to tuned to Tfrzzds .55 . w6:.1’tler visitlngn for a esda ’ l in TIES tinny Win aand Mrs. F fflehays lonoer with Mr. w 0 1" COad. liars . and Mrs Little Jim, the Son of Mr ha11 Lak .mss uaa Weldon, nurse, is spending a holiday at her home here. Mr. Morley Goard, Bobcaygeon, Mr Elton Prouse, Mr. Ewart Weldon, and Mrs. Gus Prouse, Woodville, visited 0111' Village on Sunday. Hr. Lb‘u Patterson, of Toronto, sDent a few days with his father, Mr Iatmchlin Patterson,’ after an ab- awe of ï¬ve years. Miss Cora Mark spent a few days In Omenme, the guest of her friend, Florence Fairman. R“ Mr- Steele, of Glenarm, will My the DU‘lbit nf +hn prmkw‘A-d -_ Mrs. Charles Corneil and Mrs Nur- nan Corneil of Markham, called on hands here on Saturday. ‘ Rev. F. Reynolds, of Bond Head, brother of Mrs. Webber, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday eVening and gave an excellent dismmse, taking his text from Isaiah 9-3. They joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, when they di- Vide the spoil. Rev. W. Elliott occu- Pied the pulpit, in the morning, and dimmed the sacrament to a. large cOllg'rega.ti01'1. Mr. E. Keville, of Oshawa, visited friends here this week. Miss Oda Weldon, nurse, is spending a holiday at her home here- anâ€; Messrs. F. P. Goad and Goad com- menced business in their new premis- es on Thursday in the store formerly occupied by Pascoe Bros.. Their many friends wish them success in their undertaking. Mr. Reginald Rennie and Mr. G. H. Rennie. of Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Rennie, during the past week. '- Mr. Malcolm Murray has rented Mrs. O. Weldon’s house and will move in a short time. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perrin, Tues- day in honor of Mr. and Mm. I". G. Perrin, who have returned from their wedding tsip. Master and Mrs. Rennie and Mas- ter Claude and Mrs. Adair left on Tuesday evening to spend a few days at Norland and Coboconk. dale, and Miss Burné, ' 81"'!‘03011?" ito,“ :7 W‘ » . . Mrs. Randolph McDonald, of Rose- several of the farm; “ï¬ve. A cordial invitation is extended to all members and others interested to be present. Mr. John Workman spent a. few days here renewing 01d acquaintances Mr. George Wilson has purchased the valuable farm property owned by Mr. Jordan, of Woodville, and will move there in the spring. (SPGCii’LI to The Post 1 The regular monthly meeting of the women’t Institute will be held on Wednwï¬â€˜ay, August 17th, at 2.30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. G. A. Wash- ing't’on. Aspecial programme is being prepared by the young lady members which will be interesting and instruc- Week’s Doings At Oakwood Victoria Jan. Our siXtY'Fiflh Y'aar ‘e next Sunday. a Mrs. Joseph Pedlar, of Spent Monday with Mr. Pulpit of the Presbyterian FDITCON ' U- A. Washington. 5' George Hardy Sunday with men 5 0f Cleveland return-ed to Tordnto council i lattives Miss 2“. in the “no. Mts. J. G. Eyres ahd her many re- latives in town over Sunday. Miss Martha L Mm“! -_ 8â€"1188:on and her urday. Mrs. Northcott visited her (Specfal to The Post.) Mr. and Mrs. Graham, and family, of Toronto, who were visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Chidley, and her brother, Wesley, started for the city in their automobile on Satur- day morning but after 'cailing on of the village they were unable to start the machine so they were com- pelled to stay until the next day, while repairs were made. Mr. Wm. Henry and son, of Peter- boro, are visiting friends here. Mr. Bert Bryson made a trial trip as mean on the G.T.R. on. smâ€" Mrs. W. A. Graham and Mrs. S. J. Mackenzie spent Monday in Lindsay. Messrs. Murdie and Meagher, of Lindsay, spen‘f; Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Merry, of Win- nipeg, arrived home 911 Monday of this week. Fenelon Falls Civic Holiday on Monday attracted a number of our young people. Miss Ethel Mitchell, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. Beardmore, of Acton Her many friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. J. Merry’s illness has taken a turn for the worse. Her recovery is earnestly hoped for. Our school re-opens Monday next, August 15. â€"- Mr. and Mrs. W. Routley, of Camâ€" bray, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Routley, of Winnipeg spent Wednesday with their friends here. Mr. Fred Mould, of Cleveland, Ohio is the guest of his uncle Mr. H Camp- bell. Mrs- McKenzie and Miss Zibbie Mc- Kenzie spent Friday to Monday with Orillia friends. Mrs. Businger, of Mount Pleasant, Mich., (fonmexiy, Miss Mary McRae, of Kirkï¬eld) and children, are visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. John Walsh, at Kirkï¬eld lift lock. Mr. Harry Lacey, of Vancouver, and formerly of our town, the ceremony being performed by Rev. C. bones. The wedding party drove to Lorne- ville later in the afternoon to take the train for Toronto, where they will spend a few days before leaving for their home in Vancouver. The good wishes of their numerous Kirkï¬eld friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lacey. At Victoria Road on Saturday Aug- 6th, the marriage took pIace of Miss Maud Magwood, of Victoria Road, to Mr. Michael Burns, of North visited friends at Kirkï¬eld over day. Mr]. and Mrs. Marshall, of Canning. ton, spent Sunday with their daught- er, Mrs. F. Faed. Messrs. E. Mosgrove, D. J. McEachâ€" ren, N.‘Campbell, and J. Rusland, attended Masonic service in Woodville on Sunday. â€"_‘â€" v-5“-uwl. Mrs. Alex. Mackenzie, of Toronto ! Movement.†spent last week with her sister, Miss ! Canadian by h Vassar. Mr. Mackenzie came down jin the Methodj from Toronto for the week end. {been travelling Mr. James Dunn, of Toronto was in 1 San Francisco town Thursday and Friday of last I A year and a] (Special to The Post) wâ€"â€"nâ€" Miss Millicent Truman, of Glenarm I who has been taking the Teachers" Nature Study course at Guelph, spent ! Tuesday of last week in our village ‘ on her way home. { Jottings From Busy Kirkfield . Ernie Lake, of Coboconk, an over-Sunday visitor to . B. Connor spent Sunday at ’i‘I-IE LINDSAY POST CAMERON after 'calhng on t a. mile south of Wm unable to start they Were com- sister, Mrs. C. L. Thomas, Muskogie, 01:13.; Miss Cullen, Toronto; H. Craig, Georgetown, Ky.; John Kerman, of Grimsby; P. Hooper, Peterboro; E. and M. Brownscombe, Stoney Lake; J. S. Studd, Pittsburg, Pa.; Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Hufl, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mr and Mrs. W. E. Montgomery, and Master Harold Montgomery, of Tor- onto. ' Miss Joy Richardson, of Lindsay, spent Civic Holiday in town. Messrs. E. Riley, J. Ferris and J. Doolittle, of New York, took in the celebration on Monday. Amongst those registered at the Hotel Kawartha are: Mrs. and Mrs. C. H. Mills, Corsicana, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Darnley and Miss He- len Darnley, Peterboro; C. J. Tidy and Philip Tidy, Toronto; Mrs. W. Tattock and Miss Tattock, New York; Messrs. Wes. Hewie and F. Quibell, of Lindsay, spent Monday at the Falls. Mr, and Mrs. R. T. Stillman, of To- ronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stillman, last week. Mr. Ford Moynes, 01! the Watchman- Warder, Lindsay, speizt the holiday in town. the diflerent denominations, who spent a couple of hours at this popu- lar resort, and enjoyed the outing im- mensely. The dance given by Lansï¬eld Bros. on Monday night, Civic Holiday in Twomey’s hall, attracted quite a large crowd, who enjoyed the mazy Whirl of the dance till midnight. The Union Sunday School excursion to Chemong Park on Thursday last was attended by a large number of Mrs. Fred Baker, of Guelph, was Mr, Art Duggan, son of Mr. W Dug- gan, of Redner’ 8 Point, arrived at {the Falls on Monday, having met 1with a serious accident at Midland. He was working on a boat when a cable broke striking him in the chest with such force that an artery was broken. He was taken to the hospital, where he remained three weeks prior to his return to his home in Fenelon Falls. Mr. Frank Jacques, who is employ- ed' by Mr. Paul Oullette, butcher, met with a painful accident at Rose- dale on Tuesday. He went up in a boat with a quantity of meat for the customers and when about to land fell and sustained afracture of an ' A lecture on Socialism was given I by Rev. Ben. F. Wilson, in Dickson's {Hall on Monday evening, Civic Holi- {day. J-Iis subject was “The Meaning !and Signiï¬cance of the Socialistic :Movement.†Mr. Wilson, who is a ,‘ Canadian by birth, spent six years ‘yin the Methodist Ministry and "has {been travelling between Chicago and SOCIALIST LECTURE AT THE FALLS OTHER INTERESTING NEWS ITEMS (Special to The Post) UNDSAY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12 1910 Dr. and Mrs. Irvine, of Lindsay, i It is with a measure of sadness passed through town on Monday in gthat we learned of the death of Mrs their launch. iGrills, an old resident of this place, MiSS Annie Gillis, of St. Louis is Ewhich occurred on Tuesday last at spending her vacation with relatives . the early age of sixty-two. She leav‘ in town. ie a husband, six daughters and three Miss Josie Lucy, of Toronto, was sons to mourn her loss. The numer- the guest over Monday of her aunt, ‘ous friends and neighbors wish to Mrs. T. Cashore. ‘express their sympathy for the Miss Gladys Barrett of Toronto, is mourning family in this their great visiting relatives in town. , loss. Mr. E. G. Hand, of the Cobalt Ci- tizen-Is spending his holidays with relatives in town. -._.. Mrs. C. L. L. Walters, of Belleville is visiting her relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin 0L Lindsay, visited friends in town this week. Miss Gladys Severn, of Peterboro spent last week the guest of her friend, Mrs. L. Townley. Mr. I. Naylor and daughters, the Misses Mamie and- Lols, spent Mon- day with friends in’ town. Mr. Chas. Junkin, of Cannington, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Junkin this week. ‘ Mrs. N-aylor and Miss Greta Nay- lor, of Lindsay, visited friends in town on Monday. Miss Atcheson and Mr. Atchéson, of Maple Lake, are visiting Mr and Mrs. Geo. Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Irvine White. of Oambray, spent the holiday with friends in town. Mr. ‘amd Mrs. J. Daniel, of Kix‘k- ï¬eld. ' visited town friends on Mon- day. Miss Kate Abbott, of New York is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Kei- 1y. Miss Moï¬at, of Lindsay, with her neice, Miss Spoï¬ord, of Peterboro, were the guests of the Misses Powers on Monday. Mr. Alex. Clarke, of Lindsay spent ' the holiday rth friends in town. ; Mr. J. H. Brandon returned Sat- urday from a. business trip to New York. Mrs. W. H. Robertson, of Peter- boro, visited relatives in. town over Sunday. A party, among whom- were Dr. E1- liott and Messrs. Miller. Simona and Fuller, of Turtle Creek, Pa. who were here last summer, are spending a. couple of weeks at Merriam’ s cottage on Cameron Eeke. Mr. H. Deyman left on Wednesday for Belleville. . Mr. R. Butler, of the Watchman- Fann ,Warder stafl, spent the holiday in Hart ‘ town. 820 e | Rev. Mr. McKinnon, oi Woodridge, The . was in town Monday renewing old won ‘ . acquaintances. Miss R. Bryson and Miss C. John- ston, of Lindsay, were the guests of Miss Violet McKendry on Monday returning home on Tuesday morning. Mr. A. J. Campbell, of Lindsay, .Mr. spent Monday in Fenelon Falls. Ville, Mr Wm. Campbell left on Thursday week to visit relatives in Two Mountains, some Quebec. ‘3 Wh Mr. J os. Power, of Buffalo, who f 11pr ’ has been spending his holidays with 8 a friends in town left on Monday for i (51:31: Buï¬alo, accompanied by Mr. Harold of 1121' Power, of Fenelon Falls. 8. Mr. I. Naylor and the Misses Nay- lor, of Islay, were the guests of Mrs. C. Smith, on Monday. I Mr. Geo. Ingram, of Toronto, visitâ€" ' ed friends in town this week. Mr. Jas. Dickson, O.L.;S., returned I from Peterboro last week: Miss Brown is visiting her friend, Mrs. M. M'cCallum. Miss Nevada Parkin, of Lindsay spent Monday in town. Mrs. Henderson and the Misses Hen- derson were the guests of Mrs A. J. Gould this week. the guest of Mrs. Geo. Nie last week fer this vicinity early on Thursday, .? of last week, butae are pleased to' state that no damage was done. ! Farmers In this vicinity are now busily engaged in harvesting crops. {The recent showers have somewhat hindered this work, but are very ; beneï¬cial to growth of roots, corn, r 5 etc, I A severe electrical storm passed ov- ; l I A little damage 'was done by the hailstorm last week, but nothing very serious, as the heaviest part of the storm passed around further Things are rather lively around the lakeshore since the camping season opened. A number from Little Brit- ain as well as those from a distance are enjoying their splendid outing. Rev. Mr. Chapman is taking his holidays at present, His work on the circuit is being performed by Rev. Joseph Archer, of Little Britain, and Mr. J. M. Emmerson, of Nes- tleton. The many friends of Mrs. H. Copp; will be pleased to know that she is- now convalescent after her recent illness. We hope she will soon be reâ€" stored to her usual health again. ‘ (Special to The Post.) Mr. W. Dancy and Mr. M. Sharpe are anticipating a trip 10 the West next week. In . Mrs. Lane, of Peterboro, was the guest of her" sister, Mrs. J. Wilson, for a few days last week. Miss Velma Christian, of Cambray, 1T0 save spent a. few days Iast week with her 1 I'll not Mr. Boyd .and family spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. Knight, at Balsam Lake. Miss Lane, of Peterboro, is visiting at the home of her aunt Mrs J. Wil- Copp, Dan. D. Spence. Thomas Our- rims and Jas. Wilson. The horses were sold each at a. high price and were delivered at Cannington on Friday of last week. Mr. Green, a horsebuyer from Wood. ville, went through this vicinity last week and was successful in obtaining some ï¬ne horses. Those in this vicini- ty who sold to him were Messrs. Sam The auto race was a. ï¬ve 'mile race Won by Mr. Clark’s auto in: 11.15. The winners were as follows: Mr. Ashmore’s Lou Keswick†151:; Mr Fanning’s Wilkes, 2nd, Mr. Lee’s Harry K. 3rd. Purse, $60, divided $30 $20 and $10. Miss B. McLean of Lindsay is vis- iting friends 'in town. TROTTIN G RACE Miss Ethel Henley and Mr. Russel Henley, of Lindsay, visited friends in townwon Monday. Mr. A. B. Terry and Mr. Geo. Ter- ry were visitors to town on Civic Holiday. Mrs. Coulter of Toronto, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. B. John- stone. The Misses Grace and Edith Presâ€" : ton are visiting at Mr. Wm. McKem ‘ dry's. Miss Mamie Calder of Grafton, is g spending a: couple of weeks at the [ manse, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. i (Special to The Post) WALENTIA ISLAY place, at , lea-w three umer- 1 to r the great Crops of all kinds are looking well :and there is a good prospect for {good returns for the labor. gm nommou Aux ‘nâ€";“.I n- J 'I’YA A A fan Ann A- A. D. Graham, of Highlann Grove spent a week Here. Misses Flossie and Minnie Allan, and Mr. J. M. Barker were the guests of Mrs. Deyman. Miss G. Deyman returned to Feneâ€" Continued on page 5. Week’s Doings' At Gooderham fflhis 10::12ty was aimcst deserted last Mcnday, it being Fenzlcn Falls’ Civic holiday. Those who did n‘ot go stayed at home: To save my precious skin, i, a few days. I'll not come out on either side I Mr. Hoover of P Till I see which one will win. idard Bank, is rel: Thewvsacond objection the hotelkeep-A ' Thomp‘ï¬cn a couple ers have to local option. If a town 1 Mrs- R. Moore goes dry there will be such satisfac- gspending a few day tion that it is likely to mum so 'Kee's this week. for along time, and that prevents a Mrs. Jos. Jenkn them from taking money from peopâ€" “me camping at B 1e and giving nothing in return. Have ' days, as the guest you seen the look of sadness on the 001111611. Lindsay. drunkard’s wretched wife ? Not a. 3 Miss Pearl H00!“ spark of hope or glahness ever ifrom visiting friem‘ cheers her weary life. Miss Maud Davtc two. And suit“ ’em both, you b 011, it's the fence for mi . _- â€"vâ€" u -y vv us. There are two objections hotel- Mr. Sam Wooldri keepers have to local option. First under the parental it preVents them from dealing out of weeks. I samples of headache, samples of Mr. Viazor Grove Itrout, samples of coats with the el- Mr. McClaud spent bows out, samples of boots without days with friends i heels or toes, samples of men with a week. broken nose. samples of men in the 1 Rev. Mr. and Mrs gutter lying. gone to Boston, Ma; I want to charm the mayor Iholidays. Rev. A And the corporation, too.’ ' charge of the circuit I want to please the whiskey men, g Miss Sylvia Yerex Yet keep the church in View, 1 sition with the '1‘. E It's business sense to suit the dry, {0. She starts work And not oï¬end the wet, So I'm. going to trim between ing at Bell Point, and they are also visitors occasionally with. Mr and ers. W. Chidly. I Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutherford, of Carman. Manitoba, who have been ! enjoying a visit here, will leave this week for their home. 5: The school trustees have had Mr, Ed. Chambers and son of Fenelon ’Falls painting the interior of the school house. To lock' at it now you would suddenly come to the conclusâ€" I Iion that the old things have become . new. BANKING in all its branchea': SAVINGS DEPART- MENT and interest allowed on sums of $1.00 and upwards. The inclemency of the weather has prevented the farmers from progress- ing; with the harvesting. Sapital Paid Up ............ Reserve Fund ............... Deposits by the public... Total Assets ................. LI N DSAY (Special to The, Post.) Rev. and Mrs. Sargent of Provi- dence, Rhode Island have been camp- Gleanings from Powies’ Corners -.aon-o.uc.-oo- out. nun-not. o-ooouuo-n you...†cl II Inco- '-.o--u‘. ca... 01-... 00...... ROB‘I’. ROSS, Manager y, .10. She starts work next week. the-;Moyed as clerk at Mr. E. Z. Yerex’s {departmental store. “U†Rev. Hainer the three weeks’ you Mrs. Attin me Miss Ine 1 1 Miss Pearl Hooper has returnefl : from visiting friends in Michigan. Miss Maud Dayton has returned :1 !under the parental roof. 1 g to the city after spending a month 3 Mr. Tom Kennedy of Ohm, is vis- iting his brother Charlie and Laurie 1 a few days. Mr. Arthur Mark, of Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of To- ronté, \spent Sunday at Mr. W. .7. Hooper' 5. Mr. J. Ashton, wife and daughte" of Toronto, spent Sunday at Mal-7: Wickett’s. Mr. John Connor is spending a few days visiting friends at Lochlin. Mrs. Louis Wickett, wife at ’ daughter, of Lindsay, spent a. few; Kee’s this week. Mrs. J os. Jenkins has returned days, as the guest of Mrs T. Mcâ€" Connell, Lindsay. Mr. William Henry Smith, of Tor- onto, is visiting Mr. W. J. Hoopa’s a few days. Mr. Hoover of Port Perry Stan. datd Bank, is relieving Mr. C. 8 Mrs. Dr. Henderson. of Canningâ€" Contmued on page four Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman have gone to Boston, Mass., for a month’s holidays. Rev. Archer is taking charge of the circuit in his absence. tspeniing holidays with Mrs g Busland. Mr. Milton D. Yet-ex of Town home for a few holidays. Mr. Sam Wooldridge, of Galt under the parental roof for ac of weeks. last, Rev Mosteller, of‘ Keswid preached in the Christian church. Rev. Hainer being away for two or three weeks’ holiday. Mrs. Atkins, of Toronto, Spelt last week with Rev. Mrs. Metheren. Miss Irene Wilson, Toronto, is éLitile Britain ’ Live Brevities Mr. Jim Ferguson has gone to Oshawa, where he has secured work for the summer. On Sunday morning and evening (Special to The Post.) Mr. Clare Thompson, of the Stu- dard Bank staff. has gone to Ban Point Lake Scugog, to camp 3 COUPâ€" le of weeks. .................. $61,000;0(llm .................. $47,000,000m 1d spent a couple of friends in the village this PAGES ONE TO EIGHT Toronto, is