' Stretchers Horse Clippers Poultry Netting Bird Cages iglachines Games Wringers Slip Ladders Wheel Barrows lSewer Pipe Portland Cement BOOTMAKER â€â€œ5 Britain, begs to an- “ he has moved to Lind- W the skating rink, Lind- "I of bootmaking and repair- “ Welles. Mr. Hughes, in “3 customers for past fav- _" b! Strict attention to MGGIES "“' MILL â€" Manufacturer? L â€-0'3- Fl‘atnes, and all kinds lugs. * a spebialty of Wooden as v . Step Ladders, Ironing Mï¬orses, etc. glass home-made Buggies, â€sand Democrats for sale gamble prices. Also some secondhand Buggies very l Game at once and get a in at the City Carriage . Good winter stock 6? “£0“th made of wood, [- Estimates furnished “'1 800d workmanship ‘ “ï¬nance 0: their Fife Brick h\\‘\\\,‘,\- -7 - \R A - ~~AMM !d Ill-B: av - v 7v _ ny. The settlement 0L â€WESd liberal. The resources pany aï¬ord those Libs“ the com . . in it Perfeci secunty agamst 10%. W. R. WiDDESS, tuna!†and Victoria County. Kylie's Old Stand 3K II UMBER, sumclis, um, ETC. -~-\u bu XIV? spemal PAROI Roe Mot D ROOFING, the Hg in the market. and fully guaranteed HUGHES In“ â€u wanna mm mm mwfla Ire. Coal and Iron. may GE}. . McIlHARGEY d .11 descriptions “3.1m Works- Prism Paint “87 cm or 11 Ham "on u Fire Clay v. WATSON 3“ Land summ ValuatorS- Mable and Granite .. Latest: designs’ 3t work. Call and . :9. work. Get our Phone Floor Wax Lumen, mm, ; sttended to W. F. McCarty Of Silverwear, \Vedding Presents and AnniVer-sary gifts is always to be seen at McCarty’s. We invariably have on hand a good stock cf Gems and Jewel- ry, but take especial pride in the Plate and Gems we offer for special occa- eions. We have Beautiful Cur. Glass. Marble Clocks, Fine China. and. Novel- ties, at special Low Prices. We smprepsredtonskelesnsentown and ism property from either private persons or loaning companies. use my be ‘dgsired, sits! in V1.1“. to €111: borrower‘s. th spec ri ages. on may y n instslments II’vi‘gltom ineresle in {to of interest. Interest and instalments psy- sble st our oflce. STEWART O'CONNOR. Barristers. Lindsey Elï¬n 10 MAI AT LOWEST consent antes Seed Merchant \and Dealer in Best Binder Twine on market Great care is used to supply every article true to name and of good quality. The Popular Jewelry‘ Store. Wedding Rings. 14 and 18k. ummcs mum Imp. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries etc. So- licitors for the Bank of Montreal. Money to loan atiowest rateg. .Gï¬oes, 6 William- st. South, Lindsay. Qnt. G. B. HOPKINS, K. C , WALTER SMITH, 0.5 S , LAM) SUnVEYORs AND CIVIL Exam Municipal Drainage Work a Specialty. Phone 242 on: P. O. Box 25. OFFICE : Corner Kent and Imam-am. (Over Dominion Bank, Lindsay) Money to Loan on Real Estate. ll.J.llcl.aughl!n,K.c., A. I.Fulton. McLAUGHLIN. PEEL and FULTON. Solicitor for 'Farmei-s Bank of Canada. Telephonqr‘ll. EIGH R. KNIGHT, Barrister, Solicit- or, Notary Public, Real Estate, Etc. Representing boss ï¬re, life, accident and health insurance companies. SoIicitoxs for The Canadian Bank of Como mcrce. Money to loan on mortgages at ï¬ve per cent. 0mm William-st†Lindsay F. D. MOOREKS. ALEX JACKSON N CORE 8: JACKSON, Barristers, Etc. Bridge Work a. specialty. ’ Splendid ï¬ts in artiï¬cial teem. Painless extraction assured. Prices moderate. . "Ogce nearly opposite Simpson House, Oï¬ce ham-s 9 to 11' a. m. 2 :9 4 p'm 7 to 9 9.121., or any time by appointment LITTLE BRITAIN - ONTARIO Graduate of Toronto and Trnit y Uni vanities. Special attention to all farms of moms 8.111191111513311 neckstoiter). Lindssy. DR. NEELANDS IRVINE, DOCTOR GROSS Dentlst - lQIndsay Member Royal College Dental 81:13., Ont. All modern methods in the diï¬erent Repayments of dentistry succesarnnv HOPKHNS HOPKINS ,7- -_vâ€"â€" vvuu‘l Oflicoâ€"Ridontâ€"at., 001-. Kent anlci Lind- say-eta" (former residence 0. Late Dr. Kempt.) Telephone 45. . Oï¬ceâ€"Kent-st., over the Farmers Bank L! N DSAY, ONTARIO. Oflico~ Barristers, Solicitors and BUSINESS C’flRDS JAMES ,KEITH BflRRISTERS, Etc. SMITH SMITH . F. BLANOEARD ‘ Graduata Toronto Coroner for VietorixLCoonty! a“ bahâ€"4- -* FRED Homing Harms, B. A. ‘I G. w. HALL PHYSICIJIJVS DENTISTRY OI KENT-8T. GEO. SIXTH, o. L. 8. County Engineer. Mr. Brady, jr., spent the week and Verse 18- 22. â€"Does conversion :1- at the Point. ways imply restitution and the fore On Saturday night when the Kath- akin; 01 every evil way 7 leen came in the eeptein throw on Lesson tor August 33,1409â€"Panl'e only one mail has instead of two.|'l‘h1rd W. Jameyâ€"The Riot Alter pulling the world and naturally should be the great personal factor in our liv- es. If we claim Christ as our ,Lord, and Master, we should seek to follow g‘Him in our daily lives and carry ‘Him into everything in which we are interested. . Mr. Kerr MacMillan. of Princeton, N. 5., is visiting his brother, Rev. Dr. glacMiJlan. f ~ The Rev. Father Collins ‘was guest of Mr. B. J. Gough .over Sunâ€" glans power that Paul. had, day and conducted service for the catholic part of the , commdnity yes- terday morning. Verse 8.-â€"Why ought or ought not, the pulpit now. as Paul did then. to dispute or argue and 'bring convic- cing proof’s compelling menâ€"s teas. " ans, by powerful evidence of the truths of Christianity and not be content with simple declamation as is now so common ? (This question must be answered in writing by the members of the club.) - I the‘ Verses 9.12â€"Apurt from the nurse- what was the secret of his success ? Verses 13-17.â€"Why 'do some to-day blaspheme the name of God. and dare . WI. Dlvwee v. V.-.--._ ‘ Montgomery of Toronto, as assistant ' The entire Canadian Bzaley team win shoot. l Ashes Consigned to Sea. Chicago, Aug. lO.â€"A metal box con- taining the incinerated body of Mrs. Boss Payton was sunk in Lake Michi- gan from the deck of an excursion steamer, while passengers looked on with bared heads and the‘steamship orchestra played a dirgc. Twenty-nine years ago the husband of Mrs. Pay- ton was lost in the wreck of the steam- er Alpena, and the widow wished that her ashes be thrown in the lake near the place of the, wreck. Mr. Parnell‘ McHug'h spent Sunday and the holiday at the Point. mm in our daily lives and carry Hzm into everything in which we are interested. Mr. Kerr MacMillan. of Princeton N. 5.. is visiting his brother, Rev. McLean sang, “Jesus Saviour pilot ," by Hopper, with very great ac- ceptanee. Mr Barr took as his text, "Ye call me Master and Lord for so I amâ€"so ought ye toâ€"†The speak- er said that if most people were ask- ed why they did not go to church. the answer would be that they did not know but that they were as good as ‘those who did go, which might or might not be true. Those who went to churCh called Jesus Master, and yet fell very 'tar short of their ohiio gations to him as such. Jesus did not preach a doctrine or an ism. He preached Himself. I am the way, come unto Me. believe on Me, and other saymgs of His all went to show that He was the great personal factor of the world and naturally should be» the great personal factor in our liv- es'. If we claim Christ as our Lord, and Master, we should seek to follow presided at the organ, and Mrs. Bert McLean sang, “Jesus Saviour pilot took their meals out on the law where they got the benefit or breezes that might be blowing. Considering the extremely close tune of the day, quite a. large n ber turned out to the service, which was in charge of Rev. Fordyco Barr, who is snmmcring here with his Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Knight spent Sunday and the holiday: with Mr. Bert McLean. Mr. Thos. Stewart, who is to de- tend Hunter left for Lindsay today. If Saturday Was hot, Sunday was. if anything, hotter, and there was no work done that could possibly be ‘eft over. A great many cottagers was a perch six inches long, and the lucky man was so proud of his catch that 'he talked of nothing else all day. Mr. McAdam and family have left for home after spending July at the Point. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mather, of Nash- ville, Tenn, spent a. few days here, and went on down Peterboro way. Every now and then we hear of a big ï¬sh being caught, but it is al- ways some other fellow that does the trick. The last authenticated case his rays down with terrible vim. There ww not a breath of air stir- ring anywhere, and the water was as still as a mill pond. After "sundown everyone who had a boat or a plan): of any kind, got out on the water to ’cool 03. Those who had boats for hire were kept busy andt-he river was dotted with craft of all sorts up to the arrival of the Kathleen. It was a great night for poets and songsters, and every now and then a wave of song would come floating away over the waters. The Kathleen brought up a good crowd crowd on Saturday, the even- ing trisp especially bringing up a full house. as enthusiastic as the regulars â€" in fact become one themselves. This is the reason so many of our citi- zens fight shy of the game. Saturday was a red hot searcher, reminding some of us of what may be in store for us if we do not mend our ways. It was too hot for boating during the dayâ€"the sun was shooting into an ordinary player will probably walk a mile and a half once around. orthreemfleStoagameofeightoen holes.They will play until physically unable to well: any mom. and be at it again next day. The onlooker thinks it is a shnpleekind of a sport for men of part5 to be seemingly wasting their time over, but if he or she allow themselves to be enticed The golf links are being well pat- ronized these days, in spite of the warm weather. It 18 astonishing what a fascinating hold this game sets of people. This is a. nine nole links, and What is Tnnspirinz at Lindsay's Favorite Watering Place. Pi-thy Paragraphs ' from the Point ‘, they are immediately Verses 13-17.-â€"Why do some toâ€"day blaspheme the name of Goa. and am the power of God; are they possessed with the devil T ' Is there anything necessme im. plied in receiving the holy spirit. other than the Constant realization that God dwells'in as, to keep us holy, to guide us in all things, and to give us necessary power and wis- dam to carry out God’s purposes concerning us ? Has the sumo! tongues and prophe. sying then, or is it now. a necessary accompaniment of the baptism‘ of the Holy Spirit? (See 1 Got. 12. 2- If it is now the privilege of every Christian to receive the Holy Spirit and to walk in Him thereafter. how my He he received ‘I had when Paul met them ? Is the Holy Spirit. as spoken at in this lesson. generally received at or subsequent to conversion 7 What proportion of present day Christians had practically the some experience as these twelve disciples persons whom Paul found at Ephesus actually the reconciled children 0! God at this time? its beneï¬ts 7 Chap xix: What percentage of present day preached will exceed Apollos (1) in their zeal and abilty (2) in their Christian knowledge, i. e., personal experience of God's gospel? If Apollos had been conceited or anything less than a man of God. would he have submitted to teaching from a layman and his wife ? Verse 27.â€"Should laymen use their pen more frequently to help preacher whom they know are going to other towns ? Verse 28.-â€"Why is it that God has conditioned all human progress and betterment, including a knowledge of the gospel, upon the zeal, ability and What good qualities for 'a preacher did this man Apollos possess ? What did the “baptiun of John include and what did it lack of full orbed Christianity ? Verses 24-26.â€"Wha.t is the minimum knowledge necessary that one may be a true child of God 7 What are the minimum qualities! es- sential to become a preacher 'ol the gospel ? ' . up ‘systemj' as essential in Christian work as it is to succeasfnl business? Are any so strong that we cannot derive "strengthening†‘ from the prayers and experience of others. and “strengthen" others 7 Golden Text. - The name of the Lord J ems was magniï¬ed. Acts xix: 17. Paul's Third Missionary‘ Journey.â€" Ephesus. Lesson Acts "11123 to xix: Mr. and Mrs. Frank launder left for home this afternoon after spend- ing Sunday and the holiday at the Point. 801' 01 getting sunetrock when one What! to go on the water, as than M yesterday and Saturday- Miss Viola Preston and Miss Hazel Moynea left for home today after spending a few days with Mrs. W. Williamson at Pleuant Point. mate was obliged to run at a 2.40 gait to the post ofï¬ce with it, as it the government was after him. This mishap kept the steamer about half an hour late leaving. The weather today was somewhat more reasonable, there being no dan- THE BIBLE . STUDY CLUB v0 Question on the Sunday School 8 “ma by__Rev. Dr. mascot: for the ‘Regx'xtcred in Ammiana m’tï¬ Coffï¬gu Art." Interim â€MIN Study Cln . :- Bible of those who already enjoy these twelve W ‘ ‘follow not Toronto, Aug. 10.â€"F. H. McGuigan. who is building the Hydro-Electric Commission pqwet hue from Niagara Falls to Toronto. denied yesterday the rumor thet he hoe been offered 825.0!» e year to become head of the Lake Bu '0: Co ration at the in- “ man 3mm. . Ottawa, Aug. lO.â€"The new sight used at. Bisley, and which brought the back sight much nearer the eye than the former sight. will not be allow-d at the D.R.A. matches. It extends from the sight bed some inches back. and the D.R.A. executive considers that it would not be suitable for ac- tive service, and therefore cannot be :sanctioned. The chief executive om- cars of the D.R.A. meet, which opens ' here on Monday. Aug. 30. will be Li.- I 3 001. Brown of Ottawa, with Major ll. ' Montgomery of Toronto, as assistant. I The entire Canadian Bus-Icy team wil: The president added thet satisfac- tory progress was being made by a gang of surveyers in the reedjusting L o! the route of the Niagara-Ottawa » line. whiahgwig he mums this an Stockholm Strike Hey Fail. ‘ Stockholm. Aug. lO.â€"-Meny earls end street csrs were moving through the street yesterdey. despite the threets otthe strikers tostopall trai- flc. King Gustave drove through the city yesterday. betare the strrkere’ heedqusrters. e was with- out en escort. The gas end electric plents are working without interruption and last night it seemed doubttul whether the employee of the reilroeds will join the movement. Rumors sre~ min in circulation concerning s probeble collapse of the strike, the workmen being dissatisfied with the speeches and the methods employed by their leaders in esrrying it on. wéï¬bEtiiOédhfl with his two little children. started for a drive on Sun- day aftempon .at_ thy-ea and expected _!-1__l_ mLA-- "J 'â€" to returvxiï¬hdrin'e by six o’clockf They were still missing yesterday. The country around is well settled. He came here gromjorontgy... .. able uanxiefyimé heel: caused by the disappearance of E. C. Corbeau, local aggntpf the Hegntzme‘x‘l F990 00. W- 11:40- Toronto. Aug. lO.â€"Any traflic ar- rangements the C.N.R. may make with other roads to secure the move- ment of their freight westward will not be allowed to retard or interfere with the construction of a C.N.R. connecting section between Selwood and Port Arthur. President Mackenzie said yesterday that the C.P.R. was handling the C.N.R.- freight between Sudbury and Port Arthur, from which point it was being picked up by the C.N.R. again, but that was an ar- rangement very common among rail- ways and would not weigh against the completion of an all C.N.R. line at the earilest possible date. A stretch of line forty miles long from Selwood north towards Port Ar- thur, Mr. Mackenzie said, was being rushed along now and would be com- pleted before the end of the year. Doesn't Want British. London, Aug. 10.â€"(C.A.P. Cable.)â€" The Premier of Western Australia, re- plying to a deputation oi settlers from the old country, who brought a num- ber of alleged grievances under his notice. became incensed and bluntly declared, “I have more trouble with British immigrants than any other class of settlers, and am going to tell the agent-general not to send out any more- immigrants. no matter how much ca ital they have. unless he is thoroug y satisï¬ed they are men who can make a success on the land." Canso, N. 8.. Aug ..10 â€"Phillip Lums- den. the three-year-old son of Jas. W. Lumsden. was drowned yyesterda af- ternoon by fafling overboard from his {ather's wharf. preliminary hear‘ of the charges against Miss Grace enderson of Gen- snoqne, of embezzling from the Thou- sand Island Railway Co. of Gsnnno- que, in whose ofliwe she was em- ployed nntll January last. Previous to that time shortages had been found, and almost the entire stafl was dis- pensed with. Recent expert investi- gation of the books led to Miss Hen- derson's arrest. Yesterday she was committed for trial on s charge of having cashed and spplied to he: use a check for 8500. Testimony was introduced to show that she sent a messenger to a bank with the check and that he. after re- ceiving the money. deposited it with the defendant, who was working un- der the general cashier. John Mar- shall, who has since left the country. The books show no record of the re- ceipt o! the cash. Girl Charged ; With Fraud Brockvillel' 'Auc. 10.-â€"’The crown 0011.39» pm. way through with the D.R.A. Bar New Bisley Sight. McGuigan Donia It. Piano Agent Disappears. na- Sask. Aug. lO.â€"-Consider- Will Not Stop Trafï¬c. Boy Drowns. Occasionally a. man looks worried because he {a in debt, but more often it to because of t debt some other mews-Mm. Baden: in all kin 1â€" of Wuipn in d [M lactic Morb‘o an" Craoito MOP'IUl-Iflc: 0130., Of the Iva-at danigznm and beat wo k» will“ A cull volicup-i ' vfnhudingp unhaeevp can in ervic.‘ W. W. Jordan whose gun-1 Ink: ea ; be business Ontario Mamie and Granite Wer'éaz", â€*9 My 09908!†the Library- W. H. CRESSWELL, Prop Taflorod and embed D] II. â€helm-y 00. Limited, (animal "Progress Brand†DUN OON’S the Best Powder, Paste or Liquid Dench the market atfords. Look The Part is accompanied by the de- Cuy of meth. While nature is suggesting that we change our diet and is certainly taking our teeth away from us, sne has as yet given us no new or equally attractive substitute for a beautiful set of teeth. Their preservation depends altogether on in telligent ca e and a good dentifrice. You give them the care and we can supply “Mamet†I. 1.1152113. 40 Keatsu’eei THE ADVANCE. 0F CIVIIJZA'HON Formerly Creaswell Joann. appearance but reflects the careful workmanship and honest materials of the parts within. “Progress Brand †Clothing gives the maximum style, wear and value. 31 riéh, handsome Make the world judge you for what you are. As the passing throng see you only from the outside, make that themanwithin. DRUG STORE like the honest