0+ >+o+o+o+o+o+<>+o+o H» O+O+O+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ WWW OW+O+O+O+OW°+O+O+ able book, as it giVeg preciSer and l and a. perusal of. the sketch will prove concisdy the informgtion about this for inestimable value to students -of great Wutzrway, which is so much in history as well as those whose knowl- demand. edge of the great canal system has A feature of the pUbllsation is the item somewhat limited. splendid list of charts 01 the EMS“ mm am; has performed a" ’public throughout the system from 0111f service of great value in the compilaâ€" MW~337 Lakg Simcoe 1.9039553 thisrraalerahce and guide book, Healey’s Falls on the Trent â€" ERi‘vér, and we would. urge 0“? readers to mm the main steamer channel clear- secure a copy of the production. The back, which is a credit to the Examiner Printing Co., is a Valu- nUe one. containing a great den? or 'ormation which wilt prove’ a revelâ€" tion to those who are fortunate en-- ough to Secure a. copy. . 1ft. (Harry is deserving of the tints of the public for compiling such arelerence book. as» it undoubt- edly must have entailed a great deal of time and research. It is a remark- nbte book, as it gives precisely and cenciszly the information about this great watzrway, which is so much in dcmand. The Post is in receipt of a nos: comprehensive and artistic retrace and guide book of the Trent \ï¬mcy Cznal system, compiled by a former c1.ver young newspaper man, Sir. E 8. Clan-y, or Peterboro. TRENT CANAL CUES}: 36% IS ESSUEB VALUABEE INFSERBWEQN 02% $1735? â€0% 040470} E must make room for our new Fail Goofls. Extra Special Bargains throughout the w store. The majority are not advertised except by Display Cards in the Department See them. They are a sure guide to a means of Money Saving. In addition we give a: 10 per cent. Disc-aunt cut on $1.00 Purchase and Over. There are many prepar- ations that will relieve a cough â€"few that will cure it. The ï¬rst class, containing such drugs as Opium and Marc phine, simply deaden the irritation and stop the cough, but do little or no permanent does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs; but is an absolutely safe and scientiï¬c preparation of Nature’s own remediesâ€"Herbs, Roots and Balsams. It entirely removes the irritation that caused thecough, by cleaning out the mucus, stopping the inflammation and healing the delicate membrane of throat and lungs. Moreover, it tones up and strengthens 'the Whole system, particularly the lungs, and protects against future coughs and colds. Trial size 2 5c. per bottle. Regular .size see. At your dealer’s. C 23 At your dealer’s. Father Mon-lacy Modloino Co. Ltd. ' A Real Lung Tonic “Father’ Morriscy’s No. 10†Early Clesing Baring $11319 and August f gtore Closes 5 o’clock Daily except Saturdays the '1L111< d o: ’e vel~ en-- ly indicated. This should prove 01 volâ€" uzztlg assistancé. to the owners of powsr boats. The maps and charts which the guide book contains are 31- one wcxth manyï¬imes the price of the publication. and they will be up- preciatcd by all navigators in the dis- trzct. The book‘is beautifully inu‘straL ted by artistic photographs ‘oth mini points of'i‘ntérest Along the system; and wgll-bg'much in demand, it only forr souvenir. purposes. The historical resume of the great waterway from the time Uhamplain passed over the route up to the pres- ent time is avaluable contribution, :mda perusal of the Sietch will DI‘OVe Aflspecia? c'lcaï¬ng sale of tailored mgde waists, 'béï¬d +m‘m-idmcfl’. ’l‘nese are. the newest style, well m1dc. 'l‘m-se are certain-3y “'0 th looking :ch1; $1 25 and >3: 504'a‘ue. Mijsummu Chasing Sa‘e. . . .96: These come in light and dark colon, 3.5) iuChes w‘de, vary choice panama for drc $65 and kimonas. flamers Ladécs’ Print and \Vrappcrette Wrappers. These come in 1h: best 5“?an cohms, puf:ctiy Last. Pli'ccs urging frcm >51 23 to SL7} livliday 8:139. . .. 98? Shirt Waists vesting \\'hxte on’éy, 27 inches wide. exceptionally pn t'y patzuns. TN 5:: are clearing very Special, Regular 25c. Sa’e 1’r2ce...... 1.5c yard {Bream-3 ï¬aéaiaes Musiins Wg’KEL Y5 Wagï¬â€˜a Gï¬eds Section ea: In EEWAY A Regular Storm Period covers the 20th to 25th, central on the 22nd. Barth's autumnal equinox will bear ‘ on this period. Moon being in perigee and at new] Tidal dangers and equinâ€" octial storms are indicated for the f gulf regions at this time. 'A seismic wave is also coincident with this storm period central on the 23rd. Some of the most destructive storms on the gulf and along the southern coasts occur in the month of August. This fact should never be lost sight of by them who are exposed to the 5 possible fury of equatorial and West [I , F “E 76:1“;dl74fl7'tm A Reactionary Storm Period is cén- tral on the 17th and 18th, calling for ran-ewed summer heat, falling barom~ star and Mastering storms. Ashow of rain, amounting to showers « in scattered secticms, will result at this, and other August {storm periods. Make the most of them for you will surely need them. A Regular Storm Period extends from the 6th to the 14th, having fun" moozi' on the 9th, and Moon on the Lequator on the 13th. This period will ï¬brin-g threatening clomis, fall of the barometer, and violent, blustering winds, Relief from great warmth will follow disturbances at this time, and many Sections will get light to mod- ' erate wins but; not sufficient (or gen? .121 agricultural needs. The 9th is the centre of a marked seismic period, ex; tending about four days before arid titer that date. 011‘ and gabout the 13th a crisis or electrical and seismic ' disturbance. Note thie forecmt. The ‘ quadrature of Saturn falls on the 13th ‘ ma the- quadrature of More on the ; Stirâ€"4.1023 greatly te ndiug to seismic rou-bl-e. i A React-Lona}; .Storm Period has its centre on .the.5th and 6th. 011 and touching these dates, look for mark- e'd iocregse .of. temperature, , falling barometer and moderate to, light, misty rains. We do not believe that rains will be sufï¬cient for crops that are not matured 'by August, except in narrow localities and along the mid- dle eastern sections. A Regular Storm Period, in prog- ress at the close of July, will bring storms to eastern parts of the coun- Mercurial cloudiness and summer try, during the ï¬rst twa or three days of August. The? quadrature or Jupiter, blending .With other causes, will ag‘gravgte .all_distur‘ban¢es about this time. K WEATHER mmnons FOR AUGUST mom momma T0 IRL HICKS’ PREDICTIONS .;.nr ya? These are from {to 10 years, made of ï¬ne Eng- lish prin', self trimming and fast colors. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 fgr ........................ 89c L-‘dics’ ï¬ne Gingham Dresses. very neatly made, best col ;rs and fast dyes Regular 6: 60 am! $2 00. A large range of patterns Lr. . . . . . . . . â€$1.29 each children’s Dresses House Dresses ChoicP, English patterns, the beat staple shades, ail {nut colors See these on sale at ...... 22c yarl Comes 4o inchzs wide, extra clos: weave, for Chilurcn’s Drtsscs aprons. etc. Rvguhr x2 1-2c andxscï¬gr ..... .. ..... ' ....... . ..... .......8(‘. A s[)'.endifl :angc of checks and stripes. Best shades, pelchliy fast co'ors. See thcse on sale‘ Reg 121-2c,fur ........... 812 Lawn Ginghams Foulards Total ....... .~. ..... '. ........... ‘ 949 Mr. Flavwe bought N. Verulam, N Ops, Reaboro, Bobcaygeon, Mr. Gil- lespie bought Star, Dunsford, Mari- posa, Mr. ThompSOn bought N. ‘Har- vey, ‘Maple Leaf, Red Rock l3obcaygeon....t.. .. Maple Leaf Red Rock ......... I leaboro The following is 9 list of the fac- tories which boarded and the number 0! cheese boarded by cach. Stnr 100 Duosto‘r‘d ..'.'..'.‘.'...‘.’.‘ ..‘..'.'.". ........ L ........ . 109 Mariposa ..................... a .1. ............ 70 Mr. Flavelle gommen'ced the bidding vails with 113e, followed by Mr. Thompson _ “B‘ with an offer of11_9-16c. Mr. Flavelle ‘and 1 again oï¬gred n 5-8c, while Mr. G31: 9’“ c lespie'sm ofler was ilgc. H ‘. ._ -' hope I 2-1.. LINDSAY CHE£SE ,, _ ! “It is evidently recognized that 7 hereafter men are going to count: BOAâ€) MEETING with the peeple, anérthat the wire-g ‘ pulling, ofï¬ceâ€"seeking ward heeler 1 ' ' 7 ‘ hasrgot to be left at home it any re- ng the â€8‘11†11189133113 0‘ spect is td be won for the party can- the Cheese Board Was held in‘ the didates of the future. It is a pope: Council Chamber. There were ten ‘fac- fui sign of the times, Mr. Editor, and torite on the heard, with ,5!" tztal 0! :have no a?“ Use :fntefi 1; West ' 9-19 cheese. The buyers Vwere Messrs. ictoria M be 15 agm- e -by a . freedom. from the lowdown trickery flagella; Gllleepie- and Th°mps°’-’-"~ and deception which too often PM? This morni India. storms. When such disturbances appear. in the south in August, pre- maturely cool weather and frosts are apt to occunoverumuch-of the inter- i‘oruparts of country-northward. Such things are probable, this month, dur- ing and following the storm period, 2cm 4:0 26th., Harvey , ..-. "no-on 0-0000... II... u. 3.... no nu .son» .0 o.-.-.n . u......,..“ I... 100 At Thursday night’ s publ 1: me t.’ 113 109 .in the council chamber, the represen- 70 tatives of the Central Ontario Pow- 62' er Company, addressed the citizens 103 of the town on power matters and 100 also took up the question of the re- 50 organization of the Sylvester Manu- 180 gfacturing Company; - ' ‘75 ’ These two questions are of vital 100 interest to the people of Lindsay and' “Ewhile the representatives of the pow- 949 I er Company were not in a poslti on to , ,.N 1 def ne their policy regarding the 10- :il- i cal industry: they left no room tori ri- dohbt but that they'were prepared, ‘ ar- under. certain conditions, to take up i the question of putting the concern ‘ _, on an effective working basis. I i l The. propositioï¬ will.,we know, re- gain the serious consldsratipnof thz committee. i In regard to power,'.the represen- tatives. of the Company promised to submit a .Vpropositicn “to the joint connnittee of the Sylvester reorgani- zation Committee and the Board of Trade in four or five days and also intimated that the Company was ‘pre- pared to give the municipality mcet reasonable rates for power and light- ing, which were quoted at the meet- ing. Lindsay is anxious to secure the “Both gentlemen are able speakers and have been in publi c life in differ- ent capacities for years and hepce we hope to Vase this fight waged upon a.» higher plane thén usual. LINDSAY, FRIDAY, JULY 219t. “It is a promising sign of the: times, Mr. Editor, that both parties i have gone aside from the feilows,l "having claims upon the party,“ to . select men, whom the public could3 view_ with every respect. Both Mr. C. E E. Weeks the Liberal candidate and i Dr. Vrooman, the Conservative can- date are gentlemen of highest stand- ing. Clean men, of whom nothing‘ but good can be said. TAX REFORM IN SASKATCHEWAN THE LINDQTVPGST $1 15 my)â€; 8?. no If paid In advance direct to p'alillsh'ur We have no subscription agents. WILSON <5:- WILSON, Everybody knows that the progresâ€" sive West '18 years ahead of Eastern Canada in its tax laws, and its ap- pears that the West is determined to continue the lead. ' At the session of the Saskatchewan Legislature which has just closed, a decided move 7towards allowing cities and towns to adopt the Single Tax System but within four years was made. In cities and towns the Assess- ment is now 100 per cent, of the value of the land and 60 per cent on build- ings and improvements. The latter may now be decreased, at such a rate that in four years the-re will be no assessment on buildings and improhe- nzents. {The City Act has recently been amended to allow bona ï¬de tenants to vote at municipal elections under reasonable conditions. “The contest which will shorily be in progress in West Victoria for the segt in the Legislaure. made vacant by the death of the member. Mr. Fox, will no doubt be an interesting one both from the' peréonglity of both candidates, as wcll as the prestige of the Administration. This amendment to the City Act fproposed purche se of the local plan: of Saskatchewan is 'very similar to as Well as the acquisition of the ad- the proposal so Vigorously urged by ditional power at or near Minden. the press of Ontario during the past Both questions must he c2 refuily year that mumcipalities be allowed Hooked into with a View to asce1tain- to tax improvements at a lower rate ing which would proxe the most adâ€" than land values. . {vantagous to the town. Throughout the rural areas of Sas- katchewan the assessment is a flat per acre regardless of value, and there are no taxes levied on the far- mer's personal property, buildings or improvements. At the recent sessioo of the Legislature provision was made whereby rural organization might as- sess at a certain rate per acre on a valuation basis, but this will not lively be adopted to any great extent unti the year of 1912. The Single Tax system is used by about 20 villages out of 185 organized in Saskaechewan. “Onlo'oker†in the Woodville Ad†1 vocate has the following to s'. .y re- , garding the coming election in West: Victoria. { Office WEST VICTOREA ELECTION THE POWER- QUESTION . Proprietors. Wililam St. -= s" - “ Me V AHVNOILOICI 'IVNOILVNHELNI The discovery in Mr. Dickey’s traâ€" vclé says the Kingston Whig, is the attitude of the public men towards the" single tax; Hon. Mr. Scott, the l‘premicr,’ 'and Ho'n. Mr; Haultain, in ‘Saskatch’ewan are in favour of legis- lation which'wi‘ll‘te along s'ngle tix lines, Hon. Mr. McBride. of British Coluglhia, and.Hon .JudgerSffton, of glberta, are in favgu‘r of tuxfng the ‘land for all purposes and exempting thé’ buildings. AILthis is significant, 'when‘it is recalled that Sir James Whitney, of Ontario. is not in favor of the single tax and has twice su- pressed the measure which the mem- beri‘or Ottawa introduced invfavour of it. 'A'z'ezqn emeguomm: we 33 90119999 pu'e'zngd am gunman ï¬lm... 1' flâ€"â€"â€"â€" ~ â€" “:‘Tâ€"VU ( 'siuex Kii'em Iii Lumen «app peSpuqaun mag 4:10 911;, 83.1.8831“ WVIHHBW EHJ. SALVIA HAIR TONIC is com- pounded on the most scientiï¬c prin- ciples, and nothing on the market to- day can compare with it. It accomp- lishes so much more than the ordin- ary tonics and does it so quickly that users are astonished. i SALVIA kills the dandruï¬ germs gand 'eradicates dandruï¬, stops fal- §ling hair, itching of the scalp and isplitting hairs in two weeks or we [will refund your money. ‘ - '9ng rpapz‘tza' mag‘ 9114 1mm ï¬euonota A’Iuo eq ' 'qooq 913mg 9 ‘1! remedomï¬aua uv‘ ~93pe 1A0!!! 10 meg new 919110;) .9“...â€" I The single tax is growing in popu- 'sight to see how he smiles. A young larity, anda, personal witness of the boy was born on the 3rd' inst. ifact is Mr. Dickey. of the New York The electric stotm on the 6th. inst. Single Tax Review, who recently mad: did considerable damage to Mr- Sam' a tour across Canada. and found In ! ue'i Worsley's house also Mrs. Wors- ‘the west a. very strong sentimnt in 'ley had a narrow escape from being favour of the reform. In Lindsay and 11““ With bricks flying from 8- fill- other centres the. merits of the single ‘ing chimney. which was utterly ruin- tax are not so apparent because therg ed. ‘is no land boom and no agitation am- -.._____ Hang. tae real ?state men. But in CAMBRAY Esome cities there are whole blocks (Special to the l’ost.\ which stand unimproved becasne the Dr. T. Routiey and wife, of Toronto ‘owners are awaiting, higher prices, ' motored to our village on Fride and l ‘which 'higherprices represent the “un enjoyed a visit with fricnds here. earned increments. We extend our con gratulations to l Said .3, recent visitcr to Vancouvér' :the five entrance candidates all of 'SALVIA glves a fascinating» lustre to women's hair and makes it beauti- ='fu1. It makes the hair grow luxuri- lantly; it the it is the daintiest and {most refreshing hair dressing that science has produced, and has not a, §particle of grease 0t stickiness in it. i SALVIA '(zosts 50c at your druggist. iSold and guaranteed by A. Higin- ibotham. Said a recent visitor to Vancouver, which seems to he the city of the coast, in modsrn spirit, and progres- sivenesa. “There are great stretches in the city of lands which are h 1d for speculative purposes.†The single tax', Which puts all the burden of civic government on the land 3111 ex'em'ï¬ts the improvements thereon, wiil' cited: the cure in time. It will puta, check upoh‘ “some of the land deals which in the west are calculat- edto, work agreed: injury. Aboom is gehgraliy .d.yery good thing, tut it can. be . overdone. cheapest electrical power in order to successfully code with its neigh- boring clmpetitcrs and any prop- osition submitted along this line will certainly receive vrry cr-reful consid- eration at the hands of the represen- tatives. Couplyd with the Central Ontario Power Co.'s proposition will he tne proposed purchase of the local plant as well as the acquisition _of the adâ€" We have every faith in the members of tne joint committee that their in- vestigations will be carried on in a spirit of loyalty and with a desire to secure, what in their wisdom, they deem the best for the town. The premier of Ontario had better " ) MEN -.:$‘ua.1.saam Salvia flair Tonic A REFORM I?! TAXATIGN An Ideal Hair Dressing . l The newspapers have teen reporting (omissions on the part of enumerators- for the census, especially in the large icities of the Dominion, and notwith-. standing ht»: care of the Census ofï¬ce, ‘to enjoin a performance of accurate _ ‘mand full work On the part of enumera- ‘tors it is possiblethat in some in- zstances persons an d even families :have been passed over.. It is knowu at the ofï¬ce that many reports of ornâ€" fissions are without foundation, and fthat generally the enumeration has been well and fully made, although it is too early for a ï¬nal decision- The fact is that the census of a disâ€" trict or enumeration area was often not completed when complaints were . ï¬rst publicly made. The Census ofl'ice earnestly desires that the name of 1 every man, woman and child in the 4 country, as well as all other informa-‘l 'tion called for in the schedule, should i 1; recarded as the statute and the in- t structions require. But less there 3 should be an inadvertent omission on: ‘ the part of any enumerator, the Oï¬ice respectfully invites the co-operation 5‘ of the public in r the completion of a3 iull census. To this end persons who: believe or suspect that they have not '5 been t1ken are asked to notify the Chief Ofï¬cer of the Census at Ottawa. giving the; r name, post oflice address street and number. if residing in cit- ies, towns and villages. or concession and number of lot if residing in coun- _try places. Letters containing inforâ€" mation of this nature are postare free , and if it is found that such pers 1118 have not been enumerated in the re- turns made to the census ofï¬ce, means will at once be taken to re .â€"me dy the defects through the local omen ers of the Census who are employed in the work- and who are respor this if any mistakes have been made in their respective enumeration areas. _...â€"_._... ..._. om .. WERE YOU aszssan . I 333135 ma EEPJSUS? I Cambray Epworth League intend iholding as-ocial evening on Mooday, 5July 24th. on Mr. Jas. Rich’s IaWn. !The program will be in charge of the 1Citizenship Department. Ice Steam and cake will be served. Admisssion. g 10 and 20c. whom were successful and are pleas- ed to £523.;1 that, .Velma Christain was successful at the early age of twelve years. Mr. Weston and eon from Michigan, are enjoying a few weeks with friends Mrs. Ghannon, of East Qauwood, was the guest of her parents the week before last. "Id tha Imus at the times and gov- tam van: an era himself accordingly. He will 53. 3 56680:: the wisdom of at least studying the i effect of the single tax in the cities FIRE in which it is appli;d in order to pass ' the Largest fairly upon the subject. The premier cannot affcrd to appear 35:; back number. The electric stotm on the 6th. inst. did considerable damage to Mr. Samâ€" uel Worsley's house also Mrs. Worsâ€" ley had a narrow escape from being hurt with bricks flying froma fall- ing chimney, which was utterly ruin- ed. ers. The telephone line is in this ssction and most of the neighbors are able to talk without exerting themselvn. Mssv. Jamus Cochrane, oi Cambray, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson. The Misses Beaten. and Wilson, of Toronto, are the guests of her cous- in. Miss Ethel Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodhand and Master Greenman, of Lindsay, sbent Sunday the 9th. at Mr. George Good- hands. Mr. Arthur Byrnell, is a pleasant sight to see how he smiles. A young boy was born on the 3rd. inst. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patcn, whose home is near "Cannington, spent a few days last week visiting friends in Baddow. We are glad to see Mr. John Gra- ham (in) out again after an attack of pleurisy. The Misses White, from near Cobo. conk, visiQed at Mrs. Watts last week. . Miss Linda Graham is spending a few days with friends here. We understand the trustees of No. 9 and No. 4 schools have each secur- eda teacher for the fall term. Miss Martha Suggitt has returned home from visiting at Uxbridge. BADDOW (Specml to the Post.) A large number from here spznt th: twelfth at Fenelon Falls. (Special to Tks Post)‘ . Most of the people of this section are glad to see some goad rain show- ZION---FENELON ‘â€" BAMESSTERS. SOUSITERS and mm Monty 1*» I-znr. < .‘v 3 i4}: :anvi 1: gins u “vesimcms. Um: «i 0:13:13 -n 3:53;. .4- LC? Cf “' 1:19‘. I: .u ;\:1.. :EC'S. Unï¬t“; R. J. Lama!“ :21 510., A. H. mm“ James A. Peel 1’. ll. em 13 “'e are pram-ed and {arm pmperly {r odoaning compmie in sums to Sui! 5mm leges. \ on max increaseiu m {cuzuf ix stalmenls :13} ablc at Hopkins, Weeks HOPk5Ҥ respects!» lossL-s is ; and sum insured it MGHEY T0 LOAN AT LINES? CERï¬EflT RATES [.4513 Sun‘s-sons A) EIGH R. KNIU Notary Puhfic, Successor m MCI) removed their ‘. mim- untoxs In. it Mu; icipai Dxain WALTER SM 4| . ivranc l'no JAMES KEITH Saga Herchant and Dean h‘9n6 b:_-}_ _ In - sixi tun Memb'x Rey A" modem panmem; d4 uml'rcuh \V 21:, 8pc teeth. l’ai moderate. Ofï¬ce n 0091-052 GROSS and wei! braced, in dB II Styles, compxcte with w i ‘ up. Viindow 5 rooms â€"â€" Num' wide adjust..b!e M l' sizes from . .........--. ... ... ..m flea! car: sizes, complete wxm mar ~ each. . . .. . . .4-- "$1.†Vanished Dow-r, nick 3nd sax-om: (Mm-5 :nm “'lnuu‘l r hand. hvfutc the flies b eg in vade your dwellings. A good, strong grained ‘1'. sizes, complete with hi3“ â€Ch .. ..... .. ......... an" Agent for and Windows ‘-\\'AN;\ 3 Ofï¬ce X p.m., o. Screen Dams Slit: "I DRS. NEELANDS mm 242 (r “(J LINDSAY. incl mm FIRE A550 Largest Firn , ..... LIFE Largest Fire : STEWART e’conson he } Ba? 1-le ST ERS Efc 3: av. nearly VES'. C r)". hing t D In KISBCC t Einm r T SMITH wisziam St , g. I’ainlcsé ex Dentist, L ndsay wool Mia Lamar" smut: c551,“?! PH 1:51 (11.443 scans on Ken-st [JILL/V T I 5TH I C(V DE}! TCSTS r Twine 1w insum ONTARIO 3381!. am, MKS ‘ no. I 20:0 18! $1.75 M1 171E