F311) it, .1.ch ST 30th. r . _ WA, \ rHI N N E s 5 WESTERN OPINION OF THE COLONEL The following breezy criticism of lowed to run riot over the weak, a sign of poor health. the Minister of Militia is reproduced (Oliver, 13. 0.: 9 . not figured in the calculations of the )ANY "ï¬gweight generally Show; mm the baturday Sunset, of Vanâ€" Minister of Militia. Even beautiful , W , . women such as Helen of Troy, have ,2“ wrong- , This has been a great year for been known to start bloody wars. “’5 EmUISlon Vancmlver. We have had a circus, a Ambition, such as carried Napoleon 5C0 ‘ . . db ilds “ind west Show. and a visit from and Alexander the Great to an atâ€" mum condition an n. ( olonel The Honorable Samuel Hugh~ tempt to conquer the world, has been 00.05 (5!ka body. Al‘Dmmu- 05‘ ““73? lord,†all in the same sea- the main cause of war since the his- layman Toronto. Ont- â€â€˜10 S‘Ond The gods have been kind, in- tory of mankind, and unless we are "V. “99 - seriously mistaken, war has been an i on terms f/rfl':= There is nothing bashful about the institution antedating either news? QNrATON T0 Minister of Militia, and he spoke at papers or stock gambling by two or Unusuapy ,E‘ L 1 7, a 3 a some length 0n Various occasions three months at least. But this (i which ha; _ PJPLELAR Lï¬DlES while on the Paelfic Coast. There is not bother Colonel Hughes when ltv .. 7:: "3.2-4“ :.. \..,, :S will be 501“ .ihere is. on the .inside'of a balloon, man, who is liable to look. at his. ftSSis‘am - -«= 1.11 .'\m€‘i â€EMF but he'ls an extensive talker. He is watch at the proper moment. It t - I ‘4“ Tina, girls the (“‘lg'mal guaranteod-toâ€"rumwith- would be a shame to say anything i - ~“ ‘TM' \‘Zt‘l‘t‘ llflll \‘.' ll (“ill 21 ....... - - - length. al ..,,.. ~..\,\',",-p vathf‘red at h : \Irs. Frown to spend . . nâ€"pvwf‘,‘ with the girls. " 40:11†are taken comâ€" ‘w surprisu when the follow- ; 54:2.st Wrivl 5y )llSS Jean nwic‘nfle ML»: Queenie Young ï¬ver: With a small token. 711m. and l‘lilrfi Shields: .‘173 volsâ€"l: is with feelings writ recrcr that we have ‘.-. . "- "~-f'\v‘,1 V‘ > . . . - . ct I05. ~~~‘--““d depa.ture ; Now we have the source of all for the various cabinet ministers W old tOWC. final WP take this ‘ â€at, of expT‘Ssing to you our ? :..;,«v~ :«bi . . . . “Mi“ lthn unprlnmpled commanders, alâ€" samples. Stow that w‘ shall miss you is: 2225:: i AMERICAN FIRM SELLLNS AUTOMOBILES ' IN ENGLAND EHH FIFTY leHNDS APIEC ‘ ‘;_.::\2 23:12 13.5" Tow friends shall l .-.__.:___.___._. ‘1 .33., FOL" j'nï¬â€˜gpt the 01d and] Montreal Witness: It has been dis- sugar. Like the lady’s hat which is gearintsr .:' 1.â€.1-12. when the covered that a United States firm readily sold for twenty-five dollars 5. =3" {‘12‘» was organized, is selling automobiles in England at when new, and which a. ï¬ner months .4; .. sci? :i:~ 0:: down at. the fifty pounds a piece. That is two later appears at the bargain counter I I,I ) [a i:-:;:*€: :zrf; not soon be hundred and,.fifty dollars. In En-g- at t“renty-f0ur cents, the motor car ’ ire iland they are not called automobiles ill: â€.9 5:1“. ..i'~'.:::s look .ack ‘ l,,-' t motor cars. The United States costliness. Can the auto itself su 7 ‘7 ii" can :85: b d ;‘?.13jԤ' 25:39 with pleasure, ‘adopted the word automobile from “‘ ‘ ' ' l t V the (lut'Wlnding COHVC‘! sathiOIIaIiSt, and It unkind‘about this treatment Of the ‘ e . t'l' fills-9‘“ ‘H. . , . y y ... A ‘ A" - '~ Th T9311) 18]] t 1118 fault that he (108511 t ('()l(lllf1 S. [UVPI‘V‘ after-alnner speaker- : ‘ " H" Ti: tw'd'll. . 5‘ . , . ‘ , say anything. Heaven knows the man knows how hard it is for a man Who 12-4 large double bed size, Ibex quality which is 1 157“" ‘1 ~‘ ‘7 “flit ‘ tries hard enough, and at sufï¬cient has nothing to say to talk for sever- ‘minutes, and it must be much 3.,if‘70 - - ‘ Apparently the clergy have been worse when on-e's duty to one’s 3.3,, . telling the Honorable Sam that sol- country makes it imperative to talk ‘ I diers are wicked men. In an impas- for several hours if there is any one .,,.. - » sioned medley of words the other le‘t in the hall 20 tal kto. Colonel night he made the following bright Hughes is forgiven, with the mere statement, “I want to tell the clergy suggestion that he hire somebody of this cotmt'ry that the soldier is that knows something; not necessarâ€" not a hired assassin. He does not ily a scholar, but a man who at least :34- create war. The men who do are the knows something, to write his speech- stock gamblers, the newspaper men es for him. There are some experts .zlnd the speculators." in Victoria, who write the speeches E. f oes ' at . , he I 0 "l i about the same amount of substance starts out to make a speech. Nothâ€" 1th D t P ' o l ‘ d. . .: clip ‘,'i::9q in one Of the 00100913 Speeches as in: bothers him but a nervous chairâ€" , 3 ‘ lscoun rice. owes much of its attraction to its ï¬ve the cut. A price of fifty pounds , _ , , , , ,at All English qualities, light and dark colors ,trou‘ble. Over-ambitious legislators, crithal moments, who could provide 36 inch 9 d , misguided governments and. soldiers Colonel Hughes with some creditable ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' c yar PAGE 55 m will wind up Our An.- nual Ten Per Cent. Discount Sale. :-: 5-: ..A .ser are ..... must 9' “; f‘<b'-‘~,:.u: ,â€". -_' Jr,» ;-'-«.w ' ' . Very Big 'r‘llflgs‘ '1â€! 1“. ;..;.~ ' ’5‘" ,i."( “016-13; -‘¢-__r.:mï¬': .-. . o. .L A good chance to secure mmmw ’ ' Flannelette Blankets Table Linen Bleached, 60 inches wide, guarantee“ ,. choice selection of patterns, reg 6G2, clear- “35‘, ' , Q", 6‘ mg for only, yard . . . . . ...... . .......... 0599;, discount price, pair the best, blue or pink borders. Special $3 3 8 o Spreads Strong English Bed Spreads, good selection of patterns, double bed sizes. Two L specials,each.................. 90C, $1.19 Shaker Flannel Toweling Heavy quality of all linen Towcling for rollers. See these three specials 7C9 89C 9C yard Muslim All Foulards and Dress Muslims, light or dark c9 ors, reg 25c, 35c, all to clear for only per a: yard.................. .. ............ Pailletle Silk 36 inches wide, guaranteed not to cut, black only for waists and dresses. This is our special 8%†. . ............ a, 3:14:55? 1: . ’38: .+:3 ’ 5E v 32'ninch 131“â€. a! .3; new : ................ 8c yard Vesting Pretty English Vestings, very new patterns for H blouses, 27 inches wide, reg 25c yard. All E 9 ,.. C El to clear, yard ODD-oocooonoaooopoo-0.9.0... at yard .......... . ..... Dress Goods T'i Rugs Very strong quality of English Serge and Tweed, 53 Just new, limited number Brusscl' ‘ r ' - â€'4? 54 inches wide, very suitable for fall suits and 39c E 54. Just fine for parlor, dining room, bed pgc J l separate skirts. See these for only, yard rooms, etc, all to clear for only each ...... a râ€" venient H ,;'1~2 cor.“ ‘.'.‘i:‘.tt"r our circle :the French, and we from the United puts themlwithin the! reach of clerks, 5e Order , -e;f".‘0!‘:§'_c-fr it'ltflz‘vllt vou. ,States. We needed another word to and when it comes to second hand , . : r in. mi. ‘~ inanimate them fr0m street . ,,,ga,,,,, MOS, Wm, the reach 0, Store Closes at 5 0 clock daily except Saturday durtng August e issued . .717}; 1r? :3.» means of a re- which the EDgliSh C311 trams. This . errand boys. Everyone supposed that l :3 2 StSYZV'ZT‘ILI-her's and mil-ll‘edUCtion in price issreported as be- i when the bicycle was here it had its. .2323 ir. the event of lag 0f terrible import for the Eng- 5 come to stay. Yet the very condi- A , . 5 6,, .1: Full 3 new “Vot .lish, and in a way it may be. To sell i tions cited above are usually given L Y, 3: «:3 ' .~ .3141 expect youfautomobiles at fifty pounds a. piece as the reason why nobody now uses ‘ as 'L.“ the â€" :- the old one. is spoken of as almost equivalent to one. The bicycle had the very great U u A i I i :E E ‘ B 3391‘: these cameras as a l robbery. Not because they are to0 advantage over the auto of being an g and M0. .. _ , €311,370, We Hope that they ' dear, but because they are too cheap. {.79 yo: theatre and hrip to Some years ago Great Britain was auto is not. There are, of course, N U U :l U U I ' ' U U ' ' ' ' ' H ' ~ H U ' U U ' '~ â€'VH U ' VVVVVUVV~*~ , _ is closer tosether although induced by a number Of European auto-trucks and autobuses that area Branc mug; bombing, lpowers to enter into a treaty with great economic gain. There are peo- w» on behalf of the “Vot iss them which would curtail the supply pic too, whose business is of such ‘ ’ nature as to make the use‘of a car of great advantage. The larger part, A L g the remainder of the evening liberty t0 buy 311 the cheap sugar however, of the whirling cars so far m". . crowd. of cheap sugar. She has since got e dainty rrz‘reshments being restless under this restriction of her spendin games and dancing. she wants and has notified the pow- ers interested that she will withdraw the terms if she is not allowed to tity of sugar, but her West Indian formance that {1115 the ""r‘ :1 Candidates who desire possessions were grieved at being rid the coming session of the undersold inztheir cane product by ‘Schools must make applica- the bounty fed beet product of the .far admission: to the Deputy continent, and wanted the foreign tinue to develop. $3111: there is ' V of Education not later than lstuï¬ shut out. The automobile case .7. September 3rd. is almost a repetition of this. The social ’ 3011331 schools open on Tuesâ€" autos are called a ‘dum-ped' product, 539' 24th ,at 9 a. m., at which meaning 'that they are the equivalent the i n y W» Applicants are required / “W 18 years Iof age ‘before tiou, and able to sell their home , hm- supply at high figures that would be «information regarding- the Iotherwise impossible, thus making a of admission may be obâ€" ! profit that allows them to sell any NERVOUS BREAKDOWN 5’02: sections 4 and 5 of the exceu product that they may make point of its use as a. matter of. pride economic advance. This the. ordinary are no more than pleasure vehicles, and very expensive 'ait rthat. It is not 191' " in ' "ON RE from the tI‘EatY in accordance With economical to carry from one to two .{)0 V‘ ., .ill‘ tons along with .one wherever he may NORMAL ENTRANCE buy more sugar from Russia. Great want to go. It is hard on the roads Britain does 301: produce any quanâ€" congesting to city trafï¬c, and a. per- air with dust. Undoubtedly the auto has come to stay. Its economies as a, freight and as a passenger vehicle will man- .-a strong suspicion that its vogue as a distinction may be a little more lasting than was .the vogue ol . bicycle. and the announcement 4“ Mdates must present of ‘bounty fed' in that they are made. that it can be had in England ffor' in factories kept running by protec- fifty pounds may mgrk the turning . M _______, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pedlar, Fair- s it had slipped all his finger intotbe 1n ave, returned this morning tram ilake! During the tramp the sterner- Oakwood and district. after visiting .' sex had been gathering wood, and on Mr. and Mrs. F. A_ Campbell and friends and old acquaintances for the 5 their return to the camp a blazing son Bruce, of Toronto, are spending past two weeks :fire was Started. Seated round it. a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. F- Professor '1‘. J. A. Morris, B. A., tales of times past of this Identity .half a dozen boxes I was again en- . . Braund. late Classical Master of the T. C. S. :were toldâ€"the most interesting one, Joying the best of health, and have Mrs. John Lee and her daughter Port Hope, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. ,a deer hunt undertaken by Cham- , since remained well and strong. I Miss Stella, have returned home at: T. A. Kirkconnell, Kent-st. Professor ‘ plain accompanied by five hundred ' used the remainder of the pills am- ter a prolonged visit with friends in Morris has been appointed Classical :Hurons. In the light of the Crescent; .ong my children when they seemed cured by the use of Dr. Williams’ Mrs. Lyndsie Bedliington and chil- Pink Pills, and I sent for a dozen dren. of Oakville, were visitors boxes fully believing it would take town for a few hours today. .at least that many to cure me. You can judge of my: gratitude, however, when I found that after using only t f . d h f d th t Brock Master for the Port Hope Collegia' te. ‘ moon the picnicers rowed back to ou 0 core an ave oun em a 3 - , ,, . . all ti es ; b the r best ff Mrs. John Aylesworth of Brock. i The niany friends of Mr. James B. Thursda, fro their home in Toronto, . m. . o ,e ve y o iam- and her nephew, Mr. E. Henry, were Begg Will regret to learn that he is . after spsnding two weeks with them ily medlclnes. the uests f Mrs J hn Lee in the Ross hospital suffering from ter’s mother, Mrs. Bennett, and thezr' , you Can get Dr. Williams' Pink 3 ° ' ‘0 0"†.- , - - - 2 . . . . . _ Sunday ian attack of appendimtls. He underâ€" daughter, Miss Valerie Saunders: P1118 through any dealer in 11304101118 Mr .Osw 11! :Ha . 1 ft m sweat a successful operation last ev- 5 .._--. .or by mail at .50 cents a box or ï¬x 1 ’ 3. m -e 8 ' l â€V . ‘ . ‘ :ening, and his condition was most‘ - boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- mm‘mg “’7 Trentm“ “719g spent ‘ favorable today. SEYMQBR COMPANY liamfl‘ Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. than“ tw° “â€1“ campmg °n Stu†M' v c t ~ - goon Lake shones. iss . a hro, of Regina, 18110318; The many Lindsay friends of 0011- On a. visit of a month’s duration with 2 IMPROVING 5Y5“ duceor Boundy oi the Torontoâ€"Port! ’21::"5: Miss cam†'3‘ in Regina; Hope train will regret to learn of, a e. lme the fatal cyclone struck! ~ PURELY HERSHNAL . The Seymour Power Co. has a 6115‘ From M onday’s Post his illness. Conductor Homer is re- :ffucctlty and-grouft :3?“ '31:“! de-l of men employed in installing poles, - ' . ,. , .ionlnl wae. em neverif - - - . ,, - Miss A. Adams went Sunday placing him temporarily. or their new distribution system’ 3, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Morris and sons from the eventful day, as she saw ' "Omemee. Gordon and Douglas, who have I the dark cloud approaching the city the rear of the business blocks- This . . . . _. work is being undertaken in m M (ii .eopics of which may beob- in slack seasons for less than its fair Usual'y Due to Overwork and “on? Mr. Malcolm Hay, 0f Clyrlan Ohm the.guests of Dr. Clarke for the past :éldzvtnssseu radii?!“ work afâ€" ;ance with the Company’s framing. ‘ ’ “on application to the Deputy share of .the cost. How much of this ‘ . {Was a “31‘0†1') town today. dew days, return-ed home to London, r 1 a 8m 1 Be ' 'm residence ; and when completed, it is em 1 block c4 Education. No candidate dumping charge is real and how , ‘ A Tonic IS Needed ; Mr. W. Bla . man.. of Hamilton. 1 Out. this morning. 313:; 33:11:52le Cathro was stap- .‘C‘hnt Lindsay will have a lighting i , mumtted Who does not comâ€" much imaginary is'hard to say. There â€"' . .; $111998th b mess 1n town today. l Mir. Ernie Wetherup left Saturday mag, ed. system of a modern character, one . ‘ '7 'l‘th all the requirements. is no doubt that by an agreement all Overwork and worry give rise to. Miss Loretta Brown returned Sat- for Ori‘llia, where he is employed in From m“! 8 90815- that will prove eminently satisfacti- \~â€"â€"â€" manufacturers might export a cer- nervousness. 81999188311983» headaches, Lurday from Rochester. N. Y. the Tudhope factory as machinist. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fisher have re- ‘oxy in every respect. Sin Hurt: BORN 4min percentage of their output at lack of ambition and lack hf interest Miss May Thoburn left for Toronto Mrs. Wetherup and family will leave turned from a delightful visit to l The Seymour Power Co. by the. t: coil: h just 3 little 9"" C0“ 5° keeping up in your work, weak hack» indigestion this morning for a couple of days. 33 the course Of a few '6‘“ for 01.11. whom .Brantford and St' 08th- l Way is the first cOmpany to 'act cus- ,L‘ihis mo' . *4 3.1,, South Ops, on Tues- the "home market and decreasing and sometimes a complete breakdown Mrs. William Shields and family lia. where they Will reside. armes. While 1“ the Ambitious City ,‘the request of the council to m» to To: â€â€˜ Garnet 27' to m.- and Mrs. their overhead charges. Britain hav- of the nervous system. 0n.every hand loft. today for Mellville, Sask., where The marriage of Miss Isabel Pol- ‘Mr. 9535*" attended the Grand 5the poles oil“ the main thoruqfifare- n 'J ’5’"- Currins ing just learnt that she cannot afâ€" you find “cums 0f 11h"? kmd ï¬nd 05' the w'll recide 360:2. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :Lod'ge L033. as a delegate iron: ,7 - Riga.â€â€" lford 'to shut her doors against cheap ten they do not know what to do for M": dud Mrs. ' Charles, of Toronto, N. 0. Poison, University avenue, to Lindsay 1.0a“. and also took advan- ~_-_‘__ 3.1:â€" -. . CH; ‘ ‘ Children Cry ssugar, she is hardly likely to shut themselves. If these are your symp- were the guests of Mr. aod Mrs. W. Mr. Harold Wilkle Dayls, fourth 5.0,, tage of his “mt to-St. (38th F0 ‘ ‘ . e- 4 FOR FLETCHER'S Ithem against cheap automobiles. toms you need a. tome, and the only B. Sparling for the past few days. of the Hon. E. J. and Mrs. Davis, 6311 on a. former Lindsay citizen in [ft 6 gs 3"“? "J": A 8 There is another aspect of this afâ€" way to tone up the nerves .15 through __,__,.-’.-â€"â€"â€"â€"- Newmarket, Ont:, Will take place on the person of Mr. Robt. Armstrong, ‘5 , :03 T O R I A fair in which .it differs entirely from the b100d- Dr. Wllhamf Pmk P1115 . Wednetday morning, August 28th, at who 18 runninga splendld fnnt farm ‘ ~ ; - , ‘ ' , - - -~____-- _ ‘“_._ are a direct nerve tome because they Soverel n eleven o’clock at the residence of the between that- city and Port Dalhou- at bargain prices that are “In†3 “5., ‘32113327727: harm's: -: WWW’EM enrich and build up the blood, and bride’s parents, The bridesmaids will 818. Mr. Armstrong is in Splendid. needed 3:. “f; , ““““““ “H‘JJE’EE it is through the blood that, the ner- TRADE MARK REG. be Miss Jean Duff and MissiUna P01- health, and was delighted to seeMr 9,th - _ï¬ ' 55:71â€. 1. ves are fed. Under their tonic influâ€" . son, while little Miss Margaret Dav-l and Mrs. Fisher. Peaches and grapes Rullneings {133:} 55‘1â€; E. ence nervousness, with all its attend- Sheathmg Felt ies will act as flower girl, Mr. E. J, l will be a splendid crop, states Mrâ€" Toothpicks...... â€i in; it 9:52;: ; ant evils, disappear, and the worried Davies, 31-†Newmarket, will be Fisher, if nothing unforseen happens. £“'l‘3'ef“?tgum-um- 4 Sheets fora. l '05:†â€o s. a sufferer again enjoys health and contains no oilor tar. ls clean, best man. Toronto Saturday Night: On the, egg-“,figf‘i““Pe"--------- ------;,5<' P2557: , 21 Cut? .. ~ "3'! F :\73'.":<: is always a big month in selling cpectac- % strength. Proof of the value of Dr. odorless, waterproof, germ and (From Wednesday's Post ) south shore of Sturgeon Lake stands ' Tammi;"gg,';;.yl;;g5“; """ .712]: ll ' (Emmy »‘ M Wmâ€: H†"L we‘d-"l 1m]? 0f SWPMFIPS and Williams, Pink Pins in nervoustrou- vermin proof‘ and practically ' “‘Treaty Rock," a huge boulder dated . 'l‘nilet Parlor10c:md...‘.._..'.'..'.billktn-‘g = Surfaces "J ‘H' mtg-ï¬ns in Lima fulï¬l???“ Scum: wry bles is "ve'n b Mrs. Lara. Scheving, . i . The Misses Holmes, of Lindsay are 1615, where a treaty was made he ll Shh-1‘1“" 1’ " Wt k: . a ’ . 3,... , ~ wu‘ z-rlrw. i'li< mnmil has al\\rl}b been the. best g1 y indestructlble. Makes houses . *t . M M H M C llu , . t loom amines like and ' r. l, ' Gym†.- 5313iâ€. ' -:17 mt†[lit-sea l'l.U(lS and we want to {llilke it the ‘ Lundar, Man., Who 88-3751 â€I was atâ€" f as to heat and the gue‘ 5 0f rs- - ' * c a m, tween Champlain and the Indians. It 1 Hair Brushes " "'""";,'T and g; i “"‘W ’11“ llrstblxwtlwd-i "1 â€69'3““ "sting and tacked with nervous trouble which draft'P’Wv 3. y ' Fenelon Falls. is a favorite spot with the Sturgeon , Gillett’s Lve ........ '.l.'.':.'.'"':3;"l‘.l',; Isl: .' â€liming ‘ - 1-} . ' <3 , wail? y,“ 1;(~;u.'ilv in tlie_\-e,.y1alest and'ï¬nest goods almost drove me to distraction. It comfortable in any weather. Dr. Gross has returned from a. visit Point cottagers for picmcs, and here ; Lifebuoy Soap ..... .. ...,".._,,_,,L:3~ : : lug nat ‘ 31a..-, . "Sr; (.:.i‘.‘:l.':\:" cone to us thismonth fuz- taat pan- of 5‘ would be almost impossible for words Come in and see it. 76 to friends in Brighton He Will leave on Wednesday Miss Florence Nee dler I ban-y Soap and others ; _. l ï¬erto ‘ :1.ll.’lnlllg'ill()ljtq(l long . . . . . t'r' to the West . a week or . . (33“.!9- lug bar...... 25c . t Prop t' g , - 9 ~ pom int. m. tn 3 p. m. , to describe my condition. The least sohmuuuhcm on 9. 1p 1n entertained several Toronto friends. l Shanngllugs.1503-": _ '8);- . its care?» ,," ,5. 1-». i. :17 .i:.\ Prulnptly attended, broken lenses leplaced lthing would startle me and leave me THE STANDARD PAINT C0. ten days. Afterwards they were Shown the cir- { S’Vashing Soda, 21h: “v-11. ne mun“ \ ' IE ltrembling for an hour. I had nervous a ma“ Limited. MonueaL Miss Agnes Mee-han, of Rochester is; cle of stones under a large oak that 1; Sharing Bi-ush (good) 25L, . . it 13.11? ; TL;M_ ""‘MM" mm L- lheadaches, and slept very badly at Melenm Co†. ï¬ndsay. home 011 a ViSit *0 her parents Mr. marks the grave of the lovely Indian I: and mnnv other-s always at am. ~ mom; 5 n, .1; Druggl‘st 1% l nights, some nights ITOt at 311- My '88 heard _ Fenclon Falls. and Mrs. Jos. M’eehan. She Will reâ€" maiden, Manita. Further on a hollow .2 “mm“ WWW,†. ‘ _ 5 . 'EY 3‘ t ‘ 7‘ t. 71"}: “‘11:- : El ‘ a etite rew poor, an .I was really 0 . ’ turn on Saturday. Oak W38 pointedbut, wherein had {i "' m - '1 -' ’ i? .2 ' 1“" ‘4’ fig §2 and % lapfhysicafl; wreck. I had been to sevâ€" A' E’ Bom’ - Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Predmore and her sister, been found a quaint Signet ring, as- l BE} $413.6 ‘3 ‘3 3% S . . ' , . h» d . m “J é £223 t‘ptician E leral doctors and had taken many (lifâ€" 5:1,. Cfldlf Eros†- COPQCOIIKo Miss Gladys Breen, of Rochester are suredly belonging to Champlaih; but D R U2 6.“ â€L E ., , l: for c i' â€"T a?†a- nflï¬qqqqquqrEâ€"agamm Iferent medicines, but without any beâ€" a. Gerrle, .- . “ Eahhurlon. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph the ï¬nder, a friend of Miss Neelaris .4) ‘ll: 0 R E: g . .. ““““"“"“““b"t‘““‘““ â€H“ H :nefit. Then I read of a case similar ii..il:lr:i‘sw,lhrkl;eld and licodmlle- lMcehan- ChildhOO-d days soon lost itâ€"too large 9 THEEEXALL S‘GRE