l3 ,_ I_ who, :1“ v, ,, 4;.» "I, W,r;,.;3~â€.tl‘f¢; my , 3,. $.2va a 1: l . ' . - I run . ‘ i" ,3,“ i m LINDSAY POST. 3 , . an, FRIDAY! Jtn . g: . . i During July and August this store closes l 8 6 0 ____ D U N D A s F L A V E L L E S I',‘ I M I T E D ____ 1 9 1 2 i During July and Alain: 1L: . daily at 5 o’clock (Saturdays excepted. (Luly at 5 O'clock (Suture: . .. u "3’“ .1. .. , . . . .r- JVâ€: “fir v,..'.‘-o'-'.‘;,."'r ,, '.... . Summer Wearables of all kinds being rushed out regardless of price. -Here is another Partial List. “ W“ CACL‘DI‘C -. ‘; r7, '.- v- s ‘ THEY MUST NOT BE CARRIED OVER. Get your share while they last )- 4.. I" an ".3'4'1-"fl-i. .. 4 . fly. .,.. 1'. ma _\ sertion. Note these reductions. Children’s Dresses Regular 25c Ribbons for Boys’ Hose 20c pair .Ladles’ House Dresses TIn prints trimmed with con- ’trasting colors. The shades are front, with pocket at side. Pric- CS 5135 and ............ $1.50 Ladies’ White Dresses .................................... A Ribbon Opportunity 300‘ yds. ribbon, ranging in Regular $1.00 and 1.25 Corsets for 59c pair Ladies’ lace Lisle Gloves Regular 25c and .. . ." t S". o dresses for $2.95, 1 1 .5 .Children‘s wash dresses in 2:3: t2) [515200 dress-$4 93' 90 yard Extra good cotton hose for at Sweepmg Reductions COttOI‘l Crepes f0“ ?C min hams, prints, repps. and In- :1 3f ........... . I) - . . boys, I-I ribbed, seamless, fast . , 1 1. 1 1 1 .23 as. g - , ts or .......... Ribbons of all shades, 4 and 5 d'e m black shade onl Ladles long ace 18 e g mes, Cotton cram W: ma.“ Head. We haVe them 13 . , . inches wide, satin or silk finish, gr pair ‘ y’ 206 in black 'or white only, 2 domâ€" ka dots and 3 ,::,‘.\V)C‘VJ stripes, p011“? dOtS‘ plalds 111' Ladles House Skll'tS in plain or fancy effects, suit- P We have“;.sneucialnh'ose for C5’ to be cleared at the followâ€" Regular 2:. as. 56:13ng plain efleas m shades 0‘ S I†., . . . 1k d t able for hair, sash or lnillinerv ,, - p ing prices. 75c. gloves for 49c., lites. T“ ,7 7L: :33. ya 1: ' ’ h hello in na‘») or black P0 a 0 . . ~ boys I-I rlbbed double leg oral .._._ x . mm- ' nay}, C ampagne, ' d ck~ made in the new straicht trimming. Reg. value 250 yd. . f.’ 1. . 1 .‘ _ " SLOO and $1.25 for ..... 790 per vd. Lg» 32;, Prices $1.00 each to . $2 50 _“ S. , . h ‘ulv sale er vd ( per cct y seam ess, per C) c . . 1 Q _. . 1,) _‘ ,_,____,_ “UH." â€u†:“H g . llne Styles “71th panel back and d 1 p i . .............. {)(t palr .......................... d!) , .............................. ... ............... -1~. Stylish Millinery at your own prices Regular 50c Cotton V oiles for 39¢ yd veetormbommmé mm“creamer-munmomvumnm . . . . . All this season's styles to be 1:, - -. .. -. . l .l - 1 _ 1 ~ rtll(_\ c, ,;;L\ ,1 â€Sky, ngY. 31'4")" shepherd checks . d . f 11 . _ :‘hfécg: {31:32:33 :i1;:§1;:nmsl‘ dLadleSt‘Strï¬lglgtland hb‘las {8‘1 cleared at this sale for half gym, - Ydi‘lci'f rim.--“ é buttoned down one side, With Some ma e O a. over Gin 7 - ' i e P e corse 5’ S or. engt 3’ ut price and less. Now is vour colorinn-e u... - _ 1;†i; r inverted Plait at back low neck l)r0ldCI'_V, others Of ilne lawn, metres and are to be cleared “Kt†good quality, garters at- chance to procure a rr-allvd up- ., ‘l N- ' M ‘ I14" and short sleeves, trimmed with enlbrmdery lnser- during our July sale at 5c., 6c., tached. Regular 51.00 and $1.25 to~date hat cheap ‘ - 1 NW - - , -- . . .59 Prices “25 and 1†$1.50 tions and flouncings. All sizes, 70, 50-, ICC-l 13,20. and 150 July sale per pair, ....... 5'96 ' ---------------------- . ,,,,,,,, .9 of ' in the newest styles. $5 00 .................................. ’ ................................. ’3' R Ladies, Mull Dresses Xour CllOlCC ............ ‘ .. egular 15C and 18C RegUlal‘ 35C Dlnllllï¬ . . . . Gm hams for ~.‘-â€" -. . ‘ ' , _Ladlcs‘ 11min dresses in 1one Fine Linen Table Pcautifgul ï¬n . h12:0 . I for 23c 3d 1 piece stves, some wit ong {‘ , e £1112. 31113 111 ’anlv >1.“:'« I Z,:-1-~' l - sleeves aid high HCCk. others ClOthS 1'29 SUIPCS) PIaIdS, checks and plain white with ._ 1'. 7-3 .rzuéx -with short sleeves and low neck Fine linen table cloths in ianâ€" Sï¬eils' excellent fabrics. for tub tan, Sb" “‘5" 1‘74; ;»- j: The shades are shy, pink, chamâ€" cy floral and conventional pat- SrCFfCS-‘Reg- ISC- and/1189 .Wlu 1013149 ï¬ll". Fix :, 3;.- : .,. pagne and white, elaborately terns, :z x 2?, yards. $1 ()0 u l ' SElle per yd. 1*.) 11â€".)(1 per yd. ......... . g I“ : trimmed mth val. lace and in- Your choice eac h ...... : °-“- ------------------ - "" -' 7' ......... -.)(_' ‘ .t :m «m WWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.0009000 ~-â€"â€"._. ‘ 1 BLE PASSENhER SERVICE BETWEEN KIRKFIELD :PORT M n of the clock forward one hour and f (Special to The Poast) if CNICOLL AND PHTERBORO CITY went to bed. Her husband came home? The members of L.U.n. 116 cele- ance of the crOPS- We hear of a lot late and moved the clock on an hour of damage done from the electric; . ' ' . . , . h also. On Sunday morning they went brated July 12 m Uxbrldge storms recently in other places, but l week T e crops are 'Tbere seems to be an impression been informed that the stations are to Church where service was at the' R' 0' McKay 0f Shedden is spend- the storms have not been severe in '1°°k well. | lg, mulling that the section of the 1 now ready. old time. They Were, therefore, two ing his holidays under the parental this locality. FRUIT CR0], 3 ’ lexgian Bay Seaboard Railway E A gentleman prominent in railway hours ahead of titre. ' l r001 Mrs, H. Steward was a “Sim“ a gturned to Toronto by the Sunday SW-- Th filly. .M . - . - 2m LindsayI and Bethany has! matters informed a reporter today The hotels, too had trouble in cat-' Mr. A- Wheeler, 0‘ Toronto, is vis- the home of Mr. T. Steward on Sun- ' cial, after spending two weeks' vaca-l e ‘7" “JR-2 =-mmy 61:! 4 that a double service Will be inaug- er‘lng to local boarders and guests who iting his uncle, E. Mosgrove. day last. tion at Mr. D. Robertson's farm. lfruit crap report 15 issued 2: ï¬3t: ‘ . . . n‘ been approved, and that the C- E urated in a short time between Peâ€" had to use standard time because the Mrs. A. E. Smith spent Friday Mrs. J_ H. Jones spent the 12th Miss Jessie Ff Robertson, of this ‘ Dominion Departmgcr. of Ag}: .. ,3- cannot use the stretch for , terboro and Port Mchcoll, and that trains used it. . with Mrs. Cameron in Lomeville1 with friends in Millbrook. place is spending a week with friends! Weather 7.335%. This is incorrect. The line 5 the present passenger service on the In spite of this failure many stilli Mr. Mahoney, of Preona, Illinois, Mrs. W. J. Fallis spent the 12th I in town. 5 been taken W" by the °°m' 5 gram “â€8 “um be 3““ “mm†1““ believe in the principle n it is adop- spent a few days with his uncle, Dr- with friends in Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Moore and fam- ted by an people, or made national in J- E Ross. Mr - Mahoney is 3- great The services here have been well ily, of town, are camping on the my, but the delay in using the proved. its scope. - violinist and assisted the organist of attended the past two Sabbaths. All shore of Mr. Miller Johns’ farm, en- Lindsay-Bethany section was coca-i The special Saturday Torontoâ€" samed by the fact that the stations ‘, Bobcaygeon train is being largely the Presbyterian church Sunday ev- seem well pleased with our new min- laying the fresh breezes of our beauti- iening in playing the hymns on his ister, Rev. Mr. Melville. ful Sturgeon Lake. were“ not completed. Th9 Post has ' Patronized each week. " “w†"" PROCEEDINGS OF violin, which was enjoyed by all preâ€" Miss Ethel Giles, of town returned We have had SCOTCH â€NE 2.46 .557... st. ass; good rains, which have made a very and 139: ti. :3. Rm: I. An amusing story is told of one fa- , at present. several mily where the lady moved the hand decided improvement on the appear- ' Cemetery, The farmers are rejoicing over the Ian) I great showers of rain which came last i 1 beginning to SUMMARY OF JULY ‘ Misses Jack and Miss Kanns reâ€"l r1: r.- V. l able for tre _ and dry for s all fruits dung: Applesâ€"Prospects have (12,. .. since last month. Nova Scots; .' only 25 per cent cf lo, a medium crop and has 2 l â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" . .. . ' h.s tn; 'r c" :9: , DAYUGH'I SA A" i sent. ELDON STATION home Monday after spending twO 3:35.91: 5 p 05% .c ,.- c SEI)‘ ; Don’t, forget the garden party giv- Miss C. I. Mathieson, of Toronto is Weeks' Vacation with her sister, Mrs. ,. .. Pearsâ€"Easter: Canada. ' crop only. 8225‘; 03222313ng Plumsâ€"Nextvczttstaziins ,2 “ _ OPS COUNCIL . an by the Ladies' Aid Society on rpending her holidays here. the guest Walter Robertson, of Maple Road I Jilly 34th 0n the church and manse of Mr. and Mrs, Angus MacEachern. farm. ‘ Ops Council met July .15th. All the lawn. Mrs. Smith and daughter Ina, of Mr and Mes. T. G Varcoe of town ‘es â€gym-,1, gm, .r, sew, members present. The minutes 0f1the M183 Mona ROSS entertained a large Kirkfield were the guests of Mrs. Me. are spending a week at her father's ‘ 1 f:::.b:j..-:m ._- Ilast meeting were. read and confirm- number of her young friends on Mon- - Arthur on Saturday last. home, Mr. D. RobertSOn. , er 0 “1" 1 h. ' rd in the :':;ef cm; V “1' day evenmg at her home- The even-l A baby boy came to reside at the Mrs. Herb McGee, of Bobcaygeonj “‘95 e ‘ . . 1 , _ . chards. Communications. From Reeve 'l'ol- ing was spent in games, musrc and i home of Mr. and Mrs. m, McLean on spent Thursday at her sister's home, mie, of Fenelon re culverts on boun- dancing, after which dainty refresh- . July 7th. Mrs. Fred Warren, of this place. -CONSIDERABLE CONFUSION lN ORILLlA ‘ The town of Orin-la has just had a l killed, trying to struggle through the .mrist uncomfortable and amusing ex- work, or the help refused to get up inrience in an unsuccessful effort to earlier in the morning and the men .7 I .;. r. -'. a. .‘a.. CC, ., (.‘herrlesâ€"ï¬. fa: crji‘ ‘ Wish 8» daylight saving â€Stem 0‘ ‘, had to take a cold breakfast or go to dary; from Vice Pr esident C'P'R' re ments were served. Each one departâ€" Mrs. Carson and children, of “7311'! Mr Norman Robertson's new house “95 hi: 2 3:. it“ ,1; own. This scheme, which has 3 work without any. name of Station at Flemings; From ed for their homes after having a s basheen are the guests of her sister, _ is ready for plastering. Mr. Edi r1? (:0 -. beam discussed and dropped, tappop For two weeks the tug of war went Secretary Board Of Railway Com-misâ€" most enjoyable evening. 1 . 2 Mrs. John Bates for the past days. I Murdock has got the contract. \ih’\1,_--w-â€". “123%“ least, by both the critish and ‘ on, each side waiting for the other to Sloners re new plan for Stewart 5 Dr. and Mrs. MacL-can and lamlly : Miss R. Barber. Of Fenelon F3115 is, A number from beta spent the lith- 129:, .7 , _-. .,-. . . . . ' give in. A number of the work'mmen Azania: Parliaments, was believed . 1 _ s . - . however, remained unrecogncdeable, .v Whirl? Or‘l-llla people to be not near .- . ; and on July :th. in pursuance of an- .v so difï¬cult as was supposed. Port , , _ †- . ‘ 0 her rdinance ass-ed b ' the counCll 1:214)? and Blooming they said, had t C ‘ p 5 bridge; From Claim Adjuster 0f C' P' have moved into the house recently . spending her vacation with her aunt R. 1‘8 damage to culvert, Superinten- occupied by Mrs. G. Ashman. S . Mrs. John Bates. dent of‘C.T.-R. and others. 1 i M3. Beecroft and son, Rev. - rchie Mr. Kennedy has a gang of men at‘v r..- Inteerews: William Jones, Path- ' .1 . .. molt, of Woodviile, called on Mn? Mr. R- T- RObCI‘tSOH'S. “‘5‘?- ‘55 1117313? master, re Hawsms being charged for and Mrs. M- McLean Sunday 135? apiece built to his hon-g?" Miss May Campbell, of Lorneville, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robertson, of Abberfeldy farm visited at the farm ‘4 .0 L{-.. ,1 in Peterboro last Friday. All reporgl , I 7721.1"11’1. {.3 an enjoyable time. ' i,‘y~" .g. .. .2..- -.- .... p \ ; PLEASANT POINT, ’, . The severe electrical storm which' too much statute labor, since the 35- passed over this vicinity last Thursâ€"z and the citizens all went back to standard l time. ' â€33011 W. S. Frost, in telling h owl The general opinion both of the emâ€" inl. -, ‘. â€"~ ‘ n 7.; ...., .‘ ' successfully adopted the plan, :ijmillia could do it tor). sesament for the Morrison Place had day did more damage than any preâ€"l spent Friday the guest of her aunt 1 V l 3 - . ,. I thrill. .~~v:,. ...... - I l l . . . . , . . 1 1a“, -1. “.121†.». 311 ha ed said that the town 2 ployers and many of the workingmen been â€mime"- W‘th his own- The “01,15 Storm has done “1'“? 1'0“"; tLme": Mrs. M. McLean. iof Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Omemee! .1: [f ’ Lâ€... - , . . tsmcil xillpmlliassinv the ordinance askl is that the scheme would have suc- matter was 16ft OVer for consideration Begides the damage done m Mr. Jas.§ Mrs. Cormack and children. of Tor- l last week. ‘ gift: '1â€: ' 3 1 .1er citizens. “21101;, the hands of? ceeded if the men had only been con- JOhn Hartnett asking for damages 3119!! s barn and to that Of Mr- .JOS' ,‘ onto, are the guests 01 Mr. and Mrs.’ The stone masons are building .3 l: mi†.: 3,.-- '33,: . 1313' 0 f d h ur at ten l Suited. for horse injured 1n helping the Oil Greer “1 which two COWS were killed'f John McArthur. lS‘tone wall for Mr 3. Wm. Kennedy'sl ï¬st.“ 1 V N“ -: V.‘ ‘ ‘m‘: clocks orwar one o ‘ I 3.. - . .- tank out of the snow onthe ‘2nd. r as W811 as many minor eï¬ects, MI‘.‘ - . ' 1335191†'73' Ti "w 0 1'31“): on Saturday night, June 22nd; The a“'°°ate° 0“ the plan urged . . , . q ' _ , MrS- Avellne and children, of Tor- new bam- M ,9 -. P ,. - 7 m complied with the petition of i that it was next best thing toa half line in the Spring. Council thought John Hay was the loser of a fine: onto, are spending their holidays with _______ “rim o ._ ‘ .1; :he: Bo clot Trade the manufactunl “may 93°11 week- It meant “St flu" on 0mm“. “mum pay the dam“? horse“ ers. AVeline's mother. Mrs. Alex Mc- 1’ 9 so“: 1 I; darth merchants The ordinancel ing the dark ho \rs and work and play 83' as they ‘1“! “0t keep the travelled MI" and Mrs. Bruce Greer and two Arthur. OBITUARY Bl 2hr u =: ‘w' e.- 213' an e ’ - - ‘ ’ ' -, ' . ' ' ‘urv in nears 1:13 5 ~ - . , , , h h _ I 1 h ther road. The Clerk was instructed to bill children, of Buffalo, are spending , 3 in] , , who remain in force until Aug 3131:. l in day g t t meant a so t at e them for same. Several from around the Village “31- __ their vacation Rider his parental roof W. B. Fee asking to have railway at present. 1 fences built across St. Patrick-st. op- Miss 'L- Gertrude Brien, 0'f here, ened so that he could get to his farm. Spent a few days recently with her, Clerk was instructed to write (3, PiR. friend, Miss Laura Reynolds, of Be-‘ 'A By'law authorizing the Reeve and thany. , the i dea, off course, was simply l wouldbe two hours of daylight after that everybody should get up one? tea in 1‘11th- aour earlier during the long summerI Mr. J- 3- Tudhope, ex-M. P.P. said . lthe manufacturers were in favor of 7. " cnet the da ’5 work through an» . m?“ b y the scheme, believing it to be to the 11113. oi daylight in the evening tori advantage of the workers. Mr. T. H. our: earlier, and then have» an extra: '9 «r ‘ .' Tl‘easurer to borrow mone 1‘ Mr. E. Henderson, of town, an old m: in the garden, for visiting parks . Grant, Manager 0* the Northway d9! Y or the ‘r â€v crher work or recreation they partmental Store, was also in favor! current expenses was duly passed. boy of this corner, paid Mr. James 1,1111’ ' . l and said the plan would have succeed. On m<].lon 0f W- Walden, scoonded BESWD' 0f Sunnyland Farm a brief and everyone seemed to have a good 1'1“" -. ' ‘ rs had been consulted. [ by G' Maloney, the following accounts V15“ 19/091? 1 time, and we all hope that it willi 7W ;- not corsulrinw thg working-i Some of the men, ,Ihowever, suspectâ€"| were ordered pa1d:-â€"-G. W. Beall, sta- T1113 corner was as W611 represented encourage the Orangemen of . A. .1; ,. ‘ A» ~ :7 V '-’ I k . ed that, later on, the empIOyers would tionery, 33'05- RO'bBI‘t McGiunis for as ever at Pe’terboro on the 12th. . . . 1 place to hold the 12th here a sin ' ‘ - ‘ 31.51. mm, m Otill’la, areavery con-; . , , , . ..; . _ g m . the third : a. - m..- .ir-‘w -.‘r"e n'nber Some of them fen keep the men at the same starting gralel $3-80- McLennan and Company Road working “a†the order 0: the the near 'futurc. The both 113’ in five (gear? â€a dermoa fem , ,, . a, .- l _ .- for Road scra er 20:2" . o. Y ' day last week, ha due the; week. #7: with the idea, and in some of the 1 hour, but go back to the old closmgl D 3 a, The hatlonal l s 1 mum. .actorips the new scheme E hour. Others feared that this was just Concrete 90- for Culvert tile $75.45. . ' \_ l. tartml out all right There were och-l a plan to defeat the demand for a M" James Long was present to? it workin-gmen, however, who, either; ,ebrate-d the 12th. in Uxbridge. ORLAND The 12th of July which was cele- brated in this village was a great success. There was a nice sized crowd l Electric Restorer f“ " i. ' 0. :cm every 5"“ n " JAMES THURSTON Scotch Line, July 17â€"Mr. James'PhosphonolEis.†prowess: â€" ThurStona Who lives a few miles from 'vim and \ital;:§'- Premzt‘» ‘1“ en.» ‘ here, died . , .weakuess aver“: at 922:: . Saturday after two years 1mm Hugger. .“1‘...†32-33.: .I illness, and was buried Sunday bv 35- Mailedis‘ii‘3141‘ the Rev M H - ‘cmdncmw‘m'w "M . r. oney of Bobcaygeon,» ~m a3» 3' ‘47-!†1 from his father’s residence. He Wasl a member of the Canadian Foresters, . who marched to the grave. Deepest. sympathy is felt for the bereaved ‘hisl ., - - ' , ‘ ‘v . family in their great loss, this being C *ua‘ dances, iwhich were held at night were well -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-‘-â€"- , attended and everything was as good ' , 1 FRANKLIN; is success as anyone could expect. Th (1 . ' inineâ€"hour dayl The employers would complain of water turned on his farm! (Special to The Post.) 5 Miss Eva Hunter is at present highley sliSpZXtdedst-igfdl 163’th .Oi- a . 11 h men h . 'no 1; from t- e road and the places across' A large turnout of our citizens ceâ€"'visitin with Miss An ' ~ en 0 away" 9355‘" they had mt been cmsulted’ l :eo’clOEk anytwae; were gett‘l ° on at the road. Council said that \if he had lebrated the glorious 13th at Peter“ this village? me Murray “'th place on wedneSday evening in, It is “I“: . 11 u cted the . , , 1 , _ , . a , 1 _ 2:1“ 3333:2338 z: 2:322:31): sharp One boarding house lady saidzâ€"ul agrievance of this kind, his method boro. Some were a. little disappomtâ€"g Miss Mabel Parks, of Head Lek-e â€he person or (the. Elm“ Drooom' reâ€", PU“ W â€â€œ1" ‘Jf_,‘,,: WIS-1“, MRS. ELIZA DROOGAN 2 - - - . ' l lict of the late Bartholome Dr ! lullr ll! * ,. ‘ one , . . _ . _ thinkI should have gone crazy had it 0‘ â€0°de WOUId be to call a ed 1“ the P001" tram 39m“ 3‘11†is visiting with her cousin. Miss - . ’1 00g“; 7 nail-3.1:. their“ Trim £313,02miiheggvgentfn; 1710;: continued. Some men were to go to friendly meeting 0f the parties inter- plied by the G.T.R. Those who took M. Newson. EDIE: gentgfilfg year; i 41“ d) ' I . - ,: ,.,,,,,-Sgsol‘, '11“ y e ' . - ested and to arran . _ the special train did not arrive in« - - ' 935 3' ha retired last" Our line a: lei-fix, em»; from getting the 10â€"h- our day reducediwork at Six, others at seven. We had try ge an agree 1 Our general merchants. Fairbalrn l evening in her usual good health tut; flute. and 3;; mat-clan M t0 get up before ï¬ve o’clock and pre- ment 33 1:0 Olltlct. town till 12 O'CI'OCK. and 89 they . Bros, are doing a big business these ' end“ The Clerk was instructed to write had to lea-vs at 4.30 they had a rathâ€" times, as they had two delivery wag- 25:11:11}, 13::ninhg 1;}: Sasha“ of the . - e S 06 'nd her dead. 1. gone on the road on Saturday last. I The_late Mrs. Droogan was a faithâ€" .3 .io! hours absolutely refused to the “““i'mymgi‘v ' . . .pare two breakfasts. Hardly had we consmmi’vSWINE. r of . . . . m to the new orde M I cleared of! the last when the «first ones Clerk of Mauvers bill-ling their 'coun- or short day. m caused a very aWkward and a; were returning at eleven o’clock for cil for $6.95 share of work on boun-l Miss Mattie Thompson, who Spent let [bet u. i If vou have I‘WP‘: phi _ a - . , . . l 3 Mr. and Mrs. D. McIntyre spent , 1 , home town, you mm; â€c :vfork b: : 1:311:31â€; eir meals; dinner, then the rest at twelve. That dary; also Railway commission. to the Winter In Sask., is home :n‘ ts. the 12th in this village. lifdazntenjodwtyed 31: St. Mary 8d churchéi at a distance mil): :sz, '1. ‘- ' ' l - . . urgin C. P. R. tewa month’s visit. She then expec s o, , - ' esteem an reapec , 'ts attractions _ '. S ‘ sumo new time, while (others kept to : was t“ dinner times- Sam a" supper g t° cmmm S , rt ' . Mr- 9- M°D°ugau 19 315 mm“ gaming win he nil-ex w . , _ . , , , , , of a wide circle of acquaintances She ., 1 _ time, wehad no time for rest at a 3. bridge at earliest possible date. return to Toronto. 1 Visiting at Mr. A. Newson. s of this . : ‘ . jï¬â€™ “I“ ma “â€2 At the W“ The Catholic Church held service on On motion of G- MaloneY. seconded M198 sad“ “313' ‘31 the “mug village- “; mvmd by an.†unshiels' ms" ‘ â€"""'""'/ m; houses it was particularly moonâ€" Sunday at the 01 d hour but the An- by W. Walden, Mr. Best was author- gtaï¬ of the General Hospital, Tor-, es Margaret, Nellie and Lime Droo-, O ,, v-ient to have some of the men both ' A HIGINB 0 ~ m. It means serving each meal gum“ “h“mh Changed to the new izedto have brush cut on the second onto, Spent Sunday and Monday at Children Cry- gan, all at home. 1 . Druggist ' L . - . . - .- her home here. The funeral will take place on Fri- tu‘teand gnvethe women no titre’ tm' The Methodist 811d mmmn Concessron hne. ' FOR FLETCHER'S Chnr d: at ange h at 0 1m ' ' 4' ~ ' ' ' ' ‘ day morning from the famil resi- ï¬ , . . l h ' . . - cil d urned to meet Au ust The farmers of this vrcmlty. are . y : u or do 3 the k. 5 did :fé:wa:d: Ch at 1' , but 19c: at 13:01:: g 111"ng pleased With the crop OHlZIOOkJ‘ C A S I o R I A deuce, No. 106 Lindsay-st. south at 1 ‘ I O U ‘ y . "ant-a the women were nearly Z‘alfa ,___ ,