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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Jun 1912, p. 12

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PAGE 12, . McLEANâ€"FLAVELLE At two o’clock this afternoon in Cambridgeâ€"st. Methodist church Was $01de the marriage of Edith Lilian, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. D. Flavelle, and Mr. James Stanley McLean 0: Toronto. The ceremony was performed by “V. J. W. MacMillan, D. D., of Ra- nks, brother-in-law of the bride, as- isted by Rev. S. J. Shores, '0. 13., pastor oi the church. The bride who was attended by her cousins. Miss Jean Flavelle. of Lindsay, and Miss Clara Flavelle, of Toronto, as brides- «LI, .‘ Ralph Corson of Toronto, and the ushers w?reiDr, Jae. McLean, oi Port Hope, Mr. Geo. Milroy, of Toronto, Dr. Wallace Wood, of Toronto, and Ir. Norman McLean, of Port Hope. During the signing of the register, it. Russel 111ch of Toronto, cousin of the groom, sang D’Hardeâ€" cousin of tne 8‘ lot'a “Because." After the ceren held at the brid at. Mrs. Flavelle was~ dressed in grey and lavend cox-sage of orchi valley. The groom’e_ gift to the bride was a. diamond pendant set in platinum, and to the bridesmaids gold bar pins set in pearls and peridots. Among the many costly and beanâ€" tiful gifts were two dozen silver spoons and one dozen silver forks, from the officials, choir and Sun- day school of the Cambridge street Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. McLean left on the evening train for Quebec to sail for England on the steamship Laurentic Saturday. rter the ceremony at reception was I at the bride’s home, 38 Bond- ms. Flavelle. the bride’s mother I‘ dressed in lavender satin with y and lavender hat, and wore a. sage of orchids and lilies of the SOWTNG HIS WILD OATS fan-esfionBlankfor 110318 TREATMENT. We Trent and Care VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URlNARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dis- ease: and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. QOflSULTATION FREE. Books Free on Diseases of Men. If unable to can. write How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. “Sowing their wild oats’ ’ in various ways. Excesses, violation of na- ture’s laws, ‘ ‘wine, women and song”â€"all have their victims. Ylou have re- formed but what about the seed you have sownâ€"what about the harvest? Don’t trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of past indiscretions; if your > . a . blood has been tainted from .~. A . any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent lifeâ€"DRS. K, 6:. K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and they W111 tell you honestly if you are curable. . DRs.KENNEDY EfiEfifiE ”NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our m Canadian Correspondence Department in \Vindsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our ‘Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: O DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat. Write for our private address. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Ethel her The following 3‘ vited guests from Flaveneâ€"McLean E Montreal, June 19â€"Mr. L. G. Cole- : man, of Bell-eville, has been appoint- ed superintendent of the Ottawa di- ivision of the Grand Trunk Railway, ' in succession to Mr. Morley Donald- son. _ § The new superintendent was born] in Macon, Ga., in 1877. He came 3 north at an early age, and with his ’ father, who was in the railroad and manufacturing business, travelled ov-l ler most of the United States. He .~first entered the railway service in i 1900, accepting a position in the 5 Grand Trunk’s Itransportation depart- iment in Montreal. From there he was I sent to Barrie. Later he returned to Montreal and in 1906 was transferred to Ottawa as assistant superinten- C dent. His next position was as as- car sistant superintendent of the eastern 06, i division, with headquarters at Belle- tie] T lars I the of me: ST WANT TO START Messrs. Bolander Bros., the poultry raisers, on Grass Lake, the farm originally taken up by Mr. Menzies, are looking for a. partner to fur. nish about a thousand dollars, to take up duck raising. Grass Lake would be an ideal feeding pond, and thousands could be raised and mar- keted during the summer. There is a great opening for an investment. In the meantime the Messrs. Bolander are doing an extensive business in fowl and eggs. â€"Independent. ‘ :g are a rew of the in- from a. distance at the aan nuptials: Mr. and Barrett, Toronto, Miss : Toronto: Mr. Ralph A DUCK FARM CHASED BY A BEAR ‘ BUT KILLED IT Mr. D. watson, who lives on the Paudash Lake road, has had « his flock of lambs considerable depleted of late, and he decided that a bear| was committing the depredations. Sunday morning he found the car- cass o! a lwgartly eaten, and thinking tfsffibfifin might possibly return in the sevening to finish his‘ meal, he shouldered his rifle about sundown and sauntered out to where, the remains of the lamb were lying ‘ only to find that the hear was there inhead of him and showed no dispo-‘ sition to leave until he had con- cluded his evening meal. Watson did' not take the precaution before leav- ing the house to see that he had plenty of ammunition, and after fir- | ing three shots,|without any of them apparently taking effect, TE was obliged to beat a hasty retreat with the bear in pursuit. Fortunately in was not far irom the house and his pursuer gave up the chase after go- ing a short distance. Mr. Watson found the bear next morning within 1-00 yards of where the shooting took place. He was dead, all three shots having reached the mark. He weighed 317 pounds.â€" Bancroft Times. MASONIC ORDER AT DIVINE SERVICE Faithful Brethren Ledge AF. 4%: A. M., attended divme service in Cam- bridge-st. MethoC'Lst church Sunday morning. when a. practical sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Shorey. The turnout of the beeâ€" thren was a splendid one. There was also a. number of brethren from out- side lodges in the parade. The mem- bers occupied seats in the centre aisle and the service was greatly en- hanced by special music hy the choir. When the lodge returned to their hall at the conclusion of the service, votes of thanks were tendered to Rev. Dr. Shorey, the officials of the church and choir.. - L1, _ yuu. U.- u..â€" The turn-out of the crdrr was the It largest in a number of years and as seco the members passed along the route give of procession many favorable comâ€" tori: ments were heard. in c STORES ISSUED N0 BALL CARTRIDGES (Special to The Post) Ottawa, June 22 â€"- That the ball cartridges used in the tactical man- oeuvres on Thursday at the Barrie- field grounds, Kingston, were not issued from the stores, was the find- ing of the special board of investiga- tion. The cartridges had been kept by the men from the ammunition issued (or target practice. The 8th and 9th Regiments were engaged in tactics, one regiment atâ€" tacking the other, supposedly with blank cartridges. But shortly after the firing had started some old hands were surprised to hear the singing ping of bullets instqid of the pufi of blanks. Others saw the dust aised Where bullets hit. Several reported to the officers in charge, and pr‘tice was immediately stopped, and an enquiry instituted. The chairman of the board of in- vestigation was Major R. 3'. Bird- whistle, of Ottawa, brigade major of ;the 8th Infantry Brigade. who with iLieut.-Col. S. M. Rogers, oificer commanding the 8th Infantry Bri- gade, returned today from King- ston. ’ ”- D‘ C.) WLu Upbuyy gnu“; up" -v_~- _,, The enquiry showed that the am- Condado. munition used was not issued from the stores as blank. but had been is- sued for target practice. Some of BfiwrflAN‘JIuE MAN the‘soldiers did not use all, but kept . ‘ it in their pockets. In the manoeu-l‘ WAS FOUND DEAD vres they decided to use the real i thing, doubtless taking care not to: Bowmanville, June 23â€"David D odds aim at any person. The ammunition ' a well known citizen living on King used was Whaft ls known as gallery f’ street cast, was found dead in bed by and "303 cartridges. 1N0 efiort was -' his Wife this morning. He retired in made to find 0“ ”St who had used ' his usual health last evening and h c ‘ . . . t e ball artmdges had not complained of pain or 111- ness. Heart failure was the cause. He FARMFR,S ROY i was in his '64th year. .â€" Bowmanville, June 23â€"Chief Rich- ard Jarvis has returned from in- vestigating a. ‘case of suicide, in Dar- ling’con township by which Willie C. Hamlyn, a farmer’s son, ended his life by taking enough paris green to kill ten people. He was only four- teen years of age, and his parents can assign no intelligent reason to; his action. He confessed to deliber- ately taking the poison, but assign- FARMER’S BOY § TAKES PARIS GREEN ed no cause. He lived for some hours and was driven five mil-es to a 'doc- tor, but died soon after reaching home. Children; Cry FOR FLETCHER’S 3ASTORIA Mrs. H. VON HODEN at LYNDUH KY. 1 Not Entitled to In Recommends Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound for Backache, Nervous- ness, Headaches. Lyndon, Ky. â€" “I have been taking LydiaEPinkham‘sVegetable Compound for headachesmeuralgia pains,backa che, nervousness and a general run down con- dition of the system, and am entirely re- lieved of these troubles. I recommend your remedies to my friends and giVe you permission to publish what I write. ” ~Mrs. H. VON RODEN, Lyndon. Ky. When a woman like Mrs. V on Roden is generous enough to write such a let- ter as the above for publication, she should at least be given credit for a sin- cere desire to help other suffering women, for we assure you there is no other rea- son why she should court such publicity. Canadian \Voman’s Experience: Windsor, Ont. â€"- “ The birth of my first | child left me a wreck with terrible Weak ! spells, but I am glad ‘ to tell you that I do 1 not have those weak ; spells and I feel like ‘ :_: a new woman since I l . taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta- - ble Compound. lam 1 now well and strong .. and can do my own we housework. Ido not take medicine of " ' any kind. It was Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound that restored me to health."â€" Mrs. ROBERT FAIRBAIRN, 72 Parent Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. THE LINDSAY 1:983; If you want specisl advice 'write to Lydia B. Pinkham Medicine Co. (conn- dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will â€" I L_ A FIRST MEETKNG 0F LINESAY CHEESE BOARD ‘Vâ€"U-u-p â€"_ V, be opene-E, réadfiand answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. The Victoria. Cheese Board met; this morning at 10 o’clock in the: council chamber, President Thos.s Robinsbn in the chair. i Last year’s ogficcrs were re-elected. It was moved by Mr. Costello,f seconded by Mr. Hill, that the Board i give a. grant of $7 to South Vic-l toria, Agricultural Society for prizes t in cheese. I The following were the number of! boxes, Star 85, Dunsford 117, North; Verulam 82, Bobcaygeon 170, North Ups 9?, Maple Leaf 80, Red Rock 100, Reanoro 130, Harvey 31, Mariposai Mr. Flavellc started 12c. Mr. GilleSpie bid velle bid 12 3-16c., an 12“. L‘Ir. Gillespie bought Star, Duns- ford, Red Rock and Mariposa at 12§c. Mr. Flave'ne also bought at 12ch Bobcaygeon, Reaboro, North Ops, Maple Leaf and North Harvey. Bow “nanville, June 23â€"DaVid Dodds ' a well known citizen living on King I: 1 street cast, was found dead in bed by I b l GREGORYâ€"PENLAND The Porto Rico Progress contains the £0 lowing, which will prove of 10- cal interest: 3 The wedding of Miss Della Fenland and Mr. H. Clyde Gregory will takei 143.09 at noon on Wednesday, June‘ her. Mr. Odell will perform the care- mony, and those present will include only the most intimate friends of the couple. Mr. Gregory and his bride will 3 spend a fortnight at Goa- mo Springs, sailing on the'Caeolina July 3 for the 'north. In the {all they will occupy their new house on the WEDDING BEES c started the bidding at .eSpie bid 12gc. Mr. Fla.â€" 3-16c., and Mr. Gillespie have been taking No Chance of 3'36’} i V cum nun: takes. Simprnnd‘ | Clean. Sam; {0:7 .- attend the in Free Color Card,’ and Booklet m. v‘ ' Father Conw; Th Jameson. , . RISHARDSON day mbrmnv. CO” Limitg‘l, ‘. At the c “donned, (any _ 3 According to a judgment deliveredi by Chief Mulock at Toronto Domen“ [ ico Strano, of Haliburton, is not en- titled to receive $5, 000 from the Muâ€" tual Life Assurance Company on- the policy on the life of his wife. His *8 Lordship finds that there were mis- ld statements of the facts concerning 2, the women’s health at the time she n- made application for the insurance, 9.. 1d and that the husband was a party ,8 to the misrepresentation. The deceas- "’ ed, it was found, had been suflering Last week when a few of the boys got together to help our neighbor, Chas. Kreger to take down his barn in Harvey, an accident happened that might have been very serious. They were pulling on some of the heavy timber, when suddenty something went, and the timber fell on Peter Graham's back, and hit Chas. Brum- . men. Both young men are in a criti- § cal condition, and we all hope they 1 will soon recover.-â€"â€"Bob. Independent. from consumption. Two Workman Seriously Hurt Fined For County Magistrate Moore held a court last Tuesday, when Chas Park- er, Fish Warden, had Robert Pardeau summoned for carrying a spear on Pigeon Creek. Pardeau~pleaded guilty and in doing so the Magistrate made the fine $5 and costs, $4.75. Mr. Parker is keeping a keen eye to the fish and game 1aws.â€"-Bobca.ygeon1n- fish and g dependent. KENNEDYâ€"LYONSâ€"At the Baptist= parsonage, Penelon Falls, on Wed-3 nesday, June 19th, 1912, by Rev.f A. Cooke, Mr. Arthur Kennedy toé Miss Rachael Lyons, both of the ; .township of Verulam. A McLEANâ€"FLAVELLEâ€"On Thursday June 20th, in Cambridge-st Me- thodist church, Lindsay, by Rev. J. W. MacMillan, D.D., of Halifax, assisted by Rev. S. J. Shorey. pastor of the church, Edith Lilian daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Flavelle, Lindsay, to James Stan- ley McLean, of Toronto. HARGRAVEâ€"CHRISTIANâ€"On Wed‘ nesday, June 19th, 1912, at the re- sidence of the bride’s parents, Fen- eloa tp., by the Rev. S. G. Steele, B.A., Robert Arnold Hargrave, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hargrave, to Birdie Alberta Christian, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chris- tian, Fenelon township. EGNSTRUCTZGN C0. GETS BEG CONTRACT Mr. John B. Mason, of Fenelon Falls, has passed his civil service examination. I Miss Florence Neelands, of St. Margaret’s College, Toronto, return- ed. home on Fridhy for the summer vacation. It was announced yesterday that a contract for the proposed doubleâ€" tracking of the C. P. R. between Sud- bury and For t Arthur had been awarded to Beaks Hinds of the To- ronto Construction Company. Work will be started at once and rushed to as early a. completion as possible, and it is hoped that the road. will be in operation before win- ter. Ten million dollars is the estimat- ed ccét of construction and it is ex- pected that twenty-five hundred men will be engaged by July lst. 88ml. END PERSUNAL Mrs. P. J. Hurley, of Toronto, for- merly of Lindsay, is in town visit- ing her mother, Mrs. P. Murphy, Major F. H. Hopkins of the _45th Regiment, has been taken on the briâ€" gade stafi at Barriefield camp. Mrs. J. T. O’Connell of Peterboro, is spending a few days with her parents in Ops. Mr. M. G. Murphy, District Passen- ger agent C.P.R. was a passenger on the Toronto-Bobcaygeon train Satâ€" urday. Venerable Archdeacon Casey will attend the funeral of the late Rev. Father Conway in Peterboro Tues- At the commencement exercises at Loretta Abbey, Toronto, Miss Ge- to Insurance iflegai Fixing MARRIED THE VICTORIA LOANV and SAVINGS COMP NOTIFE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a (mid? ‘the rate nf 7 p c. per annum has been decland "PM“: 111‘: s ECapitai .K‘rnclt « f the cmnpalfy fur the quarter 9mm” ‘ Jffizibth. 1912. and 1119 same “ll! be Payahur ”I ”19(11‘10: JUL 33(‘nmpany nu and after July '2nd, The Tralmfer b ‘1 3i fha (“059.4 from June 2351b [0 Juéy 2nd itclubiw b ”Mk; ‘2 / ’ y 0 ‘lcn‘ {the Board. - 7 M § DATE“ AT LIBDSAY Jun? Nth, W12. 11,0. E. WEEKS, NEWTON SMALE' These drafts can be drawn in sterling, francs. marks, lire, krom taels, roubles, etc., according to the money of the country in Wh'm'n are payable. This enawa the payee to obtain the exact amomm THE CANADIAN BAD OF COMMERCE CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, 81250039 DRAFTS 0N FOREIGN COUNTRIES Drafts on the principal cities in Lindsay Branch Dun‘ford ll } O O O F. 1 Little Britain. Branch. . . . Nestloton Station Branch 1 l Blackstock Branch I ' ' Nestleton Sub-Branch, Ogen Monday 9 “' m' to 4‘ 9' “E: _Brsn_c_beu also at 4 ,_‘I_.t_ a--.“ HEAD OFFICE nevieve Twomey , of Fene-lon Falls. obtained a- gold medal for senior piano, first class honors in Toronto Universitv examinations. “ovation. Pafi’erlaw. '_‘ 11' is an advantage sometimes to keep a bank account; them of two persons. so that either mg may make wizfidrawais. inch an joint 3cm" . account is called a‘ Miss Ola, Cavanah was operated on forappendicitis at the Gait Hospital yestgrday and is Going quite as well as could be expected -â€" Lethbridge of CANADA Africa Arabia Argentine Revublic Armenia Australia Austria-Hungary Belgium Brazil Buigaril Ceylca Chiii Chin- Crete BANK OF MONTREAL INCO RPOR ATED LINDSAY TORONTO OFFICE HOUR... : 1‘) to L")«’()( K. Consult your banker about )‘0 fairs and investments. Your bunk \ age you from making a. profitably cause it is the business of a bank on .a'ny acceptable security, and if; V to invest. m is good enough for m..- 110. of course, be recommended to I: put your money into something,r flu; ceptable security, then you “tie up and deprive yourself of the credit 1‘1 wise be extended to you. T O R O N T O on 143653 PETER KENNEDY - - MA ”La . Black Everv dc-scnptiun of Bankin : trancaczed. bnmg: Depsrtm: n BIanah Branches in every'Prmince m mininn, every ‘mpnrtant c-t; Hf mimon N-ufou mland. Lm \ oz. N w Y 01k, ChicaLv, c c . Paid up Capital. . Undivided frofits NCORPORATED 1895 Manager DIVIDEND No. 40 BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT £<'r.\3:.xs:‘ Linda, Brunch Established AD. 1853 Denmark P'i'rilind Formosa. Holland Iceland India Ital y Japan in the following countries issued delay: he. also at Canninjton.Woou :echin. Sundcrland and Pox-t LINDSAY: FRIDAY 1 keep a bank accountinthcnm of two pCISODS. so that either u may make withdrawals. Such a account is called a "joint accom' We shall be pleased to {mistinâ€" Macedonia Manchuria Hexico New Zealand Norway Paaama Penis Peru Philivpine Islands Pound Portugal Rouxnam'a â€"â€" Manager E- indsay Bani Mr. T. u. m Branch, Ottawa. this vie‘mit}~ “3".“ of the farmers il Canadian Seed G Herald. Miss in' this town mote??- F. F. Loosemore. Kali . a. u. Shortt. “ . R. :. Coulson. " lgy, u’ed nesda: undid 4’ ,- 0L) 5.1m: Talk It Over 3 13 z: 975,220 $16,000,000 $696,463.00 g budnecs m at we” LISHE Rusciu Siam a. [0‘0" 9-K o 6’ ,g u

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