Hapeful Conditions Exist in the West In VF’M ~. . ‘Inapeubinzdthe Sonso‘fEngâ€"l land. in whose interest he visited the mast. he aid the societykwas making tmdertnl strides. us! had shown an increase 0! over 20 per cent. during the past year. 'and the enthusiasm among its membens Was vex-yl ens. â€Erasing The advancemexit ag‘d bQSi-L Mess pmsperity or Winmpeg was such :3 to .cause him' milch surprise. and 311 the towns he visited were going dread b1 leaps amtbounids.~ g. (g ; (q the we! Bonn visited many towns and cities mid a): ‘the feeling of confidence in 3‘: good cm} is general. and while MM is .4: present dulii there. the busineu men look £611 very. much betâ€- 2n l.-.._ l’rosellers cf Vessels have been Injured Qâ€"Action Became Necessary Removing â€3082““ Ridge of Rocks ' The government staff have oom- ‘ menacel work gust above the looks at Fenelon FaflSf to deepen the channé'! 21' wasting out a ridge‘ot rock which has been giving a great deal of trou- Zblc to the deepet draught vessel’s plying on the canar. It has also dam- \. AL- ‘4 jâ€"V aged the pmpéuors or the boats._ The channelkwm be made saler at several points Ehere 'sbaflow gpots tave been giving trouble. I on a large spike Whic en! was Iymg pu the ground. .‘ ' . The nail went right through ‘his boot and penetrated Lat into his foot; After a painful operation the nail was drawn out and the injured man‘ was taken to Dr. McAlpine's to have his foot dressed. His wound wilt be a very sore line for thong white. Last Tuesday, whflx Mr. George Carew, was emyloyed in unfoa‘ding the new machinery for Mr. John Carew’s mill he had the misfortune to dze'p George Carey Suffers 3 Severe Injury while Unloading Machinery ‘. Ion“ Fowl :1 Feeling of Conï¬- de'ue‘il Bis Tour of the West .h .It' is now Sir James ‘Pliny Whit- ney, The Prince must be green at the WEDDING RINGS Correct color, correct shape, correct quality, correct ï¬nish, coriect weight, correct styles, stamped “Britten Bros guaranteed forgall time. [sou-n of Mnrrlago Licenses. ‘ ‘ Foot of Kent-st. - LINDSAY. spike Which! was lying DB The BRITTON BROS, “Britten BtOS.†:90609booooooooooooo A An Illuminated - Boat Parade Suggestion for the Committee in Charge of Sturgeon Point Regatta OO‘OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 'We take the following paragraph [mom the Port Hope Guide. and oHer it as a suggestion to the Sturgeon Point regatta committee; "Thursday evening nexttthere will’ be an illum- inated boat parade. The boats will leave at; eight oblock sharp' and. no doubt willlflqpk fine in theil: elabor- ate decoxjations. (A number of boats {tom who‘ll-awn! take part and the band wilt lead the parade. inx de- corated boats twill be allowed on the lake. â€. . The Old Boys’ Return to Town Arrangements are Now in Progress for . a Good Time, Mayor ‘Begg has received a domm/u- muniCation from Mr. Wm. McCaflrey. secretary b1 the Victoria County Old Boys’ Association. in which he stat- es tthat the old boys'wifl rurï¬an ex- cursion ifrom Toronto to Lindsay on August 8th anfl 10th. and they dc- cL-pt the offer of‘the use 0‘ th 'IaIr- grounds. Which has been tendered them. - .' -u c ‘I 1 “A, ‘uv-‘u Arrangements regarding balf teams and other nports are‘ being made. and [uh particulars will be given later. ‘ The Democrat: of the Unit- ed StatesLane boliciting sub- scriptions tomiable them to pay. the expenses 0! their. cam- paign, and some newgpapere in the South are asking for“doll'ar contnibutions to aid them. If the Democratic party. had within we trunks -' a sufï¬cient number of (young ladies equat- ly as proficient in securing dollar subscriptions I for ‘the partï¬ aS-‘(l‘he Post girle are in securing ballots (and aubcrip- tion votes. {the Iinancial prob- lem would soon solve itself for the nominee. Hundreds ï¬nd thousands are pouring in daily until one (would think even: reader had appointed himself or: herselfla committee to cfip and ooliecï¬ coupons and sub- scriptiona to turn over to the candidates. Watch rthow the standings wilt go ahead fort the next two( (Weeks. and then; to enjoy. it. Bet in with your bal- lots and‘ help some one of the fair. candidates. ' WEBDING GIFTS Slimm, Gut Glass, Mocks, Art Hoods. We are a‘waysr pleased to receive visitors and show_ our Fine China, pds in the store. approbation during SHOE STORE, Old 801': Labor: Result in Increase to Twist Traffic The hot weather which" the people of this district :rq enjoying inst now is again bringing up the tourist trade m the Kawartha Lakes. Tog-dd both the Eaturion and the Kethleen toot large crowds ,up the river to enjoy, a day‘s oddng. The captain of the Es-. turion also reporte that trade is “so picking up on the bite: fakes. n Sailing When the weather suits you not. Try smiling. .When you’re coffee isn’t 'l'ry smiling. When your neigï¬bors don't do right. Or your relatives all fight. Sure 1:.3 hard but then you; (might Try smihng. Doesn't change the. things. of course . Just smilmg. But it cannot. make them worse- Just smiling. And i“: sums to help your case. Brighten: up a gloomy place; Then it sort of- rest: your face- Just smihng. -Pain will'depart in exactly 20 minutes if one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain T8le is taken. Pain anywhere. Remembetl Pain always mews pon- geation. bloOd pressureâ€"nothint clac- Hoadao‘he in blood pressure; toothache is blood pleasure on the sensitive nerve. Dr. Shoop'a Headzche Tablets â€"a.lno called Pink Pain Tame/cs â€" slso called Pink Pain Tabietsâ€"quick- ly and safely oonx this blood pressure away from pain centres. Painrul per- iods with women get instant ,reliet. 30 tablets 251:. Sold by 311 dealers. :‘mlllwov Ava-nuns; vâ€" _ _. in; «arranged. the {inn} settlement. 0! ‘ ebmmd their golden wedding yaw. a. line carried a house that had 31min dn ' stoodmn om statg about. a rod. over :klamilton Horeshoers' Uniomcom- inwanofher.'1n the house lived 5’ Iain that the police horses are all goodhold woman. She used toJive in Shad at one shop. and a nan-union South Carolina. but was thus: sudden- one at that. 1y made a resident at North Cardinal ‘15â€: Groekey. a R u ssian inbor- Whenlshe beta! of the'chanze 51%.“. fl 3 sawmill in Kuhabowic w“ saidqu-aw I am clennqlad. on’t. It.ail‘xon’ibly mangled by 13.11118 .01; a a; good thing I've‘ got into anther ‘ circular saw. ' smï¬l ""73 11““ 3““ W -â€"'1‘he double tracked c. ’P‘. n.1,:- W†a dgsperute unhealthy. flâ€! toi (Ween Fort William nnd wm‘um L 4"“- pm -_ SHE WAS GLAD Many; years ago. when bound“! lines beth different state§ We re‘ be- livq jn.’ They’ve All Gone . a Huckleberrying All. Dobson Chiperons aï¬appy Crowd to tie Berry Bush Ald. (Dobson and Messrs. Thomas Baldwin,'\T. Hadder and W. Richard- 'wn .let tThuraday for the ro‘cka of the porthland to pick buckleberries. They were a were a jolly looking exowd Ins they left town: in a wagon behind Mr. Dobaon'a pt my: and the! €19¢°ted share lo! the fruit. Five pyun old Tommy was being Put, Why Just the through a test in numbers. before the A .roUer dude I gdmirimg (unï¬t, me d8! ‘t dinner.‘ Shank] pm“ a Funny. plpt naked him the cue-ti“! .Whem men m: 1 that had. Proved the Wnterloo '0'! '0 ' .mogqvxitoeq con mtny olden ohï¬dren in â€It ’9‘"- "Naw. May.†hid min. "b". 0‘3»? man! â€a .two appla- ud three Mg. II purl!†3. (_' _ ‘V‘j'JW fl “Fin trpity’flpe exclaimed. Flooring Pm D'obaon'a prncinz hick: to get their LINDSAY. A tumble in prices that’ll : â€"1.<§rd imam «in visit Ottawa Ion August Ath- 1...' “:2â€; i -Tnde disputes in Canada in {June totalled 13. ‘ â€"Rain has damaged the crops 60 |per cent in Welland. 1 â€"Mrs. Stanley, 0! Baltimore My. Idied suddenly at Cobourg. i â€"-F A. McCord .law clerk of thy Commons. is dead. aged 52. ‘ â€"0ttawa civil servnnta propOsu a cooperative grocery, store. |' 7-63“ council has begun a war of ‘cxtermination on Weds. â€"An electric line between Dnnm-iltc and Beamsville is proposed. }' â€"-'Ihc body 0! H. R. Rodgers was found in the Bed river at l.Winnipcg' -â€"Two Boston pickpocketa Were sentenced at Quebec to the years each. -'Ihe Beach residents at Burling- ton Bny want to secede trou( Salt- Ilcut Township. “-Lt\ ...... Eddie stood .out in trout 01 his home. a We. {handsome buflding, when mother. littte boy cane along. and after. looking admiringï¬y at the house a few minutes. asked. â€How let you Jive in {or nutbin!†m the and“ re- joinder. ol .the and! 5111. never ' ‘ Ly could on: n henna“; ‘: -t1.l-‘ COME ALONG! There’s bargains for all. the sale. MONEY BACK IF NOT SUITED. L'Y‘» ‘ -v-vrâ€"â€"_,‘ â€"-The guests injured at the Queens Hotel fire in Tillsonburg have almost 1' eco$ cred. - AL_-I..._ “Th.“ steamer City of unnwum grounded-on s sandbsr near Chatnntn while assisting a launch. â€"i.}ining rooms. boarding houses and. restsursnts st Quebec are b9~ scigt-d by starving guests. - William Whyte. vice president or the c. P. It. is seeking to enlist 2.3;)‘30 men for the Western harvest. â€"‘lbc B. C. Telephone Co. has bE-rn ordered to take its instruments an: of the New Westminster city hall. «Mr. and Mrs. J. Phtterson of tmmpez. formerly of Inseam; 6-3!- ebratcd their golden wedding yester- day. # ‘ 7- YVâ€"fAn .mln- tween Fort William 3nd Winnim will enable the railroad to handle 600 cars ot grain daily. , ‘ yuou v- B"'â€" __._ -’l‘ha B. C. Gov‘c'arnment is entitled to â€cry fourth lot in the town sate o! ‘Pnnce Rupert. and claims this ap- plies to the waterfront also. which the G. '1'. P.7djsputc5.‘ ‘ , ’ ' - firâ€"Lord Roberts : quilberry will be Montreal_ citizens. -For the five me so. 1030 homestead in Western Canada â€"Thc Thomson uhoi'e on St. Paul'! T0 the“ den modest girls. M'11“! would be in the am. ‘ 1 And: «war the htest peek-pm ‘ , W‘th' tinlt the pmer trim, a '. '. A: mover M. .tuchment. . . 1 SW pm; . boon divine " when men .11: In their pretence or . Mime! come to dine. \ lb " cow»... v_“____ -Thc ThOmson steamer Arool-u. whoi'e on St. Paul's Island. N. 5.. hm Men abandoned. \ «A ten you old girl nursed Racers t’at Swuborg. Ont... was bitten in the iace by 3 horse. Live Bits of News New Shirt Waist hm“ lton Horeshoers' Uniomcom- Lt the police horses are all one shop. and a non-union .7 - S hoe Store 4L¥§§§A§T' months ending June ad entries were made :3}! Admin! Jaw-e- banqueted by lhl: ;I‘HAT WEARS SHOES- of Chnchum near Chalhnm 00.090900000060000. A -Got my "Book No. i tor v- Umru. I: will give wank women nun: valu- ‘tblc angst-clot! of relief â€" :nd with. strictly conhlcntitl medial Idvioe is entireb' free» Simply write Dr. Shoop. Racine. W‘s. The book No. 4 tell: all Ibont Dr. Shop's Night ‘Cnre. and than those m. hating, antisep- tic suppositories an be successfully poplin. to Wt these wean-56606. OWriLq (or the book. The Night can In .old by .1: dates. De Willet Puffer Monkeys with Buzzer OK I 000906... 906.00.... And Receives Mr. De Willa“: S. Putter. tooling with an electric tun F 1.30 and a very painlul nccidl Mr. De Willett S. Putter. while tooling With an deCtric tan Fri‘dwv 1t 1.10 and a very minlul :ccidnt. The flange 0! the tan struck him on the fingnr and cut it to the bone. He will pmbnblzglooe- the mil. hamsters Wanted for Railway Construction in New Brunswick. Wages $16 per month and bond. Apply at 05:, Post Printing Building, or at Bobcaygeon. lcCOY a WILFORD. LIIITRD. ~de1. 69.690000090990090: EMakingaHit v 0 Tut's whst we’re doing for gm 9 z with carpoorlm ï¬ne of stoning : 930068. for votuies of Buode: . Owanna,countryuadhmlwillï¬ul : .: upropuod to meet the «and : z with shone um to causation. ; z '0'" an chapter:- in every ï¬old : fdw‘ . 9 mm- BROS. :WM - “nut: 3Q939Q9Q0900099909 AND FAIR DEALING. us Nasty Out as a Reward for Bi: Inherit! 0.25 0922 can. .303 95 {moral-ob 0003 000.38 ragga 3 ado more #833 $513 656.8. HQ... .939 "53.4 0.9035 make you all get bu5y buying. Town customers Will 4 for Women.†mm- Lv 7 00 3.5. ..... wmywu......... . _- , M....Lv5wp-. Lv 9 so LI -.... Lv 11 15 .II ...... Button ...... Lv : 15 p... A“: an 9.13.... Wk Ian! ....Lv 1 Wyn. cum; at 0.30m“ and Indis- “uncoo- Wuwmmmm- um And W pom. â€Wkgmgm tro- hur- the District Wenuï¬n for Hui-t:- msn Co , «Fremont», balling s mu:- borolmhu’ instruments, and will be glad“ wot communications. at can porsondly an thou Maï¬a; u put- dun Orgasm Sowing Inching: flay: in tockmdbutotmtion given «eh paw. The cause Baldwin, Slums-non sad Norms Tlub as m «mod by eye-ruin. W. m. s“ dofecu of the eyes sad and: Quintin; by a pan!“- and non-urgiosl mod. You nod not. as» tho sil- lonh eta-ed by do’oedvo oyuight. Dou’: pntofluy l ngor, but Inn your .3- Mod to :t coco. Consult u and not!" no bad: at lilo-long Woo. We can Remove I. B. ANNIS. Oph. D.. -1’he Str. have: puud through an lock: this morning boas! upche river In: I M at wood. “muggy-ulna†â€Ken-u. (Ova-Ram‘s.†Stan) bun“ ‘u L... who 8.15 F‘- u. 7.15 5.01-13“. 9‘" BREEN 118k. Point Daily except BFADF? Ar? 46pm. 1.75“) val '7‘". .4 v- luv HARVESI 540 F‘ POST, , LINDSAY. 'IRIDA NO Reserve, nor If you want to destroy the do. ing bugand have good results in. turn for the energy expended u I potato crop get 3 Pure Paris Gm of known quality. We have a d Berger’s English Green, the world’s standard in 9‘57. Ii we sci! as chap as the «dings; or3for $100. Also we bani media as In; Death Km Sq Bordoaux mm Killing Mam Tbae in addition to killing the h have u remarkable eEect in m the growth of potatoes. BLUESTONE for spraying» It Mustard etc, 15c 1b. etc, for insects in bushes, mu plants and infmmat'ron regxdnl above, gratis at 13111100“ 3351‘ QUALITY Agonts for the W“ Portland Cement- â€Pm Bu our Summ“ hem.y 56% muff!†ï¬â€˜ï¬s of PantingS, Wm“ ad Surges. â€"â€"â€"â€"-"/ Lowest Pï¬cï¬M Farm for 53W .rn' AND D PRICES. mm “A: NON ONE w 31 Enor- Mk 1w Mt