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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Jun 1912, p. 4

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PIA wfifiafiy'filu' A >006.‘¢66”O“6066‘ PAGE 4. Finest quaiity Japanese mug, reproductions of genuine Qraental designemme toligwmg $12.83 and prices. 2x3 vds ......... $1 58 each 3x3 yds ......... $2.00 each 3x4 yds ......... $2.75 CiCh 060.060.600 1. utuuv 5x6 Ieet .................. 73 0x3 feet . 9) -;x8 feet .................. ~T_I.15 8x8 feet .................. $1.35 105.8 feet .................. S} 05 12x8 fett......... . .... Japanese Ch material as {ha seven different ing prices ...$2 for Friday evening next. Come and home 2 enjoy an evening. The ladies will see trip. ..that the inner man be satisfied. ! Miss ‘13: Home Mission ladies of the 'iting a Presbyterian church have arranged Mr. lot a pleasant time in connection is at 1 with the Sabbath school picnic. It is the will be held in Hopkins’ grove on Dwir the afternoon of July lat. Games, at our .raees. etc. will take place. The‘ la- open 1 (lies will provide ice cream, cakes, three. «etc, during the afternoon. Come and . Mr. ~-2njoy a pleasant afternoon. § The Entrance exams. are over. Mr. i Wagar o! FenelontFalls presided here i and Mr. McEachern presided at Fen- E KINMOUNT MI (Special to The Post) ton ‘aather is now fine an: warm and er ’.s I suppose soon will be heard the old Mr cry, we need a shower. 5misf I ~â€"The Women’s Institute had a picnic gets in Hopkins’ grove last Saturdav. A mill masBae Chessell arrived home 33-" Mr. Wm. Jordan. 0 term a busy year at Peterboro Colle- Sunday at Mr. W. J gm; 3 Mr. Macdonali and I Blasters Tom McEachern and Fred onto, are occupying Hark. of the Lindsay Collegiate. afâ€" home at the lake. masn, u. 'uv u-â€"--_J v-_-c-_ t8? taking their exams. there, took Rev. Mr. Hie will preach his fare- a trip to Kingston with the 45th. well sermon here on Sunday night. and arrived home 011 Friday last. On Wednesday of last week Master They report a 300d time at King- Windham Alton met with a. painful Eton. ~ . accident. He was carrying in wood. Him Bertha Beech is hom from and stepped\ backward with an armâ€" Elfin Bertha Beech is home from and steppakbacxwarc the Peterboro Normal. We trust 9110- £111 and stepped upon Japanese Matting Best quality Jipmese matting strongly woven with cotton warp in a great variety of colormgs and de- signs 36 inches Wide. Prices per vd. 12 1-2c, 15, 29, 25, 30 am: 40 J apanese Mats Handsome show‘ng of Japanese mats in beautiful Onemal deaigns in the following sizes and prices. 27x54 inche: ...... 25¢ each 36x72 inche; ...... 35¢ each 72x7; inches......390 each .3 apanese Bugs time was enjoyed b? 5110* ID] KINMOUNT of St. James’ church d'for a. garden party 3533 Wu? wWwvwwwm 1801C}; Mr. John Conway, who had the gmisfortune to lose a couple of fin- picmc gets from his right hand in Austin's w. A mill a week’ago, is about again. His thoae hand is doing nicely. 9 Mr. Chas. Wellstood. sr., who has hutch been visiting his daughter, Mrs (Rev) party Clarke at Wilfrid for some weeks, is and home again, feeling benefitted by his cess has crowned her labors. Promotion exams this week in our schools. Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin of Hamil- ton are visiting at Rev. Mr. Walk- iting at Mr. Alex. Moore’s. Mr. Elgin Thompson, of the L.C.I. is at present visiting his ‘father. who is the teacher at No. 12 Somerville. Owing to the increased 'attendance at our school, it is likely school will open after vacation with a. stafi of (Special to The Post.) Mr. Macdonald and family a Ferrier of Braeebn‘dge is vis- VICTORIA ROAD “Yutaki” Mats Vre andah Screens Best quality split bamboo wran- dah‘ screens, strongly woven Can‘- pzefe with 0er and pullev in brOwn or green cslcrings, at the foihwin‘g priess. 5X6 feet .................. [3 0x8 fect. 9) -;x8 feet .................. $1 5 8x8 feet ...$1. 35 1038 feet .................. §I 05 still on the sick list. family of To:â€" their summer 1860 BROWN Mr. and Mrs; C. Peel and Miss Hattie Gandiet motored to Lindsay ; one day last week. ’ The Sunday School excursion of Oakwood, East Oakwood, and Glanâ€" nabuc uauuxcn vav-v‘ -- _, _ gone day last week- der the auspices of the Y.P.S.C.E. The Sunday School excursion of will be held on Thursday, July 4. Oakwood, East Oakwood, and Glanâ€" A good programme is being pre- ! dine schools will be held to Peter‘ pared for the evening by Miss Story hero on Friday, July 5th. Train will A.T.C.M., of Markham, and others. leave Marip station at 8.15 a. m. A baseball game is being arranged 1 Come and take the trip and enjoy for’ the afternoon. éthe day and by doing so help “362/ Mrs. w. Suggitt is on the sick list 15- 3- work. but we hope for a speedy recovery. -_---.... M. A: uu v..- -v-- _ g l was summoned and dressed the (Special to The Post.) ‘ wounds, and has since been attendâ€" We are glad to report that Mrs.‘ ing to them. At last accounts he Was A. P. Mark is recovering from her. improving slowly, and we hope he recent illness. I will soon be out again. On We dnes day, June 14. the Grim , We are pleased to hear that ML 1Reaper Death took from. our midst a‘5 and Mrs. J. W. Lytle are both gett‘.-'E promising young life in the person of! ing better, also Mt' Jas. Black, of ; Master Fred Hicks. His death name Bexley. ' las a shock to all for though he had i Mrs. Chas. Grazelle and Mrs. Wm. been ailing for a while, no ere) Grazelle and children 0f Bracebridge thought the end so near. The tunerâ€"z are visiting their parents. Mr. and al to Little Britain cemetery was' Mrs. Steve O'COD'DOF- largely attended. Much sympathy isi ' ‘Mr. R. Pearce and Mr. V. Powell extended to the bereaved ones. I took in the farmers’ excursion to Mr, and Mrs; G. Jobnn are gone Guelph last week- ‘ on an extended trip to; the Northâ€" Miss Gandier, of Toronto is spend- west. ing her Vacation with her father, Mr: Rev. G. Gandier. is vi 1 (Speciar to The Post.) 1 The volunteers from here arrived {back safe and sound on Friday ev- zoning from Barriefield, Kingston. Mr. McWilliams and his grand- daughter, Miss Ena Hunter, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Mr. Hays and Mr. Sharp, who have been repairing the slide here, have returned home. They 'were accompan- ied by Mr. Hays. i Miss Winnifred Woodcock, who has {been attending school here, has re- ; turned to her hOme in Coboconk. 3 Mrs T. H. Gostlin is at present [staying at her parents, Mr. and burs. Wm. Winterburn’s. Miss Pearl LeCraw has retu: home afterspending‘the winter Toronto. ‘ ' Miss'Nellie AlIely wife has been. in Guelph attending college, has return- ed to her home to spend her holi- days. A fire got started in Mr. S. rSryâ€" ant’s mill yard one night last week. i but as some one seen it in time, ; there was not much harm done. It; kept the men from 2 o’clock until 6 in the morning fighting the fire. :. We were all very sorry to sayi farewell to Captain. Beck, who has been with us so long. As he has only been moved to Haliburton, we hope he will find time to spend a week with us once in a while. We are ex- pecting Captain Taylor, our new of- ficer, will be here by next Sunday. : Bliss Maud Garner is at present staying with Mrs. 'F. Martin. Mrs.‘Arthfir Swain and children are visitin" at her parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Adair. GREEN Children Cry run Hartman's * 3AS,TORIA NORLAND NORLAND Fancy ”Waldo’ Verandah Screens Extra fine quality of verandah screens stripc‘ woven of very fine ned b-mboo and w th cords and pulicgs. Cocoa Matting Made of extra quality picked fibre, strongly wov;n, for vera (:25, steps and public buiidmgs in naaurai brown shadc. 22 x-zin. wide . 43c yd. 36 in wide...... 6‘ 27i1wide........ socyd 54mmde......$x.< We also have this in spacial dyed green shade 45 in. wide, St Take advantage of the Single Fares Friclay and Saturaay and Visit- this Store. Peel : her father, Mrs, Annie Graham, 1 is visiting her daughter, THE LINDSAY Fog}; in Mrs. W. Suggitt is on the sick list but we hope for a speedy recovery. The Sunday School excursion of Oakwood. East Oakwood. and Glan- dine schools will be held to Peter- boro on Friday, July 5th. Train will leave Mariposa station at 8.1-5 33.. m. Come and take the trip and enjoy the day and by doing so help the S. 8. work. Several from here attended the an- niver: ary at Eden on Tuesoay. Mrs. Mary Rogers and Miss H. Rogers visited Mrs. J. Mose of Port Perry this- week. ' The Sunday School excursion of ‘Oakwood, East Oakwood, and Glan- ldine schools will be held to Peter- ; hero on Friday, July 5th. Train will .leave Mariposa station at 8.15 a m. 5 Come and take the trip and enjoy the day anti by doing so help the (Special to The ’Pnst) is visiting her Don’t forget the 10c.13wn social Kennedy. "at the hammer Mrs. J. G. Cums on ; June 29th. _ § V FR: Amongst those who attended the Friemds' yearly meeting at Pickering were Mrs. Eliza Cruess, Mrs. Susan- nah Rogers and two granddaughters, Miss Shirley Rogers and Miss Gert- rude Staples, Mrm Georgian Dale and daughter, Miss Ella Dale/Mr. R. N. Dale and Mr. Fred Bloer." Thé annual strawbery festival Miss Florence, Giles and brother, Mr. Russel Giles attended the anni- versary services at Peniel; (Special to the Post) W- J - 'Sthh, or the Gooderham Mia-5 ‘ ‘on, 11" M , , 3 Mrs. John Bate is at present visit- mm W 11a .r 0 Short acted very i ISLAY in ”her arents“ Mr and Mrs. Wm. a y as auctloneexj. Lunchfze were Bfrber ct; Feneion falls served to those Who did not buy 1‘35“ ' k 178. . Our picnic last Wednesday was a. d:1nti:t;:ofiile%aihzar:::::i of the‘! Mr. Ambrose Elfcrd left on Mon- grand success, be'ng largely attended é up everyone exp g thzg broke; day of 13.,st week to visit friends in and a' very enjoyable time is reporta ,hi 1 ”BB-mg 111381.103 ‘ Essex. H15 many (fiends wish him a , as :11 y pleased with the BVQn'ng’g pleasant trip. ed by all. 1 entertainment. The proceeds‘ which Mr. Wm. Wilson at many and . ’ I ~ I O“ . S. work. 6x8 feet .......... 8x8 fret.......... 10x8 feet......~ .. SIZES ELDON STATION LINDEN VALLEY PRICES h green and cream alternate best quazity warps, complcte $3 50 $4 50 $6 00 , of Lindsay, ~ . ... 65c yd. ..... $1.00 yd. for veramhh Iun‘ v...â€" 1 Mrs. Dunlop of Uxbridge, were the guests of Mrs. and Miss Eva. Dunlap amounted to $13.25 are to h in the purchase of an organ Neil Morrison for the past week. 3 school. Mits Allis Fin Boynton of Kit afternoon the guest of their friend, g I Miss Ethyl MacArthur; ney and Miss Lillie E Miss Elsie Henry, who has kfield, spent Monday 3 Lindsay for the past few we ’turned home on Saturday 1: Miss E. Madill, of Gooderl Miss Ethyl MacArthur is spending has been holidaying with he ; her vacation under the parental roof. 1 Again‘we hear the busy hum of the Mrs. Gibson, returned on F: Mrs. E. Johnston and Mia _-g.:.‘_. .aouma ni- M1'ufl Edith John} ; sawed into lumber. Dawvu .uvv Miss M. Corvie, of Beaverton, spent» Saturday the guest of .her sister, Mrs. Allan Pearsell. The Sunday School excursion of Oakwood, East Oakwood. and Glan- dine schools will be held to Peter- boro on Friday, July 5th. Train will leave Mariposa station at 8.15 a. :11. Come and take the trip and enjoy the day and by doing so help the VVII. I...- quartettes, also speeches by Rev. I V II uu L: Brown and Rev. Balfour of Lindsay. 1 A number spent last Sunday even-j (Special to The Post.) ing. at thehome of Mr. Joseph Mc-~ Miss Irene Kendall spent a; few Alhster, Llnden Valley. days with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Robâ€" Mr. James Courtney has gone to engon, of Lindsay- Toronto to work at carpentering. Quite a number from here httended ‘ Those who attended the Woodmen the Lindsay Cambridge-a, m9, 9 ‘excursion last Wednesday report a dist choir concert at Fenelon Falls glovely time. 1 Miss Ida Geryman of Burnt River, port a. good tune- I MILLERSMITH , 'â€" ’ _ (Special to The Post.) j Mt. and Mrs. W. J. Magmre. of Don’t forget our strawberry festi- Hehburton, are at present visiting Val next Wednesday evening. July 3. me parents, Mt' anfl Mrs. H" MC‘ The great treat of the season. Tea ém‘e' served from 7 to 8. Programme to consist or drills, solos, duetts, and POWLE, Rev. , __-_J.-A.#An adan amhefi bf (Special to The Post \ On Wednesday. June 19th Esson- ville school house Was the scene of a concert that: did much credit to the teacher, Miss V. Wilson, as well as the scholars and the pupils (i the section. A splendid programme of recitations, dialogues, song-s, read- in or,s etc. , was rendered after which a. oat a score of hash ets were scli. Albert Saunders,a abright little Inns:- Iish boy, brought down the hmse with his comic songs. Not until he had sung thrice would the audiznce consentrto allow him to disappear spent a few hours With mr. Powles last Thursday eveni Miss L. Warren and Miss ' oi Fenelon Falls, spent Fr ening at Mr. J. B. Powles" Miss Irene Miller' is spe few days with Mrs. J. S. i Mr. Robt. Jackett oi Fen 377° n Sunday with Mr. W. les. Master Ross Perr in of spent. a. 13W days Visit}. Rexford Brown.. There will be a garden 1 ‘in the school ground June from the platform. Among those pt-e- baseball game will be plays sent from outside points were, Mr. H. Wilberforce, Mr. H. Wilkinson, Miss ‘Skuce, and Miss Austin of Wilâ€"v berforce, Mr. A. Bryce and Miss m. McCrea, Mr, and Mrs. 0. Short, Mr. Cambray and Powles’ Cor: Admission 15c. The Sunday School exc Oakwood, East Oakwood, dine schools will be held Thos. Manghan, Miss Lucy Meaghan boro on Friday, July 5th. and Miss L. Hope of Tory Hill ) iss McAlvena, Mr. and Mrs. McNess and leave 31um station at Come and take the trip ,Miss lP. Delarge of Hotspnr. The the day and by doing 3. ' chairman for the occasion was Rev. 8. S. work. per yard- MILLERSMITH ‘1 MacArthur is spending 1 under the parental roof. ESSO..V1LLE U“. urn-VJ â€"â€"._ D , 71! at carpentering. Quite a, number from here httended‘ ttended the Woodmen the Lindsay Cambridge-st. my Wednesday report a dist choir concert at Fenelan Falls last Monday evening, and they re- man of Burnt River, port a. good time- sister, Mrs, Norman Japanese Furniture to be Cleared at Cost Price Japanese Rockers These chairs are made of the has: Japanes: Sca Grass strongly woven June 19th Essom Powles last Thursday evening. #as the scene of a Miss L. Warren and Miss ‘M’. Shun) uch credit to 121‘ e I pi Fenclon Falls, spent Friday ev- ilson, as well as ening at Mr. J. B. Powles’. “- over came frame and are vcry ible. We havs them in $1 [our difi'crent 5048:, each ‘ Japanese Chairs Japanese Chairs made of same material as the above rockers in seven different styles at the follow- ing prices ...$2.50, $3, $4.75, $5 1912 1 Miss Elsie Ham, who has been in. Mr. Caz-1 Moynes and Clam lLindsay for the past few months, re- of LQL are spending the burned home on. Saturday Last. at their respective hm. Miss E. Madill. of Gooderham who Miss McEachern, of me: has been holidaying with her sister, and Miss Jordan, of Cambra Mrs. Gibson returned on FridaY- at Mr. D. Tolznie's on Sand: Miss E. Madill. of Gooderham who Miss McEachern, of E4023 has been holidasing With her sister, and Miss J ordan, of Cambra; Mrs. Gibson returned on Friday. at 3,1,. D. Tolznie's on SW), Mrs. E. Johnston and Miss Wilson week. visited at Miss Edith Johnston’s in. A quiet wedding took 913% Haliburton on Sunday. home of Mr. Thomas m neighborhood this spring. as Mr. w. Maughan succeeded in capturing two. in his traps last. week. Our Easomrme boys returned home formed by Rev. G. s. Steelufi Friday from Barrietleid. Kingstoni arm. "heir many friends emf: where they spent ten days in regular gmtulations. training. The Sunday School 3ch M133 Eva. Maguire returned home C'akwood, East Oakwood. anéi Sunday from visiting her sister, Mrs} dine schoois will be held no! Gainford, of Halihurton. hero on Friday, July 5mm Our school closed on Monday for leave Mariposa station 31835: the summer holidays. C one and take the tip at Miss Wilson Left an Tuesday tO- 9:1; dpq os Szpop SC; 9324?? spend her vacation. with her friends S. 5. work. in Omemee.. ____..._..â€"- . Mr. A. C. Greenaway called on Mr. ’J. B. Powlee last Tuesday evening; i Mrs. J, .B. Powies‘and daughter, EHazel, spentf,Tuesday, the 18th in “Lindsay. g Mr. John Maunder of Winnipeg. ' spent a few hours with Mr. W. H_ Miss Irene Millet“ is spending a few days with Mrs. J. S. Brown. Mr. Robt. Jackett of Fenelon Fans There will be a gar-it"s pa'rtjr 21615. in the school ground June 23th. A baseball game will be prayed between Cambray and Powles’ Corner teams. Admission 15c. The Sunday School excursion of Oakwood, East Oakwood, and Glan- dine schools will be held to Peter- boro on Friday, July 5th. Train will leave Mariposa station at 8.15 a. :11. Come and take the trip and enjoy the day and. by doing 80 help the S. S. work. Master Ross Perrin of Cameron. spent ‘ a few days visiting Master Rexford Brown.. 3 $5.50 SWY- home of Mr. Tum am quite plentiful in our Tuesday of last week whenhis During July and August this 5: daily at 5 o’clock (Saturdays 6 LINDSAY, FRIDAY. JUIIE to be used. daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bram rgan for than cently paid a visit in this :5 Children's Chairs and Rockers Japanese Chairs an" ROCkersf. chlldren, made 0‘ the same maier as the above in handsome (2ch at the t Mowing prxces. Jap mese Tables Verandah, Dmin Caving Lunch fables, all be-.1:1f u 117%; in fur: d fiexent s‘rapes at The {0“ lowing pnces. $5 $5 50. $6. S8. 56 ............... $l;25 an: daughter, Miss Berdie was ' marriage to Mr. Rabat Ha. Long Point. The my!!! formed by Rev. G. S.StatdI arm. Their many fiends en!!! gmtulations. The Sunday School mm; Mrs. Nellie Rm home in Cleveland. spending 1‘79 “355 son relations. Misses Ruth King‘boro, SP cay-geon, writ the Entrance SCOTCH 1M ‘5 2We do ’3 excem writing mce 613' wfomw .goas‘a‘

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