Mines: Transacted at a Meeting ï¬eld this Homing ‘ . We will send postpdd and free sunples ngls, of which we make more than 2,000 ‘ Water Commissioners Discuss Extensions The PEDLAR PEOPLE, of asagflx. ‘ 1Aumeeting of the Water Commis-e Bioners was held in the :Waterworks ‘onice. there 'being present the chair- :man. Mr. J. D. FlavelleJ Mayor Beg; Superintendent Hammond and Mr. J). Sinclair. \ ‘ l . several applications ifor water ser- vice were read and granted. the ~ea:- penses lately incurred were also dis-i .onnsed and on motion at Mayor Begg.‘ eecconded by Mr. Sinclair, (the score-‘ tan-mas instructed to pay. them. - Mrs. .W'eldan. Bond-st.. wished td hammer house supplied with water. but as the pipe, which is only a half inch one, is now overloaded. the com- missioners were in doubt whether to have a new six-inch main put in along Bond from Cambridge to Wic- toxia-ave.. or to 'wnnect by an Extra hundred feet of halt-mob pipe with the large church main. While the cost or the larger: size of pipe for . the greater distance would be more e!- pensive. it was thought that a few more residents might be induced to have the water system ‘put in and the svpply would abillr be sufficient. It was ufged. however, that the supply for Mrs. Weld-on be taken from the church main. because considerable money had been Spent already and that next year, as a new main would ’have to be constructed from Victoria: . 'A letter. was then read from Mr. Ridge. of Philadelphia. saying {that te would likely be in Ito'Wn on Thurs- day (rte-day) and commit the water. commissioners about the ozone pro- .cms of filtration for this town. . I Chairman Flavelle thought that if Lixdsay gets ~fi1¢tmtion by this process it will bq far cheaper noiw when in Iomw. TOIOI‘I'O jT'I'A'A 321-3 Craig-st. W, 11 Colborne-st.‘ 423 Sussex-st We want agents in many sections.- Write for d ave. ebo Sussex-6t; it would be better: to put in the two blocks 61 pipe at one time. Fina-11y it was decided that the connection with the church main 1» made.-. .\ ‘ ..‘ , An appliwiion for a hydrant at the come! 0! William ‘and Colbourne-sts. ‘avas Md and Mayor Beg; was in- struated to bring the matter before .thc‘Couuoil at their. next meeting» Black Watch TheChewin Tobacco You needn’ 1; ever Paint an “Oshawa’ '-shingled roof, â€"-the heavv galvanizing. the 28- gauge sheet steel, the four-way- SOME shingle roofs keep out the Worst of the weather if you patch them up every ._ s u m m e r . Y Wu ' ‘ " ' '1‘ They ought pretty good IRON. They make passably “good roofs for maybe ï¬fteen yearsâ€"IF you paint them every yearâ€"two coats. Shingles of mine are good roof for twentysï¬ve years (and that means a. NEW :00]? for nothing if they leak a single drop in all that time). ANDâ€" GUARAN- TEED w REALLY AHWM‘! “Oshawa †u Shingles Galvanized Steel I )0! for lotu- M5, 19 unples ’of Pedlar Art Steel Ceilings and 2,000 designs. ‘ OI ITTA'A LOIBOfl MIIIPEG 3 Sussex-st. 69 Dnndss-st. 76 Lombard-st Write for detai's. Mention this paper 11 l the experimental mtge than [large cities have begun rho us thetValue of such‘n system J I: the plant were installed sx 'he desagns. Ard Uus aloness represents such a. grammar: ‘ I of OSHAWA, 1861 5;:P0251‘0131tyd that. we mum ercrnAnc ’A'A lOIIOI IIIIIPEO I ‘ ‘ r y asuny bf Guru‘h'cs (4.- 1y. Is there a man wuo asks lump-J! :ussox-st. 69 Dundas-st. 76 Lombard-st ~W h . its for detai's. Mention this P‘Per 11: ‘3 “V" “’1 “bu" he ‘5 "0“", _______â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" The answer may be. clrcumstanccs. .â€"""_â€""_ ' ‘ ‘but no. it is entrely our own chance the efgertmental Batge than â€when God 11.1.; gramcd us a will and it is large when have begun to use “1.81)“ (or. £1 to control that will.. Circum- thcwalue of such a system reahzedw‘uunu is a great thmg but u is noz II the plant were unstalled suffnczent 6 the esscnual part. in choasmg oue'a tune must: be. taken to had out the . earth‘y career. There IS nothing mare efï¬ciency and cast before a mint-i benuuful than to see a man :inuz ison could be made with the ‘preseï¬t '.up to Ins earthly conncuons, nnr ' (swening from his course. no m1! tn :what thr. world may think or “that other peop‘u may do. Every man must toudo in some cases. Cutting off the {ism his own battle m life alone Ego water supply was the advice ih some 1:( pt “'12": tflev readx aid of Ch'is; - , guns isolation is ï¬nitely complete as cases. ' x . - . fl._ - . A-l .J- m-“ lav-n nnnnnrnal (nu- “ system; The arrears in the water rates were read 31nd tthe secretary advised what There were many: peeple wh‘ows- pccied Hezekiah’s motives. Then: are always some men who will im- pure the motwes that form thebts- is. We can more readily excusa a man ,who has tued but a _man who chcr madu the attempt we cannot ex- cuse. That which we have neglect-:1 takva Vengeance upon 113.. If there ordinary m e t a. 1 shingles. (You .no- . John was a prisoner at‘ this time in thc hands of Herod. There were different reason! but if .we are to behest: the goqpel of St. Marl: it was because of his ogtspoken (language 1;». megard‘o'to Herod marriage. Her. od respected John. but it was his wife. who caused his arrest. mrn might be saved and Lt every one did his duty this would be accom- plished alzsi ‘C :13: the evening the Rev. Mr. Wal- lace took for his text St. Mark, 24. “And. she said, the head 01: John the Baptzst.†1‘. :.mt A citizen in to be sued lot $50fthe cost of repairing done by the water- “Mk8. : : t ' n . ST. A NDREW'S Rev. James Wallace. M.A.. 8.13.00- cupwd the pulpit at St. Andrew‘s church Sunday at both services. - In the morning he took his tvxt from 11 ChromcIes, 30, 5. "For: they 53!}. not done it of a longt Eime in such sort’ as it was written.†Hezekiah had. just completed the Yestoxauou of the temple. He was interested in this great work of God, and was supported by a loyal band of followers. He still cherish- ed the ‘hope of. uniting Israel, but he had some hard lines to obliterate that he knew not of. Some people. who are in favor. of church unions have not thought of these things other . - 7â€â€œ .4 ( i7. -~ is a. loss 0! desire to do that, which 13 right then we shoï¬ld attire all the more in that direction. It is a noble idea that .We should be able to draw men unto us. The meaning 0". n-hgion is not _sel£ salvation but self sacrifice. Christ desired that all The great feast in honor of Herod’s mrthday was on and the young maid (“.0ch before the king. Some amusin- mew (ind to be ‘provided for the occasion and dancing, ma according Wouldn't it really pay you to send a postcard for a free book that tells the whole story in plain words? My shingles cover thousands of the ï¬nest barns and houses and public buildings all over Canada. Though the same 25- year guarantee goes with every Yind ' proof, fl] hghtningâ€"proof. 4 roof we've never been caiicd on yet to make it good I? ead the book. won t 3ou? Church Notes - proof Side {are lesson that the love of God is 'grcater than man's .comprehensim. :Curious to relate, Cornelius, who Was 3:: gentile. pictured the same rerehzi-m lat the same time that Peter bet his 'dream. As a result of this Conn-aim and Peter were brought closer to- :gether. As in this case when the rich and the poor meet together God .n.‘k€3 a union but do not let the ï¬nch lose the society of the poor. lest tlhey become hard and callom. Cam- uhus invited all the people to n 32.1- 1ile “nice. So ahould we go out in- to the world and invite other peopte into our church. The church canno: (:0on to lose the influence of a sun-.3- lc member. By 1118 grace may we walk in the footsteps 0! that first congre- gation and may we have the chumh as we would Wish to have it. 53-113: thr. world may think or What other peop‘u may do. Every man must Jight his own battle m life alone Ev mm “'12": tflev readx aid of Cit-is; gyms isolatmn is ï¬nitely complete as far as other new 'are couccmelku‘ ave must act and live aloha. to the custom (Pater can be W1 tori wrong dmn'g and selï¬shness end in this cape this £01m; maid used her power to this and. 1t m for us to uk‘ ourseIVes whethv or we are gobs to use our power for for (sievating or degrading people. There are opportunities in thelives of all of us. Shall me ask for some- thmg that is mean of. selfish or r,_I!E.' a..- game e 51‘. MARY'S. . Rev. Father Colhna preached et both services Sunday. taking as ’h'e text, “We have brought the mighty from then- seats.†In an impressive discourse he pointed out .to the congregauon the great huge wrought by the deadly sin of pride and urged mpon them the necessity .tor the cultivation and practice of the great “rule 0! humility. _ , ., _ At the Cambridge-at. Methodist rhunh Rev. J. 1’. Wilson conclude-i the eel-vices both morning and even- wg. In the morning he gave an mo leresung-,disconrse.trom Acts 10. 33 In which Peter is found. in Japp'l, on the shore of the great sea m (be first gentile congregation. "The bibie «relates how, Peter had a strange (mam of a. sheet being let. down from Human full of all manner of live things. from which I‘cter was taught QUEEN-ST METHODIST. The pastor. Rev. J. R. Riel preach-3d mormag and evenihg to a large con- -'¢regations. In the morning he toâ€: Mr. mrthur Parkin had the misfor- tune on Saturday eveninz'to have a serious accident happen to the en- 31m: of his Mine yacht. which ‘wilfl put her. out 0‘: commission for some time, until repairs can be pn‘ocured from the makers. He was on his "is; throuzh the locks and’ had started up the engine to move the boat when something went wrong with her mar chanery and the result is a broken clank case and a broken connecting his u-xt from Job 28, 10. Mr. I‘m-X gate a short history of the severe confhcts through which Job was counpe'led to pass, but gave several Ha: that a; put inbo the barn in so dx‘yg upon’digtion that it Will 1101: yack wall.\wilï¬ not make fodder. of first :quality. Hay should be taken 'to the barn with 5113!: that amount of moi:- tum Wlbidh mu “(ow ".t to settle compactly When trea'tled' do“. Such aoondflrtion can assuredly be describ? ed but is well known to alI'df us who ha‘veJha‘d years of experience in mak- ing 1133’- This fleeirable condirtion Will baapprosghaed more nmmtely where {130310 M been cocked 1nd allowed' to “roast over. light.‘ When taken In the eVenmg'the text was chosen tron: John 16. 32. u: which he tells how the dxsciples for-soot Chnst and tlrd from hum. leaving bun alone. Bar. u my man With the hplp of God must be alone and self reliable and must live up to the responsibility that gamed him be God. Illustrations to show that in - thv midst of the niost severe trials Job still retained his integrity. In th- cvening the subject was. systematic and proportionate giving. When Hay Should be Taken into the Bammflualjty of Aroma Storing Hay Crop to Best Advantage Crank and Connecting Rod were Broken while Going Through Locks Parkin’s Yacht Out of Business ething that is high and uplifting CAMBRIDGE-ST METHODIS MHun-H-HVHS†cm H HHH H :â€" HHc. mm 3qu 09:. 9)2 VC< - 303.... Steven») Yot.‘ .30 €392,“ “Mt-n-tlves" or “Fruit m Tub- letl." the wonderful medicine mode from the Juice. of ripe fruits. hnvo neared a. rowknblo success. The dcmd for them has grown in four years till it now extends from tho At- lnnuc to the Paciï¬c. Dmggbts at first bought them in lots of one dozen bOxeovâ€"to retail {or $6.00. Now it is no 'bcethr'en mrched tfrom the lady's room ‘0 e Independent held theiran’ a On Sunday caning â€1 Foresters o! Cambray. nun] church outdo. Th9" wa: la rue attendance at 331° members “"1 ’ “'t're km by ‘ ‘M" delegation [tom Lindsay ma Hartley- _ LAI-v The Grand Trunk nilwu is very but-y .these days. There in a‘ consider-- able‘ amount «ï¬reï¬ght being ï¬lm'- ped and all the cars avaflnble are being used. It is the same with the C. P. R. That linef is also exceeding†ban-x, The freight hands are kept hutllng w the time to handle the goods. W hen gated it they shipped much freight to the tar east or‘ west. *Aamt Andersbn said it would surprise many of our citizens to bee how much {might was shipped 'to these distant pom. (Bath agents at the stations ‘said there were quite a. low tickets said for Quebec during. the past week. Forestric Services at Cambray All lb: Auilable Cars are Now in Commission .I- v-cv -v...,. for! yourself an: "le! help you. ‘ Personally. we always preier 'to salt the hay «when drum to the ‘barn. though some at our best we- thorities upon hey making talk against this practice. It has! been our experience that salt renders the hay more palntable and should the hay be stored in an unfavorable con- ditioo. it tends to prevent the ton- mation of moulds and mildews. and checks fermentation. I! it is necessary to teed new mown hay. it should be fed with caution. The atodk are particularly fond of it and are inclined to eat too much. The new made hay b ilaxative and therefore should not be led to hard working homes. as their flesh will become sort through its use. Not un- til the Inventing process has been com- plated in the new end the whole Whole mess cooled at! can new they Business on the Railways Brisk If your dealer hu not the 25c. trial size. let us know. Give us your name end address and we will send you a. bookletâ€"free -â€" contunln: valuable recipes and stories or whnt â€Fruit-s- um" hnve done. Fruit-runs Llam- Od. 0min. Ont. said: b eted- A ï¬nality thet in little reckoned' with by the cancel observer is the atom: of ha. The mom: though. an unweizheble quantity. in at real Value in rendering hay more palate able. ‘All are weed that green car- cred. sweet smellina ha! is much to be preferred to the bleached. ctr-awe like product. which is too otten made. The aroma in best preserved in mm by scum it intv the barn as quickly as possible and preserving it from exe- gposure to dewald reï¬ne A8 WELL :v. I. Tompkins Delivers an Inm- miu Sermon 'fhâ€"oii- Valuo- ps-uves" in a. 0013 the ï¬echo dist church. hem. unissued by Chic! Ranger Manon. of Lindny‘ .thn tho member: refs Outed they, ‘to- gether with the mtlon. filled the church’ to it: utmost enmity and all were exceedingly well pleased mih the serum. the Iingmg ha'mg excel- lent and the sermon apropos, mter- esling and impraulfe. Rev. Mr. Tompkins. in opening hisf dizcounecextendod 1 mm welcome to [he member: of ,‘the order beiorc‘ him. He etoroued his hearty apprecia- tion tor the‘worr done by, the order in «wearing, the htherleu and we widowed and in It: tutor-ml aspect. lie was a strong believer in fraternal énsurmee {or the poor man md the man at moderate circumtenoes. and ‘wished for this 01'3“!th the fur- Ieat measure 0! success. « Many o: tum celebrities who win W in attendance nt the Quebec tell: oenetcnary celebrations next week have Men the Grand Trunk Baik- WLY System to ma: 1:123: Heatination. and um; these are the Hon. Chas. W- Fairbanks, vice-president oi! the UM Skies of mmerica mil party who will travel over «the Grtnd Trunk 10 Quebeb. leaving Detroit on Mom'- duemllw.‘1nb:¢o. {.Ll.:~ The Rem-gentlemen then took [or In! text the 4th chapter of Genezns. 3t. the 6th verse, "An I my brother’s keg-pct!" from which he pruched a most appmprnte eel-mu on the bro‘herhood or men and the respon- sibilities ï¬nch lie upon £11 in con- nnct on therewith. Pym Brothers are the building. Distinguished Party Will Tm 1 via Grand Trunk to Quebec The men known and poplin! hotel. Catwthem. Lloyd .wood Carlton the Pym house. on Saturday last, was Warner. ’ ‘ soid L‘ E. 0. McCroham of ,Toronto After Mnble dimmer: it was Mr. Mccmn as we:: xnovm t0 the du had to 1.01 am regatta on Thurs:- tuvclling ‘pufllic. having 101' 3 null? dd. Augmt am. he: at years kept hotel in 0mm. Maura. Bruce Wilson. Bruce Hop- and is well spoken of. He will tske km- and Lloyd Wood were appointed W on August 3rd. " ' to nuist the hunter in the cob- Pvm Brothu-s are still owners 01 beeï¬ng. 0n the return of the Foresters to that ball reeolutlonl o! uhnks were puI-(‘d m teeognitionot the service.- ot Rev Mr. Tompkuu. end the chow. after which the visitors were cute:- tnmcd at lunch at the Temperature bout. Transfer Tutu Place on August 3rd.- Ir. IcCrom New Proprietor Reaboro Hobos Trimmed by Clippers Return match at Reaboro on' July 28th. when the Hobos expect' to ad.- minister a dose or calaomine to the clippers. ‘ '- . in.“ Pym House Sold to Toronto Man Hill lieu Boys Show Their Amazo- nists a Few Hnd Shakespeare been living at‘the present time and had he been 1 specuttor at the baseball mntch' belWeen Kill Head and Rubom he certainly would hue mentioned t-be aid match in his "Comedy, 0‘ En 701‘." ' I Joe. Hickson had a sort of combin‘ ntion between a â€flouterflob" and Budolph’st spit ball. N. C. 'Hart slightly injured his finâ€" get. but hopes to recover belon- the next game. I I . S. Reeds. a second Hesetrfer. was slightly of! odor. but will show his colors next gime. Pat [Hickscn hud his peepers on the hall and gun his decisions in mo":- ous tones. - In ‘the tint innings the Clippers†succeeded in securing three runs. one being n "met by JoeflHiokm- In this inning! the Reeborfo bunch only managed to cube t1: bane plite once. . In the oeoond Innings the ijppers went out. 1.2 3 Then the Ream Hobos secured tn odditionol pair 0: runs. tying the score. In thin in- nine: Hurt. Who In entailing [or the Clippers. became so cxicted when smeone mentioned Powlea' Corner. that 'he threw the ball over ï¬rst babe and let a man in from second. In the third mm;- the balloon went up. and before "Heeterfer" 1131.4. the Hobo y'arne’ descended In hie parachute the Clippers had added 13 more counters. Reabdro could onlv secure 2 runs. The score then’ ntoad 16 Lo 5. and Umpire Hickson declared it‘too dark to continue the IireWorks. NOTES " Gee. those .cliipers did hit the; horsehide some. a . Tue line-up; Hobos E. 0. Hart ... ...catchcr 3. Begds ... .. .pitcher W.~Moore .. ..(1 base. “i. Arkwnéhc. ....2 h B. Macnevan ...3 hue II. Mgcnevan ..r'l. a. J. Crown ...r. t. C. Reid ... -... 1. r. K. Reid ...c. t. . Umpire. G. Kickun; scorer. Arktsay. . Clippera' :hcr ...N. c. .u:::‘ her ...... J. HiCkSOn use ...P. Hawkins ..2 but ...D. Reeds! hue ...F. McMum‘ :8. a. ......T. Hawkins r. z. .. ..c. Deyelli n. f- ......-..3. Reeds !. ......L. Jones! ~C "' A Very Creditable it's?! State of Affairs While trialling in the river shine! Lu» cemetery on Friday flternoonJ Mn.“ Getty. . o! MelbournQ-et..‘ . landed 1 ï¬sh which tipped the sales. at nearly twenty pounds.'Mr. Geary‘ had much trouble in lending his prize - but utter, u dial-t (male he can- lenient. a .. ‘. ~ I Monday but en Orange Wrw‘ tion wok place in the on o! Petal: aham. It in etime'ted thut‘over 16F ‘Mï¬hitou cum to the city. which {with the prelent populution of over 'xaooo,.mh up to oyer 32000 pedf pie. 'At the police court the laud“- !ngjndrning eight me‘n only , were cursed Md! drunkennefl. of which tour cue- were dismissed. two were remanded. end the remaining two were ï¬ned 02 eech.’0£ the letter [our not I oiuzie man waq'an Orangemm I and of the mine! eight charged not PM“ orange Demonstration Was a Highly humble One _ . Lou year's programme of events Wu! «totally revised um the lol- lowing will probohty. be the program for thhw. _ V 1 Gasolin- power baits. open. ' 2. Silt-g no. [or Bun-goon Lake chunk-up 1h: - « I Messrs. Geo .Goodwin. Dagzit the prodded: and secretary Were appoint- ed to mac arrangements in regard to the tenth: pin. On motion at Dec. Goodwin. second- ed h! 3mm. Sophia. it was decided Manama-the 3t lent. 131m nature in any event in under to have mum. . o . . man 1;: t resident of Peterbom Cm any other town a“ city in the continent beat this record t L 1 I An adjourned meeting at (he Stur- geon 1' cult Association was held in the rain shelter on Friday. Mr. A. O. Hog; called the meeting to order. The report at the nominating conn- mittoe wall accepted. dating the following; President â€" 1â€. Holmes Hopkins. Swarm. â€"J. B. Anderson. 388:“: canmittee -- Arch. Mclm tyre. ohtinnan Robt Miller J. C. Glace. Jon. Brown W. 11. Simpson G. H. Hopkim. F. E. Dogzit J. D. Fla- voile. A. 0. Home Bruce Wilson Blake Cumtheu. Lloyd gWoOd Carlton Wu’oer. ’ Caught a Big One In the River It. Ed. Gary [looked a Twenty Pound- er Above Century Officers Elcc ed and Details of Regatta Arranged A head comet! is to be given on the lawn of Hz. “in. Chance. A bemy inyitazion is extended to every one to come and enjoy the evening. Seven! {tom this neighborhood attended the [mime meeting held at Fénetou Fdls on July 9111. All bond the meeting very instruct- ive, and had a ï¬ne trip, uriving home about unset. East Oakwood Items of Interest Sturgeon Point Association News Notes Relating to People, liners It. and Mrs. Funk Hardy, who have lately returned from Btitid: Columbia, u: visiting friends here. The members of the Women's Institute in «his vicinity mended the social am Mr. Moses \Vebflet’t 1m Wednesday. Mr. C. Shannon and Miss Fain assisted at the tables, and Miss En Richudson helped in the pro- FWD!"- Min Minnie Graham. ofï¬ast Oakwood. is tobecoagmuluedonthesnceesofber entrance pupils. Of the twelve succesfn! candidates atOlkvood. ï¬ve were from the EuthkwoodachooL Playing here is almost over, end the berry pickers are quite busy this past week. In the cmnqoe examination results recently published the mac M. Train should have been M. Fain, of No. 7, Muipoa, and not No. :3. The new telephone line is about completed, end will be ready to use next week. The Sunday School excursion to On’llia was very hrgely attended. and every one seemed to enjoy themsdva. although it In: a rainy day. We are glad to see Mr. W. 'Wakely tble to be uound again the! his recent illness. Mr. J. Thompson has just completed the foundation 0! his noble. nmlmla‘q 4. Cm: mm, c “Jilldel’. ' h < z ‘. 8mm rage. I 6. Gunwfle neg, . -_ .7. Swimmmg nee. ' 8- UM raceq 3. Canoe paddling. h ‘ 10. Canoe paddling, M under, A p \ 1L Galoline launch pawn .111! over 3 h. 12..Gaoune lunch 13. Cm paddlinL “new: race; 1‘ . 15- :Opcn launch; race, 3 13- Canoe paddling. ; in :7. Tug d '1]; ‘ in m 18. rating (0.11113,an 19- Cï¬noe paddling, Mi Linda! shame M on htnd to clean thing. In bet at the events. The i anon. the tilting the t“! swine launch e'i‘nta m era.ahonld be won by h tots. . ' o Ontario M3733! Martha’s lit a‘rntCh that the and m. with to: iug. went 1!) Din in her voice 811* M. “Give me your hand this The August De Haft‘ha had torn kind old at. for I hau- without an i? when she LEI"? Din unmetoiful P0" “a decided that forbw' to be a virtue dawn for the when with It] Enjoying the Can, at Balsam In thit is a mi:: either tend tows good or that: wt with us M11: one of our best 1 worst enemies. Cambny Parr; Boluygeon July 11â€"11: F. .Flaflk. of Buffalo, was out {I wuh her husband on TM! and whi'c up the Luke whit Nichols as guide. they napalm clue pan and threwal’ul Funk aim t at once gotntl? and there as humus (math! 80. The line ran out with All “Id Mrs. Frank had to put! brake. then there m m 1 plunging and jumping all Iii she had to exert all her “It Mr. .Weldon pad 3 M d . {m Cambray Waniltjnz¢ | McIntyre. Routley 1'0!an- Dom at Hamilton â€0 - Lake {View Farm. Which '. ‘ on Baum Lake. Fishing “BI the party are pnhying thâ€" 817111.15 1-2 i mcaslflements Mrs brank an On Tuesday Mcesm 93;" Walter. of Cambny M b with the campers. On We“. part: a! ladies consiting 1 - Gilbert. Misses McIntyre I Weldon. Sinclair Regen u . 50le time hunting an! id: returned «to Cambrny In a; well planned .with their a; ‘ . It was a great a: Mrs. Frank got 1! (nought him withi root. and the ï¬nest was safely lanaed. :nonung eremng. when villagv and we .102. It! lengu in tail was 21 Mr. and Mr: .Wickng- um camping at the lake u. that 1mm: . ant. .But'ler aner. lad cheater have a cottage it [q this 's‘ummer. It is sinned on View Faun. They are well withthelacditl.' ' ‘. r . . L'.’ ML. 1193;. or 'I'omh h 311'. Hagar-tn. In. In“ of Buffalo Mi Landing 1 Butt! Five Founder ‘ at Bobcayga Izmo ing was to be me reel was wound in ‘1 :- spfurge no out L1! The Question of W great 331188“ N The Cat's Pins xxx. Bit]- b11108“ The“! â€0!: Yuk-‘5 ‘13P“ ’10! Ku 10¢