JULY 19, 1912. y FRIDAY’ 1- ' . o. . . z . z . . . or Camp Cottage We carry the largest and most se- 555 ‘1 line {f hiuh-class groceries in town ' 1 many lines specially suitable for Came rs; 11d Cottagers. You will ï¬nd 2* prices rioht and and we guarantee Goods delivered to Boat or Train Carefully Packed. PM wwzwaeww WHflWWlwh-H WE SOLIClT VOUR PATRONAGE We are agents for Weston 5 Toronto Bread l /______________.â€"â€" A L CAMPBELL Groceries and China Hall 1 LINDSAY. .44“: O. She leaves to mourn her loss, as peoially if either onaghas failed to comply with the requirements of the law. Many of the accidents that oc- cur would be eliminated if " proper precautions were taken. 'A life, or the prevention of a maimed limb is worth a little caution and thoughtfulness. ISLAY (Special to The Post) . Mr. Hardy and son, of Ops were visiting at the home of Mr. H. Boyd on l'l‘uesday of last week. Miss Sallie Campbell returned to her home at Woodville on Thursday last after spending some two weeks with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green of Wood- ville were in this district on Wednes- day of . last week. Miss Hazel Robertson, of Lindsay returned to her home on Saturday, after spending a week at the home of Mrs. Cnra‘i‘ns. Mrs. Margaret Graham returned on Saturday after spending several weeks at the home of her son Thomâ€" as of Midland. The Islay branch of the W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Sam Copp on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a good attendance. Two excellent papers were given, one by Mrs. W. Wilson on “Canning and I preserving fruits,†also one by Miss : May Tolmie, on v“Balads.†There was ‘ also a question drawer by which much desired information was gain- ‘ ed by the members. The musical part i of ‘the programme was much enjoyed by all, and consisted of a song by . â€Miss D. Brown and a couple of duets by Misses Hazel Robertson of Lind- THE LINDSAY POST. Sovereign TRADE MARK BEG. Sheathing Felt contains no'oil or tar. ls clean, odorless, waterproof, germ and ,vermin proof and practically indestructible. Makes houses draft-proof, easy to heat, and l f tbl in any weath . l (C2222: aiid see it. e; ‘PROVINCIAL BOARD l l I Mr. Lang, of London. It is that the call will be accepted, si on when here. Mrs. W. McPherson visited at Balsâ€" over last week. 1 Miss Margaret Kerr, of Lindsay Collegiate, is spending her holidays with her parents. Miss Irwin, of Barrie, friends here recently. Sole Canadm‘ Manufactured THE STANDARD PAINT C0. of Canada. Limited. Montreal. Mclennan (20.. - AFTER THE BUZZE mosquitoes, Flies, and improper (ll 5- lindsay. sewage disposal in the rural .308. Heard’ ' F8118“!!! Falls. tricts ~â€" three summer worries of I A- 3. 39mm}, " Bobcaygeon. health authorities are to receive 111! rq la 1.. COOK BPOSn - COBOCQRR. attention at the hands of :he I’: o- ’ [1, gory-i9, . .. Haliburmn. vincial Board of Health. ' R.Morrow,liirkiieldand Woodville. Dr- "J- W- 8- MCGWO‘Jghv 12311101-; m ï¬cer of Health, is having riepared apparatus with which the engine is . circulars dealing- with each Fone which fitted, automatiCally shuts of: steam lWill be distributed throughout the' applies the brakes and brings the IIl province. The question of sewage dis-' train to a standstill. lposal in this country is a serious This device was snown to worklone' and a campaign of education ‘ with perfect success. It was also de-I will be educated to make the farmer monstrated that the driver of a and the residents of small towns and train thus automatically Bt0pped can villages understand the importance telephone to the nearest station to 0f protecting their “a“? ‘Iupply' The get any obstruction on the line re- information to be distributed rornts moved, or any defect remedied, and ' out the law and outlines the neans he can not move the engine until this is done. w-‘-1_ posed of. to exterminate the flies and mos- quitoes will be. printed in great quan- l titles and sent to health officers and MANSE ’GROVEâ€"ELDON (Special to The Post.) Mr. and Mrs. Woods, of Toronto, visited at Mr. A. Fisher’s last week. Miss Beatrice McFadycn of Toron- physicians all over the province. hoped proprietors, as five years old yet, within Mr. Lang made a favorable impres- months. Both are from Ontario, al- visited ‘ ful entertainment in her school on ’ tations and dialogues. In addition to this Mrs. H. Pearce gave a reading. . . two recitations by Miss Alice Alton, t solo by Miss McCordick. ‘ cupied the chair. Many thanks due to . Mr. A. Pearce who so kindly took ov- by WhiCh sewage can be properly dis‘ . iously hurt. She left for Roche’s Pt. I ' the next day. The circulars pointing out the way; for neither are twenty- fourteen RAIL i SYSTITV all 5mm 111111 1111111 Only line reaching tho-ugh Nesbitt is Irish born and, Resorts in Highlands of? 0m Sharp learned newsDaper work on including ‘ I the Hull (England) Daily Mail. MUSKOKA LAKES - LAKE 0F BAYS COBOCO-NK Miss McCordick» had a very success- ALeouQum PARK MAGNETAWAN RtVEB FRENCH mus TEMAGAMI KAWARTHA LAKES Full Summer Service now in (ï¬e-ct to allot above resorts. W131» tor lull particulars and illustrated £0311? ers to any Grand Trunk Agent. the night of closing, June 28th. The children and teacher rendered a good programme 8f music, readings, reciâ€" Miss Pearl Paton, of Victoria Roadl gave several instrumental selections;l Miss Hazel and Lila Wright, of Vic- Miss Violet and IVy Clark, a duet, September 3 and. 17' ' . Via. Sarnia «11' Chicago of Garden, recitatzons by the Misses' Clark and Miss Hazel Wright, and' EDMONTON and RETURN ~~~$42£B Tickets good for (It!) days No CHANGE OF (".5125 Special train \“lll lear 1- 'J’oz-smsrr 10.39 p.111. on above dates, via. 1315- cugn and St. Paul. :11 r3219; through coaches and Pu‘lnum To '5;- l Rev. Mr. Gandier, of Coboconk, oc-l l l er his gramaphcne and gave a lot of; good selections. After singing thel ‘5' Slt‘epm“ 0"†National Anthem, lunch was I served Thehland Trunk P. 1. .1'1':: Rain“ .2. 5' . ~ ' is the shortest and quickest route by the ladies. The proceeds amountedl bets ecu \Vinnipeg â€" S: 1ska icon-â€" to 37.10 which goes toward helpingl Elmunton. to repair the interior of the school. l New P47“ EXWGSS 39" "l“? bԠMiss McCord’ick left for Victoria tween Winnipeg 'md Regina. Smooth roadhed. E] hot. 0 1 hted Road that night and last week re- l ' xi )3 ceived a phone message, summoning, her to her mother, who had been ser-I Service Regina?†an. Anise 5m 8.30m Arrive Edmonton 980’.- Ask any Grand Trunk Agent for full information. or write A. F. DUFF. D P.A., Union Station, 130 51110113 ACCIDENT ...... AT 111111110110 1- LINDSAY W. . Peterboro, July 14 â€"- When their HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIOE - July 9 and 23 August 6 and 3i} ; WINNIPEG AND RETURN - 1334.00 . g A , 1 1 Sleeping (‘ai-s, Superb Di ingCar I [gave Winnipeg 6.00 pun. Arrrse' : P. WIDDESS, Agent. Phone 121:. 'say and Rosy Boyd. The August ~meeting will be held at the borne of Mrs. Pethick on Wednesday at 2.30 p. 111. All the ladies are cordially -» -- aged husband, three sons, George, ’ -*â€" John and Robert, and three daught- " ers, Sarah, Mrs. George Nightin-gdle, and Mrs. W.‘P, Cline. {111111511 1101 1 to is spending her holidays at her home here. 1 Mr. W. Armstrong, of Toronto, called on friends here recently. buggy was struck by a street car on IS PROGRESSIVE Saturday Night, Thomas Reid, of l this city was so severely injured that 1 quiring reservations in sleeping ear procured from T. C. Matchett,. B§~ town C.P-R. ticket agent. Partiesaeâ€" 5 William Workman, Ridaut-st., moved a copy of the Philadel- .5mdard 112‘ Times frt‘m her 2 Rev. Father Ryan of St. II Pittsburg, contain- to the After the funeral servi'Ce :conducted by the Rev. A. B. Hubley in tthe Presâ€" byterian Church, the remains were in- terred in the cemetery at Wyevale. . . i ‘9' 5 cb1.rc.1. 1. 1011011112: reference invited to attend. Miss Maud McFadyen of Manse Grove, Eldon, (is visiting at the home of her grandfather, Mr. Donald Mc- Fadyen. ' R Th Fair in the light of Christ’s vimm‘or- Mr and Mrs John Everson and I; zhwrz. cle, ev- os. . . . i‘ If III ISII ( D tal story, . , _ family of Belleville, recently spent a II She sleeps, mm our fond yearning few days at the home of Mr. Mar- . ..r, Thomas Field. O.S.A.. of the unexpressed shal Moynes. a}. .53 of Our Mother of Consolation To call her from the uri‘ima-gined gl 0- Many from this district journeyed m" HIH' and Chquam Oi mount ry' to Uxbridge on the 12th of July, 111-, IIMIII College, dwd on Wednes- That crowns 1121' faith and consecrates so a few others went to Peterboro.. II: Villanova,1n h s e1ghty- ‘ h†r831" I The Women's Institute will hold a? ' I': 303' Fa m FIeId was born I‘ picnic at Birch Point on Wednesday- IIIIm COM Ireland in 1329 and; afternoon, July 24th. This picnic is III“ II member Of the Order Ofl , ‘I open to the public, and a good time} 1.... .2e for forty four 3:8de ...â€"_.â€" is expected. The sports will consist} n h est l . , I35 ordai ed to t e pm 00 FANNINGâ€"RUCK chiefly of a baseball game between. 13.11, and be ad been rector at, 17.1211 N. Y.. and Andover, Mass! The wedding t°°k place at St' 1 a; each of those places he built Mary" Chumh this I‘m-â€Ding 10f Mr- _, 5"“1‘21 His 1350:. s at Greenwood J. J. Fanning to Constance Louise .ed a period of twenty- -five years. Ruck, of Lindsay. was 8,50 located at Lawrence, Venerable Archdeacon Casey .; Cambridge, X, Y., V'i’llanova, formed the ceremony. Bryn Mewr. Pa, and for the PEARSEâ€"WAIPJD ï¬ght years at (hestnut H111: 1 At Port Perry, Miss Libbie .Pearse, _ _ ‘place th1s daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. mini? From bt' Thomas Pearse, was married to Mr. James ‘39 Duane Ofï¬ce 11111 bf- 1 E. Ward, of Victoria Corners. Rev. ,3, If“; R3031“; l John Harris conduCted the ceremony I W" " ‘ lat the residence of the bride’ 5 par- i 3' 1,“~.‘:. â€â€œ9 \ l R â€A -' ‘ “ ‘3“? :qlllim leis Miss Ethel Willard played the ‘, - 1 per- ‘nneral will take QICltIrCIL. ghzy. 3.9.. the Islay and Zion juniors. also a game for the ladies, married ladies versus single ladies. Come and bring your lunch basket and enjoy the day at the lake. , Mr. Thomas Currins is able to re-1 sume work again after sudering from‘ an attack of blood poison, caused by' coming in contact with some poisâ€"I onous weeds. â€"-â€"â€"â€"---.-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" SUCCESSFUL CANDIB MES} DEPARlMENTAi. EXAMSl “a... " R“? .7 .‘r' *4 “l I \ d. n? march and Mrs. Bamfortl , , . â€a. ‘ and Rev “:1 “ ‘ ‘ ’ ° _, .. I The fol-.owing are the hst of candi- 1 , . fl sang, "0 Perfect. Love. and May ,, _ , \ i . , 5 Plant: 1 FityI,1 dates from Vietorla and ‘ The bride more cream sa- t n v? lei with marqslisette, and wore: deacon. re- 1'1 n the groom’ s gift, a sunburst of Plltllï¬ SHE? Peterboro Examiner The automobile has passed the 1’ I“ the “in Us l doubtful period 01 early existence and has taken a recognized position in our civilization, having shown its eflic'ien- cy as a means of locomotion and of handling freight, but there are still many people who are ' t 1 the better land, ’3 .L'f " I '1 "" L 1...; ..L. ... a , 1;, ï¬re ‘A E '1"; born in Omemee. ï¬les: be.“ :::'.1:~.ai days in that ‘33- In :31) 1 3: r 1:241 she was marâ€" and lived on s 2‘ (37193199 in the Town- 771'? in ‘1'1Ctoria County 13 iconiuct r) I the 5731?. ...ajority 0‘5 dz“: tor-1e Township (fliers and owners but from the actions P333 :1 rill‘ :. r death 6011 a 1 of the lei". There are a number of} “- “‘ e “r: \V cvale. ldrivers in every community WHOSE _-.:__:_=?.:.:1-=== idriV‘I‘S deprecated by ordinary 36) I izeï¬s and by the executives of I I" “Sim >1r.ith N .1. 1‘ “ u. auto-J not offend purposely. buta long per- iod of intimaCy with a Car makes them careless of the rights and safety of others. The law requires that 21 Optical driver should make known his preâ€" Y 111 ‘3 leading 1 sence before turning a corner by Where we meet l sounding the apparatus with which '1" {his czzr 's ei‘u‘ lDDCIl, in C153 another . II as price OII|1 chicle is co" 1'1<r from the other d;r- ‘ action. For some reason or other, this is not always complied with. In the ‘ Brokzn Lenses city the width of the roads » counter- balances the greater volume of traflie; The driver can see if a vehicle or ped- 1I-91 Sass-es or had Lanyl :vvur oyes, Wouldn't you -.. ,:,1;.-. ' .11 >,.{'C.El,l.b‘o In «113 3:12 .3:va b ‘Tltical service is very against the motor car, not fr om thel * . son lltosewIarns, B. R. Ward-e, W. lower. ’. .‘ l . '1 Hall-1 burtori who ha"e passed the l school examination for entranca into. .Peast, M L. Prunâ€" v‘tey, ... P36, L. Reynolds, J. H. Smytum A, Smith, J. R. Stewart, A. Thexton, P. Tiboni, M. Twomey, A. L. Walsh, H. White, R. M. Web- ster, R. Weldon, (hon), M. Wilson, W. Wms‘ley. Hall-button and Muskoka - F. F. Anderson, C. T. Aulp, M.,Brown, L. Boyd, I. Cole, (hon), J. Cullon, L. Gold horpe, B. Hill, J. Jack- Killock, L. B. Mandy, R.S $1.0 NCill, C. '15‘smatcs of I ~"‘I7‘1‘=f‘-C' will lI . -. l Norm .11 S‘choo. s and filClll'CV of eduâ€", 'P"..T;.\. one v.01": Inc rustomarv bri-1 l ’ 1. e‘l cmriel hit e roses. 'I cation 1( ‘7 l. I ’-v ~r ‘ ' yԠl.,. ' an: ’1" 1"; \‘ictoriaâ€" â€"l7.. Barry, R. A. lilealey,1 ..-m- 1 . r? lrrccmall .1'=s LS‘ZEUH. .111 ' , _‘ ,1â€. ‘, ~ ' l ’ l I .. .11nl ca in3:13.(,orneil,T.Call.~.1..1gl‘.a:1, in. (,u-r.e,1 1'11“.“ .zr": var-3 1 1.1.1332," _ g ‘. fl . ' 2r' ‘ n ‘ ’ ' n - 1;. 1. r.:1d.Cott, .1. (.1121, 1. 111.1 I _ ' 3 "31:3: vhf-:8. 7xlz‘..VZi‘.l V1911! of (1:111:11 _ ,_ g .1 rm 11 1 ‘ - r c; . ‘ Iiiatt, Li. (1. Hopi: ins, .;. 1111-921, 1-.., 1 st :11 r .--. .1 , .. , r . “t 1; Hurley, i=1 Kerr, .5. 'l‘. Lat/c.1111», l lrstIVIE "WWW, ‘1'! M, ‘s. Laidlcy, N. Matt 1181.5, :1. 1.1.213â€" . . ' “a 11 1.: .. *F‘ rr~ 1L; .;51f§'§s"§-°‘:d: «a fir-“g 112111, E. Moher, A. c. side-21011 1,1 . ‘ I l I- ..' ‘1. we; .... *9 ~ he“ \lecezisel (11-2.1C v Nesnfwtt K. ONeill, J. ' ' ' 1 l If: lV7atson, H. B. Wright. mobile associations. Many of these doI~ it? al liilhlillllil lF lT STANDS TEST London, July 'Gâ€"Two trains with- out engine drivers, approaching each other at high speed on the same line of rails, automatically stopped when a collision seemed inevitable, at a demonstration given at Watchet, Somerset, today, is} A. R. Sydney, New South Wales, of trical device, he has invented to preâ€" venta, cal-dents. The experiment was witnessed by the chief represent ativ- es of British and French railways. swwwwwwij WW vw-wvv Angus; 0‘. . I ‘ 21.11 Catc- ever-3r {,5 The sections of the railway used ISStl‘ifln is coming on the other road for the demonstration were marked “NV: 931: and avoid it. On country roads, web by steel ramps, on inclined planes be-1 71:“! Pl l5 “015 the case; many Of the roads tween the rails A shoe, which is fit-II 24‘" b" are extremely narrow, and the trees ted on the engine, tor. ched the ramped 311.1511 and bushes along the roadside make with ., .11 .211: intact, anl 11w LS Shoo ore) itimuossible to the if anything is com is warned if 13,,“ 57:th i3 .10, 1-1211 ’11:: ficm the ol‘DOSlte d'll‘EC‘thD. The by means cf :1 dZsc or whistle. The! . -g13;gsgoâ€"l:ceting of two motcr Cars at such a driver may himself stop the trgiml lccrrp‘r is especially dangerous 65’ but if he fails to do so, an elec'; lcal Calgary Herald: The Brooks Bulle- Bassano Mrs. Neil Cameron and babe, of; Beaverton, visited at her former ' tin, Langdon leader and home, ‘here a short time ago. i The rain which came a short time 1 and James R. Sharp, will be consoli- aga- was very welcome, as the crops Edated into the Bow Valley Printing were beginning to feel the long con- tinued drought. Although the tribal storm was severe for a time, Plietest acquisition and Mr. Nesbitt is no serious damage resulted. During ‘, doing some “evangelizin-g work†in the progress of the storm Mr. Don-f ald McArthur’s barn was damaged by a .bOlt of lightning. ed from lite Banner to the Bulletin. Miss "Belle McArthur has returned The firm has appointed Herbert G. to Brampton after spending a. few McCrae, as. former Peterboro boy, as; l connecting newspapers have beenl Burketon and arriving at St. Anne’ 3 took charge of the remains, Wm ' started or acquired by the two boy Wednesday morning. Tickets may bel were taken to Omemes today- days ‘at'her home in this vicinity. The congregation of St. Andrew’s Church ‘have extended a. call to Rev. i manager of the Langdatn publication. ' The three that promising town on behalf ofI slightly the newspaper. The name was chang-. i l Those taking in the trip are remrrd- l sh um his life is despaired of tonight audl 0 apply 1011“. his companion, Miss Johnston, lies 1 in ' recaï¬ous c d't' . ews, owned by Leonard D. Nesbitt horn: p on 1 ion at her ; OBITUARY , ',’ ï¬.‘ ‘ ' I»! _ ';and Publishing Co., in the near fu- Pilgrimage to Ste Anne de Beaupre KATHERINE. CHAMBERS- elec‘l ture. The Brrooks newspaper is the The annual pilgrimage to the' _.. shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre will be held on Tuesday next, July 23rd, under the auspices of His Grace} Katharine Chambers of Emily- Archbishop Spratt of Kingston- - ed that they can leave Lindsay per C. P. R. at" 50 on Tuesday morning, with the main line at, A sister Mrs. Byers ot' W 175 an: gs. mammammmc m:-.s.ï¬s.w=.~wW\1 Sit/441- $354. a .1 E; ii 7:371' Special l’ui‘c:i'1:<se. Comet-s in all the 1111113111 if 4-) 1:11 :1 Swiss Elmira-jet“ iiounoi 1;, g. 3,53,, _ 1 .7 .» ‘3’ )V,,". -.. ~ , ...- colors 121-1)...1 125111.53, choir-c selections cl“ patron: s 3 “It? I1:213 1.1.1... Rigid“: >1 1 zine i): (12.3: ...... .7, :1. ‘1“ . . , ' 3 hale. price-021:). .. .--. .. .. 22:0 310‘ g w. E ’E‘ 1‘ . V Sm. g: p ; .~. time 1.153?! 13' ‘12:: ~ ~ 3. a ‘14“ . . ~=~ - arsed 111-3 $23k i W. 1 a; , i 1 uring S purchase and over of anything, you get: Blr' {Ck lCl‘ DI'QSSC‘S and W333“, :Yb lilClieS “Wilde. Extra. 3'01}, supply of egg-a Stro ng, good meal-mg- lineâ€, for (aver-5:- . ,' V .~ ... _~ b - .. . _ 51.011 vv quality, perfectly fast colors (shaman ed 1101 to (day use and {,0 inches nude. See these for only-..‘_’fie 1'0. cu-., . ‘ale Price ........................ . 899313. ‘ ,. G . Bleached Linen 331985 00013 I ‘ i -' e I ' , _- .A Mid-Summer clearing of all 60:: Dress (heads. Al- lectif’nmifo 1:12:93 “ideéguai‘aneed' 11.1 linen, choice 3'3- . ,. . ' ..re . 1. 3109 n“ “r ‘. most any kind you may acme, all the wanted colozs p 11.. egL at quality, baleme'n/f ,2 Those" to clear {or mil" , , .. ~ _ _, , , _ _ __ _ , , , . _ ._ . 47X: yd. , """"""""""""""""""""""""" "â€5 fl"- g Boilers V9313“ Choice seleexicn of Sample (:ollais. These are ex- 5031957133 new {01‘ “"3133 1’7 inches Wide, choice ceplionally low priced- Reg. up to 500 each, see the big 553193th0 0f patterns. SPEC“! English PDFChKS" CD13? assortmentforonly ........ ,,,,,,,,,.........lfieeach ---------------- . ------------- .7‘1M21‘d Fine quality Summer Para=ols, good assortment of A regular snap for Summer chsses Prices rangi '11g handles and colors, both light and dark. These are it] cup to 351: 3d, all colors these Vie are ole-2 Lg ca: 1 3m- 111;j"‘:1€: ‘SpCL-wal {or only; ,, UH).- £3 I311.111.â€. .................................... , L. if» Sale to Mr. Matchstt 33’. The death took place at the Harm» of Refuge on Wednesday night. at? The cleansed, who was 3mm I: was in her eightieth year and has} only been in the institution“ a; m- Emily .: I. ‘I :"IMir ._ g m ‘ t 1. 3 It i ‘e 4' 1 1 , i 3 l . t 1 I O 1' 'a i 9 . I“ . Y '0 1 ,. c 9C ,r . ‘ .l ‘ '52 j _. hr :1 .LI’I'; e" ..3/ {~18 Sâ€; in; 1.“. 3,. 1e. 7 . . 3‘. an .aran ma» ...-1 ( 0