Reeve Vro.m:n in discussing, stat- ed that when it was mentioned on the ctr et' that the rate would probably be thirty mills, th2re was a whoop oi suypriee and the council came in for considerable criticism and was term- ed a bad council. A great many pmple, however, did not understand The counc'l at its special last evening s.rnck the above tax-ticn, and the necessary Ins passed. Lindsay’s tax rate is thirty mills on .he dollar. The Protestant rate is th TQy mills and the Separate school. rate.- is thirty one mills. .é’ter " negotiations whichl shed ! .,:n Novamber last. up to the Qresent time, the Baker Lum‘.er Co, 15... have suCCeeded in arrLVJn; at a settlement with the C.P.R. for the iands being takén by th;t Com- p:ny for Ra'Jway purposes. The! n- 31 settlement Was effected Tuesday, by which the Baker Lumber Ca. gets $15,000 in cash and some oLher L. NDSAY’S RATE IS THIRTY MILLS ONE MILL HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR W LESS THAN ACRE OF LAND BAKER C0. GETS LARGE DAMAGES 5: ï¬x" Regular 32 50 and $3.00 Boys" Two Piem Suits. to than all... ........... .... $195 {cgntm- stmms 100 I}.n.~' l‘wn-I‘xrce Blue and Black Sen-"c Suits, tn "hear at, .329 Reg tum-$511) Box's’ Thu-e piet-v Suits in mIamvn grey and black Tweet. Is. In cle‘u- at ........ :53 50 Regular 37 50 (0 S8.’ 0:; Buvs‘ ’Iiuee- piete Suits in hrmuw gut; 3. .mm- mm] {.mc) \" «xx-suds tn dearnt .. ............ 75 Regular 2; 50 to $3. IX) 803" 5' “1 “SI: Suits, made in the new est, styles to ciczu at ......... $1 50 Regular $150 and $800, to clear at. Regular $100021an $122150, tn clear :11 Regular SEMI.) Men‘s Blue and B! Suils. tuck-Jr .... .. $7 5:! Renal.“ $100 \Ien‘s Rum and Black \VnI-sfml S‘. r":- Suits. In den: :IL . .. ".739 Reguhr $25 00 Men's luxury" “(Iv-sled Suits to clear :It ..... . .- .. .. .. . ... . ... .3134†Reg mm- 518 and 3320' Men 5 F -m y ‘VV .I'st:d Suits, gmado 'II n; w â€Sp“ 3 stylm gum! values. to clear at. . . .. 16.50 'l'ake mat: of th: 3011'“ want :0 my awa} Trousers, Furnishings, Hats and Cap§\for men and boys are hooked to lenv: the house. You’ll do \well t) make your elections early for there will be some lively buying at once and the best always goes first. B. :5. GGUGH There IS nothing reserved at this sakfla†our splendid Suits wii now occup: the centre of the Stdfj} 'I‘wicea \ear, the end of Spring an! Summer seasoxs and the end of Fall 2112i Winter seasozs we g?ve our proï¬ts :1 vacation. We prefer the money to the (Igthes, and we believe that when yau take note of the price inducements we are (ffering, 30u wiii prefer the clothes to the. money. CLEARANCE SALE GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL The time to cut prices Ins arrived am PAGE mm: the aboVe rate of the necessary byâ€"law its Special meeting MEN’S SUITS BOYS’ SUITS “ Where the Good Clothes Come From." of a Mutual Benefit Affair clear at . .. $8.50 and Bizwk \VnrsH-d Mayor Baal said the council only handled about "six mills of the whole amount. If care was not exercised in conditions, or the situation with which .the'ccuncil was confronted. The council, Reeve Vrooman said, was ‘:-(epin,2; everything suppressedâ€"in fact ‘ It was not spending enough to keep the surface good, and all because of our tremendous rate. If the rate was thzrty mills, it was because we could not help ourselves. I! the rate was kept the same as last year, it simply meant that the 'council would have refuse to serve the town at all. The situation was created by the high ex penditure on schools, the new Wflllmr street pavement, the special audit etc. concessions for sixty-eight ens-hun- dredths (68-100) of an acre of l‘nj. The railway company also pays the cost of moving the hydrantt ani also pays for consuming a ro;d- way into the yards of tne Baker company, It Was a long drawn out affair in which many C'nfgrences were held. The Baker Lumber Co. was represzntcd throughout the mat thr by T. H. Stimon, of McLau5h- ï¬n, Peel, Fulton axid Stimson. offerings and we hmHy think Bargains both rich and rare. Your eyes can tell better than our words. 20 dozen Men's Fancy Husv,‘ “with 350, 50c and 75c; to clear at per pair 250 15 duzen Man's an! Buys’ Rusty Shirts. wurth 75c and $1.00; to clear at ....4 .......... 49c Mu -u 3 Pan mm H Lts. ‘ \\ mth $5 O'J; to clear at $3." :5 ome PANAMA HATS fus'h :Baby‘s Own Tablets W; Cure Summer Complaint FURNI‘SHINGS ODD PANTS abY’s Own Tablets should be kept ‘ eVery home where there are bab- 1F§8 or young childx‘tn. In no time of the year is’ baby m such danger as in summer. 'At the frat sign 0! Illness, the Tablets should he given to the little one, for summer com~ 1318mm come on so quickly that am 16383 prompt aid 18 at hand baby may be Les 0nd help in a fâ€" -w houls TM: Tablets 11 var fa! to relieve the S‘F'i Child, and if occflxs on lly giv‘ 01'» to the Well child will keep him Veil. MP3. Dcs're Martin, St.‘ Denis Qï¬a , writES: .‘I have a, la‘ty three {nontnz old, who suffered from colic a d Constipation Castrr Oll‘was of n_) help at all but Baby's Own Ta lets sperd 1y cund him, and now see. Mayor Beal::~-If each department or the council ran its own business, that bOdY would not be so much to blame. he future, the rate would b? an to forty mills in a. few years. Deputy Reeve Dobson said he wish- ed to take exception to the statement of RevVe Vrooman, that‘the council was not to blame. When the rate- Payers came torthe council for any- thing, it would be gladly voted and when nominaticn day came round, the members held up their ,hands and said. “We did not do anythingnto cre- ate those conditions.†Ju uuuy ' kw hours i elieve the ! lely giv- ! keep him It. Denis’ i‘fy three ' om colic§ lives of '9 -Own and now : house." med‘cine cents a: ' Mediv ' I Prices to;- sheep. lambs gnd calves werg unchanged. ‘ Mr. Harris quoted seieéts, fed and watâ€" , cred at the market. at $7.20. and 86.90 t.o.b. cars at country points. East Buffalo Cattle Market. I Earl Â¥2AST40§I§F13Am, i‘Iulyd Illiâ€"Ctattleâ€"Ro- . ce pts. ea ; mar at u ‘an steady: grime gigâ€, 56.410 to $6.50; butcher grades, store C] to . . ' o Calvesâ€"Receipts, 200 heal: market ac- gvzg, 5c higher; cull to choice, $5.25 tq Sheep and lambsâ€"-Receipt_s. 1200 head; market, lambs active. 10c higher. sheep slow: choice lambs. 37.25 to 87.36; cull . to fair. 35 to 81: â€Mum. 3.5-5. #9 SE75: sheen. 82 to 84-35. ' “ , 2; HOKFRdceiDts. 1170; muket active. x 13:0 highï¬gt: Tr'c'rk‘grlscS 81.x to $1.80: arm. 0 .: 8'. -:mixod.31.2§~ do to $7. ; rams. so, to ma. ' mm V- . Ngw Ygrk. Live Stock, ;} WW+O+0+O+°+°H>+Q TORONTO, July 11.â€"â€"The railways reported 69 earloads of live‘ stock at the City Market. consisting of 877 cattle, 1221 hogs, 749 sheep and lambs and 92 calves. The quality of cattle was medium to good as a rule, with a constderable per- centage of grassers. ‘ rade was slow, with prices steady at unday's decline. with the exception of one or two loads of butche: cattle that were reported at 85.55 per cwt., which wag shoot 10c better than on Monday. ‘ Porkâ€".Heavy Canada. short cut mess, barrels. 35 to 45 pieces. .2830; hut-bays rels, $11.50; Canada short cut and use; pork, 45 to 55 pieces, barrels, $22.50; Cam ada clear pork, barrels, 30 to 36 pieces. 821; bean pork. small wages but; (’85., pay: rAln ’ _ . n“ -,â€"â€"â€"vâ€" Vâ€"- v rein. ' ‘ ' ’ ' Cheeseâ€"Westerns, 1154c to 11%c; erns,_11c to 1155c. 'Lardâ€"Compouud tlerces. 375 lbs., 914:3: boxes 50 lbs. net (parchment lined). 9%c; tubs. 60 lbs. net,gra1ned, two handles. mac; pan}. wood. 20 lbs. net. 10c;t1n pails, 20_ lbq. gross, 9%c. â€7V..- eressed hogs (abattoir), 810.5 to $10.50 per 100 lbs. Beet-Plate. hall barrels. 1‘!) lbs" 87 50° barrels, 200 lbs.. $14.:50 tierces, 300 1135., “urn 8834c to 3814c. Flourâ€"Manitoba spring wheat patents. firsts, 85.3); seconds, 34.80; winter wheat patents, $4.60 to $4335: strong baken'. 34.60: Straight rollers, $4.10 to 84.26; in bagi. $1.85 to $2. Rolled oatsâ€"Per barrel, 84$; bag 0! 901bs.. $215. Cornâ€"American No. 3 yellpw. 86c. Mlllteedâ€"Bran. Onurtb. $11 to ’23; Mank,_ toba. $20 to :21;m1ddungs, Ont-mo. $22.50 to 3%; shorts, Manitoba, 323; mouillie. 825 to $31. prices. The local trade is fair. ' Oatsâ€"Canadian wesuum No. 2. 41%c tq 42c car lots ex 5101;, extra No. 1 feed; 40%c to 41c;1\'o.3 C.\V. We to 4039;. No. 2 local white, 39%c to 49¢; No! 8 local white, 393“ to 3939c; No.1 local white; Butter, more iota .. ......... 0 m o Butter, separator. dairy, lb. 0 19 0 Butler. creamery. ib. mm.. 0 22 0 Butter, creamery, Eolid. ..023 .. Eggs. new-laid 019 . Cheese. new, ib .............012 0 Cheese, lb ..... 0 1% 0 Honeycombs. dozen 250 . Honey. extracted. lb 010 0 Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, July 11.-â€"There continues to he a steady demand from foreign buyers for Manitoba spring wheat. and as the prices bid for the lower grade: and samples wheat are in line a. fair amount of business is passing, but the rrlces bid for the higher grades are stiu cut of line with values here. A fair ex- port trade is also doing in oats, there being a good demand from European: sources. There “as 3130- an increased durum-.1 for spring wheat flour for ex- port account, and sales at several thou- sand sacks were made at an advance in’ prices. The local trade is fair. ' Hens 11¢ 33d 15;: It) Live Hogs $6.80} Little Hogs $5. to $6. Pork, 12} to 15. Beef Cattle, Sc to 6. Sirloin steak. 18¢. per lb. Rib roast, 12c. to 15¢. per lb. Spare ribs 10c. 81b. Hides $7 to 38. Head cheese 12 Potatoes $1 to $1.10 Straw $3. to $5 der 10gb. Dressed hogs, 8c. Sc 811.4 10¢- Byied appges 100 Hay 10 to $12 Pea straw. 81.50 99.: had. Eggs 18¢. Dairy Butter 20c. and 230. Creamery Butter 25c. Cream, 15c and 30c. Lard 15 to 18 1 Honey 25C. 8. comb Cheese 15c. Liverpool What Futum Clout Lo.- er, Chicago Higherâ€"LIV. Stock ~Latest Quotations. CHICAGO. July 11. â€"â€"Altho the 80V- emment report recelved a bullish con- structlon here, most traders took the view here that the effect had been dis- counted before hand. Largely as a result, the market for wheat was radl- pally different from last night, 8- 8 low- er to 3- 8 up; corn ï¬nished at 1-8 to 1-4 advance Oats 1-. 2 up and provi- sions the same. 'The Liverr )1 market closed {0-day “d to 54:! Jwer than yesterday 0;; when, Vapd “ad highgr pa saga. _ 3‘3"!!! age haghér. when apd 94.6 highgr on com. Bengt: gloss: '5“ highe) on wheat, Bud‘- .99" Butter-.cnoic'éét, 2155c. Wheatâ€" «My Oct. .., 9am- uckwhea . bushel mm. 0 03 can, bus..el .............0'x'8 Toronto Dairy Market. iutter, store lots .. ......... 0 m :utter, separator, dairy, lb. 0 19 tuner. creamery. 1b. mm.. 0 22 :utter, creamery, Solid- “9?; Earthy. bushel ............. 0 60 J 613* c on. 3'98 Toronto Grain Mgrkét- Wheat. tall. bushel........)083to {.9, Wheat, 30080, bu‘bd 0.4.0†0'9. Rye. bushel ................030 .... Oats. bushel ...............068 .,.. Flouf; beatflaï¬itoba, $2.80; Shorts, reiail $1.23. Rolled oats, $256. Bran, $1;20; Fall wheat 80c. Sprlng wheat 75¢. Goose wheat 75c. Buckwheat 45c)“. Barley, 50c. Rye 59o. Oats 40c. Large peas, 300. .- CATTLE MARKETS. Toronto Live Stock. Weekly Quotatmns Winnipeg thiom. moss-s 09.69- Hub- Low. M 92% 300. 75c. 0". Day after Day Our Sale gees on by adding to the Bargain List new and desirable lines in every Department. Baring July and August we are offering on goods not already reducedfl. Special 10 p. 0. Discount on purchases of one dciiar and Over 1 .+ W +0+0+0+o+o+o+ 0+o+<>+0+<> '0+o+o4+ O+O+o+o+ o+o+o+c+ :r++c»+-T+:+:- Declaring that ‘he situation de- mands serious attention. Governor N ix sent a special message to the Legis- lature yesterday recommending the passage of a bill providing a tax on secured debts. The measure is in substance an ex- tension of the mortgage recording tax law, and its passage is expemed to add materially to the revenue. Albany. N..,Y July ISLâ€"New York Stateis facing a deï¬cit in its treas- ury of over a. million dollars at the cloge _of_the presenï¬ ï¬scal year. CHICAGO. July lLâ€"Hogsrâ€"Receipts 14,- 000; market steady to shade higher; mix- ed and butchers. $6.35 to 86-82%: 800d heavy. 86.40 to $6.80; rough heavy. $6.20 to 63.90; light. $6.55 to “£70; pigs. 86.10 to $6. . Cattlg-aneceipts. 3:00; market slow and 3: ady; heeves. $4.85 to $6.90; cows and he few. $3.55 to $5.75; stockers and reed- ex". 38 to 85.10; Texans. 84.60 to $6: calves, $.75 to 31:75. > _7 'Sï¬eep-éRecelpts 16.000: market steady; naive, $250 to $4.65; western, 33 to $4.70; lambs, $4.25 to 37; western. $4.75 to 87. Sheep and Lambsâ€"Receipts, 6571 head; sheep flrm; lambs slow. but steady; sheep $2.75 to 81; lambs, 36.257 to § EW YORK. .1qu n.--Beevea-â€"Rec£~1pts, head; no trading; feeling steady. calvesâ€"Receipts, 380 head; market steady; veals. $7 to 89.50; culls, $5 to 36; butter-milks, $5.40 to $5.50; western calves, $4.75 to $6.75. 28 ' Hog:â€"Recelpta{2€18 head; no trading; feeling steady. They Keep the whole system in the pink of condition. Natural Shantung Silk Black Voiies at very special prices Iu self colored ï¬gures of all good shades in tzu, mauve copen delf pale blue, cream, black, navy and olive. 8 yard dress length of wide width at ................... 7 ......... 2 .50 Silk Foulards greatly reduced Tax on Secured Debts. have a remarkable record for l _ gonsistently curing copstipa- ITO RENT â€"100 acres of well im- tion,biliog§ne§sandindigestion, ‘ Proved laud, 11% miles east or purifying the blood, banishing ‘Dowueyville, all cleae, plenty of wa- . tar. Possession Sept. 1 1911. For fur- headaches and clemng the Ither information apply to :2; skin, 25,9. .11be everywhere. O'Bm-n, Downeyville. w.t.t. Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills Their singular curative pro- perties discovered by an Indian tribeâ€"introducedtocivilization nearly a century agoâ€"com- pounded since 1857 in the Comstock Laboratories at Brockville, Ontario. Chicago Live Stock. Special ....... Forty in black silk, fancy snipe, very in v ide Widths .ll‘) nuub‘y 5L1 lpt‘, Very 60 anus, clearing '."‘° '50... 39c Mr.‘ J. Coad, of Dalton town- ship, has written the Lindsay coun- cil regarding an excelient Watt power on his property, cn BLck river in that township. He would te plus- cd t9 give the asuncJ all the intu- mation possible conc-rn:ng the paw- cr. WATER rowan IN mum: TOWESHIP DECORATIONS FROM FRENCH GOVERNMENT Montreal, July 12.â€"0n the occznf sion of the annual fete of the Union; Nationale Francaise, which is to bei held at Dominion Park from July 13} to 16 inclusive, the French Govern-2 ment, through its Montreal represen-a tative, will distribute deCOrations; among seven members of the local French-Canadian community, in re; cognition of their services to theirs countrymen. Messrs. J. R. Genin,; president of the Union Nationale; Francaise; H. Barbier of the French; consulate; Sheriff L. J. Lemieux, I..l Pen-on, architect; Eugene Lasalle..‘ P, N. Breten, Georges Gauvreau ol: the Theatre Nationale, and Louis Gut yam inspector of public buildings.1 will participate The ï¬rst ï¬ve will; be presented with the title of ofï¬cers: of public instruction. while the two' last named will become ofï¬cers off the academy. WILL A‘ 812‘ SUE'EMEH ULEABE) STHLL ceNuNUEs ‘d are now I, clearing (special to The Post) T0 RENT on exhibitibn. NEGARA FALLS °+°+0+0+0+o+o+o+m “973% â€+0 (Special to the Post.) Mr. and Mrs. W. Sluggitt, spent tne past week With friends at Sor- land. Mrs. Elizabeth Cody, (.1 Toronto, is visitmg her nether, Mrs. Mary Ragers. v _, ,-_-_' -uow- Aunt-r Rogers. We see that the mm! m]; es are being erected on m; We are g,ad to welcozne bgck to and they expect to have“: our neighborhood, Mrs. Patterson, int; , order in a few days. G. Weldon' . 8 Miss Jessie Coad. isspaadg who is spend: ng some time at Mr. {en (1.333 math he: mm ‘I:A_ mpg-1 ‘23:“, Best quality black taï¬'eta, corded silk, Shaw} calf: splendiil style. REgulrkr $1775 and 3155‘"L 15.75 131301! taffeta, 5:? in. coat, heauziz'uiiy back, front, cuffs and c. ’11:â€; fusxencd ' Silk {“335- Regular $23.30, for ..... Tge special POWer Committze w; lxkely consider the iommunLCat'on when it gets down to Lusinccs. Suitable for young ladies and ' 9 50 Beautifullx (unbloidel‘ex'1 mediumlengch, fam‘ \ vnllh clearing of Long Silk 6091-3 Miss Tillie Hancock, of Grillza w. R. wmmzss, LINDEN VALLYY. from t, I and August except Saturdays ‘6 It pays tofhave a in The Canada Life.†Canada Life policies are ex. tremely simple, safe and pro. fitable. They are worldwide, indisputable after one year, automatically non-forfeitable after three years in force un- til value is exhausted. They ues. Best ct Toronto, Rogers on the Continent. Mr. few days w ‘0 is MFS. R. R.Ch 9". peau-desoie Silk Golf,“ 5' collar, reg 512.50 forusim } Miss F1 [ Weldon. In our xleigghbm-tJ Mrs. Staples is days With her a spendm the pa] Spent the l8 parental Miss LOtl’i old ladies. dottif a Coup poiicy ofMaripcsa: is Shanda; m: 5. Md wk " Grev moveg Ladi 1 {CF88 Mr '88!“ Mn 0,‘ Lir... Mrs Elbe Tipp- ch00] mm nds Pea: 19 u.- out ill-1m xestx ’ettii