English run. 83in Long. ifor a. Short Dto the tron: Put In: it or and ï¬e" .’oet saw Longboat Net 1119 5h“: announc- Lerioans pm: a that Du; the stadium led MM. ,partu the Mal. and OOOOCO 5615‘"â€" at great J .1 when! most re 009009- 1e said 133‘ ‘Hx re‘ 1â€ij QUEBEC comm 009.900.9000 “ R()Chester........o..o-.......Urinal,n: .â€" ' ‘7 .49 m Leave Charlotte . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .bept -, 11 p 3 ‘ 1 ' ‘ ..'et3 am Arnve'loronto......... ..... Sp ,7 a 4 4 Western BWN N0 U N GEMENT “timed by Act of Parliament 1832. m. am, with its 123 brunch" Ind Win Cumin, United Sum Sid 8"“ Brim, is in 3 position honest â€W nquirement in the line of legiti- “dunking Sayings Department. [ II Ir! UI' um. --....-____ ‘M% “.5130 and upwards raceived. : PI er In med h mporeat will b. psid oreo m n“ , . “Inn: 1'22?me a. your, st the highest mmuahng mg“ 0'29}; . romdm - '0 it run in mate “maul. a of. depont so by notice. All goods manufactured by .Farmers’ Business must be “represeuted. ~ PRICE VOTES. on to Evening Post, two year: $6.00 5,000 subscripti saï¬cription to Evening Post. one year 3.00 2,000 subscription to Evening Post. 6 months 1.50' 800 Subscription to Evening Post. 3 months. 75 300 'ption to Evening Post,2' months 50 180 ’ tion to Evening Post, 1 month 25 80 'ption to Weekly Post, 1 year. . 1.00 800 Subscription to Weekly Post, 2 years.. 2.00 I 2,000 ‘on to Weekly Post, 3 years.. 3.00 5,000 ï¬nscriptl Subscription to Weekly Post, 5 years... 5.00 10,000 All subscriptions must be paid in advance. prices apply to papers delivered by carriers in the town or sent by mail direct. ' Farmers’ Business “001"†Wild sttention in the line 0‘ 4““8 or collecting sale now. mkiv-g ““18 the purchase of awoken, oh. Following is the programme who will enjoy The Post Great F are contestants will do well to on for future reference :â€" Leave Lindsay ............ Arrive Toronto ........... Leave Toronto ........... Arrive Charlotte. and do th Leave Charlotte ......... Arrive Kingston .......... Leave Kingston .......... In any Subscriptions may be taken anywuuru United States or Canada. Cmdidates are not baund mthein own district ; take them anywhere. Arrive Prescott ............;Au Leave Prescott on observation str. Arrive Montreal WWA LeaveMontreal ............... Arrive Quebec ......... ..A' In Iolicitin w can 3 our patronize 0 “mm. You of zothous Went Ind. ; sumac. myou: business-equa- Lave Quech Arrive Mentreal ..... . . . have Montreal ......... Arl'ive Prescott. . . ...... Leave Prescott ...... Arrive Charlotte ..... “:8. THOMPSON, Manager LITTLE BRITAIN Value of Subscription Ballots. TIME TABLE TABLE 0!“ DOUBLE VALUES. LINDSAY, (FRIDAY JULY 3 Parry to Ogdensburg, N .Y) RETURNING be taken anywhere in the ........ August 27th. 9 am. . . . August 27th, 11 55 am. ........ August 27th, 3 p.m. the Beach ..Aug. 9.15 pm. ....... August 27th, 11 p m ........ August 28th, 5 a. m aims for the young ladies at Free Trip. Those who to cut this out and save it .August 28th. 10.15 am. str. Aug. 28th. 10 15 3.111. . . August 28th, 6.30 pm. ..... August 28th. 7 pm. . .August. 29th, 630 a.m. To Con victors and Parties who intend Building. On: many ha been rebuilt. anal eq po-t with modern, up-to-dnto wood-wax ing machinery. .L.,_ .- t...:-l. .1] Eh In; “Mill-un- J - We as in a position '0 furnish all kinds of Dru-ed and Rough Lumber for buildmg Ofï¬ce and yud East side Wemn . bridge. Phone 47. gton at KENNEDY 8L DAVIS MILLING Co. Ltd. w. msnufsctnfe D0053. , , ,Aug 29th 6 p m , “ 30th. 7 a m -‘ 31, R? noon ....Sept. 1st, 7am ...Sept1,1155am ..Septl, 10. 30pm .. .Septl, 11pm ..Sept2 M1145pm ...... Sept'Â¥, 7am The Post : Fairness, Is. Satis- \idO Wellington-at and equi- mod-work- ourselves Returned from Winnipeg Fair Hr. Richard Sylvester has Got Back ' from Western Exhibition Mr. Rxchard Sylvester, i’residcnt of the Sylvester Manufacturing Co..'c- turned on ’Ilmrsday from abuï¬ncss trip to tht: west. While in Widn‘peg .Mr. Sylvester attended the Westr'rn Ez‘ul'itiou. which has just cbudin that clty and speaks very highiy of 1t: success, the which shows how. rap- :3": ma surely is the advancement o! Ez‘ul'ition. wlucn nas Juan up.-." that cxty and speaks Very high!.;- of It! anccess, the which shows hOW. tap- rid'y and surely: is the advancement o! the .west. ' . Mr. Sylvester": firm were exhibit- .ag one of their automobile threshing outï¬ts. and he was pleased to ob- sene the eagerness the westerners displayed for the machine. which was surroundcd during the exhib‘ciun with crowds of interested farmers all oi whom say it/ls just what they in :e been lookmg {or and will save them thousands of donuts in handling the A telegram was sent to the I1lt.-.r |company at Philadelphia. to see win: the ext-ta cost would be for a filter that would contain one and a halt ‘ymllioxn gallons instead of a lelinn gallons. 'lhe contract was then mad crop l housam ln‘ speaking of the western cum prospects Mr. Sylvester said the was- tcrr-ers are very confident of agoz-d yield and the rain on Wednesday has bran of incalculable vain: to the ma- turmg crop. and approved. ThaFilter Contract 18 Approved Fishing is Fair at Sturgeon Point Stewart Flmlle Hurts His Foot- Movements of the lovers The: (fishing lady has been my fair; [@lthoug'h a few 306d catches have. been made. Mr. Charlie Reeves has succeeded in landing mm a dozen ‘lunge in the last couple or due. some going nearly ten pounds. Yesterday Arthurnnnd Eric SteWart caught a beautiful. rten pound fish and Bruce Hopkina {and party came ‘in with eleven ibass end one ’Iunge. “ On!’1‘uesday evening Stewart Fla- velleé Quad the misfortune to step on‘ a"!rusty nail. which penetrated deep- ly; and has oame‘d a very sill-e foot. A'nnail in a board at the landing place did the harm as he was step- ping; pn Me from the launch. Mr.:;'17hos. Stewart and family‘ ieft {or {Lake Simcoe 'this morning' in theixflaunch for a few days’ holiday. The! return trip wilI likely. be made next Saturday. - - - A {party of four young men arrived ar the Point last. night; from East- ings! ,in their launch. Midget. The) wili‘ spend some time before return- mgfmume. (. - x ' Peterboro The Ruling Price was Elma and 1km- quarter Cents / The. {ruling-price was 11 3-4 at Pc- u :boro Wednesday with severanc- ies going at 11 11-1664 ‘. e A! iota! 0! 4,413 boxes was offered for «sale as compared with 4.874 box- es at’ m last sale on: July 8th. There, was a large‘ attendance 0! buyers and ‘salesmen. ' Mr. (Took opened the bidding ‘ at 11-“ 6-160» which was advanced to 31 1-4c. by Mr. Gunn. Mr. Fitzgerald first raiSed to 11 3-864 'and then to 11 1-20., when his first ofller was on third. ., Mr}. Gillespie otterea 11 9-160. and‘ Mr .Gunn bid 11 5-80. Mr. Gillespiei 1 bid :11 946%, and Mr! Fittgerald rah; odzfit to 11 34c. There being no id» 7‘va yMr. Fingerald called the. ,boarw‘and secured the following f“. tories; Wgrminater. Eat Emil." Bel- gtort'piad 0mm Union. . . .' ' Mr.‘ Gum: ' id 11 3-40. and «cured D3†I?" own", MW†Bristle, Cheese Board Shamrock! .nnd Killarney. DIP. Gillespie made the 33mg 'bzd' II 3-4c.. and calicd watWOOG. Nilliers Centrd mum}: and Keene. ‘ . Mr} Gillespie offered ’11 mm. for furhtett selct-ions and called Shearer. Selwyn.-'rrewcrn. Warsaw King Ed- wanh Myrtle and 09d!“ Dale. ‘ M1. Kerr olfered 11 3-46. (or the‘ balance 10! the board and the loIlow-’ ï¬ne. .wld; Lakeï¬exdo Pine Gme' I Maple Leaf. Young"a Pint. CnVan- “He. Crown. FleetWQQd L303 Fras- erville.‘ gNorth Bummer end oilidgle. On†MnKerr remains to take South Burleigh. .Btony lake "Id 083198! on rectoryl inspection. Mr. Cook protest- ed is already detailed. The three taco - 7â€"' '- â€"-..Hmpd di dn't .elt, #_, D On' MnKerr remains to Burlcigh.‘stony lake and fmtoryl inspection. Mr. 0 ed as already detailed. Th toxic“ mentioned di dmt St. Paul’s Sunday ' School Games The Winners in the Various Athlctic Events Ownng lo lack 0: time and the uttraetiona of the city the Various races were not contcSted at. the SL Patti’s Sunday school excursion to .Petctboro. a few weeks ago. but were postponed until a. more cochrzum‘.‘ time. .Ihuraday was the date [mulls decided upon and the boys and girh Were on hand in goodly number: to gin.- cvidenee 0! their athletic abuiz) The wumers o! the races were as ‘ follows; Grrn under seven yarnâ€"lat Army A Petition has been Signed Requesting that One be Built A Government Dock at Pleasant Point During the last few days a peti- tion slot 3 new government doct at Pleasant! Point has been rcircu'lated among [the farmers of this vicinity, and. has been signed by all. Fifty names .are required. but over sixty have] already affixed their signatures beforeythe time expires on Saturday. Measurements were taken s few days ago for the wharf; which will be placedxat themeud of the msin road running flown to the shore. As the govemruenttldock-builders are now' slack of work, it and considered thstl now would be the time to construct: it is one is to be built this yesn at‘ all. lWhile the present wharf is very‘ useful. it is owned by private per- ties‘iund Pleasant Point should hs‘ve loneofitsown. t v- -: .1 Cooznhs, 20d Frank Bartictc. Girls over thirteenâ€"larva New 10". 2nd Eva Barnes. Boys over- thirteenâ€"lat, niliiard 000mm. 2nd Fremont Pepper. Inna-legged “9‘" Hanan: Coombs. 20d r, Bartlett. Gms under seven yoursâ€"lat Amey Eunn'bal, 2nd Margery Snelling. Boys under sewm yearsâ€" 131 Harry Lee. and‘ Gordan Baffle. . '- Gins under nine rem-ï¬st, Barnes. 2nd, Wanda Newton. flay; under nine yearnâ€"lat, Sharlh fla‘cll :, 2nd, Arthur Smiling. Girls under thirteen yang-s - 15¢ Ianlc Barnes. 2nd. Margery Flu-21L: Boys under thu'tecuâ€"lst. Elwooi Bu 615%, pottto raceâ€"15L Lena. Thom 2nd, Lizzie Barnes. Girl's consolution raceâ€"Nellie. Chicken Thieves are Rampant [any Fowl: have been Stolen in Lind- say Lately A’ number of cases of chicken steak? inklmave {been reportg'd at: late by those gwho own heneriea in this tawnf'aln most cue: the thief is a “at! individual. (of he does not ate the old hen. but picks out the nice spring ~chicken. which is ï¬ne and tends; -' ' Sane or our citizens .hnve loot u manv;_as twelve or thirteen. which means quite a sun: when: changed in- to Lcash. This sort or thing should be below anybody residing in this town. and anyone found guilty at such an] act i should be punished heavily. 'A personzwjyo would go chicken stealing‘ is‘doo mean [on hvor'nble consider:- tion: '. Wm: Jelly J BOah one box 01 gelatin in one cup- tur ht cold water for an hour. and then. «add 'to it three captain of en- Sardthe juice of two lemons and the grated peel or one and, a good pinch Ofuolnmunon. Let :11 send together in. )1 cool plloe for on hour. Turn over‘‘ (them o quart 0‘ boiling Water. 3th" mntil the gelatin il entirely dis- solved'ladd a pint of good cherry, strain through a flannel - do not squeeze 6t - and turn into a mold wet: with oo_ld water. It the gelatin ~â€"_ “4. u. -mu- on- sotch; xuu- - r"â€"’ â€" , strain through a flannel - do not squeeze ét .. and turn into a mold wet} with cold Water. It the gelatin dogs not désaolu. put it over the fire «or ‘ mopent until the liquid oanea- to ‘1 bell. Do _this. 0! course. befol‘ “he wine 30¢! 11!. â€" The Anz- ELK Deï¬ne: tor-_ CASTOR IA ;â€"1st'. Elwoqd :1:- :d F. Pepper an Returns from a Pleasant Journey Mr. Hatchett Returns from a Scam)! Educational Revclry Mr I. C. Matchett returned home Wednesday from Quebec whither h» went on behall of the Canadian Pa- cltic Rallway company as escort lo the Bamdton 313be mum-:12 which was en route to the tenan- lcnaxy oe'ebntion. wvv, 7 Mr. Mitch“ report; e quick ule tup end a plemnt journey. He in- formed a Post reporter the morning tint the exty 0! Quebec. is (tidy jam- mcd mth visitor! end that the hob-ls were reepmg e rich hex-vest ever! day. though rooms at pnnte houses each! be obtuned et very reuonable rates. Everything in the city spent: 0! :1 be: 'medieevel periodâ€"decorations costumes. and entertemmente anâ€. the whole was a etght well worth journ- (-ym; that in to see. Returned Home from Quebec Contingent lad Gmt Time at the Ter- ccntcury Celebration ' TM ‘5‘" band. ’Qd tflexï¬nd" m4 tingent arrived home from Quebec on Saturday aftermfbout bell-put tour. Thyf lelt Lindsay [or ’thc tn- oient city! ht eleven “stock on Friv day. J uly 17th, striving st: their dea- unation 0d Sntutdey max-Bing. They immediately took up their residence st Baum map. which†nu their headquu’tere during their stay. The] In; hudest’dar they had to go through m Friday. when the Prince â€-â€" v_, v-â€" ‘l _‘ report an excellent {line tnd lay, it w» an"!!! the bent outing- at their lives» The}! Bench!!! hid the utter nouns 3.6 30 night-oceing. ï¬nd 5' and]. "cumin! glut .wu north. d Wiles Wed .11 the taupe on the Plain: of Abraham. The}, 2nd to wilt them of the time and Were pretty, ï¬rea‘when the dny we. over. On Fridnx nt :3: o'clock they bowled the train (or home. Arriving in town the 1W1“ itternoon. u When :11 and debuted et the station. the‘eoppeny lined up. end headed by) the bend. numbed with etatelx step on the tuna at "Highland Laddie." an to the post ofï¬ce. .where the volunteer: .aiaperue‘d. the had proceeding «(their room; ., 1. . lestlcton In Severely Hurt while at Work at Pam-cumin (Speck! to The Post.( 11: Honcyboyne ot Nestletonnras unfortunate enough but Saturday'o have his leg injured by u large al'ver which penctnted hu thigh. whfle at wont :t a any mill at Penutmguc shine. ‘ "7 _-A__-n .v-w- . Bis injury necessitated home. which he dud this Beat His Wife Needed 3 Doctor A West End Resident Got a well be: med Pounding from His Son Pigeon River Weeds and Other Accumulatiens hm bun Removed Up to 0mm: )2 The stuff of men Department of Rtil 'm cit-arms Pigeon vim-go of Oman“ The stat! of men employed by the Department of milvnys 3nd Cums: in cit-arms Pigeon River from the villsge of Omemee to Pigeon Luca. is doing good work. The weeds and onus! mumuutionn which ham vu- tually checked up the river ere 1?: in: removed in quick order and the tunnel is now puctieany clear en. ouch tc mow the Incest craft nil- ing on ma! anter- to stun up to is Navigable euitated his return dud this morning by e combat. Another in the may. and contest ‘7'“ 35“ ed in such 3. con.- dit WILLIAI-STJ Opposite Onemee. The river will require little dredg- ing. as this was “tended to acme. yum ago. The citmns o! theâ€"mange are extremely grateful to the GM- ernment [or the good work being done 1t tint point. A Lu Role on Train and hand Now llc Lin†0n Saturduv afternoon the oflice b0! utthelooul G. 13.1“!“ sheds was sent over to the Wu with the bills tor the 2.40' p. llLHtli- burtou trdn. A: it we: about time [or her to pull out. he thought he would Wait end hue u ride back AM. u the tnin runs right past the fulghttoflice. He jumped on'the last oun'und the train went ahead" When the! matched the freight sheds. however. the was going a pretty‘ fast clip. bub tether then go to the top 0! thdlhill hedeoided to make the leap. The-11d nude it 111 right. and thtt in uhout all he‘ knows. When he picked himself up he he lying ‘- - --- A ...u. Indlv broiled- He Greater Care Ought to be Exercised In the back yard 01' a south ward res-dent last (Modday a rather danâ€" gerous tire occurred. whxch. accom- puued by 3 little wind might have waxed «11338th to the surround- iug buildings. As it wgi. a fence wu drst' toyed. ‘ , . I ’ \A\ we - vi -_. A‘ large pile of old brush. lying aiongs’nde the (once had been igutlnl and the person who started chuï¬re midently did not deem it necessary a take the precaution to renew ill-P pile to a safer distance from tho: fence. and a nearby barn. He did no‘. ,even think of keeping an eye own.- blue. and as a natural oonscquemc thc fence was ablaze within a short distance Iron: the barn. when it was Iaoliced by a neighbor. who immcd' ate-1y summoned help to extinguish the “ml. - - | ' " V‘VVV'vâ€"V’Yâ€"ï¬-f I ‘ ‘ Tile! m-HIABt£1<- N? rt†am" w in Ink Yardâ€"1 Almost Dam!“ hhovb 3nd eye- to} Mmmroruvams. ite St. Andrew’s Church. P. 0. BOX 217 Pianos, Organs and ‘ Sewing Machines. In conversation With Statiofl lye!!! nchw of the Grand Trunk Fri- day a (Pod reporter learned ths‘t the lest gtwo Jeers 1nd been the busiest in‘ 62de the'oompeny new. town: deepite the entnnee of the C. P. R. three years ago. = 1 The C. P. B. ere getting their share too. be hid, but it: simply shows thfl Linden-35 booming. It is growing in ever! my. Bus'neaaf is over twice as brisk as two yen-a "£30 and this cerâ€" (mm-m that the hide in Linda aye is going onwerd 3nd upwerd. M368 is Double what it nu in Year: A30 ls Superanuated by Grand Trunk Lindsay’s Growth of Business Mr. Sam Hendersdn. who in~1he employ of. the Grand uilwaytflor the hat t'hirty-< has {been gnuted s pension yeaqby that railway. Mr. I Weasmployed no fang) light _ I.‘_ 6. all». we.â€" - _____ in- the emplo of. the Grand 'Trunk‘ uilwayulor the hat thirty-one yenro. has {been gnuted s pension a! $200 a yeaqhy that railway. Mr. Henderson wusmployed no fang) lighten end it held’ in high esteem Hr (hi6 .teflow workmen. ï¬le paced hit, pug-nun bixthdamlast Thur-day. ( L ‘_ > To elem swanodawn. make a warm pup lather and “it." kneud the down? in this till dean. Atterwuds rinse in cold water with a. yer}. littlglflueinit. C C s:l!‘.il:, 8;: Wm will Nov hi†i Panic: for Past Services “ALL DRUGGISTS†has been