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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Jul 1908, p. 11

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healer it lurk“. . l .m 33% rattan. 3-5. and '{DS ids!) in M sic RIO. lpodflt’. Wood and Iron with Brass uym For any Depth of Wall. Having secured a. firstoclass experienced Pump 1 “are prepared to supply first-class pumps gpromptly. Repairs will receive careful attention. Pumps! Pumps! PumPS! fl" "‘0 1 U. “IHOVL‘ “an“? Surgeon and Dzntist IANE'I;V_ILLE. #_ 50;}! m Dew-ft! 1* ?regress Emmi flailingâ€" . Camiswxsfmnshâ€" m5 5,1 [£35 or SLEEP. VABIGOGELE WIRED _ _‘..-I. “STANLEY i: GKSON HEADER Are yo n- (our h M. J. CARTER. HAS YOUR BLOOD '3“?!sz 7W4“ cure you_ \tht it, has none Mu Urn-- No. No 1:131:21- who has treated °~ 'fi “Fm-"fie Golden newton" ( W) on no NW. usmmwwm . hl“ Aâ€" ____|__-‘ Compare the '-ta.ilor’s $20 suit with a Progress Brand $20 Suit. Then you’ 11 see for yourself that Progress Brand, at its price, is incomparably the greatest value in Canada. , _5 first!“ POSTiURDSAY. taxman mm m DJ Are you a victim? ;y0ur blood hem dm 1 Will cure you. What, it has“ done or o agate;- who has smug! ' "The Golden Monitor: ( write to W) on .m'nqm WITHOUT W lost hope? Are you Inwnwsola‘rwN“. nah” wuknes? r an honest opinion nfiu pianist. otxen Sold and Guaranteed by Any good tailor can give'you a better suit for $40 than you can get in Progress Brand Clothing for $20. Thirty Years f' P . 51. r, .v F. . F . g, ‘ '4 V "I CIITAU' COI’AIY. II! ”II C The Kind You Have BASTBMA For Infants and Children. 133E261 LE 33113 BEEN DISEASED? TN! ccu‘uu count"- ' In f ' Ilse For [Ivar Thirty Years .m find You Have Always W 40 Kent Pump Maker, Cylinder, POST A138. The Collegiate Examinations The following promotions have been made as a result at the recent exam- inatibns. Lindsay. Collegiate rInsti4 Results of the Exams. Which Have Been Eagerly Looked for From gum I to‘ lorm II - 'Anden‘e eon .W'.. Arm'stron‘s N. Bride! P. Be-gg “2. Callaghan N. Carroll‘M. Elm: humt G. Fallis L. Flavsflle >8“ Gib- lis F.. Hughes A; Jackson H. Mercer 11.. McMahon WJ. Mom B. MoCuli- loch I.. Naylon. H. O’Rielly: '1‘. Parkin 1.. Primeau C. Thompson G. C. Thurs- ton N.» Shieldd B. Thurston R. Gru- ham 0.. Lawrence K. Brien L'. .. From form I to commercial form â€"Carcw 6.. Cinnamon B. , : , From form! It to HR â€"_ Flatt 5.. Gnu A.. Clark. L. Graharnqr. Hauzh uâ€"‘â€" â€"â€". - r- 0.. Haucia J4 Johanna W. R. Jacki; son 3.. McDougtll J.(T. Nosbitt 'N. Newt-on 8.. O‘Neill J. Sprait P. Spmtt Jackn Stewart A. Touchburn F..rSinolair‘ S. Tompkins B. Parker J. 8.. Marshall W. Rogers G. ‘t ' U. ”.1 nus-nu-.."- .7 Form 1118 to IIIA â€"'hnderson W» K.. Bmkemhire M. Hardy B. Fallis Mum‘slton A. Flave‘lle H. Koyl L. Millar K» Mitchel! G. Jackson A. McEache-ron E» Wood L. Inlet!!! CB- Even the Beavers Work for Lauder Active Little Dam Builders Justify Their Place on Canada's Shield 1 _colony o! bearers hm tbuilt a SZMO dam on Mud Lake on the Trent. mhus saving the government the expense. In is 700 feet Ion-g and eight feet deep. the beavers having consented to increase. the depth from seven to eight: feet at the special re- quest .0! the Federal authorities. \ «Last tall the Government dammed Gum-Riven to comerve Stine .water in Mud Lake. The water in the lake then ,began to flow Indra). instead of south. and" ib‘ was seen that a. new em outiet themselves, and this they .did to the depth of men feet. When rfihe surVeyors went up in the spring. they found a perfect-structure. with- out a single leak. and substantial enough to last” (for years. By raising the Iou~thern dam.’-:owever the wa- nt wws again dared to flow noftix. m‘er the beavers' him. At once the little animals came‘. out in full fooce .ma mafia umber Toot :to their dam at the northern outlet would! have to be 'built’ this wing. But dur- ing the wintefi the have“). alarmed! he; the unaccstomod flow, took it its-5 tthhcin heads cto dam up the north}. structure. .. . - .A This dea. lwith the beavers will stand the fullest investigation in the Public *Acoountg. a“ Mud Lake is now a fper'Ieofi reservoir in case «I a can rc‘mr of water in“ the canal. 1 L an rcity of Going ’Up With a Rush Is Carcw’s New Mill Bahinery has Arrived and will non be Installed ‘Ele men employed' on Mr. Carci’s new upill are confidas‘. that the Inill will be iii a conditian to saw {in two or three weeks. Theymre «Working as had as possible at the job and have ell the big timbem in (kit place. Most of the heavy work at? the johin demand it‘wiu not be long until uthe mill in a“ Closed in ready [or we madlinety. ‘Ehe most a! the machinery is here alreagiy. and is wait- in; tmbo unloaded. wpen Wilflucuw the. mill wilt be 'one 61 the largest andlmoet uyyto-data and? mill: . '1 them: - - 3 I Nu Rules an Fotce Respecting Their Em ”mission into Canada .On Julylsszt there came into effect pew-regulatiam regarding the customs entry of animals imported into Can- ada for the movement of stock. Here- tofore all certificates of resiltmtion which were apparently genuine'were accepted by custom dH-ieers 591- the puxfyos's of free entry. Under the new regulations either» Canadian certifi- cate of- ‘rcg'istration-fli' an import 4m:- rificetes as the case may he must, be preset-ted)“. - ' - 7 n _. 4. ‘J Customs chulations Minding Lin Stock A Canadian ocritifioatm of registrnfiu must be presented at the port of en- try [or the following classes ‘ anq bmm “4 "-'- _ , I Catt-He â€"' Shorthorn. Ayflhirc, Here,’ ford. French Canadian. 'Ganoway A!» “(teen-Angus. {Red rolled, _Jer“y Gucrmey slid Holstein. - ( , . Horsesâ€"Clydesdale,_' Haokm‘h Shire ~r~- Quebec Prcmmmc [gagemasten The amdian Pacific Railway has (gagcmgn on issued a. very handsome groin-am 0: this packs the 'I'eroeotenary “lebrflt‘lon which Mr duties take! phoe at Quebec between the film for £1! 31th and aunt of July, I»: Informe- luminous. bu: crdeenâ€"An? ’ ’Red Polled. 39”“! tion is Vex-y full and consulate 3' wed : 01411 hint Guernsey afid Holstein. ' I ' ' a! Marching. 009““ m be bad pkxfities W1! 307%5‘01345d‘le"na°km’ ' Shire nfron Mr. I. C. Matchatt. at W pbyeds of ti P01311817“: Thoroughbrel. .Bglgian 01“” on K6“: ‘ ,‘ , , m mm and Frendh’ Canadian" 1 . gym. on. has a. W401 672 "nd 3. 01¢ Ponies â€" Shetland. .Wels‘h'. mew marinate! for .3: months. “I the am we Forest. P010 {ML dek‘l- Exodu- lfigmmm What then to rmrk'mzm dell _ .. ._- s..- 4.-...4..- 2-. ._-_.-M proscmcw. - . Canadian ccfitifica'tus of registrafiiun must b; presented at 12M port of en- try for the following classes -. anq bnce'dHX ‘3 '~'~ _ . Gait-£16 _.. snorthorn. Ainhirc. Herea [0rd, French Canadian. 'Gnfloway Ab Connemara 8134 'Hccknéy, ' l ‘ Swanâ€"Yorkshire. Berkshire. Tum. worthy Cheater White. Poland Chins a‘c‘lded an other Toot unloaded- a}; and is Wait- men completed (if the largest The:Camdi'm mentioned breé‘ 3:. than: low Ho ducted under 't Records, Ottawa. The noun-tn records is'locate‘d mt St. George. Ont. In mat;- ing application 101'. the registration 0! an impgrtcd am!!!“1 (he forei-zn oerdtioaté oi! registration in addition to the ulna] application must be 1011.. warded. 1 ‘ - ' ' Ibere‘ are from time to time anim- us! imported into Canada at breeds for which flare are no Cnnndinn 're- oorde. but chH are recorded in hock: of menu! 01,0114: of the (ol- lo“ in; recognised foreign associa- I Horses â€" Suffolk Bone Boole”. (Great Britairfl; Clevelnnd 8;: Horse Society of Great Brit‘ln and Ireland; Yorkshire Coach Horse safely at Great Britin and Irclend; American Moran Register Amitfioanmeri- can Stddlo Home Breedera”Amoolu- tion; American Trpttilz Bo‘rII'e‘ Ru: gator Anocimtion; Conlmlaaion den Agriculture do :Frtnoe (French Brut-m Commieiion den Stud Book dukChovaux dc Deni-Sang (Frencu' Coach); Landwirth'sohanlichen ‘Hnup- ’tverein fur ‘Oattrielland (German coach); Zuobtvarband dun Sudlicben quchrtgcbidtnes (German Conobh; ’Ver‘band du‘r Zuoher (lea Oldesburgtr eleganten Schwel'cn Kuh'steinincheh Mex-school (Oldenbergi; Cabtle - Highland Cattle Sodcty‘.) of Scothnd; Kerry and Dexter Herd Book (Dublin. Ireland}: Smsex Herd Book Society (Great Brita-id}; NIL-d Durham Breeders’ Association (United State”; National Pollcd Hereford" Breeders’ Asso'ciation. (United-State” Swine â€" Large Black Pi; Society. (Greet Britain.) , Sheep â€" Surrolk Sheo'p . society. (Gust Britnin'.l: Kent M Romney. Marsh Sheep Breeders” Aaiciastlon. «Great Britain“: Cheviot. Sheep Sq- cioty (Great Britain); Wensleydgle Longwool Sheep Breedere’ ‘Asuociation \Great Britain“. Black Face Sheep: Breeders’ 'Auociuion (Great Bri- ‘C'inJ - ' r . l Goatsâ€"British Goat Society. Asa: â€" Sonic“ Mule d’Agrioul- azure den Deux 8am (France! Studi Books at Jack: nudilennets ol Spain.l To Secure free custom entry for animal no recorded it is necessary forward to the Canadian National . souls. Math: foreign certificatr of reg'wtrauon. The“ mutant of thy Canadian National Records will re- turn to tho impoxttr ‘the {or‘eign oar- titicate to whiclrwill be attained an import oeflificate which will be au- thority to the cunlom officer to admit the animal duty free. A nomlnal phat-go will be made by the National lRecm‘d [or thssrscrvice. - If future information u- dashed. such will be supplied on aWIMJm _to the ‘hocoum-ant." Nationai rLive Stock Records. Ottawa. An International Musical Treat ‘ Music is to be made a. special fen-g tum at the Canadian National Exhi- bihon. Torin“. this year. A win- ent'aattm¢tion in connection with! the. usual spectacle will be an inter- national unitary Tattoo in whim: up. wards of three hundred iimicians will take' part, including a number from the Un’ited States 1113 also. from Great Win“ A ‘" ’ High on the 3101': X011 of (am. With like dfulzence glow‘ T\\o name! that set the soul an: Montcalm Wane I Bayarde'in ai Chaste. counteous, just and ask! Their blameleu, valiant lives «scan The chivalm o£ old. Fearlessly fought and bled. . The Plains 01 AW’ 9 fateful tight- Mournine both"nongst its 4‘1. 1 Our whole nllegiancc ownâ€" l 1 T3968 0! two gallant nations nag. ‘ Paw types more Wpr-thy known. Let Anglo-French and native-born i with one accord whim. ‘ Heroes whose worth and works m1 The mallow'd fame of fame A Honor they prized moreâ€"aye. [at more. : - . Ivan piano. feltâ€"nay. than, life-â€" Generous toes-no hate they have. E'cn in the but of “file. "A Iceman wash: of his steel.“ Each renown-d in each. And vied they catch with KW: '- ml. '- 1 Their tin! goals to reach. .‘Vindaor. Ont... ha! 8 record of 672 marriages for nix months. and «the Hdmiltou Spammr rises to remark that than :11le 5e Do tumble .in new: the 11'1le “PPM? in am much 01 omridu‘: 3‘. “- I (.1; u .- .s'o namel that set the soul afiame. The soul 5! Iriend and toe. IONTCALI AND WOLFE nnd Leia-tor. , - dial! records for n11 abov) breeds With the exception _., Hogan ‘cattle are con- er. the Canadian National :tawa- The Holstein records xt St. George. Ont. In mat;â€" tion [or file registration 9l-tcd animal the toreizn 3; registration in addition I1 application must be Ion- ,3; ”Operations to Begin we on Filtering Plant all. [at Bridge lest: the Water Commissioners and Talks Things 0m A meeting 01 the water comm era was held on~Friday in Seen-duty Bay’s 111600 to meet Mr. Bridzea who «has ottere’d' to (mini! the new ozonofikntio'n plant In lam. _ than were present New. Fla- volle. Brady 81mm: and Be}! a wuber oommblioners. Mr. fipnrlm fromthobo‘rd cl trade. Superhum- dent Hammond Ind Attorney Peel. VMI'. Fluvollo asked whit w“ the rank 0! the Toronto dcputtuon to Phihdelphia. _; | . ’I"'"" Mr. Brady. Jud than me vs: left with the impreuion that the: Men: well planned Mk1: it and .wu aux-pride aim-hen the (round the). 1nd tdopted mother system. - Dr. w was very muoh' guns} his plant 3nd treated him Vet] rude- Mr. Fhvelle -q We ‘hnve practici- ly decided to test your plant on your own otter. We are ddn‘g-thh on two conditions; First. m hunt tune to out it; ”0%.? we want some so- uunnco that will not cost manna! to ram tr, 1 Mr. Bridge said he would nee}! u “building tbont twenty. lee: -nuu‘o. “man tees w. to out 0.me 3500. Mr. Peel â€", What kind at 3 floor? Mr. Wageâ€"Cement preferred. The town only swplies the bore building. Cost will boabout neven ct. eight homo poWer for a. million gdbnw The guanntzcd ambit]. will be one million gafions. ‘ Mr. thflle â€" I want something to prove that. this will be practicable. Replyinz to 5 unedion. Mr. Bridle said he would be able to am in nine Mr. Bridge .- flov long 'do you um“ i a Mr. Flavelle â€" oWefl. we will not Mr. Flavelle â€" oWefl, we will not we .ought to get six months. : - Mr. Bridge â€" Oh. no. ‘ . 1 Mn'Flevelle 4‘.de we wil l 0041‘ take lees than three months at the lowest. We are the first to try it. end I m sure it anything turns out all $3M you will hue nullifi- cnlty .m Toronto. ‘ \ fir. Bridge laid elm it anything Went wrong there Me! an elerm that addition the men. (use cost will be fired seven chores power (or e mil- lion gullonl. He added that be it in co-munieetion with Lynn end - Nin- gnra Felb. ; . v llr. Reese: mid an elerm will been my thing. I! the current stops the one in abuse will know. The out“ supplying the menu will be $245. Na finial [sue unmarked the Great Event Mr. Flam prove that Bcpm said he WU weeks. It ran finally agreed to snow him ‘to begin W! a neon as W l . I Th: Geneul Baggage nqpu-tmcnt df um Gréull'fl‘runk Railway System- Las just hand! I 0mm .1! (>114 zulosxsndarezwaom governing bu;- gage traffic for the guidtnce of bag- 5agemnster. nation and tnin hug. rflaicmw on the entire aysetm. and 't'ois pocket mans! pertuinin: to Mr duatien unsigned to'provide pot .nlonc tor. the noun! conduct or ac Webec Termtenus «mules tu postage stamp will be on gab.- noon at 'the Mud”! post office. \ I'm-mill be amihb‘e lanai post-I 5.33qu “will be com mau- phoe ot the my stunps unless; the latter are «racially reluedé‘d. Ihe' rWe denom'mdziona “£1ka Julian-amt. one cut. two «ants .Iire cents.:ccven cents. ten cents ’titteen cents dd twentfimts. . , heads of the Prince and PM of Wat‘s; the one new depéta Cartier, and Champlain; this; two cant- m Edward the VII and Queen Alexnn-' dra;hthc live cent "L'Abimia do“ QW‘S; the m cent W; 3nd ‘Wolie; the ten cent. Quebec in. 1700; the fifteen «at (“Ming pour most.” '(Ghlmlnin seam out; .for (”Wat-1. and mine twenty out; ”Attica: dc (brat-Quebec. m"! Thomdune. bedde- cruting - .en- onno‘un nevenuc. w‘fll bun a mint fir tin: min of has a! the we“! stated: “em-am ‘_ Instruction.» the Ian Who Handle hot Belongings Mama] for the hggagenasters Lac-F- â€"7 - alone for the usual conduct 0! m luminous. but notion desired in cases 01.111 kinds of oomm‘gencies and per. pkxities which may «nail the em- pioyeen of the ham: department. ;‘1'.ho mum's! cod-ts of 84 pageg. .uad an “M d the book in- dium:- the very. impcrwzt put the name deptment at s [great nu- “mum Phi?! fl! (h! conduct of the W" was. the insurance M‘WMkfl tut their l‘ercentenary , Stamps on Sale ear-Io! rd! muons! belonsingu wudl' Imam, than in the m out. we being «totally ruched. 1nd flat the lia- bility do!" the In: either temporary; or permanent in arriving at the dis- IPMI‘HB point by the to‘ratzht and are exercised in directing the operaâ€" tionvof this important branch of the service“ - u ‘ l .1 I llllllll There in a dininat effort mule in this book :to have ever present in the mind or the employee of the humane «pertinent; that This first aw i8 to the public. and to illutrnte this. on the first page 0! the book appears Inch clause- a the allowing; 7 ‘The relation Ind 'rel'pomibilitiea at common can-ism to the handling public .113 such an rennin from the «trier themaxtconittnt and watch:- fulcnroot property 0‘ W tmvcller. "A: ltnflon 3nd txiin 11:33qu lets you no: «wronged with the nie- keeplnz ad pmpcr transportation ot effect! which ure nlusble to the ovum. Nothing'cnn be more mm- In; to trnvellem than the loss of; abuse of or delay to their baggage. ”You must try. to give utistoetian tolm public and «mouth o reputa- tion .101: courtesn and (civility. to euryone. .You are expected to be po- lite at tll times. to answer ‘ciu‘fly 111,11an addressed to you. and it unable to give any necel’ury informi- tion. endetver when practicable to ob-‘ tuinjt. if pertaining to baggage cor tunic. it not. the pu‘oenaer should ho directed to the proper office. En- deaVo!’ to milk.- tre Grand Trunk 1‘“. wuoypoam populorgiu W' is dependent .upon the good will 0: the people” It in expectedi thet in this manner cheemployees of the baggage deput- ment ,will appreciate that in serving the public intelligently end well. they .are serving then- employers $112311}. IS without: this spirit to co- opcnte. neither the public nor those in chute ol the different depart- menu at :1 great nflwu system are reasonbly ”Med. : Dog Days Are Here and Thirsty Dog: Die Alittk Fmthouht Would 8m Iuy Sam and PM bogs’ Lives Design at. here now -- the thirst! ' days. soto speak The first on the list manned when n north ward dog got a trifle light! in his upper story and made. dubforthe fleshy part of the 11:1; oi ; well-known gentleman reading in the north part of ‘ the tom The upshot of that dog's career Wu! that to was taken charge o[ by MI. A. L. Minthoflre and buried the ‘mo afternoon. 0! owl-so. a drink of water was what the 'poor animal was. thimting (or and which might have ‘hecn ad! in mm other cases could ‘bepreicnted by the setting down (i a dish 0! water. within easy aoccsq of the dc. . ~ { Woman’s Institute at Oakwood The Oahu-oer! branch of the W0- man's Institut'c held I most enjoyable meetin; last night. when n pro'tzram of most exbepfional merit was ren- dered. The meeting was held at the maidenoe of Mr. Moses Webster and it was ably presided o'er by Mr. A. 0. H0331 The progrun was as fol- lows: Mia B. Cameron. 9630: Mrs! Dr. Do: . notation: Mrs. Munroe‘ and Mn. Lula. toms; was Has-dy. recitation; Mr. Elliott. hole": Mr. (Shannon. «Hm; Mi- Biohudsom uni}; “I. Munroe. iddreu; Mr. and In. ‘M WMIGIOII; , '00:. : x c - urn. “glaciation: In; Mun- xao. ”of: Hit M. remarks; The Busch Ins a lost Enjoyable fleeting Du. Powell a: MoCul‘och. in" Cali loge-at» whet-eh spent six more busy months. Be In! recently planed his final council exams. nnd has guided toxmim-oflioe in Parkdglé. a 151 Clam avenue. Kin mtny friends in m. vcunhny. Kirkliold nnd With old we come- th'e knowledge 0! lost ”Mullahs; ,3”? 1 - An 0111 Lindsay Boy’s Success :nz. Freda-it): W. Battle}. of To!- :nmo. Qatar. few days (:1 ton the guest of his grandparents. Mr. and Mn. Silnrwbod and his aunt. Mrs. (Rom) Mocnnoch. of Peel-at. int. Booth! received most of his public school- also Cdloaiate clouds tin! here. He graduated 'in mdicine from Tax-who UniverSity‘ in '07. then about direct to London. England. the be spent six months post and“- naa work 'n the best hospitals in up world. He returned home on the Maia. Vin New Yprk, in time tar Cum“ under the parents! not ad W took .‘a position withl pr ’ 0": management tuning more by you; peop‘o «than my other in he ‘1 Ontario I There must ba 3 ”won; O «into:- it. spew Com for 0‘ 1 0 w I“ cm Cow Turing [Inter Dominion Deput- ment of Agriculture Labor Saving Accident to the; Str. Manita Broke 3 Fix and Quit Smoking for a While WM Incl-noon 17ml: - Mills! trip between Boboa' ' ”-11:11; Burleigh othe steamer Mr 11:0: 1:“, the "L" pipe in [rent a; the 5;) She was brought iflt' J at and f; _ I no W Min '43"; to'tow mam: home. AR“ flwr q mound the W {or m!!! ‘9 ho‘ At t steamer cune- slons and 81" than helpin?! hand. She was bror git into 69g Hand is now being ' .‘e'ptired. ' oooo.oooooooooooo.voo "Quizâ€"ma «0100... M Town Rune. . _ or Whites, Ulcmtion, Suppreaed tad Painful lamination, Uterine and Ovuinn Troubles, and d! Weakness gnd Ailment peculiar to our sex. m couponhelowtome for FreeSunle. Addmss THE GERTRUDE III-EDI AL 00., Box 184, Windsor, Ont. ’ ' '"bliai Spoth. Principal. ' . toooooooooooooooooi FREE TO LADIE§! (ix-dunno! tho (hhn'o Veteran-y Culhrooeiveprmpt Won day at W. G. DUNOON. Local Agent in Dairying I am a woman of'ez- perience and nut to tell all womn how to cure themselves ‘1‘ h9me, of

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