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Lindsay Post (1907), 7 Jun 1912, p. 4

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.93, .3000 Kaster Willie Hill, son of Mr. Tom Bill, fell down the banister at school on Tuesday last and broke his arm. The Cannington council me: as a. Court of Revision f_or 1912 on Monday night last, at 8 p.m. -T‘he assessments of several properties were readjusted and a committee appointed to con- sider the assessments of the Bennett House and Queen’s Hotel. I’AGE 4 :1 lecture on Yellowstone National «Park will be held on Friday evening, June 7th. in the Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Every- body welcome. Miss Stella Westcott agent the week end in Toronto. m. J.P. Anderson and Mr. F. Bick spent the holiday in Lindsay. Misses Emma and Clara. Brandon yisited their sister, Mrs. W.J. Rpm:- lay at Peterboro on Monday. Misses Love, of Toronto are visit- ;ng their grandmother, Mrs. Love, Cameron-st, East, this week. Mr- and Mrs. Harris Evans at Sunâ€" aefland on Monday. Miss Ethel Dawson in Toronto this Hrs. G.B. Henderson is visiting her wants at Gravenhurst this week. Mr. Len Kift, of Toronto, s‘oent the may at his home. Canning-ton basébal-l teams were the winners of the day at Port Perry Honda. 0111' boys are to be congrat- nlated on their success. Miss Jennie and Ella Dobson and ”Bertie Mullen at Port Perry Monday. Mrs. Ed. Lil-licrap and children vis- ited Lindsay on Monday. Messrs. Chas. Cowan, W. Mullen, and N.J. Pipher motored to Port is attracting‘the crowds these days-"unfavorable weather conditions during May has ma‘ help us accomplish this and materially help yourself by taking advantage of the exceptic Miss Ruth Bick spent the week in Yon Wm find her:- probably the best, :mmrtex‘rstnck ofdesirahh- 'l'ur- nip Sevds m lawn. \Ve r'nucuit the [ecomuwmiafimns of the Depart.- men). making a. selectxon of those showing the highest test as to quality and productivity. RED GLOBE Also RAPE SEED DRU‘G STORE HALL’S VJESTBURY MAGNUM BONUM IMPROVED ELEPHANT WHITE GLOBE RENNIE’S PRIZE YELLOW ABERDEEN CANADIAN GEM GREYSTONE Fmflard SiEks BANGHOLM Here are some : Extra quality French foulard silks, good heavy qualities, soft lustrous finish in shades 9E navy tan. grey, rose. black and white. Reg. 90c. and F' . $1.00 yd. June sale ...... " 5C DUNOON’S Plain Wool Voiaes Plain wool Voiles 44 to 46 inches wide in shades of brown, tan, navy, reseda, cream, myr- tle and black, all imported qualities, extra value at 75c. vd. June sale per yd Kurd Dress Goods Broken lines of fine Mohairs and Alpacas, handsome service- able fabrics for dresses. Reg. $1.00 to $1.25 yd. June sale ........................... 490 Fancy Satin striped Voiles for summer dresses. Many dif- ferent shades to choose from, 40 inches wide. Reg. 50c. ."d- June sale ............... 390 Shantung SiFR Superior quality pure Shant- Turnips Monday. Miss Moshier, of Ellis’ School, at Port Perry Monday. 1 __ i Leeâ€"Parkin â€" That the assess- ‘ Miss Jewell, Miss M. Hancock and ment 0f the Grange H311 be reduced 1; Mr. 8. Hancock, of Eden, called on from $15010 375- friends in our neighborhood on Friâ€" Markâ€"Parkin â€" That the farm of day last. ‘A. C. Graham be reduced from $875 } Mr. J. Staples, of Gavan, was the to $600- " guest of his daughter, Mrs. Hiram Parkinâ€"T'ompkina â€" That the assess- g Rogers, on Sunday. ?ment of James Rutherford amount- I. Miss Janet Conway, . of Lindsay, ing t0 5475 be sustained. I i. spent Saturday the guest of her Lee-Parkin â€" That the following ,‘ cousin, Miss Junie Cruess. inames be added as manhood fran- i Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Coad spent Sun..chose voters to the roll: Bruce Ark- , day with Woodville friends. 9" 1 wright; Wilfrid Arkwright, and that . Mr. E. R. Rogers spent a few the roll as now revised be the legal ,9 days at Port 'Perrv visiting his sister assessment roll for 1912. Mr. Montgomery visitec: at Midland over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Capling returned to their home in New Liskeard on Reeve T. A. Wilson and Dr. Baker, at Eprt Perry on Monday. Mrs. C. E. Weeks, of Woodville and Mrs. C.A. Plank, of Lorneville', in town on Saturday. Mrs. T. A. Wilson in Toronto this week. Miss Florence Ross, of Toronto, is visiting at her home here this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. J, C, Coad spent Sun..chose voters to the roll: Bruce Ark- day with WoodVille friends. 9" i wright; Wllfl‘id Arkwnght, and that 1 Mr. E. R. Rogers spent a. few the roll as now revised be the legal i days at Port 'Perry visiting his sister . assessment roll for 191-2- Mrs. John Mose, who is gay ill. I General business was then ’taken 2 Miss Cullis, of Powles Corner is at 11D. 1 Present visiting her brother, Mr. J. : Tompkinsâ€"Lee â€" That Mr. Maybee l Cullis. s be refunded $4 on error in treasurer’s Mr. and Mrs. J .T. Birchard attendâ€" ed the anniversary service at Gamer-I on on Sunday. . Among those who attended Women’s Institute Convention Lindsay, on Monday, from Linden Valley were: Mrs. J .P. McElroy, Miss Kate McCorvia; Mrs. J.C. Cullis, Mrs. W. Weldon, 31‘1“}. WEB. druess, Mrs. Hiram Rogers, Mrs. John Gorril Mrs. ER. Rogers, 'Zzlrs.W. Fowler, -Irs. Albert Jewell, Mrs. C. White, Mrs. Jess. Gerri-ll, Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. G. Weldon, Mrs. Bert Jewell, the ... vvu‘o-nâ€"unm- u... in: account. Parkinâ€"Tolmieâ€"That the Reeve i and Treas. be authoriz?d to borrow $1500 for township purposes. Parkinâ€"Markâ€"That Mrs. J. Knox’s taxes amounting to $8.17 be rebated, also the taxes of Jas. Ewars amâ€" ounting to $6.07. Parkinâ€"Markâ€"That the following 128 bills be paid: T.'Greyzes, for loads gravel, $12.80; W. H. Powles, "for postage and stationery, $3.139; E. 5Tompkins, repairs :to crusher and iscraper, $1.60; Wm. Smithson, bonus Mrs. B. Wheeler, of Chicago, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. D. McNevin, of Canningtob. -Irs. Albert Jewell, Mrs. C. White, Mrs. Jess. Gorri-ll, Mrs. A. Campbell, Mrs. G. Weldon, Mrs. Bert Jewel-l, Mrs. D. W. Terrill, Mrs. J.E. Terrill, Miss Tillie. Hancock. Miss Bessie Cul- Miss Tillie. Hancock, Miss Bessie Cul- lis, Miss Junie Cruess, Miss Stella Hancock, Mrs. O. Weldon, Mrs. C. Knight, Miss Nelson Weldon. Hancock, Mrs. 0. Weldon, Mrs. C. ‘1 wire fence, $7.50; Geo. Imri'e, re- Knight, Miss Nelson Weldon. gpairs to Perrin bridge, $16g Jno Lee, Also the president of West Victoria i inspecting bridge on con. '3, $1; D. Mrs. R Webster, Vice Pres, MTS- 3-13 : Tolmie, inspecting bridge and roads, MCEII'OY. Sec. Mrs. J. T. Birchard, I $3; M. Maybee, balance salary as Assistant, Miss Gertrune Bil-chard. i treas, $35; J. B. Powles, balance sal- Miss E. Robson, of Ilderton, will; ary as clerk, $25; M. Maybce, for use address the ladies of the Linden Val-l of 0. Hall for today’s meeting. $3; ley Institute on June mm. at half} H. Tompkins, inspecting roads and past two at the home of Mrs. ‘J. work”, $4; Neil Mark, work on Dow- W. Hancock. Everybody welcome. We ner's hill, $10.25; T. Smitheram, bal. hope the ladies will [remember the salary as assessor, $15.00. date. .Patkinâ€"Markâ€"That council ad‘ Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Jewell, 0! Canâ€" journ to meet at Cameron on.,June nington, werethe guest or Mr. 1'13. J. B. PO'WLES. LINDEN VALLEY . Amey at Bl‘acxwater 1mg silks in spot and floral patâ€" terns, beautiful fabrics for waists and dresses. Reg. 75c. values. June sale per yd. K()l. Hillinery . Ladies’ trimmed hats in 3.1 the latest styles and colors, ‘to be cleared at the follow- ing prices: $4.00 to $5.00 hats for $2.48; $6.00 to $7.50 hats for $3.48; $8.00 hats $4 98 for ...................... All untrimmed colored hats at half price during this sale. Ladies’ Suias Ladies’ Suits in fine serges, Panamas, plair. cloths and tweeds. handsomely tailored. The shades are navy, black, brown, grey and tan. Note these reductions. $15.00 suits for 512.50; 518.00 suits for $15.00; $20.00 suits for $16.50; $25.00 suits for SR9“ nn Ladies’ Dresses Ladies’ white Allover Em- broidery cotton dresses in three 1860----DUNDAS . 20.00 Leeâ€"Tompkinsâ€"That the assess- ; ment of $300 of the Rosedale Tele- phone 00; be struck off. Several of the gentlemen of our neighborhood attended the Farmers’ Instiiute meeting in Lindsay on Mon- day. Miss J essie Goad is in Lindsay tak- ing a. course in dressmaking with Miss Holmes, Over Sutclifie's store. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Howe's circus on Mon- Council met to revise the assess- ment roll, also for general business. Reeve Tolmie was appointed chair- man. The following motions wzere as- sented to by; the court: Parkinâ€"Mark' â€" That lot No. 3, south of Mull st., Cambray be trans- ferred from C. Alger to Wm. Wel- don. Leeâ€"Tompkins â€" That the assess- ment of $3600 for Frank Webster’s farm be sustained. ‘ Parkinâ€"Markâ€"That Mrs. J. Kndx’s taxes amounting to $8.17 be rebated, also the taxes of Jas. Ewars am- ounting to $6.07. Parkinâ€"Markâ€"That the foliowmg bi is be paid: T.'Greyzes, for 128 loads gravel, $l2.$0; W. H. Powles, for postage and stationery, $3.39; E. Tompkins, repairs Ito crusher and scraper, $1.60; Wm. Smitfison, bonus on 60 rod. wire- fence, $15; R. Byrnel-l bonus on 67 rod wire fence, $16.76; Jno. McCormick, bonus on 30 rod FENELON iCOUNClL 59c School Umbrellas different styles, sizes 34 to 40. Reg. $7.50 lines June $5 90 sale ........................ Children‘s school Umbrellas, ‘with good strong ribs, assortâ€" ed fancy handles. Just what the girls reed for rainy days. Your choice. Ginghams Elegant wash Ginghams in stripes, checks, plaids and plain ellects. Reg. 18c. and 20c. va- lu 5. Jun sale er _. yde ......... e .......... p. 1231.20 I-I ribbed Children‘s, Misses‘ and Ladies‘ hose in black or tan cotton, seamless feet, fine kuiL- ted, sizes 4‘2 to IO. Full {1.81;}.- ................ DOC ISLAY (Special to The Post.) ‘Mr and Mrs. D. Tolmie spent the 24th visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joe Moynes, .of Pleasant Valley Mrs Margaret Graham is spending a lew weeks visiting friends in To- ronto and Midland. Mr. and Mrs. ' J. Cowieson spent; his horse’s 1e; Sunday with friends at Valentia. 5 day morning. Seeding is nOt nearly complete: caygeon is in this district. Some‘have very little‘ Miss E. B. grain sown, others have none. The‘ spent the wee recent rains have been the worst} Mrs. Nellie ever known here. Several culvertsl dren Doro‘ have been washed out. At our cor- here Tuesday ner the road was. flooded worse than Ohio, to it was in the early spring. In some friends places whole fields haye been under __ water. We sincerely hope for dry ELI weather till seeding is completed. (Specie Mr. Warwick, of Balsam Grove, was in.the district on‘Sunday of last week. Mrs. Knight find family. of Balsam Lake, were visiting at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Boyd on Friday of last week. The following from this vicinity at- tended the Institute convention in Lindsay on Monday: Mrs. -W-m. \Wil- son, Mrs. Marshal Moynrs, Mas Ad- die Elford and Miss Mabel Currins. PLEASANT POINT (Special to The Post.) We are glad to'hear that Mr John Hay is improving somewhat from the paralytic stroke which he reâ€" ceived a couple of weeks ago. We hope that he may continue to im- prove. Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Brien. and family of here spent Sun-Lay under her parental roof in South Emily. The recent rains have worked con- siderable havoc with the roads in this vicinity. In many places the culverts have been washed out, and in other places the roadbed. Mr. .Wm. Hay is busy these days making ready for the reOpen-ing 01 his store at the Point. He is ex- pecting to do a good business this year, as there is a bright outlook tor a large number of cottagers. ‘ SCOTCH LINE (Special to The Post.) A number from here spent the holiday ,in town~ Monday. We are‘ sorry. to report the illness place, who is caused by a t has mac‘ie us determined to make JUN exceptional offerings during this Great LINDSAY POST. ciatl to The Post.) i LORNEVILLE JUNCTION r from here spent‘ the" Visitors in our burg during the holâ€" town Monday. iday: sorry. to report the illness Mrs. A. Hawkins, or Lindsay at mas Robertson. of this; Mrs. Walker’ 3; Mr. and Mrs. Neil is suflering‘ from troublei Cameron, Beaver-ton, at Mr. 'J. C. a. tooth. Hope he MlleSn-Jth's; Miss Tears. and Miss F. ioned. June sal‘e 2 prs. 9 Ladies’ plain black cotton hose, seamless feet, fast in colâ€" or, full fashioned. Sizes 8‘; 1.0 10. June sale per 1 a) 1 -9 pair .................. .40 Table Linen Pillow Cases Manufacturers’ ends of fine bleached table linen in lengths from I yd. to Ii; yds, fine even weave and Damask finish. Reg. 35c., 50c.. and 65c. yd. June sale per yd. ................ 90p Pillow Cases ready for use, hemmed or hcmstitched, 42, 44 and 46 inches wide. Reg. 20c. each. June sale each12 1 '26 E A number of the young people from of Balsam; here attended the entertainment in a home of I Kirkfield Monday evening and report on Friday ‘ an excellent time. Mrs. McLean entertained - Miss Ca.- vicinity at- 1therine Campbell. for tea Monday ev- 'ention inf ening. Mary McEachem visited their cousin QMr-s. W. Emrie, Fenelon Balls, last Sunday. ' i Mr Archie and Misses Rachael and I soon‘ be able to be around again. Mr. Harry Kemp of the Traders' Bank of Toronto, is spending a week at the home of Mr. Dougal‘ Robert- son, .Green Hill Farm. Mr. Vicars Beatty and sister Ag- at her home at Manley. gie lefe Saturday to spend a few ‘Mr. and Mrs. Plank spent the holiâ€" days with their sister, Mrs. Wm. day at Uxbridge-. Wright, Oi Selwell. The Rev. Mr. Lang, oi'Queen’s Col- Mr. Arthur Kennedy of this {lace lege, Kingston, occupied the pulpit had the' misfortune of having one of ' of St. Andr?w's Church on Sunday his horse’s legs badly hurt on Tues- { last, and preached two excellent ser- day morning. Dr. McKinnon 0‘ BOb" ‘ mons which were enjoyed by all who caygeon is in attendance. :heard them. Miss E. B. Robertson, of this placel The ladies of the W.F.M.S., of E1- spent the week end in Bobcaygeon. don, intend having a garden party in Mrs. Nellie Ruth and her two chil- the manse grounds in the near future drenh Dorothy and- Bobbie arrived At time of writing the date was not here Tuesday evening from Cleveland set. Ohio, to visit her Scotch Line Ladies! Do not forget the Women's friends. Institute meeting in Mr. Plank’s hall ............. 3290 Owing to the very heavy rains very few farmers have finished seeding op erations in this vicinity. PLEASANT VALLEY (Special to The P0312.) Among those who attended the an- nual convention of the Women’s and Farmers’ Institute held in Lindsay, on Monday last were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smitheram, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tolmie. In spite o: the threateningweather and bad roads, there was a good attendance at the meeting of the P. V. G. club last week. The'leading feature of the evening was a debate, the subject -of which was: “Resolved, that the life of an old maid .is less miserable than that of an old baâ€" chelor.'1'The negative sidexwon by a small V margin. Mr. and Mrs. D. Moynes were in Lindsay on Monday, ’ Miss Ethel Brokenshire, of Camer- on Point, is visiting friends in this neighborhood this week. ,y i: . Conan Crepes A full range of Serpentine Crepes in floral, conventional stripes and bird designs, suitâ€" able for waists, dresses and ki- monos. These sold regularly at 25c. and 35¢. per yd. Take your choice during our June sale at per yard 12 1-28 Mr. and Mrs. ‘. and Mrs. D.3 eavy rains very ’ bed seeding opv . JUNE A RECORD SELLING MONTH. Flannelette Roller Towelling 30 inch striped shaker {lam-31 in shades of blue, pink, fawn, and grey good weighty cloth. Reg. IOC. v.a1ue June sale” per )d ........................ 30 Victoria Lawn Pure linen Roller Towelling, 17 inches wide, plain white with red border. Big value at 8c. yd. . r June sale per 32nd ............ an 33 inch Victoria Lawn, fin: even thread, pure bleach, suit- able for, aprons, dresses, under- wear, etc. Reg. Ioc. June 3' sale price per yard ...... JG 191 [‘13 Sale. Here we mention a few onl. Miss M. Thompson, of Cannington is the guest of Miss Campbell this week. {- Miss M. Gibson spent the week-end at her home in Cannington. We are all p leased to hear that Mr. , Lewis Ken is abléto be out again aiâ€" 1 ter his long confinement in the house : with a very sore foot. Mrs. Hugh McDonald spent a ,days last week here with her I Mr. N. McDonald. Smith, Toronto, at Mr. J .C. Smith’s; Miss Bee McFadyen, of Toronto, at Mr. A. McIntyre’s; Miss Davidson of Lindsay at Mr. Davidson’s. Miss E. Campbell spent the holiday; at her home at Hartley. i "Mr. and Mrs. Plank spent the holi-l day at Uxbridgeâ€". ‘ The Rev. Mr. Lang, of Queen’s Col-i lege, Kingston, occupied the pulpit! of St. Andr?w’s Church on Sunday} last, and preached two excellent oer-l mons which were enjoyed by all who! heard them. i The ladies of the WHFM. s., of E1-‘ don, intend having a garden party in the manse grounds in the near future. At time of writing the date was notl on Thursday, June 6th. Everybody welcome. Everybody come. SANDERINGHAM ELDON The farmers around here are look- ing kind of blue these times on ac- count of so much rain. “But Cheer up,” seed time and harvest will come. A bad electrical stom: came this way last Thursday night but did not do as much damage here as in some other parts, but unfortunately killed threehead of cattle on Mr. ‘1. Mac- Innes' farm, one belonging to Mr. MacInnes himself and the other of Mr. E. Robinson’s. Miss Margaret Campbell, of L.B.C. spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Helen Fisher and Miss Prouse were the guest of Miss M. Fisher dur- ing the holiday. Miss Birdie Campbell- is attending Lorneville School, taking up entrance work. ' Mr. Dr. Stacey and children visited at his sister, Mrs. Muney, last week Miss Campbell and Miss Van Aus- tin spent Saturday and Sunday with their friend, Miss A. Robinson. Mr. Robt. Campbell called on friends here last week. Everyone is pleased to see Big Bob in their midst. Mr. and Mrs. Jff. Gillander spent Sunday at Cameron. _ Fenelon Falls, June 5.â€"â€"News of the sudden death at the Boss Hospi- tal, Lindsay, on Tuesday morning of the residents of this village and the Township of Verulam, where the de- ceased \was well known and highly re- hospital on Monday, June 3rd., his illness having been of short duration. WILLIAM LAMB OBITUARY .......... OC was removed to the! , cameas a shock to Our [028 is Your Gan; Bleac Fine bleached Sheeting 81 inches u ide, fine ex en thread good we ight} quali‘u Reg 28c: y.d June sale per .) .21-) vd. .. ,., American Cretonnes 36 inch Cretonnes, in beam. fully printed floral and com-m tional patterns. All ‘colormgs. Reg. 22c. and 25a. 111195150 Jtime sale per yd. ....... American Siikalines Fine American Silkalines, in dainty floral and conventiom patterns, full 36 inches Wide, handsome patterns for draper- ies. Reg. 18c. and 20c. yd. June sale per yd. ....... 1 U) 1 ‘5}- Fancy Curtai: E: m; Handsome Curzain 5.2121546 inches Wide, in floral and c011- ventional designs. all colorings. Reg. 25c., and 35c. yd. June sale per yd. ......... :15“:- LINDSAY, FRIDAY 9.. ”-4. - - .1 .O- b- g ‘ l - r; ‘ Rev. Mr. the “a: .. , ’ Saturday. Mr. Sargeant, druggisiv ! He is survived by a wido‘ 'fant child. a Deepite the unfavorahk a 5319 of n-~,_I last Wednesday, the as «a a! -#md odist Church next .Mr. Hieis attending I Cobourg. m He was 48 years of age, and u tied. He is survived by m” and a brother, Mr. Jae Lam. Verulam. The funeral takes p1: the family residence on nu St. Peter's Church My. The death took plaeeon '11 eVem‘ng, of an old abd high!” ed resident of Lindsay in the of Mrs. P. Gunn. 75 Lindsay south, in her seventy-tom; The deceased lady was born] Port Hope and after main“: time in Ops Township. ram! Lindsay, about 45yeaxs ago. husband predecmed h“ I years ago. member of St. Mary's Chad. 1 her recent illness, which mi her death was of several MOW! ation. She leaves W1 mourn her loss, one daughter, 1 and three sons, John, aim“: ship; Hugh, of Argintine Rep-,5! and Robert, Pinchen MAIN! sotwo sisters; Mrs. John? riCk, of Toronto and 311's. D. patrick. of Ops Township. The funeral will take planet! family residence, 75 Lindsayf . ZION (Special to The Post) Miss Dorothy Brown Spat days last week in town. Mrs. W. B. Moore and W Miss Muriel who have been ‘3 her father, Mr. Lott WMV turned home to Feudal! Fa Friday evening last. A very unusual thing is to!" at Zion. Mr. Robert Phillipa“ rye headed out, and some on" mers have no seeding done 3" Most of our young peopkt“ Cameron Sunday evening did their anniversary SC '083- A large numbes o! Ziouiw“ ed the circus, also tn: If”; on Thursday morning at 8.50‘ to St. Mary’s ChurCh mm the Roman Catholic camel?- ing of the Lindsay . and Honda?- A large Children ANNA GUN)? Mrs. Gum W38 .) 1 -90

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