Sodden, of Toronto, spent the dumb his daughter Mrs. W.. rough. (â€11:13:03 Amitage' s barnnn May afternoon. in Tmmble and Tinney are the tutors and when completed Mr. ‘ Rage will have a fine, npâ€"to-date Li large number from Little: in attended the raising. I. R. Ashbury of Lucan, spent is Winnih'ed and Hazel Coadr Jr Langdon of Toronto, spent 3' in our village. ;P. J. Gray, and children, Os- and Harold, returned home on hy. after a pleasant visit with â€and Mount Pleasant frienés. 51'. J. Degeer is spending ,a leaf weeks with friends at Elm- rage and Master Claude, Miss A. alliss P. 3100:: and Miss Et- raiton spent Saturday in Lind: ms DreVeZ' friends for i gnome; and sister ,Mrs. Sle- g0: Little Britain, are visiting {d5 at woodville. 5.9 B. Rennie, and Mrs. A. 0. “f Tcrcnto, spent Thursday ,5. 1!. J. Lewis at Lindsay. ; George Hibbard having finished mrse at barberz'ng with Mr. B. biv‘S @903) NEWS IN PARAGRAPHS mama) BY OUR CGRRESPGNDENT If. LindSaF» um and Gloves d Mrs. J. Wickett, of Little Visited at the bone of‘Mr., ‘E. P. Rodman this m. 1'. Watts, Mrs. Watts- .11“ OJ Annie Penrose is spending a 73 with her niece, Miss Cm iosier‘,‘ ; spent Thursday in Toronâ€" imvef remained there to vi- Ids for a few days. Lbel' from here went on the , Institute Excursion 1:: I m the 20th and report a fine mdf. 8‘ we 00 's. 3 g, Lytle and chil- za'rion and Kathleen, left to spend the summer eir cottage at Rosedale. 1-13ch and cousin, Miss of “est 093.396? 21 her son My Bartram the EMS?! week damn this week. I leave Marip Mrs. Watts. n‘d Come and ‘ ed to our village the day, a 1 vi}: occupy the S. S. work. aft for and cjldren, a! home on Wednes- h‘er parents, Mr. .T{fch211. Miss Etta. Victoria LENDSAY’S LEADER OF LOW CASH, PRECES ‘ § WIMMMWWWNANVWW Toronto cm jam Year 13 The Sunday school excurgion of Oakwood, East Oakwood and Glan- dine schools will be held to Peter- boro on Friday, July 5th. Train will {leave Man'posa station at 8.15 a. m. The Sunday School will be held at half past nine on Sunday morning in- stead.of two in the afternoon during ‘the summer months. We are sorry to hear that little 1 Douglas Thorndyke is dangerously ill 1 at present with typhoid fever, and 1 hope he willL soon show signs of imo provement. 1 Miss Ethel Dixon spent Sunday at Linden Valley, the guests of Misses Alice and Georgie Dale. Mr. George Gardner, of Toronto, spent Wednesday evening with his pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gardner. Miss C. Treleven returned to her home at Linden Valley on Tuesday, after spending a pleasant week with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Washington, Master Andrew, spent Tuesday with friends at Eden. the brick of the new Methodist church on‘Monday and the work is progress- ing 'rfavo ably. New." Mrs. (Dr.) Dale will give sev- eral readings and the Linden Valley Orchestra will also been in attend- ance. Ice cream will also be served on the grounds. Come and spend the Peming of Dominion Day with the 'young ‘people and enjoy the excellent programme which will be rendered. Mrs. H. H. Brown, and daughter Ruby, of Toronto, spent a. few days with friends here this week. Mr. W. Lownsborough. of Lindsay, is visiting at the bone of Mr. J. B. "Weldon. Misses Ruth and Reita Prous-e, of "Woodville, are spending their holi- days with their grandmother, Mrs. G Prouse. Miss Jennie Hinds and Miss Ruby Brass spent Sunday in Cknemee. the guests of Miss Florence Fairman. On Monday, July Ist, the annual Strawben‘y Festival and Mture will be held at the Town Hall under the auspicts of the Epworth League. Tea will be served from 5 to 8, after which Rev. H. .B. Kenney, of Bow- manville will g‘iva his popular lecture entitled “The Old Woman-and the A large number from here nttnlcd the Anniversary services at Peniel on Jonday, and report an enjoyable time and a good programme. Messrs. Williams Bros. and stafl of men from Lindsay commenced laying how zse belonging to Mr. Edwin Prouse Mr. Watts has taken charge L the Presbyterian church here, Nhin‘n L. 3 again been reâ€"opened. VW‘ THE LINDSAY POST Sunday last, 23rd June, the mem- school excursion of 'bers of “Brock Lodge, A. F. ‘ A. M., Oakwood and Glan- attended "service at All Saints' ill be held to Peter- church. "Rev. 'A. G. Cummer preached ', July 5th. Train will on Masonry. Mrs. G. H. Hoyle sang station at 8.15 a. m. a very appropriate 'solo and special a the trip and enéoy music was rendered by the choir. by doing so help the Visiting members attended from s ‘Beaverto'n; 'Sunde‘rlan‘d, 'Blaékwater Mrs. R. Edwards visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. C. A. Plank in Lorneville on Wednaday. Dr. H. S. Bingham in town over Sunday- «ed by Dr. 'Ellen Burt-Shenabt of Toâ€" ronto. All the ladies are invited to "attend. A meeting of the Women’s Chris- tian Temperance Union will be held in the "Baptist church on Thursday, 27th at ’3 p. m. and will be address- Mrs. Chas. Bick spent Friday and Saturday with her sister, Mrs. N. A. Ross, Lindsay. Messrs. Howard and Harry Kes- Iick were at Lindsay playing ball on Saturday last. Mr. Jno. M. Purvis, of Toronto is renewing old acquaintances in town for the past week, and incidentally took in Mr. Dure’s barn raising on- Friday afternoon. Mr. Ernie Jewell, of Toronto, is the guest of his brother, Joe Jewell this week. Mrs. Harris Evans spent the past week in Toronto. Mrs. Ben Davis, of Toronto, the guest of her father, Wm. McPherson. Miss Florence Way of Wilfrid mo- tomfl to town on Tuesday. Mr’s. Geo. Halward 3n, spent a. few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Wm. Amey spent last week at her brother’s, Mr. McCullyTs at Blackwa‘ter. Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Savi'l'le, and chil dren visited friends here on Sunday. Remember the date, July lst. Come and enjoy the strawberries. Mr. Williams and son Murray, Mrur- ray motored over from Sunderland, one day last week. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Grace Curtis and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Howard Degeer is at his ranch near Balsam Lake at present. Many from here attended the Anni- versary at Eden on Tuesday and re- port an excellent time. Cur Public Schools close on Friday of this week for the summer vacation We are pleased to know that the same teachers will be here for the next year. Mr. Nelson Barker and Mr. Lorne Franc have returned from camp at Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. Burris, and family recently from Lincolnshire, Eng, have moved into our village and are occu- pying Mr. L. Patterson's house. (Special to The rest.) CANNINGTON LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JUNE 28 1912 Mr. Neil McDonald, of Manilla in town on Tuesday. n A number of young ladies from Maâ€" nilla were in town for the Entrance examinations last week. Mr. J. A. Fitzsimmons is in TOrâ€" onto this week. A large numqer of pupils are writ- ing on the Junior Leaving Pt. II this week at our continuation school. Next Sunday morning a. patriotic service will be held in Knox Church at 11 a. m. Mr. A. J. Reid, of Toronto in town on Saturday. Mr. Arthur Smith, of Toronto the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith this week". Miss Lenore Hurd and Miss Barker of Toronto are visiting friends in town. Mr. Wm. Williamsog, of Beaverton in town on- Sunday. Messrs. Shier Brethsour, Switzer and Hall, of Sunderland in town on Sunday. A number of young ladies from town took in the garden party at Derryville on Monday night. St. John's night, Monday, June '24’ch, TBrock Lodge, A. F. a: A. M. heId a meeting for the installation of ofï¬cers for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lewis are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart this week. Mr. Russell Merrifield, of Peter- boro,’ is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Merrifield over Sun- day. The garden party at Derryville Me- thodist church on Monday night was well attended, and a success in ev- ery way. The good things served in the basement of the church were all the heart could wish for in the way of eatables. The programme deserved special mention. Master Wilfrid Swit- 7er, Mrs. Switzer, of Wilfrid, Miss Perkins, of Port Perry, Misses Edâ€" wards and Jardine, Master Eddie Weth-erall were all enthusiastically encore-d. ‘ What might have ended more scr- iously happened on Monday night, when Mr. C. E. Stone and young daughter Theda weregreturning from Seagrave baseball match, the cross- bar of the shafts becaime loose, caus- ing the horse to run, throwing the occupants out. Mr. Stone had a. con- ple of ribs broken, "but fortunately Theda escaped with notln'ng more than a. bad fright. Misses Emma and Clara Brandon were at‘ Peniel garden party on Mon- day night. Miss Stevens of Peterboro was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Merrifield over Sunday. HE R C £3.81“ 3 The Cannin‘gton basebau team jourâ€" I to Mrs. “(15'th- neyed to Seagrave on Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Homer, of Lindsay, play against Janetville team, result- ‘rove to Omcmee the other evening, :,. ing in a Win for our boys. On Fri- and called on “133(15- day next they will play ball at On Wednesday afternoon a tea. was Cresswell, it being the occasion of i given by the tennis club in honor 0i Mr. Stevens, of Peterboro, in town: on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Burn-s, of Smith’s Falls, arrived home on Saturday for the summer vacation. The Ladies’ Aid of Knox Church will hold a. garden party atVictoria Park, adjoinin‘g‘the tOWn hall, on Friday evening, 28th. Strawberries and cake will be inczuded in price of admission, and ice cream extra. The band will be in attendance. Ev- erybody welcome. Cressweli’s garden party. On Wednesday evening, Mr. viitely, of Upper Canada Bible Society will address a Union Bible Society meet- ing in Methodist church at 8 p. m. A silver collection will be taken in aid‘of the causal Miss Ella Dobson Spent Saturday in Lindsay the guest of Mrs. N. A. 1 Ross. 6 Master Charlie McPhauden had a very narrow escape! on Friday of last aweek, while out hunting. A gun ac- cidentally discharged, hitting him on the thigh, but which luckily provâ€" ed to he no deeper than a flesh wound. ‘ Over ï¬fty pupils wrote on the high school Entrance examinations in' Cannington last week. I' H011. and Mrs. Hoyle have erri red home after a visit with their daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Campbell, Toronto. Dr. W. J’. Barker’s new Pautormbile arrived in town on Tuesday last, We understand a number of others will arrive shortly. T. A. Wilson in Toronto over" Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. WOodward too}: a trip ‘to Buflalo, Niagara. Falls and Toronto last week. Irs. McDougall, 0f Edmonton, Alta., arrived in town on Saturday and will spend a few days with her father, Mr. Amey, sr. and Woodville. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Burns left» on Tuesday morning for their new cir- cmt. r .. , U z “a a LA '3 Mrs. Dr. Grey, of Peterboro, was : the guest of: her sister, Mrs. W. Icic- l Quade. Miss Ola Earle was in Lindsay on Friday. Miss Clara Scott, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Etta Scott, left on Monday for her home in Ot- tawa. * Mr. HerE'Barkwell, Mr._ Luther Cole, Miss Burley and Miss Philips, of Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Miss Lila Parsons was in Pcterboro .o'ver Sunday. Miss Stella Wilson was a. visitor to Lindsay last week. Miss Lila Magee of Lindsay was the guest of Miss Gladys Fee over Sunday. 4‘ , Miss Elsie Bushnell of Lindsay is ‘ _lvleiting her aunt, Mrs J. Bushnell, I of Omemee. Rev. Mr. Burns was in Lindsay last week on business. Miss Mabel Johnson, who is em- ployed with the T. Eaton 00., To- ronto, is home for a short time. Mr. John Clemett was taken to the hospital Friday morning. Quite a numberdook in the garden party given by the Epworth League†of Bethel. Mr. Newton Brown has gone to Lindsay to learn the barbering with Mr. Bert Naylor. Mrs. John Mcha and Miss Ella were in Peterboro on Thursday. Mr. Douglas McLean is visiting his aunt, Mrs. T. A. MacPherson. Miss Blanche Elliot? has gone to Vancouver to visit her sister, Exits. ( Rev.) Stillman of Vancouver. The volunteers Came home on Fri- day last after two weeks' drilling at About forty-five scholars were _.«. in Omemce last week attending the en- trance examinations. Quite a number took in the W.O.W. excursion from Lindsay to Peterboro last week. We are pleased to learn that Miss Lila Beatty of Rochester has graduâ€" ated as a. nurse. Mrs. Doran is out of town for a few days. Miss 01a, Earle entertained a few of her friends at Green Landing the other evening. Mr. and Mrs. Burnside, of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCar- Irey, Omanee. On Tuesday evening the choir of the Methodist church held a lawn party at Mrs. John McCr ea' 8. Tennis and bowling were the principle sports at the evening. About six O'clock tea was served, after which an address Was read by Mr. Mulligan and us. suit case umbrella was presented to Miss Burns. Miss Burns made a suitable reply. Miss Annie Ivory spent a few days in Rochester at the home of her uncle, Dr. Fred Ivory. Miss Burns. Miss Laura Jo-raan 0: Port Hope is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wil- son for a short time. Mr. Harry Bradley has bought the property near the station belonging to Mrs. McGinty. Mr. Bruce Rehill and Mr. John Spence left last week for Moose- jaw. Mrs. McG‘inty and daughter have moved to‘Peterboro. Mrs. Dr. Thompson has returned after a'visit with her daughter, Miss Annie of Toronto. Miss Winnie Beatty and Miss Amy Parsons attended the nurses’ gradu- ation exercises in Rochester last week. Miss Olive Burns left town on Sat- urday morning for Tweed, where she will spend a couple of weeks before going to their new circuit at Deser- onto. Mrs. Herb Shields went as a. dele- gate to the East Victoria Women’s Institute conventiou held in Belle- ville. Miss Bartley has resigned her poâ€" sition as assistant teacher of the high school. Before leaving an ad- dress was read and the scholars pre- sented her with a suit case umbrel- OMEMEE (Special to The Post) . Miss Annie Ingram has returned home after an extended visit with her uncle at Ida. Mr. Will Barkwell is visiting h sister, Mrs. J. Wilson, of Omamee. OMEMEE JMTENGS LJ MILLSONâ€"DEVITT St. J ohn's Church, Blackstock was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday, the twenty-second day of June, when the marriage of An- nie Bertha, daughter of Mr. J. H. Devitt, M.P.P., and _Mrs. Devitt, to Edward 0., son of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Millson, was celebrated. The quaint old church was resplendent with a. profusion of flowers and fes- Kingston, June 25â€"With the match. ing out of the corps this week it will not be the end of Barrieï¬eid as a training ground for this year, {or next month the heights will be the camp, for five days, of another branch recognized by the Militia De- partment. It has been announced that the cadet corps of the Third Di- visional: area, over 1,200 strong, win be under canvas for training purposâ€" 88 from Julv 17th until +126 29...: FITZSIMMONSâ€"MEEHAN At St. Basil’s church, Toronto. this morning, the wedding took place of Rose Maud, daughter of Mr. P. Fitzsimmons, formerly of Ops, and Mr. John Meehan, of Lindsay. Mrs. John Wesley Kennedy of Winâ€" nipeg, who was a resident of the Falls about thirty-five years ago, is visiting Mrs. A. McFarland. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Brown, of the same city, and the latter’s two children. The night train began running on Monday evening, 24th. (Special to The Post.) 5 Mrs. Vicars, of Uxbridge spent a‘ few days at the Falls visiting her : son, Mr. F. Vicars. Mrs. Dr. Gould. Mrs. J. Palmer, u Mrs. Smitheram, Mr. Thos. Cashore ? were among those who attended the 3 excursion to Guelph eon the 20th inst. ,' Miss A. Power spent a few days in = Lindsay this week. Mr. Barclay Mason. is receiving tl-e congratulations of his many friends On his success in passing the 'eccnt civil service exam, 2nd division, grade B. He will enter on his new duties in September. Mrs. M. E. Calder left on Tuesday to attend the meeting of the Ameri- can Library Association, he-ld at ('1:- tawa this‘ week. Mrs. A. McFarland returned last week from a visit to Bethany friends ter. f gown of allover lace over cream Mr. and Mrs. W. S. éraham, of (111011935 satin, trimmed With pends. Mt. Pleasant, were visiting their I looked very charming- The maid at daughter, Mrs. H. Shields on Sun- ; honor. Miss Myrtle Devitt. mm. day. ity in white ninon over yellow silk, ; with trimmings a! lace, and carrying FENEIDN FALLS i331? lefndi‘fdi‘iiil‘ft $311515?†’2: Miss A. Neil has returned from To- ronto, Where she has soent the win- N WEDDING BELIS LINDSAY BRANCH 8m EDMUND B. OSLER MJ’. PRESIDENT W. D. MATTHEWS, “CE'PREM ' C.’ A. BOGERT. General Manager. Capital paid up. $4,700,000. Reserve Fund 85,700,000. Total Assets. 370.0!!!“ A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Every description of Banking business is transacted by THE DOMINION BANK. Collections promptly made and money remxtted without delay. Advances made on F armers' Sale Notes Travellers’ Checks and Letters of Cre - y. ext issued. » flogg am? iyï¬e Cement. Lime and Salt alvv ays in CHEAP FEED WHEAT AT MARIPOSA We have secured a car of ChoiCe Seed Buckwheat. Get our prices at Mariposa, Cambray and Creswell. LIM that the cadet corps of the 'Hï¬rdDi. visional: area, over 1,200 strong, will be under canvas for training purposâ€" es from July 17th until the m. i brideSmaids, Miss May Glade, at Port 3 Perry, and Miss Edna Maxwell, 05 '5 Seattle, wane pale blue silk, with ftrimmings of lace, and carried bouâ€" quets of pink roses. As the bridal ,party was leaving the church. 1558 j Madeline Philip, of Toronto sang“ SCHOOL CADETS the church, a reception was held at the home of the bride's father, "the Maples,†after which supper was served on the lawn. The groom’s gift to the bride was a necklet of pearls and emeralds, to the maid of hand: and to the bridesmaids each a sun- burst‘of pearls, and to the best man a diamond soarf pin. The bride's goingâ€"away costume was of cream serge, with touches of black, with hat to match. The couple left on the evening train for a week on Lake Rosseau, and a trip through the west later. Among those present iron: 3 distance were: Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs- Eber Millson, Oshawa; Mr. andlirs. C. S. Bain, Taunton; Mr. and. Jim. Arthur Millson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Courtice, Oshawa; Mr. Fred Fergu- son, Palmerston; Mr. Thos. Ferguâ€" son, Lakelet; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Sharpe, Toronto; Miss Maude W‘â€" son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. S- B. Sisson, Bethany; Miss Hazel Caraâ€" cadden, Elmbank;~ Dr. and Mrs. Hab- ert Irvine, and Mr. John and His .- J ennie Devitt, Lindsay. ‘6 FOR BARKER-ID" va; Mr. endure. a; Mr. and Km. and Mrs- Sam. Mr. Fred Fergu- (r. Thus. Ferguâ€"