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Lindsay Post (1907), 10 Jul 1908, p. 1

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>100, WIRI- ny of Nod. LTER " '.) flm' n In”? . mk- LERTSON Iusic SAY. RDS ITH ’ARIO. over! and '1) Special to The Post.) When nonews of thednf‘; humid here, 'I will contribute a ”an of interest to your excell- Fmr- - ‘ \ Eh picnic under the auspices of plum church held at Glen: Fill first of July wasa Ehuge mq- F59 honors for baseball were i‘ Junie Greenaway is visiting hill-s. a. Smith at ‘Coboconk. Kiowa telephone system «then-- h: mud hare Ere very taro“ v "1 Mace. considering the his tall. 3 cumin. 0: Linden .Valley is his barn. , haeball team played a friendb f _Ki_na at Goldwater, is the ‘um-IMMIS.’ W. . * ”'3‘“: L ‘ ‘ J Grfm am at Lindsay, is about a"‘lhtefiilelme'mmzu' midst. la Kate Jewell was down home in "In. In ollnlz mm the ‘Fffla with :Woodville bqu' Friday- ?“ The Same wem: to the lo- H on by the Hartley: team aft-1: lhdheat with the Lindsay nine. '05! in favor at Hartley. Mr. 53: of Linden, was referee and? i is due tn him for his just dh 1"-" ann- LILEII- Llfiu' izmi While other: stayed u"lworke‘d, looking ahead m better. I " i I. 3“ New; .o: MASAN'I; POINT “”3 Hinds B; Omemee. . when passed through this law” Idling good: 101'. a m in Glasgow. .- " “N E. N. Mitchell. oz '9‘“ the lst of July‘ with ' friends. , EDEN 3' almost completed Mr; John Hogan. 01 Spent the first! fidu- Brien has réturned, Wflfl ”WWW .Third Yearâ€"No. 25 ended: the on the first : spent the 1st under iroofa ( (‘1‘: 0 w’ 5 Miss L. G. Brien. xspecial to The Post.) 31113.. Neville. of Fort William. is the guest of her. aunt. M11, Wm. Adair. Miss Grace Munt. who has been our school W 10: the past year. and a half is goingttto leave us at the. stunner. vacation. We unden- stand that Mina Game is going to attend the Normal School at Peters. borough, ind wish her much! success. Mrs. J. Piouae. of Waudvine. is spending a [cw days witH her. aunt, Mrs. Wm. Add:. ' I ' Mr. uni Mrs. S. J. Playfair. or town are stopping a {few days with triends at the pomt. ( Master Wilfred Hutton or Lindfi an, is visiting friends in this locals- ity at pmsent._ ~ ‘ Miss M. Milligxn. 70! South'\ Ops. is visiting friends here at present. Miss A. Milligan . is visiting friends at Newcastle at present; sir. Thee. Flynn has returned. af- ter spend-ins a flew days in town. Mr. B. Bailey. of Lindsay, visited friends at the point on! the 131; of Jul'y. k.;~)' ‘ 1:5 Mrs. A. McIntyre. of Lindsay. spent Tuesday at the home or Miss Mo- Inzyre. who is very, ill. . z 3.1;. mg! Mrs, .Dhnmlfim spent last mum in Little Britainu- ,1. . Mus Maggie Jewell has returned hams. after. taking a six months course in the Bulk!‘ college. Tor- ants. having passed but exams ano- cesatuny. "1‘ (l li‘i‘n‘u A‘ clean stove fol? make! it!“ The JIM Sunday' school ifitend holding their annual .pionic on .Wed» nesdu, I aim lat. > “To un§erntand that . Mr. Bern Muffin m a 3001001 3.11 Hollow ’Lake and that he intends to teach! through the summer. vacalbiun. air. and Mrs. flames Smith. Pi-ttsk burg, Penn, i8 holidaying under the pa rental roar: o - '0 .9___'..___L visiting friends near the youngest child or Mr. and. Mrs. Risahard Day has bloodrpm'sonhxg from a mosquito (bite in its foot. but we hope that'the Child am no diam- ger and will boon be all, right again. white brick, W on; the NORLANDI I. r 1 \. l C . bf here. is Peterboro at the .7 parental; BOBCAYGEON. k‘. (Specxal to The I’mt.) Rev. J. B. Kennedy of 'Ioronto. :5 building 0. comfortable and substanâ€" ha! stone cottage on the south sirlv bf Sturgeon Lake, just opposite the upper light house, near the entrance of the titer here. When finished n will be one of the moat up-to-dace cottages on the lake. câ€"vâ€"_- V 'A large crowd was present Maw): game of baseball between Cambra! an Oakwood reuniting in n win tor Oak- wmd by the he!!!" margin of one run. It was a fine gum; throughout the finance of the n l kicking and diaputing m an? to'thu mo.- ment for the chCtItors. The Cam-I. etc-n team are a bunch of mom uni will be welcomed bank to W on any further occasion. n‘he toot ball game between Linden (Valley m6 Oakwood was tietcely contested :11 the way and at thdrend of. thth cr 53.1: had scored a god. The game animugh much faster, than the Iaat one between these .t.wqmt;ams «ms clean throughotu. It'yms pronounced by an! to be the swnftcst and m.-:: stubbornly contested game of foot- Lall su-cn here m years. The (onus Should m-t-t «gum tu me which 15 the l‘eltc". The proceeds of L11: jay smouLtcd to $100. ML. A. .Hogg and Wm. Goad haw: returned home after a mouth2 trip to the west. Messrs. Hogg 89 Lyue hav: :hcn ulcgmph line to Lindsay practica l‘l' comp 'eted and the farmers carat-1e starting to swing their wires the begmning oi the week. A mcc little family of tour must:- rats have taken up their abode near Mr. Baker’s drug store. They are quite at home and may be seen tea,- ulurly from the back door. The pipe cuts of these lusty young fellows helped themselves to a barrel 0! ap- ples in Mr. Baker’s cellar last winter and when he attempted to set a trao for the maranders they s‘unxlly walk ed oft with it. The chlldren Will be a great help to the patents to car-5v oif Mr. Baker’s apples this winter-if they - are not born lazy, as we are inclined to think they, are not. Many of the farmers 0! the district here have begun their hay. They re- lcport it rather lighter than was-2x- pccl‘ed. . F L l -. - You can help your favorite candi date vithout putting yourself out my much. Don't lelay. Read the con- ditions in this issue. 2111. Garfield, Falls who had tl misfortune o‘I having'hns leg bmk m a game of [ootball last. week getting aiong as well as can be u r feted. The entrance and promotion ex- zminutious are over aud‘the junor :c‘ncher‘s examination 1's being held Illis wrc/k. Mr. Caerath of the Lin'l- say Collegiate is presiding exammu“ J» 1921,"; numbers of summer visitors are here and along Pigeon Lake. 5,, cry cottage on the Lake is occupied Picmcs and excursions are awe frequent these days. The S. S. pxcai: '01: Logic Creek was greatly enjojej by the young people last week. ' D-v v “7 _ Mr. Wm. L. Dix and wife. 0! Ch:- ccgo. are spending a few weeks at our “thee with Mrs. Broad. also with Mrs. J. E. Di: brother of Mr. Dix Mr. S. H. Mather-ell spent some time (Special to The Post.) Mr. J. J. Sloan. Village road commis- sioner. has just finished operations [or another year. The south side of King street roots fine since the cement wall: {a completed. the village will soon have cement walks on all the 'principdl streets. - - $4.. --v.A.sl ; OAKWOOD. z (Spoons! to Th9 Poet.) - The Presbyterun ntrawtery tectivd and attanoon cl apart: heh‘l here .. n...:.:.... my Iran a Kmart mecca min, ca-lliad on S. A. Chumpion‘ We!!- head“ of last Week.- ; l I Miss 'Abbie De Lurey. 015 Mona-ed, is home to spend her nontim, accom- panied by her friend; Miss McKague. Mrs. Higinbotham and children. of Toronto. are visiting at the. home or Mr. Joseph Broad. ~ V ‘oooooo0+0oooooooocooogooo0000060999999 MANILLA’ l omwoon. (Special to The Bosh) (Special to The 1’05“) Mr. Richard Bobexgtson and Mr. Mn. A. O. Hogs and Into: lurmy James Glass. bath of Little Bria haw returned after a trip to :11» - --.n'.a ‘- Q A Mammy .Wed-I West. V ‘ O‘QOOOOOOOOQ‘ IIIIII w06o+ootoo++too+ot£4§§¥096 IMPORTANI NEWS Of "It DISTRKT LITTLE BRITAIN. church Sunday school versary next Sunday nic to R. F. Whit-wide Bell. of Buffalo. N. visitors at the ham.- ix. LINDSAY, ONTARIO: Mr. Ed. Thomas is enjoying a rest in our Village. Anycn: wl hing to h. e a good outing would call nt our ulue burg" Road work is the order of the My. Henry Mints. A. Curry and P R 'stilzcr are busy looking after the d [(cnnt sections A few 01 the villagers attended the picnic at Bear Lake on the lat. They report a very nine time. ‘Mcssra Thou. and Date Madil! rc- tuxncd from the west laat week.'Ihey stem better satisfied with thisooun- try than with the foreign fields. was Mtldred Walker is home [or the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Madill lctt on Monday for Lindsay. Mrs. Price left on the 6th to jot-1 her husband m Drayton. Mr. and Mn. J. J. Pearson of Lin-lo say and two children passed through on (ht‘ll' way, to Bear Lake when: they will spend a week with Mrs. Graham}. Sr. The Eases Carey left for Toronto. on Monday. Mist Blanche Hunter is- cnjoyiug a hohday» with friends in Peterboro Mr. 5. .Walkcr ht: erected a boat fiouse on the shore 01 Lake. Ihe strut-berry festival held un- der the tapioca of the Pmbyteriz-n church was a sum! mecca. Receipts £7 Iota! mounted to @811) 7m! Cairic Morrison, of Lindsay wished With her parents Tuegday and Wednesday. . ~ .Wv are pleased to see In. G. Ic- Fadden able to be about 3311:: om» more. ' y ' (Special to The Post.) Crops are looking fairly well mum locality though min would be‘gkdly welcomed. Bay out-tins bu commenc- ed and the crop on the avenge is: good one. Groin 0W "0 ”the: thin and 158M: owing to flu long spell at dry wexther utter peering. : , c Mr. John Maxwefl. with his mac: lhrl‘t' brothers and their wives. made a flying call here on Saturday. Miss :Ican Graham left for her home in Irondale on Wednesday. Th».- Woman‘s Institute is making good heaway. The ladies claim thy not only haw a PTOUtEble bunt a very enjoyable afternoon. ' Mt: Morris school teacher for No. 5. :Vcrulam finished her year’s drub- ‘ ice on Tueadu, ‘June 30th. andheld j a wry successful picnic and entertun meat for the children an! their par- 1 cats. The pupil! net-muted themselves ' Ml gnd spewed 1011311191196 in them. 1 Mr. und Mrs. Hubert howdy k». of Toronto, spent' some do: w cur \illnge recently. The member: of the Woman‘s 1n- stituw purpose holding a. locial m.- cning, to be held at the home 0! 1h.”- woman. Hrs. H. Webster. on Wednesday July 15th. Each member .uVitea her husband or n (fiends MP! 3 very pfetlfllt till. il looked for- ward to. The members 0! the lust:- tuu- wtzl keep this due in mind. we?) member is expected WHIP Supp!”- thc refreshments. . coommgm . . . (sown ta :1» eat.) Mr. Holmes, of tho Woodwu'd Co was in the village on the Nth. Mr. J. C. Wags let: on thq is; (ur his bondays. iicV. W. E. Elliott firm um muoductory sermons lat. hbbuhto large abstention. _ .g,- --,, _Wc are sort! to c‘mflrono st. i. w 7 m. Cecil Smith. neoompoaled Miss Meta Oliver. 0! Woodvmq gnu-ta of mu Purl Coal on day Dr. and Mrs. Rich returned from their wedding trip on Tuaday was and are spending 5,ch day. here pre- vious to leaving for their new mum at Horning’s nub. “Mr. 8-11ka of Lon-mills lp-enl Sunday with his brother, J. W. Ban Mrs. Irwin. ”companied. by her daughter Edna. 01 St. Catharina. are at present visiting her sinéot, Mus. flaggxe Hughsoon. who Ml. been i]! [or the past two months. ' Miss Gillie. of ’Powles’ Candi- ?! s ited with Mrs. um rm. Mr. and Mrs. Giles were in Peta: r- )oro visithg friends last wick. Mr. .Wrn. Wilson spent m 1“. With 'his daughter. Mrs. Mills One-ace. hire John Hooper (nie Mill Mary Prior) or Carmina. Xan. is spending {Bx-Aer) ot Car-mun. Man. Is visiting ulmnu here after tn shame of four years in the west. sown IVERULAM. ’, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1908 but that. ma tho lick list an new like W1! ." Sun- .mmmmfltfl guest at Rev. C. 6. and‘Mn. Lord‘. . Mm. Dr. White. at Kimounat. W110 with that children. his been visiting her. parenu here. returned home on Friday. She m accommniedi hm Mrs. Campbell and daughter. who intend amending a few my: in her gum. 7 7â€"..A.’ _ 'nâ€"r viaitinfi her fitter. Goukl. a ependgaic a few my: in her gum. ‘ Mr. ‘Rolls. 0! Toronto. m’ a my days With his hum. Mm. Thou. Shula, last week. . I Oxnomcewchceoe factory had the urges: number of cheese made and got the highest price. Mr. Tedzord' is {filing the bit! well and millactofily Our football club responded to an inflation from the people 0! Dunsfm- to turnin' 3n exhibition game. They spuk very highly of '..hc mummm 0! Damien! citizcns. 1 I evonhg‘ . " ' ‘ , Maura. Arch“ Wilson Ind B. Watts of Bantu. um Spending a.- oouple 0! weeks in town. the guests of Dr. Winona. Mr. Geo B Brown. of'l‘or unto. 5 t1” unending his Mildly: at. St. Join. oi. Sandal-had has been in town buying produce and will continue his-trim. . .. . . hi! liq Court- 'Ihc lat July garden puff was a ignnd success rea‘lixing $50.00 clau- The refreshments send by the ladies were superb :nd everyone append on tidied. . . town: â€" t ‘ mm. 11. length at Wt. i ville. ngol: Evans has an of his hand fire engine: to firm. ‘ ,‘Mr. nnd Mrs. me the BUGS“ ford. ' i\, I Mr. J. O'Brien. here Monday on ’1 ml option "W here god we In x )3. J. 1‘me Ind Ms: Lam; at- tended the garden party at Bethel hat ivaek. The! mp9“: 339 eugoy‘uble crop. . m. HoCullooh ”cupid by on: p0]- plt on Sand”. the Rev. Kr. Teeny The Prahyterian pulpit was‘ooonpkd Thy the Rev. Mr. Fake. of New END wick. Rev. Mr. Peckover in in Torm’» 10 on hi! holidays. ‘ Ilia! .um Ivory, orgmht at the Methodbt church whilst but enjoying a canoe trip rich" I friend captured. 1m pound Inngo returnint u please! looking a when presiding at the or- Iran. Ihc (welth of U" harboro promises attended as nannl. (Special to The Post.) Farmers are very busy onttlnct sachet LITTLE BRITAIN. (Specie! to The Root.) An unmuelly large eongregntion met at the Little Britain churcflon Sunday morning last to listed to t «men by the pastor. Rev. C. HM ;er on the text "whet must I do to inherit Eternal lite." Luke 18. 18.. The putor's lending thought Was. "We must become heirs '01 Christ! end-join heirs with Him before we can inherit the Barenly poem end we are made heirs ol’God ill the new birth.” Jesus said unto Nicodemus. "Verily. waxy. I u: unto (the. except I: man be tom win he unmt ueeto Kinr dome! God.” This subject was very ably prelenied nod tpooe what were privaieged to hear it .1111 no doubt pron 1 great Meeting. In the evening a few days with their: brother. Mrs w. Killaby ml a. trim a Pigeon Lake. 1 . ‘ Mn. R. Courtney o! Omemee and Mn. White of Dunatord. are «pending 15min] to The P0“) Malian-y C. Mann, of Otttvu. in marlin: a few my witfl friendl in At the close or {he progrunme the thildren presented their tench” With a. beautiful gold bracelet am! 3 Well v orded address. It is to be regretted that more of the parent: Ilid' nOUturn out as parents should remember t“- trev not only Show disrespect for the father but also (or the children as web by not taking more interest in school matters. - f selves Ind their teacher. fl enmple of dry. ( PENELON FALLS L. is, 28 “All maz- work {or good to then! mt :‘He'nderlod. o: Mater. i 'Brbn. ot Downeyvillc wan I! on Qua-fines. Ho up Id. accommodation 13 all taunt 'e Ire now following the Duly celebration at es to be as largely Irwin. of Lin-dun. Mrs. F. {Ruthefit sober DOW!"- ‘1' LLLS ‘ Post.) 1 Ottawa. ‘- ria friends in ache-ta. ison Mr. and Mrs. 99999999999994 order for live from a. lawn love | THE DOMINION BANK MISS Run TAYLOR. of Coboconk ............................. 9,554 MISS F manic: GRAHAM, Victoria Road ......................... 7.2 58 Miss Em'ra Was-moo, Kinmount ............................. 5,537 sts 1m Goa», at Geodetham ............. ' ............... 1,64 These figures will be corrected e‘irery Wool; Ballots should be sent In time. :PRIZES FOR NEW 2 SUBSCRIBERS MISS Ham: Comm, of Omemee ...... Miss Aons Mummy, of Ops ......... . . . . Muss Lam: Hmcmsox, of Oakvood ..... Um K. Form, of Ops ................... Mm Gum: O’Bnmt, Donnyvillemm. MISS M. Hones, of Janaville ............ DISTRICT NI Mm Emu. Rummy, of Dunsford ...... Mlss MARGARET F nausox. of Woodville.. sts Nun: 3mm, 0! Kirkfield ........ Miss Sun“ Mun-m, Fendon Falls ...... Miss MAY Mclxma, of Lomeville ........ Mm Muss MISS Miss Mm DISTRICT NO. I. Mm Fwssxz MAUNDER, of the Bell Telephone Co . Miss LILY TERRY, of A. B. Terry’s ................... Muss nonna- ancz. Sussex Street ............... Mus RUBY Burma, 0‘ S_mclifie 6- Sons .......... sts Pun San. St. Patrick and Bertie St: ......... Mrs E. E. Axum, ofDuodas ' ravens.-... Miss LINDSAY, of IL L. Morgan’s .................. Hm Linux Smmxn. of G N.W. Office .......... DICTRIOTNQZ. V 9 Every candidate is eligible to compete, whether they stand low or : high they have an equal chance of winning. 0.00.0066‘099060606900906OQO006900960O Standing of Candidates in The Post Free Trip Contest About the “mat kind at the m. I. flung Ion-water, wad blowing on Tue-dc lineman: 1nd binning. Capt. Burgoyne. o! the K» yum... WW and flown (rem Gov Wk 00 .her. regulufi trip. arriving Henri. Bucky. Mason and 0. Shane went to May on Tuesday, Mb: me Willon. Mini N. Wilson were in Linhy on Tueadhy. M's: E. (Pearce Ind (Kim A. Qum spent Dominion Day in Lindsay. Min 8. Mitchell. 6! Dnndnq a Fla:- sullen. Landing; in Spending hen vac» tion in town. Mrs. P. Wright. of Collins' Inlet "rival on Monti: to whit! her par- ents. Mt. cud Mrs. J. Ingram. Mb: 13'; Fey. ot- Tomato: is the guest of her Mend. Mi. Lily Brooks. Mu. Dr. Gould spent a couple of days thin week It Benedikt with Mr. and Mrs. Lytle. return‘nc on Tuesday on the Kumrflu. \ u - so, wereintownonentnrdayod their way to Me. where they in- and. tuning at Iheir summer cottage to: a couple bit m; ~ . v.99999GO0.000000000‘OQOOOQOQO‘OOO9.09 Than Interest Money No Money Comes Easier For the young lady seeming the largest number of new en {0: the DAILY 0t WEEKLY POST, in Districts Nos. 2; between June 27th and July 1 xth Flnt Prlon Elne Kodak Second Pl‘lze ............ $3.00 In Cash Thlrd Prize ............ A Fountain Pen Run TAYLOR. of Cobooonk ...................... quqce Gun-mu, Victoria Road .................. Emu! szsroon, Kinmount ...................... Im-WCM ............. 1...”. The Post’s Great Free Trip. when you once have made e start. It does not require a large amount to begin with. le pay Interest upon amounts of 81.00 and upwards, four times a year. maiden Nos. 2. 3 and 4. Termsâ€"81.00 per Your In Advance DISTRICT Bathing (in eyes With maewater or a weak noultionbthoricacidianmq; practioq and will mama them. E At last the boning mention. than of the boat bane: belomthc railroad bridge. has héeu settled, though no! unite .- amicably .- it might hovu been. w» the hat day an lowed bych Council («the said buildings to he lea: mating. and I Tm looming tuned without um mp: being token by their: respectin owners to remove them. hu- eityta'um on. without further flaky, th removed park: the lapel-vision of [h £5.10”. Smehtflrewuéra had «hem removed at 11bit own expeme‘ other: made the surroundings warn: while the work of W mange» ing on; but bin protein were on no oval}. Down they came. and the mum’¢'l;Â¥{“ about 9 p. In; aid that the five. were no high that they «In: over an wheelbase. 'and the ligh wind W ed a 'tmnklhxfi a heavyuvl off the deck 0! the Venel 4" 3 stnumberof new Writ)- in Dimict:Noz.3aDd4 9.854 7.258 5.537

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