 old sett single harness. The man awoke and sat up suddenly toba. $23: mouillle. 3% to 8:0. together. ' to iece " the t blown edit ahd J3 if €3,132, hem“? (.an 3: “1.“. ms. may. 3 . startling the lad who slipped down “°§Sâ€"DF935ed 11083. $10.25 to $1050 per Senator Cumm‘ns ve=terdav intro- p ' z p ' ‘ â€e ement 1’ prob- ‘ ‘ ' 12 fancy dusters, new, any price. . .;,, r. 100 lbs. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Women's Welcome Home “5‘9 9“ Thursday. ublic euct‘cz: an 1:9 . the face of the cu... severing an artery Beet_P]ate‘ half-barrels 100 lbs" $7.50; duced a_ number of amendments to the r .. ' _ The King Georoe Hotel Cornw l' p “ ‘ ‘ " , a dozen duck fly sheets, stable use ,ou a. sharp stone. barrels, 200 lbs., $11.50; pierces. 300 lbs. b..l which were calculated to enlarge \ I’ort “Illiam. June 19’.â€"The closmg i was in danger 3: help", de‘t 3:! say, on Sarah. .33 u ._ ( 1 gg?en fanCy linen lap clusters The bleeding was checked at. the â€21.50. the list of articles which will be ad- >f‘_>f}°’l 0‘ the, }l 0316133 00110011 10 about 8.301aseteven3no bv°a fl a 5233,, ithe following“ 22.712515: “c- ,~:"~‘ 9 d 'd h' ' hospital, but the boy died later from Lard-commund “"C93- 375.11“, 959°? mitted free from Canada. ""' Arthur “3° marked by an #d' b i. . ‘ ‘ °_- ' re_ “ ‘1‘“ l _. . ,Tn .- B â€95' 5’ “tel". .. ozen raw hi e w ips shock and loss of blood boxes. 50 lbs. net (parchment lined). .lbc. dress Saturday evening from Miss “he out over the kitchen, â€1 the i1." belcngnz ‘ “ ‘ .. er" 1 “ '3 dozen rubber lap rugs. gglg‘l-pglhlbioggtvmï¬gglnggi :32? tï¬'ï¬fï¬g' ----'~-----~ ----â€"------ Fitzgibbon. the superintendent of the nolrtthieasltnggrner Ohm" building. [part I 5011‘!“ ’3“ m airs mg or. ill . Mr v -a v - l I p , y .' __ ’. 3 V ' S r‘ ‘ ’ .. - r.,.‘agr§. ‘ I: 2 d029,, cans polish for harness. Montreal Sued for $50 000. 20 in gross, 9%,, Beamsnlle, Ont, June. 21. ReSI Women‘s \Velcome‘Home in Toronto. s‘dn ca italisitoOds of viii zhsm of out {fancy Sums; .~. mt}. H... gm? ,, 1 d, k't h , . ’ _ Porkâ€"Heavy Canada short cut mess. dents in Beamsvxlle and district early Miss hitzgibbon to.d of her work and ‘ ‘ p. " l ’c‘ ' 3" G0" l .' . . .. "21:1. .7. “zen 1 c 9“ “3113 Montreal. June 2Lâ€"A damage 5111: ; barrels. 85 to 45 pieces. $22.50: half-b8!“- yesterday‘morning were alarmed by a urged the local council of West Al- do“ or \Vallaceburg ‘5 one, Win blind I ll 31"“ Si‘m‘l‘ ‘ “ ,. 1.91:6“ “ 1 lounge 1 sideboard, 1 table against the “‘3' fl" $50,000 15. the {lair-3i: 33.530: ssciilgci: ‘bha‘l'L‘ex§“§2£§o‘l 32:5 trembling of the earth, which caused goma to take immediate steps to se. 3.5.113“ â€do.†in Chatham t ‘5 fall. lturcs; ltxtra in "~ "113,; 1 bed stead, complete and springs. g Sequel to bill: Lgincset egg 'seizll're Ma 'clear pork, barrels, 30 -to 35 ineces, dishes to rattle off shelves kand \vm- cure a hostel here. I. L. Matthew; “611182531853? oi1tâ€"hoduséahnd tons. sion kitchen 1.13.10: « â€" n be; ill . . . case, In “1' lCi U omen aâ€alns He - _ ‘ w - ' ‘ an0_ “'1 “' ~ ' . .3 ‘ ' ' 4. 1 0)" ear 9 C°5e of l ._ a. CO~ 1 SDI-mg SOfa' 1 sett fanCy curtains. city was rendereid. a a $01l.*3‘.;.=..'sâ€"Fresli. 1755c to 1815c. “1.5.2:§f$?,3§lg‘“‘7,§§,,:, whb was halff) “limiting 0:11:01; .iliiiiiuihgmlg the Lord's Day Alliance again; the l refri:€l‘..t' 2‘ z. .. a. when“ . 1 steel range stove complete The City. seized $100,000 _worth of ergls‘eelï¬fglfgsfï¬zlé†11%: 1° 135°; ““5 ‘up at four o’clock, when the shock ised help. The local council met yeg- [London IS" Lake hrie lransportatiou '3 (1mm: 1"â€â€˜m Ci" 7’; -ct ‘ 1 hall stove, for using coal canned Chinese eggs as unfit lor’hu- éu’tterlâ€"Chojccst, 22¢ to 2235c; seconds, occurred, says a rumbling sound like tor-day morning to consider the pro- l . - fit Si, .lhomas. for running cars mnee, cont; 943...: 2.: LCM-«r 3 dozen pipes all first class i man cinsumptign, but. on _tl:je case i we to 191,“, the roar 0g, ,npder was plainly aud- position, and decided that. they would Oil‘ bt‘lndfirl. arid Virgil hear _the argu- benu‘v ~ ‘ 7 ,â€" ï¬le .... . H . . ‘ gom" efore t ‘3 courts, Ju "1119:†ible.’ Thé‘.‘ ' ’ iinv lasted about Six make this their work for the coming ‘. u .n .m. oron o a {.91. Vacation. ““ L' ti ‘ 1 Jersey cow, milking and sound. inns 0rendered to the effect. this the CATTLE MARKETS. secondsï¬g “~33" ‘5 '1 your. The hostel will likely be placed .5 . '3“ Gray has gzven 3900 COYOITE- 5 (311‘35'? ' ‘ â€3 D:;n't forget the hisr sale of fancy f eggs were harmless. {3, ', between the two cities. ‘ 11"}.3‘1‘1l‘3d‘11? t? P9 "50m by the school a,â€" 1) c‘» ;:~ . : . w .. a .. 4- . . . . ..- - , Cillltl‘cl flap; ..- . ' " .2? rue: and ditsters and fly sheets; Toronto Live Stock. {4.1 g .. Jigs Limeated. . airs, \.ill..\ughby Lummhgs left on t... J '31 011).(“1:~.a.'m\ ho me to as- 1 flyâ€, .(. Tgpxr ' Charivari Proves a Tm3‘357- TORON‘W‘O June ZOâ€"The railwa 3 Londo‘ =__,:-'7~ .-â€"(,;-.arlcs F. G. Saturday evening for Japan, but. be- .‘,f“,‘°“_'_“m. .u' ““3"â€- HԠon “WIS- ' ‘ h D ' ‘ ‘ ‘ - . ‘ . y "' "A I‘ .‘â€" a i“ ~ .. ‘I-n"“ ‘ ' ; St' t *3 v- ) il' .O In" 'HJ «r‘i‘w‘ “V .I -q ,l . (.Am“ LICTIIHZ" to “L‘i‘dj‘fll’i l‘ ,-.~. 1'7. 1‘7““: . i 1. ,, , q .. - -.l.tstcru e- ,. iâ€. “lusty o. d 9. rue team... s... at- 3.1 L}.LL.lCllt ad- . - _ -. a ~ ~ l is the con... \._~ .~. g.†.... . . \uzt Orange. ZN.J.. June ~1.â€"1he.reported 103 carloeds of live stock at ,. ~~... ,, ., . , . , ~.., ° . . . . .lm. .. I...†Cow†v. (..-:_-S on approaed notes bearing ; {HWY of farm for}; that "a’hcred early ‘the City qudc consisting _c-' 1421 111 the r . 21mg, yesterday ha: mess upon Covernme 1t annuities. ; “ii 9,1 Sula ‘lwle'w . - (1.25m .â€" 1 73815: “‘5 rate Of 5 Per cent, Per 3 l‘uesdziv under the windZIvs of J. \‘.':il- l ' i ‘ l" T". i .I‘ “l 43.99““ of'lrztl‘ds’eat m ï¬nal-louse 0f- - me hrs?†59,5310!) opened m Fort Wil‘ l tip u; got _a ‘scarc last .1); {ht When '01:" r»: 2 . , .. L" .. W ,. , g ,1 y fl 4, .. _; W ,, ; .l. Commons for the llul'tll dzvisicu oi ham yesterday morning, and the city.‘ .- 5‘1‘911 0I the Laid) Mills blewar. I * ' . .. ll . (21’ tu.l.:y ()wï¬â€˜l‘ t‘ï¬enLy do}- . or lctct. u. jean: undeciuom, A.l [me i t v _ ,. , ,. J‘ “1 - 3 .. - x u†_ _ t‘T 013‘“, - l l' nu . . , 7 _ ‘ghm ., ,M' l 4:... .. .. - ' . test dam by too law coulub, lullCJ turned out mm a warn' welcome to ‘ ‘l‘ “1 0Q "CL 1113 muuraifoi '1‘“ ‘ ~ :, g 2-- 2,. ....,.,.. ,p. ,.- ,h \§_;‘:. of LlVngSton, With the totem u . . u .. . w . , , . .. g â€I, ., .. . .7 . , , ) . 1%,, Wm, .. ,. v, ; . .- , - ...-. .3 “(3-1.1131 cas . $03 of ssh-,0. the bridal con la a E .EPHANT found his emotion was aided by too distinguished ladies, waders to i "'“‘ r â€.e M“ I.-- 0‘ mil .‘.:-..:w; ’c;_.;-, ..‘ - 53‘5Ҡv P - - ’ - . corrupt practices on the part of his consider questions of work of wide Iconstruction and the brigade of the . . .2 -x-~ chenvari, were welcomed With Empress, Rennres Prize, Bingholm agents. 3-,. imports in this city for l next works saved the situation 0 CICCK m... H.-. w A FAI‘NINGl $303212! ogdï¬iï¬tdglgigfli and all kmds ‘°f'hlm’°.‘seed ms“ at ° The‘iud‘ges said thiii‘nb fault rested three days. . ‘ Ml" ‘34in Blue. census com- â€Ody welccm‘i' . ' . hm ' Q §-.- “ ‘1“- ‘ HIGINBOTHAM S, Lindsay “m ~Mag‘t,elrmian personally‘ n_’ .' - “~- ~ ‘ -. ear.