JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE RESULTS ~" BOBCAYGEON, (21 wrote.) Edward Anderson, Bobcaygeon P. S ............................................ 432 PerCy Braine, Bobcaygeon P. S. ....................................... . ............ 4137 Willie Brotherton, Bobcaygeon P. S. ............................................ . 495 William J. Johnston, 9 Verulam ............................................... ... 450 William J. Junkin, Bobcaygeon P. S. ........................................ 434 James Kennedy, Bobcaygeon P. S ................................................. 44-8 Elsie Kerr, 5 Verulam ........ ' ....................................................... 3 94 Elaine McGregor, Bobcaygeon P. S. .............................................. 514 Dorothy Nicol], Bobcaygeon P. s ......................... . ......................... 529 Della Patterson, Bobcaygeon P. S ................................................... 470 Zelma Robertson, 9 Verulam ....... .............................................. 417 Howard Stinson, 10 Vierulam .I ................................ ...... .. 457? .5, FENELON FALLS, (36 wrote.) Howard Allely, 1 Ijaxton :mwrs owl... .. ...... . -.-.-.-...... ........ ..‘.. 494 Nellie Ascott, 3 Verulam ........................ -....â€". ............................ . 456 'Child’sf Play . cf , Wash Day" Meansz’ To make the dirt drop out}. not be rubbed in, use Sdrprise Soap the “Surprise†way without boiling 'or scalding the clothes. Its a new way and a clean, easy method closing the wash. In rprise is all Soap; a pure 8039' i which makes a quick lather. Read the directions WANDA NEWTON SECURES SCHOLARSIHP The following is a list of the su ccess-ful candidates at Lindsay and the afï¬liated centres. The total possible marks was 650. For a pass it required 40 per cent. on each subject and 60 per cent. of the total. . Certificates have been sent to the successful Candidates and the marks to the unsuccessful ones. To guard against errors, the examiners have re-examined the papers of those that were near the passing mark. Those that secured 75 per cent. ‘of the total marks, or 497, have been awarded honors, and the certificates have been stamped accordingly. The Board 04 Education, Lindsay, gives yearly, two scholarships of thee tuition for one year at the Lindsay Collegiate Institute to the one in Lindsay and the one in the amliated centres, that takes the highest total marks at this examination. This year Miss Wanda Newton secures the scholarship for Lindsay. Total marks 549. D. McDougall, Central School, teacher. Miss Malï¬el Bor- den, of Norland, S. S. No. 1 Laxton, secures the scholarship for the aili- liated centres. Total 539. Miss Nora N. Nichols, teacher. W. H, STEVENS, Secretary Board of Examiners. mer has been cl w m coming, fashion has 1 st l39‘ll slack in pre olrlno, and not E for my presides season l‘laatllere .534 ever been {sunr such a charming or W such an interesting and varied as- ASS sortment of goods for summer E dresses, E IE Special showing of Cotton Voiles, Cot- L ton Corduroy Pique, Mulls, Embroidery Muslins, Embroidery Nets and Linens. fl '1. £4 £4 Hy h.- 35c E \Vomans’ and Bovs‘ black ribbed cotton hose good weight. double l-‘nee, fast black, extra good wearing, 25 $32.†3 to ID. Price .................................................. c BLOl’Sl-ISâ€"Tailored \Vhite Blouses with turn down col lax and cuffs and patched pocket. all Sizes, $1.00 $1 50 .. ... ............................ .......... ..... .....- o and .. “Shite Elm roillery \Vaists. These wai§ls showing in high or low square neck, open at thelmck, 32 to 42. Prices 3 00 Sl'c. 730. $1.00. 51.9" *1 50, $2.00 and ...................... o â€""9 v \“omnns’ long silk Lisle Gloves, elbow length, open at wrist, close ï¬rm ï¬nish, in black only ............ E Men's Negligoe Shirts. :1 gor (l range of sizes, de~ 1 25 ‘1 signs and styles. Prices 50c. 73c, $1.00 anal ........... . I. ( Men‘s ou'lng Shirts. with reversible collars, a. good qual ‘7 ity of nmterinl, sizes ll to 16 Li. H. Men‘s extra fine plain and fancy hall Hose, close even ï¬n ish Willi neat slrlpls, exr-eptfonul value at per pair 25C Fri eco..-.....ov-.-o O’lllllglllill Mclnl e 53, CASH AND one moo A; THE LINDSAY POST. Mabel Borden, llLaxton ...... . . .. . 5-3-9 Jack Brandon, Fenelon Falls P. S. ....... .. ....... .................. . ..... .. 481 Charles Chambers, Fenelon Falls P. S. .. . . . 489 Ian Cooke, Fenelon Falls P. S. .................................... . ......... 462 Vera Connell, Fenelon Falls, P. S. , ....... .......... 441 Lula Cooper, 4 Fenelon ....... '.. ......................... . .................. 414 Marjorie Demill, Fenelon Falls, P. S ............................................ 446 Amy Ellis, 3 Verulam ........... . ...... - ........... . ..................................... 416 Foster Graham, Fenelon Falls P. S. ............................................. 440 Gladys Jewell, Fenelon Falls P. S ................................................. 465 Mary E. Jones, Fenelon Falls P. S. ............................................. 45-7l Blanche J unkin, 10- Verulam ...................................................... 489 Violet Junkin, 13 Verulam .......................................................... 41-8 Liza Kelly, Fenelon Falls P. S. ..................................................... 4-18 Willie E. Lee, 8 Fenelon ................................................... . .......... 410 Wesley Martin, 13 Verulam .. ........................................................ 491 Gertrude McFarland, Fenelon Falls P. S. ................................... 453 Sherman Minthorne, Fenelou Falls P. S. .................................... 440 Ronald McIntosh, Fenelon Falls P. S. .......................................... 424 McKenzie Moynes, 9 Fenelon ......................................................... 392 Efï¬e Murchison, 9 Fenelon ............................................................. 463 Winnie Parrish, 4 Fenelon ......................................................... 500 Mildred Powles, 4 Fenelon ......................................................... 486 Winnifred Woodcock, 1, Laxton .................................................. ~447- KINMOUNT (11 wrote) Dorothy Allen, 4, Galway ................................................ 432 Bert Argue, 3, Somerville ..... . ....................................................... 426 Searl Chessell, 3, Somerville ................. . ................................... 412 Lulu Hunter, 2, Galway ............................................................ 412 Ronald Morrison, 12, Somerville ................................................... 421 Lena SinCIair, 8 Somerville ......... . ................................................ 429 Mary Collins, 4, Galway .. ............................................................ 390 ‘ KIRKFIELD, (35 wrote) Carl Ashman, 8, Eldon ............................ . .................................... 5-09 Fannie Bell, 10, Fenelon ............................................................... 409 Ella Benson, 3, Bexley .................................................................. 411 Bertha. Campbell, 5 Eldon .............. , ............................................ 447 John C. Campbell, 7, Eldon ................... . ................. . .................. 392 Austin Drake, 5, Eldon ............................................................... 453 Gladys Drake, 5, Eldon ............................................................... 460 Mary Duggan, 2, Garden .................................................. . ........... 403 Harriet Eades, 1, Bexley ................................................................ 390 Evalena Gostlin, 1, Laxton ......................................................... 42?- Roy Graham, 1, Bexley ................................................................ 42? Carrie Johnston, 3, Dalton .................... . .......................... . ........... 451 Grace L. Johnston, 3, Dalton ...................................................... 429 Bertha Lawson, 9, Bexley ............................................................ 457 Edith Little, 1, Bexley ...................................... .. ....................... 452 Lilian McCrorie, 2, Eldon ........ . ..... . .............................................. 403 Nillia McGee, 1, Garden ......... .................................................. 449 Wilfred Phillips, 1, Bexley ............................................................... 408 Stanley Sandmann, 1 Bexley .................... . ..................................... 421 Adam Staback, 5, Eldon ................................................................ 509 LiNDSAY, (106 wrrte) Harry, Adams, Central School ......................................................... 483 Walter Alger, Central School ........ . .............................................. 446 Ruth Armstrong, Alexandra School. .............................................. 435 Martha Ayers, Central School ..................................................... 402 Alex. Barnett, Separate School .................................................... 398 Cora Barnes, Central School ....................................................... 429 Emma Babcock, Central School .............. . .................................... 412 Annie Banks, Girls’ Separate ........................................................ 455 Vernal Bell, 1, Ops ..................................................................... 39-7 Amelia Blair, Central School .......................................................... 494 Lila Blair, Central School ......................................................... 455 Maud Bonisteel, Central School ............................................. 498 Agnes Brady, Girls' Separate School ............................................. 444 Monica Breen, Girls' Separate SChOOl ........................................... 468 Rheta Brokenshire, Central School .................................................. 46-1 Grace Brown, Alexandra School ................................................... 487- Mary Cain. ,Girls' Separate School ................................................ . 425 Ruby Campbell, 2, Laxton ..................... . ............... 1‘ .................. 436 Clara Chalut, Girls' Separate ....................................................... 452 Gertrude Chambers, Victoria SChool ............................................. 437 Eddie Conway. Victoria School .................................................... 423 Florence Curtain, 6, Op8 -------------------------- . ................................... ;. 423 Gordon Cuthbert, Alexandra School- ............................................ 44s Hazel Cuthbert. Central School ------ . ............................................ 422 R037 Corncl. Central School .- ........................................................ 530 Percy Dark, Victoria School ......................................................... 42) Clemmie Edwards, Central School--- .............................................. <3: Hazel Ellis, Victoria School ........................................................... 502 Naomi Fee, Victoria. Sch001 .......................................................... 4-7-3 Nellie Gray. Victoria School ....................................................... 438 Neill Gregory, Alexandra School .................................................. 412 Roy Growdcn. Victoria School ..................................................... 453 Mary Gunn. 4. Ops ....................................................................... 440 James Bough. Central School ........................................................ 460 John Haugh, Central School ........................................................ 417 Lawrence Hcobul‘n. Alexandra SChOol ........ ................... 411 Sidney Hepburn. Control School ................................................. .133 Annie Houlihan, Girls’ Separate .................................................. 330 Aubray Ingram, 55113731 5013001 ..................................................... ill- Gladys Jolie-rs, Alexandra School ................................................... 423 Wilmer Kennedy. 3 Emily ............................................................ 4?: Annie Killcn, GirlS' Separate School .............................................. 421 Mary Kingsley. Girls’ Separate SchooI ....................................... 4:3 Lillian Laidlaw, 1, Laxton .......................................................... 3'3 Reta Lynch. 1, Ops ..................................................................... 399 Ralph V. Mark. Central School ........................ .. ........................... 493 Henry Marsh, Alexandra School ..................................................... 453 Irene Marshall, Alexandra SChOOl .................................................. 417 George Maund-er, Central School .................................................... 399 Mildred Meehan, Girls' Separate .................................................... 4213 Wilfred Middleton, Central School ............................................... 453 Vernon W. Mills, Central School .................................................. 466 Edgar Moore, Central School .......... . ............................................ 457 Thomas McFadden, Central 55011001 .............................................. 41"} Lorine McIntyre. Girls' Separate Sohool ..................................... 430 George McCrae. Alexandra School-u ........................ , ..................... 473 Norman McDonald, Central School... ............................................. 4139 Ruth McGahey, Central School ................................................... 467 Lawrence McGaughey, 5. OPS ....................................................... 432 Albert McGinniS, 10. ODS ............................................................ 401 Lauretta Naylor, 2. Ops .............................................................. 404 Elsie Naylor. 2. Ops .......................................................... ~, ............ 390 Wanda Newton. Central School ........................................................ 549 Grace Palen, Alexandra School .................................................... 445 Helen Paton, Central School ....................................................... 492 Earl Quibell, Alexandra School ........................ I ............................ 417 Mirillia Robertson, Central School ............................................... ,.?’ 442 Wilfred Scully. Separate School .................................................. t 453 Albert Show, Central School ......................................................... 418 Helen Skinner, Central School ................................................ '. ........ 422 Vera Skuce, Alexandra School ...................................................... 42 Wilfred Stinson, Central School ................................................... 423- Emily Sproule, Central School ...................................................... 406 Mary Stamelen, Girls’ Separate School ........................................ 460 Ruby Stewart, Alexandra School ................................ . ................. 430 Ruth Stephens, 2, L-axton ............................................................ 39-2 I‘dervyn Sutclifle. Alexandra School ................................................ 466 Elsie Sutcliï¬e, Alexandra School ................................................. 44-4 Robert Sullivan, Alexandra School ............ l. ...................................... 463 Orville Vickery, Victoria School .......... .................................... 425 Marion Walden, 5, OPS .................................................................. 461 Viola Walling, Victoria School ....................................... . .............. 433 Andress Wakenn, Central School ....... .. ......... . 471 "safe... .. Canadian Paciï¬c Railway 1 UPPER LAKES l Homeseekers’ ' NAVIGMION Excursions Steamers leave Port McNicol Mondays Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays July 9 and 23. and “"9"." Second Tuesdnyuntll Sept. l7th inclusive. and Saturdays at 4 p. m. for SAULT ST. MARIE, PORT ARTHUR MEG and RETURN _ $34 00 EDMONTONjand RETURN . 542100 and FORT WILLIAM The Steamer Manitoba, saillng from ‘Port Mchol Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 10.30 p. m. -= Sleamsllll; Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p.711. on sailing «lays making due-ct cm nochon uilll steamers at Port Mchcoll Return limit 60 do ya. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars Ask nearest C.P.R. Agent for Home- seeker?! Pamphlet "" l Winnipeg Exhibition July 10 to 20 '12 Tickets and Full Information from any C. P. R. Agent :J . MATCH ETT 3, M excitement of the upset, leaving Proportionate rates to omâ€- points. l for the bodies, ed. cured, Immediately , . Upon the SCCTL" , girl was by f . “fulï¬ll, 11‘, the dï¬a , or more could be we ' rL .. 3' 3"-'~‘.'lrd c 3 . Mr. nut-..., Aubray Warner Central School ....................................................... 4S4 Moore ngte, Central School .......................................................... 5,09 \ Pearl Wilson, Victoria School .................................................... 479 VlCTORlA R0 Myrtle Williamson, 2, Ops 47-2 M Myrtle Wright. 4. Ops .......................... m 7 . N ........................................ or ‘ f)' ‘39 r‘» LITTLE BRITAIN, (26 wrote.) We .4 Ada Avery, 8 Mariposa .............................................................. 430 “79‘1““ div .. Caroline Avery. 8 MariDOSa ........................................................ 483 Mr- and Mn: ,j , '_' gflcolln Cameron. 15 Mariposa .................................................... 416 iumVlnz “ll mall's "adwm Davey, 1-1 Mariposa ............................................ 414 , Miss .‘.lc('(.m.,.~,. , \lllllam Davidson, 17I'Maï¬p05a " ‘9’3‘lleiv . ................................................... 482 phone message 1..., . ‘ 3., Leo. Dillman, 8 Mariposa ............................................................. 417 ing that l .. 47†r2333,“ Jean Ewell- 30 Mariposa ....................................................... 413 3 iouqy in- ‘8‘ not“: had so. “a Wilton Glenny. 8 Mariposa ............................ . ........................... 454 at hocheJ-u‘efll'. we 18“ for no.8" Halward P- Glasslord. 14 Mariposa .............................................. 457 l Sorr t: 0m 0“ â€985- Lb Cora Hutchinson, 19 Mariposa, 4 l , y heal†Mr. Jas, 3 . ..................................................... 16 -contlnues Vary o 1 ““13 ‘ Minnie Innis, 20 Mariposa ...................... 404 l M:- W J ‘p ony, ' . ...................................... _ A , _ Louis Jewell, 3 Mariposa ........................................................... 448 I with ones has been Arthur Lane, 14'- Mariposa . ' . a serere attaCk Of 3 . ................ . ........................................ 440 We hope for his Mildred Tin-hey, 14 Mariposa ..................................................... 4m . ‘ A number , â€My “c0323. _ - ‘- Jacob Whiteside. s Mariposa .......................................................... 432.7 Ham ‘2 c ~mm he†“3* lac- -' 1‘ Olive Westlake, 8 Mariposa . 462 . ' ‘ c 01‘ d1“ 5 entmainm .‘ ‘ 57‘ . .3 .................................................... [the school in the French 93,“. : 3 - :-: _' OAKWOOD, (11 wrote.) :and report a good to» 3‘4“»: .3: Alice Dale, 6, Mariposa ................................................................ 397 j28th. . H 0‘ "‘1‘ f Emily Hardy. 9, Mariposa . ........................................................... 500 l Rev.'Mr. Hie left for 231’: .., Robert McInnis, 11 Mariposa ...................................................... 492 l C09 Hill this week. .- h '3' .. N Constance Nokes, 10 Mariposa ..................................................... 41'? 3 MT. Macrlonail and ‘33.“: r: . 5“ Grace Williams, 12 Mariposa .................. 418 3route are occupying the: l. '9 Frank Weldon, 12 Mariposa .......................................................... 43-2 :Cottage. ‘ 522:: ° 1 WOODVILLE, (44 wrote.) 5 M"- Howard Staples no: Arthur Annie. 1. Eldon ................................................................ 452 ’cmld seized a can of Gilletz‘g '3, , 77:": ‘ ' ‘ Percy Bole, Woodville P. s. ............................................................ 47 l and p“ it t" h†3‘33“:- 5'26 é; ' Archie Campbell, Woodville P. s ..................................................... 489 1‘â€le lmrncd , bar exam, Birdie Campbell. 1. Eldon ............................................................ 423 â€Om?“ â€- "'4‘ it 3= loin: ~ “ Gertrude Copeland, .3, Mariposa .................................................... 439 ,mcely 30“" Howard Deguerre, Woodville P. s .................................................. 459 3 Mr- MaCdOncld teacher also Rose Heppinstall, Woodville P. s ................................................. 453 .3 is Spending the 301$an at is '- Irma Green, Woodville P. s. ....... ‘ ............. . .................................... 517 ; at Beavmon- 1:3: Harry Hancock, 16 Mariposa ......................................................... 426 l the Clara Lapp._1 Eldon ..................................................................... 450 RAILWAY ACCIDENT ..cpc ,â€" Wilmer Moore, 1 Eldon ................................................................ 438 i l . my.†- H....Mu...y. 3 on... .................................................................... lo . NARROW“ Allillll . iâ€. Maude McIntosh, c, Dalton ........................................................... 420 l 9' 90"†‘3' - - 7 some 29'- L1z21e McDonald. 7 Eldon ............................................................... 398 I While hundreds 03 Cream 3:. N + ~: Rachael D. MacMillan, s Eldon .................................................... 422 . . . . " . . P" â€â€œ35“ athelr friends were being rm 9! â€" A - . - '3 (v Efï¬e MacMillan, 5 Eldon ............................................................... 425 mm C p p ,0 ppm-.. ",3. r" ’3' “a- , g . - s- L A U.» fl: -. ~ n‘; .- Neil W. MacMillan, 6 Eldon ........................................................... 440 1 morning in sewage-.4 . greening. Efï¬e Smith, 4 Eldon ......... ' .......................................................... 465 i T : †7"" “on“ 3 3 . little dld they turns that they to e 3...... Bessm Smith, 4, Eldon ............................................................... 455 l r - ~‘ 3 Lb†l ' to be saved mm a bad wreck. --q th‘ ...,l Agnes Spence, 4 Eldon ................................................................. 400 l But they we'e to re crvof‘ an; - - h ‘0“: - ~ . l. .1 -4 .1. .. ' l. ,.+ 1., Willie Sutherland. 1 Eldon ......................................................... 427 . . , -. m. ... he l 15 due to Mr. Alger Reno-J. 1 can“- twp-,1 Mary Sutherland. 1 Eldon ............................................................... 456 : . ,. . .. , -1... 3 3 i Springtllle that the 3231693. Clix. n‘ ..r a... 2 .3 Mmme Ward. 1 Eldon ................................................................ 455 , . - . M r1 Weldon 1 Fenelon 41v 3 occur. before .: an e e , , ............................................................ a l He decided to walk to Petals: Vumo TN Vera Woolacott. 1 Fenelon .......................................................... 403 , 3, 7, -. _, V . W . ht ,. M . 03 391 lfor the Orange Cï¬â€˜lf‘q.5..‘.:l 34C ., , set 1205?; ermle Pig , 0 amp 8. ......................................................... ! the C. p. I{. trilCl‘: at K912135131: E3 :3. :J‘EJZH ; When he had covered ..‘sc: :-_-.: '; can 165: gm DOUBLE BROWNING IN PETERBORO r 3 5 to his hoTI'v-I‘, :13: ,3. ct’ Liar;- ESE gjfl FATHER AND DAUGHTER MET OE .... ,5. ’ Mi ATE- Sizing 1;;» tie 93.4.», :j.‘::il;m; 3 BC Revn? Eris r..* .. .. *5â€: ,_;.:.>‘ ‘ â€" turf»? Kc: ;:‘:'. .-_, :3: "5* .. Timesâ€"Two deaths were added' to l old daughter ;t-mn nan-n - . '3 :. :i’ 5 3531111:- the terrible toll of life taken by the; It appears that Mr. Haydn-I'll 'l‘atlifn “ ' ’ â€7’ ‘ :4 I: ‘5 Otonnbce river, when. Sunday after- g his little girl had bean trazvlin: «fzé, 7‘ 3 HOOD. shortly before Si-‘i O'ClOCk- “"0 l down the river, and as they "(J-(rs) ï¬re the 3: ;.::r J - r more victims were drowned in its 3 pas-sin: th'1 end of Par}: Sil"i’.‘_t. llï¬W ' ~ H A' 3 3‘ ‘ waters, just above Crawford's Grove. They were Mr. Henry Hayward, of Gordon avenue and his little fiveâ€"yearl in some mz‘nnr-r and was m QEEEEWoS Ed scorecards Balms, nearly pulled from the canoe. In the line, heltl by The child, became mutt-p . 1;:-:: ;_:-‘ ' i“’\ . l.lll.l;n. , (T RTR’Emn? . s "' 3 ;. :23, _ 3.9' " 1,. .i-vsec’ï¬â€˜lï¬gl’lg...‘ ’_...--"; - ‘ \ :nd over a body was i I his Skull. 1 mStanta: Hose W (From 'I‘u A - morning ‘-'ng the fi walgon the is two inc ‘ . ‘ , l v.:. Tnese are unquestlonably the most polelL-J' Slut (m, 1 .1“ . .~‘ A ‘ ..-.‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ .n ' . 'ï¬ {g ' “‘an 3+“k: lql bUllllllL‘f List. 51ml: 5-923“; â€*3,“ .;S A. ‘_ _ 3 _, ». “l ‘ ‘ a whet} 7‘- . a ‘13: of their comlort. } . l Our general ralge ls excepllonal in every . ,. - , t 535-1 . ‘: 3 l I 1 1.3- 23‘: ’ .3: I:\“}-\, mater-French Cuffs, Also other qua: :23; . .03x .1 :n i l' S. J. S r" 7‘7, E 80331001 All 1 .. - .. - --.. » ' 2,,4â€"2’ “ l â€A Q Q 00'. , . 1 t « e 1. All: :3 r», A ~ -, MCALJ . pa .' ,9» , a; . K11; 5331.; ..., - - ~ ~ v 81399:“ am °f Moo. '1‘ " 7 .“Z’ - RICH. M.‘ ' boll . - . _ - -_- ~ “(ï¬ery-:vva-v} .. 3 .