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Lindsay Post (1907), 11 Aug 1911, p. 4

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on the issue he desired under condi- tions which subject the Opposition to serious, and probably fatal, disad- vsntages. The more the tactics of the Opposi- tion during the past few months are considered the more apparent it, is that Mr. Borden played right into Sir WLlfrid's bands. The Prime Mi-n- ister has got the election he wanted Just as the doctrine of protections dominated as the sole issue at the elections 011878, as the B. P. R. was the issue in 1882, as the G. T. P. was the issue in 1908, so the Reciproc- ity agreement is the issue in the pre- sent election. What has Col. Sam. Hughes done for the riding of Victoria and Hali- button ? The first to solve this puz- zle will get a. free ride in R L Bord- en’s aeroplane, “BlastedoHopes,” on its farewell trip Sept. let. Thursday, Sept. 215% will mark two great events in Canadian historyâ€" the date of the Dominion elections and- the opening of Lindsay’s great AY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11th THE LENDSAY F031 $5.15 net 1221'; S? 03 If pale: in advancc direct to publismr We hava no subs: rip Ion agents. WiLSON (3° WILSON, 3 0+ :-+c~¢~; +0 +c-+<:+:»+ 0+0 m c+o+c> WW+ WWW-4- o+o+<>+o +o+o+o+o+o+o+o+ _‘ «a WW 9% +4>+o+o 04-040” WWW 9+0 ship or rgligioua or racial passion or: +<>§-O+O+O§Q :wwwwmâ€" ¢U+U§ We Give a Special Discount of 10 per cent. off Every Pur- chase of $1.00 and over. New F all Goods Arriving Daily %I}QC§E Makes it Much Better for This Cut Sale 01 1' ice PLAYED INN) Hi8 HANDS REEPRG'SNY “15 $8305 Brussel Rh tags \' Just arrived \c“ fall shipment of Brussel Rugs, latest patterns and be; t qa a. 'ii\. ’Jhese are ‘all imported dirth from the mills. L: the sizes and discount p: 1.93 9x9~51485 9x106- $1710 9 K13â€"31935 11’3 x 136â€"32610 Matting Rugs; We have a very large stock of fine Japanese Rugs, splen- did rar ge of patterne. These are very pretty and serviceable for Bed Rooms, Cottages, etc. Discount prices 33 x 6â€"3.6: 6 X 9â€"Sl.35 .9 X 10â€"3248 9 x lO’i"â€"SL’.?)4 9 x 12â€" $2.70 InfiiGS’ Tailored “fists, all ' ezy neatly embroidered white .7; )y. 0001 {assortment of pmterr . These are regu- lar $1.23. $1.55 md 5!.50. Sale price. . .... . . .. .. . . .. 980 The-:3: 1.; 13(8 :m e~x:-.nptionallv good Dust Coat, fancy check lini.. ..., 'w ‘1 m «1), 2:3 only to C‘ en Everv lady doing much duh my; shank! Lye-Lure one cf these at . .. $1.69 each ‘5 only to c ‘cm. two patterns, (”huk lining viceablecoat,st1iu1\ water prcc-f, well made price ................ Dust Coats Blouses 7W6 GREAT EVENTS A 1A3) ?i{{ BL .‘fvi HG“$EFURNBSHINGS Eigé‘i‘fiEN? SAL-E A EiGfiSAVING Proprirh ts imam St As for the Maritime Provmcss, it pullshzd a tg‘legragg fray Mr, Borden The hapeful pre-election prophecies of the opposition leaders in 1908, are now being cruzlly recalled. The Tor- onto News, immediatly prior to the :01 n; in October, 1308, encouraged its readers by d‘mcnstrating the hcg‘elessnezs of the GOVernment‘a pos;tion. Ontario alone w.‘s going to give a Conszrvatiae majority of 33. If you want reciprocity, Vote Liber- a1. sic“, it is oily bec-use the people save Shawn that th y are indeed de- termined that lie shall have a. chance to finish it. It is time the firmer had his ”mm. The ‘ interests" are going to finance a campaign ag'a'nst the farm- er. They will be wiser later on. That way lies danger. The Montreal Herald suggests as a mmpaign slogan: “Let the farmer nave nis mm!” It is a goodI one for it goes to the hzart of the issue. The Herald was the author of the cry;â€" “Let Laurier Lnish his work!“ which is stiil a popular on:. If it is laid Reciprocity is the farmer’s friend. Reciprocity spells opportunity. Sir Wilfrid stg’ocs the issue clearly so the jury. It is only a matter of waiting for the verdict. The present Parliament’s work has be;n improper- y interrupted two years before the natural time. The Conservatives need 1 l 330:]. They v.- ;11 get it on Septem- :6! 21. I Laurier and larger markets. The battle is on. Spud the High-tum Tories. The issue is clear. Swat the anti-Reciprocity fellow. Trust the Liberals. Laurier and more markets Boost Reciprocity. “"8 (COMING TO THEM A CAMPAIGN SLOGAN ELECTION POiNTERS A WOR PROPHET 2717/14 K EL Y5 No doubt ha will foi‘get ta tell new since the last convcntjon, he was da- venticn ? Time will t-Tll. Mr. Hughes should be asked to give an account of his stewardship, and pg int cut how much the ?iding has benefitted byrh 3 presence at Ottawa. It wouldn’t take wry long. The two old cannon which the Colon21 secured as ornaments, cef‘tfi'nly earn as mom uments to his inaction as a represen- tative. a ‘ The pillars of the Conservative par- ty in this riding haVe, time and again expressed themsd’v’es as teing disgust ed with their representative and anx- ious ‘for g change. Will they oppose Mr. E’ughes’ uominat'on at the Son- vention ? Time will t=lL The same old story or farce will be -repeated. The present mtmber, Col. ,Hughes, will receive the unanimous ' nomination and the craters o! the day will extol that gentleman as a. paragon of political perfection, and the many Conservatims in the riding who time and again have expressed chair dislike for the doughty (?) Colonel will say amen to the empty perorations which will feature the convention. It'was eVel' thus. ‘3 On Saturday, August 1‘t.h. th: i Conservatives gtthe riding of V1c« i toria and Haliburton. will Saanpe 1.1 gthe Academy of Mus'c 1;: the pur- pose of selecting a canQLdate to con- - test the constituany in the appro-ch- : ing Dominion election. If the better class of Conser- ;vatives in eh: riding are satis- ‘fied with thefr representatiVe and his record, they are mighty eas- ily pleased. A constituency is gener- ally judged through its representa- tives inthe Legislative hal'a. F01 years, the rzding cf Victoria and Hi. iburton has bean held up to ridicule before the people of Canada. simply because we have sent out as our rep- res;ntative to the Dominion Parlia- ment, 3 man who is looked upon as a source of weakness to any party, and whose ridiculous antics on the floor of the House has made him a laugh- ing stock. 'hi-mself which safd;â€"-‘ Prospects in § “the Maritime Provinc:s poigt to a §“substantlal majority on Mznday. $“Our meetings ineVery constituency “have bezn wonderful in paint 0! at- , “Lendanm, interest. and enthustzsm. ; “From all sides comes the same re~ ‘ “portâ€"namely, this is 1378 ovar “'again." When the votes were ‘ counted there was a Liberal majority of 17 in the Maritime Provinces. Plain, Green and Gleam light and dank colors, size 3x6 feet. Good strong rollexs. See these at ..... . .. .‘23. each Trimmed Shades Nairns Scotch Lino, comes 2 and 4 yds wide, floral and Conventional designs Best stamped quality, No 1---Sale Pxice .......... 56cc square yard N 2---Sale Price .......... 450 square vard Green and Cream, best of. quality, size 3x6 feet. Guar- anteed rollers. Regular 600 value. August sale price..4lc Axminster Rugs 3 only, best quality, colors of Fawn and Green. These are exceptionally pretty for parlor 2â€"9 x 12 Discount Price .. . . .. ..3‘29.00 1â€"»9 x lO’GDiscount P.rice.. .. .. . 326.00 Large range of patterns to chorse from, floral and hlock patterns, for kitchens, dining rooms, halls, bedrooms, bath rooms, etc. Widths of---1---1}--.1gait-43;. Sgle price square yard ................... . .................. 270 Window .Sh'fides Store closes D_ai!y at 5 o'clock, except Floor Oil Cloth Linoleum WNSERVHWE CONVENTION Satdrd ays. I That Dandrufl is Caused by genus is accepted by eyery responsible person. Dandrufl is the root of all hair evils SALVIA will kill the Dandrufi germs and improve Dandrufl in ten ‘ days or money back. 50¢ a bottle. sold and guaranteed by A. Higinbotb ,am. druggist, Lindsay. At last a. remedy has been discour- ed that will positively destroy this pest. ' Obstruction is one of the meet eflec- tive weapons of Parliamentarians. says the “Farmers- Sun," and there is, of course, nothing in the law to prevent or even limit the use of it. An Opposition party in Canada may carry obstruction as far as it pleases, even to the length of ma'ziing parlia- mentary GOVermnent a farce. Fortun- ately, it is usually restrained by fear of the electorate. Except, where prac- ticed by alocal party like the Irigh in the British Parliament. it may lead to apolitical disaster, it great interests are prejudiced. It may be assumed that Mr. Borden dose not court political disaster, but rather political vistory, however remote. The Sun is not in the counsel of any party, and like its readers, can only guess at the motives of the Conserva- tive party. By the changes 01 popula- tion which haVe taken place, politic- al power has largely shifted from the farm to the town, though in this con- test, it is not easy to see how the less prosperous towns ané villages, at al: events, which depend on the farmer, can fail to vote with him. Despite the shifting of political power, recipro- city, if defeated, willbe defeats-d by the farmer. That he will, tor partizan nounced by 1R. L. Borden. l‘ader oi the Oppot-ition, for his insulting re marks concerning members of a cer- tain religigus denominatign. This was follqwed a little later on bye; bitter attack on other ministers of the G05- pel, and thé Colonel was again “called" by members of his OWn par- ty. His last outburst was his athck on the use O.put;t'on o: influential farmers, Liberals and Conservathes from the grest West who interviewed Sir Wilfrid ‘Lauricr and asked for con- cessions which are enLodZed in th: reciprocity pact on which the peopl will shcrlly pass their verdict. Y0) c;n put “down ass. certainty thlt Col-:nel Hu;h:s will assume a Sphinx- like silence on th:se ma't rs. Makes The Hat: Beaunful RIDING T0 FALL l The Rocklan-d has been rushed along by Mr. Peter Grant, the coneractor. The new rooms are ready for the summer tourists, and Mr. Thompson is getting a good grist of them. The Bobcaygedn brass 'b’an-d goes to Fenelon Falls on August 9th to Mr. McNeil judged the oats in the Verul-am Field Crop competition last week, and Messrs. Chas. H. Thurston 1 Phos. Cosh, and Ross Kimble are the :three who scored the highest and are eligible to send a sheaf and two 'L-u- shels of their grain to the Toronto Nationai, which of course, they gur- pose doing. Mr. W. Hick’son returned from his judging tour in Leeds and Lanarii last Wedn'ers‘aay evening and reports fine crops in these counties. Large number of tourists are mare and along the lakss, especially Pigeon Lake. The fishing has been very good for the past week, 'since the high winds ceased, and many of the par- ties have made good dratchee of bass and lungs. I BOBCAYGEON 5 (Special to The Post) } The proclamation for Bobcay-geon’s ICiviv Holiday is out for the 16 inst. and the Bobcaygeon Band is to run a; excursion to Kirkfieâ€"ld Lift Lock by the Str. Stoney Lake. ger of his right hand almogt severed by a mower kn'fe falling On it while Mr. Dobson was shnrpeqing the knife. Dr. Graham dressed the finger, which is #6841113 up nifieln Finger Almos: 8mm! Gazettez-On Saturday Master Leon ard Millburn, uncphew of Mr. Wu: Dotson, of Verulam, had the first fin- Mr. Borden also complains because the census' was not talien at an earlier date, in order to hasten redistribution Now, the Census Act, chapter 68 qt the Revised Statutes, paseed in 1906, to passage of which Mr Borden was a consenting party, distinctly states [that “A Census of Canada shall be taken by the oflioe, under the direc- tion of the Minister, on a date in the month of June. in the year one thousand, nine hundred and eleven, to be fixed by the Governorâ€"in-Coun- cil and every tenth year thereafter.” Mr. Borden knew when he made his proposition in March last that the etgtus provided for the census to be taken iii-June, and he knew that the date had then teen fixed according to the statute, and could not be changed Liberals are agking what value can 1 be placed upon the words ota party leader who can make two such breaks in the course of one short manifesto. The to mth proclamation conVOkes the House of Commons to meet in Ottawa on Wednesday the 11th of Oc- tober, “then and there to have treaty and conference wit-h the great men of our Dominion,” The third proclamation calls the new Parliament under writs 'to bear date August 3 and to be returnable on Octo‘Ler 7. for My other reuon. vote down so beneficent a measure as reciprocity, The Sun, which has known him inti- mately for many years, cannot be- lieve. It Would be necessary to con clude that all the professions of both parties in its favor for more than 3i“? years were moonshine. and that the statesmen and politicians who made them were unable to guage pub- lic opinion or the public needs. It is more reasonable to believe that Mr. Borden is riding for a fall, in the be- lie! that, if he suffers a defeat now, there will be in a short time after the passage of a redistribution bill, another appeal to the people in wife) on other issues, he may have better fortune; better fortune at all events, than, if be permitted both reciprocity and redistribution now, and so 88-78 to the Liberals a long lease of p0wer. The second proclamation dissolves Parliament and discharges the Sena- tors and the members of the House of Commons from their meeting and at- tendance on the said seventh day of September: next. “Whereas we have thought fit, by and with the advice and consent or our PriVy Council for Canada, to pro- rogue the present Parliament of Can- oda, and whereas the adjournment of the Senate at the present time rend- ers impossible the announcement to both Houses, now know ye that we do for that end publish this our rOyal proclamation, and do [hereby proâ€" rOgue the said Parliament of Canada accordingly, to the asevent‘h day of September next.” In the course of his manifesto, Mr. R. L. Borden sta-bes- “The Gopern- ment have dissolved Parliament with- out prorogation.” The exam of the Canada Gazette is- sued Monday shows that the Leader of the Opppsition- was not aCQuainted with we facts of the case. There are {our proclamations. The first prorogues Parliament, in these words : ' R. L. BORDEN'S BLUNDER WEBSTER’S e? ‘ NEW =:-( (3 INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Mrs. Havanagh, of Detroit, is the guest, of her mother, Mrs. Chas. Luc- as, Emily. Mr. W. J. Henley, of Toronto, Mr. Herb Williams is home from Toronto on a visit. Mr. John Carter, wife and son, 01 Toronto, were in town Saturday. Mr. Verne Hicki-ngbottam is spend- ng a week with friends at Depot Harbor. The OnIy Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Ana-{M ... . g/ ‘ 1'; 'i 7533111 A‘ZTv ‘ ‘- “V \ J ‘ Mr. Frank Hutton has returned from a trip to the Canadian West. Mr. Bruce Palfrey is home from Montreal. Miss Carscadden left to day for Saskatoon. Sagk Rev. G. R. B. Adams, Winnipeg was a week-end visitor to town. Mr. Geo. Adams, of Toronto, was In town OVer Sunday. Miss B. Jackson is visiting friends in Branttord. Miss H. Greenan is visiting friend; in Peterboro and Keane. Miss Maud (Tott) Sylvester is vis- iting friends in Colborne. TH E MERRIAM WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dio- tionary in many years. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl- edge. An Encyclopedia in a 7 single book. - play at the Cataract Village’s Civic'fmm 3 “Sit to ROChesmr- Holiday. The boys no doubt will in-g Miss Idella Emmerson, of Port Per- tersperse the events with choice selec- ry' is Vigiting Mrs. C E Williams' C" tions 0? band music. ‘Camhridge street. The summer months are the hard-' est of the year on small childten. I Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysen- try and stomach troubles are ,.all common at this time and many a. precious He is snuffed out after only a few hours illness. Asa safeguard mothers should keep Baby’s Own Tab lets in the house. An occasloal dose of the 'I‘ablets. will I'revent stomach troubles, or if the troubles come on suddenly, will bring the little one through safely. Mrs. Larry De Grac3 . Mizonnette, N. B. wr tes: “Last sum- mer my baby! sufiered greatly from her stomach and bowels and nothing helped her unt‘l Ibegan giving her Baby Own’s Tablets. They regulated. her bowels, sweetened her stomach, and now she is a big, healthy, happy ch'ld. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by ma 1 at 23c. a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont, . The harvesting is well under way in this locality, and the crops are Very fair. SUMMER MONTHS PATAL “I was a complete invalid, _three years ago, with Stomach Trouble, Cons- tipation and Broken-down Nerves. I could not sleep at night and my Doctor did me very littie good. I was almost helpless untill I began to take “Fruit-a- tivcs” in small doses. I have taken about three dozen boxes in all and. Thank God, to-day I am we“ and strong â€"-able to do my own work-zmd have a babfififteen months old, and six children m a . I would not be without “Fruit-a-tives” in the house, and I can highly recom- mend them to anyone suffering as I did.” MRS. D. G L’INEY. Nervousness is not a. disease in itself, but is the result of some of the vital organs becoming diseased. In Mrs. Quincy's case, her nervous Condition was caused by a very weak staunch and torpid liver. ‘ ‘Fruit-a-tivcs’ ’strengthened her staunchâ€"helped digestionâ€"made the liver activeâ€"and cured Constipation. Then her nerves became well. MILFORD HAVEN, 02m. Aug. 20th, I910 HOPELESS Gflféfliflié’é @3359 BY “FRHYJ- A WES” If your nerves are “all unstrung" take “Fruit- a-tives". soc. a box, 6 for $2. 50, or trial size 25c. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa € Wwfi galvaâ€" BROKEN-5 PURELY PERSGNAL From Monday’s Pest. To mu. swam of Miss Pearl Staples, of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. J. Bush. Mr. V. Bruce Wilson. who has. spent the past ten months in the Canadian West, returned home to-day. Mr. D. A. MacKenzie, B.S.A., who with the other district representativ- es of the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture, was touring Northern 0n- tario, has returned home. Misses Agnes Black. Sewickley, Penn., and Edith Stockton, Phoebe Hawthorne, Gertrude Paton, and Eliâ€" neor Paton, Pittsburg, Penn., passed through town Saturday. Miss Lottie O'Boyle, B.A., of Ot- tagva, returned to that city toâ€"day at er spending hex; Vacation with her ‘ Mr. and Mrs: A. E. Stewart and family, of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. iStewart’s parents,‘Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Mills. ‘ ‘ Mrs. J. J. Turner left to-day for lYoungstown, Ohio, to attend the sil- - ver jubilee of Sister Alphonsus of the Ursuline community in that city. Miss Mamie Ellis, of Fenelon Falls, was a successful pupil in the recent entrance examinaions. Through an oversight she was not given credit for the total which she received on her papers. Miss Nornahell, Montreal, who has hem TisitEn-g Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mitchell, Williamvst” south, duringr the past week, left for Stratford to- day. London, who have been visiting at her parents, have returned home. home. Hester and Gertrude Wilson will .remain with their grandparents until school‘ opens. Miss W. Coutermarche, of Toronto was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. H J. Bush, Glen lg-st, fcr the hol' day. Miss Pearl Staples, of Tcrcnto, is Mr. H. D. Liscumb, wife and child- ren, Toronto, were in town Saturday and Sunday. 3 Mrs. J. C. Nornabeu and two chilâ€" dren, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L itchell, William-st, south. i Miss Flossie Maunder and Miss Ethel Graham are spending a two weeks’ vacation at J ackson 5 Point. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jamieson, Tor- 3ronto, spend: Sunday with Mrs John- .son, Sussex-st. Miss! Hufiman, of the dress making department of J. Sutclifie Sons, left to-day on a visit to her parents in Colebrook. The Misses Bernice and Kathleen Holmes are spending the holidays with relatives in Newburgh, Addingâ€" ton County, Mrs. A. C. Holmes and little daughter, Margaret and Phy11;s, are spending a couple of weeks at Tyr- rone with friends. Mr. Basie Cathro leaves this week for Regina. what: he wul reside in future. His many friends will wish him success in the Western city. Miss Florence M. Currie, assLstant Town Clerk, leaves to-morrow for Winnipeg, where she will spend her vacation v'vith‘fclatives. Mr. P, J. Costello, of Calgary, arâ€" rived in tOWn Saturday on a visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ccs- tello, Ops township. Mr. J. W. Wakely and his mother dc this morning for Vancouver where they will spend some time visiting elatiws and friends. Mr. ’I‘hcs. Kemp, oi Peterboro, has been engaged as 1:023 spinner at Horn Bros. Woollen Mills. Misses Gertmde and Eileen Hart~ nett, of Tcronto, spent Sunday with relativas in Lindsay. Miss" Mary Hurley, of Toronto, who has been visiting in Lindsay and vicinity, returned to that city to-dav- spent ‘over Sunday with his family in Lindsay. man’s, Melbourne-st, west M'ss Agnes Me 4.1111 n, of Rochcstar, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Joseph Meehan. 3 Mrs, Peter Murphy, of South Ops, left this morning on a visit to Youngstown and CleVeland, 0. Mr. H. F. Lander and Mrs. A. K. Lander, Toronto, were in town Satur; day afternoon. Messrs. L. Veitch and W H. Veitch. Toronto, (old Lindsay boys) are in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Graham, St. Thomas, paid Lindsay a Visit Satur- day. Misses Walker leave tomorrow for Edmonton where they will spend twO months visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertsan, of Kent-st” west, left to-day on a trip to Portland. Oregon. Miss Rosina Jarvis, of Toronto, is spending her Vacation the guest of Miss Elinor Parkin, South Ops. Misses Steele and Elsie Mark, Deâ€" troit, and Miss Maud Mark, Toronto, were in town Saturday afternoon. Miss Myrtle 012507;]. of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sweetâ€" man's, Melbourne-st, west Mr. John McIntyre and sdster Mag- g'ie spent the week end wi 11 Lindsay friends. Mrs. W. F. O'Boyle and Miss Lottie O'BOyle, B.A. returned on Saturday ‘. W. F. O’BOYIE, St. lacnenme, B.S.A. who ' district representativ- rio Department of Ag- touring Northern 0n- Wilson and two sons of to that city to-day. Maunder and Miss with " FIfiE ' The largg s. ,LINIJSAY. FR! MGNEY T0 LEAH AT ll 3: CGERENT BATES mcre 5:31 m Hopkins, Weeksw and faxc odoanit “3101‘ 5 l’bo Rose: ’5 l MCLAUGHLIN, PE BARRISTERS flth F. D um! “'0 '. mudcr. Offi“ Lin 1:: ’ 0m ‘ S.» an R. J. wclsug mm, X 6., u James A. flat Ll LIT’I DOCTOR a} “it"v‘flfiesa it n “3393- H C‘ Uni-Wits [i eed Merchant and!) ’9 mm Best Bind‘ r Twin; n. 3* RI :rea: car \Vindow SM wide adju‘t’bk sizes fro: styles, a It A good strong Fwwiz sizes, complete Wld‘ wail ....- 1 ‘AVQJVA bar In \' Am 5 Screen amished DRS. NEELANDS mm It. "838 LINE-SAY q- i: x rep: interest 1315“" -:n a I”: iii::zt our 0501' srewaar a 900m Bfl 15R] ST ER)” Ea he ‘3“: <3. w. Hm Dentist, L \‘Ulll’ a 3‘10» 55“! ‘ 1:50:55 in: «mm 80 UOIYOBB and .'es, as may )rruwezs, fl! W SO “Maw Y. [6311‘ EU. 31 Lit

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