we can u my" LII-"s Sturgeon Point Council Meeting First Beetins 0‘ night. cil took â€abâ€" -_ h Brown and Council- Reeve J osep lors Miller, Goodwin, and Wallace Jones, took the necessary declara- tions of ofï¬ce and qualification. SeVeral accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. The auditor's report was r and adopted. John Dixon’s tender for lighting the streets at 40¢. a. night. being the lowest, was accepted. Communications from E. A. Ed- wards offering to sell lots on Irene street for a park, was laid on the table. eceived * - A_.â€"--a:, over and bylaw passed for raising the yearly rates at the same rate as last year, namely 14 mills on the PAGE M .‘JUlou v-vâ€"â€" - ,, Mr Robert Graham was engaged as scavenger at $1. 50 per house, an 2' ncrease of 10c. _ ‘ 7‘- Peterboro, July 23.â€"Joseph Mantel! of this city, who has passed his 1013t birthday, has gone on a. journey to 3W rn Ontario, visiting London, In- 39 sol and other points. Mr. Man- tell is in splendid health and parti- cularly active and strong for his ?‘d' by his granddaughter, Mrs. J. 0. Ed- wards of_this city, and her little son. ï¬rst meeting 0‘ pk place at the I keeps mu: gof New Council ï¬eld Last Evening >c.' d h_ ‘1 33nd $00 was ma e .amarus Ein 1 1e park. _and erecting a j fete] n ai the spring. ‘ u] â€4"“; ' 30111 ' stat y Trip am § not At 101 Yemi ‘ I ,f the new coun- rain shelter last News : The general manager of thel Home Bank, 001. James Mason, made ement this morning in reference 3.3 received lighting , a stat ht, being E to the despatches from Lindsay con- of ltaining an account of the arrest a. A. Ed- their manager here, Mr. McG-ill, on the charge of conspiring against the id on the Farmers’ Bank, of which he was} manager until June 28th. 001. Mas-‘ son declares that on June 22nd Mr. pplied for a position, declar- for raising sing he had resigned from the Farmers ame rate as §Bank on June 4th. On June 29th he ‘entered the employ of the Home Bank, 001. Mason disclaims any con- was with injurious statements ‘ that may the county, i have been uttered against - in..- ï¬amornt Bank. on Irene nd expendi‘ then gone McGill' a raised : nection and SAVEI FROM Appendicitis Buredï¬! NEWBURGH' ‘ Just about a year ago, our daughter Ella (fourteen years: , was The pain was so severe that we had to carry her terrible pains in the right side. to bed. We at once put her under the care of a ï¬rst-class doctor, who pronounced it a case of Appendicitis and advised an Operation. again examined by an W'e took her to a hospital in Kin ton where she was gs Appendicitis and must be operated on at 'st He said she ha ' As we had taken her to Kingston to have eminent speciah once if we wanted to save her lzfe. this done we were ready but our daughter was afraid and cried and begged so pitifully, that we postponed 1t for that day. Luckily for us and for her an uncle came " 7 IL - an“, MW, \ i0 um SET ON OTHER BANK ‘ 8m THE now. BANK PRESIDENU ‘ the Farmers’ Bank- CONSIDERING YEA] Col. James Mast rger of the Hour C LC“ 0 van-av... . “In the application which Mr. Mc-‘ 3111 sent to us, dated 22nd June, he i stated that he had resigned from the Farmers' Bank on June 4th. We did not open the branch until the 29th. NO KNOWLEDGE OF INJURY “Of course we haVe no Knowledge of . what Mr. McGill may have said to I, his friends inLindsay regarding the: Farmers' Bank. If it had been intim-g ated to us by the Farmers’ Bank that ' he was injurying their credit in order to get business for the Home Bank, ‘ we would have at once cautioned him. " The only instructions he received from ' us in the solicitation of business was in the form of a letter to be sent out ’ to the people of Lindsay generally an- nouncing that the Home Bank had opened a branch. In this letter there r pers. Of course, Mr. McGill has been‘ sending us reports showing the num- ber of deposits received by the Home The other banks in Lindsay have proï¬ted Iby the withdrawals, because the Home; t Bank has not received nearly this am~ aunt of money. NO DEAD SET ON OTHER BANK “The newspaper reports matter seem to give the idea that the Home Bank secured the stafl the Farmers Bank and opened the branch, making a deliberate set for the Farmers Bank business. This is the factâ€"as I have said before. not branch, making a deliberate set for the Farmers Bank business. This isl not the fact-as I have said before! the matter of opening a branch in‘ Lindsay has been under consideration for the past two years. Mr. McGilI was, as far as we have been aware at time he was engaged, without em- ployment in Lindsay, and he was en- gaged by the Home Bank under re- commendations which showed that he was an honest and trustworthy young man and was very well and favorably C arte r’s Little Liver Pills. “HuiI-a-tives†Vorysnnnuulflm “mum U3 Gnu Iv- ___ in with some ‘Fruit-aâ€"tives’ and insisted on Ella taking them. Good results were apparent almost from the ï¬rst dose, and the continuous treatment cured her. AI‘. Vanâ€"vâ€"v only mecficine in the world made of fruit. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50. or trial box. 25c. At dealers, qr sent, postpaid, .4 ,A_:‘_ A, Must Bear Signature of ISURE SICK HEADACflR, Gm mun Genuine ran mutant. I run mzzmzss. , ron muoususs. ! run 10an man. i run consnrmon m mow sm. run we comm“!!! ac be tt in no ve? 18 0!] th mE LINDSAY post known in Lindsay and throughout the township, His work, in Lindsay, SO far, has been what we would haVe ex- pected from any competent -managel‘ openmg a new branch of the Home Bank. MR. FLUREY NOT IN HOME BANK â€It might also be added that Mr. Flurey is not in the service of the Home Bank as stated in the morning papers, and the other young man Mr. Coulter, left the service of the Farm- ers’ Bank on July 4th joining the service of the Home Bank on the 14th.†CIRCULAR LETTER FOR LIND- SAY. was The following circular letter forwarded from the Head Oï¬ice to Mr McGill to distribute in Lindsay~0ther than this Col. Mason states there was no circular announcement = “Dear Sir: The Home flank of Caâ€" nada has opened a branch in your ci- d- “a :5 nrnnqrpd to extend every ty and is prepared to extend every accommodation consistent with sound banking principles to its customers. “0n Saving Deposits the Home Bank pays interest. In the past 5 deposits have increased a half dollars. th “I hereby no position on the I have ï¬ve yea three as ma! tion for guarantee bdnd. The Problem fliscussed at Notional Education vention Session at Boston Boston, July 18â€"In endeaVOring to give your readers some idea of what the great National Education Asso‘ ciation Convention is doing, I am oiten at a loss to choose the most impontant topic, but venture to ex- press the hope that I have not been altogether misguided in the end. I ' would like to speak of one of the child study conferences, as it seems, to me that a preper knowledge of the 'material upon which a workman ex- {pends his skill is necessary, if he would so manipulate that material to make the very most of it. DD. G. Stanley Hall, president of Clark‘ University, Worcester, the life, long expert in child study, was chos> en to present the theme to conven- tion; and to those who have heard upon this topic, I need not say that the presentation was of the most vigorous and straight forward char- acter Dr. Hall does'not hesitate to 0311 '8 spade a spade,’ but speaks with perfect freedom to mixed audi- ences of the sins and temptations of childhood and adolescence 'In a. way to startle those who are asleep out of their slumbers. As is well k‘nown, ‘Dr. Hall and those who are working with him, have discovered every spe- cies of the child abnormal. classified LCh enclose herewith applica- of the Child ’D classified him, catalogued him, discovered his motives, his inclinations, the number of times he fails to say ‘Yes, ma’am" or ‘No ma’am, when spoken to, unâ€" til you can pick out of any crowd and put him just where he should not be, namely, out of the society of his fellowâ€"children, where he ought to live, he wisely directed, , and learn to curb his passions ï¬nd 1 direct his energies to the 206d :81 others. , . It seems to me, Mr. Editor. that ‘"""'v if half the time were spent by chil- Mcu dren. faddists in ï¬nding out a Way to get into the heart and sympathies 3f BARB“ the bad boy, who has a heart and M . . I or empathleS. If we can only ï¬nd a given hem, that is spent in dis- i’on B: 1 way to t covering the bad boy, his motives, Street how he expresses himself, etc., the R.J.I problem of the bad boy and abnorm- Jam“ a1 child would not be such a serious â€"â€"--â€"- one as it is made to appear. "0' THE INFLUENCE OF PARENTS- Boys and girls are often made bad and abnormal by the inexcusable fol- We 1y of parents and teachers, who can- and not or will not understand the child. P912“ . who is at ï¬rst good and probably as $3: 5 normal as the average child. I have insta l seen a child rendered abnormal in title! a e temper and inclination as well as s achievement by the persistent misun- derstanding of a teacher, who was n either too foolish or too indolent to is hitherto normal child, so [1 study th râ€" that his activities might be properly m 5 directed, and I have seen this same es Id child thus rendered abnormal, become 181-5 1'] normal again under a changed course of treatment at the hands of a tea- ny cher who had the grace to look beâ€" ay neath the artiï¬cial surface and ï¬nd a normal heart beating in unison with 00d and pure. Nine hundred We and ninety nine children out of the thousand are as normal at the outset as most people in this world. What are their motives, what in- ad fluences them, what restrains or con- what treatment on the 'h v 'ill What is g 11:. keep them normal in thou .ast conduct ? These are questions that ers’ some of us would life to see answerâ€" a ed, and I for one, am ï¬rmly convinc- tion ed that a thorough knowledge of the nine hundred and ninety-nine is of 8- more importance that all that can be wn. known of the one whom we are dis- ural posed to call abnormal. I would not uenâ€" ~make it appear that all so called 110 child study has as its ultimate aim With the treatment of the abnormal, but in“ I do say that so much attention is lame given to him that we are neglecting the the normal, and are, perhaps, too _ remiss in duty to tender to him. such rim: intelligent treatment as will keep him so, and help him to grow up to a normal manhood and to add ’ something to the sum total of the ‘ world’s happiness. In closing, IS 'would just state that in an inter- view with Mr. Fairchild of Baltimore :1 am informed that the illustrated ; lectures on ‘Moral teaching in schools 3 :so effective in the United States, 'wfll be available in Canada. ild Con- 1 u; ‘1‘» can. Midland Free Press: The messenger of death 'came unexpectedly to town i. The funeral took place from his residence, Manley street. on Saturday evening last and remov- 5 late ed one of our very highly respected T118353? to Lakeview cemetery. citizens in the person of Mr. William Those in attendance at the funeral ‘2 x. v . _. \ Sanderson, Manley street. sfrom a distance were his so!“ Wil- } M . For some years deceased had been liam, of Mannora, and two orothers r, "EQTISE m l amicted with rhrumatism, but at John and Joseph, 0: Omemee. ‘ Al“ ' r, “Mirrj l. -v Bala, July 14â€"Mrs. John Board went to bed in good health last night At three this morning she cumplainâ€" ed of a pain in the head, leaning for- Ward she became unconscious, and never rallied. She died a: six 3.. m-., and leaves her husband and four adult children to mourn her loss. Captain Wm. Board, Port Carling, Chas. Board, Lindsay, Ont, Mrs Currie and Mrs. John Hamill. of Bale, to whom we tender onr sympa- thy. To fall asleep at the ripe old age of four score, without struggfs and Without sickness or sorrow of parting is truly the acme of human felicity.â€"Times. ' ' md girls are often made bad ormal by the inexcusable fol- rents and teachers, who can- will not understand the child. at ï¬rst good and probably as as the average Child. I have child rendered abnormal in and inclination as well as ment by the persistent misun- Obituary JOHN BOARD . SANDERS-ON “a véolicitor for runners u...- -_ -, ‘ re: D1 Telephone 41. Kent-st. , over the Farmers Bank 10: - an ,‘ Omceâ€" ’â€" chil- McLAUG-HLINP EEL, FiJ LION;1n WSON 3A ELY to â€9.2; BARBISTERS, soqu' and mums»: an a Money to loan. Special attention? Ofï¬ces, Domin» . 1d .a given to investments. (118' ion Bank. comer of V‘Villiam and Kent 3 Streets, Lindsay. ’tives, ., the Rul. NOWSMMJLQ, norm- James A. Pool. 1'. ll. Stinson; eriOUS ._â€"-.â€"- â€"â€"â€"-â€"-râ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€""‘,â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"'-_â€" i | ms. 0 EV To LOAN AT Lowzsf 1e bad cunniut mass 1 _ â€J...â€" I )le ‘01 ‘ We are prepared to make loans on town ‘ 10 08-11- and farm property from either private} Child, HEN-v -â€" 7-; dean-ed, and 111 My as . . . mth specxal pm [ haVe instalments wit .1 in interest. Inten all as able at our oï¬a misun- STRWA W85 dent to _â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- hild. so AVANA Dominion .ro erl . . p y gxneers. V ah 6 same escriptions become Drainage “'0 Orillia, Ont. «01- We are prepared to M 1W â€1W" JAM EC KEITH \p‘ can- and farm proper hild, persons ' , Seed March . ly as desired, and in sums to suite borrower‘s, . Beg: Bin (1631'? ï¬nd Dealer m with special privileges. You may pay 111 ‘ ‘ _ Wine on [um . Great care 15 used to supply even m.“ have instalments without increase m rate of st and instalments P3?“ true to name and of good Guam: able at our once. 1 William-St†Li I y, Ont. lisun- STEWART O’CONNOR, \ Barristers. Lindsay‘ M‘ ï¬ve McLAUG-HLINP BEL, ‘II‘ICI‘ BARRISTEIIS, SOLICIT and lwlnnnw ‘; Money to loan. Special attention? ' . Ofï¬ces, D0min~ 3 ' ' dKent >i Dominion Land Surveyors, En- 'aluators. Survevs of all gineers. escriptions attended to, including Drainage ‘SVorks. Ofï¬ceâ€"Roger’s Blk. n“:1l:n nnr PO Box 228. Phone 267 Hopkins, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. Solicitor for the Bank of Montreal Money to loan at low- est rates. Otï¬ces, 6 William-st. South, Lindsay Ont. Branch oï¬ce at Woodville. G. n. HOPKINS, K. c. c. n WEEKS Fan-9 HOLMES HOPKISSJBA. Though: a man of large frame, his heart was pronounced to be weak, which was doubtless responsible in some measure for his sudden death. Mr. Sanderson was born at Ome- mee in January 1844, and when reaching young manhood married Mrss Mary Magee. From this union there. were one son and two daught- ers, William of Marmot-a; Mrs. Cameron, of Mount Vernon, Washing- About twenty-three years ago Mr. ‘ Santierson moved to Fenelon Falls, where he united with the LO L. and -. Maccabees. Fourteen years he lived f at the latter place, and then moved to Midland, where he has spent the - i past nine years. In politics he was a ‘Conservative, and in religion 3 Presâ€" byterian. Kent-st. , fén‘t'. PO Box The funeral took place from his late residence, Manley street, 0'0 Tuesday to Lakeview cemetery- Weeks Hopkins WSON of Cumula- THE llVEBPOOL Ann mum m\ m: msunmcz comm LINDSAY, FRIDAY Bates and premium as low"; respectable company. The â€men? losses is prompt and liberal. The ‘1 md standing of the company m insured in it perfect security Wk . w. a. wmnm Agent for Lmdsay and Victoria 0°“! 1 c LAND Sunrons AND CIVIL Em“ Municipal Drainage Work 3 Phone 242 or P. 0. Ba > Mr.’,|lvv- v Falls, i Dentist [1- and l[Minimu- Royal Col‘ lived I All mcdem me1 ‘ de tm i moved a P†ears 0 ; practiced. 800'! FIRE AND LIFE, WALTER SUITE. 0.2 S , GmkWfl-‘A 0 OX'XQX. ! PLANI‘SG MILL â€" W of Sash, Doors. Frames, will“ of house trimmings. We make a. specialsy “Wu? ware, such as Step [M in Boards, Clothes Horses, etc. \xent-st, Lindsay. 0pm “Ill-n i W. H. CRESSWELL, Prop Ontario Marble and Granite Works, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. Dealers in all kinis of Foreign mu mestic Marble and Granite [on etc., of the latest designs and band. mmhip. A call solicited. Intending purchasers an mm W‘ W. Jordan whose good Iflxbfl THE KWEDY 9m MINING C0. [ME he business. nuuns m LUMBER. m urn, m. We are prepared“ ca on PAR 4.3010 W ri ï¬es t ready ROMï¬ng strictly ï¬re proof andfilll! SMITH sum. f you need anything consult us. Estiu‘ promptly. m0! AID YARD, EASY -.._V Graduate Toronto _ Coronexf 01 X. idol!“ Oï¬iceâ€"Ridout- at... 0“ Lindsay-$3, (fgrmer n9“ LITTLE BRITAIN graduate: (‘1 Unlversities tment. 6.131%. Formerly CressweD. JO'in PHYSI CLME BLA) H DEA'TISTIH’ lJuI-v \. 19mm ' M «.01