4 The decidedly favombz’e reception accomd to thediflerent deputatons that. Waited w Hon. Mr. Graham. Minister of Railways. and Canada last aim. will ï¬nd a ready respo'nsq‘m the hem of: the people of Dmemee,‘ law}. and Fenglon Falls. .All will realize [that et the headnlal the great and inportnpt Went there is a clear. beaded man, who ‘fl capable of can neslly and intelligently: realising 1 aitnatidn and supplying its teqmre- m wighoï¬t delgy. . . The «@611:me wthiom met the ur- gent needs afï¬ne three, places named was most entity“ to al-E. aniline news tint order: had been givemto proceed at omewith the twain noon pectin: wiQh the We look gnddam a: my will be pleuins to the pe- ek generally. - râ€"- wï¬v -â€". - Bm-like methods such as this prove the annuity 0‘ the mm m an govemyent animerit the hear- ty appxtonl of ever] citizen. “(atom oontains 'The decision whic}: has been at- rived at. by the executive (tithe-Libâ€" eral Associntim to call a. meeting{d£ .the beerala 0! Victoria and Hailbur- tor. for Liming. on September 13ng a wire on from various standpoints. early a date as practicable, m 1', cv- «en though the election may not‘ eel held until next summer, the riding is so largeln' one that the candidate should have all possible time topro- secute his canvass. That the riding is by no means a state one for the present member is a. ï¬nish: that grows 1 in force the: more closer the coursc1 of this peculian mngidml is cramm- ed. and the more thoroughly public opinion is understood: There is. in- deed, every reason, to believe Mu creditable representative of. real pub- lic meiuluess catnx‘be elected if steps Noni! W“ PM†sLll‘ be taken sufficiently early to enabh- the people to intelligently Judge as between a Teal-[Y crd‘litable member of parhament and one who cannot be placed in that category by any stretch of the imagination. pch'cd to {3.112.1me ppm changes of gram; and scandal. all of w.h-Ecb have been disposed of. not only to the 5:.-- isfaction of the Libcml party. but to the utter discomfiture of the Conservatives. To the 2::an Who taken a. pride in his country and studies the public issues of tixe'day. it musiwc. some- what ember-mam. upon'the any-roach of a genem‘l' eiection. to look in vain for a policy, put forward by , one ~party seeking to regain power. The Camera; ives have nothing to advance which by any 'pms'xbility could prove attractive to the com:- try at. large, they are therefore. com- In. the constituencies the Conserva- tiva are following the most disre- rutnbie tactics. D1; Reid, of Gren- ville. who is out of his element in parliament. and who made the rock- kss charges as to the “Arctic." Eaif- A. HIEINBBTHAM Even aside from the matter of a nomination it is well for a conven- tion to be held at frequent hinter- .vals. It enables members of the party to get acquainted. one with the othe: and place them in touch with each other, so that they my, exchange in- formatian gas to 51:2 situation in lili- ferent parts of the riding. ed to prove his case before the committee he ‘himselt asked for, and he emerged from â€he Enquiry die- ciedited and {hit party was made rid- icukms. This is the gentleman who in iotcmoet in the House with \. ul- legatiom against the ministry which be is never able to substantiate. Hie intesst attack has been upon the Mn- ï¬ne department for extravozancc, tm Mi him-â€- lump-y 1W ‘0 W W“ '“F .We are sure the executive’s ac- tion will meet with hearty approml on the part of every. Liberalzin *thc rzding. It is at the first importance that candidate Should; be se‘iected as as .rlv a date as practicable, for, H- IR. Gum's GRAIN!“ ANSWERS NDSA Y, “BERN. CONVENTION TORY CABINET TIMBER Weekly post FRIDAY. AUGUST '33 remit has been. that the mister»: laid on a number. of manna Prea- oott, where Reid lives, and Reid . is the object of general denunciation In _ ' Is â€he people of Grenville. that when the Conservatâ€" ives come into powe: he will be made ministex of Marine and Fisheries. which comes as much amuaeznent, in tome quarters as it would annoy- ance to Mr; Borden if itleVer comes ton-Bean» n _ , _‘ __-A main, is at, sample or argument .uacu to secure votes. 'Dbe substantial Con- servatives of Grenville have been so moyed at Reid‘s actions, constant- ly attacking the Marine department. which has resulted in direct Jossto the merchants of Prescott and vicin- tiy, that. they have refusal to support Mm any more. Leading Conser- uuâ€"_ W _ waives openly state they w‘ill drive him from public life. Yet this is the man who has manu'factured a large portion of the fictitious scan- dal which! 15' till: s‘o'le campaign (mater. in of MComogrvative party. Mix: in own constituency he is repudiat- ed by :45 least 1131-! of Mown‘panty. Another. man who charges hinoel! with tbt “X of denounclqg un- morality in public men in Mr. for at. who hopes to be Fianna“ Minis. ter. Thin gentleman has. vioiated the social conventions, and been ohaYZed by the public press with conduct which should cause: him to hide his head in shame, instead of which he brazenly goes before the people and talks of purity in politics. and a} high atandnrd of morality in public‘ menu A5 evidence of his utter unfitv‘ mass for public office, Mr. Foster has been guilty. of worse thing: then -jugzglimg with the trust funds or the Foresters and running the country 8110 millions of dolhrs o'. debt. North Toronto will never veleet Mt. roster as a representatin if the advice of the". Toronto News inad Mon- [fell Star is followed. ; they both de- 'clu‘e him to be unfit to be encod- visor of the Crown. The electors bn‘e not_ Ionzobten that Mr. Foster was since wanted. (or corruption, and {ï¬nally had to leave hi: own pro- vince to secure a seat. â€" , You charge as scandalous that the! “Arctid†'e‘xpcdition cost the govern-1 ment $1.03 per man per damâ€"Id“ it not true 'bbafl when you were Minia- ter of Marine one Fisheries you out- fitted a vessel, the Neptune. in1886. for precisely bhe same purposes at $1.30 per man per d-ij? Dzd you not demand from the gov- ernment a commiSsion to examhxein- to the inveEItments‘ of insurance mon- ey. claiming that ille, al acts Wore being perpetratedâ€"and did not the commussio'o find you guilty of ;‘z:nnb â€" iing megally with. the ï¬nds of! Rho F oreaters 3 ; Did you not denounce the middle man who dealt, with the gchxâ€"nment. and. strenuously object to t’he pay- ment of commissionsâ€"3rd did you not exact a commjssion when dealing with lands which the Union Trust- Company were buying. You at. the tune being ital manage†, '. There are many general questions which should be propounded to every Conservative Who asks for the suffra- ge: of the people and unless they can be answered satisfactorily the aspir- ants for political! honors should be tired to private! life. Mr. Anus should be asked why he dropped the timber inveStigations when witnesses were present aW‘liting examination. W he declined to can either Mr. Burrows, M. 1)., or Mr. Turriff,~ M. 'P.. who Were present he- tore the public accounts committee although he, Antes. suggested. that the one secured timber limits owing to collusion wit“ Ithe other, a former government official. He should be-msked Why, when 'he had made false accusations with re- am to Mr. Burrows. Who had cor- rected them in the house, and after accepting Mr. Burrow’a denial he should 'repeat the dtatement ,on the public false? at, sample of argument .ased votes. 'Dbe substantial Con- , of Grenville have been so at Reid's actions, constant- Eepeast the statement ,on the lattorm, knowing Gt to be A FEW QUESTIONS of denounciqz im- Why does Mr. Amen fraudulent- ly conceal the not their several theques were put in for tunber pend era by Mr. Burr-om. «3:19ka to evidence that Beveml cheques were al- so put iml-by other pertieal . Why does Mr. (Ame: conceal the fact. that Watketion and survey of‘ timber berths had been pronded by the minister. of the interior even be- fore he (Amel‘lu'ttaoked the policy of tee govemmantf ' 1‘ Why does Mr.- lAmes constantly of- ï¬rm that. MLNBux-rows is the owner of all the timber tendered for by the lupernl (Pulp 00.. m be knowï¬to 1u~e contrary? .- r' I . 1 to Mr. Amen “were that the Can- iaerutive sour-meat @lVe may the tmber free. M t‘bbt in every in- stance the Liberal government zeve it to t (higher bidder at public com- petition! .- _ A,, L _'J be asked to'cxphin how they cane to secure the good office of Mr. Mann so as to know when the railway line was going, and than be :ble to set- ect desirable land. They shonid he sated whether. and: nation is consis- tent for a. Member of parliament and do they regard it as desirable ‘or members of parliament 30 use their ‘ :‘rnflucnoe in this any! . 17; wind. or Grenville should be ask‘ ed to explain the bill «cairn him for work done in â€he sovernrnent shops at W. sad'the gas ripe that :onnected the goremment tank with hi: starch factory in the asrne town 0:. hid mkhu also be asked to give his authority (or the promise Um this same starch Mary. now idle mould be purchased by the Conservative gonrmnens for purposes of the marine da- parlrnont should the Conservatives gain power. Hr. Bergerac should be asked why he objects to the British pretax-cm and will he abolish it. should his par- ty he successlnl at the polls. Hr. ,Borden should be invited to‘ explain whether he proposes that thei new provinces should pay the Domin-‘ ion for their lands. He should be as]: ed if this is what he meant by"re- storing them on fair term." He should then be asked whether he approves of direct responsibility to the people; if so. why he adrout- es gOVernment by commiSsion over which [the people haVe no control. He might be asked to explain now he «proposed. to raise the money to purchase all the telegraph lines and telephone lines in the country. so ihat he can put into effect his pro misc to acquire them. 5 He might be asked how he expects to raise a revenne without Impos- I ling an import tax. He might be asked if he intends to mute! the eharter of the National Transcontinental railway, it so. how he will provide to: the damages and :upply .the needed transportation ;n the north west! 7H6 might be asked what he int-:ndu to ofier the people at the west in- place of the proposed Hudson 1113- Railway! The people would like to kamv whether he intends taking mLo n‘s cabinet {Messrs Fmter, Fowler, Mid or Haggart, each of these gentlamen having stated that he had promised to do so. The above are very pertmt and Very important. queqtions to the electors amd they must be Mchred loot ore the peopld cam p’ï¬ace any faith in; the Conservative leader or his party. The Conny-native: have no policy to offer, cannot rely on un- substantiated charges of wrong doing Tue people have not fomotten the fearful days of Tory corruption and bod government. Having an 'honcat and capable admin'ptrotion led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, looking carefully of- ter W. welfare of the people at large, the comzy SBWefl satisï¬ed and no _W is desirable or necessary. It will be, manly years before the great Reform party, which rescued. the country from Who grasp of the mast dfflreputable men Canada. ever had. in public life. will be called upon to re- linquish the responsibilities of office. Tne Liberal government is engaged. in igreat worsk for the benefit of all the people, and it would not be the course of wisdom to make any changes at present. A FEW QUESTIONS Niall. FOSTER Did you not criticize the {cum- ment for not; becoming parties to the treaty with Japan,“ after Cunada was made a. party (kid you pot de- nounce the govempenn tor so doing! D‘d you not denounce the Liberal government for not‘ keepin; the land for the settlerâ€"and '3 it not a hat that the Cmrvative soVemment vat ed to raflways mien than 68,087.- 072 urea, While the Liberat 730ch- mu Moot 91m gunning“ ‘°" for 1'“!le Funnies! ' ‘ Did you nut chug. we mum unv- ernment with unprofldentu dialing the timber. o! the countryâ€"add ism not : hchgpat durjug‘ cm Come":- tive administration they diapoacd o! 1 29,302 miles, of Which 23,957 squarr‘ miles were zziven um! without one cent 3030; into the treasury! Can yen deny um moneyesr. 1833. the cape-"31W" znVe. 0"! to the“ mend: and supportgfl, {0.328 nun mile: of timber, tree. and id“ out true that the babe“! caveman: ha only “pond at 6.4.56 nude hive- ot timber a‘moe comm into purer, twelve unjuo, and in our, to» , ALA- Did you npq dvocnte in the House the crime of hon-own; money to comtmot public works instead ol paying it can or the current l’c'enuc valid hi; not tile mu! Cavemen! bran able to oomm¢ public work: to the extent of over $120,000,000 with out borrowing a can! Ip'it mt. trpe that. thy. Iona: n'w 1.11m dug mounting to many mn- hou upreum money bottomed by 3'0th when F3900: Minister! Cal you (knitthe (apt. that the too tnl trade made; the Liberal goVem- malt but year was $50,793,331. or $11,768,000 sneak: than ha. yet: the Conner-vain: were in office! .Ctn won polnt to a tingle mndal no called. brought up by the Con- urntlve puty. whlch bu â€than completely diulpcted and subhe- only explained! Cw you deny that your chug“ against government oflichh with re- gud to 30¢th timber tenders not. disproved in the Home. and have you forgotten that they were described an malicious lies. and ypn at silent when referred to u the man who had circulntod them! ï¬ne you forgotten the puma. spectacle you presented in the House when .the Minute: of Juuce mem- ly flayed you um (or your deeiincn with the trust (and: ot the widows end orphans? Bu xt faded tron your memory that you accepted I pension from the beeral government 0! 885m) syear for doing nothing. and how you grntetnlly retained [tom cnticixinu pnbhc expenditureâ€"and can you re- membcr how you came ognm to the attack when the pension was taktn away from you! The above questions would be asked ox Mr. Foster every time he has the audacity to appear on a public platform and the answers shouid be insisted upon. A man who desires the mph to place him in charge 0! their affairs should submit himself tociov. examination [or the tone at pubHc lite. according to the Conserntst must be fused. and on the snswas to these questions will depend whcth er or on the people regsrd Geo. E. Foster. as a (it end proper person to be cabinet minister. ‘ The indications at present point to good prices [or wheat. throlt none of cut readers will raise my objection er Borden? Toronto will week. $011-3 8 of system in ma prisoners A family in £11008. 0!! quire-n the neck-breakins or them have aohifl‘od I ready. - ‘ There is another row on m ttho- route Lucensc board. We thought there was one nbont due. n 15‘ repérted cm: the Anal-nay- Gemrul': department will shortiyl-c u-orgauiud. It oeruinly need: it. An exchange thinks it 13 possible to be a perfect lady and eat. coruofl a cob. but 1: is inaudible to lookit. "Wu. cam-nu--â€" ., Darin; tor the bi; Ki: next‘cnouth. This .shopld bu mule rrecord‘ break- isne allow. Fund has been discovered recent Janina elections. 11‘ brown brothcrs are beini mp ilized. Sun Hughes will never die of 2:11. Friday eveniBC “- Falls he batted Ln without ‘ chairman o: courtesy.“ "a Shah of Pet-sin. That relax-m cabinet in Turkey has ruined. and the sly wink panes be- tween the Car of Russia und the Did anybody hear that Sam Hugh-:3 Ld been invited to stump with Lead- Le'. Lanna (1th his work. The prmon inspector want: u chuao : system in the Toronto jalL Soda Local embitom should now EDITORIAL NOTES. the Libef'll gov- Rant.†‘he‘L‘n‘ ¢ bu} hive men many visitors .will never die [or want 201118 “1 Fenetou without reti '3 ‘0 i, 01' even common liscovcred in the “cm. Ehe llt‘lc being rapidly civ- 0nt.. han- as- ng hibit. l‘wc be pre- decency. dad in his usual bumptio-u mane! addressed the minister. Bo latched but scant attention Iron: th: crowd; , . 5 - :2 Witelau oommuuuuon wwh Eur- ope 'a pruning! now. ‘l‘hu ought to be c an“. tum-onus!» on the Don'- A nun dropped dead Ln 3 Toronto drug store an athcr day.'1'ho.lm¢ [ht think: In should haVe taken the median). hono- , tomato bush“ no]. a quantity 0! pyjuna units the other night.'l'hcy Bow Mr Borden nut low: the m that “nun†him down on the mini; Department! Sun proud n wry 000! “Set to lean upon. you :5 Winn-“'03 mt In mm mm 'â€" I’UU"7 comm} Ruthe- nnooeeded to stop- pm gambling in New York State. Now the [tablets nre wondering if my all “on Governor Hughes. oI cruelty- Tomato h and to b- linden-’01“ w opsdemlc o! wurghoodonment- Laying a men in M emb- bat learns her in Toronto in the limit A pet. dog thawed 3 Toronto lad;- {m 'Iueodny night. ten-inc cue-:yc out tad devouring s pin“ 0! but check. Hopes ure entcru'ancd ant Fido will mount. Fvon 9W 1; I! It. GM d'ully greeted 43y evening. St a: tor [ma- the num- ma a!- named Cromwell his TI“ “lamb. wage we “e M can“ we would like to I The Met has discovered that It. Human. loader of the Conscr- vgtim in Bahamian-nu wu eduza: at In Peterboro. :11 of which anyw- pmnt Ix main recent "can. The tori;- mn‘ to are-n u: can-nee mo «(in politic“ J. B. 8cm :94 Richard 11. they pneler to but. with the the Reï¬ne†and the Gameâ€. It might be well (or the comra- lnenl. to appotnt t judge permanent- ly .lor the .01: purpou- o! investigat- ing -'l'otonto'a gutters. It would arm ‘15 u there I: 1mk.work for such Clpt. Then. S. 304th 01 m pays mount. often mke t. “he 0! letvinc ch: month of ,nyn won't. often unite the mis- an 0! Influx the month of the an bog open. It in aid Col. Hube- is quite nbuntmlndcd sometimes. too. u- ofl'whl. Ctnadn'a exports m the Twelve Years of bustier were : but. clean thousand m‘lhous, dollar: more man they. would have been it the hnzhcst ConaeIVatnve "13er had been newly manned. Sir Wilfred is the (its: mu) to tha thonund mxlhon dollar class .thnt Canad: has had h-xdwud I!» but results to the [tram-n in the London catastrophe bring. home to u’whnt terrible risk: than men “he in the prucrvuion cloth- er people's property. nod it w: I». not too cynical we are reminded WM: lzrlc crcdxt. they got tenth. risks they do run. The nation, at the Domznion Govern mm in moving to improve cm early Ipplo market by securing colduoracc apace on steamers swims from Moa- ttetl, under-urns to pay for an the .1530: not takcn, shouid have the cf- fc-e-t oi Lem what. can ï¬cdune with our early nppies 1n the Britieh snark- et. The cchercat. wilt be closely watched by Canadian (tux. KrOWerS. 1:. my new much to this district i'l‘ihe mu: who mentions SunHughcs to Leader Borden gets the glassy eye A SAD DISAPIOINIMENT. Lender flauluin u dorm-ï¬ght dia- appointod. He was hoping mg g“- hlchcwun would so Scott. [tenâ€"Io: rooto Star. _ CARRIB‘S LATEST CRAZE. Cll'fle Nitaon is now going um: tearing directoire gowns ott “mm. In daroclolre gowns are better than no gowns nt :1! it's bud tom when Carrie's cxwde is helping morality. â€"'Iononto Stu. I‘wwo the people of Suhtphewan hue voted upon the constitution ol. the wax lace. uni expressed their hear 1y concurrence. The alleged proï¬t:- cnl rights putty can. the'retore. Very ate]; go out of human. It nut be quite a sight to see It. 3001". nidetreckéd m Nova Soot“. W“ with was to the ection out: Baden m selecting [our Provincial Premiere to my him on the grand xour 110113 the mam line. - Montrul Benld. SHOULD GO OUT OF BUSINESS. HR. GRAHAM'S ABILITY. The trust Valley Canal in to Fï¬'IER WAS SIDETRACKES tamed. Sir Wiltred is the ï¬rst, 1n the thonund mtlhon dollar .thnt Ctnada has had had. and bet the new to keep. him. CONTEMPORARY OPINION pm it would seem ‘. Gum will be very 00'- :ected 3t Fonclon Full: Pn- sink. Sevortl depglttionn wilt have“ ha: ha under his wage we no: Mb “mull, u would. like to nee-I photo dumb. SC teen; to drelll the' re- hto active political life of M :94 Richard Hsrcourt. ‘or to hunt. with the Foster. s. Baldi'm 0! New York pushed to completion. Hon. Geo. P. Orchen. “mister of Railways and Onnals. stated st Peterboro tlnt the waterwsy must be finished a abus- ness proponitson and that the work will be pushed vigorously to the end. This “all add further to the efficiency 0! Cmds's splendid system of tuna portstion by water. the credit for which is due. in no small “re: to the policy pursued during the 945'. twelre yesrs by the Liberal govern. ment. of which Sir Wilfred Lune: is the distinguished head. Ir. Gnhsn has since he sceepted the porttolio‘ but a short time :30. shown singalsr shillty and capncity in the adminis- trstlon of the Railways snd Cmals Depsrtmnt and hss won commend;- tion. even (eon his political oppon- erts Ior his workâ€"St. Catharina Stsr Journal. an. L Borden wilt run )0“: Hams: and. Ctrktwg â€"Mr. German. Liberal M.. P. of Welimd, declared â€Stet-day that the Dominica c.--rt.o.c win occur on Oct. â€"J. G. O'Donochu is the Labor Candidate in South Toronto. It is expected be will be enclosed by the Liberal... ~Hon. '1', 3!. Body. former Seereury o. Sute in 83' John A. Macdomld‘s government. denies that he will beo candzdote. â€"Col. 1!. H. McLean, Liberal cw- d'dne to Queens-swat). is organ- is“ ’e series or political picnioe.“ which the first? will be held on the “a! of th‘a month. Messrs. Pugs- â€"Gl¢n¢u‘ry Libel-61‘s will meet on the 29th an! th. Comervnins 0': the 27th inst; 28. One tumor in cut-rem st Ottawa an: the due war be Oct.- 23. while an- othr plan it. indie first week in Noumher. --A Harrisburg dupstch says that it ‘- r¢ported there an: Han. Clifford Bitten my be a cmdiduc in Dundu county It the [eneml eIeCtiom. «Liberal uitt. h: members renoun- i'ntted :‘ettezc‘ :\ “etc 0. J LebImC. Kent. 14.3.. and Adehnd Lancefot, Bichdieu. Icy god Emmet-act: will be amongst the lpclkcl'l, ' Bon. G. E. Facet finished “9 in Non Scott on Monday. Conser- utive Report! sated tint he had the them peple to hear him at Ghee B“. To-norto' he Starts upon the Province othew lax-mick, with I new in at. Jan. â€"The Congenuivel of Sherbrooke County will hold I basket picnic at Little Luke \Macoz on Friday, when Cleaning-up Stock Linen Sale Making way for new Fall Goods. Linen Table Cloths, some slightly soiled, to be cleared at about HALF-PRICE A bountiful able clothhnppens to be soiled 10m. At I.85 Lu-go sized satin dunpak ï¬nish, beautiful pot. tern with deep border, extn 7ҠAL A.- Table Linen POLITICAL NOTES a! nun! may LINDSéY. mm: Stunted. i Although he “‘3' choice of the Come! the executive is (11 did“: is than he did an: In- otnly for the put! at the“ denim,†he might hm. in; eiuher E. 1). Col. J. J. Graiton (he oomphim mad ~irtrrrt 01;, it's nice t sword 815'5 nor an! 0‘ the put! “' you've bad. It‘s home 10? mi" ‘fl X've had 3†the w y In my pantâ€. 2 def! call it sh: 3"†With a: kinds crows“ your grub. And me: with t me. With mosquitï¬ 0Ҡ1 with ' club' Ant] and all th‘ t! Io" tex from Mr. Bot 55.33.3535!!! aaaaa g g couuuumes or AN 1m ml on. it" good ‘° tou'n once 3 It's seed t° 1" 1“; great *3 5‘ ‘ mans to e“ m: stand t° 9‘ file “in, too. “‘3' w: qul“ To “'2 up i"! : Isak- in' '0‘"- 5; the blues. It. makfl “5 m The Sydney 800° clothes. platform much margin mums woul‘ m: moan“ he alien“ be “I“ mmtiu made £381" a u 1.50 bu “1.85 hoei for 00' {all} none P. Ah