PAGE Bowes, sec. i. ARM FOR SALEâ€"100 acre tann‘ iv more or less, for sale, being 101: 5 in Con. 10, Eldon. Good log house, good frame barn and stone stabling. 2 good wells, All cleared andin good state of cultivation. Well fenced, 1} acres orchard. Some plum and pear trees. Wants to sell at once. For fur- ther particulars apply to Elias Bowes Real estate agent, mdSSYr-W4. land not cut up by stream. near a. school, post oï¬ce. blacksmith shop. Would make a good ranch or grain term. For further particulars apply to Elias Bowes, real estate agent. â€" W4. li‘ARM T0 RENTâ€"West g lot 12, 4 Con. 8, Fenelon, containing 120 acres all cleared, 70 acres grainlan “AA; also stone hog pen, - shed and a comfortable house, two good wells, large orchard. No stumps or stone piles on the farm, from school, church and post olï¬ce Five miles from Fenclqe Falls, Poe-I Session to plough this fall. Possession on lst of March, 1911. Apply to the owner, Albert E. Minthorne, Rose- dale, 0nt.â€"w3. FARM FOR SALE ARM FOR SAWSituated one i and oneâ€"half miles from Fair- bairn, being lot 30, in Con. 7, Verug wells, windmill on barn, with water- bowls and piping, well fenced. For further particulars apply to ALEX. ,, ,. -9 #L CONNELL. TRAYEDâ€"Into the premises of . the undersigned, lot 20, Con. 9, Eldon, on June 23, 1 yearling colt, Owner can have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. James A. McNabb, Kirkï¬eld, Ontâ€"W3. OR SALEâ€"Well bred mare, not 1 afraid of automobile. Reliable in all harness and good worker. F. W. SUTCLIFFE.â€"dtf. l sold as follows: Shee .50 $4 rcwt‘ . 33' t° De ' held their literary meeting Thursday, e‘ rams. $3 to $3.50- , . . . . ' evening last, and was taken by Mrs. WTRAYEDâ€"Into the premises of g 1 ts fed at $25 for seec . Wm. Wilson, vice-president, The to- ) the undersigned, lot 20, Con. 9, lldon, on June 23, 1 yearling colt, bwner can have same by proving pro- vaun- â€" _ Eight hundred sheep and lam w p eweS. 118m- ‘4 The Epworth League of “118 place e. l Prices steady, . and watered at the market. and 88.75 . . t8. t0 Grover“! pic was taken from Sir Walter Scott’s a t.o.b. cars at country P0“! he tamer E $350 ‘0 t '. life and some of his poems. A hymn t ‘l ( 1 erty and paying expenses. James A. and this would mean . chabb, Kirkï¬eld, Ont.â€"w3. East Buï¬alo Cattle Market. . . - - i EAST BUFFALO. July 12' my†101, which was written by him, was __ Imp/(s 50 head; steady pr e steers, $7.50 sung and was followed by a short to 88 ’ prayer and a sketch of the life of Sir Vedaâ€"Receipts 50 head: slow and steady.~‘ . Hogsâ€"Receipts -8°°thhiadl;t§12%wé 69737;- lWalter Scott given by Miss Naylor. o e s y' ' A sketch of the Lady of the Lake was . f ‘l0c to me 1 , ' to $9.35; mixed. $9.35 to $.40: yorker-35* ' P‘gs' ‘10 t° “0'10- â€â€œghs' ‘7 1 given by Mr. Clarence Spence and a ‘ [FOR SALEâ€"Well bred mare, not 960 to $10. 9 t H 4' ' - ~ - to $8: 0 . . afraid of automobile. Reliable 1n Sheep and b9â€" lptsQï¬Ã©lLéiadg solo by Mrs. Owens. entitled, The . E Bonnie Banks of LOch Lomond. Then a recitat on on Lochinvar by Mr Carl all harness and good worker. F. W, 5c t 500 1 1 i3. 88 0 ower; an 3,, .- "$.32 5. Mr. Stanley McPherson gave SUTCLIFFE.â€"dtr. . :ew seas; yearlinssijï¬ to ,. .w-0 L“. “"3â€"? ‘ â€".f._â€"_7=m= I “u": IOTK 7 3.3-! . Moyne mm s IgEgtgggmddggwmmI-iy?eawes .feel a violin selection, Bonnie Doon'. Miss _________________..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"" weak. “ï¬esfgg‘wt. 8% Florrie MCNeVan gave a. ggoa reading M 7‘ . gal-3:- Sides. On to ' â€". 7;“; ~ . also Miss Elva Wore'ley read a para- Calveoâ€"W. méhmï¬ï¬g, 3.3%? graph from the Lady of the Lake. en- Wiss Dorothy Brown McHIIGHâ€"In Peterboro, on July 12, (250 to 810 call: and , - . ' . ‘ln': ' Margaret M cI-I ugh, aged 83 years. flutter-milks. .nomlnal, dressed m to- titled Coronach. tau- demand. city area-336:?†1315:, i sang a solo entitled My Ain Countrie. a splendid The funeral will take place from ‘16s. Country the home of Mr. J. W. Diament, image†sï¬eipf‘gï¬'ï¬gf'ï¬gsf‘â€. 53361:; Mr. Owens then gave Melbourne street on Thursday. :3 to. $2.50; lambs. $6 to $7.50: two, aâ€? reading, which was much appreciated lchdw. “-753 (â€â€œ5“ ’E-ï¬ï¬' at 95 sto‘ by all. Last of all was a song entitl- urie, by seven little July 14th inst, at 8.30 o’clock and ! Hogsâ€"Recaps 728. Ma . Proceed to St. Mary’s church for .no 101' “m9 we“ ' 1 ed, Dear Annie La service thence to the Roman Cathâ€" cmï¬ â€uâ€; 8‘3!" n a a; girls, which was sung well and was 9 A Ea eâ€"' 5 ' o “#4-... a“. in+pment_ ï¬gï¬ï¬g’; “e83â€; beevea. 3525 $053.40; Very much appreciated by all the -- c2 .- mm: weatemgtgffï¬- league. The president of the evening, ' " *--‘v Many-cu: XEC UTORS' NOTICE TO CREDIT- ORS.â€"Creditors and others hav- ing claims against the Estate , of Margaret Nolan, late of the Town of Lindsay, in the Countv of Victoria, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of June, 1910, are hereby notiï¬ed pursuant to R. S. O. o --».. -‘A-ma llCl’Uuy uu ..... u y..--_..__., , 13m, Chap. 129, to send in their claims duly veriï¬ed to the undersigned Solici- tors on or before MONDAY, the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 1910, after which date the Executors will distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims or which they shall then have nptic‘e. :1 -, 1*â€..‘3. 2..., A; then new c uuusuwo Dated at Lindsay, this Ninth day of July, 1910. STEWART 8: O’CONNOR, Solicitors for Honorable George Mc- Hugh and Peter Kennedy, Executors. Melbourne street 01 July 14th inst, at 3-3 proceed to 813- M811 service, thence to the olic cemetery for int: WANTED .Teachel‘. Dâ€"To learn dry goods out of town boy pre- . McGAFFEY.â€"Wtf- home of Mr. J. W. Diament, how Fume street on ThursdaY. ‘3; 14th inst, at 8. 30 o’clock and ed to St. Mary’s church for {no u» thence to the Roman Cath- l ‘ STRAY ED "S Green, for School interment. Lindsay Market Weekly Quotations Liverpool Whoa? Futures CIoso Low‘ er, Chicago Higherâ€"Live Stock : --The Latest Quotations. Tuesday Evening. July 12. wheat futures closed to-da! Liverpool corn future! lower than yesterday; *6 higher. July wheat at Chic 0 closed nae high or than yestprdgy; Ju y corn *0 higher. LII-Ann- 61' tnan yeauuuaq, Uu-J ...... and July oats §§¢ higher. Winnipeg Options. July wheat at Winnipeg closed higher. July outs §§c higher. Wheatâ€"July $1.09 . October 81.02%, Oatsâ€"July 3536c. ctober 373k. Toronto Grain Market. 00 to 1 Little .lttle Doing In American Cattle] Marketsâ€"Hogs Slightly Lower. ‘ Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO. July 12.â€"Beoeipts o ive stock were reported by the rail- ;Sys ’09 be 72 cal-loads gonsisting of and a cattle, 479 hogs, sheep lambs, with 284 calves and 1 horse. Fat Cattle Prices. ' moduli, $6.50 a tumble Fred as. who bought 20 cowsv ““4“ “m easte' r. at to :55 each. Venusâ€"59cm»: w h“.-. ., Hogsâ€"Receipts 800 head; slow; eavy.. : steady; Mr $9.25 to $9.35; mixed, $9.35 to $9.40; yorkers.‘ $9.60 to $10: pigs, :10 to $10.10; roughs, 37m1 q. 1 1mm, native. “' I 84.60 to 31-15- 3mm. ac to 26¢- CATTLE MARKETS. Flour, best Manitoba, retail $3.15. Flour, Manitoba, retail $2.9M Rolled oatS, $2.35. Bran, $1.00 per cw‘t. Fall wheat 95c. bus. Spring wheat, 85c. bus. Goose wheat, 85c. bus. Buckwheat, 400. bus.’ ' ; 1 n= ,vuv vw- -7 mflt0fl1 ranging fro Sheep a_nd Lambs. 'Vâ€"Ieél Calves. lambs 8t Barley, 42c. bus. Shorts, $1.15 per Rye 606 bus. Oats, 320. bus- Reavclover, retail $6 per bus. Alsike clover, retail $5.50. Large peas, ,70c. per bus. Small peas, 65¢. per bus. New hay $7 to $9 per ton. Hay, $13 and $14 per ton! Clover hay $11 to $14 per to Straw, $3 to $5 per load. Pea straw. $1.50 per load. Eggs, 20¢. per doz. Dairy butter, 22c. pen 1b. Creamery butter, 26¢. per 11). Cream. net at. 15c. to 80¢. deed pleasant to see, After all the dry weather it was much needed. Mr. Geo. Johnson, who has recently. ibeen working with Louis Moynes has tnow hired with Mr. A. Worsley for ! the summer season. l Luv 5..-..- __ , Miss J unkin, who has been teaching in S. S. No. 5, here, retumed to her home on Friday last to spend the vacation . Wool, washed, 206. 1b. Wool, unwashed 136. 1b A large number irom- here attended 5 at Cameron on Sunday morning which was chiefly for the Orangemen of that place. - -- -- -1--- roas‘ league. The president 0 Mr. Fred Pethick, then of the meeting, as our ‘ Hr. T. Everson, was as summer school. Miss M this league was sent the summer school 1 our own league onl: ;11‘1§, "may... .. rery much appreciated by all the ' eague. The president of the evening, vir. Fred Pethick, then took charge if the meeting, as our own president L-Ir. T. Everson, was away attending summer school. Miss Mamie Nayl'or of this league was sent as a delegate to the summer school at Wellington for our own league only. We are sorry to hear of the ilness of Mr. Wm. Wilson, Jr., who is now‘ sick in bed with bronchitis and measâ€" les. We hope for his speedy recovery, and as they are in the midst of their haying it is very inconvenient. Miss Mayg'l‘olmie, of Islay attended Zion League on Thursd . A large number iron: the picnic of the Pleasant Valley In- Lstitute held at Limerick. (Special t3 The Post) Thursday last ZION :ague of this place ' meeting Thursday, was taken by Mrs. ton. Rev. Mr. Howard preached a. 3006 sermon on Sunday last which was is.- vorably impressed all present that Mr. HOWard will be our successful pastor for the coming year. , 7~3 _.2LI- W" The weatheri was‘ all that . b v I“ 1' .‘ v . Rev. Mr. Howard preached a good school. sermon on Sunday 133+, which was fa- could be desired for the occasion. At 3 , ’ _ vorably impressed an present that 2 o'clock, Miss .McDonald. teacher. 1 A BYâ€"LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORR< Mr. Howard will be our successful marched her pupils to the platform THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTRUC' pastor for the coming year. erected for the programme in the w ‘The Islay baseball team played with form of a flag .drill, and commenced CONCRETE ampules. Z‘ion here on Thursday evening 133*" the alternoon- exercises by an open- WHEBEAS it is, in the opinion of the Conn The Maple Leaf Forever, 1 and concrete bridges for trust certain stee EAS for that purpose the sum and above the ordinary current with a score of 5â€"7 in favor of IslaY- ing chorus. Misses J unkin, of Bethel. “13’in music, ‘readings, and drills were also cons at the home or Mrs. Wm, MOVIES {or rendered in a very pleasing manner. R a few da 5 ret ' n Frida last - ' AND WEE y ' urnlng 0 y, The'Maypole drill, given by 16 girls be raised, over with their 3‘ ' Gertrude J un- , kin ister, M186 pleased the onlobkers very much. A ND WHEREAS, to raise the said sum 01 ‘ ML Tiers, warden or our' county, sary to issue debentures of the Corporation 0 Mr. Edgar Oliyer, of Powles Corn- - . . ers, was the guest of Miss Ethel Pick- 7"“ present’ and acted “mum?†for the sum of $10,000.00, which 18 the amount in an able manner. Rev. .Mr. Smith ! created by this by-law, the proceeds of said d4 ick on Sunday last. ‘ W The Isl'ay branch of the W. I. will °‘ Wham?†“13° â€â€˜19,; “in ithe said purposes. pleasmg remarks' Mr' 8mm†' ° \ AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue t1 hold their annual meeting at the 1, h 1 _ t was unable > home of Mrs. Eltord, Islay on Wedâ€" pub 1° 5° 0° map“ or, ed . um- time. and to make the principal of said debt to be present, and regrett cm: during a period oi twenty years, being the c nesday, July 13th. - stances being such. ~ ,ures, the said yearly 8 Mrs. Heron was the guest of r . Mr. Corneil, reeve of mely, “’33 gregate amount payab daughter, Mrs.‘ Wm. Wilson for a . week, returning on Sunday last with 8150 hindered by being In an auto ,of the said debt, shall be as nearly as possi wk the day ' previous and "caved {payable in each of the other nineteen year her grandchild, Martha Wilson. ' ‘ ““““ “M“ *m' 9' number 0‘ brumes- in schedule “A" hereto annexed. r ___........a H... mm amount requin her “er. Edgar Oliver, of Powles Corn- ers, was the guest of Miss Ethel Pick- ick on Sunday last. __ - N... The Islay branch of the W. I. Will leasix hold their annual meeting at the public home of Mrs. Elford, Islay on Wedâ€" :0 be nesday, July 13th. st nce Mrs. Heron was the guest of 9' . 3 MIX daughter, Mrs.‘ Wm. Wilson for week, returning on Sunday last with 3160 t her grandchild, Martha Wilson. week Mr. Wilbert has returned home for a. nun his vacation, after which he will con- The ztinue going to the L. C. I. Miss Martha Wilson of this while visiting her grandmother Kirkfleld, was suddenly taken ill with the measles. Master Cecil Worsley is ill ; the measles. of good to the crops, and they are all beginning to look fresh again, as they were so dried up before the show er. although the rain is not so pleas- ant when haying is the order of the day. Miss Dorothy and Master THE LINDSAY POST On Saturday evening a friendly game. At 1 Was tossed oï¬ and in: On Saturday evening our w..- team journeyed to Mr. Alex. inson’s ï¬eld, Scotch Line, a friendly game. At 7.15 the Was tossed off and time Bert Padget, captain of the Millersmith team, fast sweeps on goal, ing the five minutes ed the cold lemonade ladies. Again they went to their places with more vigor than ever before. but alas. the bal a few kicks, when Mr. Ashmore Scotch Line team landed it in goal. No more goals were made by either» team during the last half, and ended in a tie 1-1. Mr. Alex. Burgess conducted the game in g00d game the ladies of for the ball the boys enjoyâ€" and style. After the ' that vicinity prepared lunch E teams and visitors. This is ‘ our boys shine. Just ask ' Scotch Line girls what we like bet- ' ter than pie. Guess, they will reply ; more pie. Before leaving for home 6 our boys gave three cheers for the [1 left kindness shown by ladies and with a- grateful feeling towards the ‘1 P601116 of Scotch Line. 'e is lg on Monday an on marsh road. Mr. Ashmore. B’â€" n- man, is spending the remainder of m grant on gravellmg the graded part .e Miss Ellen May and Minnie Brien, .d of Riverview, ed of Scotch Line, [51- Wm. Zealand's. tle '88 Lellan visited ' Fairvi :he Ward, Sunday. just before half 2 Alex. made one Of those ell and Len Duffy, 2 Weston and scored. Dur- and Wm. Ashmore. l 1 provided by er and Pat Harrington. be congratulated on the success 1 had only their picnic. Miss McDonald came to Mr. Corneil Viiited 'our community d viewed the work done 3 fore- spent Sunday at Mr. Miss Maggie Gray and Mr. R. Mc- ew Farm, West 0.,- v'- _ ROb‘ . Married women's raceâ€"1 Mrs. Nor- to play man Kennedy, 2 Mrs. Joe Smith. Married men's raceâ€"1 Wm. Right, Elliott. Three legged raceâ€"1 George Boot and shoe raCeâ€"l Rollie Park- Miss McDonald and trustees are to of our section at Easter and since won the favor and esteem of the section, as will as her pupils. Her deep in- terest in school work is shown by the programme prepared for such an occasion. and the willingness to as- sist our trustees to make S. S. No. 3 Emily a model for the county of Victoria. An interesting account of this pic- Big Hotel I i Oak Orchard 'â€" C.P.R. Secures Option on Property 2 O: "s Orchard and Mount Julian W (The Canadian Pacii Railway has secured an option on t? Mount Julian hotel property, Stor Lake. In this event ltis more th: likely that a large hotel will ' erected, to accommodate the i creased tourist trafï¬c of the Lakr Examiner: 3:; "25 Maud picnic ever in Millet-smith on Saturday, June 18 Thurston’s grow. one min ent rain. is making the far- : a. pleasant face ,as every- in gooi headway now for an From another correspondent (Special to The Post.) iiied 'our community viewed the work done Mr. Ashmore, fore« 1g the remainder of [ling the graded part ay and Minnie Brien, Mastm one mile north J toned most successful L‘qu V ~-v vhere An interesting account of this pic- those nic was lost by one. of our staï¬, and bet- we were obliged to ask for another reply writeup, held Boot mud sh'oe raceâ€"1 Rollie Park- er and Pat Harrington. Miss McDonald and trustees are to be congratulated on the success of their picnic. Miss McDonald came to our section at Easter and since won the favor and esteem of the section, â€VJ-r __ _v Walter Kennedy. ' ll; Young Men's raceâ€"1 Rollie Park- ', 2 Joe Flynn. 2- Married women's raceâ€"1 Mrs. Nor- 0' Oak Orchard 0. P. R. Secures ï¬ption on Property at 0; 's Orchard and Mount Julian ‘ y} Luv- With two new hotels and with an excellent hotel at Bobcayg'eon. the ‘ The above is a true copy of the proposed F3218“. to L '1 of the County or Kawartha- Waters will be :well equip‘ consideration by the County Counm ped to meet the increased tourist Council Chamber at the CW3? in the Town 0 the 1910, 8‘ traï¬ic, .which will be sure to result if said Count _ b A D the C.P.R., seriously undertakes to 11 -. ?’ on the 15th day Of Love m er, f '1 H the 1116an u n 0 01019: 111 the fonenoon at which time arm p.809 ' boom [the .Kawartha group of syl- Council are her b . . nd ‘or the nurpose van swimming spots, and regions of e ’ "‘1‘“er t° 3"“ ‘ ' ’ recreation and rest, with its accus- ' ‘ ‘ 7 _ ' C19 1 of the evening ,y . some while Others closely contested game spirit and thoroughness. in schedule “A†hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount r to be raised annually by special rate, 1 terest as hereinafter provided, is $735.82 ’ AND WHEREAS the amount of the Corporation of the County of Victoria and equalized assessment rolls thereof, AND WHEREAS the amount of the said Municipality is $60,006.00, whereof I "L:â€"- ‘I‘l' 1. That tor the purpose of raising the sum of $10,000.00 to been! the purpose of the construction of steel and concrete bridgesk the County of Victoria, debentures of the Corporation 0! the Com; Victoria. shall be issued on the Twentieth day of December, A. 1)., 191m rate of Four 3: the amount of $10,000.00, with interest yearly at the ' cent per annum. that is to say, the principal and interest in my interest at Four per cent years. as shmbffg ’ said annexed schedule; the said debentures shall be payable oneeachom Twentieth Day of December in each of the years 1911 to 1930 inclusive; ’ the omce of the Treasurer of the County of Victoria, at the Cur. _ lHouse in the Town of Lindsay. ' 2. Each of the said debentures shall be signe Corporation of the County of Victoria, and he is hereby em and to issue the debuts: orized and instructed to sign the same, the same to be sigmé i: t. hereby authorized to be issued and to cause the treasurer of the said Municipality. And the clerk of the 531le nâ€" ty is hereby authorized and instucte d- to attach the seal of the was: th ‘poration to said Debentures. '3 That during the currency of the said debentures there shall hem 1" ' ed annually by special rate on all the rateable property of the sum poration of the said County of Victoria, the sum oi 8 Ba to ipose of paying the amount due in each of the said years, 0‘ gand interest, in respect of the said debt, as shown in the to .“A†hereto annexed. râ€" for pm: said 5m - . ~ .: o - 1-; ‘annO nr‘ 7719 (17 L. - 1. That for the purpose ded for the purpose of the the County of Victoria, de' Victoria. shall be issued on the amount of $10,000.00, 1 E Date Payable ',December 20th,1911 'December 20th,1912 lDecember 20th,1913 December 20th, 1914 December 20th, 1!! “ï¬ber 20th,1916 :December 20th, 1911 gDecember 20th, 1915 I December 20th,191£ December 20th,1921 December 20th 192 December 20th, 192 4 December 20th, 192 December 20th, 192 December 20th, 192 December 20th, 192 December 20th, 192 WH‘KU\I I.“ yuorv_-,, ID WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at m and to make the principal of said debt repayable by Yearly a; g a. period of twenty years, being the currency 0: the said am: the said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that then? to amount payable in each year for principal and interest in rm 3 said debt, shall be as nearly as possible equal to the 812022: so .1. in each otthe other nineteen years of said period, as Show. of 88.739.96. PASSED LOWS :â€" gun... a. o-u ..u-ooo co IUD-OOQI-Oooou 20th, 1914 20th, a!" 20th, 1915 20th, 1917 20th, 1918 20th, 1919 20th, 1920 20th, 1921 20th, 1922 20th. 1923 Clerk and Treasurer. at Lindsay this 15th Day Clerk and Treasurer - AU‘EHORIZE THE BORROWIING 0? $10,009.00 W A )SE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL AND in the opinion of the County Council, desirable :1 and concrete bridges for the County of View“ ‘0 for, that purpcae the sum of $10,000.00 is reqm‘red shove the ordinary current expenditure of the Cam: â€.00, which is the amount of the debt, 1‘1““me m. the proceeds of said debentures to be aPDhed ‘0’ , 1924 , 1925 , 1926 , 1927 -.~-o.o.--oo-o-o total amount required by “The Municipal Au“ :7 special rate, for paying the said debt and i:- THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF m 0022. a mummy or VICTORIA ENAC'I‘S 53m, is 83.5. 82. nt of “the whole rateable property 0, m Victoria, according to the last w thereof, is $15,981,578.00. nt of the existinz debenture debt of ti whereof no portion of the principal or i inking fund thereof now amounts to f: o¢-ooooa.o-0-o-- 7! SCHEDULE ‘ ‘ A- into force and take a shall be signed by the Warden of t 'ictoria, and he is hereby empowered. d» the same, and to issue the dehum‘ and to cause the same to be sigmd k, pality. And the clerk of the said M Eucted‘ to attach the seal of the with; $ 400.00 386.57 3-7 2.60 358.07\ 342.96 327.25 310.90 293.91 276.23 $4,716.40 238.73 218.85 198.17 176.66 154.29 131.03 106.84 81.68 55.51 28.30 aid debentures there shallhui rateable property of the Si , the sum of $735.82 forth: of the said years, {or of November, A PrinCiPal 5 335.82 349 .25 363.22 377.75 392.86 408.57 424.92 441.91 459.59 effect on the 535' d W’ n11