a \- 5‘ OW H.412! Patterns No. ssslâ€"wasa. No. ansâ€"sun A CHARMING ROCK. C) Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olver and daugh. tcr Gertrude, have_gone for a. vaca- tion at Pleasant Point, near Lindsay -â€"Port Hope Guide. WWW 'O+O+<H+O+O+O+O+OH>+O+O+O++O+N0+O*O+O+O+O+O+O+O D . éafl 3; “.6 I Mr. Howard Deguer. of Oa‘iwood. is spend no; a. few days with his sister Mr; A. Bchhard. Mrs. Eliza Cruess has left to sea 1-1-1- aister, Mrs. 8. Clarke. of Picker- ing, wno, we understand, is very sick. Mr. Frank Sluygitt sold a v: luablz tram of harses th‘s we:k. We u:d2r- stzndhe received 3500 for them. Mr. Jessie Weldon and Miss Flora Gillis. 8! Lindsay, called on kinds in our neighborhood this week. Miss Barbara Dale is on the sick- iist th's week. We hope for her 3p 9d; recovery. 5, Miz‘s Ruth Wocdper left on Tues- day for her home in Prince Algert a!- tJ’ spending a couple of wee‘ s with her cousin. Mr. Clarke Rogers, of Broo' lyn, N. Y. spent the weak-end at his uncles Mr. Hiram Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Fran‘i Sluggitt att 11: ed the funeral of her aunt. Mrs. W. Gorrill, of Hartley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rear. (nee Edith Frise) and daughter Thelma, of Ro- chester N. Y and Mr. and Mrs. 11051:. Frise, of Fingerboard spent Saturday at Mr. J. w. Hancock’s. ' Miss R. Guilds of Toronta, is home tor a few days and every p tan is pleased to see her. The piano min has te-n around and has left a piano in theneighborhmd. Mrs. S. White and dauhter, of Belleville are at present w;th his daughter, Mrs. W. Tyrrell. LINDEN VALLEY (Specml to the Post.) Harvesting is the order (I the day now and everyone is busy. Very good crops are taken off and no one is comp-lazing! A1; will he pl‘aszd tun: they are not any worse than 111 51 are. Mr. 8. Wright thrashed his Alsike an: hasa good yi‘fi-d of the przcioug I Mr. Redmgn, of Michigan iS' visit- ing his sister, Mrs. E. R. Rogers. an ,1. seed. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Birch'rd are away on a holidq trip up the north lakes through Cobccon': and will b: away for a. we‘; cr ten days. ANNUAL EVENT Pesrrhvehy a 13 her eeur. Diseuuur all Throughout the Shure hy Securing $1.00 Purchase and ï¬ver New F aii Goo-is arriving daily making it much better for you. Every purchase of $1.00 and over, we give a 10 per cent. discount throughout every section in the store Mr!†3: REDUCED PRICES ON ALL TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, CLUB BAGS, ETC Sglcndid chance by purchasing $1.00 worth of gOJdS and over. Special 12 yards for 90:; 40 Inch, :0 yards for 99¢; 36 inch ï¬ne, 10 yards for 90¢. FACTORY COTTON GA your Fall supply. New stock has arrived, im- parted direct; white and fmcv stripe patterns. 10 yards for 90¢ medium ,' IO yards for $1.12 heavy. Bleached and unbleached; pretty scroll an] ron ventiona’. patterns, 56 inch up to 72 inches. Dis count prices, 23c, 27c, 30c, 32c, 36c, 41c, 45c. 56g 68c, 81c, 90c. B: sure and ask to see all pnces. I SHAKER F LANNEL TABLE LINEN Good chance to get ycur supply when pricrs are greatly rcduccmd Unb‘eached, 84. special 19c yard. Heavy ’1‘in 27c yd. Bleached plain, per yard 270, 360,410.1‘will32c 36c Terms reasonable, circulars sent on application. Positions guaranteed. A. M. Paton, Principal. 2w This school’s capacity is limited. can and sze the school and letters and testimcnials front.- young men 1':- Centiy placed anédoing wen. S PREADS SHEETING White Spreads, large double bed sizes; good range of patterns. We qun'e discount prices. 86c, 90c, $1 12, ?1 35, $180 32 03,431 25 and up. This waek, Thos. J. Beth‘sr'ngton of Fenelcn Falis and W. Ellis. cf Stur- geon Point, starbsd with the Grand Trunk at $50. per month. Mn. Wm. Parkin and Roy Foster. of Kirkï¬eld, went to tne Canadian Northrn Rail- way and Miss Laurz Gray to the G. N. W. office in Toronto. This fall‘s class is now being ti led and intend'n; pupils should enrol in:â€" mediat;ly even thouv-h they c. nnot te gin for some weeks. We cannot begin to fill the orders we reccive from the various roads for qualiï¬ed youn-z mm. The Ngticnal School of ‘Ra lway Telegraphy and freight and Passzn- ger instructon has Lean in existmca four years and every pup 1 who cam- plated his.‘ course is at work and do- 'ng well. ' The Sunday School and Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian Church, Mill; brook, will run their annual excur- sion to Victoria Park, Cobourg, on Thursday, August 17th. Special train leaves Lindsay at 8 3.132., on return it leaves Cobourg at 7.30 pm. This gives time for a good day in Co- bourg. Fare from Lindsay and return only $1.05. This date is considered the best day of Cobourg Horse Show. Tin-e Table and fares as follows : Adult 01111 Time Fare dren Lindsay ............ 8.00 a.m. $1.05 55m Reaboro ............ 8.12 a.m. 1.05 55c Ome ee Jct. ...S.20 am. 1.00 50c Franklin ............ 8.30 a.m. 85 43c Brunswick ......... 8.35 8.111. 85 450 Beth-any... ...8.40 am. 80 40c Miilbrook Jct. ...9.02 a.m. 60 30c Carmel ...9.12 a.m 55 30c Garden H-ill ...9.25 a.m. 50 25c National Sciml of Raxlway Telegraph COBUURG EXCURSION 0N AUGUST 11. WAKEL Y5 young women, from $60 to $110 per month. The Peterboro Business Col- ! lege is one of the largest schools in lthe Province- and the demand for grsduates isumny ttmgsits supply_ Mr. Spottcn hrs sowed the lite prob- _lcm for thousands and placed them ’on the high road to succ:ss, and h: is in a bettu‘ positicn than ever to do thg same for you. You will to wel- comed at any of his town or city schools. We understand that he tran- ed 1200 studzn‘s last Year. It would be le fcr young people to get h's ad ;vice. I! you are not adapted (or Commercial pursuit. ne will Irankly f 1 i I I lucrative Positions { It is gent-rally cz‘nczded that owing fto the chain 0! seven Callsgeswith i which Peterbc-ro Businws College is a! connected, that is graduates-get the ’ choice positions. Many young men, who gngiluted two wars ago are now ' receiving from $1000 to $3000 per yr., c I tell you. It was stated in last week's paper that Miss Mila Webster, of Oaliwood, obtainzd ï¬rst-class honors in , junior rudiments of"he Toronto College of Music. It should have been ï¬rstâ€"class honors in senior rudiments and pass in junior vocal- Weeks Doings From Oakwood Flour, Best Manitoba, $2.80. Rolled oats, $2.60 Bran, $1.15. Fall wheat 80c. Spring wheat 75:. Goose wheat 75c. Buckwheat 45c ,bus. Barley, 50c. Rye 59c. Oats 40c. Large peas, 90c. Small peas 75c. Hay, $12 to $13. Pea straw. $1.50 :M' toad. Eggs 19c. Dairy butter, 22 to 25¢. WEEKLY MARKETS Splendid chance to secure thase when prices are low. ‘ Bcst Ibex quality SHAKER BLANKETS Heavy quality Black, Taffeta quality, for coats and dresses; positively will not cut; full 36 inches wide; perfectly fast black; genuine bargain. Regular $1 25 value for 8xcâ€"Discount price. DRESS SILK Large showing of the best staple colxs; these must clear regardless of cost; no ironing. Regular 20c quality for 14¢. Regular 15c quallly for 11¢ SERPENTINE CREPE Rea‘ heavy English Damasks, large 1ange of pat- terns to choose from. Discount prices: Cloth $1.12, 1.35, 1.56, 1.80, 2.03, 2.25 up; Napkins, 68c, 81c,_$1.12, 1.35, 1.56, 1.71, 1 80, 2.03, 2.25 up. TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS â€"s-“ 10-4 size for 1 I4 size for 12-4 size for 0+O+O+O +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+ The Daczraticn services of the C. 0.0.F. were hzld (11 Sunday afternoon at the cemetcry. A age number 0.†the brethrrn and their friends assem- bled to do 1101ch to the memcry of their departed brethren. The service was led by Bro. W. '1‘. Junkin, the ceremony of integrating the graves be ing performed by Bro. J. J. Lee and Bro. Cecil Deyman. The graves o; the following brethren were decorahd â€"â€"-Bro. Jas. Palm-er. Bro. F. Vercoe, Bro. Geo. Bro‘seushire. Bro. Albert Junkin, Bro. Wgn. McIntosh, Bro. George Barclay, Bro. Delbert Barr. (Special to the Post) Fcnelon Falls, wugust 2:â€"-0n Sun- day morning, July 30, the members of Trent Valle}1 Lodge of the Can:- dian Order of Oddf-dlo-ws. met at thzlr ledge room and proceeded ina hody to St. James‘ Church, where they attended Divine service. An ox- czllent sermon was preached by the Rector, Rev. W'H.A. French. During the offertory MissRuby Austin ren- dLl‘cd a 6010 Very pleas'noly. 'At even- ing service Mr. T111 gave the c.1etmâ€" teh sacred solo, “Golgothaâ€, which was much appreciated by th:sa wh: had the pleasure of hearing him. DECORATION DAY AT THE FALLS Creamery, butter, 27c. Cream, 15c and 80c. Lard 15 to 18 ‘ Honey, 25¢ a comb, 13c. alb. Cheese 15c. Hens 14c aad 15c In Live hogs $7.25 « Little Hogs $5. to $6. Pork, 12} to 15. Beef Cattle, 5c to 6. Sirloin steak. 18¢. per lb. Rib roast. 12c. to 15¢. per lb. Spare ribs 10c. 81b. Hides $7 to $8. Head cheese 12 Potatoes, new, $1.50 bus. Straw $3. to $5 der loab. Erased hogl, 8c, 9c and 10c. Dried apples 10c 33 mm as: $108 " 1.26 1.56 ; AtRM FOR SALEâ€"North half of ‘ Lot 9, and South half ofNo. 10, on the 11th Gem, of Township of E1- don, 100 acres more or less ; half mile from Glennrm; stem, post omce, blacksmith and Church. Good house, large ham and orchard. two good wells. Soil, clay loam. For further pérbiculars apply to H. 8. MAG- weon, Victoria Rd.-â€"w3. ‘ in Michigan, Ohio, and PennsyIVania, 3 Ontâ€"W3 and representative of the Company E in the Western States of the Ameri- I can Union. ‘ ."â€"‘-""_ Mr. Campbell is quite an important -‘-"- 100 acres north half lot 10, con. personage in the insurance world in 13. Maripcsa, and 50 acres norbh-egst Detroit. He is at pnesant manager of . (water, lot 11, can. 13, M-aripcsg. Ap- t-he Manufacturers’ Life Insurance Co. «J ply 1:0 J. P. Anderson, Cannington, Robt. Campbell, of Detroit, an old Lindsay boy, and Mrs, Campbell, are in town on a. visit to friends and rel- atives in town and county. PROMINENT IN Peterboro ReViewzâ€"The case in which a Bobcaygeon man named Nich- 0113 was charged with pointing are‘ voiver at another man, Cullen by name. which came up before County Magistrate Enison this afternoon at 3o'clock, was not proceeded with, the charge having been withdrawn. The affair is afumily troulleg' in which Nocholl's wife is and to he in- volved and articles of separation have been signed whereby the two; agree to live apart. ARTICLES 0F Mr. and Mrs. Elliott left on the 6.23 G.T.R. train for Toronto, Ham. ltcn and points West. The bride's wing away gown was tan and brown check with Tuscan hat with yellow plume. On their return thei will reside in Lindsay, where their friends will wish them many years of happy wedâ€" ded life. Among the out of town guests pres- eat at the wedding were Mrs. Seth Jewell and daughter Essie, of New biskeard; Mrs. C. Clarke, of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stone, of Port Perry, Misses Edith .and Ethel Elliott of Madoc; Mr. W. B. Hoyle, M.P.P., .VIrs. Hoyle and daughter, Mabel of Cannington; Mr. and Mrs. J. Jewell, Mrs. F. Jewell and Miss Nevada Johnston, Cannington. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple sat down to a sump- tuous wedding 'repast, together with the assembled friends. The bride, who is a most popular. young lady, was :he naclpicnt of many beautiful pres- ents from her many friends. Rev. S. J. Shore), pastor 0! Cam- brLd-ge-t. Methodist Church, performed the ceremony in the presence of the Intimate friends and relatives of the contracting parties. The bride, who was given any by her father, was attired in a gown of apricot silk. and carried a banquet of white asters. the wedding march was played by Miss Edith Elliott, sister of the groom. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H-ick-ing’tottam, 20 Bond-st, was the scene of a very pretty wedding this afternoon, when their daughter, Miss Maude, was united in the holy Lends of matrimony to Mr. W. H. Elliott, of Madoc, engineer on the G.T.R The young couple received many costly and numerous presents. Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy wedded Life. After {the wedding dinner at the bride’s mother, the happy Couple drove to the G.T.R. depot, and left on 'the 4.20 train for Toronto and Longford Mills, where they will re- side. The bride’s travelling suit was of nsVy blue Lroad cloth. Rev. Father GaliVan performed the ceremony. The bride wore a dainty dress of flowered organdy, with large whzte hat to match, while the grooms sister, Miss Alma, wore a white silk mull dress. The groom was supported by the bride’s brother, Mr. Ralph Bryne, only the immediate relatives attending. A very pretty wedding was solemn- y o ized at St. Patrick’s R. C. Church. Kinmoun-t, on July 26th, at 9 a.m. of Miss Bridget Bryne, daughter of Mrs. Michael Bryne and Mr. Thee. iWatson, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Watson. HICKINGBO'IVI‘AMâ€"ELLIO’I‘T. WEDDING BELLS ‘ing. SEPARATION SIGNED INSURANCE WORLD BRYNEâ€"‘WA’I‘SON. @ FOR SALE I FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- 1nn nhnnn _-..J.L L ‘0 F. H. KIDD B‘ARM FOR SALEâ€"Lot 24, con. 9, ' Brock, 100 acres; about 90 clearâ€" ed, balance in wood and pasture. Commcdious stone house with kitchen and woodshed, frame barn and stable: 2good never failing wells, 3. small stream, neVer failing runs through the faem. Soil a deep dark loam, with plenty of humas. Apply to GEO. JOHNSTON, Lot 2, Con. 13, Mari- posa, or it by letter, Box 103, Can- ni-ngvton.â€"wtf. ï¬l‘ Kent-st. All business strictly conï¬dential and chqrges low, as I do all my .\â€"..a. n-., "twn writibgs. Moneyjo Loan Real Estate Bought and Sold and Fire Insurance Effected. at.. Choice Neckwear, twelve eren Men’s Izuzcv heckwmr, worth 350 a 1d 50c, while they last to clean at. 1‘5 ‘ Hmdsome Hosiery for the low shop, vozth 50¢ per Inclearat .. ........... U udemear that’s cnol and comfurtahm in snazzi good 111 2km, at . . . . . . . . . . . .25(, 400, 50-0, to $100 pm gin msut B. J. GOUGH Sc 1116 txc‘mive designs in 9qu Shirts‘, with 3 match, worth 1 50 and 1.75, to dear at ....... Right here is where a man is a'ways sure of gaming Hm right tLing in Furnishings. Not only the righ: thing: but the best things. A little fresher, a little newer and a IitLEG diflpr- cut from what yen ï¬nd in other stores, on Mortggges The Clothing Buyer that reads our ad. and “takes 3104,» what we say will find it very profitable reading. When We gal: a special offer of any kind we always do exactly as we 53“, e We deliver the goods to the letter and we advise our . our offerings through the medium of our newsnesmr n3: Mi There’s Money in Ems Ed: EM Take a look at our large line of goods Men’s ï¬ne Neg’igea Shirts worth 750 and 57.1 (:0, to ch), 11' Reg. $5.00 two piece Suits, made in func: to clear at,†Reg. $3 00 Buys’ two piece Suits to Hear : Reg $3 50 Boys’ \Vash Suits to clear at MEN’S FURNISHINGS home 88 “ Where the Good Clothes Come From." H Post Ofï¬ce Dopzutmeht‘ vice B ranch, OttaWa, 15th Printed notices containiu infonuatinn as to conditio posed Contract may be seen forms of Tender may he 01 the Post Ofï¬ce of \Voodvil! the Ofï¬ce of the Post Ofï¬ce at Toronto. from the Postmaster Genveml‘s SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General. will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon. «m Friday. the 15!) September, 1911. for the conveyance of His Majesty‘s Mails. on a ploposed contract for: four yezus six times per week each way. between M. Youngpeters, Editor of the Sun Lake Review. Ohio. “The ï¬rst few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets gav'é'me surprising re- lieve, and the second bottle seemed to give me a. new stomach and perfectly good health.†For sale by all deal- ers. a “I suï¬ered intenéely after eating, and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good," writes H. Reg. 39 00 Boys’ three piece Fine “7 Sluts, madein the latest styh's, in at Rég. $6 50 Bays‘ 8‘- ‘5‘ It’s the time of the year when the male members of the family can be clothed up at about Half-Price. It’s the time to buy clothed ET’S YOUR OPPORTUNETY Read our offerings and you’ll be quick to see that there’s money in our ads. Early buyers always fare the best. There’s Money in ’E'Egem We are now holding our semi-annual clear ance sale. A sale that always interests the man w1th an eye open for making a saving It’s the time of the year when the male members of the family can be clothed up at -LAâ€"â€"‘â€" I'n'fn o :.9 MAIL BflNTRAGT Suits to clear at Reeular $7.00 Men's Suits in clear :1! ..... Regular $800 Men’s Suits I.†clear :nL Regular $10.00 Men's Sails In cluu' :1! A, Regular $12.00 .‘Ien's Blue Serge- Suih :1. 1' Regular $14.00 Men's Blue Sax-g3 SuEb tn «- Regular $15.00 Men’s Fancy \Vnrslml Suits, Regular $18.00 Men's Fancy “ï¬rst: (1 Suit: Re gular $20.06 Men’s Fancy “'nrst. d Ru}: ~ )tices containing further as to conditions of pro- . A; “A in fancy Tweed patterns BO YS’ SUITS G. C. ANDERSON. Supmintendent n, )ys’ the and y be seen and hl'ank av he obtained at \Voodville. and at rst Ofï¬ce Inspector tment. Mail Ser- ,, 15th July. 1911. MEN’S SUITS sofa collar t? $1.75 ..... $1.00 Rh: pleas- {lgaï¬rcns of newspaper 35. arc? «AA on I for \V LIND$AY For sale by all dealers. Diarrhoea Remedy. This I no superior for bowel: Chamberlain’s Colic a rule, be cured by a singie Lmbsn. DRUG box, 10c pt 950 nn- h; 25¢ per imx, 33c pet I ï¬ne imported highly I! soaps up to 75¢ per 6 “'9 have 56. 3 ft '1' in town. and 3 always attract ['1 this Vic-inky use of this numhcr west!!! 15’ pmpm-tion pm of the fact that we largest assurunent An ordinary case of am 15,000 PEOPLE .‘ASTILE SOAP large TOILET SOAPS :UG 51-035 The Ram“ 3‘0" Al x] values at 3 his per box- box. 10‘: I“ RIM? at prices (I) cu Chow! 0‘ 9far5 u d comm