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Lindsay Post (1907), 10 Jul 1908, p. 4

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i LINDSAY. FRIDAY. JULY ' Tho Toronto people seem to be turning their attention! to the prob- lem of securing pure milk. They sure- ly. haven’t got through milking the ‘DnLario treasurey. - Onej‘of L‘JC "funny mgnts attOttawa tq-ognuy was that t of .W'. F. Mose Lean. voting against a two-cent rail- way rare. Wobbly Bill can aiwaya and depended on to surprise the rela- {the Weeklv flDOSt (8‘. There are bnwers 'xn ‘ gmning to s ncss. Edrhe Foy. the actor. says; "Wrrn Bamizt ahve, he would not object to my portrayal of mm." That setties the questxon of Hamlet's insanity be- yond a doubt. A magistrate in Lew York annouuc as that fmes rim-impr the hard Lime-s mu be reduced 50 per cent. He 0:1 demiy couszders crime a necessuy rather than a luxury. A defeated Suffragette in 'Psris is bcswged‘with offers of marriage. arms may tend to boost the game of Suflragetting somewhat. Although there was no opportunity for the firemen to get near a bar on the night the Jew was burned out, it is alleged that several cock- tails were burned in the barn. ‘ The Belleville Ontario stole an edi- toziai {rm 11p.- Post a few days ago disuse-1.; is somewhat by changing the finding, all ott which would: seem to im2.uabe that the Ontario‘s haste id'lystter thm its morals. :. ( . An Ohm man is mad becausehe can- not eat as a result of bemg struck by [us own automobile. Still there is arm: consolatlon. If he don't:L 33:; He may be able to keep 1113 auto. chdmed that. there is grail: behmi than . and 1t is argued that only gr‘fi: man account for the alleged highcharg- es of Mcrwm and t1. success of Wall- berg. The members of the opposition Jute-not proved that. there has new gmik which is’of course very «liti- ~cmt to do. because is is not easuy rus- occptih'e of proof. These matters ypu Willy squall out. afte; the manner at the Kath: .witch doctor: and o:- umugb. the opposition may be wrong inJIhe cases mentioned. their general .chmge. ebat party friends haVe been vtavored.m many instances, is probab- ly. true. But there has been no favor .4:- ismi at. public expense. What flavors 'hatq been shown have been man-:ya “teammate preference for liberals. 9152": the prices and conditions are And. may furnish. the: Q for. your 3i: â€"Cleveland Plain Denfler. , . , . And give you Qrious doubts as to where you R.-â€"Torwto News. ‘ All this, of course, an :the Q. .T. Eâ€"to make yom Y’se. - «h; - The Conservative 099061111011 at Ot- tawa. have been making a. great fuss oxen what they can scandals, wins}: the“ cuim to have unearthed in con- .m-ction with the busmess transactions ot'the government and they are en- oeuvoung .Lo create a prejudice iuthe minds‘fof the people because of. these alleged scandals. Ono of these accusations \is incon- ynection with the gowrnment's deal- mgsjwith Geo. '1'. Merwin and 3.. E. Wallbetg of Montrq‘al, in which It is Don‘t eat stale ch-mbers.'1‘hey'll W up. -Ju<%-.e - A few months ago Mr. Whitney told us that “Pull is dead.” If that were; true he had made a. wonderful “surreotion, for we notice that the charges/against the Port Arthur Li- censq Commissioners have been 'drop- pcd and the men allowed to resign. Ibis cannot bu said to br. .3. satisfac- toryi ending t6 the matter. for‘ some punishment: was surely coming to of- ficials who violated rflheir. oath 01 of- Yiaa and deliberately Bold decisions es lo the locum of liquor licenses. Try this Cold Cream Snow Flake Gold Cream Ins all tie good qualities for which :11 cold cream is used, but whisk so my lack. It is cooling, sooth- Nearly mmson man. Prop-mm- Wenrge it'neosnse, it you use eold cream at all, we know you'll be delighted with this dainty, crenmy, sn aw-white prepmtion of ours. Our uvâ€"._ ing, hegli‘ng nd keeps indefinitely. Keeps the skin soft and smooth under the most trying conditions. SCANDALHONGERING Opposite Postofice, Lindsay > strong Indicauons chat .4 the United States are b-r- see mto the {saloon bus;- 15c. JAR 10th mun! ; just as a Wolder prefer-re trader who has helped .him at some; time in his career, or who he thinks, is- {moat honorable ,md honest because he sees to the same church.and holds the same ethical and religions opiniow!I This». system of. patronage is an ele me t of Canadian political life; 9.313! the government were to change han‘ls toâ€"mormw, the comervatives wouo-J extend similar favors to party friends. It ie done by every provincial conscr- wtive‘ administration in ‘Cénada to- day : and until Premiers-McBride, Rob- lin, and .Whitney not otherwise. than: is no guarantee that Messrs. Bord-m 'and {Fasten if at the head of the fed- er‘l government would do away with palronagc. ‘ 1 The elimination ofp artisan comm- erution from administrative and ox- ecutiu-‘transactions is, of course. en‘ .ideal devoutly to be wished; and .t as? what the government 15 slowly work: fin; ’towards. Its proposal to make the cxm scrnce indcpEndent uni-r ‘ the mantra! of a commission ,.'5 an impor'ant steps towards accompliqh- ing that ideal, which can only be [uuv rtulucu when the public has been edu- catod to see that a government when m (Af‘ce should be impartial as ' a judge .and be blind in its dealings as to [whether a. man is a supporter or an: opponent. But public opinion has not {zone thus far yet and it; would he fatal (m a ministry to force on the. 1.conmrx what it is not prepared so iacwpt. : ' Sin Wilfrid Laurier and his able oolleagueq’are «to be highly congratu- :a:ed :iupon the movement which they ham inaugurated [to secure official publio servants and to make it prac- tically impossible I50 appoint men to positions who are not possessed of the qualifications necessary tho a. proper fulfillment. of [the duties attaching to that office: Ito which they man be as- 13.ned‘ _ i, 1 . Promotion is left in the hand: of "the Minister and Deputy Minister of the depantmemyoncerned. and is sub- ject, Ito a check by way; or certificate [ram the Civil Service Commissioners. .The {new bill, which he: almost reached its final stage in the House of. Commons, affects in the neighbor- hood of 2,300 positions and is most thorough in its ro1uiremeuts. It provides for first appointment to the service on the merit. system, as the result of open competition examina- ytions mafia: {the contra! 01 the Civil Service CommiSSioners. A reservation. which seems necessary, is made in. fin-a, case of certain officers whqpeed special qualifications. . ; Thereoare to be 2t_wo Commissioners mane English and the other French speaking, and they cannot be remoVed from office by the governmemt, but to secure their removal they must be impeached as is the case of the Audi- tor-General and [the Judges. Sundry provisions have also been taken :to prevent influence from being brought. to'bear upon the Commissioners in favor of particular applicants and that! subverting the underlying prin- ciple of the bill. The patronage evil is a very virulent one at; present, but under, th eprova'sions of the new. Act. future appointments being by qpen competitive examinations and results being, obtained by study rather than by fa‘Vor. it is unlikely, that candi- dates for appointment will have the pull which occasionany has the de- sired effect under existing conditions. Anf important characteristic of the bill is the institution of a third di- vision which might be called the Ron- tin.e' Division. It, is not intended that the people in this shall be anything but routine workers â€" copyists, type- wr rters, and so forth. As a. rule these people are not to be promoted to the second(dsivision, and when they dol so rise it must: be in competition with owtside‘ applicanqtg. Provision has now been made Ithalt persons, already in the Service, who on monganizat‘ion shallxbe assigned to this Routine Di- visionj shall not. he depriyed of their prment right :to promotion if they show themselves wontihy. It is a. vested right, which must in justice There will be two examinations in- to! the service; the lower for. mere routine clerks; the higher, for per- sons who on succeeding will be train- edjto executiVe wo’rk and expected to rise ¢o high and responsible pm. Vested rdgut, which mus: m Jusuce be preserved to them. Future .21). trams to this division will know what they are doing and need not. expect to tise(§\\ ,. Am important prov‘nion is the mat- ten of an inflection o! the: depart- The Coma-mikes mt Dttawa have systematics-11m killed time at Ottawa and prolonged“ the Began until itst duration 'now extend? ‘ Wer Seven months, and when the reason for this rroionswon of work which might: have been finished up, Inoutha ago is Iookpd £0111, it in not mrpriaed: that the We Telegm uhafen, m; meats; by [the commissions]; which is now provided for. The Government: can also give it the powers of a me- par‘tmeqtgl Commissioner to attain ‘tbiq end. Another very important re- quirement at (the bill is Ithnt- pivu servants are absolutely prohibited! from} taking any pant in election!» rl‘akenrass a. whole the bill is a high- ly meritorious one and it: will ,asâ€" auredly receive commendation throughout the country. ; , 3 KILLING TIME AT OTTAWA CIVIL SERVICE REFORM ing Scandals, bud: they are paltry in the eme, and flo notl justly such' enormous expense to my: country as these long extended sessions involve. For on W of «he pustllnnim it: at the Opposition in yheir. sandal search, it may be said that eVery one of them, it we exce’pt the charges which Major. Hodgin! himself with- drew, move been threahed‘ out” yearq ago, and for a samplalelt us look at the sale of 2501100 moresnto the San katonewan {Valley Land Company; This sale took place on May 24, 1902. andwasupbetomtthe house. in' 1903. There was p return with «1 May 4:11. It was Mai hm ! 'the Agricultural Committee in me 35!- lowing (month; and, .DP Jun: 20. de- --â€". .v_-'7 lowing month? Mr m Jun“ 2°" de' ting the Greatest Number 0I o‘er. ‘3 topic tor lefiff’rm “at“, at- nulnberLol votes in The Post the last general‘klecbwns- Th0 ex ,Free Tlnp competition. Fr‘mk ' ' ' ‘ ' hoes lanatton of the hale 13 very ample. often) the best put of a . g1: ‘ ovemmwzt was anxious M get “M“ F“ Fruflllfls “3“ 1 e 8 ‘ Ihoe store directly oppoante the country settled 3W: N“ ‘t office. thalght. that, it it more justified inf _.â€"_â€"__-â€"".-â€"-â€""â€"-â€"-â€"' gum»; awn: lanfl to We“ ' .wooDYILLE- at was finally justified in Bani-Dd I (speak! to- !“ P05" lands to this Many, on file M Quite t number from here dinon «shat they Monk! bring! in peo Glrmrm on {Wednesdu- A ple‘bo occupy them. Manon Ame!" pncmt time was spent " can: we brouglitfin and setfled fl } me baseba'l game '01“! 0“" Western Canada, as a 'muenoed ' menu. An interestins 8““ The 250.000 my! Wm tit- ed between Ghoul! “5 m awed-in “1° W mm ill the “union. resultinc In ‘ ”o" and aunt mm» by. up 1m 0m) inmorotouxhomwfl‘“ SE They will be Ready for ma that mum develop Waists that would sell at 1.50 and $2, now ......................................................... Waists that would sell at 2.00 and 2.25, now ..................................................... Waists that would sell at 2.50, now ........................................................................................ f The Finest Lot of Waists Ever Offered in Lindsay Hundreds of Ladies have Benefited by Attending LISTEN AND You' cannot afford to miss Pair of Slim for the You: Lad! 923- ting the Greatest Number of Votes 1'0 fin lady securing the highest numberLgt votes in The Post'sl’Greut Free Imp competition, Frank Fodxn. often} the best pair of shoes, in the store. For particulars call at the limo store directly opposite the post office. ' o . Yet the opposition subject, dimes! of . .WOODVILLE- _ (Spoon! to- m Pm“ Quite l number from 11°“ Glrmrm on WednestJ- A The July Clearance Sale all Over the Big Store 5 Lon still discuss this 01 five 3m ‘8“ on here were at ' srm We. lkY- A very; M" Runny 1nd chm pent mtch m; gAlhul no the guests 01 nd other unass- .Emott. 3831110 wow Mm Milan: and La ”(1 Wioodviua the guests or their nnclo unoreotml “Known. Mtgoodgaqu Mr Krona-on. o! 4.50. Buy them now at 2.35 each, and the regular 7-50 Waists, buy them now THE TUMBLE IN PRICES WEDNE SDAY N EXT, JULY 15 Sale FRIDAY MORNINIL at 8.50 O’Clockbbg playca‘ aghast Man. on [tiny aven- ing and were detentod by a score a! 9-7. The boys certtinly give the 31- en ladies credit for the kindaou shown them. They served retresn- meats and hot tea titer the gun. the Kisses Faed of Cannlngtou. w the guest: at m. M nod. Mu. Rhcnben Rent and cmldren are v'uzitmg Mr. Arch. Ca-phull. Miss bent Wilkes of Lindsay. n ncwing ucqmintumcs here. Mm Mattie MnEuhren. of rotor:- to. in tin. snout. of Mrs. Wm. Alc- “a plfied between Linday an: .the guest Woodnlle union thg ”out being 9 '7 I ”I“ week ...._. Miss Mamie Beecroft lett‘on Mou- dax 1’0" Inlay. Mann where she wul spend some tune with her brother. Mrs. anhlan Gilchrist and Anna. left last week for their home in Bah uch Columbia. utter spending a few weeks with friends here. . It. Ecru-Inna And Iamnly hm- gone to Lake Shame (or a few wars-x Capt. Nel' Patterson ha; roturm-x home that t tew holidays at Bal- sun Lake. - Uri My god children. ot Mt. Albert no tho put: 0! Hrs. J. W. Elliott. â€"â€"- â€" ~ ‘..- vnéation. fin. Pen-guano. o! tomato, w this chance at the following low prices Goods, the Latest Styless-im Mull and Linen h DAVi! am Ir. Anthony M Np. J. E. Guckson. Mn. Inna Mrs. Shields. Mrs. Robertaon 0.116 Mraq, Noon. at m, men at Fcnelon Pulls on ~Han<lly. coins m on the Rubles) find returning it the even- ins on the Kantian. \ . G‘ H. Fainbirn. Ontnrio govern- moat engineer. m in town- for raw shot-t time on that“ and drove to Burnt River in the titer-nun with Hr. mm. P. P. to insect a hm than. ( u' . J. N. Kirkpatrick. wife and con. and 'A. P. Burbs. at Cleveland. Ohio an: uncut tb new ltrinh .‘ the Pub.- Fred Peel. 0! UndSIy. spent the’ how in town last week. ' s. Ghee. ot Peterboro‘ m as busi- aon m in town on aloud”. ' Ir. WKP.~P. Ibo'quect a mu in Toronto on Friday. ' . ' -‘ COBOCONK . '(‘Spoonl to the Poet.) W. J. Bollidu. 0! Tomato. npen") Dominion Day in town. » of his mother 1 1e)" d1!” m M! you away. nanny o Coo-.00. ens-'- 0 on. I. can no. 0.... Mr. McLean's from Fcnelon Ffl Wednen‘hy 0‘ 1“” day with I In?!“ Apart! from U tn. A very 1’16““ with G tow n. fits. C. Bowins 'w to on Thursday and to! a. mom: ~ C A urge puny or can thrombi-t0" “1 wed” guests at the Past ' ample ot weeks. M Drew. of E01921 the house this“ for some can: ............ $1 L25 )f (impel. 8WD. “cit .29. NOTI 81K HtVr t “#9 ter Bl M; U81 If

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