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Lindsay Post (1907), 28 Aug 1908, p. 1

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all over v 19“ tury 76W ame; 7TH IFE 80-h: P My ndsot’ Rad 10ml- 121 P‘- 17”;- 157 P“- 373 P“ 11 nu. ...-.._- , [figs {McKenzie has again resumed her duties at Young’s Point. Miss fiend: has the largest numbreo! molars there has been [or years. ‘ 11-. Jessie- Seance thited'his cousin. 1:. B. Hargrave Saturday. Good meetings have been held in gospel tent. Palestine 131W. P. Doua- la. Petekin. and J. ‘l‘yon England. In- E. A .Soanes and family Vinit- en her uncle. Mr. Robert -McNLsh, Young's Point. last week. In. Elias. Spillit and children, oi mlemn, are visiting .nnder the par- ental mot. . .(Specid to “the Post.) ,Hrs. Marnin, oi Toronto, visited. at the home of her frientb. in this Beigh-l Whood recently. She Was the guest! oi Mr. and. Mm. Benj. Jackson during her sojourn in our mids’. City life stems to agree With Mrs. Martin. 1 ‘ r. 2111‘ Mrs. 9191331 and their dam? am, 11188 Kendal. of Cameron, were guests at, Mr. Benj. Jackson’s re- ady. They took a. pleasure drive to Balsam Lake. accompanied by Mrs. lama of Toronto and Mr. George of this vicinity, where they took in the beautiful scenery, of that part of 341830 lake where several tourists W their holidays. Mr. Jackson, of the [in of Jackson McArthur, cm a tau pleasure boat. Which cones in very; handy in giving .visit- “5 a!!! tourists a cruiseon' ~. the like. They all pronounced it an ideal spot {or a summer resort. ' 211x. Ebenezer Jones paid a brief Vim to {cicada in Woodvillc and Can- Miton last Week. Mu. Andrew 'Mclatyn. of Cu:- nington, mated “who home at Mr. and Mn. Ebenezer Jones in this (Vi- u 1 (SpecialtoThe Post!) I The famous scenes family. 9.11-in at mm Lake and are visiting fund, and relatives here. Mrs~ 80921193 mother! Mr. C. P. Button and. family who now occupy their lovely new (“age on the shore of beautiful 32.). an Lake. 311‘ .Bntton also had an collate boat house for his fine " which he has named Helena w are sorry Mr. Button could not remain longer as business responsi- bility called him away. Meeting is almost all done ar- “od here. Farmers report taitlygood mpg and (he hum of the busy th cash “machine acn be heard everywhere ‘ Ir. Neil McLeod. accompanied by E daughter, Harriet, visited Oak Hill friende last week. A â€"- 2- --__i....a 0 :uowuooooooo't66woeoooo+ooo¢oo+¢oooz mum Imm unsaturdny last. (special ta.'1'he M7 " Mr- IVs-n Tympkins. of the Bank I master Walter H031; is the guest‘ of Mm stat, umbroox, spent of 11‘. HHOJdK'J. Hoar; 33‘ P 19:16am I h.“ Mtion linden t‘he Qareutal roo m, 'c 3"- Mr. Curry. Wax-mm. wilt take a.“ Mr. mains. Thos. Brovm‘oi h’arce .of the tel-vine at the Presby- x A...“ do-ndhtnrm and , term church mat 'BW 3101'ng- sTU-RGEON POINT. ‘ fl/ lissl. Marshall is visiting friends mans sicinity. ,- sink: 151. week. Mr. Francs Mclnnju. at this neigh- Wbm‘ baa been v-initinz “hand. an. Immune recently. Ma: mac Robinson a: thin lo- ulzts. vuaud wi-u: trieMIJn Kirk- Mld clad vicinity lately. Mn. Alexander Roman”. 0! Kirk-. 5"”. Duke a'briel visit. to her son Edward 80wa ot uh'umeghbor- hood recently. MAN Bella. Torrey. “when lei: on News: 17th to resume hex-Antics u “W1“ at Balsam Grove. Echefon. “- tc: her bolus”. The lumeiu are busy at then bl»!- m‘ “8' now. We can bear the “33.1: of the steam threaher in he thorhood. ‘ . .. School re-opencd on Mood”. the l'ul inst" miter the holiday: 0‘" teacher Mas M. E. Pout. m be! “933, seemed Lo’have enjoyed their midfiys. and are! now rea'dy (93' the “8*: of learning. again. We extent our congratulations to W young :adzes m were awcssim .in the free trip to Quebec contest conducted by the Post. Ht. Edward 8.0me, of this neighborhood has his dwelling ham MACK veneered now. The work W815 “rim-med by Malone at am 10cm- ”.33 It presents a fine qppeaxzancc 7’ ".¢¢+o¢«¢090cmoODM+§§obooooooo++of 0-“ O ,_ --â€"--i - -- â€"--â€" ‘ â€" Aâ€"n‘ - ‘â€" IIIPQQIIIIII NEWS III III[ DISIRKIE Mâ€" mmtlllnzromhvflnlflxhtcormmdenhfi Lav ii: ’3- Fm. Mr, Johncowamm, who has spent “1* 9m. 2w mum in. the NW1!" mu H083; (Special to «Th1 Put-‘3 "-tmde.‘ 11.8.1?de tam- °' Trenton. have been spendiw n“ V thidnyI at the home at: Mr-W CENTRE ELDON- and three daughters. and Barrett and Mrs. Barrett, gs. were 'the guests ofl Mr. ,1 a; PM Viewuodge- CAMERA! -Thlrd Yearâ€"No. 33 2w .Mr. and Mrs. Wm mad: child, '01 6006212113111, were guest; of Mr. 301m Irwin last week. ( Mm. Ed. Woodland son John“); guests of. Oakwood friends l‘astheek. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rear m's'amily. of Kinzpount, passed through our village on Saturday last on their way to visit! {fiends in Woodvilfe. . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Webster Ivere visiting fiend at Oakwood on Sun- Miss Nettie McIntyre is visiting with friend: at Midland. Rev. Tonkin and family returned from their summer Vacation on Thursday last an! look much better for the few: Weeks span. omthe Sevâ€" an River. a my week! 3mm friends in: Mrs. E. Lytle, 'Oakwood, visited {rich} in chi vicinity last-Sunday- 3Mr. and Mrs. 11‘. Parsons 'drove to Pontypool on Saturday East to spend a few days mun friends there. < Mr. and M11538. Weldon were rib- itinz friends. at; Berle: an. week Mr. Baashaw and Mr. Wm. Hal: left on Saturday 11$ for “trip to the N.W.'1‘.( be held on, WM, Sept. 2nd at. the home of him. WWB. Fe'u'. Some omit] topic will he .dmsna-e'd- AII ladies welcome. \ The grain MAM been gathered in this section, and threshing is now the order of the day. Reports are that atmw‘ is short, but grainyiclcb Lug welt. ‘ Our poundkeeper was kart. busy two nights last week. One farmér north of the village ‘put in mmighbor’s in pound, and another farmer south of the villgae put in his neiglbor’s pigs. The old adage, fio‘ unto Lthy neighbor. as you uvonldlikedone unto you. want cfidfltly inst .339“: o! in these cases. The rural tefephozne lines are now connected with the Bell‘ Co. line. which is proving a great; convenieDCe. Mrs. W. Routley is spending this week among friends in Toronto. ao- companied by 'her. grand daughter, Jean McGinnis. Mr. and Mm1Martiq, Lindsay, and Mrs. Humphries andfiamily. of Bob- aygeon, were guests of Mr. aners. Warren, "The Hotel," this week. FENELON FALLS. , (Speoiol to The Pod.’ -‘ Prof. Wm. Day. of m:- D. ’A'. 0.. Guelph, was at the fall: m Thurs- day ot'lapt week. 'He an. accompan- ied by Mrs. Du. . 3. . ‘ The many friends of Mrs! Sofimn- ton and family. will '13: 31-15 to hear that they have decided; to totem up that residence min at the Falls. having moved loot week into their house on Punch-It. neat. L Mrs. J. J. Wilson low “Month! to apend a couple at Weeks! with. her daughter. Mrs. Stoddnd. of Victor- ia Harbor. . 1M7”. Robertson. 0! unauthoro,wwh Miss Mattie. who hue been stuns mzh triendn in town. let: {orthon- on Monday. k A x °"" L Mia: Nellie Curtla. of Petcx‘boro. who has been visiting triends‘ 1n Fenelon F3113. left for: home on Mon- 08y.' f'lilleIMfl M15: May Shane late on Inca!!! for Linda”, where/she will upendu few days WW triafls. 2 51:. Gavin Koyl. of Lindsay, visited at Mr. Hg'McDouan'l’a last weekend zoturned home on'l‘uesdgy. . Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson and damn: Beattice. left on Monday to sycndig icouple of weeks with friends mPe- Morboro. f _ ‘ -,./3 ; _ _, ... mgrieimie autumn, of Lindsay. spent. Monday mainly. P. 0; Bar- z‘*so Rev. H. 3 Kenny m town ruesdaY- ’ .â€"â€"-v Senator. George Mofiuzh 9.! Hub, of Lindsay, came to Falls on Frfiay eVeninxz on "Beesie Butler,” returning special tram. . A n_l Womenh Institute. meeting will Kenpy, of Believing. was (:Pe‘er- in the Cameron Miss Bertha. 14th ManVers. All are excellent teachers The stir will begin again in our yillage ,when the high and public schools open. The staff of teachers are Mr. W. Jardine, principal; Mr. Harvey, assistant; Mr. McLean. of Mount Pleasant succeeds the capable resigned teacher. Mr. W, hasld- ee a new: lady teacher. ‘Major Evans and Messrs Thos. C Stephenson. and J. D Milton were a deputation to meet the ninister of Railways and Canals. returned well plessed Irom Fenelon Falls. on re- ceivmg good encouragement thattne government would keep up thegood ‘work of clearing our river and se- cnring it (noun filling in again by booming and buoylng it. Mr. John Malloch one of thele old Midland and Grand Trunk Rail- way section men has been promomd to fill another position in Pcterboro on the G. .1‘. R. allowed to the good old entrusted employees. hehadtomyimreplytom Mn dresses from the fiiflewm; deputa- tiomxs: of which there Were foul-.111)!!! Linden, Omcmee Port Perry axidFen- elon Falls respectively. Thelma zen- tlcmam’ speech and rglports of the proceedings already being in ’prlnt. it would be Buperfluous to addmorc Our .vmage is vacated now by sum. mer vwitors. Teachers have gone to then" respective sections. One of the Misses Nlcbolls teaches near th: v§l~ lage. Miss Jessie at Penelon, neu- and oilfiencd the occasion wit‘h some“; :04 good music. I . The ‘aieit ot Eon‘Geo. PAWMJLume' Mmisber of Railways and Carma, to] Fenclnn Fall: on Fndnyl at wuthel Pick oocssioln or a large turnout otl libel: 1'11: residents of this burg to 11mm” (or a OLEMEE. \ (Special to The Full We are having hnc weather for fimshing up the harvest. The buck wheat is a very good crop. v-u ._ i - _‘ The catalogues of the Lindsay Can tral are in cu‘culation and no doubt will prove another good attraction and a good show, Judgmg trom the catalogue ion circulation. The veteran secretary Jas Keith. has our cast “wishes (or a. long Me. Our civic holiday Wednesday will be celebrated in Magee’s wost .Dy baseball and football games and the light fantastlc. steps. Short trips are {ltkely to be run [or CICUI'SIOH par- ies on our r‘wer. A large number of Lindsay citisens passed month town: on Tuesday on board um.- Kathleen be visit MKirk- field lift-lock. Several me'mbgfl o! the Sylvester Baud were on “board. Miss Ham visited her aunt, Mrs:- John Berry, of Lindsay, last week, returning heme on Saturday. >1. - Wm. McCaftrey and sister. W Mc- Ca’l’frey. Jas McCaffrey. all of the Canadxan Gen. Electric 00. Toronto. are here holidaying on Pigeon River and hope to have a lot more Toront‘o friends here next season We expect two scows of tan bark [or {he Omemee 'tannery in the‘near future. No trouble now. as the whole course is buoyed out temporarily. 16 1-21: smoke slack .and 3 1-2 or 4 (ft draft steamers can \go any plr..-e (Spock) to The Paid Mr. and Mrs, Turner. Mr. uni! Mus Lynnette” and Mil; MoGill abett- Bun- duy at Mrs: S. 'Rbe'l. ' Mr. Bush Melanin upent I. few day: of dbiu weeb undo: dhe plumb! root Mrfzerapd Mm Lem Wright apem Sunday «wt m. Wm. Coud‘u. Oakwwod. ‘ Maura. P. McIntyre “I'd ‘A. 3.0!:- mbohul Ipem. Sunday of t‘hin woe! wt Linda“. . . Mr. and Mn...Jolm Menague went. Sunday was. maximum trienth. , iMernd Mrs. Thou. Osborne god Mun Hue! Osborne. also Mr. .W‘xn. Short. kit for 3 Huge mommttrlp to the weak. on Thprnday lac. They will visit Mm. Olms- Short u Bu- know. n We are looklm tenure! to finen- joyable new on Friday of ”this week. August 28 when Miss Emma Imus, the tunous elocutinnidts. will give Ben Hun in the Mann}- Meth- odist church. As all the. appointments have an mterest in the phtertainment we are expectant a huge crowd. . Don’t forget mm: baseball tourna- ment on Friday: the 28m August in aid of the public library. In‘nhe evm. mg the Met-had“: churoh is giving an entertainment Miflq Emma Irons elocutionisst, 0! Toronto. ane’ local to.- ‘ lent. taking. part The admission to the entertainmentadnlts 25¢. children un- ider 12 year! 150-. (Special to The Post.) ‘ M153 Bum Buck, of Kinmougni. the guest of Miss Lizzie Bun Satur- dsy and Sunday. . Mr. Geo Earl of Wilberforce made a hasty call here on Saturday ‘ Master Carol Barr, Irotndale is via- iting wivh his grand parents here. Mr. James We. of The Boundary made a Ilynn.’ on!!! cto' the village“ the2113t. - :l.l|' We are pleased t9 Bee Min‘Minnie GOODEBHAM PENIEU LINDSAY, ONTARIO1 I We are pleased to anmuncc um [next week we shall b08111 thc publ‘ca- Ltlon of one Of the a'IEM'Jl'b'ulg stones 0! modern times. It In full of action deeply mtcrestini- and Withal onco: like best it has been our good tortune Ltd secure for our tendon (or a. long Picket! able to he lbonti onoq more ' 1116 R. T. of '1'. are busy preparing for a pictoc'ul W 1» )eld in the or- me ball on Erik, 28w). ‘ - '- J -...--_ , Mr. and firs. w. .Cnrry and lamfly of Haliburton. spent. Saturday and Sunday with rehtiv’es in the village A boy mind at the meme 01M:- Jos. Morrison on Tuesday. A lime girl also came! to stay with Mr. and 555. Albert Martin 0!) the 220d. The hotel an Itore owned by Mr. Wolkcr has be!» undergoing a cow ‘0‘! pain; which make: .quite an (m- provcment in the town, 7 - II. __‘A_ mu. Trethem. of Kinmomc. in waiting with reIItiVel here. the young peqfle enjoyed themsel- ves at a breweltrptrty given by M: Parker Thursday um. fleas“. Nominal Parker, Win and Ralph McConnell. left on Friday to try their luck. iuIt'he west. 11$: 7W1 Mine of Toronto, pneud'thronah dl'her way toflaven Mr. Jan. Shae. or waver-totem: a. human trip. late hat: week. Wan Were relieving old acquain- unm 'm 1mm recently. : . Portage Bond. , ; Mm Jean Gmbun of Linduy.vis- itcd friends 121' town this week. Mrs. McDouzal with her son and daughter, of Buthlo. N. Y., arevia- itxng Mrs. John HucKay ' Civic holiday is to be celebmted Hugo ._-._. _- Civic holiday is to be celebrated Lq'e an Friday of flab week. All kind of sports will be induized‘ in“A good time is expected. . MABIPOSA. (Special to The Paul? Farmers in this vicinity have [in- idm‘d their harvest an! ar’e now getâ€" ung ready to. put in, them fall when Mr. C. C4 Pen-in, who hanbeen en- joyxng his annpal vacation, Ina re- sumed duty as foreman ot Hogs a; Lytl£5.- ‘ 1 . _ Mrs. Cellinizwood uld her son Frank of London, Ont... an: all prefiefli enjoy- in; a few‘holidnw Wiflh‘ theifonner'u parents Mr. and. Mrs. Hutchinson of this town. -- ‘04â€" .l "Tflâ€"Jeifnhefil of fihc Late Mr. James Bushtoi: took place to Lakeka cem- etery here on Wednesday lastt. I W vv "â€"- Mr. Ian. tame-eating Nae fir-o! Cater 00., need all 8min. Eden. of Chu‘louetun. who annually purchase Inge quantities from Hogs tLyth I week :2. My 0!! III cxweuuc- ttip to tilt great north we“. m intend remaining u-monuh or so Witt theu‘ Ionl, Meurl Joy and Fred. 0! Asqultti. 813k. . I Mr. Gmaon. of Bonn. paid our vil- lflo | (UN ”it hat Band”. Ml“. Gordan Robb, of MAtk‘hu‘n.who has been main; :3 uni-mt in the G. T. R. depot ‘here, "mm“ to N! home In: W. Mamet. Albert Emoticon. one or our expert bicyolhu. while out wheel- ing the other day and the pal-tort.- une to be thrown tram MI «heel while comm flown t new 1nd: and received a Very severe Mina up that. winced him being contin- :4 to If! room {or o abort 61:13.80 doubt be vdll mw have mine mm in the ,3!!! «kn. ’Bhe Mto fume lat Monday with I. full nten'dance. We cmmuhtg the trmpees hue. an?” the aetVioca of an“ Ray, of Lindsay on teac‘hcr’ (oi- the ensuing year. - (Special to The Poi.) The death occurred. on FrLdny Aug. 2131: at WilberforCe. of Mrs. Wm. Ayree, who has ”been ill for name tune. The body m bnoughc to Kin- mount cemetery. The deceased leaves a hmhmd pad 1011'? children, Mrs. J. Livingltone. of Toto-ago: Mrs. B. Godfrey, of Wilberforce, and Millie and Lulu at} home Much sympathyls felt for “he beretVed may and friends or the deceased. - Mr. Donnell! who has bee naur am- tion uzent tor. some time. left mm week. Miss May Dohflft! is npendiag. that holidays at SWEEP Lake; . Mrs. Bunpaotn. of. the Northern" Ho- wtcl in slowly fecoverm‘; ' Miss May Dohenty is mending. :her holidays at Swan}? Lake; . Mrs. Simpson. of the Northern Ho- tel i; slowly recovering. ‘ Mu. Geo. Tram, who hm beeniwip Him; friends in Peter-born, returned home TWY-_ ‘ x . . 7â€". " â€" n., g Mr. IJaI. Shin. of Wflbertorce,made (Speck! to m. M] Cgmpbdl spent 91.qu £3an reopened ‘ We! OUR NEW STORY .' «m. Chisholm or Tor- visithrz friend; in. town and (513333 Dawson; 61 Toronto, is ‘s FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1908 KINMOUNT. W. H, Webster left day on an extendei Magi-s. M. Hair, R. Yam. md B. Molynem lew tom the weal: on Saturdty lut. “Miss Baum Scarlet left. (or Bran- don last Saturdq. . an: .1. Conny and ohfldreu of Peterboro ue vipitmz her menu Mr and M114 ,8. Grady. = Spending he: holidays at her home um. E. sway at Min 34 Moon'PIcaent vbitinz 0‘ Matted, ere Mina friends in and other, places. the county. . I Mr. Hence Co: Min H. Generals, of Tomato. ll Mil! Hue] Bioh m the week with Mrs. Dr. 1:014. dpent sue WW .3. Telixvilk, libel"- Bu. Mr. Walter M Mr. A. Clukeg‘ o! Felicia: Falls, and few du- ‘m Bo‘u Mus M. McClane, of Karim, med Mr. and MW through the village Tuesday an t‘he‘r Chude. «pant 8n way to Miner's Bay, where thep yill Point tne zguqn ‘16“ Mrs. White. J : | Mb: Gerbntt. St. June: Bandy. who'd held their in: Miss Addie G picnic in meh's grove on Tues- in; nicely, In. 1 day attem. The Wedher wen (inc Mrs. Dr. Rich m a 20011 cnowd atttended. making days at bribe ho Mr. m Mrs w. Moore and out! of Bobcsygeon‘, visited Khmmmt on TUE-Edi}. ‘ I t I Miss'Alice Hopwood returned to Land“! Monday morning. 5 Mb: 3. Wellltood left for Lind- nay Wednesday mom’mg where she will join the other successful can- dzdI-ta for. The Post's Great Free Trip to begin on Thursday. Miss M. B. Cmiz Montague-- cessful 0-minute in the Wad. trip left Wednesday 13011?sz for Linden: it a decided Slice-€38- here- ‘ (Speck 100 Tim Pat.) . M1:.H.Somrd and not: Harold left here one day ah'a week to spend their holiday! in Peter-hon. ' Mia B. Etude!) returned to her home In Toronto an Tue-day dua- apcndhg her Midas d; Bnckety Ranch. Gull Inke. . Mr. Bun Weld: III returned home alter upendinc his holida- ‘m Tor- «11.0.. I Miss Id: Noioe returned to the Indy Stanley Inmate Ottawa last Mondxy ' I . ._ s Jim. D. JLEu-fle m a‘wiaitor in Pcterho'roth‘uweek. I ‘ I Mm‘cemod. mm. m returned heme alter spending her holidays in Petcrboro. 7' - I \ s '. t Among the young men we noticed who left on the exounsion for the 'weat. last Satprday were Meanin- gal Rodgers, Ckyton_Rogers, Dean Mortimer and Sheridan Munn. Miss Lila Ireland left here Satur- day to spend her. how: in Omemee Miss May Fell returned to ‘ber home in Omemcre on Stun-day. I Miss Keidh. of Lindsay, is the Road of MB: M. Brown, Clergy Hon-g. " \Iyss Wright but returned to ., her home in 001W Mm. R. 84 Mayo and mama". roturned to their home in Chaplet. having spent a plea-mt holiday the guest of Mn E. C. You". Mr.JohnNioew_ulehe¢mtot his parents one day this week. ; “ Mrs. B. C. M vent ,to when“ one day um- week. ~- Hr. Funk Herrmn' o! the! 1,9; Bank. here ‘7. s visitoi" nahbnnon ebb week- v-‘_u. 7 - Mn. Boioe in Vilma; he: can (n Rochester. N3 . Han Mom returned to her home in Toronto on Walnut-.7. having spent A few «yo “mum Hon-0‘ The Iohool here reopo‘ntd on Mon- doy in ohu'ze of Mr. MoDmld' end. >- Mil. Hickey. . . my Int. Rev. sad flu. Ill-Ito spent} Wed- My 1: Me. r : Mn. Minnie Juno- returned home filer n plcmnt unit at Cambray and Lad-y. -. MI. “Mr-.6. B. Wand)!“- ter Claude spent uevernl days with friends in the Glen recently. ‘ mxwoon E; (3le can. Paw Min F. Brown. who bu been‘ .m- itinz here to: u few ween} ”num- ~41 to her. hm: ill M! on Wedm Mint Zeus Prom. o! Woodville. visited Mm Pearl Proooe this week Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Pen-unnatu- ghter Geraldine. apent flux-day with friends in anninzton. Mrs. Dr. Chamberrwd utter Minn Cots Steven. of Lindsay. visited Mrs Dr. Dale than Meek. Mr. Gordan Robb. 1m general u- eistmnt. at Mnripou cation. left for .Toronto Saturday. "Mm. sue}; minutem, at King- aton. were guests of Mn. Remains:- to 18m week. J“ nu. [acute and «any. who bnve been “Sim a Mr. McCulloch sent to Lindsay on Saturday and left for mining! 'home afiBurketm ”Mr-t..,xz.. .1z. ville and 5am- phoen. 'Mml water Wilson .md children - or Greenwood. ere uniting at. the home of .huf‘nlh‘em Mr. and Mn 8 Walbem. _ . .. V | MIND! N. Tumbull returned t0 3*" MeurnJ'Jd; ‘ (Speck! tq‘The PodJ " users, Dc“ Mr. Ernest Martin left for his home in the tar welt this week. ’ 9 here Sung. Mr. Arthur Swain, of Valentin" n hOmemeg'Was visiting friends aroungi the vil- 3d to ,hfl- Zadgc laSt Sunday. F‘ , and”. ( Mr. Rupert Carl bad the ”fortune iothg BM to be kicked by a. home ,wsha'ch hid lam: up for a fewi’dayn last week.£e ad to .,her is able to be around again. Miss Marin Martin! has gone bathe may¢u..mmi west (or a couple on months in thlua'vmit, and her! my tried: wisflber holiday the cpmufiz L‘- 3. Mac Mosaic L'ecrnWe his secured a In "a... .g «.5001 at. msmvllle where she has week.’£ .â€" son.- to teach. - .to (Dram Mr. Nontr'ui Armour of WW3! a‘a'd'u couple of. 2:" friends one camp-' -0 Ohmr- 2m; “and no: little village for nf 0 Mrs Couingwood at Landon. uvw' Miss Lilly Stoddmrt of Malena, is iting her parents Mr. and Mrs ..Jas Waiting her uncle. M. G. SW11: Butchaon. at Marion“ nation. r ’ my: next. visit of Dr. Bowerman, Mines Pearl and line! Cad re- dentist at the Queen's Hotel will tumd on Friday from Toronto 11- be an Friday Sept «5 z: ter 1n; enjoyable m. . I. A congregatmal nag-ting wasâ€" held Aim. Wilson, of Toronto. giant Sun in the Presbyterian church on Tues- dny lat and guest or Hal-nu In. ,day to choose a pater. Three candi- A. L. Monemqn -' - . dates were proposed, the unanimous Mr. and Hui J. H .I’hlcoc ue Mi being Rev. A. J. Mann}; A. ofWest, present vbitinx friend. at m moms Ont; It is hoped he [will ac- and other. places. 1' oefit the «.11 and that hi: may prove Mr. Home: Muooommnied by : eon! winner. as- llhry; \will :3 Min Hm! mm and Bad #100C and house and ten acres. 0: m-.. A...“ sum. m Lind-v- dud. also four weeh' holidays. : M dpent Sunday in Links}. _ Mr. Walter McPherson mud t few ch.” in Me ubi- week. Mr. and MN G. B .Bendd\cnd Clnnde. «pent Sunday a“; Sturgeon Point tne ‘gnept. ob Mrs,A.O.Hogg. Mb- Garbnat. who In been nurs- ing Mine Addie Gourd who is improv- an nicely, In. returned to Lindsay Mrs. Bras, an, “rifled home 8.:- urday evening utter 3n extendedf‘visit at Cameron- and viciyjtty. Mrs. Dr. Rich is “wading a tow days ab wine home of her bureau. Mr. and Mn. ’1'. J. chdex. 1 filling 8. Woods spent Sunday at her home in Links). Mr. Jfieph Codi vhited triufl'sat Lomvme din weer. F ‘ . LII“ 812:, of Rum. rendered be 3010 "Beautiful Isle of Somo' “here” var? acoefiubly in the Prea- hymen-kn church on Sunday health: Hazlett also united the choir.‘ in their mmic. 1111A. Cameron Ir. spent several Miss Cora Mark has returned: home after a plea-Int visit In Toronto. in; nutty: village ob Frifiy 41‘: her horse hem; Italicized by angu- “mobile ‘ dnp in Sunderhnqxeoendy. « H36 Benn Cums. music conduct,” hc'r buggy tally brokdl WMe driv- J‘he women)! institute held. their. mutiny new lithe home um- 33. Taylor when u very enjoyable time was spend.“ 33001! prqzrnm trflered. We were plea-v" ‘ Mn. Dr. Chunbeu. a {oi-met mem- benwihh mansweltummm -â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" mcmbem o: the Little Brie-an insti- OOBOOONK- tune. and hope we will “methane“! On Wednesday. Sept- 20 are nzu'n noon. Refreshment; were “w, dentist, warbe at served by Mrs. Tayioi' at; the close of . Home, .11 day; also a: the meeting to about sixty hdiem : 'Road, Chirpaw’s, on Thu : tembcr 3rd. Mm: Glad}. an» spent Sunday vmh her am In. an“. ?‘ Mia Allie Ford. M Mr brotlli' “'01.th the! uncle Mr Freeman “1 Wick. min. Stoddnrt 0! forum. bu rc- tunwd dter t Wee wuu' vult with her Ion. Mr. J Mn. 1 1:115. J. D. Mantra-I entertained a number 0! he: math wm lac the WM}. Ryan Bwnzen and funny have removed to Betverton. We are very sorry to lose. them. ‘ ‘ Mu. McEvahren it! returned to her hunch law" after a :wo Ic-ekt' vhit With friends here. . Mu. C. McIntyre bu been on the sick list but is improving. ', I Mr. In Anzac. 0! Swift Current. has been renewing old acquaintances here for the but few days. ‘ Mr. W Williams Idrmerly of the Royal Hotel odied on friends- lbere on Hands}. Mr. C. éott. of Creuwell occupied the Methodfl pub“. on Sand-y. BANK THE DOMINION 3“,“ 3 mar. mm over lh interestâ€"1t keeps right on working for you don, n!ghts.$undays and holidays. Better begln now ; deposit whatever you can spare. addto it whenever possible and in tune your success ls assured. We will welcome your account, large or small. WOODVILLE NOBLAND Termsâ€"$1.00 per Year in Advance 12 PAGES kn church, under the supervision of the pastor during the momttt ofIlAng- wt. 0.: follows :-â€"Fint and second iâ€"W' Rev. B. W. Hauler: of Norriatown, Penn, preacbetl at 11 a. m., end W; B. miner. ofilrvington. N.J.. preached «(7 pm. t'Dhe eta-rd W Bey. 3;, L, Healer, ofzfrovi- Pdulce, preached at 11 mm. ufit‘he ‘paator by will request repeatedhis eennun of t. (ed weeks ago, 1" The 11mm on the nu." Dan. 5. 5. Ac 3 p.111. the ow 1,me we Metered by immersion: in Lthe stream near the penance BI the presence of several hundred WW ’Solemnity prevailed throughout, ant! many were movedi to muL the!) witnessed the edema finalists“;- bath Rev. 1'. L. Ruben ’11.“ bed! morning and evening. fli- sermon- ’were both scholarly and mind. Slay bi'l been turned any troll that: services, unable to get. even mw dist-nadir; the prqfiety of leither build“ an e}! churcli or put- !thgiflfeettotheoldang. , M“. A. Campbell: M «Wt ure visiting at. Mr. M Campbell. '{ ' I The ateuner- wea ran an ex- ,cumon to Kin-mick! lift lock M- :day morning winch was well ‘93:;- fxoniud. m orchestra Wu onhoud ‘ ml at the stunner. pals!» out. they, tuned up a lively sir, which 2“- ed to “he plague oflfln trb. m but mpnt our. thexdoch, adre- turmd boom in the cvzninz.; :_ , ‘. Mr. and MME Wright and childi rcn visited at Mrs. Smithn'c Sum LITLTE BRITAIN. fipeoill to The Past,“ Meeting! of unusual interest hive been held in the Little Brawn :chrzat- coo loaded with provisions and by, the looks of thing: they mum to 6th: u long time. Pun of the has loud including the Vegetables. tell on an (tom of Adam' emery, und crou- ‘nuitc a disturhhnoe none“. the 'crowd. as hll bud no go down .nd Mp rebuild the loud. A number 01 Bell Telephone men left Wang-dc: tor. cum) on Oun- ”, m! They “d . W ha)“vu- fllGfllAND RANCH ABERDEEN “608 “THE -mpâ€" Large,Whi1e Yorkshire Swine DALTON TOW, COUNTY. Bunion to lirkficld OUphithouOMom" . STEWART. . and, Dr. 30'- e .11 t‘he‘» Pattie gfl .eriai Thursday. SGP’

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