111.3" mu why. A rnouit yua infer: k u: always :1 now] zeil mu “21h al! ( d.~c-Wery (1:21 :-i may ail and I sen} )Lu 1th f-r pu cum-rs may be L‘cRs- d as \ Ylulia \Cl)‘ {NJ .8 .‘JON given Up by Family 712231310 terrify that :17 5|. E of the ksenen suf‘fuing i: n )' viuctx-r Hit. -â€" of 8:31: C: Eric! of â€1': i':lt~<ti:.cs. wmk {hr an oycration, de ev'tab‘e; arr! ind:ed was ' {Uf‘Jard to as a. rc'ease {I pron and bigkness throng pas irg. llowcver, huvixg been 311. R. I). Evan‘- Ind 2 p} canCcr, we myth the phy: had Mr. buns Cumc and : in H; own way. The 2n and for four days the pin: as steady as l could bear i 54': thatI am lodav alive ‘This cure w s nude when MN. 1“: Id." [Sud i . Brandon. The ï¬rst busï¬ntss which engaged the attention of the committee was Mud Lake Narrows Bridge. This bridge is in the Township of Garden, and twenty-ï¬ve per cent of the cost of the bridge is being borne by Ontario County. At a meeting of the joint committees of Ontario and Victoria counties held some time ago, the monbers of the Ontario Commit-tee introduce-d a- resolution to the eï¬ect am the contract for the Mud Lake Narrows Bridge be given to the Onâ€" tario Bridge Co. for a bridge having 3 single 120 foot span. The Vietoria County Council does not think such a, large bridge is required, but are in [ever of a bridge with a shorter span the approaches to the bridge beiné ï¬lled in with stone and gravel. The Ontario Bridge Co. claim to haves contract for the building of the bridge tecause the Ontario county committee wmk {n.l’ an opcration, death secued ir.- cx-‘tab'e; 3rd ind-49d was eagerty looked forward to as a rc-‘ease from the tenible pain and sickness through which I was appcavance. A m wt Wondesfal thing to be crrad uf bah intern-:2 and czumal tautâ€"x a! the an: time There is no! the slightest sign of the cancer returning. Pwpéc “ho prnfcssed to krow to†me the :a-c‘cr wuuld return in two or three years, but they an.- wrong. "at it is huge! than that new. I :houid have written to ya: befom hut always ncgiectc'd it, but nowl 225! mu uizh all con jcnte, you! A _ A ' . '- ' Given Up by family Physician: q A special mceting cf the County Council was held yesterday afternoon in the Council Chamber at the Court. House. The business was in connec- l tion with bridges. After receiving the ‘ various reports council adjourned and the Roads and Bridges committee met in the Judge's Chambers. Moore Park, Mam, Feb. :3, 1910 R. D. Evans, Esq. Dear Sirâ€"35hr: callina an can t Most Remarkable Cure READ ST! READ IT! CGUNTY COENCEE HELD SPEUAI SESSION DEALT WEE MUD LAKE NARROWS BRIDGE wet, havivg been informed that D. Evans had a plaster that tured we (uith the physician's Consent) Evans Come and appiy the Izlilskr wn “3y. The growth was hr 9. bar days the pinster was app‘icd Send this to same. stiffenâ€. to cev!i"y that nest snarling ' (DI. â€" of B: the intestiz.e ' There is no economy in buying ‘ cheapo Granulated suga r to: I reserving. You may save a few cents on the actual cost of the saga r you useâ€"but you mz-cy also wast: several dollaxsb b) spoiling the press: yes. '10 be genuinely economical, use .EVANS, BRANDON, SMANLT'HBA WK; SJ: men-1y hcp~ z!- fld [905!) the tor :th Iunthsnme d i u s'ncnivy. I P FLETCH! DeBu', Cal. (' BRANBQN, MANHTOBA, CANADA S A) ."j 0 N e’\' [m (1:5 have smre "It?! man Saving Cenis And Was‘ii § 393313 E aner seven i! was dcc andnn) :ha 1 tr." 2:5 oi career, 11113215 :3 so '51! W we :. ‘ QASEF 1! U) lied by (‘0 D\ Ih Ariadne:- Sun-{ling Cure Effected by the Evans Cancer Cure-Strong Testi- mony from Rapid City. AM R. I). Evans received Ihc fulhwing 1- var Lem Rapid City, undw date Pl. March :7, 1905. The Mun .~peaks for itsn If R pm 01):, March 17, ’05 Ii 1‘ I" 1 randow Discovcrer of lh: I The Home of the Evans WIN the worid is saying about it : Engineer Smith prtssntzd report re the Coboconk bridge. It is in a veto unsatisfactory condition, according to th: Engineer's report, and Coun- c.1 at this morning's session decided to visit Coboconk and inspect the bridge to decide Wiether or not it' should be built "i Thu following amendment was put ani lest: "Th-at the Council assume x'espcnsibilito in connection with the letting of the contract to the Ontar- it Bridge Co. s and :11 At the meeting oesterdao afternoon the following resolution was passed: “That all proceedings in connection with the, bullding'of the Mud Lake Narrows Bridge be stopped till the engineer can make a more thorough (namination and report as to the ac- tual requirement for the passage of wager, and also report as to the span of brldge necessaro for the conserva- tion of all interests involved." introduced a resolution to that eï¬ect at the joint committee meeting. There was a majority in faVOwof the contract being given to the Ontario Bridge 00.. simply because the On- tario County Committee outnumber- ed the Victoria County committee. Prompt and Effective; Lem the Brand¢n S To†them tvsero is a cure: for (Lancer JOSEPH UALLOWAV. URE . D. EVANS c EVANS CANCER CURE fry eratrfuliy yours; . Man. , Canada Ra; iJ City RO. Ltuzday 'limes.) ‘ " ' , ‘7 -.- .lxt XI:.I“' No one con p0 slbly get lower thm my “if: was am] he, at wg watuhvd {or (1.;ys and hours expectiv g 'he la. 1. Tuday my wife is pOSiliVel)’ Cumd; that is the words !he ductur used as be has kCPt cnming examining hcr. He says that ,eI-thel divine ixmrferenca ur the p'aSNYS Fcurci her. and he dnnl’ doubt but “ha! it Mus the piastcrs. My wife is the talk Of lhc to“ n. being Loked upon as a wrndcr. I am lh0:oughiy coming-.1 the Play-3’5 cuzcd her. I ran give you date, and ad~ dress of nurse and duct»: s‘guld ynu wish it. A< full drtaxls would ï¬ll a small b 03:» am- 0 hr in ‘ommï¬ow I w.†be pleased to futwa-d shuuld you wi‘h it. I am yums t:uiy, j.~\.\1ES PARFITTO [02 Numb Chuham Sh, Victmia, B C., Canada. Dcar Sirâ€"In rcply to )u ms of the 15th irs‘.. .equesting trslimuny of my wife. My Mic was Operated on in Si. joseph’s h spiral. Victoria, B. C. five doctors be- i g present at the operation. The dock-rs having rpencd her found her stomarh a Im1.~so! numerous growth and could do nothing for her. lining quertioned them why they did to! try to cut i! out, they said they wnuld hwc taken her me immediately; they telling me about how long she won“ last. Having heard of your remedy I got her home as quickly as po~sible, and as soon as pos‘ib'e :tartcd apt hing tn: plaster on her head. \, , . . , ,V rm. _--..-...5 w ‘dircnicns and in thzrec or fun! days it JrOppc‘d iig’it out clean aim in a lcw days was healed up, which na'ura'ly gives me greitfaidx in it now. and Would advise very puson “Mil cancer t, 05? your cure, s I mould do all I cou'd m ge; free {tom anec-r. You may use this letter any way yuu like and I will answcv any qnes ions pu: to me on this subject as ix is all true. Wishing )‘t u success and thinking yuu for uuur novice. it b gm to l‘mea I c pTi d snh'e; on my Zip. Dear Sirâ€".~\~ it is alum one year and ten monlhs since I u ed )cur car an cure and no sign 0" x-‘s ntuzn, l lhought it anh- r'ght that I shou'd It! you knew. Well. ‘as I Ind a so e on my Ii,» 11;: Some time I consulted a «'u m and he: said it “as a wax! and pul ed it out. In]! it nu-sr 1:0! better, itu' wane for about seve‘l or eight years until about two years ago when it b gm to 1': very sore and u infut at ï¬mea I cumurted other dactors and ap- p‘i d snh'e; till I wax sick pIasltring sluï¬' On my lip. Being afraid iv was cancu’ went to Build ,n. Yuu adxiscrl m: to ’usc uur came: cure; Ln: with littie faith in it I s-;n' {or it and app'ird acc nding to _ , J - II - - ‘ HUTâ€"4 .nf--- The Evans ista 511'. R. D. Hume A resolution was unanimously pas- sed asking the Government to induce Government Inspection of Banks and also asking the Government to com- pel the Banks to either guarantee all depos;ts, or make all the Banks deposit with. them an amount equal to a certain per centage of their capl- tal to comer losses of all depositors and that this fund should be aVai'able to meet the logs’is sustained by the depositors of the Farmers’ Bank. It was felt by the meeting that the defunct institution should never have been permitted to commence business and a Committee was appointed con- ‘sisting of two memtets from each pIaCe, where the bank had formerly carried on business, to interview the Government and the Leader of the Opposition to the Dominion Parlia' m-ent, to see if some measure of re- lief could not he undertaken by the Government whereby . the depositors would be protected. Mr. I. E. Weldog was appointed Se- cretary of the Committee and asked to communicate with depositors of% the Farmers’ Bank in other localities 3 throughout the country. Mr. John C. Ash‘more, of Emily Township. 3 large depositor, occupied the chair, and addresses were made by him, Messrs. I. E Weldon, Lind- say, Robt. J. Mitchell, 0! Verul-am, and F. F. Gordon, 0! Emily.- Many harrowing tales were told of losses suffered by depositors in con- nection with the unfortIJnate failure, In one case an aged couple had a sale of theLr stock and farm and had deposited the entire proceeds in the Farmers’ Bank shortly before its f-ail- ure. This unfortunate couple now I‘m-d themseIVcs practically. pennflesg in their old age, their entire savings, having been Wiped out; Divine Interferance A mootinrg of those depositors of the d_fulnct Farmers’ Bank residing at Lindsay and in the surrounding country pomts like Dunsford, Kin- mount, Nest‘leton, Janetville, Beth- any and Pontypool, was held at the Town Hall. Lindéay, to-day. The Comm got Mr. T McConfleii' i yacht and ieft this mornim for 00h- obonk, where they Will .inspect the bridge. ' Meeting of Emma-3’ Bank Yi - C’ 0 ria I “Y ours vyer txuly .D. IIAUILTON, fl..- '--, Manitoba, County of Russell vans. Baandon Vi ta, Write to Cancer Cure Mun , May 23 19:0. :pt. 21, 1903. the Imperial Conï¬erence. It is up to that gentleman to explain when and now he received the appointment. The vanity of some people is astonishing, Before sailing for England to wit- ness the Coronation ceremonies, Col. Hughcs stated that he was going ov- er to act as “military adviser†to The Post is always pleased to r..- co_rd evidences of growth and expan- sion on the part of our business firms and in undertaking the important al- terations referred to,' the firm cf J. Sutciifle and Sons, have displayed commendable enterprise and have al~ 89 demonstrated that they have faith in the future growth and prosperity of Lindsay. The alterations are expected to be completed about September lst , and the change made wfll. We {6-1 sure, be appreciated by the hundnda of cus- tomers of this modern and up-to-date business house. The section already occupied as thz millinery department willhe parti- tioned 06. One department will s.rve as a. workroam while the other has generously been giVen by the firm to the Women's Institutes of the County as a rest room. This will he furnish- ed with fancy: chairs, couches etc., and will make an ideal room for this ‘ purpose. In this new apartment )will he found the millinery section immediately joining the mantle departm: at and with a. door lead 115; to the carpet de- ment OVer William-3t. annex. i It is only a short tiine ago. that the ï¬rm, owing to the rapid expan- :sion of their business. found it nec- essary to annex more space and as a result the large addition fronting on Wi.liam-st. was taktn in. How ever, the popularity of the firm has iocreasad to such an extent as to n3.â€" c:ssitate i:.=creas;d stack and this n.» turally caused congestion on an al- ready large floor area. To overcome these conditions, the form decided t) i expand, and as arcsult anew story will be added in the rear of the Kent- st. section of the store. ant imp'rovements and alterations to the store of J. W. Sutclifle, and when completed 1,700 feet of floor w;ll be added: to this splendid business house. A few days ago Contractor M.. H. McGeoogh eta-tied work- on import J. Sutclitfe is Branching Out the work of the opposing batteries being superb. Cannington won out by the score of 10â€"6. Kesllck ’ and Dixon was the battery for Canning- ton and Williamson and R. Henley served in like capacity for the Cat- aract Village team. Thejecond game. between Fe-nelon Falls and Canning‘ton, was the best struggle ever witnessed in the village. Both teams dished up gilt-edged ball, At 9.30 in. t-he morning acquatic ‘sporbs were held on the canal, the ‘fliï¬ergnt events being keenly contest- ed. The baseball tournament was the feature I of the days' celebration. Cannington and Bobcaygeon came together for the ï¬rst game, the form- er winning out quite handily. At the Agricultural Grounds e splendid programme of athletic ev- ents, including a baseball tourna- ment and horse races, attracted large crowd. 8 Yesterday was Fenelon Falls ON: Holiday, and the citizens o! the vilâ€" l‘a-gie ï¬vttingly observed the occasion by holding a ï¬eld day of sports. The village was en fete for the oc- casion, and the d-ay’s programme was carried out without a. hitch. SELF APPOINTED 55MB†have proved for over half a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. V, For regulating! the bowels, invigorating Hie kidneyg ’and fï¬rï¬ns up the lazy liver Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills 25¢. a box everywhere. 27 or to the body. A full report of the service will be found in tha journal of proceedings. the past few months, namelyâ€"M. D. Dawson, Grand Scribe; Ed. Beltz, Grand Treasurer of the Grand En- campment,†and J. B. King, Grand Secretary 01 the Grand Lodge. who for nearly half a century ï¬lled that omce with credit to himself and hon- Notice of motion was given to ichange the ï¬rst day of meeting of the Grand' Lodge from Wednesday to Thursday, ‘ to give the represema- tives to Grand Lodge and Grand En- campment an opportunity to attend both sessions. On Thursday morning one hour was set apart for a service in loving mem- ory of the brethren who, after a life 01 service, were called away during ‘ The following ofï¬cers were installed In appreciation of the good work! done by the Patriarchs Militant:I branch an appropriation of $500 was.I made to assist them in their work. ! A committee was appointed to act during recess in the matter of revis~ ion of the constitution of subordin- ates. Some changes which were asked for in the districts, were made in accordance therewith. The Home Com mittee report a year of excellent proâ€" ‘,gress and clearly show that the change in location was in the best in- ‘ terests of the Home. Some matters» I of interest therewith to all mam: #815 I are the opening of the grounds to I all members of the Order, arecomâ€" { mendation that full information as to admission fees, rules, etc., be made in each lodge, that a hospital ward be apened as soon as possible. The reports of the ofï¬cers were pre- ~muted and adopted. The report of the Finance Committee showed a strong growth, and that the Order in Ontario was never in better condi- tion. Sixteen lodges were instituted, durlng the year, and at the end of June 30 there were 383 lodges, having a membership of 46, 000. The most } important legislation was changes to clause 100 Grand Lodge. constitution, which placed the matter of represen- tatives on district committees in the hands of themselves with certain lim- itations, in clauses 23-48 and 88, making the meaning of these clauses more clear. Niagara Falls, Aug. 10.-â€"The Grand Lodge of Ontario, I.0.0.F., opened its ï¬fty-seventh annual sesâ€" sion in Buckley’s Hall this morning. All the ofï¬cers and over 600 repreSen- tatives were present. Mayor 0. E. Dores, on behalf of the Council and citizens, warmly welcomed the body to tha city, and as a mark of his con tidence, granted them its freedOm. The Company will absorb the Otta- wa River Navigation Company, its steamers and other properties, the Carleton and Grenville Railway, the Ottawa Valley Railway, the Ste. Ag-athe branch and Central Counties GREAT GROWTH SHOWN IN I. O. O. F , GRAND LODGE MET AT NIAGARA FALLS The main l'ne or the Central Rail- way will h1ve a mileale 01544 miles Midland to Montreal. The company will also build extensions to Toronto and to Port Stanley on Lake Ed: and other extensions, which will tring the total mileage to 6:0. RaiIWay Company of Canada. has e;- tercd into a Contract with Messrs C. J. Wills and Sons, of London, Eng- land for the construction ofa rail- 'way line from Midland through 01111121 ?to Montreal which a to [e completed by December 3lst., 1913. The esotion between Montreal and Ottawa is to be completed by November first next. The contract provides that the 6 line shall be built to a high standard with son) steel rails and very low gradients. Hatred drove away and as he had not returned late in the afternoon, Mr. McGahey became suspiCioUs. Ab- out 6 o'clock he notified Chief Chil- ton of his fears and that ofï¬cer DI‘O- ceeded to get busy by notifying the “LEVER ARREST 0F ALLEGED HORSE TREE†cor AWAY WITH cm McGAHEY’S 0mm i l 1 Thursday morning about 9.30 ; o’clock a stranger, who has given his rname as Ai'bert Harrod. of Ottawa, walked xnto Mr. Geo. McGahey’s liv- ery stable and asked for a saddle horse He was attired .in an automobile coat and had on a pair of auto goggles. Harrod claimed that his ca? had brok en down about four miles out and said he only wanted a horse for a few hours Mn, McGahey informed the stranger that he could not supply him with a saddle horse and the man hired a bay1 horse and red geared buggy. The out- fit is Valued at $400. WILL CENTRAL RAILWAY FROM ORILLIA RUN THROUGH LINDSAY TO MONTREAL? Orillia News Letterzâ€"The Central wt- u»- u.- {‘36 dur‘ , Orillia, Aug. 7.â€"(Special)~Sidney '35. mg the n'vne- e r- 1d 11 f G ' nelyâ€"M. D. x y a 0 so 0 ea. Stanton Ed. Beltz, was drowned in Lake Simcoe on Sat- urda afternoon. He was ' ‘ - rand 1311- Y m bathnng g Grand with companions, and got beyond his odge' who depth with a log. The funeral took ï¬lled that place here this afternoon. ‘11.†Inc Sui-‘- ‘ S. . £.o.0.1«‘., a1 sea-9G!-a lowing. c0“ represen- ’ Int 0. E. Wm 1011 and tire] e body 15:? The ï¬nal game was between Sund- ‘ erland and Toronto Civil Service, ev- ery inch of the way being closely Icontested. The ï¬nal score was 4â€".3 in l-‘Iavor of the Sunderland team. Hick- l'ey, Toronto, pitched for Sunderl'and ; ‘ Chaï¬dler, of Eton’s, Toronto, was on ltljre line-up of the winning team. ' Dick Butler chiated as umpiee sat- ! istactorily. DROWNED IN uni-A5 a xcn'LLu‘e OI t-ne game I The next game was between Sunder {land and Manilla, resulting in a win [for Sunderland by the score of 6â€"1. [Lott Uxbridge, play-ed a good game ,for the losers. The ï¬rst game was between San- nington and Toronto Civil Seevice. Three extra inningswhad to be played to decide the winner, the ï¬nal score being 8â€"4 in favor of the Toronto Civil Service team. In ehis game, Kesljck did good work, his pitching being a feature of the game. The next game was between Gum?" entered in the Cc nament was won prize being $25. The baseball tournament at Canâ€" nington yesterday Qvas a decided success. Teams from Cannington, To- ronto, Manllla, and Sunderland were Children Cry ran FLETCHER’S > A s T D R l A BALL TOURNEY AT CANNINGTON If the above information is correct further particulars in regard to the proposed undertaking will be awaited with interest by our citizé’ï¬s. The line to Montreal from Orillia would para- llel both the G.T.R. and CPR, and would pass through this county, and atur-ally touch Lindsay. Does it mean another railway for this town? The line will run through and open up new territory to the north of the present C.P.R. line. The Cempany is issuing in England first mortgage, five per cent bonds to the extent of one million pounds to carry forward the wor'v. A charter has hem granteh the Com- pany and Parliament has already vot- ed the following subsides for seciions of the line 38 miles on the aectioo he- tw-een Hawkesbury and Montreal, 35 miles between Hawkesbury1 and Otta- wa, and 15 miles on the Ste. Agatha branch the full subsidy of $6,409, a mile, amounting to $563,290. Railway. 3 police of 'several towns in the district :to keep alook-out for H-arrod. The vpolice of Peterboro were also notified and about ten minutes after the reâ€" ceipt of the message, Detective New- ‘hall nabbed Hat-rad on Hunter street quite close to the police station. Chief Chilton believes that Hat-rod is one of a gang of norse thieves who are operating throughout the province The prisoner, who is twenty years of-age, made a statement to Chief Chilton which has not been divulged. It is understood he triad to d'spose of the 1iVery outfit while passing through (rmemee. Chief Chilton Was notified of thy arrest and went to Peterboro on the 8.15 twin. He brought Hat-rod U Lindsay this morning and he was reâ€" manded until Friday next. the competition. The tour- ‘v vuuucx, rue 11118.1 score :1 favor of the Toronto 2 team. In ehis game, good work, his pitching LAKE SIMCOE by Sunderland the “may anm Branches in GENERAL 5 The Orders and full information regarding :12; on application at the Bank. In the event of loss cfa Home} Order t‘r L a satisfactory yguarantee, make arrangeme ..:s 1‘ r; the lost Order. The Money_ Orders of The Canadian Batik convenient and economical method of They are payable without charge at every Canada (except in the Yukon Territory) and the United States. 3~~.vy. I’LYHHU L.. LINDSAY I. K. HEEL)? ,IANEIVM Oflice Hours : 10 to 3 o’clock Saturdays 10 to 1 do CAPITAL - $10,000,066 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMRIEERCE TOPENED 1858 Lindsay Branch 1“ F Dunsford " †‘ Little Britain Branch . E, Nestleton Station Branci THE STAF‘JDA EBAM MM 873 OF CANADA Toronto, July 1911}, 19:1. of THE HUM E 3.418713 (BEVCARA. ziï¬.‘ if; for the three months ending 31¢: .‘E'Luv same will be payableat its Bad 02:27: 3 and after Friday, I_st Septembar max: _,, ..---- . “5-5:, 1:; ‘JQ le‘LX I'xf The Transfer Books v.1“ be 3Ist mgust, both days metusive Notice is hereby given that SIX Per Cent per annum umm a... -~..- undlfldedï¬végï¬t 8 . HOLMES, Manager 1.32553)! Bram Capital Paid up 31“.; Branches 53:- o :2: Can: Pcffcrla‘w. Bra-- ._ Savings Bank Deparmaeni 2:: <2. Available for Manufacturing and C Wholesale and Retail Merchant: Corporations, farmers and private ind}; 9.» 33:20 Eprxmm. o.<.o‘.‘fl1_.ro: 0.0.. brmx>20mm £50. mmzmmpr .31 ) ..... Y mess in every Province of the Domini?“ IAL BANKING BusmEss TRANSAGTED o...o-.. TH: VEC'I man... 1854 EA,“ QUARTERLY DEWDE’JE w 1873 OF CANADA A Campiete Bankiag Sm; MONEY ORDERS :lock ‘oococuoo-u mo..- « CflUnwwn-mmoï¬. dflï¬h NHL any. “flaunwouLhnufln. _ Manag er By Order of the BARK 0f MOMMA! non the P: F CANAD. LIN; Closed JA MES MAE; ESTABLISHED 1817 )I rum 502 rd hem mav be china E06 ‘00,“, 12,660. 089 1.070.735 General Manager VIU mercia O m meCC I a chartered but e principal this J A =9 L‘Iiï¬ital Sm 15 be en declared ’» '9â€, and the md Branches on 1- $8.0m! nn my, Pnzsxn ECG Lonrwup! theamcum 17111 to It 2.1352 ’8' ï¬g: