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Lindsay Post (1907), 31 Jul 1914, p. 3

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'hoS Robson 9 .latives ted gue‘“ Vita! they wears. hurch D3Viesr in! left 0’ STAPLE BARGAINS simpij; must get out a great many lines of goods. The alterations going on in the Store for- us i0 "eke mere mum to work. The Elevator will make shoppmg more pleasant; In the ntm we ask your pardon for a httle confusmn 1n “the store. However ;,the ‘prlces N offered wiil amply repay you. fl“? 7/: magi, EPfiCQ Reducfiahs Thrfiugh-Out’l’l‘hé Stare gsm SHAEKIEIM; SE FURNISHWCS TE BLANKET'S 98c. PR. ' \miw- with colored border AT REDUCED PRICES 11‘ 28c 29c 5 Sale....$1.09 H Sale....$1.98 )ur coverings and ; worke GXU 14. )1 U1?! 1 {D a tches. However, the average em- gwould war is not limited to one stove, Ethe c. o'n'e ‘s’et‘of bédclothes. He my my}, '. n real estate, which with most re- Engain ,citrant paymaz'ters would be heavâ€" ghouse mortgaged. So that the unpaid 3 A f! judge renders him a. favorable dict, the court clerk is obliged to ect the debt and turn the money r to the plaintiff without any ,her trouble or worry on the lat- 3 part. He merely awaits for two ks or so the processes of a pr. ‘ and the VVlGe ndefinitely xor his money n I( 111 Correct process of any work- 1 reg <H'ding: himself as wrong- his emlpyzer in the matter of is to visit the clan. of D1â€" (‘ourt who will serve asum; on the employer, and if the 11' SUN : machinery. If necessary a is placed in the employer’s should he refuse or refrain mying: and enough furniture er moperty can be auctioned meet the amount awarded by d other bogies, for unless he :1y enga'ges alawyer, he’ will no bill from anybody, and ‘ntuin the while amount of his without deduCtions of any Blue set ard 390. ' 25c )I' aistsâ€" apes 111 18. \V (i \ good selection of dress goods all colors, up to 750 yard. Sale. . .\ good selebtion of trimmed hats x big range 01' remnants of all kinds of ass goods, suitable for separate skirts: or .istsâ€"Clearing at trifles. ‘ d a! olore gaiisaifllme 98c small Width, sailors rimmed shapes in 1dening '11' outing. sailors. Sale .. 1 90 290 $1 .09 $1.98 'v. -. .- r (1. >0 that. the ummm \ gm” years ago h'Ir. Mordant took iup a round of drinks. 1 ordered tnem " 0 miy the optlun of waitâ€" ;his own stockmompany down to Mexâ€" out. ’ ,1 9h, mr his monev t0 fico. He is an old newspaper man who “They were put out, too, and they y hat anc would be 1 'seiz‘urc.. One carinot i stove in summer or )gx‘atus _in winter or of his; overcoat..- If he d Jrepc 55 1.2 ive his evidence cunous clauses ix; ”referring 'to the ups (If this kind. A fired tWO hundmd goods as an ex‘ eiium. One cannot side mscan and black untrimmed gm, hemp andchip 49C li‘s«all.on account- of our wish to give you better service in this departmen’g that the alteljajtion'sjfga’re taking place; The Ready-To-Wear will ,‘he featured-very“ strongly hereafter, The LADlES’ HOUSE DRESSES The last chance at 'these ridiculous prices. Reg. $1. 00â€"â€" $1. 50 Sale 790. Reg. $2 .'00â€"â€"$2. 50 Sale $1.69 These dresses are certainly bargains. DON‘T MISS THEM. price offerings from; his department in this sae,| are certainly. woxthy 01 youx consi ration.‘ ‘ -~ - . ' . , .. , - READ THIS LIST . L XL)! ES SL ITS’ #3111 good all woOT cloths and ’gob'd st’y]e.’1‘.he"ré me suiis amen" them snitabke £91 summer m1d§‘-fall.$9 95 \11 sizes. Reyuln 1 £10le $18. 00 to $33. 00.: Sale \-’E1()\S~La1<re 0 '1'0 among BLACK SATEEN UNDER- worth $1. on - Sale 69C ’ SKIRTS ' . . . . . . - - ------ Regular 98c. to $1 Sale , .790 DRESS GOODS of the best trimmed hats (all JS‘regular price. ‘ - light weight, 38 inches. per MELLINERY something extra shape at, prices which mly a fraction of their bailifi's all (-oiors, suitable .‘dso Chilq- 1 5C BRAMMIE ARI A8 SHflWN IN MEXHIH come in dribs am} (labs, hr of £5911â€" mg a summons in the division court, which may take a month to get returns or he may placea lien mm the property to which he has gix'? en his services. ' - ‘ ' 1|iVI'exieo has been written up from almost every angle lately, especially those of internal politics and mili- tary preparedness; but it remained for Edwin Mordant to give a‘reportâ€" er.a.n- entirely new: view of'Mexico from a theatrical, standpoint. Imagine a stage placed in a thea- tre of such architectural magnifi- cence that we have nothing to com- pare with.it here. Imagine at the same time theatriCal companies per- forming in these palaces who have no knowledge oi action or “bnsihess,’ and who simply repeat the words of :1 prompter whose hot is on the stage-and whose voice: isioiten loud- or than those of the actors. Imagine Szich a pn‘rrbt-flke’repeti- tion .thut when an American actor gave “:l'Wffighty pause before deliverâ€" ing an important line the‘ audience supposed 7he' lhnd ‘fdrgfifitén This. words. Imagine aconntry where, tin- stead of having music {between acts it is the qulomgaifiskt drinks. Imagine in one of these splendid theatres -inrniture that would make even Belasco gasp at the cost, combined with paper scenâ€" Of}; that no actor could loan against without bringing down the dressing rooms 6f the actors and buy LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR Imagine in one of these theatres . furniture that ke even Belasco gasp at 25c 79c 50c. lhesden Ribbon 5 111(1105‘ wide extra nice silk and good 11211101118, 35c. quality 25C Salvxard.’ ..........-,. La dies' belts b1 uck and white; reg 25c.Sale.... ...... Ari F17 TOE; 57 «:5. 3.55 m3» L233 3351. 7:: A z: A. _ qmfi ISMBROIDERYi-fllu short ends, narrpw widths; regulax BI. yaIII about 4 . 2C 5111415 in piw. cs SulL I’IjiIe .,. ,. Fine lawn emlu‘oide Sale Price ...... LACE (I(‘)LL.~\RS~~.\ big snap in nicc‘ white and cream lace," sizes rsuitable To?" both women and children. licg ’5c 15 ,‘ M . Cl bale ...... perette and black sateen. reg. $1.50 to $1.75; Sale/ ‘ , 988 Black leather hand bags, reg $1. Sale 79c. WRAPPERS‘VJ Print ‘ wrap- SMALL WARES At Snap Prices “We 'tbund that incidental music 111d meter. been used during the ac- tion 9 plays, and seldom during the linterx ions. The men were in the {habitat uripg the intermissions oi :ruttin 011.- -their hats smoking cig- :nrettdgf and rambling'about the ,huuseiWhose w..o chose to went be- ibind ; -scenes visited the actors' {in them dressing rooms, and ordered i up (it; My), , i u_... _~__. serv?d $19 time as a reporter on some of the leading Baltimore news- papers and has never lost the trick 01 the tfade. When he got back from Mexico he wrote out, solely for his own amusement and with no idea of aul)1icat.on,a little typewritten book ng what he had observed 'down ' was fliti chapter dealing With Mr. rvlordafit‘f‘s own experiences in con- ducting? his stork company through this land of strange cllStOmS- He asked Mr. Mordant to lay the boak aside and tell the story in his own “'8. Y 7".cd it to the reporter, who lied with keen observations ' ‘ litiCztl ‘and Social condi- ‘ the southern republic. But what Mterested the reporter chigfly‘ “At first, judging it): some of their previous experiences, they thought we were, fly-by‘nights. As 30011 as ttfoy found we weren't, they became tremendously respectful and polite, and we never received greater court- esy anyiihere than we did in Mexiro. {If 0E arse we put. a Istoi) to that, hilt iti hs hard to make the Mexi‘ Cans ($4erstazd why “6 didn.’ t re: gram, 1 as proper One night the leader of the orchestra came in te- tween acts and asked admission to my dreSSing room.‘Natumlly he was admitted,‘ and on- his heels trooped fmir men. all of whom cheerfully an- nouncingr that they wanted to_ordcr a round of drinks. I ordered them THE LINDS:\_Y P031: I" to 5 inches wide. WHITE-WEAR l’xiucess Slips Regulal $1. 00 Sale 790 l \‘ight gowns (ladies) Tegular 890 I and $1. 00 Sale . j . . .' .......... 69cm1 White waists t'o‘ cléar from "4'90 to $2.25 I Silk blouses to clear from 990 ’10 $3. 50 4 \ big saving in waist ends of silks. All good colors, worth up to $1. 530 yd Cleaning at790to$1..10. , .- .i home V'ely choice silk figured Foulards in different shades. Reg. 90¢ and $1 yd Sale _, .................... 68C Plain and figured silk and linen mixture. Summer material in all Co101's Reg 29 C 50c and (SOC. Our bargain price . . Sale . ' SILKS ' ' $1.2 5131ack Messahne silk 315 iifclieé Wifle, 10c 8c Bov‘s blue and white Jelseys, ,Salen ~ 22C MEN S I’AN'I‘Sâ€"â€"An extra good quality“ f0!" the money for a working pants. Reg. $1 39 $2.00 Sale 1... 4. .. Bettel quality reg $2.50 and $2.75. S:ale ...... $138 FANCY PARASOLS lie .gula1 111) 10 $31 01.1 Sale 500 _L;11Iies \\ 11110 Handkeuhiefs 8310911211? 101‘ . . . . .... 10c'. MEN’S WEARâ€"SNAPS STIl -\\\' II A '1 S-â€"All our st1aw 11111:; 1eg111111 11p , 14C 10 $1. 511 Sale .. i . LENS ()\I+ IVALLfiwâ€"ln 111 514135 . goptl 11.111111111vi Sale. 686 1 ..-.~ '_.,-- ._ PI'IU ............. ME.“ \' ‘FIVE SHIRTS - 3121111) with 51111 1. ilff coat stVle 49c... 10". Inc. ' bilk‘ .-- -._-. ’u -, ._-- SOC 16me \1111‘ki11g"111c11. geod sen iceablé quahly 2 1121115 .. .. 25C 311511 5 Whiu: Jerseys. Short sleeves (0101011 111111- 330 1111111: 1134.151 51110. How blue and white 22C -i 1 i . I “Often the prompter speaks so [much louder than the actors that the jaudience will 'call “Not so loud !" There is no action or ‘business,’ and 1a,performance is more like a queer ‘rrecital than n play. ' ' “Our method of production was a revelation. Many of the local man- I l ‘ i iagers have since adopted it. 3 “When We appeared in Belascds; g“The Wife,” I played John Ruther‘i 3ford, and in that play there are , 350nm long pauses to give efiect.TheI 3Mexican‘s had been accustomed to: fprattlc of! their phrases after the| iprompter without an instant' s pause" 3 One gentleman in our company.p§l{§q- 3 31 Mexican the next day what the ' jthoug‘ht: of the company, 51nd, he; 3 -.3 ,M'exican said he. 110111111 ,1t erccllent ,Then my friend, said: _ ’ i, "HOW do you like Mr.Mor11ant 1’”, g “ ‘Well Senor .Mogdant 13.. a may; , 3 ' -3 £0011 factor, but he targets his..1in,- couldn’t understand it. It appeared that they were stockholders in the Company. They raised an awful howl, but finally‘it was explained to them that‘that sort of thing ‘was not .the custom in the United' States, and that they would have to respect our Gripgg prejudices, andpaftegward,’ .1 bgcame very well acquainted with them and found them to Be very ‘nice fellows. I 3.“; fl The Stock companies down there; dqn’ t study rparts and rehearse plays 4, Out .on the stagé‘srts the prompten, 1 under a, raised hood near the‘ foot-4 lights. He reads each line aloud and the actbrs reb’eat after him; - CS. “They had never seen lighting ef- fects. They had never seen such a thing ,zus' a‘spo‘tl'rght; To send the curtain up they used a big bell, like a. dimmr gong. of Course we cut that out, and installed abuzzer, and it almost stupefied them. They .could not underétah'd’lfow our men knew \\ hen to send the curtain up without a hell.‘ Kent st. Lindsay Ontario )1 “I‘ had never seen such splendid ' furniture used on the stage as they havethere The ' onyx tables the beautiful rugs and carpets the won-‘ denful examples of carving were re! velations in lavish expenditureâ€"but the scenery was of paper. If an ac- :to; started to lean,.against ahouse he would probably go flying through "not only the house, but 'all the‘ mmmmmmaqaw ;:? " “‘I'f there 'is any noise in the au- idionce during the action of the play Iit is promptly hissed down. This "rproved very disturbing at first, for we thought they were hissing at us. iAfter a few nights, though, we got Tinsed to it, and realized that they really meant it as a mark of re- .spect for us. i‘:Â¥ou~’oanlt~-getâ€"e{wers in Mexico. Why:? Becauselme’y-canz’t 'train them. No Mexican can”leam 'to be a super. fine} Christian! requires a mob scene, and ~ybu couldn’t get» a mob for love or money. I. was playing John Storm. and when I had “to de- liver my lines I yelled oil the stage to the imaginary mob. 1 “The EnduranCe will sail the first ]we eek in August in charge of Cap- ltain Worsley, who has had consider- iable sub-Antarctic experience, and I isball join them at Bucnos Ayres. We '1e.a.ve there about the middle of Sep- itember for the Falklands, and thence oto the South Shetlands where I Lhave arranged to get our final sup- Ply yof coal Irorn Whalers ' A“? am Afigmiifihg 1535' five motor pledges; a but” 25 feet Square, stores “:‘an‘d- provisions: ion-a party 3 of. four- '1' teem for; two «years, -,the5;s.ame for a. "party ‘of; ‘tsiuz fan-3mg). :years, ;the same ”(Off a.pa§t«of¢tWenty {or enemy‘ear, irand» the ewe. for. , gamma? Party. for. 2one year. 1: London July 25â€"Sir Ernest Shac- kleton, who leaves on his trans-An- itartic expedition in a few days, to- lday. expressed his gratitude to Sir 'James Caird, Baronet, the wealthy 11111911131: jute _manufacturer, for his lgim 41: $93; 000 This is the 1argest £61m: gigen_ to polalfi research since [pugspafi' gave $100, 000 to the» Na- t1enal,Exne11_ition. . 3l ffWith this $96 000 "said Sir Er- nest “1-.99W have $300, 000 sixty £18.11,th ships and two well-equipp- §ed« bases to work from. 1 1' ,“We leave not later than the first, zweelg of next month. The equipment zoi the Endurance who was built for ice w 01k, is almost complete. we are {putting in electric winches for deep gsea trawling and sounding, and so fayoid pipes on deck which would be , liable to freeze. ”The costumers are the worst in the world. When we played ‘Held by the Enemy,’ there was only one United States uniform in the com- pany, and that belonged to me. We loaned it to a costumer as a model, andhe tu rned out a set of what were supposed to be federal uniforms but were all adorned with those big Mexican buttons,'.and instead of the felt, hats the Union officers wore, we were adorned with those tall, conical Mexican hats. ‘ ‘ ' “ ,};T,lxotemas,onc man in that Play why had to perform seven parts. In one‘scene he was both the confederâ€" aflé 'spy and the Union Officer who detected him and Had to_ a'rrest him- self. He gmbbé‘d himse_1f by the back of the neck and ran himself ofi the Stage.‘ “From Norway are coming all the motor sledges, twenty in number, the fur'sleeping bags fur boots and fur gloves. As you know, we have re- cently been_in Norway testing the sledges. From Russia are being deâ€" spatched the felt boots we shall wear. They are the warmest boots to use in winter quarters. From Lapland is. coming spme specially dried grass for padding th‘é"“b"dots. Then the scientific instruments have been completed in a metal lighter than steel and almost as light as “At the vaudeville theatres you pay not for the whole evening’s en- tertainment, but for one act. If you don't like the act you can leave the theatre without having to pay for the ‘next one. This is avery good plan, -partirularly if you are not satisfied with the quality of the performance. What a boon it :would be here for the auditor who has to Wade through a lot of bad acts to see one or two that are worthy ! “At these theatres they will pre- sent three oneâ€"act playletsgwith 'the vaudeville numbers between. Many 'will juSt pay to see one playlet that 'has made a particular success. These onesact plays are shoved forward un- til the one produced last becomes the first, and new ones.are being constantly prodHCed."‘ “Everything will be packed in Oh- long eases of sixty pounds each, be- cause these are easy for two men to lift or for. one man to balance on the shoulders. FUR SflUIH Pfltf I 2,500 calories. _ Thus we stand to have the benefit of 3,000 calories. Then our foods are so divided that we; shall. have use quickest heatâ€"giv- ing and niu'scle-formingwames for use in thegddy, andthe slo‘vs'vassinu- latifig," fiéat-forminh prote'ms at. night. ‘ v " man per day, containing 5,500 calorâ€" ies. In normal life man eating about 3 lb. of food a day. containing some “In themiddle of the day 0111‘ food will cohfist entirely-or nuts mixed with oil.“ mid, in‘ order to-keep 'the oil from qOZihg but, they are packed in. powdered milk. Everything like meats is in skins, and even the skins will be useful {or part feeding of the dogs. Then, finally, all foods are be« 5": packed, not in bags: mm in ‘Veni osta’ wood, which is extremely light. Under the above: caption the, Inland Printer publishes a Very clever ar- ticle that has a point to it. It should be read with interest and profit by parents and organizations thatfare ' supposed ‘t‘b‘ look'after the chargesjthat have been left‘to them; There is a great deal more truth than fiction in thls article and we reproduce it in full. . ,5 §_ V ' ' “Not kidnapped bx bandits am1;: hidden in - a cave t9. weep and Vstarve andé. muse af pafilm to frenzied 'sea'rcfiing. Wene that the case, one hundred thousani men would rise to the rescue if need Chief Short advises citizens to see that an their belongings are secured safely to‘morrow. There are a num- ber .of shady characters who have come to town today in preparation“ {or the "big @359 and others are " bound to :come . with the crpwd to- _ morrow. } The police geigepin‘g 331.: eye on all suspicious . Inpking per- sons but as a saietgy megaure gale“ , would do well to 8.815%. by'fr ‘ in any loose belongings ' ‘ IE": Basia: SHADY BHARABIEHS PHflWlINB HflUNfl Pm Toronto. Ind Station. West and North of Toronto. Proportions" faxe- from Station. Eat of Toronto. Etch Tuesdty Much 3 to October 27. inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35 00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Thong 1: tutu Wm Winnipeg and West. COLONIS’I' CARS ON ALL TRAINS. No chrxe to; Ms. m an Ola-db Pndfic Agent. or .m. DJUL. Tatum. be. anortunately the losing: of the lad is without any dramat- ic excitementxthough very sad and very seal. The fact is, his father lost him! Being too busy to sit with him atthe fireside and. answer his trivial questions during the years when fathers are the only great heroes of the boys, he let go his hold upon him. Yes, his mother lost him? Being much engrossed in her teas, dinners, and club programs she let the maid hear the boy say his; prayers and thus her grip slipped and , the bOy was lost to his home. Aye, the' church lost him! Being} so much occupied with sermons for the wise and elderly who‘s Cpay the'bills.'a'ud having ' God-care for dignity, the minister and elder were unmind- ful of the human feelings of the boy in the pew, and made no pro- vision in sermon or‘song or man- REDUCED SETTLERS’ FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY. MARCH AND APRIL 1y sport 'for his boyishness, and so the chufth and many sad- heartedr parents are now iooking _ea._rnestly . for the,lost boy.-â€"Au- thor L‘dknown." O Semen tad (millet without live stock would “REGULAR ~mAINS. Kelvin: Toronto 10.80 pin. DAILY. ”mouth Colonist and Twin Steven. ‘ Semen tn with live stock“ elects shouldmke E'I'I’LERS' SPEGAL TRAIN which” lam West Tomato each Tuesday during MARCH md APRIL after urlnlmuhr 10.20 p.31 train from Toronto Union Station. MAN ITOBA, ALBERTA a SASKATCHEWAN Return Unit two month. [08H BflY PAGE THREE 1:505 I1?! 28-3 2 9 :1}

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