If your ï¬shing trip, golf game or your ride in wind and bright sun- shine bas resulted in inflamed,burn edskin, apply Witch Hazel Cream immediately. It will takeout the ï¬re, stop the smarting and that dry, parched feeling will not be experi- enced. It as delightfully cooling ‘and refreshing to the skin. No grease, no stickiness. It is all quickly absorbed leaving no trace except relief. 15 and 25 cents. It may be doubted whether Sir Wilfred Laurie: ever afï¬rmed the belief .that "the people of Canada at: not influenced by parhameutary shu- ges and investigations." It he thought that he must wonder why, he had his hard. lighting tdloweru spend so telwt-en 1891 and 16. What Sir ‘M'ilfxzd would be qmte justiï¬ed in ï¬ttiirrmng is that the public, being sbw to move, do not take accusations made in a partisan spirit in Palii Ina-hf gt the estimation ~ put age-1 made in a pattun spun. u. ....... ment at the estimation ~ put earn them by those .who make the charg- es. tut make reasonable allowance tor ashatis to.he said in hehaft o! the ptrsons accused. The mass of the people know. how to be last. The! is the great and proper relunce at {911cc of the party attacked and the party†on the defensive. If there comes map a case of wrong doing. so flagrant that there is no defence, the put-he can be trusted to visxt the offenders with ’.r. anger. Where. on the other hand. sweeping accusations are mat 'hy speciï¬c proofs to the contrary the public cannot be .stempedea mm rendering a verdict essentially unjont Whether therefore the people of Canada are affected by the ranking 41! charges in parliament depends al- together on whether the inves'iga- tion of Seth charges shows the autu- oitics e†the time to be taking apro-l per interest in securing good govern-l .mcn'. and in reforming abnscs‘ or’ whether it has abandoned that fanc- jion. Bevoud. that it is very far tram safe to aesame that a party in pow- er is 105mg ground merely. because .it is attacked. Hard fighting ought 40 he the role in politics [or only in Jtmd fighting are the best med ce- i'I'eiopeu. .Woold it Surprise Sir Wit 'dn-ds critics very much to learn that xtï¬e Cabinet. just because it has come ibiithely through a session in which lhaed fighting was the established or- der. fox sewn months. has a better standing betore the electorate than it had in tile years when everythiu; was Aaken easily. ._ What has to)» remembered abOut tithe ecssmn just ended is that; . al- then-.gh worked up with the greatu‘. ir‘guniity and pressed with the most persistent effort. the accusations mad: against the gozcrument 11'! failed. For weeks at the be- ginmn': ot the long session the ~0pposition t were able to hold No members of Parliament under auspiâ€" cion to! having taken an unfair and improper ladvantage of the machinery of the Interior Department 'for their: pwn profit. But they: Wefe on- 17 able to hold their advantage 'by refusing Ito call the witnesses who could say positively whether the zine. an attack which demonstrated. indeed. .‘that there had: been a good deal 5)! Slooseneas in the ‘hdministrat opening bf tenders was regular or irregular. and when they ware called at last all the mystery vamohed and the.§accusat'i0n8 came to! be m’ognig- ed for. what flue-y! were; an attempt to damage the re‘putations bf thr'ee or [our men who have proved too strong tor {their opponents in the party, warfare“)! the West. Next came the attack upon the Department. of Marv-1 21in put that depaxtmeut, but which demonstrated even more conclnaivelx 1.11M; Mr. Brodeur. from the day, he home, the head at it. 1nd addresed. himself. energeticdb' to the work of .utbind it mm. 1 m ‘thebesion :showed Mas that the minider. was a m may in advance of his critics, .and. ‘«was already prepared to , £109 drastic measures .towards certain 01 drastic measures towards certain 01 his subordinates before the Opposi- tion .had discovered what waai’wrong. Finally, there were the Hedgins charge! was through they had been 130901.wa the eonazrncrtion of the Transcontinental BuIWay. His chang- es. .I5 he made them. were 6! a kind :td excite distrud‘nnd suspicion.‘ M We . the investigation of ‘ his charge. awa- ‘throl'yh they. he‘d been speciï¬c-Mt. Anni-ed. and no m Wm m be vaunted!) withdrew them. {to algae tint an em 1b; .wwld tnke no 09W .1 en these element- [unable to the ad- nWaW would be to unsung“ that A. mamnomm LINDSAY. :1 A REASONABLE VIEW Weekly I305t WEEKLY 5081“ l LINDSAY: play. *Sir Wilirid, ii scrvabion on Ehe ail less .had in mind ‘ thing to be feared course or such aam the gpublaic can be nize when they can: crwise. public aérvi‘ pnsgibla‘ were as 'in ILI:‘- Thd‘eost of the National TranScon-' ; tinentsl Railway and the burden‘ flint wills {ell upon the people in connec- tion 'with it have been‘ Very much do. batedziot late"; and an much duet ha been beaten up amount! the. ï¬gures on wh‘idli‘the one has been baud. nnd theLtfaOts from whic)! thei (ï¬ber is tn beddeduced. that the public can haVe ; no very clear idea of what is the true . state of things. The National Con- . tinental Bail!“ proper is the 1.803 miles ‘0! rail which is being bnl1t_ from Mcnctqn in New Brunswick. to Winnipeg: .in Manitoba. The remain-; edr..,£rom Winnipeg to Prince Rupert; on.fthe coast 0! British! Columbia. is what is known as the'Grand Trunk1 --Paci1id Railway. It hes a total length qt;~.1,755 miles; and is being built by“ the VcomPany, to which the National Transcontinental/is to be :lcssed. on‘ completion. The mountain section 0! the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c is 839 mueqflud it is estimated that this section: alone will cOst 861520000. The cost of the 1.803 miles ‘6! Government road; will be $114.39a765. 'So that althouglfnit traverses a wflderness _ot much; swamp lake and [crest and is lr-‘nt‘idawn to a. grade or 0.4 per 100 o£11,755 miles; End the: company. t0 " Transcontinental] is completion. The mt roadi M“ be $114393753. '50 luau. althougflnit traverses a wilderness _ot‘ much; swamp lake and [crest and is ke‘pt‘xdown to a grade or 0.4 per 100 [eet against eaStbonnd tragic and. 0.6 against westlgghnd trafï¬c. with the shu‘peat curvature 6 degrees (955 teeth grad-ins); it will! cost appreciably, vate auspices. And this 6! course is as it de be. becsuse the mountain‘ ‘sectiongsis the more diuioultt “paid, Bun‘dthe line from Monoton to Win-1 nipeï¬is also very ditticdu to buildg and; when everything is tsken into‘ cons‘deratiom '54: is slmost a My. Fan. [in starting out on the under- ukina. (the Governmeht did 301'th the (resolution to build. a reafly first: 0133" mind. equal if not superior to anything there is on the Nor-‘11 Am- ericanflontinent. The work is to “be generally. of a more permanent; chap. aete't' than is 3131181 at It‘ll; «Inset o! tbei wereer d a new roe’d. There are to be no wooflen 'bridzes; the! are to be of steel and concrete. Fix-d: 63¢ mstruction is. provided for every,- where; and travel over 'the road will be. easier and more comfortable thm on'iany o! the existing Canadian rail- wayqund this of ooprse. has to be paid tor. But. when the ‘w0rk is com- plete. every citizen widf commend: the .L,_ courage athe administration has 1 shown in aiming at perfection. ifor I not only; will a newx standard of com- Iorm and speed have been set. but an exampleiur the highest economy. The canpalï¬tivelyz'mesier grades win en- ableuthe company to carry by each tra-in'qdouble what can be carried on theï¬mival transcontinentsf, and the saving .in operation. with live tru'ns eacueyam each day wiï¬â€˜be $5.978 605 l per. unnum. This saving: will tar ont-l weiguï¬he increased cost,in building-1 andmhen td thin ix added the cavingi of expenditure in renewals and main- tenancev‘t wiK be seen that the to- tal saving each year with be sntticient‘ to x'paJ interest _on many times (the amount, pf the increased cost over that of an ordinary road with wooden structuresfl’whliah could have been ‘builflï¬or $60,000000. The Iessening of ; the expense of operation and: up-keep. which has been prepared for. rwifl Wherefore. (decrease 'the cost of car- riage. and should render possih'le a iconsideraablé reduction-in freight and 1 passenger rates. ‘ - Major: Hodz'ins. we now know, made a' Metake. This mistake originated out not .'a misapprehension. which seemed to be so sqypol‘ted by com tinge)“ circumstances that. it became deepened into conviction. But Major Hedging. ~wou'ld probably neVer have misapprehended {had he not baen la- boringr‘amder feelings 01 wounded prideu n The. Government wihf borrow mdst of‘the money needed for the construc- tionï¬n Eurc'upe'; and the burden on the people mm b5? _the interest on 5114.000000- Itor the ï¬rst seven years aItqr 'whrich the Grand Trunk 'Pa- oitiquilf pay a. rentafl equal to the publï¬cjzinrterest. This seven years in- terestigw'ihf. it h eatimalted.’ amount to 326424678 and that represents the burden «the people with Lhave to hear; an? .as it mu be, spread over seven years.- lit will only be some 34000000 a: year. At the end 01 chase seven years Canada will have 1803‘. mflea‘ o! {inst-ohms rafl'roud. and to cover its borrowings. it wilt have an equivafeht asset that; can be mild all: anyimhne tor. thdjprgl‘oe it’oust to build it, \ . , 1 The! prices of labor .in the early. summer! pf 1907 Were high; and the contractor! were “bucking against the team: an! flit-it congrats. They. com!- plained. among oneri-hmgs. that the divisional .engineera-ye’re not liberal enoucllvin their olaaï¬tioation: and me it the nibâ€"contactpfl 109k until: lien Off parts of the md. The" were mailman! man)" disputea‘; and. 3: H350! Hod-gig! district was ge’pawcs. MAJOR HOWINS’ “STAKE WHAT IT WILL 008T alre with'adt‘ this ‘qualilfly? nation or the sense of fair Wilfrid, if 1131’ made any ob- !) fhe sli-‘bject at“ all, doubt:- a mind that there is nou e feared traumeven a. long such accusations, rbecause can be trusted {to recog- they come ‘ta’ï¬qthing. om- ;lic sérvice wouId‘ be as im- Ire as 'in the South “Airï¬- f FRIDAY, J ULY 31 400 mile! 403:. .W; the great stretoflpf underteaï¬ of Winnie†p38, it mn’difï¬oult 167nm to‘go to 14 the place at each diqpnte and settle ‘ it art-hand. He was. in Kct.'inclined J not to go over. the line as much as. ‘ he might have Idone; and. it was coni- plm§mt he did aux-am from ;: ms grace. 'mm won' my not pro- ' gushing†’Well a! it ought; and .Major, Halaim was informed that an inspecting engineer would be g)- pointed over, him. The Major wgg piqued; Meanwhile there were dis- putea over. classification outstanding and. as Major. Hodgino was pummone'd to attend a meetinz o! the dxstriot engineers In Quebec. Commissioner ~ Young told him ,to seam he was i in Quebec. how 81w classiï¬ed excava- ‘ time! there. and to be guided thereby L in his judgment 0! the dhputel in ha I mvn 'dietriot. Majoi‘ Emma Went to 2 Quebec and visited the cutting. known {as La Tmne. 'And here '1: Where the lmtsagpreheneimr arose. He thought he s was told that what hei‘uw was being tenant-tied an containing 66 per cent. rock; whereas. in his oWn opinion. -_ there was not more than' 40 per cent. t1 Thia‘ was in June. 1907. and the pun- 3 31cm estimates show that. ail a : ! .l I howeven. that it w n at {as per cent.. and. being an honest J. man. he was determined that such a C)8-‘:Iied as containing rock; whereas. in hi! there was not more t-hm Thi‘ ,was in J mic. 1907. slese menus“; mow matten a! hot. it was fled. gt cab 29 per cent gins'went am: with t! howeven. that it was I) at. {80 per cent.. and, be man. .he was determine classification should m 'auced in his own- dietr'u I Solid rock excavatim paid. .at $1.70. 106:: me and pommon excavatio: i Thd ,Iree trade policy 0! the ' 1;th government evidently does Idnoludd'tree trade in cattle. I Tories \hnve protested the election ’01: «he Tony M. P. P. for Grenville. ' Souffle may get a tew pointers. 1 London is talkmg of holding 4-1. e88 ‘a‘mg contest and the Townh- Star thinks at. will create hcnthus- insm Ihe Pout helme- the MM shouid leriVO a great ova-non. ! That Kgrr at the Olympic game ‘no under dog. . AV" 9-“..- -1, [or ballast under sleepers, 3495.000; extra. width for sidinea. not estimmtt ed. $850,000; and overbreak, $1,857.- 080. flotal. $6,192,699. ._“ __ vvv. .-v -77 Mr. £Ponlin. the present district en- gineer. estimated the WOrk ï¬gured upon by Major Raisins. at within halt a million at the latter’s eat?- mateiuand the increase is accounted 101'. by items. such as rolls. sidings and, Wenbreak. which were not tak- en into oohhidem'tion in‘Major Hod- 3ins’ esï¬mete. . . . It. is not to be wondered at (ther fore. ithtt 'Mejor Hodgins withdrew his chm-395.. - . The new manager basebal! slab is Mr 'lCnd other clubs ha! anâ€"flï¬qto Tombto i Whit'm town council has refused 3,0 ailow bxllmrd rooms or shooting gap loï¬rs to be maintained in thnt tom: This :2. (ortaimy an advanced sum: to take. The u‘l'oronto News accuses Sir Wil- ma of killing an industry because he‘ \retum to inorea'p‘e the duty of 50 pct..cent in its favor. Some p'eOpla azcï¬ Â«mighty hard to please. It in estimated that the coa' Pennsylvania coal ï¬elds Will 1113! yen-1. That will be quite long em.- tor es. thank you. Thu :otest report tron Dina Rum- or’s Cabinet factory is that MLS‘j- (on and Senator Dcndunnd are Logo in u to stuck it 'u oaldthau U19 old The-y w now. Quebec has got into Uh: vortex oL mxlitarism all right. - Those who have returned say this it: harvest tune in Quebec, EDITORIAL NOTES. n‘k excavations Was being [.70. lodne rock at 60 cents. non gxcantion at 30 cents. easily be seen. that it M3501: impunity: hnd been cor- auld have involved quite $4,- :tn up his on section 01 md it amuse may _ gami- i be callmg him Snull mt manager of the Toronto ml: is Mr. Larry Saintly. clubs have been Quin; Totmhto for some tine. , at such : be intro- Baud; E E Lasts One Week ’3 4â€"_.___ [31 35 and 500 Wash m ““9"?" 3°: D Chairman .thelle's ““33“ the meeting at 'the WW“ biennial 1‘11“.le that u water used 3t tires 31.10Ҡb. wan seem to W m“ The municipal “worm" more Justiï¬ed in “min; 1rd} is shoal t WEE r3 5 ,5 ‘7; I at last :1»me tL- elm ot‘ timb'!’ Thy art Me wz'ndup of a Big Line, color! w/u'te, black, pad, ï¬elio, dc. Th] are apeat snap and sold in Me regfllar' way at 25, 35, 50:; fora hurry ï¬lling cad 9:. Sea East Window for Suxepz'ng Bargains. \ All white, variety of handles, splen- did top and good frames. Some are plain, many are 'embroidered. Lots of sunshine coming yet and lots of savings at this price. Out I 12 they rush each ............ a Out they go. No better suits made. This season’s goods and 3 months left to wear them yet. Ladies,use your good judgment and you will buy at these prices. moo and 313.00 sum ...... no on.“ m for ............... 10... â€3.00 and 30.†Salem..." 18.00 -White Parasols ‘ $1.12 Gigantic Clearance Ladies’ Muslin ....Dresses.... Ladies’ Tailored Suits And low pricesâ€"+7 ï¬nch merit. son" (I she ac‘ .! typhoid ..._..~â€"â€" _.-. care ztmlurmpn a reddenoe or a {3‘09 :tofln pl Britiah ridicule and come whens a! brine-W M no ‘in [mm Wt Ilive' Then Dania. did he not the anion: pipes with them; . ! mm a nut could unmade: to m gt â€"-â€"--â€"'â€"'"‘ “It Jup- without lain; . limb or unit ‘ so am Wan-k! is not White-h:- mu Thank his am. be u» and dug .II. To live to muturiï¬ul" h “301! to live many your. yet. ~ g, prices are low beyond precedents. Bo Admin! Wank: is not dud the: all. To live to muturifl. un- der tho freight of such : nun: is evidence]?! eon-iderublo viulitv. And then. when he lited mpcn, n tow lith- lam-Inuk- did track so (ht-quill I prices at cost and below. is the Splendid for Skirt and Coat, o’r for (ï¬z'ldren's wear, 3-4 bleached, some plain. some embrozilerea’ spot. Yéii miss algreat 3mg if you miss tlu': lot. T lte at price per yard 15“. 150. Extraordinary Silk Waist ,Sale Handsome Waist, crew, black and white Jep Silk, will wash ï¬ne. They are trimmed nicely and will be sold for about the price of melting. S†them : This season's import. They come in many pretty dedgne. 'What better could you do for evening or any weer. Goods that don't crush and are swell looking and strictly new. You make a splendid saving for we are go- ing to offer them at perynrd. . 390 500 Handsome Wash Volles 390 02.78 Sllk Wflstt, 81.70 84.50 Silk Walltt, 82.35 07.50 Silk was“. 83.95 See if your size is here. I!» Petal-hora Review. (Conan:- tivo) thinks. "The Globe'u truck on tho Attorney Gonna-an donut-cut at reduced. This is a rare saving time. All our Surn- mcr goods, brightnnew-frcsh and stylish are marked at sacriï¬ce prices. Proï¬ts don’t ï¬gure now. Clearanceâ€"complete and decisive, that's the all important question these days. Fall goods are orderedâ€"some are coming in daily. They must have room for dismay- it’s their time now. Summer goods must make way for them. EVERYTHING SUMMERY MUST , 0.0“ A ï¬nal price cutâ€"~a quick decisive selling choice bits for buyersâ€" Everything summery power which will hurrv. reduce and clear. Millinery, Winsome, winning and welcome. Some very attractive trim mod hat, (:0th shapes, hats your; looking forâ€"and such a price. Miiiineru-Flowers 85.00 Trimmed Hot: for $8.50 $7.00 and 10.00 Trimmed Bats, $5.00 Flavorsâ€"bright and pretty, import. ed goods every color. 1118 in a broken line of some splen- did white and colored outer skirts. You need them just now and you can make a good saving. Come in look them over. Marked for a fast clean up. Esch31.59 and.. “1:99 500 and 753 Flowers now 193 You Can Save $1.50 Here nmed, tucked and flounceda them yet. Yours 3 5“ a tomato in about ‘u u! right is ‘ lawyer. but u d: Amrunent he 1 bauxite: 61 GE Mutual: “’9 "‘f u 'u use '-t i- “ . but but it 1"“ Ԡd â€5. . . (35" Very lf¢ W hi“ he'll an": 10$ 8m ite apt!