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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Jul 1908, p. 2

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r DI-WJ you-u, vâ€"'_ A. .I.-. Dans' launch. (the “Nancy" Mr, "Dnck" Holman was badLy injured. m. the (act by the sudden fling back at the tent that opens andL closes the valves of the gate. Mr. Holman as engineer on the “Nancy" which sue on a “maize; up the Jake. HIS face was severely cut by the .Iorce of the non lever, his nose be- ‘mg broken as well as the rest (of .116 face being disfigured. The launch :turncd on her journey and‘ burned ‘the mjured man back td Lakefluli uwhcre he was attended to by,- Dr. Brown. :l'he mounds dressed he agnm'. came back to the lake and 13; is un- dete‘tood [5 getting 51603 w cl! mere. :1, suffermg slight pains and bearing the mcomeuience of having his race Dick Holman Sushi!“ Serious at 8th We ,7 The Gates Ajar ’ Broke His Nose Funny Accident No Broken Bones ln Lba adage;- y Stony Lake, Jul! the Lockmaste: at Saturday “we to flow Two Bikers Tried to Pass on the Stine Track and filled i 'A' peculiar accident ~took plabe.Mon: (1201‘.- afterfibm on the Lindsayf-st.‘ bridge. Mr. Jesse Ben-in was coming over the bridge oqhi swbeél from the ‘ east yard and Mr. Joe. McConnell ‘ was coming down the big hill on his machine. and bath triedtd pass a ti; on the sanpe side. The space was too usrrovninwever, to allow 'thiq, and theâ€"result was ;h‘at a. V collbion oo- curred. Both gentlemen Were thrown -o[f nnd sent sprawl-in; in the ‘duit. They. took the tumble good naturedh ly and brushed the dirt or! wjthx . 3 1811311.. ‘{02 ~ L , _ ' â€"Get In: “Book No. 4 for Women.” 1:: will give wetk Women many. valu- able suggestions of relief -â€" and with cum confidentifl medical advice is entirely free. Simply write Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. the book No. 4 tells 315 ghoul: Dr. Shaw's Night Care. and tom those m. healingk antisep- tic nuppofiiitories can be successfully ”plied to correct these weakneses. Write; for the book. The Night Care a sold by :11 denies. - A a‘ '-'Ihere are some interesting features! In connection with the Tercentenary 1 issueot Canadian stamps which max notrbe generally; known. Fo’rf instance one of them-the fifteen cent Stamp- depicts Champlain’s departure for the M'est. \It is entitled “Paxtement pour J’Ouest.” and the use 0; the new oh-' :solete French word "partement" is significant. ll‘he scene has been 'de-V signed from Champlain’e o'wn Words; In [his account a Ithe third voyage he says; "With our canoes ‘Iaden with provisions, our arms, and some mer- chandise Ito_be given as presents for the hdians, I started on Monday. May. 28th. from the 11.3.6; Sainte He- laine. accompanied bv four. French- men _and one Indian. A salute was given in my honor from some small pieces of artillery.” - ‘< The same note of old French is a]:- s-:~ to be found in the inscription on the H“? cent stamp. entitled l’Habiv- tation de Quebecq." This is Cham- plain's old house. the first ~ house bmlt by Frenchinen in Canada. and the exit has been made from his own drawing in his own book. All the portraits and scenes depicted on these stamps were personally choqen by the Postmasten-General. the Hon. Budoiphe Lemieux. who has received mgratuhtionstrom all quarter: on .the artistic taste displayed. Scenes Depicted on the New Issue and Phrases Employed Interesting Features of Tercentenary' Stamp . -â€"A popular idea m‘e‘d to prevail that. all teas were pretty much alike. but ' Salado." Tea is ptoying a 'pleu- slut: surmise to flzbuaanda o; particuâ€" lar meg-drinkers. Sold by {grocers everywhereaâ€"SSL ‘ , ~ , I. a WEDDING RINGS Correct color, correct shape, correct q xalily, correct finish, correct weight, correct styles, stamped “Britten BIOS.” guaranteed for all time. i ' lunar: of Mamet. “an“ Foot of Kent-st. - ”ND BRITTON BROS» 20,...111 assisting fully ovéi' bur entire stock. picking out all CONVERT IT IN TO READY CASH. Every psi: seuonuhlo And up«to-dsto in It 10. Gunntoed solid lather throughout. Begum sizes 2 1- 7. Regulsr $1.75, 3310 pnoo ....... 1.49 $2.00 MM’ Oxford Shoes 81.85 We expect tint this lot will £11m dly of 3110. Fine Dan. 301: Kid, dull calf tunings, new . solid insoles, an excel- lent street shoe. Regular $2.00, as e prioe............. 1 65 vâ€"-â€" . About fifty peirs Lsdies’ fine Oxford Shoes in genuine potent colt, new styles in bluebers sud button Oxtords, every tr per- . P. (so: in every respect. sizes 2§ to 7 width: C end D. Sde prion while they lsetmm...’ ............... . ......... 1.98 â€"â€" --.A__‘-n Steamboat Traffic Is Not Good 0n the Otombu Rim this Yar- â€" Business Not Up to the Hugh 7 The Peterer Renew says ;-It is stated that steamboat traffic on the. Otonabee has not up to the present time been equal to that for the same period last year. This statement [a made by one _who is in apositzon to know. whereof he speaks. Just what 18 the. "cause of the slight slump is not clear and there 15 a probability that the traffic will pick up suffici- ently during the remainder of the season to make the year as good as last rear. but this of course, remains to be seen. . While the steamboat traffic is less the number of small craft on the riv- or 15 larger this year than ever be- fore. This is especially true of gaso- line launches, which are very numer- ous thzs season. Emombor the am. Saturday July 11th, for 30 Days Hired a Horse to Elope with 3; A Northumberland Ian Who Forgot to Return the Animal The Dobourg Sentinel-Star says: ‘Beto‘rq Judge Ketchum on Wednes- day E rank Kicker-3011. of Wooller. was acquitted! ion a charge 0! the the“; of: a horse and pig. It appears than rig. to go and vote. This happened. some time ago-"But he had other; bue'fi ness in view besides voting”. and atten periormmg} (that duty he cloped with a married woman. taking along. her twd caiwzen. and also neglected to mum; 4an horse and rig. hence the achou To: theft. The woman; in this intorestir; case has returned 'to her hushand.\ : - L ( 1 . Prize for Name of New Steamer the Northern Navigation GranJ Trunk route announce 'the launching of a. new ship this year, and have- of- fered a prize for a name. She will run between Fort Arthur. Sarnia, Fort Wrfliam and Duluth. It Is intendczl' that this steamer will be the largest and finest steamer in the Lake Super- 10r trade and her interior decoration will no the most elaborate and com- Q plete. - The following are the conditions to be observed in this contest ;â€" _ "Name to coaxial: 0!: Lone, ,word of not more than ten letters." "It must end in the “new character- istic lummition of 'Ic'.". .' “it is desired that the name select- ed.haVe some bearing on the history or geography, of the territory, she yvill serve.” \ _ r .. i JOHN”: Fina china, Slum-walls 0|“ Glass, cm“, . Art loads. WEDDING GIFTS gcodS. We are always pleased to receive whiter: and show our :2.75 Lafiloc’ Oxford Show for 1.98 81.15 Ladloa’ Elna Oxfofd Shoo. 1. Aâ€"-â€"‘ 1- r7 ‘ . ecess ‘ ' ur ' mconvemence our customers by closing: ‘ we have nOt bun-d It}! - ary t9: _--_...1.... 1:...” mm! nun-Irina drum than 1111085 1 the Bargains on Display Windows L! N DSf-KV. Lugâ€"â€" £0 choose 110m in “158 10*- o-dsto in style. Guaranteed it necessary to mcuuvcuu-uw u... w... picking out all surplus lines and marking down ‘1qu 9 VJ :hvgfimies irrespective of 7the cost v u. u u. u. "Contestants must give their name and address clear-Ix in sending in their suggestions." | ' On Sunday mornmg five young :11- 2 its of this town stole quietly out of town akout half past five bound for . ”the decision will be made by an. mnpnrtial oo'mmittee appointed for thn put-Lose. from .wlnm .the names of contestants will be withheld." The contest .will be ploaed on July 3m and the decision announced by August 10th and 3 {RM to tho suc- cmsrul competitor will be given 0! two round trip tickqtn including meals and berth from Gollmgwood or Sarnia 'to Dututh. available any Lune dating this_ seuon. or for a trip next ytar on the new steamer itselt. ‘08”! IUIn up ‘ p‘m DU tuv Uuh . ccsstul competitor will be given 0!, While worth: in Maison Williams two round trip tickets including ttoundrm Moods: Mr. zWilliun Devin meals and berth from Gollmgwood or gmet with s serioua accident. LHe was Sarnia 'to Dututh. available any Luno'working'me of the machines when tell. with terrific during this_ seuon. or for a trip next. lthe chein broke and ytar on the how steamer itselt. [one on his back. The men's "beck A'l oommunioations should be 1.1- waunearly broken. but by droppfnz dressed to C. H. Nicholson. Traffic! he used the blow. snd thus» escaped Manner. Northern Navigation Go. lmore serious injury. ’ t ' . Sarnia. and envelope: marked "\nmn Contest." : i Had Hard Luck in Peterboro Two Girls Lost Horse through Death and had Unpleasant Experience Peterboro. They jogged along at a good pace for a while and then um.- iced lhat their steed mas becoming tut-d. About half past. twelve they arrived at the electric city but their we was Very in. A doctor‘ wen called but the horse was passed rezuv cry and he soon died. The girls were now up agaxnst it, but. they had their hone buried and then looked around fo- another to bring them home. â€"Pain will depart in exactly 20 minutes it one of Dr. Shoop’s Pink Pain Tablets is taken. Pain anywhere. Remember 1 Pain always mean: con- gestion. blood pressureâ€"nothinz else. Headache is blood pressure; toothache is blood pressure .on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Shoop’s Headache Tablets ~also called Pink Pain Tablets -â€" also called Pink Pain Tamasâ€"quick- ly and safely coax this blood pressure away from pain centres. Painful per- iods with women get instant relief. 20 tablets 256. Sold by all dealers. . They managed to secure another horse and yesterday afternoon that bzddiug good-bye to their friends they started for home. They unwed at a local ln'ery stable about. Sewn o'clock p. m. Obsequies of the Late Mt. Mulvihill Interment Took Pisa this Homing”- C.I.B.A. in Attenduce The body of lhe lnte Michael J. Muh-ihill was conveyed to its last resting place this an ruling with all the honors due to an exem- plary and highly respected citizen. During his Connection with the G.T.R. in this section be was noted for his cxoeptiomlly fine temper- uncut, and was looked upcn u n capable and pdmking oficial. The C.M.8.A., of which deceased uu n member, assembled a: his late residence. and uncompenied the body to St. Mary’s church. when: requiem mass was chanted by Rev. Rev. Fnhet Collins. At the canclmion of“ the sen-ices m portage proceeded to St. Hui: cemetery. Tl'me pdlbeugn were Messrs. Thos. Brady: John Fleur}; John McIntyre, D. Twoheyo 103. Lyde. Sam Ftechetle. sn excel- 1.65 In our Show fibâ€" IAIGMIC II I!" fill 0mm. Don’t Ila Till: Every pit of on: 85 Oxford: tolling st"... .......-.. Every pair 01 our 84 Oxford. tolling 3t Emy pd: ct out-O3 Oxfords tolling st 81.15 lop’ and um loot: for 1.25 It you could 300 than good: you wouldn't haiku I n to buy them. Boyt’ Dougoh. bluher boon, mud lather throughout, “1 31:00 1 :05. Regular $1.75 1 for Miuoo'l’atont Colt Blacker aoéu, g veritable mp, size: 11 to 2. 303111.? 81.75 for ................... 2William Davis the Victim of a Vet! Serious Accidcnt Back Nearly Broken by Severed Chain Hvsband and Son ICured ‘ . ' ; , ngwood. Victoria. . ’ Dear Sam-I live great pleasure in gnu,Kuwartln Luke: 5" "“th by Stating tlnt Zamâ€"Buk curod “U hus- the ,Grand Trunk RUIIWAY system. band of barber'q nah with twice Tourist tickets now on cold at very . . . low rates. Good ull aeuoh. Pull in- r' . I b 5 ' uobnng t ulna cured my little oy formation [rem any. Grnnd Trunk of a dreadfully bad arm utter no- . noket agent. . . _ . v .- cination. I know of several . other cures cit hum untreated and I cannot - -'~~ -._.. --- apcak too highly?! it. I am sure i! To fwnm ”mm! people once try Lt they. will agwaynsi .____ use it. Yours truly. R. SAVILLE. - Zuni-Burk is healing. soothing and: We! boners, mum mfm' antiseptic. It «quickly meals wounqs, all hill: of hm madman reputed. 5515.55.55.55“; 55555.. .555 .5 pm: . mm m. a... x e . a u l 5 5 . at SHEPHED'S A-.. stores. Fine New Yacht - ls Launched Ir. love of Pittsburg Christen: His New Bait and Take: [let to Stony Lake Mr. Adm Rowe. o! Pittsburg. launched [his new boat Thursdnyj an- ternoon It Baker .3: Bryan’s mill. The Yacht is one o! the most up-to-duhe boats on the wuers. having electric light nnd all! modern oonvemencea and was built by the Toronto Ga. Power a: Launch 00.. of Toronto. Mr. Rowe christened his boat the "Sarah Margaret." The yacht was taken to Stony, Lnke in the evening. Some Promotions in the Forty-fifth Interesting Information from Militia Gum] Note: ée§lox§"fou. 'no um the 0”" yoq bored to leak and tamill a: .dg” hbd on aver! web!" you “P"?! l7 Lax... ~ ' ' nconuou'b '0' A Iother's Praise of lam-But a: box. 3 for $1.26. :93 a... 000:. .10.. 93.1 530 >931?!“ No.05. OIIIQI”IOOO coo-oo- 5 1.25 ° 1.25 store for a day or two for marking down the 1 rrespoctive of the cost, our one aim being to c? I moment mod oolid 4.00 5 Inchm Huron. Lake of Bays, 1 ' Geomnn Bu. maven River. n end, anarths we: are reached by - the Grand Trunk Rulvnv system. B Tourist tickets now on aid at very low rates. Good elf oeuo'n Pull in- :7 formation Iron: any Grad Trunk '- ‘ 4 ‘ ticket agent. . I 8pm Ill! not Allow us to mm: a low of tho Many 3m pdoo ................................................. ..... ...... Mod Tun Rani: Cd! Oxfords. Goodyeu volt Regulu- 8150 for ................................................ thito Cum 0:10:41. Regular 81.50 Children'l Boob ad Slippers, size. 4 to 7, in back M chooohto, "gum 85°. 8.10 price ......... 111th: not: .01. Boots in rod or black, buttmd who“. ea. price ............................................. Italy for the Dollar Marjorie. aged nine had not been having very “ti-1301011. raulta from school. fie: tuber finally aid. “mt- jotio..tor the first hundred you get I'll give, you a debt.” Time went on 1nd tin reward could not be defined. On day the child 1n Icahn violent- 11.01. Her mutant-eat!“ the doc- tor. .Whon he had gone. Mum “ELAN-no. all I «it: ill!" 5 “No. dial: your tunnel-um h 9 little over. I. hundred. but the doc- not aim yal mu be a: right m afloat-o." -. r - ' t . : - Bails broke thronzh Mu-‘jorie' a tan- ' ' * t c “Nov. In;hl I can hue my dolo lat. Papl aid he would give it to ma I can,“ [at 3 hundred in any- thing.” - The Ingut Delinenton "you required zleeeee or Ind my trouble with you: eyee, ~onldn’t u tubergotoespeeisliuin Gain! on who header-ea by the lowing medial men! firm in whure we meet end so: result: crested The price of each excel- lent optima eetviee is very madame. 0600 open Sunday evenings; othor owning: by sppo Int-ant. Wouldn’t You 9. I. B. ANNIS. 0gb. D.. 099099099999909999: Eye Glasses MUM: Lanna who“. William-st. N.. Webster's old stud mw mm Colt Boots, regular 53-50- loo tho Ilacollumous Lab of Wm on Tablet, 250, 501:, 750 and $1.00 All Principal Tourist lam: Jam 8!! w about Sophum. my cum... and”. . ”DOWN READ UP la 7“ n».- ...... Bobaygoon......At 7 cs p.13. 3h 9'..- ....Chonou Put... chmpn. but 15 3.. ...... suction ...... hills 9... Hump.-....Wm....l.v 1009... WuWWth-Wa Mumnnammm ecu-awn“ points. ”Maucmtom from Peter- Uponhmollissgoodhmbun x on stem toudodon. 60 mm of this hub” summed, the muse binary-stun. Thumililsgoodeuy Punk. tender tor etch eopmte wodorftrvboth. Th high-t or my tender not accounti- 1, lOpauntonnotiMonof watt-laud huh-o. in so d1 gmmmu tor-:0:- putehuo o! the following lads nu PARCEL Lâ€"‘l'hcouthdtot Lot 18, htbolOthCoueo-dcnotlldon. PARCEL 2.â€"Tho south-cut gm of La 19 in the and 10!!! Conan“. o! MI“: I" m bod Ompfirg :bntom of udwood bush. Both proobm wound by as good running «an. “ENABLE {FOB SEASON 1908 EBTURION Tandem will be me. 'nd by the under- Iignod. the Landau": or of the nut-o o! the 3: Pour Quinn, up to ad includ- in: WMMOK mu 0t '0: lmâ€"wl. tho District Boprounutin‘ for Heinz:- mn Co , d'l‘oronto, in telling u mur- borohukon’ Wants, and will be ghdto unmet communicstiom, or cull penandly on thew widow a par- Organ Md Bowing Kuhn-u days in noel and be» of ntistution given «ch purchaser. M III! mm August an inclusive WWW.) Wâ€"Lv. 6.15 1.13.. arrive 8.15 pan. rantâ€"u. 7.15 L. . $2.6 9.5.. ¢ p... n 11.” .l..(.flp.n..7.ls pl. ‘0 5. p. W‘no “ .“'l 2'” ’.II.. hum-nu“ sup-"s.“ p.11. Pianos and Organs TRENT VALLEY IAVIBITIIII ! 00., UNITED. x If you SALE BY TENDER m of August. 1908, 2.7 5 2.7 5 m m dlssstlsflsd In any way With goods advortlssd as will gladly return your money. ‘ BUT dintof extra. efi'orts we have 80% ‘ 13;. our sack QUICKLY and SURELY m”; 8 810!!! II CANADA. 25C LINDSAY WWW“ Donal: Kid Blacker Boot-,simutoz. Rani-rails for ................. Little Goat’s PM Colt Blithe? "Boot; Inn 88010;. msmmwuu... _ Chiidru’s Strong Lace Boot: Regain 70 (warm... . . . m ‘ K13! post. LINDSAY. FRIDAY. my 2 Wm ln Trunks, tult m. Club an Ema" 76 it! Port Punt land AMWoflurgflm 1;? BEST QUALIT\ SALE TOOLS ‘Agents for the Lam"I Killing Mafiali Buy your Summer 5 here. We have the m of Paintings, Saint‘s“: and Serges. ‘ If you want to destroy the den ing bug and have good results i: I; turn for the energy expended on W potato crop get a Pure Paris Green ‘â€" and in ; high mm of “1‘11”" building-u This hm 1‘ 1 ms. rod .bouz m nil-0"" ny. armor WOW will”. of known quality. We have I d Berger’s English Green, the vorld’a standard in quality, in we sell as cheap as the ordinuy 33L or3for $100. Also we hunk remedies as Bug Death Km In Berdoaux Mixture These in addition to killing the u have a remarkable efl’ect in m the gtqwth of Mates. etc., forinsects in bushes mesa" pluits and information regardmam above, gratis at DUNOON’S LGIDWARDSW BiUESTOXE, for sprayingto ii, Mustard etc, 15c lb. Insect Powder Helm Whale Oll soap Am This Sale and sum; 207: to 30" on Your PM Farm A for 33" 30 Days Lowest Prices 05M “5), W1 mph M flo'price' sizesStalo. “.750 AN 011% 2m Ful MUM LII-t “on: 1V Ache! I'll

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