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Lindsay Post (1907), 18 Aug 1911, p. 8

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JAMES B. 3%} 33%} HgfikAi EAA‘QDEQ; "7,, ”a Continued from page ' SENATOR McHUGI-i wss the mxt speaker. He co ed Mr. Begg on receiving 21 0! th unanimous nominatit ticn and congratulatzd the: Victoria and Haliburton on n such an able candid pcsterous. The sat! West win sac): 131‘ their produca. Let natural channels. This :11: pacpla-Li‘oerais am s‘ike. Such a majority 2,0119 political party ration. Bogs and hers the Senator as exampk tr prices that could be the other side in 9.11 hi pn-iucts. S «n .0 the popular candidate fer the Ontar- io Legislature, received enthusi;s ic appL-use when he rose to sp:a‘<. Tile steaksr said we did n3: know the day ct the hour the bye-election would be brought on. “I dart want the n)ise and (lust of the great. battle £31: 1; (:2, to so cloud your visicn th t you v.11] not see the little; affair th t Dr. ‘i'r-coman aniI 32'ng “3111 in: 03 in West Tic-tofu." The prestnt Government at Tcronto are getting to feel that they rzzie the people, and not the peop'.e them. You have a, grand issue in rec?pr:c‘â€" ty and there is no doubt 1’.th Sir Wil- rid Laurier will go back to Ottawa with bigger following than eVer. Any man shauld have your loyal support who leaves hfs business in the inter- ests cf the country. But don’t forget West Victoria. Do 30-: forget Victoria. Don't be so con- fident as to get careless. From start to finish do what you can to make mv calling and election sure. The pre Sent :OVernment point with pride to the large revenue, but you must no! forget that these sources of revenue were given to them by the last gov- ernment. {applause} They have done nothing to turn the tide of immigra- ti:-n into Northern Ontario. JOHN AUSTIN. lumbermsz at Hal-ibnrtoni said it ha been his impression for some years; that evsrrythinz is going the farmers’i way. Whm the sub‘ject cf Reciprociâ€"i 1y L'th the United States in natural ; g-coducis was mentioned, he thought! the b:st thing he could do was to! get a farm which he did do, and now 1 has some natural products of his own ‘ The duty will be taken off raw lumber. The Americans have been an- xious to keep the manufactur of raw lumber in their own country. We have discovered, during the last few 322.39 that it pays to plane our own lumber. The lumbermefn will be able to get. their products to the market on the other side much cheaper if r: iprccit; passes. I hope to live to see chsorla and Haliburban represen ted by a loyal supporter of Sir Wil- x‘r;d and hope to see it continue. THUS. STEWART. it is just as necessary tobe well crganzzed as it is to have a good can~ (tidate or a great issue. Never be sa- tisfied until the last vote is polled at five o’clock September ‘twenty first. The Opposition would not let THE J. 51.635342 USEC (30., LIMITED 45 WILLIAM ST” LNDEAY WM. BENNETT, Manager 5.. 0., Use 3 by SECMB :36 p. :n' And many 01!: he Consarva The settle's ; on receiving nominaticn 0! tbs ngratulatzd the r.‘ .d Haliburton on 9: candidate. Re , There is cnly an ’Mfer 113. The at a n '\ v [1 $33.51": {3.33 i‘finOSCE‘ Let trade :1 )w in its :18. This i§ an issue for ataxia and Coma-:ative majority wi I is given party sin-23 Unis-dar- ad hers-,3 W‘J‘: cited by Iexsm‘pks o! the higii- could be obtintd 0': in all kinds of natural iiTZE :cgiving the n of the commu- d the riding of ,tives a. congratulat on haci'xg Recxprozity an im’axin- a: In: ation {S is pre- 20 :0 t) the the 99,031: try Reciprocity for a year and V0» 0.1 it at the next election. They wanted to try to defeat it with i the money put up by the interests be. } fcre the ‘people had acbance to see! if they were beaelitted by it. Alter the people had seen how they pros-z peered under Reciprocity, no Conservâ€" ative leader would dare ask any one to vote againsf‘it. It isaqnestion :13 to whet-her _the producer and conâ€" sumer may sell or buy where they :13 i sire, It the Conservative farmer will ! set aside politics and vote business, } Ewe will send Mr. Begg to Ottawa, SAMUEL TRUMAN 1 Kirkf;eld was the next speaker. He: got after Sir Edmund Walker right} from the start, exposing his silly ar-i gumgts against Reciprocity, when .he himself teak gpod Canadian money in to the United States tg handle the cotton crop and finally to,b§y -:‘roek_s in Wall Street.,Mr. J. W. Fla- velle, Tcgonto, porkpacker, opposes Reciprocity. ”His r“; mateplal," raid the speaker, “ is my iinlghgd product." Mr. Flevelle had said it the puce cf hogs was raised, 1.: weal; v.31 make enough mmey H maize the tgg'yess pay. Yet after it was brought out that tn ten years, :e'~:en times capital stoc‘: had gem} paid in d;v1den~ds. This was in a 15115- iness that was not. earning money. The Convention closed with cheers for the Klng, Sir Wilfrid Launer 9.8.4 the Liberal candidate. V 51112.3 'dstrates the town has ever possâ€" ess d. As amember of the County Youncil he also displayed that rare ‘ nus nes s acumtn which characterized his record as an official of the town. 11:.Begg is a self-made man. He is one of the people, and his record is gsuch as to make him an ideal' repre. i ssntaitive of the riding. All his inter- ....u........- ”nocâ€"m m On Saturday, the Liberals of Vie- assemhled, nominated an excellent candidate in the person of Mr. James B. Begg, eXâ€"mayor of Lindsay. Mr. Beg-g has resided in the County of Vic toria since he was three months old, and has filled several positions of imâ€" portance which naturally ' brought him in contact with the people of the district. He has had a splendid err as a municipal ofiicer, having been in the capacity of Alderman in Lind- say for a year being first reeve elecâ€" ted after the abolitionof the County Commissioners. It was, howeVer, du- ring his three years’ incumbency oi the Mayor’s chair (which is in itself a tribute to his worth) that Mr. Begg made a record for himself as a shrewd = and careful official. In fact he is cred- ited with being one of the best chief carâ€" , Eery and impure, and that your nerves are literally starving. Bad blood is the only causeâ€"ago“) rich {red blcod is Only cure. There you have the real reason why Dr. Wil- .lia‘ms’ Pink Pills cure neuralgiell‘hey gare the only medicine that contains in correct proportions, the very ele- ments needed to make new. rich red ‘blood. This alone, reaches the root of 1 the trouble, scothes the jaggled nerve land drives away the nagging, stab- ,‘bin-g pain, and brace up year health -in other ways. Mr. N. Bren<nan,-an ex Fsergeant of the 2nd Cheshire Regi- ment, now a resident of Winnipeg Man says:â€"â€""While serving with my regi- ment in India an a nil station I con- tracted a severe cold which brought on acute neuralgia, at times lasting for three weeks I was constantly suffering almost every month in the him in contact with the people of the district. He has had a splendid car- eer as a municipal ofiicer, having been in the capacity of Aldermen in Lind- say for a year being first reeve elec- ted after the abolitionot the County Commissioners. It was, howevar, du- ring his three years' incumbency of the Mayor’s chair (which is in itself a tribute to his worth) that Mr. Begg made a. record for himself as a shrewd and careful official. In fact he is cred- itei with being one of the best chief 3”“ r ow h v - - m ‘1‘“ ates the t u age er p083 ,year, for over seven years. the pain essed. Asamember oi the County Council he also displayed that rare business acumen which characterized his Mr. cne cfthe people, and his record is such as to make‘him an ideal repre. sentaitive of the riding. All his inter- ests are centred here, and if elected, as he should be, he will represent not ' the “interests“vbut the people as a. whole. The riding ct Victoria and Halibur-i ton has been sending a representative to Ottawa who has evinced” very lit- tie interest in the people he is sup- : posed to represent. In Mr. Be-gg's el-i act-ion the riding will have as a rep- guard 21 twioge o! it during the iyear. ‘ flicted wi :h the terrible pains of neur- ?a1gia can tell what a. blessing Dr wu- resemative a. gentleman who is ag- gfessiva and who will look after their interests, first, last and all the time. Mr. Be-gg has met with a very flatâ€" tering reception at the hands of the nannln canon nnrninn‘finni 8. large num‘_ Pills a trial. being sometimes so severe that I wished I was dead. On 'my return to .EnglsndI seemed to get no better, ' t . ’ record as an oificml of he town ,, thodghI spent large sums 01 money egg is a self-made man. He is ‘ for medicine and med'cal advice. Then I came to Canada, and about a. year ago I 31w the advertisement of Dr Williams’ Pink Pills in Winnip g p3.â€" pers. Although Ihad bezun to think my complaint was incurable. I told my wife 'that I intended girls; the I was suffering from terrible pains wheo I tezan tall. in _ t‘ie pills, but retire the second box was fi- nished- the pain began to dissappear, and under a further use of the pils it disappeared entirely and I have not past Only those who have been si- liams’ Zink Pills have been to me and you may be sure I shall constantly re« commend them to other sufferers. ” The riding of Victoria and Halibu- ton has been sendrlng a representative to Ottawa who has evinced” very lite tie interest in the people he is sup- posed to represent. In Mr. Begg's el‘ ecticn' the riding will have as a rep- resentative a. gentleman who is ag- gressive and who will look after their interests, first, last and all the time. Mr. Be-gg has met with avery flat- tering reception at the hands of the people since nomination, a large num. ber of Conservatives signifying their intention of supporting him. The Lib- cmls of the riding are also giving 10y a1 and hearty assistance which aug- who are interested in the pm- gres" Canada. is making in the pa «wnfm te woxld should 1m est: gate thoroughly the meri s of tho Ali that is pnssilfle to obtain in as tistic tone quality 15 embcdivd in Lhii great instmmem. mid t‘ ,a: is the reason the wmld’s gymnast ARTISTS have selected is for their Canadian tours. NEW . SCALE WiLLHAMS TEE LIBERAL CANDIMI‘S MUSICIANS PIANO Canada’s Greatest AND SEE THEM urs Well for his ultimate sticéeéé. Mr. Dog is a. fightcr from the drop of the hat and the Conservative can- dida-to will find that out before the campaign closes. He has entered in. to the campaign with vigor and a do or die determination to redeem the riding and will do his utmost to try and meet the individual electors q; every section. The battle will be fought on one isâ€" sue alone, Reciprocity. This riding stands to profit greatly when ghg measure becomesJuw, as“: assuredly will. This is one of .the leading agriâ€" cultural ridings of the Dominion 534 the people will be standing in their own light, it they (all to support Mr. ;Jas. B. Begg, the candidate of the iLiberal Government. This is an occasion when the elect- ors should forget their political affil- iations and unite as Canadians in bringing about! a tgadg agreement with the neighbors to the song: o:_ us which can truly be characterized a display 01 international good sense. Vote tor My. ngg. 939 Mbewl Seven Years Pain é‘mm Astute Neuralgia Vote for Candidate. Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ 929% Eilis Neuralgia is not an diseaseâ€"it. is only a symptom. It is the must sign that your blood is weak, wat- i The funeral will take place to-mor; ‘Irow morning at 8.30 to St. Mary's :CliuTCh and thence t3 the Roman Oath 'olic cemetery. These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 58¢ a boz or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. A well known Des Moinee woman. after suffering miserably for two days from bowel complaint; Was cured by one dose of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea RemedY- For 5318 by 311 dealers. WILLIAM HOULIHAN The sad dsath took place the morn ing at the: residence of his mother Mrs Michael chlihan, 72 Quesnâ€"st., 01 her eldest son, William. Mr. and Mrs. W. H: Elliott and ch’ldren Wilhelmina, Mary and Herm- an, Era. J. M. Blewett,-Dr.1:W. J_. Blewett and Walter Blewettba'll bf Washburn Island, were in towin 1733*“ erday afternoon.‘ The d..c2ased, who was a. print;r by trade, has been ailing since last 0c- tcher and was in his nineteenth year. He ia survived by his Borrowing moth er, two sisters, VII-s. J09. How ard of PeterLoro, and Annie at home and one trother, Cyrii, also at home. OBITUARY NONV IN FULL ‘ WEEKLY MARKETS PETERBORO all. Mr. Watkins open;d the bidding at 12§c. at which figure he purchased Valuers, Westwocd, Ormonde and Kilâ€" lamey.‘ The‘Peta‘ocro Cheese Board met on Wednesday morning with agosd rep- raesntation of buyer}. Songs and recitations w.»ll be fur- nished by Rev.’ C. L'. Bilkey Means. Thos. Murtag‘h, W. Hewie, Bacon anl others. Admission, adults 250. children un- der 12, 15c. Flour, Best Manitoba $2.90 Rolled oats, $2.60 Bran, $1.15. Fall wheat 80c. Spring wheat. Tic. Goose wheat 75c. Buckwheat 45c ,bua. ‘ Barley, 509. Rye 59c, " Oats; 4.09: Large peas, 309. Small peas 75c. my, $12. $0 51:. Pea straw. $1.56 gar wad. At '12 5â€"160 Mr. Thompson bought Sheargr, Central Smith, Selqu, Oak- dala,‘Daisy D., Maple; Leai, Myxjtle, Lang, Indian RiVer, Bensford, and Norwood. . " The 'remainder Q! the board was Dur- chased by Mr. Morton at the same fl- 5111’8. .12 5-160- 3 Garden Party 3i 'ameron Gard-en party to be held on Thurs? day evening, August 17 at 5 30 p.m on Mr. Richard Naylor'a hwnftwc mi'ws southof Cameron, on Fenelon R0311, under the auspices of St- George’s Church, Cameronn. L'ndsay Brass Or- chestra of seven pieces will be in at- tendance. Tea will be served from 5. to 8 pam. Addresses will be de- livered by ReV. C. L. Bilkey, Rev. H. C. Kingstone and Mr. J. H. B :rn-s. Eggs, 190. Dairy butter 25¢. Creamery, butter. 27c. Cream, 15c and 36c. Lard 15 to 18 Honey, 25ca comb, 13¢. 31b. Cheese 15c. Hens Me 331 1:9 It; LIVe hogs $7.40 Little Hobs, $5. to $6, Pork 15 to 18¢. Beg! Catgie; as; to, g, Sirloin' steak. 15¢. per 11). Rib roast, 12¢. to 15‘; 9:: 1b- Spare riba 10$. $15. Hides $9 to $10. Head cheese 12 Dried apples 10c Patatgeg, gew $1,- to $115 “I sufiered intensely after eating. and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good,” writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor of the Sun Lake Review, Ohio. “The first few doses of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets gafe’ me surprising re- lieve, and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectlv good health.” For sale by all deal- ers. Alderman Newton Smale is home from a three month's trip through the Canadian West, where he has been on- business‘ for the Victoria. Loan and Savings 00. Mr. Smale said that very little cutting had been doné when he left, but if ’ohere is no frost the crop will ‘in all probability bea good one. A Noon Day Fire To-day, about twenty minutes af- ter twelve the tire bell rang. The fire was at Mr. G. W. Bean’s, Albert-st, in a small building at the rear of his residence in which he stores his ap- ples) The structure was completely gutted. There was nothing in the buil ding at the time and the fire is supâ€" posed to have started by a spark from a. bonfire. There were 301'! boxes boarded in Moneyto Loan All business strictly confidential and charges low, as I do all my Real Estate Bought and Sold and I Fine Insurance Effectel'. 0] Kent-st. wv n writings. t” H; ‘Kmn on Mortgages CHEESE BOARD hone 88 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned. and endorsed “Tender for Public Building. Uxbridge, Ont..." will he received at, this nl’fice until 4 p m. on Monday, August 21. 1911. for the erection of a Public BLildingnL Uglyridge. 3 DA,,,, “l‘ Plans. specxfiouuuns and forms of conlmct can be Seen and forms of gender obtained at this Department. on application tu Mr. 'l‘hqs. A Hast- ings; éicrk of Works, postal station F You'ge street, Tun-(mm. Ont. and at thg post ofilcqatflxhridge. :c...‘ Ol.-6 Pegmms tendering are notified that tenders wiil not he onnsidered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their actual signa- tures, stating their occupations and plmefl hf residence. In thecase of fix-ma, the actual Slgnatm-e. the nature of the occupation and plan: of rest dence of each member of the firm must be_giv_en, ‘ ‘ V,-A,,_, ,!<J "‘Ena'éfiuiend r must be acpmnpanied by an accentgq chegue g1} u. chm bored bulk. pn‘ythe. to the order of the Hurioumhk the M‘nister of Pnh‘ic Works, 'equalto ten per cent (10 4: ) of the amount of the tendon \v \iub will bg fm'feitpl if 113}; pen-0n tender- ing gcc‘ige tqcnter into a contract when ctyled upon to do so, {23‘ full to u mplete the wars commend rm. If the tender he not accepted the check wiil he‘l‘eturned. . _ 1 . It .. .17 -v--. '1 he Department dosauot bind Itself to accept. the lowest or any tender. By Order, R. C. DESROCHERS. ‘ Secretary Derartment of Public \Vorlfa‘ Qfiamn, July ‘28, £911. N 'wsp‘xpe 15 mil no he paid for this v'ertiseanent if they insert it with- l 1. It!) n15 y funq the Dag chxumt. Cuts and bruises may ne healed in about one-third the time required Ly the usual treatment, by applying Chamherlin's Liniment. It is an an- tiseptic, and causes such injuries to heal veLthout maturaelon. This lini~ mcnt also relieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains, For Sale by all dealers. MCCABEF-In Lindsay: on Aug! 18: 1911. to Mr. and MrS. Adam Mcâ€" Gabe, a son MORRISCYâ€"In Emily, on Aug, 14, 1911, to Mr.and Mrs. T. J. Morriscy ason. v 1 ~1~ ww- ROGERSâ€"In Lipdsay, Aug. 13, 1910 to Mr. and Fred Rogers, 9. daughter. Miss baggie McNIsh, ot Rochzstzz‘, N. Y. is visiting her cousin Mrs R. Hargrove, Balsam Lake. Mr. Thcs. Bingnarm, or Bowmanville and his brother of Marshall'town, 10. and daughter, Mrs. John Bell, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chan- non. Cambridge-st. Mrs. John Light, Master Casehan, and Master Ivor, left on the eight o’clock train this morning, to take a trip to the old country. Her many friends wish her a safe voyage and a pleasant time. Messrs. Jack McDonsld {and Wilhanv Pogue, left this morning for Saka- toon v‘v'bere they will reside in future Mr: J. A. Cain has returned from Toronto after spending a pleasant week’s holidays with friends there. Mr.‘ flames Low, manager of {the Victoria Loan Savings 00., and son Donald, are spending a couple of week’s holidays at Jackson's Point. Mr. W. R. Currin, Mr. F. A. Clarry, and Miss E. Clarry, of Toronto, passed through town on their way to Sturgeon Point. Messrs. H. McLean, ,F. Williams and R. A. Wilson, Toronto, were in town toâ€"day. Mr. Felix Forbert is in Toronto on business. ‘ Mr. O. H. Luke, Oshawa, was in Lindsay, yesterday afternoon. Mr. B. J. Gough left last night for Tcronto on business. Mr. 1". D. Moore, K. 0., County Magistrate, left this morning for Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Steiner, oi Washington, D. C., are in town for a few- days. Mrs. William McDonald has gone to Saskatoou, Sask., where she will join her husband. Mrs. Harrington and partyiof three passed through to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon, Toronto, are holidaying in this district. Miss Lily Bailey went to Cobourg, yesterday. Mr. D. Hogan spent Civic holiday zn Orillia. - . . - Mr. I. E. Weldon is in Fenelon Falls to-day on business. PURE-LY PERSONAL From Wednesday’s Post. ~ SWING BORN . 00D BOARDâ€"With' comfortable, well furnished rooms. Reason- able rates. Convenient to Collegiate Institute. Apply at Post. Buy it now. Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cha'x era and Diasrhoea Rsmedy.1t's al most certa.‘ n to be neeclea before the summer is over. This remedy has no superior. For sale by all dealer-s. 'W' __._o___._-_, 7 - '- a Fenelcn Fans Gazette:â€"The_ Stan- good frame house stable an d dri‘iuzr dard Chemical Co. will commence run shed. For further particulars all ,1} 1 3 uing again on Monday. There is a. A. J. Mark, Oakwood. well rounded report that alterations l in this mill have been decid:d upon, ;FARM FOR SALEâ€"In Can an '1‘ mx and that in about eight months from ship 21-4 acres, 2 mile from ti now it will be conVerted into a plant 33:11:30: Eliilhrtooli. ’l‘hgx: kisbon the . '3 a 11‘s c ass I- t for the manufacture of re. The ‘ D a n s a ib-ling for 50 head of cattle, straw change will n3¢°85it3te part 511 I'ECDn- ' house, hog pen, implement house ma- struction Of the building ,but a great chfing shop,’ good horse stable, abun- deal of the interzor machinery can be dance water. 22 acres summer fallow, 3 used as it is. A few more hands will also firstâ€"class brick house with hardâ€" , wood floors and cement cellar, bath? room and all modern conveniences. Good orchard, 14} acres hardwood Buy it now. Now is the time to buy bush, balance all cleared, and in a a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, ch53 high state of culfiVation, has never , era and Diaerhoea Remedy“. It is al been rented, 18 particularly free from , , . - 'all kinds of foul w , - . most certain to be'neeuea tetore the loam 50 acres Seedeggizwnsml club __â€"â€"â€".._,_..- v be employed. MANUFACTURE RYE 1 AT FENELON FALLS f‘fi shirt sale that the imam has ever {5" Today we shall start file g‘reaz‘esi known. It will be awful! speed sale from the word “go.” A No called over §fggk {mt a sale of all Our choice shirts the firoducis of the country’s best shirt makers. shirts before the next arrives. Men, who have bought shirts at our my... .. 3 safes wilt ‘A__ _..___.____ _._~ _...â€"-.___. ‘ 3m“ A‘xg‘.__. start immediately upon rea fing this what a shirt sale he ere means. B. J. GOUGH BOARD AND ROOMS That’ s ABE ”Emma, Is To The ini “ Where the Good Clothes Come From." This is without exception the best situated and improved farm in Cavan township and is a bargain for any DCI‘ son wanting a first class farm. ...Price $16000. 00, half cash, balance easy terms. Possession this Fall. Apply Mrs. Thexton, Millbrook P O OUSE AND LOTâ€"For Sale, in the village of Oakwood, block 13., east Elgin-st., 4 acres of good land, good frame house, stable and driving shed. For further particulars apply to 'A. J. Mark, Oakwood. ADVERTISE Men’s Fine. shirts, a}? colors 53C, 758 and $3.00; t ) char 3 Mtn’s Flannr ~(‘l mg Shirt: lars wcrzh 73c and $1.03:.'o : Men’ 5 Kharki Out§ reg SI 1m: to clear at........ H Men’s Fine Neg}? gee S’: irts, 51. co and~$ I 2" tu ciearat” Men’ 5 Fine N3g igee Shu'as; $1.25 and $1.50; to clear at FBR SALE SE 853 WEBB?! BISFL’J W3 WEB POST LINBSAY. m4 L! % BSAY auntcip-my of me mad? County of ' ADVERTISE IN MW VflfEES’ LISTS. 1’“ m, ‘izev worth Q So 49c 43¢ 796 wan‘

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