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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Jul 1908, p. 1

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I 12 PAGES THE LINDSAY POST RS» Ln, .TERS SAY. flTSON talc .CXSON Isr :3 ya say RIO. :5 *1) and g L' N DSAY- E ' g Wmss {Myrtle ‘Anderson. foamemn is O A O o w : spending'khe holidays with Mia Ger- 3’ 3 his 'IPadszett. . ‘ oWW»»W“‘ouowowmw uaau-o.“.wou- put.“ 3; Mmmwm and Mo’- Hurriet or '“WMWQN W W ?‘Torouto(‘m finding their holidIYl ' "‘â€"â€"-â€"- % I With mansion! tirienda- I BE 3303;), thi‘swcck [on a visiq at Buakhorn. Mange-(in the river rig {ht in town ot Air-51nd “’3' Rob“ 3' Kennedyof . . . . . . â€". .. - - ‘ of m..." “m mamas 9F I‘M?" ,. i NW“ 2521:? .23?“ Qi?;;:"§“‘m“fiizl “ ”Fm” REABORO. W 9051: office and store w'illf 3°”"fl'y evening at 7.30 excepton S‘Mdavs «beginning. on Jdly 27H! ml A _ I ' . 3 a 1"“! flick: h "Gk end 54 w: I“: end in town. ,. . r it ‘2”- ‘Devell. of Souns Man. “531mm Mrs. .W. E. Hollapd. Wu... , . z Silks, Drees Goods, Dress Linings, Dress Trimmings, Sateens, Dottene, Dress Musllns, Gretonnes, Art Satoens, Gloves, ~l-losiery, Underwear, Shin-tings, Fiannelettes, Gotten Bats, Towels, Towellng, Table Linens, Yarns, Men’s Underwear, Men's Socks. Boys’ Sweaters, Men's Collars, Trimmed Miillnery, Corsets, Belts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Smallwares, Cotton Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Dress Skirts, Sateen Undersklrts, Wrappers, Spring Goats, Fall Goats, Capes, Waists, Flowers, Feathers, Silk Veivets, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, etc., etc. There have been lots of sales but none have equalled this-because we close up our business on Saturday night, August Istâ€"because we are determined to reduce this stock as much as possibleâ€"because of the remarkable bargains on new and desirable goods for summer, autumn or winter wearâ€"because nothing has escaped the reduction wave and you can save up to[50 per cent. on everything you buyâ€"because it will to sell at cost price rather than at a rate on the dollar to one who will us outrightâ€"because if you were a merchant you could not buy as buy {as we are selling now, direct from the makers or wholesale houses. cheaply, Nowilor theifinal clean-up. Come prepared to buy liberally for the savings are big and you will find opportunities enough. All these lines sellingiat wholesale and less. ‘ (ISM-Sal to The Post.) Z'iflah Suggitt and. Mia 3. Kb! Linda? visited in 'town Riohman. c! L'indsav Spent house for: two Weeks. lett Directly Opposite the Post Office LINDSAY. COBOCON K Are You Helping Her 0 WE AREQDRIVINGJRICES DOWN AND GOODS OUT -Thlrd Yea râ€"No. 28 JAB. GREER ( 5 . i FLEMWOOD r \ ~ , , ‘(Spec'nl td'Tbe Post.) 4 In :an exciting game of basebalf'tbe Limrdinld Boysiefetted the Young Fledwoods 5)) a score of 14 to .13. Batteries [or Lim. Duds and 'Kickeon ; tor. Fleetwood Atkinm and Scott \Umpire Shetâ€" 3" 4 ‘ Hams which are packed in pm”- izcd charcoal will cominue fresh {or from (we to tgn meats. LINDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1908 mane-1| I 6: v.01 .0960. O .szz .zOzz .269913 OMEHBB. : .r I ‘ ' Emu! ta The Post: 1 The vhrmrs are buoy 1t tint crop. Wheat and other gaunt at: showing up bennfiluny. . There” never was I hum outlook {or all kinds of 15:th a. lith thm though there is 3 Thu“ Mex-ago .'erop. ‘ 1 {saw ‘0‘. OOOOOA 34090 (Special to The Post.) Missuflowl 1‘)! Whitbiv, i rat pree- mnt‘ .visitin; Rev. and Mrs. Wilson. Mr.- 1A. Beans. Dumlord' was called *0 l’eterbor Mgr owing to the "mess )0! his mother. - are mghd'wa 337; MntGeo. Em glishfis me from her actions .Mn and Mrs. Alb'ert Thin-stoma” Sloan. spent Sunday with‘the. hunter‘s. rents in Mord. 1. 5'.“ Cu 9| T: E 0 K a 3“me M .1. O ’OOOOOOOONOOONOOOOO FOOOOOQQQQOOOOOOOOO W VOOA 90¢ (In. 0?. v... >00 miles north on (Pigeon than The Trent Nelle? Naiigation h'wv‘ithl 3 Some of eight men are. gra’dml‘viorc OOOQOQ‘ >6...” 3 A76 have our Quebec Centenary ten l 3 ( 9 m “" p. PLEASANT POINT. ~ (Bpegial td'The Post!) We are having line Inn-vesting Wen- ther (just nt present and ("men‘s nre nukinstguod use 0! it. I ' I Mr. illbert Greer spent 3 Yew days With friends In this vicinity Bern flicking in in ma swing and may, rough: [tom Linda: spent Sunday at that calm. Rev. L 8. Bach“ and wife and tawny: d1 of Windsor Ire mending their stunner "Bath :1: Use Point. thhg-ir, my arm Omenee and .wifl' calm Ithc We“ a tev‘lws.’ \ u Munoeo. Greer d Linda-r is t't present visiting friends in thb: Vicki tY.‘I ll l'lt "Kaufman. Bree]: b viliting hum]: neat: {P'eterboro 1nd Omemee. ‘ ‘ Mnxfltaples. and finjor and Era. New! are here visiting 1nd Mr. and MN. Cameron. 0! Port Hope. 7 Mt. Kimplin of Woodstock. a. ch01! master. enng'benutitofly {In Christ 6 church Mthndty. Eefla the not: of Mr. Wm. ’Cnn-y. ‘ mas Courtney is sealed! looking aft-en .her tiip. 'Hc‘p‘ her all you an. Capt. Germain un‘d Lt. Buvdoek Fee wilh‘ 310m: men. 16“ Id:- Quebec. Pot. Mr. Peckover oaupwd his own pulpit Kant Sunday ml will continue to “0 so. 5 . , . . i 00!! intem feature-ELK Week hum be the ice cream social on Sat- ‘nrdam evening 25th inst. under the 3115me at the“. A40! Mania!) anarchlu splendid program has been prepared and a good tune is angici- gated. Mmmflftc. 1 4 ‘ fln'fiflll m 1 this village. at“! with a bad accident: on Saturday or last week. He was driving along the} and when h1- horse beoune bad- lg frightened and ran away causing him Ibo be unuâ€" out 01 mxbuggy ditbcating' bk Guilder. Dr. UcAI- pine m: oalted tout: it end use We 3.1.136; '33. “film paid I “viz; Evisirt to Peterboro on Tuesday. Means; M’ m and Robert Yank-n; {of Toronto spent I'm-Mi with-Mrs. W. Weider- . k'my of young India from Dan- fontJiMe to Thumhm'a Park hut O _ OOQOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO’NOQOOOOQO9909990006. 0.9009000006090609. 2 NOTICE TO COMMENTS : 1 To“! In law!!! Form by tho Bright Correspondents of The rat at tho Varlous Contra. M :4» En-gliuh 060+999999+9o+oott+o§oooooooooo¢oooogt All corres‘puidentl are re- quested (60 sign their [dutcn' Wine Post. ‘58 We receive many) lms'gned. and are un- uwnrp from what the! come. we nave decided to tejeet 3H (hut do not but the mun-u 02 ythcir writers. IMPORTANT NEWS or "if 015mm DUXBFORD. win own be new :8- *F "I a." Mm 130m Mot-rot. 8! Cambny it here two dothe carpenter. work of the haw-dad» house. ~ - 3155 Eddie Word has returned boom FeneIoo ram; where she hm been visiting for: {he put em wedh.’ .3113 Edith Tonnes 6! Fenefol mums: visiting her ‘Iriend Miss Elfinf-W’i‘d. . 1 uolly cmwd of mg people have goon Iup-zto the Monte pick hackle- h'n‘lemnd also enjoy a good time. 31:. Sam Bryant has the sincere amen; to! the community in the ions In: his second muzeat brother. jurlieM'Wshile Charlie was working imbue d the Gelew mills he stooped m-tofix‘the saw and in doing so his our aleeve got caught on Ithe saw iambic}: no running and ‘tore the sleeve. {open and giving the arm n ‘hdgaah jult abovothq elbow. But 1% he dOCtox-s arrived he was be- ynndI help and he lied to death. His 'unaino .will be 1M in the Pine :Gammtery here. ; , m. t'KeIY. of Hamilton joined: his lainillbe‘n: to tpend the, gunner n- Lit. .0 Scott has returned utter spanning: few weeke in! Torohto. ' ’ 'g .' LIFFORD .- '» ‘ (Special to 'l'_he POOL) ‘ ‘md Olive 51an has returned home (after visiting friends at Bell- Hem: . Mr. find Mrs .Wrizht spent: a few days last week at Oronw 1 , .\ ' NANILUA‘ . . -{ (Sp'ebhl tq The Paw LIN-Ralph De Later. of Ottawa in holidu'ilu under the parent.‘ root. Misses Eadie md Dem Dani-ll were visiting in Pentium-o Jut week. M Cd!) Carter. 0! Ottawa spendintlhh holidays at tile hone Mimi-eats. ’ . 31h. KncLaws and znndduxghter. Elia Florence Biennium. h trending n'iveek's holldtn hen. 3112;113:112 Bum Ind bflde rc- tnrned 0 their hone in Tomb on TuesduTrvening. '. Friday tuning. When nun-nine an mule-at occurred and the young ludien bad to wdk home. Cheer up ;.rls., ' . . . ‘- 2. a “Parker. of Orono i0 vbitini friends here. .: . ,f. “lit. thden. 01 Bethany ‘10 visit- ingaberé 1t present. -. Min Olive Stu-‘2 7! It pl'elent visit- h; triads in mum: Our. huhil tum an: out flo- man m M. can. 'fiyed in Hull: Gunman tut between V.- lenti: and autumn. :he score bein-z 56 In (an! if Mnnilh. After the 33nd was own to: m served on Dr. [Honn‘fl‘s ‘hwn by! the Scan; 11- dies‘ {at the ‘flhgc. We ”We!!! ‘“ It. thrd Texan-Molina piece but got the job of the mason tuft-of the new alt-boo! home here. ~ ,. ml to The Paw In. (Ionian. of Gd)“: paid Nor. la‘nd'ra film vitit on My hat. PENML. .‘A‘Specinl to the Post.( m Bertha Pen-1.40! Tomato. is qx-ndmg this week 1: Mrs. Richard Osbornik. Muterfiohn Black. 0! Beaver-ton. nsiu-d butane]: with hiICOuSIB. 31.n- tor Vernefl'nght. 3 Mrs. .b‘uwer. Mm I. Smith. an! i MISS,M- Brick. of Torontu. are holi-i m-y-ng with thcxr cousms. | stitors at Peak! on Sunday won; 312-53 Ethic Black. of Cannlngcon. ut ' We congratulate Lbs: E. Slubce. tau-her so! Buck's. on the sumo! her three entrance adhohrs Austm Xokrggcmtord Smith}. wd Elmer Com-had. Hr. Laid Fhup. who ha been on NOR HARD What Are You Doing About it o (I Airs. S. Squxrcl; Mrs. S. Black. 01 Cummgton, at In. B. Osborne's; Kr. and Mrs. A. E. .Webltgr and Nuts Pearl. at Mr. W. J. anht’s; Mr. '1'. Love. at Mr. A. WW"; Rev. Geo. Copeland. at. Mr. 3.,Copdmd'q: and It. Wm. Whltc. Miss Bertha. White. of Lnkoyood. also Mrs. E. '1'. thte. .1311 mm Evelyn. of Pembroke, at Mr. G. Hardy's. Our afternoon service was nblyoon- ducted on Sunday lat by Rev. Gear. Copeland. of Deseronto. one otPe-n- nel'a. "old boy.” Mr. Copelend but been upendmz Iomc days .vnith his egod tether. Mr. Bush Copeland. on thc homestead here. Our prayer meeting which has been discontinued (or some time. will be held scan on Wednesday night of {hi week and $11! from then bacon- tnmed u heretofore We had s an" hm in but vicinity on Saturday mght last. when the duvinz shed. on the am or Mr. W. WHSM. MM is taunted by Mr. J. Cop-mud went up in fumes. v Bran“ of the braking o! 'a large hie while unloading it (hating- road work but week. Mr. W. ”core m upturned t nasty cut on Us hoe. Berry, pnking is the order at the Shading of Candidates in The Post Free Trip (tom: {There are No {Vacation Periods . M195 Emm Wusroeo, hmmount .............................. my.-. Mus szm: GOULD, of G oodczbam ............................ 10,231' These figures \ will be corrected every Week Ballots s hould be sent in time. MISS | Egg“ DOMINION BANK MISS MIS DI8TRIGT NO. Muss Harm: Com-mm; of'Omcmec..~... .. Has Ben-u: Hu-n‘mson, d Oa‘xvood. ...... Miss AGNES Mummy, of (1:3. . .. ............ “as E. FORD, of Ops ..................... Miss M. H0335. of Janettille - ............. “6501:2311: O'Bnuax, Born swine ......... “STRICT NO. 1. LILY 1332?, of A. U. Terry’s.. ................ Fwssu Namibia. of the M Telephone Co . a. afinmmouodué-Mesnu ..... WaBkum. SMS'ect ........ ....... Raw Bmuusg-of Summer-Sons ......-... - A .WOODVILLE ‘ '3’! Winch! to The PM!) . “' Invent Oops; '- ‘th guest 0! Pun. Sun. 3. Patrick ad Bertie Sts. [mum Smunnn. of (LEW. Office .. Laos”, of l. L. Met-311’s- ......... DIS {TRIOT NO. MARGARI‘: Enemy, -of Woodvine. . . . Eran. KENNEDY, ~of Thinsfmd ..... '. . . Nnuz SMITH, of Kit kficld .......... SABXNA Mammyfi‘em :lon Falls ........ MAY Maximum, of 11 )rneville .......... anaxcs Guam, ‘ Victoria Rand ......... Rum TAYLOR. of C obooonk.. . . .._ ....... Em'm Wusrooo, anmonnt ............. 13mm: GOULD, of G ooderhun ........... QUEBEC. with lnoerest â€"lt keeps right on working for you days, nighufiund us and holidays. Better begin now ; deposit wnmr you can spare. add to it whenever possible end at time your success is assured. We will welcome your» mountâ€"largo or small. Termsâ€"$1.00 per You in Advance 12 PAGES m inns lehuhlin. cud Li“- lhn Cannibal], of Toronto ue home (of. (he WYC. . . . I ‘- “ Mr. Cecil Smith paid a [lying visit? 7 td Cannington on Batu-an... u . 1' MLBert and Mill Lilvliur Melon“ 0! {Ia-onto. are renewing aflmintan-I conjure. H w : . 2 . A". Unfilfi-ed Green lat week! . s x ’ ' Mia-II Elude IVanstone. 61 Toronto visited her. liter! It!" lat week. ' Mr. J. 1". Eric. '0! Whitby, an: in mm Manda. mu“ .. .. . ‘J Ooafinuodgn lutpoce. r fllGfllAND RAM“ large, White Yorkshlte Swine. DALTOH TOWNSHIP, VICTORIA COUNTY. ABERDEE'H' ANGUS BATTLE Broaden and importers of Propritm. Uphia Pad 0809, ON . STEWART. 43.044 26,899' 15,610 IO, 231' 56.06!- 42.653‘ 56.400 5‘4. 354 34.22:- 3 5' 59° 10,800. 3 (.012. 14,800 I 114°“

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