Keep this in your mind and visit Little Britain on that date. Supper and concert in the evening. On Wednesday, August 23rd, Ciaic Hakim? will he obs.r':ed at Little Britgjn and the c'tizens of that enter prising bfzrg int-11d celeimu'ng it in right royal manner. One of the tea.- turcs of the day will be a grand baa:â€" ba‘ll tournament in which the cluts of the d.s:rict will pzrticipate. A purse 01$55.0C will be set aside for this purpose, to be divided as follows:--- 13‘. prize $25.00 2nd prize $15.00, 3rd. prize $10.30, 4:1» prize $5.00 :{iss Madge Begg, of Lindsay, is viz/Lang at Fcnelcn Falls. . There will 3350 be raczs for the ycung people and su'tahle $1 and 22. pins win be award.:d to the Winnn's It} cream, le1.on;de, “hate; and unawich will ‘re s:-ld at the Boaths. Admissién 1’) and 15 c. Don't {)5 get the dut', V.’e:‘r.esday, Au;. 1 1h. Good baseiall gamzs are being ar- ranged for and aspec'a! prize c135. will be pgid to the winning team. Epery e30 t is Le 11 made to bare 'a most successful day if weath :- is favorable. Mr. S. MacKen‘i9, of Toronto, 1‘; Visiting relatives her-r. Mr. G. Ryem-an spznt Sund‘y with his parcnts in Victoria Raid. '1he Ladies Aid szciety held a spac- ial meeting on 33011an emuin; and dici-dgd to hold a ngd n psrzy on he athletic grounds early next Wednes- dry eveninz Aug. 16th. Miss Lead, of Cannington, isï¬sit- mg her brother, Mr. F. Lead. rm par iculan 1.0m any \H I‘H'li ( 'llï¬r ?. . '2" FROM an smrzoms 3;. CANADA. NEST of CORNWALL ma OTTAWA 895 cm .53» RAYES mm 79!“?! SERVE 5 ON CERTAIN nuns Mr. and Mrs A. E. Saith spent Sun day with relatives in Grass H.11 and Hartley. A number tram here attended the cum-53cm frpm Coboconk to Beavar- ton last week and report a. fine time. Miss LI MacLzllend, of Toronto, is spacing afew d1ysat the :ome of Mrs. Lacey. Miss P. Lacey, of Toronta, is visit- in; with her pgrents here. Mrs. A. A. S:n;sâ€er is visvtlng in Tr- ntgn this week News From Miss Myrtle Stewart, of Canningâ€" tcn returned home-1:31: week after a pleasant week in town. Civic Honday was czlt village on Wednesday, .~ neville Beaverton and Glcnarm has:- 3 1 ball teams but owing to the our team but owlnb to the h an; ’ downfall of razn, which grated than, they were unable to pl 15'. The morning w;s beautiful, sun- shny and bright and et‘zry had; looked forward to enjOy the sports 0! the dsy. but the heavy min 3111 stun: which l:.stcd most of the aftrnxm and eVening spoiled the sport Between showers tea Was szrvzd on thy grounds by the ladies of the Pros bgterian Church and the booth was‘ well patronized. ‘ Messrs Lunan, â€the pipers†furâ€" n'shed good mus'cin the afternoon. and a few of tn»: young people en‘s;â€" eé in the good cld Scatch ran]. The dancing platform was crowdfl untikhe rain chased ï¬rm to flu tcwn hall whzrc th-y continu.d dan- cing, which broke up about mid-:11 ght Miss B. Staplss o! Woodvillc, spent the latter part of this wee}: with Mas. D. J. McEachern. m Mr. R. McKay, of ?he Sterling Branch Sheddon is spendinghs ho:- idays at his hcme here. Had the weathx been hvc vauld have been the Lest 3:) we have ever had here. Linds .3 1;. a. 4.. ‘éiURSiï¬i‘iS; :5 â€$35â€; Afa‘ï¬-S A 1 95A Slï¬is‘i, PASE â€8, m AND CERTAiN POENIS EN WESTERN CANADA ii‘iCLUDZIQ‘C. , GEIV‘TS CH GRM‘JD TRUNK PACIFIC RY. Viz“. CHICAGO, DULUTH AND FORT FRANCIS Victoria Road gWFénï¬ LABBREBS’ .- “.1 f: .1 Cf: r~ .. .00. From a]! st-u'i Tm'nulo [.0 54:1: mg the ï¬ne fz-x ing the {itxef From I'm-on of OriHEn :U‘. F: ‘0 m a. V a! D 55 uuad Tran}: V»‘._,‘::;:..or address A. E. DUFF. D.P.A.. Toronto 3lebr4trd in our August 2. ‘en hvotafle it best spJ‘t day . Lindsay, Lor- ‘Glenarm b233- 2.. EXHIBETIGN, TORONTO H WEEKLY MARKETS I. fu and . wns mm :1. of, but. untitcluding Main line n? a ’! mam-l. \‘iu Strattmd, I0 and maind- m: 'i‘nmntn [u ho: tb Buy and wmt m Out. unm! >tntiuns cast in Ontario; also ca¢t 51-min Jnurx'iun m Ontario. Lite; :urcntn, North Bay and west in Out. Tmmnu and east of Drilliu and H [U 1 ‘AL Mrs. Charles McArt-hur and family wish-es to thank their neighbors and friends for their kindness during the sickness gnd death of husband and fathzr, Mr. Charles MCArthur. Th's fall's cl 185 is nc-w being bi led and intend'ng pupils shank! enrol in:- mediatgly even though tiny c nnat be gin {or scan: week‘s. Tb’s school’s c3p;city is limited. call and s:e the schozl and letters and tcstimcnials from young men re- cently placed amt (Icing wen. Terms reasonable, circulars sent on application. Positions guaranteed. A. M. Paton, Principal. 2w {our years and way pupil who cam- pl'vted his‘ course is at work 2 nd do- ing well. ' We cannot begin to ï¬ll the orders we receive from the Various roads {or qu 11mm young mcn. This wgek, Thus. J. Heth‘r'nï¬on of Fenelon Falls and W. 131153. of Stur- geon Point, started w;th the Grand Trunk at $50. per nacnth. Mt. Wm. Pat-kin and Roy Fest-r, of Kirkiield, want t: tue Candi-an North=rn Rail- way and' Miss Laura Gr.:-y to the G. N. W. ofï¬ce in Tcrontc. The Sunday 81311001 and Ladlee’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church, M111- broak, mu run their annual excurâ€" sion to Victoria Park, Cobourrg. on Thursdjy, Au Just 17th. Special train Raves Lindsay at8 an... on return I it 1-5. ~.a":s ("obourg a1: 7. 30 p.111. This {gives time for a goud day in Co- lbourg. Fare from Lindsay and return 'only $1.05. This date is considered 1113 best day of Cohourg Horse Show. Time Table and Iares as 1011mm : Adult C1111 Time Fare dren L-inds 1y ............ 8.00 ra.m. $1.05 55m Rea-bore ............ 8.12 11.111. 105 55c Ome- ea Jct. ...8.20 3.111. 1.00 50c Franklin ............ 8.30 3.111. 85 45c Brunswick ......... 8.35 3.111. 85 45c ‘Bethany... ...8.40 3.111. 80 40c iMiklbrook Jct. ...9.02 a.m. so 30c iCarmcl ...9.13 mm 55 306 Garden H3111 ...9.25 3.111. 50 83c The National School of Railway Telegraphy and freight and P35831- gcr instructLon has to. n in existence ï¬attcnal Scioal of Raï¬way Telegraph Flour, Bast. Manitoba, $2.80. ROM-d oats, $2.60 Bran, $1.15. Fall wheat 80c. Spring wheat 75c. Goose wheat 75c. Buckwheat 15:: ,bus. Barley, 50c. Rye 59c. Oats 40c. Large peas. 90c. Small peas 75c. Hay, $12 to $13. Pea straw. 81.50 at mac. Eggs, 19c. Dairy buttsr; 22 to 25¢. Cmamery, butter, 27c. Cream, 15c and 30c. Lard 15 to 18 Honey, 23¢ a comb, 13c. alb. Cheese 15c. Hens :Sc 3‘! 15¢ 323 Live hogs, $7.35. Little Hogs $5. to $6. Pork,125 to 15. Beef Cattle, SC to 6. Sirloin steak. 13¢. per lb. Rib roast, 12c. to 15¢. per lb. Spare ribs 10c. 81b. Hides $7 to $8. Head cheese 12 Dried apples 10c Potatoes, new. $1.25 bus. C830URG EXCURSION 0N AUGUST 1L AUGUST 26th T0 SEPTEMBER 9 INCLUSIVE R1?! U RNING CARD 0F THANKS This! .xnt. Mrs. J. Cullis and Mrs. A. An- 1 00' derscn gave two excellent papers on return ' “The Great Value of Tact." Then ridered {Mrs Bert Jewell, and Miss Resale ? ShOW- ! Cullis favor-ad us with a duet, Miss ~ws: lJun-ie Cruess with a reading. The 111; 01111 mxbing then voted that a letter a! re dren sympathy be sent to suck members. .05 55:; Miss Barbara Dale, Mrsf C. White, .05 55c and Mrs. O. Weldon. They also sent .01) 50¢ a box of flowers to Mrs. Weldon, who 85 45c is in the hospibai in Toronto. After 85 45c which Miss ‘Rennie'Cullds of Toronto 80 40¢ faVOred us with severed selections ot 60 30c music, accompanied by Miss Bessig 65 30c Cums, which was much gnioyed by 50 83c all. The visitors who were ppesegt :were Mrs. Myres, Victoria 3039; Mrs .F. Cody, Toronto; Mrs, M Summepso, TS :of Tillsonburg, Miss Thos. o! Elsm. ’dalk, also Miss Rennie Cullis, of To- ; ronto. . ' Miss Ripley and lady friend, Who have been trerelling quite extensively in Europe, visited at Mr. Philip Rip- lay' recently. We regret to learn that Mr. Charles Moase is ill with typhoid fever, also “Gordon†the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Moase is very ill. Several people from here took in the excursicn to Niagara 131; week. Mrs. S. Frise, who was at Cot-alt Mrs. Robt. Friea just now. Mr. and Mrs. Bott, who hue been worling at Mr. Rich Moasz’s for a couple of months have gone to the west. (SpeCial to the Post. ) Mr. ano Mrs. Luther Smith Mrs. C Tait, Mr. Bert Eagle son gnd Mr Ad- dison Gillson, all of Toronto, visit: d friends here lately. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rear and daugh- ter have returned to their home in Roch: star after vis' ting Mrs. Boar’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Frise. lucrative Positions It is gens-rally conceded that owing to the chain of seven Colleges with which Peterboro Busin;ss College is connected, that is ,graduatss gzt the choice positions. Many young men, who graduated two yelrs ago are now receiving from $1000 to $3000 per yin, young women, from $60 to $110 per month. The Peterboro Business Col- lege is one of the largest schools in the Province and the demand for graduatzs is. many times its supply. Mr. Spottcn has solved the life prob- lem for thousands and placed them on the high road to success, and. he is ina better position than ever to do the same lor you. You will to wel. corned at any of his town or City schools. We understand that ha train- ed 1200 students last year.’ It would be Well fcr young people to get his ad vice. If you are not adapted for Commercial pursuit, ne will frankly tell you. i I The mail delivery is in working or- der now and everybody is pleased to see the mail man coming. We ï¬nd it a great conveni-Etice. gLinden M M i News Items Mr. Petey H-ancack spent Sunday visiting Bobcaygeon friends. waters i-n our neighborhood are, Miss Thomas, of El-msdale, at Mr J. Cullis', Miss Winnifred Bouncil, Bow- manville, at Mr. Alex. McKay’s and Mrs. Myers and sun, of Victoria Road at Mt. Hiram Rogers’ Mr. Albert Rhodes spent the week end with Oakh-ill friends. Mr. Ernest Hancock spent Sunday in Woodville the guest of his uncle, Mr. Sam. Hancock. Miss Leah White, of Belleville, is spending a couple of weeks w-i'th' her sister, Mrs. D. W. Terrill. We are all glad to see her back. On Monday Miss Ettie Coad, 01T0o ro‘nto, spent the day at her uncle’s. Mr. Chas. Cc-ad’s. Mr. Elmer Lin-mo and sister, Dott. of Oakwood, 3130 Mr. V-ietor Bailey, of Cambray, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Birchard's. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. E. Terrill entertained a number of triends to a musical treat. Mr. and Mrs. Will King and son, Henry, of Oakwood, spent Sunday It Mr. J. W. Hancock's. Miss M. Giles is visiting at Mr Rue sel Giles' this week. Miss A, S‘wetman and her mot-her oi Picpon, are vi-s3e'ng at Mr. R. Dale’s. Mr. Nelson Weldon spent the wegk em! in Toronto, visiting his mother, Mrs. O. Weldon. . Miss Zena Cruess is spending a. few weeks with Zion, Fenelon, friends. M45; Cleg MagElroy is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. McEachren of Wood- ville. Cm Wednesday Dr. and Mrs. Rich, of Lindsay: Miss Pearl Coed, and Florence King, Oakwood, visited vat Mr. J. C. Coad’s. (Special to Th3 Poet) On Thursday last the L5. c'(llles Initi- Lute mesLnr, “1.9 held at the home of Mrs. E. Rogu‘g. The mecti'ng was well attcndi-d, about thirty-ï¬ve being pre- FINGERBOARD GRASSHILL . Death ever lane a shining mark, this being the case of Duncan McMil- lan, who departed this life Wednesday 26th of July at the early age of 11 years and 6 months. He bore his long illness with patience and fortitude. A large funeral cortege fpllowul the re- mains to their last regtjpg place in smith’ a cemetery. The hemmed tarn- The Mt. Horst; basaball team intend playing the anetville nine an 'Aug- ust 18. Come one and all and cheer them on to victory.‘ The Rural Ma'l Delivery has not yet come but the boxes are in Toron- to for distribution. A small con;regati0n Was present at the services on Sunday fast but the sermon by Rev. Mr. Jones was both interesting and instructiVe. Mr. J. W. Deyell, B. A. has gone to Toronto, where be him acoepted a re- sponsible psoition, Miss Florence Tompkins, of Cam. bray, is visiting her cousins, Misses Gertrude ani Reta Derell. M‘ss Vera Skuce, of Lindsay, is visiting Mt. Horab friends. ~ Miss Vera Jackson has returnedI to her home at Nestleton after visiting her cousin, Miss L.D. Jackson. We extend htarty congratulations to Mr. Luther 8 Hart on having pas- sed the Departmental examinations for entrance into the faculties of ed- ucation at Toronto University or Queen’s University. Kingston. Hello Central! The Bell Telephone is about to make its‘ appearance in this district. Miss E. J ackson, of Lindsay, is vis- iting with h:r brother, Mr. W.R Jack Mr. Charlie Dgycll spent Sunday with Littord friends. Mr. W. R. Jac‘msn has lost a fine year-old colt. It was Valued at $200. Master Lorne Skuce. Robert Ma “aâ€" hay and Miss 'Jennie Skuce spent the 'Lek-Lnd with Mr. Blue. of Omemee. Mr. Harsld Skuce. ot Petertgro has returned ham-e after visiting Mr Hort ab friends, MOUNT HOREB (Spucxal to The Post) The small dash of rain proved! of some Lenzm. to the hte crops. Mrs. Chas. Knight enjoyed a visit with her parents at Pickering, re- cently. \ Miss Mary J. Deyell spent Sundiy with her aunt, Mrs. G. Caldwell. Miss Margaret Dunn h'as returned home ‘after spending a couple or months with h:r dunghter, Mrs. J. Rich, of Bobcaygecn. In last week’s issue of your papa. your correspond-mt noticed that be- fore going to press a couple of items had become mixed which resulted in the pu‘l’cati n of a mia‘n‘ia, th: correction of which should be the fol- lowing two items: ~ » On Saturday last, Mr. D. A. Ander- son and Mr. Peter Anderson visited their brother, Mr. Jas. Anderson, of Toronto. who is very ill at Pct_r'.;oro, having been taken suddenly with an attack of appendicitis while away on a holiday. 61 The hxvest is progressing nic;ly. and the hum of the threshing machine. may again be heard daily. Mrs. James H. Forrzst, of Torgnlo is spend'ng a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Lee. Miss Florence McGee, who has a position as stmographer in the Wil- liams Piano factory; Toronto, is spending a couple of weeka‘ at her home: Mrs. Henry Janas, of Toronto, was a guest of Mrs. Dounard’s. siater Mrs H. Steward. We hear the! farmers complaining considerably about the cats being so hard to cut on account of the second growth in them. They are 11130 very right in some surrounding local- ities, although the most of them in this vicinity are a fairly good sample BROWNS MARIPOSA Mgster Roy Moynes, of Islay, vi; itcd his causin Master Harold'Pr-Iuse th's week. Mr. Everson is wearing a broad smile. AbOy arriveé on Sunday lest. (SMGI £6 The Post) We thiuk Mr. Jae. Bpeai‘ holds the championship for this district as a potato producer. He informed your correspondent that he had dug sane tubers the oihar day that Weighed ovâ€" er a pound each. He ï¬nds a ready market for them this season in Lind~ say at $2.25 per bag. Miss Matti-e Thompson, who ha! had a position as nurse in Toronto since last February, is spending a month's holidgys at her home. Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Bverson. of Cam- bray spznt Sunday in the vicinity‘ Mr. Fred Forty spent Slmday and Monday at the home of Mr. F. An- dcrson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shield and Mrs F. Veals leit on the Homeseekers’ ex; cursion on Tuesday t9 visit friends in the West. Franklin; News Of Interest 0R RENT.â€"200 acres, south halt lots 7. 8 in the {ownship of Mariposa, 175 under cultivation, the remainder hard and soft wood. Large brick house heated hy-hot air system two bank barns with concrete floors, and‘,water system throughout. Two windmills, one on barn and other on well drive house; large hog pen; three good wells. Splendid water, ï¬rstâ€"class land, close to school and church. On- 1y ï¬rst-class tenant need apply. MRS NEIL McIN’I‘YRE Manilla, P. 0., Ont.â€"-â€"wt£. UCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LO’I‘.â€"The subscriber will ofler for sale by public ‘auction at Elias Bowes' oï¬ice, Cmbridmt. Lindsay. on Saturday, Aug. 19 atl o’clock. p.m., the house and lot being compos- ed of Lot 1, on George-st. and Lot 2 on Lindsay-st. Conditions made kn-OWn the day of salel MINNIE MAR SHALL.â€"w2deod3. 00M AND BOARD WITH MOD- ERN CONVENIENCES. â€"- For Collegiate students. 'Apply by letter to Box 533 Lindsay, or 87 Fair ave, -â€"w1. Mr. Jae, Corneil is in Little Brit- aintoday. - .. 1 {.‘l Few people are aware of the exact distinction between Dominion bills and' ordinary bank notes. The Domin ion Government issues the coin cur- rency, and the one. two and four del- lar bills. The banks are only p;rmit- ted to put out lives and multiples of fives. The Dominion notes are legal tender, the banks notes and checks are not, technically speaking. The Government also issues 350, $100, $500 and $1,000 bi'ls. The new dollar bill somewhat re- sembles the four-dollarhill of 1S02. though there is really no dmger of mistake. This latter note has a. p'c- ture of the lock at Sault St. Maria in the-centre. A curious fact about th's issue is that it was a correction of the 34.. issued in 1900, which car- Pics 3 picture of the Americgn Sault instead of the Canadian. as intended. The new Dominion one-dollar bill has reached Lindsay and several citizens have the new pieces of paper money. It has been issued at this particular moment to make sure the Governor-Gemral and his gracious 11- dy, who are completing the'r term did not miss the compliment int-nixed for them. Their portraits appear in the centre 0! the bill instead of the sides as was the cuse of the lzst one 111(1903 upon tne face of which Lord and La- dy Aberdeen appeared. The picture oi the log jam and the bold preeVy men an the river has teen superseded by large portraits. Mr. Perrin is operating the machinr for a timel Tb All are looking forward to apleas- ant time at the garden party and con cert at Mr. R. Nraylor’s, south of here on Thursday evening August 17th., NEW DOMINION $1 BILL HERE Mr. H. Eyrea has purchased the threshing outfit from Mr. P. Perrin and as Mr. Eyres is on the sick-list, BOARD AND ROOMS FARM FOR SALE All†JION SALE ver failing streé’m. Possession 151: of March, 1912, with privilege of ploughâ€" ing this fall For further aarticulars apply to J. J. TEEVIN, Box 244, Lindsayâ€"W3. 1T RENTâ€"300 acres of good land -. in the township' of Fenelon, lot 1, con. 7. The farm centains 260 acres of land ï¬t for cultivation, 91nd the balance good pasture. On the farmis a solid brick cottage roof house, mo- dern conveniences with hard and soft water, and‘three large barns, one a. feed barn, with windmill attached. and hog pen. The farm is situated on the Scugog River, 4 miles from Lindâ€" say. and has a good orchard and ne ' WARM FOR SALEâ€"95 acres good ‘ farm land, all cleared about one mile south west of Lindsay, build- ings in good repair. For full particuâ€" lars apply to Mrs. T. Merry, 27 St. Lawrence street L-inds;y.â€"w38at3. H] K en ti All business-strictly conï¬dential and charges low, as I do all my NOR SALEâ€"Lot 10, con; 11; forty 1 ï¬ve acres, adjoining Glenarm, being the property of the late Donald Spence. For further particulars ap- ply to Mrs. Donal-d Spence, Glenarm P. 0.-â€"wtf. m'n writings. Real Estate Bought, and Sol-.1 and Fire Insurance Eifocted. Mane; to Loan F. H. REED Me: 1’s (‘ utfou LCICL141.I1§ ------- 0.00.... 80)., <f00<l Vihle at 201:, not sssss EVERYTHING WE HAVE for SALE ï¬ne 5,“ E Men’s Nesfl'gpe SMsts. worth 751~,$L00 and $1 2.5 to clear at . . . . , .......... F‘Ian's Linen H.119, ward: 50c to cluszr nt- ..... B03’s' $4 09, 5 00, 6 {H and 7.0.n Thme- g pirce Suite. to dear an a; unoao-J ooooooo \192.’ .s Hrm' 112$2th and {El .2â€; to (3391}! at. . . .. B. J. GGUGï¬ Hats and Bab er daal- my {he BOY’S AND CHHLDREN’S Cufma PRICES HAMMERED 90%: ms SAME my WWW“ 09133391353385 DOINA “ ‘vVhere the Good Clothes Come From.†H and 7.0? Tln‘og- 2°95 -.-‘. av'- v-v And I hereby cail upon an voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected cording to law. Dated this 11th day of August, 1911 J. C. GILCHRIS’I‘, Clerk of \Voodville. ac- - ‘.-\.v I snuvl transmitted ordel vcrvd to the pal-sans mentioned in Section 3 of The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act. the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act. of all persmzs appmring by the last Revised Assessment. Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members. at the Legisla- tive Assembly and at Municipal Elec- tions; and that; the said list, was fixst posted up at my ofï¬ce at “’nodville. on the 11th day of August. 1911, and remains there for ipspeztion. A__‘rn I Inninlpatlty of the vulage of Wood- vmo, County of Victoria. w2. TRAYED.â€"Ca,me into premises of the subscriber, on or about the 10th day of June, a heifer. The owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses and take her away. J AS. MURRAY, Lot 1, con. 5, Mal-mesa.â€" Sic, and Standard at ;-7é_rc. FLUREY, Oak Front Grocery. The best twine is always the cheap- est. We are selling McCormick’s best grade. pure Manflla twine, 650 ft, at Notice is‘herqby given. that I have our stack move. will move the goods Clean cut on deem, fresh goo-:35 ADVERTISE IN THE POST VOTEBS’ lISTS, 1911 f‘f‘i’.§"."."‘.’ 49¢ No job lots here, jug Twme ! f wine ! Men’s $7 00, 8.00, 9.00 and 10.00 Suits to clear at . .. Men’s $10.00, 12.00 a n d 13.00 Suits, to clear at . . . . STRAYED carry overs" here, if {Honour LI)! 9 t1; 0 3‘ “ m ks, vqualto te 0f the :unmml 1 f I will be for ioited if mg (iodine went . when called upon t 1 complete the word the tender he not a will be returned. Dt partment of Pu‘flic Ottawa. J uly 2S. 1‘ Newspagm-s “'13! no: a, Vertisenn-nt if ths' d authority from the lelplcte the war; ccmm the tender he not accept“ will be returned. The Department does m to accept the iowesc or an " A J..â€" by an accep bank, pnya tendels will ! made on the and signed ‘ tut-es, stating tacos hf re txrms‘, the act of the occup deuce of with be given. was“ FEM? thg host. SEALED 'l ENDEBS addresscdm ludersignm, and ondnmed "T5 for Public Budding. txbn‘dga 0 will be I'PCt’iVed at this omen W p.m. on Monday. August 21. 19“. the erection of a Public ' Uxbridge. . _ _‘ Plans. spemï¬muinns a contract can be seen a tender obtained at Ibis on applimrion tn Mr. 1‘! ings, clerk of works, post Yonge street, f1’<uz:0t_1tq._' LE?ۤS§Y and Muriel Train. of Oakwood. ‘53 hoiidaying in town, the M 1 Miss Flora Gillie, Elgin-st. ! Misses Elsie Rogers, ot‘EBaina Prsigned, and ondnm ’uhlic Budding. Csbri be received at this ol on Monday. August! erect ion of a Public ridge. ems, specxï¬mtions an tact can be seen all er obtained at this D --.1:-...:,... 0.. u. Hm will no: Mummidered W a the printed forms 53W nod with their my! SI! rating their occup ‘ .f residence. 1'3 thatâ€: u pat rtgnent (1065 â€0‘ ‘e zowest or am; By O‘deï¬nnm mnnvand member 0f at 0r .eat ks postal sum Imam. Gain â€1 L'xhridge .. , fl seen aid fomi‘ 1t this Deplflfla: Mr. Thos. A“ ï¬g Works mature. I 31f paces BLil‘imS ‘