in szs: 701049; \Im mu 1 ‘3 1mm 2p. m m E79 E and T1963: LP. ’“ 3 * ,..aéig£iough ¢ g. J. SIMS, Dentist Ell €01,829 01 All dental L'ilflfnrmed Delemere, of New ï¬sDele-mere. of Toronto " their parents in town. j Xoice and two friends,j§ and Sanderson of Tor- BCK 5'11. PHTERBCRO BENSO} HOU SE. LIND r519: and 3rd “R dnesday hfmm 2p. m In 6 p. m ' w parwcs 1n town. Noice and two friends, and Sanderson of Tor- imped at Gull Lake. in Park and Miss Gertrude rpviafting in Trenton. km in the employ of the Wt, is m town with :3: week. Parker retumed to his gm, after spending a. MARBLE WORKS , ’93 her niece, 13188 Ada med to their homes in M spending 9. «mph 0f ‘ mthe guests of Mr. and "in days ago U3 mans of Lindsay is at!†“ml-ty- ï¬MBERS, Prop. HF a w (â€LIJPICC line of Fresh Vegetables. Tomatoes, Peas, Beans, Onions New Potatoes, Corn, Etc. W4 and H oodville. MINDEN “'01! “mud. Iontreal. msmnmmmo. accomp Fielding visited in is smng". n l, mw-rsitv vantal Slur- l Ups-rations ‘at moderate :nry‘s Drug Stow ‘ There is a certain degree of satis- . , act , faction among the householders who ‘the Province of Ontario, is subject have to buy potatoes, owing to the ‘0 a rigid 18‘“ in regard to their li- e fact that the large quantities of old censes. When the liquor license au- \ potatoes held in reserve by those thorities have reason to believe that {who expected to reap a rich reward »_ a license holder is not making anlby keeping the price up to over $2 a F “ honest return Of his bar receipts the Q per bag, are now on their hands and lb: #ORKS â€0““ch secretary is authorized to they are begging buyers for the same 1, Us I-‘iw- 1“" order an enquiry as .to the correct- rtubers they were two weeks ago hold- “mi Mal-hie 12833 M the return. T1115 power is giV- ling at top notch price, while it was mi See die - en under a 00er of special regulations‘locally reported that the old crop :just passed by the Ontario Govern-f was about exhausted, and a potato ERS, Prop. ; ment, .as provided if†in the statute; amine was threatened during the in-‘ Drowdmg for taxatlon of bar anierslm of Tor-b v, ., , ï¬g Every hotel in Lindsay and inf ti... ‘lx - . Ni Miss Gertrude r: Trenton. ‘. 2‘ Hf the :s :2 :ws’n with ¢â€",â€"â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"- J†a, ___~ . I‘e-iterval between the old and the new impts' AD 8393-1117 may be conducted ‘crop. The new crop came in earlier! 4135300 gh 3 by the inspector of the license dis- than was anticipated, and prices, ' ‘ , ftï¬Ct' or by a PrOViDCial inSPBCtOI‘. leven for the superior new article, be- isï¬gcï¬xn and all accounts and invaices 3nd 3 ing only slightly in advance of what r21\\‘l-.l:;~da} ,other records must be produced, andgthey were asking for the old ones,‘ A. m 3‘; one {witnessed are compelled t0 give at-lconsumers wisely refused to buy the} liar and Nasn tendence and give evidence under." latter. It now transpires that the: Lt. .oa‘th. ,n . _ . . _ . _ Roof‘ING pame Lindsay. Penelon Fails. Bobcaygean. Coboconk. flakibnflon. r fire-res’Sï¬ng first-class by Siss Ada YOU 3']? 2nd. 5:137, came )V 3 mvery hotel in Lindsay and in fact :the Province of Ontario, is subject ‘ to a. rigid law in regard to their 1i- rcenses. When the liquor license au- the thorities have reason to believe that mm a license holder is not making an =3:- 3honest return of his bar receipts the provincial secretary is authorized to ,order an enquiry as to the correct- m}, ness of the return. This power is g-iv- ' 13:? . en under a code of special regulations " just passed by the Ontario Govern- mp. ;, ment, as provided for in the statute} providing for taxation of bar re-j “crude i‘i‘f LICENSES MAY her Where receipts exceed $35 per month, cash register receipts $35 per month, cash register receipts i The inspector â€has all the powers of a commissioner under the act respect- ing inquiries concerning public mat- ters. Where inquiry establishes a re- turn as correct, the cost of the pro- ceedings must be defrayed by the province. But where the incorrectness of a. return is established, the cost must be paid by the license holder. Until such costs are paid, the license is suspended. The provincial secre- tary, when returns are found to be incorrect, suspends ‘the license or makes such other fines equitable “un- der the command of the commission-j ers.†son Roy, and Miss Violet McCoH, c Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stras burg, ‘Sask. Mr. Arnold ‘Stimon, of Toronto, i holidaying in town. ,i-_ ~r‘uâ€"ouo vvv vuvw , then all got on !present on the necessity of being preâ€" board, and came to the head of thejpared for the change that awaits all, lake for tea. Besides a large number§after which the funeral to' Swamp from Minden were Mrs. Gervin anaï¬Lake took nlarn Wm In.» «mum-a â€"â€"â€"-u the Steamer Kathleen started out for Gull Lake for a picnic. They went down to Moore’s Falls for dinner, some went ï¬shing some bathing, oth- Mrs. Seward. of Peterboro, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Seward Killarney Cottage. Ilun Lake. Mr. Pogue, of Lindsay, visited his son, Dr. 0. A. Pogue, of town. 011 Wednesday morning last, a large crowd of pleasure seekers on board The death of Miss May Hat. took place at the home of her cnts on Tuesday last, Suly 23, aged 31 years. The funeral took 1 on Thursday from the family deuce to Twelve Mile Lake Gem: and was largely attended. Rev. J Whyte, of Minden was in charge. Miss Phillips, of New York, via her parents for a couple or weeks fore going to Saskatoon, where has an appointment as matron of citv hospi tal. accompanied by her daughters, the Misses Lillian, Cora, and Evelyn, are holidaying with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lewis, j‘ family, of Ailandale, are visit this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Larson La. R118 and family, returned to their home in St‘ Thomas, after visiting friends at 'S Lake. gang of men Pepe Mrs. Gervin and‘; Lake took place. The large numbers Miss Violet McColl, of4Wh0 followed the remains to Meir and Mrs. R. R. Strass » last resting place testify to .he place ishe held in the community. BE SUSPENDED painting the Mindenlmust be produced 8 May Harrison home of her par- st, Suly 23, 1911, funeral took place the family resi- 5- hew‘is. in, and . are visiting in . MRS. R. MANSFIELD . W York, visited5 Kinmount, July 29â€"0n Thursday ple of weeks he, night, 25th inst., the Angel of Death on, where she; entered another of our village homes 3 matron of aj and called away to the Great Be- :yond avmost estimable woman in the vIay Harrison‘person of Mrs. Richard Mansfield. )me of her par-. She had heen sick' but a short time, Suly 23, 1911,’ and seemed to he improving, when .cra-l tool: placefshe was called away suddenly in her , family resi‘ sixty-third year. All the community Lake Cemetgryfsympathize with Mr. Mansfield and led. Rev. J_ mjiamily' in their bereavement. She in charge. haves one who truly followed the great ;erboro, was‘command, “To love God and her lrs. H. Soward‘neighbors as herself,†as all hear 11 Lake. [witness to the fact that she was a Ly, visited his: true friend to all who knew her. Now of town. lshe is gone she will be missed by all. I “IV U‘l nave your eyes Lawn. it do†3"?7 With the magi†of aé'l'he time required is but a‘few minutes clerk standing at the open door of a; â€"and the time couldn’t possibly be car to throw the pouch out. The of~ - put to better use. ficials were highly pleased with the t For there is nothing in the world more eight trials which took place, some ' itpportwnt than to have any errors of of them at the speed otâ€" so miles an “5'0“ “WM"- hour, and expressed the opinion that The cost is trifling 000- this system was the right one, pro- Children's eves aspecialtv. vided that several minor matters Makcita pointto on“ on in some of could ‘be adjusted to localirqun'ire- these days. and havens exmnine your ments. Up to the present mail bags “W’S' have only been caught up, weighing {No charge if no glasses: are needed. 1 10 pounds and under but the new de- i Eye Glasses Repaired; Broken Lenses ring has .. -uAL 1:...:L_L_-_,,_ NEW MAH. POUCH {r CGLLECTING BEVECE flatter. It now transpires that the lithreatened potato famine, and ex- ihaus’ced supply story, was caused by E-the holding back of big quantities by those who man-age to keep the price ‘to topnotch all winter Vcause it is “too cold to team them in,†and in the spring because “the crop was small, and the old supply is just about exhausted.†The old story, however, proved a boomerang this season, and many are now almost beseeching the public to buy om po- tatoes at almost any price they may, choose to oï¬er.â€"Exchnnge- ‘ Old POIAEOQS . Down 111 Price The funeral was held on Sabbath. The remains were taken to the church at 4 p. m., when: Rev. Father Galvin preached a. short but impres~ sive sermon, first referring to the deceased, and then speaking vto those and the sales must be entered daily in a. special book for the purpose. The monthly return to the Depart- ment must be made on a special form, and the license-holder must subscribe, to an aflidavit that the return is correct. and great advantage is that? 031T UARY m showing the sales, mm ‘W t be entered daily! 2 w WM ifT SPECIALIST 01 Eur 'n‘er Neal's Shoo 5t~ Lind'aY. Examination tree. Eye-glam fluted. Bmken lenses teylgced. Replaced Ofï¬ce open Saturday evenings Mr 7’ WNIS. Oph. n Produce nu dliscomfm-t to the patienv Our tacilities make it almost a. pleas. me to have your eyes tested. The time rquaired is ppt_a.‘few minutes Miss Florence Colwell was in Lind- say on Saturdgy. Mrs. Jones, of Peterboro is visit- ing friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilson of Chi- "a..- L 71-7 77â€"“, â€v-7“ “VA uvuolub, £VLL§3 v ‘VL JV“ D “C “CPL Miss Maye Watson, of Peterboro, Lila and Amy Parsons. a hotel. After goingput of the hotel is the guest of her cousin, Miss Mona Miss Greta. Naylor, Mr. Bert Nay- 7 business he came here, finding more Wilson. lot and Miss Perrin motored to Ome- Pmï¬mble inveStments for his “10Ҡ? Mr. George Wilson Was a visitor mee on Wednesday evening and at; i“ a country newly opened “13- M"? to Peterboro last week. tended the garden party. Hill was a hard working man,; â€Mrs. A. Irwin of Bobcaygeon is Miss Jessie Brown, of Lindsay, $1".er in his dealings, and having visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. was a Vi‘SitOI‘ in Omemee on Wednes- ability beyond the ordinary to accu-§ C'arey, . day. mulate wealth. He loved to ten Hm! Other 'OMEMEEJWINGS gig; um. uuv: the time couldn’t possibly be LAAL__ A, , evenings b‘ir appointment. Store CZoses at 5 o’clock daily Ten 5393‘ «cam. 65033625“ and mm Sheeting Sale of summF-r weight Sheeting 12 in unbleached, very ï¬ne quality, reg 250 yd. RchaChH]. 72 inches wide, Sheeting Special clearing ofS 42 inches w: :19, all colors to: only :59; yard Dress Goods Special clearino of all fancy Summer Silke, 27 in. widp, pretty pattexus ï¬ght and dark calms, reg 500. Sale 39C yard ‘ Summer Silks 113:5“? Buick Slik Coats latest stvles and trim- mings Guaxan; Bed L0 giVB the best Uf ‘31“f"‘ctinn $17.75 Coats for $12.50 $16. 50 Coats for $11. 75 14.75 “ u 11-00 1 I: '7: u 4 4 AA Black Silk COats THE LINDSAY POST .u: s wxue plum 0r twiii g ' .80 â€3d. See this for only. $12.50 $16.50 Coats for $11.75 11.00 15.75 “ “ 11.00 of Serges, Panam a? j The harvest is on. Binders are 31- i ready at work in many sections of Ontario, where through exceptionally favorable growing conditions, the grain has become ripe before its us- ual time. Fall wheat that escaped the fatal effects of last winter’s seâ€" ‘ vere frost has turned out a splendid crop, 'and is now brown and ready for cutting. Then there are “long fields of barley and rye," that have taken on a. bleached yellow color in the past few days, and Borne farmers have started reaping these crops, re- chd to take no chances on hail or any other mistortune stepping in. “e hay t ion, which was evcecdingly lieavv in r A ‘r. parts, is n'of sci-{over but 1"“ nmyrity ‘" it, â€â€1 out, is the new sections is worth noting by those who have been in the habit 0! selling very young veil. Section 192 provides that no meat of calves un- der four weeks old shall be sold or kept for sale, and penalty for a. breach of this law, is a fine from $10 to $50. 0 Moreover, in the case of such meat being found in anyone’s possession, the onus of providing that ‘it is not for sale is to rest on the person haV- ing the meat. It has been a matter 01 common knowledge for some. years that calves of two. days old and upwards, 'have been sold each year to be used in one form or another for human con- sum'tion, and it in noninal- .LL:_ BINDERS BUSY l Mr. Ernest McPherson and Mr. Melleville Earle have gone on the ex- cursion to Ste Anne de Beaupre. The garden party held on the Me- thodist church lawn was quite a. success. The proceeds amounted to about $100. Mr. Cliflord Laidley of Janetville, attended the garden party on Wed- nesday evening. Dr. W. Cook, of North Bay is vis- iting his father-in-law, Mr. S. Gran- dy. Mr. W. Montgomery left town , Monday evening. 1 Miss Feir of Peterboro spent iday with her sister Mrs. R. Johx acago. are spending the hoiidays l ; the home of his parents, Mr. ant t M. Wilma. spending their holidays at “Wood~ lawm †One of the 0 Miss Maude Crown, of Reaboro is the 13825:: of visiting the Misses Nichols. aWay a - a Miss Ida. Rehill, of Peterboro, $02“? to For Spent Sunday with her cousins. Miss 1n 0 umbus, ‘ Mr. Fred Laidley. 0! Swift is visiting his parents, Mr. Henry Laidley. E \ '~ 5)") . Panamn, '1 weeds, 9m, 3 tor We .. 50c yd, thv-se wiil clear . Mattzng Peterboro spent Sun- IN ONTARIO in wi'ip, plain Sale 19:: \d t swift Current , Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson. Sandy enter- 1“, Strung -)ov 5.09 Yard '. and Mrs éxcept Saturday during these Matting Rugs _â€".. - I ate: -u Hula UDCLL a IqatTQI' 01 common knowledge for some. years that calves of two. days old and upwards, 'have been sold each year to be used in The 'revised Ontario Statutes to: 1912 have been sent out and one ° 0! the new sections is worth noting by those who have been m we habit of sellmg very young veil. Section 192 provides that no meat of calves un- der four weeks old shall be sold or kept for sale, and penalty for a. breach of this law, is a ï¬ne from $10 to $50. 0 maul. fa'PORT PEIEY MAN ! LEFT WEALTHY ESTATE :kfz, CANNOT SELL YOUNG CALF’S MEAT 7 ~ â€"â€"v -vvuvv vu, i so he put his pickaxe and shovel in- to a wheelbarrow and wheeled them all the way out here. and took the contract to build the dam. That was about the year 1841. .It was estimatJ ed at his death that his estate was; worth $100,000. Hill was a hard working man, shrewd in his dealings, and having ability beyond the ordinary to accuâ€"j mulate wealth. He loved to tell the; story of his start in life. He livedé down at Columbus and heard thataa‘ mill dam was to be built out here] where McConnel's are now located.l One of the old men of the town in f the person of Walter Hill passed! away at the age of 93 years. BeforeI coming to Port Perry his home war in Columbus, where for years he kept' a hotel. After going ,out of the hotel cut and curing in the sun Globe. Ontario farmers have been fortun- ate up to the present time with re» spect to the quality of the grain now standing ready for the binder. The straw is, generally speaking, long and stifl’, and holds heads that give promise of some record yields.â€" These come in very quaiity. Fina ualit of J a. mess Matttno "'~ inches Wide. P . n! †good assortment of patterns, reg 25c. S 118 19c yard Smal’ white Gotta. m Rode. fur wmai Width for Windows, siiver end“, reg 12 1-29 ‘ 01' an Floor Oi! Cloxh. Widths of l ‘zo good assortment of patterns, reg 30f: clearing for ouiy 257:: yard Curtain Poles NOW 33 ymr ch nce to While our discount. vie is (n or flow! patterns S L6 pril Oil Cloth Linoleum Sizes 27x54â€"23c. 36x72 ~32c. 6 ft.x9 ft. $1.35. 9 ft.x10 ft. 6â€"2.48. 9ft.x12â€"â€"2.70 NOW ’\ q nd it is aoainst this Lance to secure your Lmn 511;)in sale is on, 2 and 4 yds Wide, mock S 1.16 prims 450., 500, 54; sq yaud pretty J ap mesa pattern {Murphy of the sot l 10 2% wards wide; 5. reg 30c and 35c yard, an {practice that the law‘ is ai m. uouam Low left for Vanuatu- B. C.. on Monday per C.P.R. anï¬ lake trip from Port McNicolI- '. Donald Low left for B if: ;JI N USA Y Team Sold Mth, South Ops, of horses to My; 3113 same township in“ 3, regular 2 each. $1.23 aimedâ€"Kin;- '. ï¬ne, PACK a» MAY: