ied sizes for rice 5c a??? 58 ,ranteed on Week the S8: a} I’ [i O Frem £4.99 Up ANew Scale Williams Player Open a world of Music for you and right now This Summer you can enjoy ‘it. We have one for you here. CALL AND HEAR FF. Matt-M is CASTORIA subs t1 'tut’a for Castor Oil. I {de011 Have Always Bought :“e’ getting it repaired again! are fast apd easy running. ry mower is guaranteed. Our new ï¬ise En The Past V wa ,5 Bought, and which has béen “to“ Hfï¬kï¬a, has borne the signature 0: l. to: 0V8 and has been rnade under his per- ‘ sonal supervismn since its infancy. . Allow no one to deceive you in this. its Iniitations and “ J ust-as-good †are but ’ iile with and endanger the health of â€:35 gl‘itgw.nxperience against Experiment. ts ‘ -Aâ€"Aâ€"-_ 1,, II! "' . . a harmless gubstltufle for Castor Oil 31:), and Soothmg Syrups. It is pleasainfarg; or 0p1um, Morplnne nor other Nareoti IS ts guarantee. It destroys Worm: we. 1‘5 “3%,,†is For more than tlnrty wears t everis e ° . . â€8F stant use for the relief of Conan “11- '01: , an in con . . Wind Cohc, all Teetlun Tr ï¬â€™ ItFregiulaPe§ gtge tslfomagch a33‘- Bum?! 5“ “£9-.." FRWThe mother’s MW] 8166!). ,1 III! mum MFA!!! In Use Fo_r_9ver 30 Years ._--u g“-.- m-m -‘_.. ___. IE CASTGR IA ALWAYS j Went for Fletcher’s __\¢-‘uu‘\mxx\\\\\\\mm a: Time is Music Time Bears the Signature of ézeeaés Mamie (30.: . 71 U'JIRAY mt“. NEW YORK cm. 13. At the shore, in the mountains or homeâ€" for all us :Wherever we areâ€"from sun {up to sun-down from sun- down to “good night.†Music is one of the greatest aids to summer time enjoyment. pvay station in company with Mrs. 3Watt and little child. When near the village the horse took fright at some poles on the roadside, and ran away, .throwing the occupants of the. buggy out on the road. | The little child escaped unhurt and' Rev. Mr. Watt sustained several min- or bruises and a shaking up. Mrs. Watt, however, was more seriously injured, sustaining a' severe concus- sion of the brain. She {was removed to her house and Dr. Rich of Lindsay was sent for. She is reported as be- ing some better this morning. ‘ _ J. U. Watt, who u: been at- -_, "- teniinz the Presbyterian Congress at ;or onto, W' as returning from the rail- A serious runaway accident occurr- ed at Oakwood on Wednesday 'wnv SERIOUS ACCiDENT AT OAKWGGE) Mr. A. A. Knight, B. S. A., the local district representative of the On-tario_ Department of Agriculture, gave an address on the beneï¬ts of organization; also referring to foul brood. Mr. W. W. Webster, of Little Britâ€" ain, opened a hive and showed the way to clip a, queen. He also demonâ€" strated the way to handle combs. Mr. James Storer told the gatherp ing about his method of making nuclei. Mr. William Agar, of the ‘O.A.C., Guelph, spoke on “The Wax Press†and gave a demonstration of its use. He also demonstrated the shaking treatment for foul brood. The beekeepers of Victoria County held their annual field day yesterday at Mr. James Storer’s apiary on Durham Street West. About forty persons from the sorroundin'g coun- try Who are interested in bees were in attendance and a very :proï¬table time was spent. BEEKEEPERS A general conflagration looked im- minent, as the sparks were flying in ‘all directions, but owing to the {brave efforts of a bucket brigade the iilames were confined to the doomed building, although the brick residenCe {of Mr. W. Webster caught fire'sever- gal times, and all arrangements were 5 made to mOVe the furniture from the ihouse. W. ROgers, a member of the [bucket brigade, put up a plucky ï¬ght »in saving a torkshop from destruc- {tion near the McIntyre residence. Wednesday afternoon a little ladl named Harold Mooney, who hives at the corner of Cambridge and Mel- hournests, had a narrow escape from being run over by Mr. Lindsay’s! hack near! the corner of Kent and Cambridge-ate. The little lad did not! notice-the . approach of the conveyâ€" ance until he was knocked down. Fortunately, the Wheels missed going over his body or he might have been seriously hurt. The driver of the hack picked the yOUng lad up and took him to his home. He was out, ten minutes after the accident. No‘ blame is attached to the'driver. ' ! â€THE LAD HAD The sparks were carried a long distance, and the fence on the farm of Harry Barrett, a half mile, from Cambray, took fire. Mrs. McIntyre had 91200 insurance onrhouse and contents. impossible to tents. The ï¬re is supposed to have been can-Bed by a bonfire in rear of Mrs. McIntyre’s residence, the prevailing high wind carrying the embers to the frame meidence, which burned like matchwood. In a short time rt The fire at Cambray on Wednesday afternoon did not assume the pro- portions it was feared it would at one peI'iOd, and the 1088 is not near- ly ad bad as was reported. Bucke ngade Saved he Hamle mass of flames, and it was NARROW ESEAPE HAD FIELD DAY save any of the FERE SCARE COD- LATIMERâ€"S'ANDECR‘SON â€"At Pet- erboro’, on Tuesday, June 10, 1913; by Rev. J. N.. Clarry, B.A., pastor of St’ James’ Methodist Church, Rev. Herbert J. Latimer 056 Victoria Road to Bertha Sanderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sanderson, Pet-i erbom'. , ‘ . ‘ , . j Contractor Bogue is making splen- did progress on the armory. ‘He has been faV ore‘d with ideal weather in his . operations, and if these condi- tions continue, the structure will be completed in a short time. The foun- dation has been finished up, and the men are now ready for the stone- work. Mr. A. L. Campbell, another one of the local roundâ€"theâ€"world trippers, arrived home from Toronto by auto on Sunday, and today is busy shak- ing hands with his host of friends. Lorne is the picture of health and in response to the hundreds of enquir- ies stated that he never felt better in his life. It is unnecessary to state that he enjoyed the trip. He is warm in his praise of the courtesy of“ the captain and crewof the S. S. Em- press of Russia, and the different C. P. R. officials. ‘ MAKING PROGRESS The staï¬ of men employed by the Bell Telephone Co. in the work of installing their wires underground on Kent and William-sts†started lay- ing the conduits this morning. J udg- ing from the business-like system adopted by the Company in this unâ€" dertaking, it will only be a matter of a short time until the work is compl’etedt A. L. CAMPBELL Mr. James Byrne, Who had charge of the work of repairing the East CroSs Creeks bridge has completed the job. “ ' ' -- TELEPHONE C0. Vancoe. The members of the commit- tee were Warden Bottum‘, and Messrs J. J. Devitt, W. McW'atters, I; H. Fee, A. J. Varcoe, J. Robertson. A subâ€"committee to complete deâ€" tails was appointed, consisting. of the Warden and Reeves Robertson and The committee of the County Council appointed to take action in the matter of the West Cross Crec‘ gs bridge met on Friday afternoon. 2J- ber inspecting the structure they de- cided to erect a. new bridge of rein- forced concrete. The structure will be 38 feet long, with 20' inch beams, and will be similar to a concrete bridge now being constructed in Niaâ€" riposa. ‘ The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Sanderson on Thursday, July 10th. a man’s heart,†which were very much enjoyed by thOSe present. Be.- tween the two topics, the president asked Mrs. Frank Webster, who . had been district president of West Vic- toria for a number of years, Mrs. Milne, president of the Lindsay branch, and Mrs. H. Eyres, of the Cameron branch to say a few words. The meeting closed by Singing God Save the King. after which refresh- ments were served by Mrs. E. H. H0pkins, Mrs. T. Hazel'ton, Mrs. P. Murphy. and Mrs. A. Newman. CONCRETE BRIDGE W. CRQSS CREEKS Miss E. Chapman, a gOVernment representative, gave two excellent addresses on "A coutry girl, her p05- Sibflities and needs,†and “A way to The West Ops Women’s Institute held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 11th at the home) of Mrs. E. H. Hopkins, with seventyâ€" Bix ladies present. After opening the meeting with the singing of the Maple Leaf, Mrs. H. Irwin gave a reading, and during the afternoon Mrs. A: Newman sang a solo. It was decided not to hold the garden party that had been Proposed at a previous meeting. WOMAN’S INSTITUTE OF WEST OPS AY MARRIED LAYING CONDUIT ARRIVES EGME 0N ARMQRY O’NEILâ€"At King’ 3 Wharf Emily, on Friday, June 13, 1913, to ï¬r. and' Mrs. J. L. O’Neil, a daughter. The circus comes to Lindsay (11 June Zlet. . Howls of merriment are evoked by these artistic rib-ticklers. They are the best of Europe’s exponents of the latest and highest class farcial hilar- ity. They chase the wrinkles of wor- ry from the brow of care. They plunge the most sedate, into ï¬ts of the â€giggles. Time worn slap-stick tactics and inane horseâ€"play of the overworked clown of past years are never resorted to by these artistic buï¬oons. They have had the best training‘ in schools of legitimate comedy. They: are pastmasters in the art of making people laugh. Not many years ago one of them was a? ‘ jcster in the‘ court of the Shah of} Persia. Several of them hvaVe ‘layed leading parts in the Drury Lane Christmas pantomimes at London. Others are from the comedy theatres of Paris, Berlin and St. Peberdaburg. Many of our own stage burlesque stars are to be found among them. . There are many novel trained aniâ€" mal features with the Barnum and [Bailey circus. There is a brass band ,of elephants, and a complete base- ball team of elephant ball players, Berzac’s comedy horse circus, a troupe- of wonderful Hungarian hor- ses and a barnyard full of educated roosters, geese and pigs. Comedy is added to the show by a company of fifty clown-s, buï¬oons, jesters and fools engaged to make people laugh. It is said they are earning their sal- arias, posed of dogs, with a miniadzure but complete fire fighting equipment, re- sponds. The captain of the brigade mOUnts. a ladder and rescues a poodle from the second story of the cottage. The villain is thrust into jail by an ape policeman, and all ends happily. The play finished with a fire scene. The villain, out of hatred, has set fire to the hero’s house. -An'. alarm is sent in. The fire company, com- A German dog and monkey circus #2 is a feature animal act with the a: Barn-um and Bailey circus this Seas» : a: on. In this strange company. of act- L: ore is found the laughing attraction at of the age. They glve a performance a: that lasts for half an hour and ends * with a little melodrama in which : dogs, and monkeys play all the parts. a GREAT AMMAL ACTS WITH CIRCUS It is understood that the contract awarded to Messrs Roger Miller 8: Sons of Toronto, is for the construc- tion and erection of 430 doubleâ€"lock contra-ct price was said to be $250,000 The Work will commence at once and the contracting firm expect to complete the entire contract by the autumn of 1914. The completion of these gates will mean the completion of the canal so far as the forty miles affected are concerned. Messrs Miller Sons are'preparing to put up a plant at Trenton to carry. on the construction eve-ark. This plant W111 be transferred from the present head-quarters of the firm at Sault Ste. Marie for the purpose and will be kept steadily running till the work is completed. wuuun or me canal from Lake Sim- coe to Georgian Bay, via. the Sever-n River“ The total expenditure on the canal so far has been about $11,000.- 000. It' will cost another $5,000,000 to complete it and give a continuous six to seven foot waterway from Georgian Bay to Lake Ontario. Tenders will be calied beginning the work on t section of the Canal from Ottawa, June 11. -â€"After twenty years of more or less continuous con- struction work the fimshing touches are now being put on the southern Domtion of the Trent Valley Canal. A Contract has just been awahded by the Government to Roger Miller 8:: Sons of Toronto, for the lock gates 0n sections three and four of the carnal, thus completing the outlet to Trenton on the Bay of Quinta from Lake Slimooe. Tomato Firm Gets a Big ‘Contract FINISHING LSWER ENE} 0F CANAL BORN , be calied shortly for work on the northern â€" Uon’f go on éuflering! Get a sac. box of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tamar, from your druggist today. National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Containing in themselves the active principle needed for digesting every kind of food, NaoDru~Co Dyspepsia Tablets enable even the weakest stomachs to get the good out of what is eaten, preventing the accumulation of undigested food and gas. With a little help for a while, the digestive organs recover their strength, do their work properly, and yogr troubles are over. These malgnetite lamps are the “last word†in street lighting. Lin-d- say seems, not only to have enter- prise, but to haVe made a good bar- gain in her lights. Peterboro Times: The little to am ct Lindsay is nothing if not enterâ€" prising. They are paving their prin» cipal‘ streets and installing a modern system of public illumination. The town has accepted the oï¬er of the Seymour Power Company to instal [18 magnetite lamps on Kent and 'William streets, at $900 per year and g30 twoâ€"cluster lights to be erected on William-st, south to the G.T.P.. ma.â€" ‘tion and on Lindsay street north to the C.P.R. station via King or Queen street, at their own cost, the power company to supply free current for 'three years, and that the question he submit-bed to the ratepayers for their sanction at the coming January elections. NaDru-Co Dyspepsi- - .~ 5 stomachs that at 53:: rmrelzev stomachs that feel as if a stone had been swallowedâ€"stop heartburnâ€"and give the needed assistance to stomachs that are weakened. It’s a revelation to the chronic dyspeptic to feel no discomfort after a hearty meal, when that meal is followed by one Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablet. He is hardly prepared fog the almost magic relief which the thief; gives him from the various diseomfcrts to which he is accustomed Sifter eating. NaDm-Co Dyspepsia Tablets sweeten stomachs that are 531: r-relieve stomachs that feel as if a stone had been ALL EYES ARE ON LINDSAY Ila-Btu 32 822222222 2’2 '23 $2 22y Fiï¬ F2559: The couple are supposeci to gone north, having been seen Beave-rton on Monday. At time going to press the couple have been located. * "You have got one of the ‘ ‘ Mig-htlest and newsiest little- * dailies I haVe seen- in my travâ€" * els,†said a Barnum Bailey * circus representative Saturday. * “It compares favorably with * same of the daily publications * in many American centres. The t t t t 8 t t t *QQ‘..†value of The POSt as an adver- tising medium was impressed upon me by an old showman who had previously visited this town with circuses and theatri- cal attractions. We are, there- ‘ fore, using your columns more liberally than has been our * practice heretofore, as we be- * lieve we. will get good results. ‘3 " Your merchants are good ad- * vertisers in your columns, which ‘ is a tribute to ‘ their enterprise * as well as to your paper.†«taint.» 9 * M 01" Vanburen, who is a married man. with a family of childmn, induced the girl to leave home with him an Sunday the let inst, when the father of the girl swore out a warrant for his armst. Woodville Advocate: A provisional detectiVe and the constable from Sub- ton were in town Friday on their way north in the endeavor to locate one, Vanburen, who is wanted on a charge of having abducted from her home a fifteen year old girl by the name of Rose Thompson. POLICE LOOKING day evening. The on Tueed'av. 15th tereet in the electric ï¬ghting of the Village, and the mat submission to the people of t cpssary by-law was taken nn 2 AGENT PRAISES * POST. t 3ï¬lter-{ï¬nal arrange made for the nurch. i the council Vote will be - . PAGE 2mm time of to have 1a