PAGE 8 was the guest 0‘ M-IS Thos. Maunder and Laur- tlie have gone to Toronto, ence Heat ployment. where they have secured em Mr. Harry Watson, who is in the navy at Haliiax, visited friends in our village on Sunday. Mrs. Herb Mark. of Bobcaygeon, visited at the home on m. -v..- We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. Curtis Johnston and hope his recovery mï¬â€˜be a speedy one. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Rev. J. F. Chapman. have returned from the comerence a», Cobourg. They intend leaving for We shortly where they will res- ide in the future, Mrs. Jas. Taylor, of Oakwood, 'was the guest of her sister Mrs. Alfred Webster on Sunday. R. F. Whiteside next Thursday. 1 Mrs. Corwin Andrus and children,‘ returned to their home in Toronto on Monday after spending some time in this place. The brick work is now completed on Hr. Nathan Rodman's residence and it improves it considerably. Mr. Wm. Heatlie is having a new metal roof erected on his house this week- Kennedy Bros. are doing the work. M-rs. Ed. Wickett has returned from visiting her parents at Colum- Mr. Vathan Rodman is preparing to build a new verandah. Messrs. W. J. and ng Hooper have ï¬nished sawing lumber for another season. They had a fairly good cut this year. no service will be held in the Chris- tian church next Sunday morning. On the eVening Rev. Chapman will preach There are three ice cream parlors in town and they are proving very pop- Rev. Joe. Archer spent a day with friends and relatives at Peniel recent: days in Toronto last wzek. Hr. Leonard Ftacey, of the Bank 0! loctreal, Peterboro, returned on Friday evening after a pleasant visit with his parents here. It. Chard, of Lindsay, visited our village on Saturday. Kr. A. L. Tremeer has greatly in:- N. E. Morton leaves Markham where he conference iss Elsie Hunyer. 0! (Special to The Corwin AndruS, mu. BRITAIN ;y where they wzeks. Syringes Made for Use And plenty of use. at that. Syr- inges you’ll ï¬nd in our stock will give long service The reason is. that we buy You don‘t always find that kind ~â€"-th’:re’s a difference in the rust, and few can tell thn dit’Fav-vnoein the goods. at ï¬rst. The difference shaws up later, however. We recently received some of these decirable svr ages right 1mm the factory. It’s a good time to buy one! marenc‘e Heatlie ' spent 3 Syringes Made of Real Rubber of Miss HIGINBOTHAM k. of Bobcaygeonv home of Mr. John 5°C to $2.50 home of t for Kinston on will spend a. coup r. J. F. Chapman. l the conference at intend leaving for here they will res- Post: o! oakwood. Lorna. Hunyer this week L11 attend Toronto Lindsay proved the front of his store by givâ€" ing it a. coat of paint. ' Miss Gertrude Vrooman, of Lindpay spent the week end at the home of Mr. R. F. Whiteside. the guest of Sunday here. from attending the Bay Conference at Cobourg. Mrs. Bark-er, Sr., of visiting friends in this ' L'UUICL DHVV v- Mrs. Barker, Sr., of visiting friends in this vicinity. Rev. C. F. Chapman Occupied the pulpit of the Christian church on Sunday evening and consequently no service was held in the Methodist. Rev. E. Morton is attending the conference at Mark-ham this week. Mr. Wm. Cornish attended the con- ference at Cobourg last week. ' Mrs. Gilson, of Toronto, is the of her sister, Mrs. Milton Oakwood, is ; guest ‘ Groves. Mr. W. T. Hunter, representattve oi uVâ€"v' See the jugglers and acrobats in front of the grand stand at Lindsay‘s big day's doings, Dominion Day. Mr. E. O. Ye-rex was in Toronto a couple of days last week on business. Mast-er Frea Hicks. of Valentia, was buried in the Christian church cemetery on Friday. Mr. Wm. Yeo, Sr., and Mrs. Will Wickett, visited friends in Oshawa, this week. No service was held in the Christ- ian church last Sunday morning. Mr. C. H. Lapp is presiding at the Entrance examinations in Oakwood. this week, while Mr. G. B. Rennie of ithat village is presiding here. Mr. W. J. Yeo has erected a new ce-- ment sidewalk which improves his premises considerably. Don't forget the tea and annivers- ary next Sunday and Monday. Rev. R. Bamforth, B. A., of Port Perry, ‘is expected to be present. Misses Hazel and Blanche Dix, oi the L.C.I.. Lindsay, are spending a few days under the parental roof. Dr. A. E. V‘rooman, of Lindsay. paid a flying visit to our village on Friday evening in his automobile. Mrs. W. C. Hooper is at present enâ€"y 'joying a month’s holidays with some friends at Toronto and Ckomus, Mich. The Institute meeting at the home of Mr. Boyd on Thursday evening, was a decided success. Quite a large number: of ladies and gentlemen .were present. Mr. Naylor very ei- ‘ï¬ciently filled the chair. The princi- pal teature of the meeting was the very excellent address by Miss Bob- inson of Ilderton. her subject being "The evenomical problems of a country girl." Miss Robinson is a very clever speaker and certainly did justice to the subject, her lengthy address was listened to with thel closest attention and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. She also gave a talk on “What the Women’s Institute is doing.†This, too was very interest- ing and profitable. Music was diur- nished and the meeting was brought to a close by singing the National ;' Anthem. .. Miss Lily McFarlaue of Woodville paid a. short visit to friends in this . vicinity last week. (Spatial to.The Post.) Miés Velma Christian, daughter of Mr. John Christian, of Lindsay is visiting her sister, Mrs. Tom Fergu- son of this district. Lderf 1krs.Currins and daughter. Miss Lizzie visited at the home of Mrs R. Robinson of Lindsay whose son has "been 'seriously ill. ‘ - 8312 the pofxy races in front of the grand stand at Lindsay’ 5 big day of sports, Dominion Day. REABORO. ( Special to The Post) Mr. Peter Hawkins spent several days in Toronto last-week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Houghton have moved from this vicinity to Guelph. Quite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. G. Bah- cock who was killed in a wreck on the G.T.R. Mr. Walter Reeds, of Cross Creeks, called on Reaboro friends on Sun- day last. Mr. Thos . O’Neill bought a hand- some mare from Mr. W. J. Rea. , Mr. Henry Philp has charge of'the local mail“ route as Mr. Wm. Elliot is training with the volunteers. Mr. D. H. McMahon, who under- went a slight operation in the Ross Hospital will soon be at work againâ€" The challenge tug-ofâ€"war for a. cash prize 01 $25. will be one of the fea- tures of Dominion Day sports at Lindsay, J uly lst. F. Chapman . Connor, 0: Kirkï¬eld, was of friends and relatives on Children Cry FDR ELETDHER’S IASTORIA ‘ returned of Quinte Dr. C. D. Fallis and family came down from Toronto in his «auto last Saturday, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fallis, at the station. Mr. L. D. Fame, 01“ Seattlei is vis- iting friends here. Mrs. Pue and Miss Malcolm, of Or illia, are visiting Mrs. Pue‘s brother, Mr. A. Malcolm, at the station. A number of our 37 tended the ball game last‘ Friday. runâ€"v _ , ’lbe Farmer’s and Woman’s Instiâ€" tute Convention, held here last Fri- day, was a very interesting affair. 0vâ€" er forty ladies attended the meeting in the basement oi the church. Mrs. Haycock, of Newtonville, president, took charge of the meeting, giving the first'address. She commenced by paying a loving tribute to the memâ€" ory of Miss Walsh, their former pres- ident who died last July. She said that to know Miss Walsh was to love her and that they had not only lost an earnest, faithful worker in the In- stitute. butatrue friend. A resolutâ€"1 ion was passed by the institute that a memoir of Miss Walsh be placed on record of the institution. Miss Hay- craft, sec-treas., also spoke in glow- ing terms of Miss Walsh and gave a good report of Institute work. After election of ofï¬cerr, Miss Emmerson rendered a solo, “Loch Lomond" aivt er which the president suggested that ladies go in a body over to the Ball to hear what the gentlemen had tu ‘ say. They arrived in time to hear a ‘ splendid address by Mr. James of ‘ Bowmanville. He had to make some changes in his address to make it in, teresting to the ladies he said. He ï¬rst urged the farmer to take pattâ€" ern from the ladies and organize a farmer' 5 club in order to co-operate. He said farmers were inclined to be jealous of one another and they were the only business men that did not co-operate along business lines. He‘ complimented the CartWright farm- ers on their fine, well-kept buildings and prosper011s looking farms. Then 'he urged mothers to educate their girls not only in book learning but in all household affairs, in order to fit them properly for homes of their own. Mr. James disapproved of so‘ many girls being school teachers, oï¬- ice and shop-girls. He thought that if girls were taught tofill their own. sphere in life, men would put them- selves in a position to establish homes and take wives who are fitted for the home. He urged the boys and girls to stay on the farm, showing many ’aGVantages of the country ov- er the town and city. After the address the meeting adâ€" journed and had a photo taken on :he church lawn, after v-1ich all sat down to a well spread table and so- cial conversation closed what was thought by all, a most enjoyable and proï¬table’ time. Rev. J. U. Robins took charge of the League here on Friday evening last. We regret to say that he will only be with us for another two weeks. Don’t forget Nestleton Anniversary on Sunday and Monday next. A good program is in progress there being something special by Rev. Robins, a1- so Mr. M. Vea-le, of Toronto, will sing and other outside talent is ex- pected. A ball game between Liï¬crl and Nestleton will be played during the afternoon. (SDeCial to The Post) Miss Lowe, of Haliburton, presided at the Entrance examinations held in Minden School last week. Mr. W. Nesbitt’s dwelling and some of its contents were destroyed by fire on Monday last. We understand there was no insurance. Mr. Samson Wright, of Irondale, was in town on business. Mr. G. McKechnie, of Listowell bought a carload of cattle in this vi- cinity. ‘ Mr. Jas. Gillogly, of Lindsay, was in town on business. Miss Lavina Kirkwood, of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kirkwood, of town. Master Fred Soward, who has been attending High School in Peterboro, is home for the holidays. Mr. J. Cornell, Massey Harris agt., was in town on Friday. Messrs. J'. J. and Alfred Stephen, of Gelert, were in town for a couple of days last week. Mr. Harrington, of Trenton, was in town last week. Messrs. Wilson, of the Lindsay Post motored to Finmount and than to Haliburton. The Minden Orang‘emen will celeâ€"l brate the 12th of July at home and have invited local lodges to join them. The Minden branch of the Women’s Institute have secured Miss Gowsell, Domestic Science teacher, of Port Arthur, to give a lecture in the town hall, Minden on Monday Jane 24th, NESTLETON MINDEN some it inâ€" at 2.30. Subjects: “Diet-s {or mu auu 37011118†and “The education of Girls†Mrs. Phillips returned to form on Saturday last, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Marjorie, who has lat ely returned fro the west, and her father, Mr. G. H. Sylvester, oi Stoufl ville , Ont. Mrs. 'S. Moore visited friends in Gelert, last. week. Road Inspcctor Bailey was in town during the week. A quiet wedding was solemnized in Christ’s church, Stduï¬ville, on Wed- nesday, June 5th when Miss Fannie Adelaide Sylvester, daughter of Mr. G- H- SYIVester, was married to Mr. Archibald Samuel Leaney. The cere- mony was conducted by the Rev. H. F. Battershy. The bride was given away by her father and wore a trav- elling suit of navy blue. Mrs. F. W. lSylvester presided at the organ. Mrs. S. Phillirs. of Min-den. sister of the bride, was matron of honor. The church was decorated with white and French lilacs. Mr. and Mrs. Leany left for Niagara district and after-w wards will spend the summer 3}. their cottage at Jackson's Iâ€"oint, Lake Simcoe. Rev. C. E. Pratt, of the Clergy House, Minden, attended the synod meeting held in Toronto last week. There was no service in the Metho- The cheery whictle of “Kathlmn, Mr. Langdon’s steamboat can t heard again. POWLES’ CORNER (Special to The Post) The carpenters have ï¬nished Mr Jae. Slater's new barn, and it is to be hoped that it will last until the end of time. Mr. Harry Welch, who drives Ter- rill Bros. egg wagon, had a. narrow escape recently, as the team he was driving became exasperated on ac- count of a multitude of m08quitoes. While driving through a swamp on the seventh concession they started off at a lively pace for over half a off a mile. Mr. Thos. Arnold 0: Lindsay pass- ed through here last week with his auto. Goon judgment is in great demand amongst the farmers just now to take quick action in sowing What- e\ er seed- will give the greatest am- ount or feed for another long win- ter. Give woman the franchise and they will help abolish the bar. Whitney wants the bar to stay but to stop the treating. It is a great thing to redeem a drunkard but it is a great- er thing to close the bar that pro- duces the drunkard . Quite a. number from here attended the church anniversary at Zion last Sunday. Alfalfa $14 bus. Beef Cattle $3 to $7.50. Buttet 23c. Barley, 60c., 65c, 68c, 10c. Buckwheat $1.40 bus. Bran $1.30 cwt. Cheese 20c. Cream, 15c. to 30¢. Celery 5c. bunch Chickens, 15c. to 20¢. Ducks 15c. to 18¢. Eggs, 21c. Flour, Manitoba $3. Grass seed $9.50. Honey 15c. 1b. Hens, 12c. to 15¢. per Ib. Hogs, per cwt. $8. 40. ‘ Hogs, little $4. to $6. per pair. Hogs, dressed oer cwt. $11. Head cheese 21b. for 25¢. Haw. per ton, $16 to $18. Hay bailed $18.50 to $20. Hides, cow, 9c. to 10¢. Hides, calf 10c. Hides, sheep. 50c. to' $1 Lard 18c. Lémb 15c. to 20c. Oats 45c. Oats, rolled, $2.75. Onions $2. bus. Pork, fronts per 1b. 13 31 Potatoes, $2.35. Peas, large $1.10 bus. Peasfsmall $1. bus. Rib roast. 15c. to 17¢. 1 Rye 70c. Red clover $15 bus. Shorts, retail $1.50 cwt. Sirloin, steak 20c 1b. Spare ribs 10c.1b. Sage pet bunch 5c. Straw, $6 to $7. Timothy $9 Turkeys 22c. Turnips $5. pér ton Wheat, fall $1.10 bus. Wheat, geese, 90c. Wheat, spring 90c. Mr. John the guest ‘c Maunder. LINDSAY ï¬gs}; a Maunder, of Winnipeg, .is of his brother, Mr. Joseph "Diet-s (or old and per 1b. 13 and 10c. F. H. JOJDSLUu UL CAMBRAY Mr. (Special to The Post.) geon is in town today. Mr. O. Routley and son. Toronto, Lip. J_ McKay of Woodvili were guests of W. Routley this week. town today. Miss L. Wood is spending n few _- _... holidays with friends in Lorneville. ___.- "' ' EOR SALE Mr._ Breen. Lindsay, was in the village Tuesday on business. â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€""“""“"â€"â€"' R SALE...FARMâ€"â€"One Mr. A. E. Fei’r has been in Toronâ€" “B10 to this week combining business ' and fifty acres. chome c With pleasure. ( first class state cultivation. Mr. James Riches left on Tuesday for an extended tour through the N. Several from the vinage took in the tea at Zion on Monday and reâ€" port a good time. - Don't hiss seeing and hearing the patriotic choruses by 500 school chil- dren at Lindsay's big celebration, Dc- minion Day. The Entrance examinations begin this (Wednesday) morning. Miss Ryan, of the Continuation School staff, returned to her home in Brantford last week. Mr. L. A. Southworth of Omemee, spent Sunday in town. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Edwards of Woodville in town on Monday. ‘ Bears the Signature of For Boxs {mm 8 to 16 wars of BREASTED REEFER SUIT is easilv t all of our many styks in BOY ’S SUITS_ all Ul ‘Jl‘l ll]'1'l" ï¬ll} ;\ .‘ ‘II “V ‘ ‘1 â€" v Materia's oMurdv CHEVIOTSEERGR; and TWEED; Colorinss ï¬dapti d to Boy's Clothes. The tnlnring of double strepgthâ€"jlm such tailaring as n strenuous boy requires. Good tailoring, Wool Fabrics and Correct Style appeal to us as being more important in Boy’s Clothes than “Sheapnessâ€. CASTOR IA Every man knows the Summer Cm fort that lies in a well se- lected Straw Hat. We are showing ever 3; braid that is in 11.9 pa d graces of fashion, every shape that best bacom ‘s the phys'ogonomy. Our Prices are no more than you would pay; elsewhere t ut the qualities ate identiï¬ed with our standard of “Always the Best.†Straws 25c to $3.00 $3.00, $4.00 to $9.00 CANNING’I‘ON This store has a reputation for selling the be: CLOTHES and we have gamed it by giving “er of tamerâ€"no matter what price he may pay for his 1: â€"-a little more than he is apt to expect. â€0% A better grade of mater alsâ€"a little to choose from. 'A certain sme styleâ€"the ahlebz “'Olkma . thoroushly satisf lolory ï¬t. “Shilk Then by showing our willingnes to m *8 ‘Ocd thing that might go wrong. C at} The e an: basic principles of our landing; and apply equally to everything we sel , ""1““1'10T‘ztis 211:“? or Rain Coa’. Our pl isms are equally saiiï¬ggtgrv â€3;?“ "I'eater . OR SALE...FARMâ€"One hundred and ï¬fty acres. choice clay loom first class state cultivation. half mile from Village of Woodville. New two- story brick dwelling with bath tub. and furnace. Frame barn 58 X 105. with grain track full length of build- ing, stone basement, windmill, silo, water works. Two story implement and carriage house 25 X 50. Silo and all other roofs steel COVel‘e-d. "WARM FOR SALEâ€"EAST HALF‘ of lot 2, 4th. con. oi Eldon conâ€" taining 100 acres. Choice clay soil, in good state of cultivation. One acre orchard. There is erected there on a good frame house, in good condition, newly painted; gOUd frame barn, 54x56, stone foundation, gom‘: stabling underneath. pig pen, hon house and implement house. Frum is situated two miles from Village o. Woodville. Apply to W. W. .DeGneï¬re. on the premises or address, Wood-.1119 0R SALEâ€"TWO LOTSâ€"At Sturâ€" ‘ geon Point, 84 east side and 94 west side on Fourth street conveniâ€" eï¬t to store and stem-boat landing. Only a few minutes' walk from lake. The MAN who loves distimtiw slimy“: exclusive styles can revel In p‘rki'vg 1.0mm, .0 ‘ Qpring Shirts. There are Ca mhrirs. Madras, sum ,.I‘.-. . - . ,0 311L3, etc The ne“ so“; ('Olrm ml?! in hams-E w patterns 5 'lhe new doubie Cut] Hum, xery POEM. . _ bhn'ts thh cuï¬'s attached or detached. The New Reefer Suit $5 to $20 Panamas $2.50 to $10.00 vf age the DOUBLE the most popular of , We are showirg the best shin mlue for .31 that the price ever bought. Your Straw Hat is Here H. Johnston of BobcaS‘ SAMUEL HANCOCK. 500, 754:, $1.00 to $2.50 ille is in LINDSAY. FRIDA is a snap 65 cares of E00 house. stem the year mile from 0 furth£r panic Crouley. King leaving 13‘ or address 226. Lindsz state grain haw ‘03 SALE cor. GI! .‘OR 1TH Where the 6m 1t DAY gYED Mrs 0t 28. by?†ApplF W011 (I J