‘ “Everybody is excited over The" Post’s Free Trip competition,†Said a; visitor. in town this warning “The candidates are canvassing 9.11 (nan-iota thoroughly, and are apparently; leavi- ing no stone unturned. td secure 'the trip to Quebec. It is Ehe most exciflt ins thing that ever happened'in this county.†This is the Btonl that cornea from all sections. and flag excitement is not confined to Lindsay? and Wicf tori: Coumty. It extends among friends of the «ultimate! hi all parts of Canada. From even) the remoteet parts have votes borne in. 7.. z , A reporter of the Post interview-5d Mr. Pernn this morning and ascer- tamed that the announcement was premature, as Mr. ‘Pernn has not de- cided to leave Lindsay. although it could not be denled that. the Point mdicated would be an advantageous place at whxch to pursue his‘calling. “men he thinks "of the soaking he got and the experience on that lonely Victoria qud while this windwhieu- ling fontissimo through the trees, and accmpanying illustrations in the form of frequent (babes of highsming which lit up them depths of the heavens and made one feel 3 thou.- sand miles from home. .The wind finally caught the; top of All tilt Candidates and All of Their Friends are Getting Busy "It has been rumored that we are to have a new Industry at the Falls tang that of a. boat building es-‘tau- lishment. Mr. Jesse 'P_er_rin, of Lind: Wu the Announcement thatlr. ‘ Pmin Would Leave Linduy Everybody -~w\â€"v- â€"â€". -- _- say :3 to start it and it is expeczml to be located somewhere 1 near Red- ner‘s 'Pomt.†Buildings at Cullen’s Lime Kiln Des- troyed by Fire F". râ€"-‘ V' .' " (Special to The Post.) - Coboconk. July 8th â€" Last nighf fire broke out in tne buildings 8H tabbed to Mr. B. A. Callers lime- }iln and considerable loss xesuflteda' 'I ~‘ The ï¬fe was Kixovereé atom“ midtl night and in a: sham: time the iiéoiv plo at the ‘village had congregated! art the scene, ‘at the ponflagration, in hrs. numbers and strenuous efforts were put forth ‘to navel the buildings, which, hoWeVer, were destroyed. - 'ox‘ The Pedestrians Were branched Were Caught in the Storm When Nat Reaburo MEIR†is estimated tn be in th: WWW of QM. ‘3 ., ; ~ ‘Ihe Fem week 58 1d ; ’Twas Somewhat Premature The Peterboro Examiner says that Stacey, Stevens. Hartley and others comprising a bus load wh'a lett Lind: say on Saturday night after the walk was over 'to go to Peterborough. had an experience which was any:- thing but agreeable. where were fit- teen in the party and the ’bus with a menu of horses, was engaged to make. the trip. frhey god mmâ€, {mm Lindsay all right. but on the road‘ a storm broke upon the party after. midnight. It was no: ~pink tea affair, eit’her. Jim Stacey laughs yet Serious I" ma BLANK me mm All] WEEKLY PflST’S TRIP T0 sumo. A nomination blank rnust be received for each candi- date before she is voted for. The name of the lady nomi- nated in each district will be printed in The Post from time to time during the contest. The nomination does not count as a vote and need only be sent in once' for a candidate. \ I I herewith nominate................ . Whoseï¬ge I know to be" over 18 years of as themost popular lady in District No. Naminated by M .. Countersigned by M. .................... Mutbe counterdgned by responsible person as provided conditions. Fenelon Falls Gazette otlas: NOMINATION at Coboconk Is Hustling others? the nominations for the Sturgeon :Lindb , Point council was held fruesday at éwalkinoon in the ï¬belter of the upped' rough. ’ wharf. under the provisions that were aDJ‘I‘ adopbai last fall. Mr. G4 H. Hopkins re fitâ€"f clerk of the village. aoted'aa return- A Most Delightful Sail and Picnic En- joyed Tuesday Orangemen are Hard at .Work flaking Arrangements for the Gm! Cclebntion on Monday Dr. Baptist Outing at Thflrstonia The nonmittee of Peter'boto Orange- vnc-n who are arranging for the big cdebratnon of July. 13 are ne‘uing conclusxon of their work. , Thule is a possibility that an excursion may be run from Toronto, and arrange- ments are now under wny wrth the. C. ’P. R. to this effect. There are aexerai Orange lodges m the Panty- pool' and Burketon dmtricts whoonly recently mtimted their desire to go to Peterhorough and the spe- cxal train ,i! run. will be for tna beneï¬t of lodges between Toronto and Peterboro. \ U Mr. W. II. G. Armstrong. Count? Master for West Peterbomugh scul- ed yesterday that he expected bec‘vu: 15,000 and £1000 'Orangemen and that friends in Peterborougb 30.“: Monday. They wdl be there from Vic- tona Hastings, Durham, Northuml-ar- land, as well as from all parts at Pets-thorn county. For Councillors â€"‘Mesrs. Jdm Mc- Lem In. I; anllon, W. Wal. lanc Jones. and Jpseph Bm‘wn we're nominated by Mr. F. C_. Taylor and seconded by Mr. LT. Q. Grace. Messrs. o. Bagelow End Robert Mil- hat. by Mr. J. Dickson and seconded by Mr. J. Brown. ~ . a : q Residents Named for the Municipal Government for this Yen Sturgeon Point Nominations Eng officer, and in his usual gentle? manly way called [or nominations for the council. : V. ~ - , . , The following were no'minarted; For Reeveâ€"Mr. J. W. Anderson; moved by Mr. (F. .04' Waylon and aeo- ondod by Mr. 02, C. Grace. Mr. J. fact. that it lit in! E86 lake. giving them vehe advantage or one run. alâ€" though he had. ï¬nite sufficient time to "get around 'the dismal?! twice. the game emdedi with h more. 0‘! eight to five in Mr. Poeue’a atavpn . . x Duringv'thg latter part of the day the pleasure at the day was slight. 1y marred. but considering every:- thï¬ng. a moat: delightful day, â€was spent: ,.A""\'x£.,“ Ct ssxon. D. Flavelle. Who ma feeva'last year, declined to run to: that otï¬ce. ‘ A'ddresus wul be delivered by prominent members of the order uni at two o’clock there wm be 9. pro- ............. Postoï¬ice for in Butter. Butter. Butter. E883. 1 Cheese, Cheese, Cheese. Cables Easy For Cattle â€" W Markcts Unsteady. LONDON_ July 7.â€"London cables for pound. cattle axe easy, 3t Inge to â€Sic pet (Ix-med weight; retract-nor but I. quoted 1: 11¢ to nae per pound. Toronto Live Suck. atockattheCi Marketmfl loads,com 011191: e, m... 1MMMW,“ bid Decembér 857.6 “I“; Oatsâ€"July 38%c bid. (2 Toronto Grain Buckwheat. bush Peas. bush ............. Barley. bush m... .. Oats, bushel ........... Tomato Dull-y Rutter. separator. dairy o n. u a o a) o 21 Butter, store'lots ...... .. Butter, creamery. lb rolls" 0 0 ï¬ Eggs. new-laid. dozen . .... Cheese, new. per lb .. 01! Cheese, large. .... Cheese. t n. 1‘!) mm... .... Liverpool Grain and LIVERPOOL. July ~'1.â€"C!Io:|lnt--Wheatâ€"- Spot. No. 2 red western winter. my, 1’- - ,d: No. 1 Cal. quiet. 7- m. Future- quiet; July 73 3d. Sept. 1a 1561!. Dec. 7. den. square. turn. an on. Lardâ€"Prime western. in threes. 47s 8d- Amer-Ian reï¬ned. in push. 7 New York Dairy Mum. NEW YORK. July 7.â€"Buturâ€"G receipts. 17.397: western mtory. an western 1117111191011 (Emma-y, first. ,__A_ M- calm. 8.75 per leerpoél und Chicago What Future. Clo“ Lowerâ€"Live Stock-â€" Latest Quotations. Tuesday Waning. July 7. Liverpool wheat futures closed to-day 1,“ to 54d lower than yesterdwpand corn futures laid to_1(_l higher, _,A -.-__.I 12]“ Inm- Few good springer: on sale. rnou were quoted at $30 to $50 each. Veal Calves The quality or the calves we: not In good as last week's otteflnxl. and prie- were unchanzed, at 8310 8 per cwt. Sheep all 14-..- The market for sheep was easy. while lambs were ï¬rm. Export ewes. $3.50 to $3.75; yearlinss, $4.75 to 35; runs. S to 8.5 per cwt. ‘ Bogs. The market to! page was nun. with --7 9. fl-..“ g... Chou. Markus. LINDSAY. 1w 7.-At the cm W meedncrto-day. 108 M u! unload. _ ._ I-‘,,‘ .A 11.1- des" Camp Will and steadyzviareavfind mixed, a few. 87.6; 918'. $6.15 to as; to 88.8). Sheep and Lumberâ€"Receipts, hanged. slow and um: The Y. M.C.A. camp at Sandy Pomr. Clvar Lake, opens on Wednesday of next week. The boy’s camp wxll run from Ju y 15Lh to July 29th and ...u - senior camp will be held. from JJLV 31a. to August, 14th. The arrange- mouts have been practxcally com- pleted and If. is expected both camps. wm be largely attended. TEACHER WANTED â€" 'A [qualified teacher Wanted tor ‘B. 8. No. 9 . Fenelon "Falls, tom Name at year. Duties to oammence 1113.174 State salary expected all givge referen. ' oes. Apply to A. McKemae, u‘caï¬â€ Gleam-m RD .0nt.â€"l8wtt. (ARM FOR SALE IN DALTON - Dr exahange for a small place new town, 200 acres 50 under crop $0M clay. and loam. No rolling. Stoa-J B roume'd house withe summer kitchen tatached. Cellar full size of homo Bank barn 40:56 driving shed and other buildings. ï¬rst class water. Reason for selling, poor health. For full particulars apply to John Reid. Sadowa I’. (Du-'4. bornâ€"Sm; Porkâ€"I 'Baconâ€"Clem; East Buffalo Cattle Market. 15:5“.hggpmdumbs, 'Dull‘ THE MARKETS. 1 888328d85 Ig,’ ouau u... bush .......... e, bush ...... bush ......... bush .......... 60009000 Open Next Week Cattleâ€"W Unsteady. â€"London camel for like to 195‘: P“ realm-nor W " ï¬c per pound. new Amoï¬egn km? bgmm‘uc ma. Itronc. (b; shoul- Market?- "-30 $9 t° ‘2':- Market. studs. 0-0. tool 'I’IIE “TATE OF .GA'I’IIEIIIE moun- lou onto 'lownship of Eldon, County of Viotoriu, widow. To send by post prepaid or dehver to Messrs. McLaughlin. Peel 8'- 1““!th of Lindsay, their. addresses and In pa: Liculans pf their claims and “3“" men: of their accounts. ' AND FURTHER TAKE WT?“ that after such date the mrs‘in’ sm will proceed to din-tribute the! “‘ sets of the deuce-d! canon} Eh“ 9"; t‘w entitled thereto. bonus “8* 11 only to cum chim- or which the! “up than have ind notice; and the" '"r -4. I... “an- a-.. .5L. maul sale“ 01' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to RI.†8; 0. 1897. W 129. that 111 auditor! or other: having oiaims mum m estate - ot the said Catherine Mohahern. who died on or about m twenty-fourth day of June 1908, are reguired on or before the. [ Twenty-ï¬fth day of Juiy, 1908, l .‘ .uâ€" “.v _“-‘,' -7 113‘: be hable for we said use“ any part mare-o! to an! 9811'“; persons whoa 110509.le “ï¬rm been received by then eat. the said distribution. Dated at. my this 27th dam MOLAUGHLIN.‘ PEEL '8: FULTON, Solicito'rs for_ John F Ros. and 4 Goorce Manruuud. exe°°t°m °‘ . attack: of Dough! MoEwhem, dc' une, IN Cl‘HE MATTER OF. From Lindsay to Toronto - Toronto to Rochester Rochester to Kingston Kingston Through Thousand islands Thousand islands Through Lachine Rapids Lachine Rapids to Montreal Montreal to Quebec Visiting the far-famed Montrnorency Falls. Returning wull visit the NOMINATINGâ€"Each candidate must be nominated on we pmpexly ï¬lled out nominating blank which is printed in The Dain and Weekly Post, or copies of nominating blanks may be obtained at this oflice. Each candidate must be nominated by some respon- sible citizen of the District, in which the candidate lives and be en- doxsed by one other who can be found at his or her tesidence or place of business. THE BALLOTSâ€"Ballots cast for persons not propetly nomi- Two nan' conscription to Inning Foot paid In m wlll 0min: ......................................... 81 On. you-3’ â€Inflation to Evening Pout counts ........ : Slxmonth’ammmimxmtm ..... ...1 Thmmouth'u Mmmmlngmtmu ...... Tummtsumqunnlnthm ommm' smlpoon to Evening Post mu ...... â€ï¬‚awmmmluuymtmu. .......1 Mycu-‘Owbuflpflontolummtmu .......... 1 MW:Wuluklymm ....... : The {our candidates who receive the highest numbet of votes I the Town of Lindsay. which is District No. I, will be the winners iin thatdisttict. In each of the other districts, which are described elsewhere. the No ladies receiving the highest number of votes will bethewinners. , A- _-_-_ AL- AA-.-†THE DISTRICTS W ulc www.- Following are the general rules 'thh are to govern the contest. As soon as you have read them, do not lo;e any time in getting your nomination blank ï¬lled in properly. so as to be ready to obtain from your friends the ï¬rst ballot. which appears in this issue. AGEâ€"Any woman over eighteen years of age and under ï¬fty on July at. 1908. may become a candidate by being properly nominated. , - .-c A _ I , , __.2_._I-J A- IRA to get the clerical work complete, etch ballot wi marked and counted before the expiration date. DAILY BALLOT DISTRICT N0. DISTRICT NO- DISTRICT NO- DISTRICT NO- GREAT Via the NGâ€"Each candidate must be nogimtgi on“ t_he ‘ f...--â€"â€" “Straw. per cont. 1.1:. 600 to 700 day} of Butchr'n' com ,4 ,.....- $0 to ‘49-5 ( ‘gutchgm 135:. cows ...... 5207: :2 2:8 :90! an ..... 3.. ...... FULTONv Stochtl'msmd... I†to £“ ’hem' «- Sher? n u. an... .. .u no a†m ‘m . . i . Amman-aha» m»; M to 35‘! [CTS Four candidates wili be elected from the Town 0 districts as shown herethh : â€"Comprising the Town of Lindsay. â€"Including the Townships of Mariposa, Ops, Emily and Mauvers. -Including the Townships of Eldon, Fenelon and chlam. d-Including the Townships of C arden, Dalton, Laxton. Digby, Bex cnt flour ............... Guurzht rolled flour... Apples. purl wt ... ...... Potatoes» per. bag ...... Apples. pqr Mg .. Strawberrlel. 3 boxes ..... Fall wheat Spun; watt ........... Goose wheat ..‘ Bsrley No. 3: ........... Barley No. 1 . .......... Barley No. 2 ...... .. Barley No. 3: . .......... EH“, 0““ 3“" ..< ..... Buckwheat ... ... ..... Pen. Guam nota- Peas. Prince Albert" 13.“, mall, huh ..... Oats .. .. Wh‘m m"- .. I -\ °(‘ Bod cm and ..._ - Rm" .3. coon-cN~o-.O. Bons. {of lb «- Belt Hunter» Put- RULES OF THE CONTEST In each day's paper wit! apnea: one ballot, good for one vate, for ategnlaxly nomxnated candl- date. In order that vote: may not be held back unul the last week. wh?ch might make it Impossible llot will hue pnnted thereon a date showing when the ballot expires Be sure and get your ballot BALLOT VALUES 88,†2,300 mm ‘ 3.00 1.000 votes 1.83 we veto _ 150 150 mm . ï¬le so was 150 100 mm 500 00 was 200 ‘0 W 1.00 000 wot“ 2.00 1,000 W 3.00 1.800 wt“ 305 085~to 075 to 075 to 040 to 040 to 00 to. Palatial Line of Steamers. 070 0 $5 045 075 075 18.00 m6; faxâ€"(toiï¬irgrby, Bexley, Scum-ville and County of Haliburton elected from the Town bf Lindsay and two each from ommawiunum any: in ammwumm given each tho District 39mm» (or Helm:- mntCo., of Toronto, balling : nun- bero! lain-3’ inst-mu, and will be ghdto “no; muï¬iutiou, or all per-cull: on than consuming I pur- Pianos and Organs W-v’ -â€"vâ€"v The Post. mmaï¬ihie' fight to withdnw my district where W in not being dbphyod. v1..- .- v'v7‘VV , ' The hot. hdlotwill in printed in The Post on Sstnxvdsy, Aug 15th, 1908. No bdlot will be counted unlea- roeoivod before midnight Aug. 15. OONTBOVERSIES.â€"Any controversies which my arise will be â€turd by The Post Mayo. _ _ , “1 3,,A_ ___ j:.4-:-. _L--.‘ "GA-inn? A ballot will be printed in The Poet eachday. This willcoun: onevote.. Ballotscannothechangedbrtransfcrred after they are received by the '11:: Post. Special ballots will be issued fordlpay. meat: on subscription, provided the mbecription is brought up to date, or in advance. Thusâ€"a auucribcr paying one year man and another in advance is entitledto a ballot for two years and so maanrdingtothetableprintedonthispage. Ballots will be dated and numbered with an expiration datc. they will not be counted unless received at The Post before twelv: o'clock pine on date ofexpiration. Ballots sent by mail must be sent to the Free Trip Editor, The Post, Lindsay, Ont , and pomge mm be prepaid. THOSE WHO ARE BARRED QUIZâ€"No employee of The Post or other newspaper, or any member of such employee’s family, may be a candidate in the contest. ACCEPTING THE CONDITIONSâ€"In accepting nomi- nation each candidate accepts and contracts to abide by all the conditions. The snboaiption pace of The Daily Post through the nail to outside point; is 82.00 3 you. The Mllot “Insane the me u the town with he exception thut no subscription: for le- than three months (ï¬fty cam) willbeueopud,unleapudfotuth¢uud25cpermonth. The luthdlotwillbopdnnd inThePoston Sammy, Aug 15th, med will bedemoyed. Seethnyontandidate is med ' before MFP‘NN‘W .‘°t h“ P. J. BREEN WILSON WILSON, Lindsay, Ontario my you. uxnsu. FRIDAY I Killing m! CS. V'ch ' etc†for insects in bush â€ardlnf In plants and inform abomgmlxs at NO“ “g DUN00N® BiUESTOis'E, for spraying W ' Mustard etc , 15c lb. new Inmt Powder He Whale on soap J Bug Death I Bordeaux M That: in addition to kil have a remarkable effect of known qualitY- We ] Berger’s English Green, the world’s standard in ‘ we sell as chapas tbeo or 3 fat $1 00. Also W remedia as . If you want to destroy the 0;" mg bug and have good results 111 turn for the energy expended on Y‘ potato crop get 3 Pure Paris Green is properly nomi the other t1 hree Hav