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Lindsay Post (1907), 24 Jul 1908, p. 6

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feterboro Lady Fell‘ Into Well Agent Canada Life Assurance us». 00000 For Lindsay and Victoria County. 000000000000000000000000 4â€"__# 0‘038'6‘4 0000000000000 Exciting Experience . , ‘ __ . .. ‘ By the capsizing d! the canoe from 1 .'7 .â€" 1 'Mts. Wm. Thompson, of Peterboro which filmy. .were trawling. Joseph had an hexpe “16th 1‘3“ t Saturday ‘ Mo'ieud bl: Lakefield was drowned. which s e wil no soon orget. S e a . a . , V had taken some butter from a woo-land Ins mm’ Harry. DM' f1 man at the d001- aud had gone out the some "113899 almost flat lhifl hie ‘ infotbe Otdnebee River. between” dam: to the shed to put It In the .retngem- 0n the way back to the kitchen r and 2 about: 3 o'clock ‘8an new flpefinfhgooofiera gum“: (3);:le Eng. Irhe two men. .wh‘d’ were great a 1, . . reached for them, unending to use chums. 1?“ Lakeheld ftezggrr' as then: m lightang the fire. It appears 3,“, mile” an. an. pa some that at the pout ,where the shavings 3’1”)“ W? the nver ”he“ " were lymg there was an abandoned mnge was banked Mp“ up “rm mm which had been partly filled inlmm side 6: the canoe t when the house was built. The work- . ° " _ e men however. thinking that it would I“: and the sudden motement capsu‘ .zke to much earth to comptetcly‘ 15“) the [mafia-“v ““1118 "1% two {.11 the wellâ€"which is about 30 feet men smashing m the “few deepâ€"had laid three loge lengtlm-isel Didi: “'3: :ble to swan 3 llttfe. across the hole at about 51: feet from Wh‘ e. 0119 I new nothing “M“V" the top, and after covering these with ‘ away? art. . gnu! ht: canoe npr set. - ge-ejhout to ' ’ companion brush had filled in the remaining | , -4... “.44. ”mg making aseem-‘g “thong on to the boat. but Mofiefl "‘ â€"4|--2 MIA nf tho ca. tor. space with earth thus making a 3' 1:1eg wand piece of ground. . When Mrs. Thompson yeachea Luau Lu "Oâ€""_° ' that at the 1'90mt “he“ the “film tinge was hooked am! PM “9 dose were 15mg them “3 “n ”mm”? m the side o! the boot. Batu leaned‘ well which had been partly filled m MW side of the canoe to a- c When the house was built- The “ml-k- I lie): md the sudden movement “Psi" men however. thinking that It would ed) the (nail craft. 16131118 thfi two .2he to much earth to comp‘etcly‘ ‘m-n snugglin-zvin the watch” " ml the wellâ€"which is about 30 feet We was able to swim a littfe. éP‘P‘h‘d “id ”me 1°38 lengthmse ' while Monet: knew nothing whatever. across the hole at about. six feet tron) boufi the art. Men the m up: the top, and after covering these VYt-Jx ‘ :ct Dodge shunted to his companion brush had filled in the fireman” ,u u,- ‘wmg on 'to the boat. but Moxie-u space with W“ ”1‘“ mm“ “gem. “own he grabbed hold of the caâ€" mgxy gonna piece of ground. . now [was too badly] frightened to do . When Mrs. Thompson reached for‘ n {hingflto 'help himself. .'He at- the shavings, however. the 3’0?!“ P: y ted‘ to seize D0639 several: times gave way and she dl‘OPPed out of 3‘31!” eunp ‘1 tt 1' did all) he could to u.“- fnn? went dawn in between two . an“ {11.2 a (in; ah- unfnrtuna‘te gave way and she dropped 01 Her feet yvent down in bet‘ of the logs and for some t was great danger of her drc entire thirty feet. If she so she would have lost her srdes ot the well were cavin: and would soon have smoth Luckily the two logs were mough together to catch her warst and prevent her from that. As she (cit the earl way she screamed several tunes. Her cnes were heard by. ‘Miss Steele, a tramed nurse who is staying at the house and who happened to be passmg through the kxtchen at the time and she hastened to her asststance.Ru34- luring at once that there .was no time 5.) be lost m rescuing Mrs. Thompson from her perifous positron she rushed to the street and brought two men who were passmg at the time, into the house. - ~â€" mL- _ The two men grasped Mrs. Thomp- son’s arms and tncd to pull her out The earth trom the \suies of the’ wen had by ths time however,. settled closcxy around her armplts and the; were una‘u‘e to do so. Fmally a rope was procured whlch on being fasten- ed around Mrs. Thompson’s warst,en- abled them to rescue her. from be dangerous .posrtion. . When seen Monday Mrs. Thompson was 1.» a very nervous condition, her ternble experience havmg complete- ly upset her. Besides she is Beret-u ely hrmsed about the lower parts of the body and has a schre cut m the etde of her head! I . W'mle very painful her Injuries are not considered serious and Mrs 'Ihom'p pson expects to be fully recovered m a few daye. “ I llo clalm Ilas Boon contact“ record of sixty years of honorable dealing, during which per- 8115 For EM $100 Full! ln.â€"The Canada Life since its inception has paid or credited to its policy-holders $115.00 for ' ' conclusive evidence'lof successful management- m: CANADA 1le Assumct g0. Wm. Thomson ”Ms "“ Thin Coverint and has “1 Exciting Experience THE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance m force Assets Income...... Surplus .................. mum 1mg. . L. McLea‘n,~ Agent Showing large increases i g on o .0000. 00' for some tme were 1' of her dropping the :t. If she had done re lost her life asthe were caving inwards have smothered her. logs were close on- o catch her about the 1t her from going tut It the earth ngiag ASSURANCE COMPANY sped Mrs. ThomP' d to pull her out .‘smes of the’ wen OF CANADA. powooooVQOO JUL 0|. 515:“. l --â€"â€"r -- tween two anti the iatter did all] he could to} time there save (hum, but the unfortunatej 'opping the young man let go his hold and sank? had done The upset of the canoe was miti- ' life asthe passed; by a number of PeterborOIgh lg inwards peopln who were driving past the hered her. szcnc. 'Among them was Isaac N. : close en- Watséngz‘who was driving a party: to r about the Lake-hem. .thn the canoe upset he 3 going 1‘" | lost no time in going to the rescue. rth 817103 Stnppinglpff his clothes the plucky “1395- 11’3" I Young unan plunged into the , .rivcr Steel": a ' and. swam out to where Dodge was nng 3‘ 5‘": cliuzing to the capsized canoe. Mog- ’ be WWN‘S 1er had disappeared in the meantime. *8 time and but {Watson succeeded in catching stauce- Ry!" hold} of the canoe and humid to the ’35 no t'm°|shore¢.draggting the boat after him. ' Thompson A: party of Peterborough men who she r “in“! I were dr-iVin-g past at the time hurried L two m?" ; down to: Dam No; 2 where they, ‘pro- tlm" into cured a punt and hastened back again ibutDodge was out of danger. then. CONCERNI’N Gâ€" R. WIDDESS, $20,001,462 3,392,597 760,403 201.579 m3. 1896. Joseph Molieff Was Drowned hkcfield Tragedy Resulting from Up- setting of Canoe W'atsoa- dressed himself hurriedly and. drove the curvivor of the acci- dcnu Ento Lakeficld and :gave the aza‘rm. LA large number of. peopfie has- tcned Ito the scene and men were soon :9. tworrk with boat's and grap- pling irons searching for the body. which" however. had not been [09nd 'yL-sterdayunoi'nin-g. - . Thq [young man who 'was drowned Wars :23 years of age. unmarried, and exam ifrom Trenton. It was the sec- ond: season in which he _had worked fort vthe Cavendish Lumber Company. and fee was a general [Write in the vi‘lagep . :. g l.-â€"The Canada 'The_ Canada Life since its spolicy-holders $115.00 for is conclusive evidencelof in the business of Assurance Co. $44,199,955 9.296.692 1.956.519 954.001 1905. Life has a 10mm. from The Work is ' Going Rapidly °“ Mr. The «work of reconstructing' Mr. Caxew's saw mfll is going on space ad has already assumed an appear- ance almost at confilebion. \ a Mt.~ D. Gage. who is erecting the. new mill and Who drew the plans [or it. has already built eighty-tour such structures and may very reasonably be deemed an expert in this class of work. and it is underqtood the“; this wi-l be one o: the best in'the province - ~ uâ€"«anm. mum: some 300 The full term Of Canada’s greateetl chain at modern. high-grade. actual} busineea schools. located in the town!‘ of Clinton. Goderich. Winaham‘ Walkâ€" erton and Ormeeville. and the city of Peterborou will open on the lat o! HIE TORTURES WOMEN SUPPER Cm be Relieved by Keeping the Bleed Supply Rich with Dr. Willims' Pink Pills A woman needs a. blood. unuamg medicine regain-1y, just bectuse she is a woman. From mntnrity bomlddlc Me, the henlth and happiness oi ev- ery 303mm depends upon her blood. its richness. and its regularity. It ,,_L -_.. ua . .v...--V_, her bzood supply. 13 poor and watery she :3 weak and languid. pale andner tvou'r. If her blood supply“, is inzuhr nee Butler: [M headaches bachaches sldeac'hes and. other unspeakabm dia- tress which only wornen know, Some women have szn to expect this sale fcrinz at regular intervals, and to tear it in hOpeless silence. But wom- cn «on d (nape much of this: misen’ it they 103k a. box or two of Dr. Wil- liams.“f'ink Bills to help them ov-yr the critical period. These pills actual- ly make new blood. They help a wom- an just when nature makes the est demand upon her blood; They have done tins [or thous won-an, throughout Canada. w for you? iGood Man Goes ‘ to Peterboro -v- 4 Mrs. .105. Kinney. Unbert’s 03m. N. b.., sumâ€""For ten years I eul- (cred [tom nervousness and those troubles which make the lives of so many “Omen one of almost constant wisely. .11. times 1 would be confin- ed to my bed for weeks» [spent {sleepless menus and seemed to lone all courage. I tried several doctors but ll.cy failed to give me anyreliut The last doctor 1 consulted told me frankly um: he could not undertake my case unless I would undergo an examination. It was then 1 dec‘dwl to 31w. Dr. Willmms’ Pink Pulls a nun. Alter taking SIX boxes ! was much implored in neullh, but 1 son- tmucd to take the pills [or a mupio of months more when I felt like a new woman, ambwas enjoying such health as 1 had not experienced for . ten yes rs before. I had no return of this trouble since. but I have used the pills once since that tune for tho after effects of. an and: 9:2 I.. grippe and the result was all I hoped Jot. tlhese are plum [acts from my own cApclxcuoc and I have always (a: \hat I cannon too'strougfy ream:- mend Dr. leliams' P nk Pills :0 me many .Xounn “ho suitor as I dii You can get these pills from any c‘uler in medicmc or by mud at 50 cents a‘box or .311: boxgs [or $3.50 Item The Dr. Williams' Mcdncin-e 00.. Brocktulc, Out. It. Cornish has been Appointed on the Staff of the Normal School Mr»: Comic}: for the last six years hubeen science master in Lindsey Coueziate Institute. and W?“ be greyh- ly‘ missed from the start of that echooh He has plwavs been regarded at! a friend at the scholars and amt: on; the Students there will be 8 MM thatgwfllbewbq‘mfij' ( l w I The. {fiends of Mr. Geo; A. Cornish “ill be glad to learn of hiQ'appoinu- ment Ito the 'Peterboro Normal school. Mr. Cornish ’has alwsya been" an en- ergetic chm-ch worker and sime oom- ing to Lindsa‘r has been an skier in st‘ uAndrew's Church and also super- CareV's Hill is Rapidly Karin: ’ Completion . , q . ., m on account 0! the ram. Bun-I is being made omt'he whole. and Gage expects to have the 1m;- A Worthy Link in their. ‘work (or of the rain. 800d :r blood; supply- [or thousand-10f Canada. why 110‘ building intendenti ”t that. church. Thqfiofller teachers XormahSchool are D principal»; 5- J. Key! Pa’x‘k.‘! I 5‘ ‘ The people 6! Lindsay extend their hearticst :oongratulations to Mr. Cornisb'rand are glad to se'e that high abilitiesbaVe been recognized ‘07 the department."emc Post extends ‘ixts Mr; Cornish the greatest measure of success fin 11;: new field of labqr. IL_IPeterbom must hive that Nor- _._,_I --L4..J “â€"- tmn hut liVe them 02 our. ‘best- IL‘ {Peterboro must. nave mu! ,school we can but a THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED STALLION the Import-.1 stallion From Austria. 0! the celebrated Pingan breed. wui: in mmewhu: similar: to the lithium broad. but considered by an .100 horsemen in the country where n was bred. to be en improvemento that famous breed. Will stand !0 meta: in Lindsay. durum the ecuo o! “SALZBURG” A.- the xenon n wen “v and the horse has been a 10 on tne voyage to Canadaâ€"ti -h-' wi'l nerve. only a. limit: her 0‘. mam. The pm U: will be very cheap as ha in this district. 1'0 insura $12. be set-n ut any tune in my but 8 Melbourne-at. south mrd. weighed on his arrival at. 31 1.570. \ “Salzburg” is a some bay. with black pO' be seen u my mac ° 8 Melboulne-at, pond: mxd. weighed on his arrival at. noun-.1! 1.570. ~ "Salsbnrg" is a hand- some b8Y. With black paints. thn'ls 16 1-2 hands high; very mammar- herny. hatd flat bone. with clean bow. Wt hairy legged. the best. of (eat. and bone. He 15 .1 straight :nOVer, mth good action. and in no wfiy resembles the Clydesdale horse. ‘ ~- Luz-"no head and neck Hot weather‘Toggery for Men and Boys. This store 1 want the latest creations inâ€" '7 This hérso Rut in Boswell. of Quebe" ‘ thorough bong“??? WAWOM Wanna-w" A v a much tut-tuned 811- ' man, and while in AW“ m. hem. heaving ‘1 breeds to be‘ one of m of horses in‘ the worm- The property at Hats Caps smrt Underwear Collars Suspenders Gloves Wu Bathing Suits Handk The well known Progress Brand Suits $7.50 tq $15.00 20m Century Brand Suits $15.00 to $25.00 To get good value for one’s money should be one of the It’s not so much yvhat you pay as what you get for you . J. CARTER9 -" LINDSAY, ONT. the Sunday school “‘1 SUMMER TERM Kim}: u?- H'3 c I! was in my “mks" his uni?“ “ “mm hut osidered by an goo: the country where he be an improvement «'1 breed. Will stand tor r1mm dunnn the scum- Successful ShOpping 1 in well athnczz-l. m been a long Liam! to Canadaâ€"ti: Waco only 3 limited 1mm The pm this vau- mnn as ha i!- ggw m w. A. WEESE ”mm“ «Linda! I {it w 8"" m"‘ imported by ur' . city. vho " ' 'n at ‘ deder. Ba mi rat! with! Amman as!“ g the Austrian .0 oh. best brawls Shirts Sweaters Pyjamas Night Shirts Collars Stocks Neckwear Hosiery oves Wash Vests Umbrellas Walking Sticks :3 Handk’fs Wash Blouses Duck Trousers hm. July om. Indivilnsl instruction, nip-We cont-u, excellent ro-ulu ob- ; mined st the I m MC“ ms COLLEGE S Y. K. C. A. Building. Toronto. " Oldest ‘: sad But." Write for analogue. The executor: of the state of the lite Dnvid King otter to: solo by tender the north but of lot No.21 m the 10th concession otxhc town- ship of unripe“. contdnlnc by camounremt 100 um max-cor Ian. Soil. 390d filyuloun in a. n 5,, Solicitors for William Penn Kinz. William Hayes Webster and {mu Winnitred King. executors and trun- Iees of the estate of Dnvid King. accented. Ista- of th- 'lownsh‘p o! Eldon, County of Victoria, widow. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant to R'. S. 0. 1897. Chapter 129, that. all creditors or other: having claims against the estate . or the said Cuthcrine McEwhern. who died on 9r about the twenty-fourth day of Jane 1908. are regained on or before Ta send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. McLaughlin Peel Fulton. of Lindsay. unit. Jan-see snd full pn ticulu'a .0! (hair chins tad state- ment at their account. Twenty-firth day of Jn)y, 1908, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE flat after such dnte the undersign- ed will owed to distribute the. as- sets of the flw upon; thd par: u‘vâ€" 'â€" tu-e entitled thereto. having regard only to the chin. ot which they .11.]! can name had ndice.‘ Ind: the] mil :1": be-li.ble tor the aid “ecu or any part thereof .to any per-an or pcraons \g'hogc‘ noboe shall not. have , A‘ __.. _.I. AL; LP_‘ -- '1 -â€"vâ€"â€" - been received by than It the time of said (Ix-tribunal. Dated at Huhy flail 27th day of Jane. A. 1).. 1908. McLAUGHLIN. PEEL '8: FULTON. Solicitors for John 1". Boos. tad George MuFu‘land. executors a! white of Donald Mohchem. de- The not 1:11! of Lot Number 18 in the Round Cor cation, of the Township at E‘dcn in the County of Victor-h, 100“!“ more“)... Onthefnmmnidto be 3 good ham house. 3 but bun 40:60 hot-o uni mule “.3qu 28:60. Wow- vfllo um: miles notth. Tern: cash. I'm: sold tn wind up an estate. Sealed tendcn will be received we uderdgnod’np to Nonnber 6th, good etete oi cultivation well tenc- ed and (once: 111 good condition. .‘l'here ere on and lends a frame dwelhnz one end one nut stories high. 84 x in end 1 Rune kitchen 18 x 22 e (rune heroes x Btwith stone tonndltion end stable: under- nuth. 3 pic pal. shoe) boom and gooeehonu.Igood walkout! e yonn¢ orchard o! ebout one acre The building. ere In good repair. Stunted 1 1-2 miles from Cam- bny union on the Grand Trunk Reilmy system. 7 miles from had- any and 4 miles from Oekwood end conunient to oohool end chm-3h.” Executors’ Sale of Valuable Farm W, B. OBKISTON, Um, Ont, Soueitcr tor Eyecuton Ms B. 'Ahuhun. Goo. A. Manhunt Lewis Comm, henna, Uxbridge, Ont ‘vu- vv-uwâ€"v 'v --_- Tenders (or, the 'purchsso of aid lands addressed to Stewart .1: 0'- Connor. Lindsay and markcd‘Ten- der re King" will he receired up to 21-: July. 1908. The purchaser shall pay one- tenth o! the purchase money im- midiately upon being notified ot the acceptance of his tender and tar reminder in one month there- after without interest. There will be a reserved price. The Vendors will not be obligcd to supply any deed: or abstracts. or copies of name. other than those in then: pogmsion. . E'ic'me underiigned. STEWART a oooxxorz "for {\{r'tvliufbnrticuhn apply to W. P. King. or W. H. \Vobsler. or Miss C. W. King. ngwood P. 1). THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE HOEAOHEBI EXECUTORS' SALE Dated the 24th day of June, 1908 oeued. IN THE MATI'ER OF‘ get for your money 3 Suit or Top Coat. is the right place to come if you ham FOB SALE â€" Second hand binder in goodrepair. Will be sold cheap. or will exohtnge for hm stock. Apply to June Carley. west end of Kent- .too “NJ-V2- TEACHER WANTED â€" for S. S. .‘19 1. 0am, .(mle preferred) dutie; 'to commence “in midsummer holi- days. Apply to Henry J. Johnsmn sec-treat. Vankoughnet, DBLâ€"W} WANTED 1'0 RENTâ€"A (arm from 50 to 100 acres. must be good land. ood well. and convenient to town of Lmduy preferred. Apply 10600. A. Slugsctt, Cambny, 0nt.â€"d [W3 IEACHER WANTEDâ€"$000!“! ‘Jlifl . prdreuionnl (or the U. S. 8. Yo. 21. )lnripon. duties to begin an»: bounzys. Apply stating salary LE Bum: flea-treat... Yulenu: P. 0. TEACHER WANTED â€" 'A Qualified umber waited to: 8. S. No. 9 Paula: (or: balance of yen. Dutie- to commence mag. 17. But: “hr! expected and give relax-en! 0.. Apply to A. McKenzie, gee. Ina... Gleam P. O. (htâ€"'- dint. FOB BALE- Lot 16. con. 3. Op: cou- main; 99 acres more or lens. the property of Wfllim H. Shine. a‘ntuâ€" FOR SALE â€"- 94 acre :nm for tale. It 1113!. in the towna'nxp of Fea- clon. good log house, partly plas- tered and partly boarded inside New frame bun 50 x 65. with Iztone wall uld Mafia. extra Well finish- ed. Close to school and blacksmith shop. 6 miles from Cambmy Sta!» tim. Cameron and Gray Hill. 4 India from Cmbmy. 3 miles from Gianna. Wild be sold cheap and on good m. Want «to an at woe. AppLy to Elk: Bowen. W W agent. Lindsayâ€"Wu. FARM FOR SALE â€" One at the but located farms in the township of Emily. conttining 100 Acres. bev- ‘ ins composed o! ”nth half of lot No. 11 in the 10th concession of Emily. Eight: acres in under cul- tintion. the balance being pasture. Inc buildings are 3061!. consisting of 1 ten room name mouse. with cellar: 1nd cistern. [rune barn and drive house. etc. There are three We“: on the premises. The proper» ty is situuted a mild and‘: half from the viiltge of __!Downeyville. FOR SALE -â€" 'Wcst halt 10:5 13 and 20. mansion 3. Fendon. 200 cams. more or. loan. shout 90 acres under bulfintion. 20 tore: pasture aninder mixed timber. elem-in: well famed with «(hr rails. good thy loam. wall file drained snd w tered h! neverâ€"failing spring. Or- and. median hum. good “all uni cistern. Fume bnm 30: (1. Run 21:50. Stone humane. Con- veniently a?!“ with urine wa- :a. good via: shod sod paltry bongo. Sith 90 mgin raga. ch99! mixes. PARCEL NO 2. â€" Eat-Ii half 23. con. 1. Echelon. nbout 107 bores. 4o ‘3?“ chard. 16 acres pasture. half ‘ am Well timbored. spring creek; Bltutbd limilu' 19 parcel No. 1. Ap- Pl! to B. A. SMITHSOM Box 51'. leum. 0nt.â€"w3. PURPLE HILL FARM FOR SALEâ€" . ”mom tum in township of Curb» wright. Eat 1-2 100 5. con. 2. [mane 110er (ml wood shed. 'ato'nc wall under kitchen; {rune barn 36:104. hen house attach; . 16x20. new ’ stone wall undel‘. QM; subfe new lat summen; 2 new cement. ms- urnl. 1 under barn. 1 outside [or ' thxahing. new cave troughs on ban: this summer; one good well '31:): hair iron pump; schod and ' office join (arm; telephone in : . 0.3 15 [-2 mam {rancher-ch; l ‘ nil: eohw mm': 4 mites to Black;- M. your miles to' Burketon . Inflation; good uin~ elev'ator drug; 7 unite. to on Pet-11; or- , om baiting. tho entrants. goose hands. 1 dos. young fruit trees set ’0‘.an tonsil aabuyer‘ando 1 PW in an“); you! phoe [or ' M1 we. 0| Chock, implements . out turning-e will be sold. '_ Pu?” ‘pnicuhrb :9” to mimgq.m Paulie :_.E§LMD¢aâ€"Jr2noubq ;_ . ‘ , Cnl.â€"-w4. , _.,,, «ad on the Little Britain road. Three mile- from the town at Lind- m.-All elected. Good frame house with fimâ€"chu Oellar and wood- Ihcd. Good lqz barn and cable: Good (nine driving bed and bog pen. Land a. clay loam. well (raced. Good well. orchnrd. For further particulars apply .Ito Elias Bowen. real estate agent. Lindsay.â€"wtf. We“: on the premises. The proper» ty is situuted a mild and‘: half from the viihge of Dowmyviuc. and than the ume‘diatnnce (tom chase factory. For further parti- cuhm apply to Mrs. Elev O‘Brien. Downeyville.â€"wtf. ~ 53331235}: Shut-ch. daily nail. ‘olephm and Blacksmith. two fiiSCELMNEO US our definition of a mu! mama rnmu‘ FARM IO RENT â€" as the Oxby Drop in concession 3 a: good buildinsfi V mill on barn. plel mm; to church “story. For fart! PU “L". F Cm, ' 7; “~18. of 1:: 23_ a. = 10:! fig“ 100.‘ z: ,7 the l , kn“ gfilgwmg h “pm: (10110.8 ”m m. ' mud _ . g , and Full 8 «at F" m Petunia: given a a; ,, MMalsn :pp on flu or u u. Boprd'sm p- 10 ACRE Fékk'lyl FOB SAM-m con. 1 , omhlp' of g M of Alex Numt m‘L W home.th hm“ hon school, 3 miles from Mb ”I, Sm. Pest omen, m. 10 mile. tron Lind-3y. Boldnnhj a flu proprietor want: it cold Huh return :1? bath Soil. rim-I. In . or at pad , g HAS BOWES, real emu £13. Lot 22. Can. 14. 1‘0me d flu (one home, good hm: on all H 6031. with blxng; mull avail. I dtivirg sh . never-{filing upwind drained .td fenced, con venienmfl about two miiea from thfi wrivinph of Omningtcn. where there it Id gain and stuck muket; sail I eh} h or {who punk-ulna tpgly to M BOWES, Bed Estate Ag! . find-y. RM FOR 8A1 tam. 75 cloth W. balance 1 wood. Frame :nd good {rune house: m towed and “tend by ‘ One mile from school :1. mike from Ling Bri‘am pot: Satin:- ‘3“! “9 with interest at 4 per! nun apply mE EU Agent, Linda) can wells st bum “‘1 ”W allow 50 acxes “n m 1.6" acres Wheat 9nd Ont mi abbot 3311 WI had, 110 mum 8‘ Survey! of :11 amnpwv' -7 includbg Drain-8° “ “h THE ARI FOB SAMEâ€"100mm MISCELLJNEOUS OAVANA 8!- 1‘ FOR SALEâ€"Ben] M H.- mm}. LAM of huf- 92 film ~ éOWBS. SLIP? Mr Mr €011 Mr. and

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