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Lindsay Post (1907), 30 Aug 1912, p. 6

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PAGE E- which concrete roads have been used W when winter really arrives and the l , ’ roads are covered with snow, the ,. show the same absence of mainten- ,_ _ 3000 F wanted kind of road underneath makes abâ€" ance charges. When we stop to think amers solut'ely no diderence, except that on that figures collected by the New . ,T, ,v . ’. . I. ‘ a concrete road less snow is needed York State Highway Department ‘ HIGH-GRADE.GUARANTEED menus as: NOT ONLY coon roe over their oultr and see If . _ , ON. 02 c: a _ p *0 100“ p 3 for good sleighing. show that the cost per mile per year ' ngréggggfiiffu‘l’rgffl Egon 3m. Sigiicéinraé’lr11:35:58th ”193' haven’t any to spare. If any one Emma SATISFACTION.WITHIN Tmmv DAVS mom DATE OF Dune-ms: has. deliver them at any time to 8. AP- The harder road surface Wears g for pI‘0pcrly maintaining macadam horses’ shoes more rapidly, and is iroads is $828 to $100 for a 15 foot PLLBTéL‘ M, Poultry-D39?) lil?01§%tslfiléll.ssl: probably harder on the horses’ feet, ‘ roadway, it is “Qt difficult to under. _ ...., .. . ., East “513?: until lecilve £118 :11 with but with proper shoeing this trouble stand that a difference of even sever- I‘I'it'e- Call up Phone ”‘4’" ' and “I c“ can be ‘minimized and the saving on a1 thousand dollars in first cost is of small moment in a road that if prop- horse and wagon. the horses’ muSCles more than makes erly constructed should last forever. S. A P P L E B A U M up i... the wear on the feet. Farmers near the line between The all year around poultry buyer - 1 t_ , , 'h 0 WWW 32$“; 3.23.3312 2213? if... .22.: 3 RN} F 0R 01!. haVe a splendid opportunity to com- NEAR PETERBORO pare the concrete road with the or- 1 l(linary dirt road. They. say that to . .ad th3ir teams both Way‘s on the Examlner: 311‘. Finnely J. Forsyth innâ€"v»... than: ROADWAYS 1N" MICHIGAN , Will. TOWN (IF “WE IIIIIIPT SYSTEM? The following from Friday's Tor- ; solid even surface which permits the onto World will prove of interest to car tok be driven rapidly, yet, at the our readers in view of the fact that ‘ same time, a surface which is dustâ€" tion of permanent roadways ; less and noiseless. and with a crown the ques A . ‘0' the town is at present a live so slight that there 15 no danger of A n v k c 5. e .. k _ obile owners one. The feeling is practically unan- Islipping. That autom that the would be pleased was to be expected concrete road tires the horses less 0f Warsaw, has succeéded in organiz- than the return empty on the dirt ing a 10931 Company to drill and road. If the haul is all on the con- l Prospect in this locality and around crete road the only limit to the ‘Warsaw for 031, £35. salt and other weight Of the load is the quantity minerals. The company is capitalized that can be placed on the wagon. As at $40,000, and shares are now being one farmer put it, “Why Bill here 05 red to “”1 public at $1,911“ V3“ can keep the load moving himself, Inc. The company will begin opera- without any help from the horses afâ€" trons as soon as sufficient capital is * subscribed to warrant a beginning. THEM SUCH AS IS SHOWN LNrTHE PICTURE ABOVE . IN WHICH FOUR MEN EXERTED ALL THEIR STRENGTH .’ ’IN THE EFFORT TO RIP A PAIR OF PEABODYS' OVERALLS..‘=. Buwmythwlu sumo THIS-THEY WONT RIP’ 1 ,3 . l l =I ter they start it.” The provisional directors of the com- , , ; imous among 0“ Citizens b t th . f th -,roads is in most A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT ‘ I a â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_. , ‘ I: present system of road work carried’ 'u 811‘ use 0 e . . ._ pany are Messrs. F. W. Wilkins, D.T. I . cm: by the town is a waste of time | cases for pleasure trips only and a The white roads are really beauti S., J. G. Keefer and John F. El- . UNDERTUE HARDEST K'NDOF m WEAR ; ful as they go on and on, lor mile after mile on Michigan ave., Wood- ward ave, Gratiot road, etc., their cleanliness being an object lesson to the street cleaning departments of even the progressive municipali- ties. No attention whatever it neces- l liott. A faVOrable agreement has been made with Mr. Fotsyth, who is the owner of a drilling outfit, and who has‘agreed to employ experienc- ed assistance to prosecute the search in the depths of mother earth for the we. ARE" THE AGENTS OF \, PEAE: ODYS’ ' GUARANTEED OVERALLS. as come‘ satisfactory road must serve for the when our highways must be con- ' more serious every day requirements structed with a view to durability Y of farm traflic, and it is from the and permanency. The experience of farmers that the really concluSIve Wayne county, Michigan, and other ; evidence of the value of the roads places with concrete roadways should .‘must be secured. and money. and the time h For sale in Men’s Clothing Department , ,/ . 1' a encourage our council to look into ”How about these roads in: wet sary in this respect as the‘winds hidden products. There is absolutely this method of road construction. , weather and in the winter time?” and rains in their, onward march no watered stock in the.concern and ‘3 m ° , The article readsias follows: éwas the question asked many times, must needs erform this service ra- the organization expensesâ€"including v9 REE "" LE -; 5 FIRST TRIED IN 1903 ia-od in every case the answer Was tis P .5 provincial charter, books and sup_ «.9 ' h f ete was i that there was no trouble whatever - . 't d' . 1 pliesâ€"will not exceed $300. exclusive wvs.,i:..: 533'fizznjirgyt-r.mack;f, _, -. . , The first stretc 0 CODCr sin that respect. In wet weather the Their sam ary. con ItIOn eaves nO- of commission for sale of stock. Mr. n--~:;\.‘~«.: . , -.- , . . laid on Woodward avenue road durâ€" : only place there was trouble, was thlng to be deSIred. The wear 18 so Forsy’th is to receive one hundred .________________________________________ ..______ _ ing the summer of 1908. This road is .where a clay road intersected the slight in four years as to be as yet shares of stock for his work in proâ€" BRAMWELL 38 01}: AT SEE-1001' l the Arm}. ,;,,,1._..,“ ' ' F, o i V , ' ' . ,' _, 7,.“ .:r : a continuation ‘0‘ th“ matnl (pa :d ; concrete and where the clay was car- funnottilcleableJ‘here at: be Inod 5:118: motinvg the company, and for some ’ M’S' BUM" ‘ o " O ' 0" . .‘w. ‘0‘»! : . .. ~ stre-t j“ D‘tr°*_t agd asdi. 62:11“; , ried on the concrete. rom . 8” wearing, de on; u, 0t thirty odd lenses which he holds and a... , . “as “‘1 t'r '2 HJ--0'31:g 5"? the state Fa" ,‘Om 5’ d~ tw i The road is not so slippery as the “111d 11113:} can b: foufn on calm.us whichIhe has turned over to the com- WAS AFi‘LiC TED WITH BEAFNESS it recs tII-Zny. 1:» body ;_ ,. Park, a popular paygroun . 0 , ordinary dirt road. Questioning street he broug t to t em rom some umm- pany. a m we in: __ day .7 “his large cemeteries, and to Oakland , car conductors who spend every day proved road. If,|£ault is found With Salt 0 d h _ d (evotc-Ii 5,3,,th {1315 6., county, a 11611 farming section, it2 d br ht out the their white color because of the re- ‘ ,“n gas ave airea.y been . . . . parts, of 11". r: untrv 1.» a2 . . m “es 3. popular automobile drive ,along the I‘Oé‘t 5’ oug fle"tion of the sun their color could found m many placps in this district lNearly forty years ago the writer that part, were by no means In great “W - p .x - , g 6 -: Tl: traffic over it is such that the ifact that they had never yet seen a very easily be made any shade de- and indications of the presence of the of these reminiscences was spending sympathy with the eiiort, and it was ‘ '1 ‘ I ‘ WW “9113- road is subjected to a verv severe horse down on the concrete roads. sired as i: done in other concrete lubricating substance are not want- ' his youthful days in the north east ; not an easy task to obtain permis- n writ“: 7 “A”? 4m test It is to all practm,‘ purposes The reason lor thls 11:8 In the fact construction but the spiel; and spar ing. It oniy remains now for those ‘ of the great metropolis of London, ? rion for Mrs. Booth to occupy the we; ‘11 11>“ 1 _ . . in as wood condition tod'tv as when that the crown 15 so Shght' being onâ€" appearance Of the white roads as who wish to see a test made and th more particularly in the neighbor- pulpit:=. Much Of the success of the Charf‘fl' T- . t.’ . ' .137 OII‘E'CIUB-I't‘ir Of an mm to the fOOt “ v . . are willing to share in the cost of hood of South Hackney and (.‘lap- :early work of the Army was due to 569' I”. 7‘1" i 1- 1:22;. '7: " first laid. i ._ h f 16-f t roadWa they have been bu11t In Wayne Coun- _ . . . _ I a, , , ,-,,,_, ,2, .1 a, .,-‘ U, M ,. .. _, _ , or two one es or a 00 . . Y. t makes one slow to favor any exploration to take up the shares of ten. In the first district the Booth ,the C‘uCCt that that good woan s 3 ~ ~ I f w 1 -- I. _., ater Or a An endeavor 11059515137 made to (115‘ as compared t0 five and SIX Inches y ‘ ‘ ‘ the cgmpany, The organization is a 1family lived in the early days, and jappeals made on congregations high- If” ‘3‘“ 'V ' ' ' ””0: l_nlllof1:he :2? cover just whether there is any oppoâ€" for the dirt road. . I. '. - e . - - n ,. _ - r. I .. . . . L . t" j l - e - . , 2' :did !:‘.'1C‘l -, :2»-.. 2 , Editor . . the white color makes it the easiest limit d liability Convert} that 13, M and Mrs Bramwell Booth on 11 , er to In th socxal strata than th 1r lawful \t M £9 5;" -- Sinâ€"Having. been ‘ sition to this form ‘1‘ road in thatf LESS SLIPPERY THAN OTHER vicinity and among what class iti ROADS might exist led to s0me results that 1 In the early winter the wind ca-- were really surprising, and almost ‘ ries the snow away frOm the con- unbelievable. For automobile traflic, crete road, and it is again less slip- but the cost. “Ah! that’s the rub.” they certainly are ideal, presenting a pery than the dirt road. Of course 3111'» is it. Let u5100k at this side 0f the question in the light of the exper- the shareholders are only liable for recently. Here the Army has several Loriginal congregation at Mile End the actual amount of their holdings. rescue and maternity homes, while § Waste and Well street. An applica- i '7‘ “I: 3‘ Subscription forms may be had and l at Clapton, as ev?ry Salvationist ‘ tion was made at this time for Mrs. ‘ ‘31“- 3i‘---'"~Ti»“""‘-1 509$ is 2 :2" any other information obtained from land many other readers know, they ,Booth to occupy the well known pul- “01112311 ‘37-'71 31'? ”SW? 3'4" ’ any of th? directors or from Mr, For- ’ have extensive premises of all kinds, : pit of Richmond, Road Chapel, Hack- § it? WOT": iii HdCiHEF we syth, land in the Congress Hall situated } ney, then in the height of its popu- 3““ make be” time 11“: form: __ there the remains of the late lament- E larity under Dr. Jenkins, W. O. M ! CHEESE PRICES 0N gngziegigrgongngysin‘:SHED IT. ! SimpSon,-. W. D. Walters, J. E. Clap- '- RAILWAY NAWEES EN ham and other well'known preachers. , PETERBORO BGARD One fine morning two young lads, 6 Some opposition was shown, but the - NAMELESS GR“ and 14, Bramwell and Ballington, in- writer‘s father, Captain Holdsworth, troduced to the school by Mr. H. R. who was treasurer 0f the Chapel . , 7.“. .. n- «nan. . Review: The twenty factories that Clarke, the principal, Whose name TmStees at the time, willingly gave Otpuwg' (,k jxugi-fiff :34 inVictori ~~ .. were represented at the Cheese Board may yet be remembered in some his consent, and the writer well re-I men: Of Laoor “.9 1be “9.... atUphm Iahcihn: meeting this morning boarded 2.250 lparts of Canada. He afterwards members Sitting in the 1’33“ pews I latms’ With the ldéa Clam" of in; c aft}; cheeses in. all. founded the well known Shanklin and seeing, to him’ the strange . workmen egg???mimifma «m: for Minis“? I Mr. R- W- Warde, instructor for College in the Isle of Wight. They Sight Of a woman in the pulpit. He évrucuon th‘ofhcf? 31:: .2 Now to be h the county, made a short addreSs in were fairly tall ladS, very quiet and afterwards heard her in later years All: con?ieic.tfr:v Efflctxiixi I left Uphill 022““: which he stated that in company reserved, in fact they might have in the pulpit 0f the aristocratic . Ot er emmosms ale rev“ “ H the present year t of readers of yo togive them an down here and . of both the Canadia. I... this part of the II.I.:, I, with your co » give a brief outli ; and other things i. to me, both on 1:11; arrived here. iv first place, I mm my identity. 31:. kind of road to travel'at night. COSTS ARE MODERATE ‘ “Oh yes ! you say it is a good road iences of the commissioners Of Wayne 274151 E EEEEE 131 fig@ E County. The roads they have been, change. Not only is this true, but i building are roads built to take care of the hardest kind of traffic; they a E are built of a concrete harder in tem- “Y 3 h out than that used in almost any form r“ " r J ‘94 of concrete construction, no matter for what purpose it may have been E E intended; they are built near a large I M O N O S $ city where labor costs are high, they r‘y E ‘ r, are built with a special soft steel ex- . a . . . . ‘4 H pansron Jornt; they are built of ma- .r: 931-).er - . - terials purchased many miles away - . . careful record of the names ‘ 7. ._ r1 , With Instructors Publ - I K - Clapton Wesle an church. h 3 ° ' and In many cases hauled by teams 0W “1ch ay’ been called 5’15“ but ”1 answer to y , .w “6.5% tionnlities more Of birth. andlfi’ the 316: and Tor-I . . . . ‘ . the latter of the Guelph Agricultural 'cuestions which every new school bo also made a remarkable impressmn. . . .. a; of J ,7 ThlS popular materlal lS belng used ex- ‘7 for long distances; they- are built by College and Ald Gillespie he had has t ub 't t . th 1d by ARMY COMES TO CLAPTOV addresses in Canada, as we; Y une at 1-..: r ' ° ' r - l ' ° - 08 m1 osmce ewor e- ‘ ‘e - L' _ . , p _ , '.,IIm , £1 tenSlvely because 0f the 300d SCI‘VICC given. day labor Instead Of cont labor. made- a tour of the factories yester- gan they saidrthey were liv-‘n on (For the next few years the writer home add.ess, 8‘50 thy “3:1: us ”it par? ‘7 They come in shades of mauve, blue and - 1“ $5130“ :2 9:1)?“ hail'been 29m: day in an automobile, and had found King Edward Road a well A 5.0,“, Was away at hoarding school in the afdresses 0f the nearer row ‘ y from: I itn beg_ , - - . . - o ecure e es possi e roa an -, . . ’ . tJClI‘ employee. ravens-t“ O I ever thin I I. . I 1 - . â€" . , !4 pink Wlth plain colored trimmings to match )‘0 while the management has been excel- c dyrt’ 8 m a general Y SatISfaCtOI‘Y thoroughfare in those days, and their 5 e 0f nght. and when he came back In the past no records were c has Via Sudbury a ' ° lent condit' h on 1 Ion. father was 8' minister., the Army was firmly on Its feet. f 'd t Drum": explosion ) From Toronto I '1. Dainty Dressmg Sacques at 50C r. . Ions ave been such that “The most of the factoriesare well , ’ and beginning to look out ior much 0 am en ‘ “Mk . . . ~..._ - . a { and 75C R. the costs must be at leafl’ afair av- kept ” said Mr Warde “but in some SAW COMING GENERAL AND larger fields of labor I th 1d sulting in death have 0m 1m deco0f wmmpe: . - ’ ' ' SONS ' n e 0 ' .,~,, ' ~ 5 33 ' “r j ‘7 ‘1 erage Othat can be expected 1“ 0““ of themâ€"” here he paused and made fashioned Lower Clapton Road there and many fond) labo‘érs hi“. I. - te “memes ‘24 .. ‘34 er Imaht‘es- In many cases the cost an expressive gesture A few days after on going home was a raman old fashioned b ,1 buried unknown and unidentu‘g “nothing Country I a lshould be less, and in the exceptional "Name those factories ,, said sev- from school rather late from avertingâ€"built whef Clapt w . ultd- ten it occurred that Wives and": One centinuatio.. Ky BLACK SILKS fl lease only should it be higher. eral members of the E 'rd ing preparation, the writer saw that country for the Londzn 0:1:th Ashe ren wrote pathetic letters to , â€"» of water for xi - o o - o o ‘ o ' ' ~ 9 n n - . ‘I -F g ,. ‘ ' . . 4 A splendid quality Paulette m deep, nch black, ‘2‘ I Mr. E. N. Hmes, Wayne County “I will not .. answered Mr Warde lads helping their father at an open lum surrounded with b ffy eign consuls enquiring Ic.‘ _ Man has two mpg ' ' ' air service on'Well street. one of- th? ' can 1 ul husbands and fathers. and 81" match, Which is .- “but have no doubt that they will do better." The bidding was soon over. BtOPP' ing at 13 3~6c. grounds, the asylum had been mov- ed further out into the country and after standing idle for some time, the building itself was sold to the heme 0f the most 0“ this stretch {in ”’3“ time. and no II to locate them proved in vain. . new regulations will seek to .- .this as far as possible. worst parts of Hackney then, and for the first time saw the leader of what was to be one of the greatest religious movements of modem! days. r‘y ex: ellent wearing and wide dms width, W 3°“ ComiSSi‘oner. and the man who A! atpei-yard,89c and.................. 100 H more than any o-therone man has 0 been instrumental in bringing about £7 Rich Mousseline Paillette, a lovely qualiy cloth h their construction. in his paper be- \” quiet and reserved. He suffered a The Congress Hall is the head- 0 R IA C A S T O R . A great deal from his deafness and in quarters of the Army in those pa m. . C A- s T ’ , ‘ ..-- - his young days and till quite recentâ€" the cadets are trained there and most LINDSAY MARBLE W|.l ‘ K. K for gowns and mm, skin dyed wide l fore the meeting of the Association Arm for e ' ' 1| ’ - l . . ~ {.1 Width, at per yard . . _ , . . . . . . . . . .t . . . . . l 25 . I of I’ortland Cement Manufacturers at Chil dr 6 n C r ,/ BRAMWELL BOOTH AT SCHOOL beautiful S; 0:11th :er1:: :511e::§ , C hll d ran 01'? 7 I A . Chicago early “I May 881d: “The conâ€" FOR flETCfiER’S I found the new General at school put into building lots. FOR FLETCHER’S { f PAY ; I . ‘7 l crete roads in Wayne County have It Women’s Long Silk Gloves, made from very best ' i cost irom $1.04 to $1.75 per square “W of glove silk, double tipped fingers, mousquetain yard complete. The figure varies With E wrist, 16 button length, at per pair. . . . l 00 E :2: cut antd fint :quired in grading, 1y he had to use one of those old- of the larger rallies and ofl‘lcers' , . K“ . E .. .22:: -22: mama”: ”m... r: it. 4 Women‘s Pure Silk Hose, seconds, With Lisle length of haul for materials. The figâ€" wheel the- little hand organ down for first Sunday afternoon meeting, Monuments Get WW" “‘1‘ ures given include the cost of concrete , the open air services. DEATH 01: MRS. BOOTH Signs. culverts, concrete tile drains, l‘and' ltile along the street car tracks, open W , . 0‘ . ditches, grading and the earth or “ Women s Llsle Thread Hose, black, tan and L. Igmvel shoulders, Yardage is figured We did not join in the boyish I We‘!, vent-g rolled on, and iust n, R sports but he never interfered withv' his fellow school mates and thoughl at that early time he was known as! deeply religious and soundly con-: GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY aw : verted', yet I am glad to say for the . I 93nd9 1'2, price...................... N thread garter top, in black only, size 8 1-2, ’37 L4 23c 5" E._.__.___.__,_ __ . ,, ; Tne largest stock of Sou- : colors, also in lace, all sizes, price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c q I on the concrete only; the cost of gravâ€" venirs ever shown in Lind- "4 A gel shoulders, etc., being apportioned‘ say. Belt (nasps, Collar ! f: S .21 ‘ d W. d Sh d A «v- - - rz it .t ,, Plus, Beauty Pins in RiCh I . R pend prlce an opaque m 0W a e’ 0‘ 1n.x L. 3 ° 1 s 008'“ 1 French Enamel,L.C.I. Maple lterfered with for his religious con- W W . ’ RS N INDO SHADES . over the concrete yardage and added honor of the school he was never in-l FARM LABORERS EXCU IO 5 _, W 72 in, mounted on Ieliable rollers, dark green or W' ITSW GUST OF MAINTENANCE . Leaf Canada (1,,thv Silver victionS- ! Pl 1w $10-00 t0 Wmmpegd Via .Cbictai‘; hem, I a cream co-or com lete with brackets. . . ....... ”’50 4 ’- '15 means that in man cases the ’ “ ' . 2 M BOOTH IN THE PULPIT ‘ '1‘ ’ "cent mile from Winnipesto "imam" “ :i t R “' , p L L concrete r0 (1 ' y ' B‘OOChCS made 111 England' RS ! MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. Returning halfâ€"cent rune ° "7 to Trimmed Shades in cream and green 37:79 in '7 in tha can be bum for we ht- Eve“ the“ General B°°th’ as he Winnipeg. plus $18 00 to destination in Eastern Canada- . «In. 0' ,1. - - K ° . v ’ ‘ d , C Q I emore . an $1.00 per square yard ' ' was jUSt beginning to be called, Was AUGUST 23rd From all stations North (:7 1m? 17“ intlmlfner-‘diitu L4 late Insertion, complete Wlth bral Lets ...... . . . .00 L. I or at 8. COSt 1838 than $10,000 per mile nuve"!f Sfluans making great headway in the East I‘ll)? Toronto to sal'llia .1 unnel \‘lil Strfll’l‘lll‘di ::111<{:il‘ltll:: All ‘7 r7 ' of 15 feet roadway. In many instancâ€" T’nd of London and Mrs Booth one and Nn‘lll and 17:IctII+"l‘n~-orito to lxixrzs‘nn nix” “’1‘” v»: III 0 . M ' . ’ 0 3. - . ‘ ..‘ ' - '- .. I( ~ list and 5"“ a TAPESTRY CURTAINS ‘4 es the first cost for a waterbound The celebrated Rod en of the _most charming and persuasive AUCE'I‘isiirq‘ff}; q},,',‘?.‘,”r,‘.‘,“ bum“: Imuh ’ ‘U'd ‘ . ,wi . ~ I u . u .j . . , “) 'l'lL'Zuéfl-{A'HM AUGUST 30th l“l0lll all stations Toronto to .\u‘ilzl I...) u Heavy Mercerized Curtains, well knotted fringe N .' reacadam Will come very close to this Bros Manf dainty Salt women the writer ever met. was per- ) 0‘ on top and bottom, 2 3-4 yds long, shades of green or é\¢ ! figure. In Wayne County macadam ' 813002 S Coll-6,8 andrTPa Size haps more prominent than her hus- L crimson, at per pair. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . $3.00 , first cost is about 10 per cent less, Spoons, b utifully enamel- band, and without taking'one iota of i o ’ ~ ; I' but that is on] a small . .- ' e r th de d Ge e l ' k! rm; Y part of the led, from 250 up to $2.70. prais fom e a nra it may west thereof in Ontario. _/2 ' CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Lindsay. Ont, to Toronto and retufI1 $2.05 Ans-24:05»: $1.65 3.22. .‘.:.. 7, inclusive. i complete story. The total cost in . be safely eaid that Mrs. Booth was ,W-ayne County for repairs last year ”ur pl‘lce a“! U moderate. lindeed the mother of the Army in ,l on concrete roads was $200, this be- more senses than one. To introduce a 07L A hl. M E E ing on 33 miles of roads. Almost all ' I A . .â€" ' ’ ithe aims and ideasw‘of these devoted E 613g m .l c “tyre E ; of this was spent on ditching and MCC ARIY S lpeopl-e it was felt that Mrs. Booth Cs 2:?" ' hshoulders, a very small part indeed, should speak in the leading chapeIS, A'l . k , . Minimum Rate-“25 cétvscflr 106.1912. :7 .3; AWE} ONE PRICE r ’ being spent on the concrete itself. ' kW 1 Sieve WhiCh are SO abundant in Northeast {3 l he as “he for retumun‘” .uesca:.-.,~- . Tâ€"lxif-Bc ‘4 jig-7.5g 3 During the same year $12,500 was 8 ry ‘ ,‘London, and though it should be re- a ASK ANY GRAND TRUNK AGENT for 5;: i7nz'iicz'431'3”2:1,,“ 232.7: “.1 W W " ‘ ~ _ "'3 W ' “'v ' i Spent in the 89.1 e WEDDING RINGS” ,, ,bered that the Booths were Me- 4) ‘ "“"""'"“*“""*wr‘“""““-‘“‘“" W‘fifi.‘ qygohM§o y%%@ 104% 397 92 J h; F3? 3 0m, .hflnth n 90“” on ”ads MARRIAGELICEJNbEb ,1”? t t t th t ti 8 th w . M-.. _ A , he: £ “X g, A ‘ L H ‘ A, M l o a e concrete roads. thod1s 3-, ye a a m , e es- W. R. WIDDESQ Age” Lindsay ”was :1 . ~, . , - g . . Reports for many other localities in W leyans, who were very strong in

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