PAGE E- which concrete roads have been used W when winter really arrives and the l , ’ roads are covered with snow, the ,. show the same absence of mainten- ,_ _ 3000 F wanted kind of road underneath makes abâ€" ance charges. When we stop to think amers solut'ely no diderence, except that on that figures collected by the New . ,T, ,v . ’. . I. ‘ a concrete road less snow is needed York State Highway Department ‘ HIGH-GRADE.GUARANTEED menus as: NOT ONLY coon roe over their oultr and see If . _ , ON. 02 c: a _ p *0 100“ p 3 for good sleighing. show that the cost per mile per year ' ngréggggï¬iffu‘l’rgffl Egon 3m. Sigiicéinraé’lr11:35:58th â€193' haven’t any to spare. If any one Emma SATISFACTION.WITHIN Tmmv DAVS mom DATE OF Dune-ms: has. deliver them at any time to 8. AP- The harder road surface Wears g for pI‘0pcrly maintaining macadam horses’ shoes more rapidly, and is iroads is $828 to $100 for a 15 foot PLLBTéL‘ M, Poultry-D39?) lil?01§%tslfiléll.ssl: probably harder on the horses’ feet, ‘ roadway, it is “Qt difficult to under. _ ...., .. . ., East “513?: until lecilve £118 :11 with but with proper shoeing this trouble stand that a difference of even sever- I‘I'it'e- Call up Phone â€â€˜4’" ' and “I c“ can be ‘minimized and the saving on a1 thousand dollars in first cost is of small moment in a road that if prop- horse and wagon. the horses’ muSCles more than makes erly constructed should last forever. S. A P P L E B A U M up i... the wear on the feet. Farmers near the line between The all year around poultry buyer - 1 t_ , , 'h 0 WWW 32$“; 3.23.3312 2213? if... .22.: 3 RN} F 0R 01!. haVe a splendid opportunity to com- NEAR PETERBORO pare the concrete road with the or- 1 l(linary dirt road. They. say that to . .ad th3ir teams both Way‘s on the Examlner: 311‘. Finnely J. Forsyth innâ€"v»... than: ROADWAYS 1N" MICHIGAN , Will. TOWN (IF “WE IIIIIIPT SYSTEM? The following from Friday's Tor- ; solid even surface which permits the onto World will prove of interest to car tok be driven rapidly, yet, at the our readers in view of the fact that ‘ same time, a surface which is dustâ€" tion of permanent roadways ; less and noiseless. and with a crown the ques A . ‘0' the town is at present a live so slight that there 15 no danger of A n v k c 5. e .. k _ obile owners one. The feeling is practically unan- Islipping. That autom that the would be pleased was to be expected concrete road tires the horses less 0f Warsaw, has succeéded in organiz- than the return empty on the dirt ing a 10931 Company to drill and road. If the haul is all on the con- l Prospect in this locality and around crete road the only limit to the ‘Warsaw for 031, £35. salt and other weight Of the load is the quantity minerals. The company is capitalized that can be placed on the wagon. As at $40,000, and shares are now being one farmer put it, “Why Bill here 05 red to “â€1 public at $1,911“ V3“ can keep the load moving himself, Inc. The company will begin opera- without any help from the horses afâ€" trons as soon as sufficient capital is * subscribed to warrant a beginning. THEM SUCH AS IS SHOWN LNrTHE PICTURE ABOVE . IN WHICH FOUR MEN EXERTED ALL THEIR STRENGTH .’ ’IN THE EFFORT TO RIP A PAIR OF PEABODYS' OVERALLS..‘=. Buwmythwlu sumo THIS-THEY WONT RIP’ 1 ,3 . l l =I ter they start it.†The provisional directors of the com- , , ; imous among 0“ Citizens b t th . f th -,roads is in most A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT ‘ I a â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_. , ‘ I: present system of road work carried’ 'u 811‘ use 0 e . . ._ pany are Messrs. F. W. Wilkins, D.T. I . cm: by the town is a waste of time | cases for pleasure trips only and a The white roads are really beauti S., J. G. Keefer and John F. El- . UNDERTUE HARDEST K'NDOF m WEAR ; ful as they go on and on, lor mile after mile on Michigan ave., Wood- ward ave, Gratiot road, etc., their cleanliness being an object lesson to the street cleaning departments of even the progressive municipali- ties. No attention whatever it neces- l liott. A faVOrable agreement has been made with Mr. Fotsyth, who is the owner of a drilling outfit, and who has‘agreed to employ experienc- ed assistance to prosecute the search in the depths of mother earth for the we. ARE" THE AGENTS OF \, PEAE: ODYS’ ' GUARANTEED OVERALLS. as come‘ satisfactory road must serve for the when our highways must be con- ' more serious every day requirements structed with a view to durability Y of farm traflic, and it is from the and permanency. The experience of farmers that the really concluSIve Wayne county, Michigan, and other ; evidence of the value of the roads places with concrete roadways should .‘must be secured. and money. and the time h For sale in Men’s Clothing Department , ,/ . 1' a encourage our council to look into â€How about these roads in: wet sary in this respect as the‘winds hidden products. There is absolutely this method of road construction. , weather and in the winter time?†and rains in their, onward march no watered stock in the.concern and ‘3 m ° , The article readsias follows: éwas the question asked many times, must needs erform this service ra- the organization expensesâ€"including v9 REE "" LE -; 5 FIRST TRIED IN 1903 ia-od in every case the answer Was tis P .5 provincial charter, books and sup_ «.9 ' h f ete was i that there was no trouble whatever - . 't d' . 1 pliesâ€"will not exceed $300. exclusive wvs.,i:..: 533'ï¬zznjirgyt-r.mack;f, _, -. . , The first stretc 0 CODCr sin that respect. In wet weather the Their sam ary. con ItIOn eaves nO- of commission for sale of stock. Mr. n--~:;\.‘~«.: . , -.- , . . laid on Woodward avenue road durâ€" : only place there was trouble, was thlng to be deSIred. The wear 18 so Forsy’th is to receive one hundred .________________________________________ ..______ _ ing the summer of 1908. This road is .where a clay road intersected the slight in four years as to be as yet shares of stock for his work in proâ€" BRAMWELL 38 01}: AT SEE-1001' l the Arm}. ,;,,,1._..,“ ' ' F, o i V , ' ' . ,' _, 7,.“ .:r : a continuation ‘0‘ th“ matnl (pa :d ; concrete and where the clay was car- funnottilcleableJ‘here at: be Inod 5:118: motinvg the company, and for some ’ M’S' BUM" ‘ o " O ' 0" . .‘w. ‘0‘»! : . .. ~ stre-t j“ D‘tr°*_t agd asdi. 62:11“; , ried on the concrete. rom . 8†wearing, de on; u, 0t thirty odd lenses which he holds and a... , . “as “‘1 t'r '2 HJ--0'31:g 5"? the state Fa" ,‘Om 5’ d~ tw i The road is not so slippery as the “111d 11113:} can b: foufn on whichIhe has turned over to the com- WAS AFi‘LiC TED WITH BEAFNESS it recs tII-Zny. 1:» body ;_ ,. Park, a popular paygroun . 0 , ordinary dirt road. Questioning street he broug t to t em rom some umm- pany. a m we in: __ day .7 “his large cemeteries, and to Oakland , car conductors who spend every day proved road. If,|£ault is found With Salt 0 d h _ d (evotc-Ii 5,3,,th {1315 6., county, a 11611 farming section, it2 d br ht out the their white color because of the re- ‘ ,“n gas ave airea.y been . . . . parts, of 11". r: untrv 1.» a2 . . m “es 3. popular automobile drive ,along the I‘Oé‘t 5’ oug fle"tion of the sun their color could found m many placps in this district lNearly forty years ago the writer that part, were by no means In great “W - p .x - , g 6 -: Tl: trafï¬c over it is such that the ifact that they had never yet seen a very easily be made any shade de- and indications of the presence of the of these reminiscences was spending sympathy with the eiiort, and it was ‘ '1 ‘ I ‘ WW “9113- road is subjected to a verv severe horse down on the concrete roads. sired as i: done in other concrete lubricating substance are not want- ' his youthful days in the north east ; not an easy task to obtain permis- n writ“: 7 “Aâ€? 4m test It is to all practm,‘ purposes The reason lor thls 11:8 In the fact construction but the spiel; and spar ing. It oniy remains now for those ‘ of the great metropolis of London, ? rion for Mrs. Booth to occupy the we; ‘11 11>“ 1 _ . . in as wood condition tod'tv as when that the crown 15 so Shght' being onâ€" appearance Of the white roads as who wish to see a test made and th more particularly in the neighbor- pulpit:=. Much Of the success of the Charf‘fl' T- . t.’ . ' .137 OII‘E'CIUB-I't‘ir Of an mm to the fOOt “ v . . are willing to share in the cost of hood of South Hackney and (.‘lap- :early work of the Army was due to 569' Iâ€. 7‘1" i 1- 1:22;. '7: " ï¬rst laid. i ._ h f 16-f t roadWa they have been bu11t In Wayne Coun- _ . . . _ I a, , , ,-,,,_, ,2, .1 a, .,-‘ U, M ,. .. _, _ , or two one es or a 00 . . Y. t makes one slow to favor any exploration to take up the shares of ten. In the first district the Booth ,the C‘uCCt that that good woan s 3 ~ ~ I f w 1 -- I. _., ater Or a An endeavor 11059515137 made to (115‘ as compared t0 five and SIX Inches y ‘ ‘ ‘ the cgmpany, The organization is a 1family lived in the early days, and jappeals made on congregations high- If†‘3‘“ 'V ' ' ' â€â€0: l_nlllof1:he :2? cover just whether there is any oppoâ€" for the dirt road. . I. '. - e . - - n ,. _ - r. I .. . . . L . t" j l - e - . , 2' :did !:‘.'1C‘l -, :2»-.. 2 , Editor . . the white color makes it the easiest limit d liability Convert} that 13, M and Mrs Bramwell Booth on 11 , er to In th socxal strata than th 1r lawful \t M £9 5;" -- Sinâ€"Having. been ‘ sition to this form ‘1‘ road in thatf LESS SLIPPERY THAN OTHER vicinity and among what class iti ROADS might exist led to s0me results that 1 In the early winter the wind ca-- were really surprising, and almost ‘ ries the snow away frOm the con- unbelievable. For automobile traflic, crete road, and it is again less slip- but the cost. “Ah! that’s the rub.†they certainly are ideal, presenting a pery than the dirt road. Of course 3111'» is it. Let u5100k at this side 0f the question in the light of the exper- the shareholders are only liable for recently. Here the Army has several Loriginal congregation at Mile End the actual amount of their holdings. rescue and maternity homes, while § Waste and Well street. An applica- i '7‘ “I: 3‘ Subscription forms may be had and l at Clapton, as ev?ry Salvationist ‘ tion was made at this time for Mrs. ‘ ‘31“- 3i‘---'"~Ti»“""‘-1 509$ is 2 :2" any other information obtained from land many other readers know, they ,Booth to occupy the well known pul- “01112311 ‘37-'71 31'? â€SW? 3'4" ’ any of th? directors or from Mr, For- ’ have extensive premises of all kinds, : pit of Richmond, Road Chapel, Hack- § it? WOT": iii HdCiHEF we syth, land in the Congress Hall situated } ney, then in the height of its popu- 3““ make be†time 11“: form: __ there the remains of the late lament- E larity under Dr. Jenkins, W. O. M ! CHEESE PRICES 0N gngziegigrgongngysin‘:SHED IT. ! SimpSon,-. W. D. Walters, J. E. Clap- '- RAILWAY NAWEES EN ham and other well'known preachers. , PETERBORO BGARD One fine morning two young lads, 6 Some opposition was shown, but the - NAMELESS GR“ and 14, Bramwell and Ballington, in- writer‘s father, Captain Holdsworth, troduced to the school by Mr. H. R. who was treasurer 0f the Chapel . , 7.“. .. n- «nan. . Review: The twenty factories that Clarke, the principal, Whose name TmStees at the time, willingly gave Otpuwg' (,k jxugi-fiff :34 inVictori ~~ .. were represented at the Cheese Board may yet be remembered in some his consent, and the writer well re-I men: Of Laoor “.9 1be “9.... atUphm Iahcihn: meeting this morning boarded 2.250 lparts of Canada. He afterwards members Sitting in the 1’33“ pews I latms’ With the ldéa Clam" of in; c aft}; cheeses in. all. founded the well known Shanklin and seeing, to him’ the strange . workmen egg???mimifma «m: for Minis“? I Mr. R- W- Warde, instructor for College in the Isle of Wight. They Sight Of a woman in the pulpit. He évrucuon th‘ofhcf? 31:: .2 Now to be h the county, made a short addreSs in were fairly tall ladS, very quiet and afterwards heard her in later years All: con?ieic.tfr:v Efflctxiixi I left Uphill 022““: which he stated that in company reserved, in fact they might have in the pulpit 0f the aristocratic . Ot er emmosms ale rev“ “ H the present year t of readers of yo togive them an down here and . of both the Canadia. I... this part of the II.I.:, I, with your co » give a brief outli ; and other things i. to me, both on 1:11; arrived here. iv ï¬rst place, I mm my identity. 31:. kind of road to travel'at night. COSTS ARE MODERATE ‘ “Oh yes ! you say it is a good road iences of the commissioners Of Wayne 274151 E EEEEE 131 ï¬g@ E County. The roads they have been, change. Not only is this true, but i building are roads built to take care of the hardest kind of traffic; they a E are built of a concrete harder in tem- “Y 3 h out than that used in almost any form r“ " r J ‘94 of concrete construction, no matter for what purpose it may have been E E intended; they are built near a large I M O N O S $ city where labor costs are high, they r‘y E ‘ r, are built with a special soft steel ex- . a . . . . ‘4 H pansron Jornt; they are built of ma- .r: 931-).er - . - terials purchased many miles away - . . careful record of the names ‘ 7. ._ r1 , With Instructors Publ - I K - Clapton Wesle an church. h 3 ° ' and In many cases hauled by teams 0W “1ch ay’ been called 5’15“ but â€1 answer to y , .w “6.5% tionnlities more Of birth. andlï¬â€™ the 316: and Tor-I . . . . ‘ . the latter of the Guelph Agricultural 'cuestions which every new school bo also made a remarkable impressmn. . . .. a; of J ,7 ThlS popular materlal lS belng used ex- ‘7 for long distances; they- are built by College and Ald Gillespie he had has t ub 't t . th 1d by ARMY COMES TO CLAPTOV addresses in Canada, as we; Y une at 1-..: r ' ° ' r - l ' ° - 08 m1 osmce ewor e- ‘ ‘e - L' _ . , p _ , '.,IIm , £1 tenSlvely because 0f the 300d SCI‘VICC given. day labor Instead Of cont labor. made- a tour of the factories yester- gan they saidrthey were liv-‘n on (For the next few years the writer home add.ess, 8‘50 thy “3:1: us â€it par? ‘7 They come in shades of mauve, blue and - 1“ $5130“ :2 9:1)?“ hail'been 29m: day in an automobile, and had found King Edward Road a well A 5.0,“, Was away at hoarding school in the afdresses 0f the nearer row ‘ y from: I itn beg_ , - - . . - o ecure e es possi e roa an -, . . ’ . tJClI‘ employee. ravens-t“ O I ever thin I I. . I 1 - . â€" . , !4 pink Wlth plain colored trimmings to match )‘0 while the management has been excel- c dyrt’ 8 m a general Y SatISfaCtOI‘Y thoroughfare in those days, and their 5 e 0f nght. and when he came back In the past no records were c has Via Sudbury a ' ° lent condit' h on 1 Ion. father was 8' minister., the Army was ï¬rmly on Its feet. f 'd t Drum": explosion ) From Toronto I '1. Dainty Dressmg Sacques at 50C r. . Ions ave been such that “The most of the factoriesare well , ’ and beginning to look out ior much 0 am en ‘ “Mk . . . ~..._ - . a { and 75C R. the costs must be at leafl’ afair av- kept †said Mr Warde “but in some SAW COMING GENERAL AND larger fields of labor I th 1d sulting in death have 0m 1m deco0f wmmpe: . - ’ ' ' SONS ' n e 0 ' .,~,, ' ~ 5 33 ' “r j ‘7 ‘1 erage Othat can be expected 1“ 0““ of themâ€"†here he paused and made fashioned Lower Clapton Road there and many fond) labo‘érs hi“. I. - te “memes ‘24 .. ‘34 er Imaht‘es- In many cases the cost an expressive gesture A few days after on going home was a raman old fashioned b ,1 buried unknown and unidentu‘g “nothing Country I a lshould be less, and in the exceptional "Name those factories ,, said sev- from school rather late from avertingâ€"built whef Clapt w . ultd- ten it occurred that Wives and": One centinuatio.. Ky BLACK SILKS fl lease only should it be higher. eral members of the E 'rd ing preparation, the writer saw that country for the Londzn 0:1:th Ashe ren wrote pathetic letters to , â€"» of water for xi - o o - o o ‘ o ' ' ~ 9 n n - . ‘I -F g ,. ‘ ' . . 4 A splendid quality Paulette m deep, nch black, ‘2‘ I Mr. E. N. Hmes, Wayne County “I will not .. answered Mr Warde lads helping their father at an open lum surrounded with b ffy eign consuls enquiring Ic.‘ _ Man has two mpg ' ' ' air service on'Well street. one of- th? ' can 1 ul husbands and fathers. and 81" match, Which is .- “but have no doubt that they will do better." The bidding was soon over. BtOPP' ing at 13 3~6c. grounds, the asylum had been mov- ed further out into the country and after standing idle for some time, the building itself was sold to the heme 0f the most 0“ this stretch {in â€â€™3“ time. and no II to locate them proved in vain. . new regulations will seek to .- .this as far as possible. worst parts of Hackney then, and for the ï¬rst time saw the leader of what was to be one of the greatest religious movements of modem! days. r‘y ex: ellent wearing and wide dms width, W 3°“ ComiSSi‘oner. and the man who A! atpei-yard,89c and.................. 100 H more than any o-therone man has 0 been instrumental in bringing about £7 Rich Mousseline Paillette, a lovely qualiy cloth h their construction. in his paper be- \†quiet and reserved. He suffered a The Congress Hall is the head- 0 R IA C A S T O R . A great deal from his deafness and in quarters of the Army in those pa m. . C A- s T ’ , ‘ ..-- - his young days and till quite recentâ€" the cadets are trained there and most LINDSAY MARBLE W|.l ‘ K. K for gowns and mm, skin dyed wide l fore the meeting of the Association Arm for e ' ' 1| ’ - l . . ~ {.1 Width, at per yard . . _ , . . . . . . . . . .t . . . . . l 25 . I of I’ortland Cement Manufacturers at Chil dr 6 n C r ,/ BRAMWELL BOOTH AT SCHOOL beautiful S; 0:11th :er1:: :511e::§ , C hll d ran 01'? 7 I A . Chicago early “I May 881d: “The conâ€" FOR flETCï¬ER’S I found the new General at school put into building lots. FOR FLETCHER’S { f PAY ; I . ‘7 l crete roads in Wayne County have It Women’s Long Silk Gloves, made from very best ' i cost irom $1.04 to $1.75 per square “W of glove silk, double tipped ï¬ngers, mousquetain yard complete. The figure varies With E wrist, 16 button length, at per pair. . . . l 00 E :2: cut antd fint :quired in grading, 1y he had to use one of those old- of the larger rallies and ofl‘lcers' , . K“ . E .. .22:: -22: mamaâ€: â€m... r: it. 4 Women‘s Pure Silk Hose, seconds, With Lisle length of haul for materials. The figâ€" wheel the- little hand organ down for first Sunday afternoon meeting, Monuments Get WW" “‘1‘ ures given include the cost of concrete , the open air services. DEATH 01: MRS. BOOTH Signs. culverts, concrete tile drains, l‘and' ltile along the street car tracks, open W , . 0‘ . ditches, grading and the earth or “ Women s Llsle Thread Hose, black, tan and L. Igmvel shoulders, Yardage is ï¬gured We did not join in the boyish I We‘!, vent-g rolled on, and iust n, R sports but he never interfered withv' his fellow school mates and thoughl at that early time he was known as! deeply religious and soundly con-: GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY aw : verted', yet I am glad to say for the . I 93nd9 1'2, price...................... N thread garter top, in black only, size 8 1-2, ’37 L4 23c 5" E._.__.___.__,_ __ . ,, ; Tne largest stock of Sou- : colors, also in lace, all sizes, price. . . . . . . . . . . . . .25c q I on the concrete only; the cost of gravâ€" venirs ever shown in Lind- "4 A gel shoulders, etc., being apportioned‘ say. Belt (nasps, Collar ! f: S .21 ‘ d W. d Sh d A «v- - - rz it .t ,, Plus, Beauty Pins in RiCh I . R pend prlce an opaque m 0W a e’ 0‘ 1n.x L. 3 ° 1 s 008'“ 1 French Enamel,L.C.I. Maple lterfered with for his religious con- W W . ’ RS N INDO SHADES . over the concrete yardage and added honor of the school he was never in-l FARM LABORERS EXCU IO 5 _, W 72 in, mounted on Ieliable rollers, dark green or W' ITSW GUST OF MAINTENANCE . Leaf Canada (1,,thv Silver victionS- ! Pl 1w $10-00 t0 Wmmpegd Via .Cbictai‘; hem, I a cream co-or com lete with brackets. . . ....... â€â€™50 4 ’- '15 means that in man cases the ’ “ ' . 2 M BOOTH IN THE PULPIT ‘ '1‘ ’ "cent mile from Winnipesto "imam" “ :i t R “' , p L L concrete r0 (1 ' y ' B‘OOChCS made 111 England' RS ! MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. Returning halfâ€"cent rune ° "7 to Trimmed Shades in cream and green 37:79 in '7 in tha can be bum for we ht- Eve“ the“ General B°°th’ as he Winnipeg. plus $18 00 to destination in Eastern Canada- . «In. 0' ,1. - - K ° . v ’ ‘ d , C Q I emore . an $1.00 per square yard ' ' was jUSt beginning to be called, Was AUGUST 23rd From all stations North (:7 1m? 17“ intlmlfner-‘diitu L4 late Insertion, complete Wlth bral Lets ...... . . . .00 L. I or at 8. COSt 1838 than $10,000 per mile nuve"!f Sfluans making great headway in the East I‘ll)? Toronto to sal'llia .1 unnel \‘lil Strfll’l‘lll‘di ::111<{:il‘ltll:: All ‘7 r7 ' of 15 feet roadway. In many instancâ€" T’nd of London and Mrs Booth one and Nn‘lll and 17:IctII+"l‘n~-orito to lxixrzs‘nn nix†“’1Ԡv»: III 0 . M ' . ’ 0 3. - . ‘ ..‘ ' - '- .. I( ~ list and 5"“ a TAPESTRY CURTAINS ‘4 es the first cost for a waterbound The celebrated Rod en of the _most charming and persuasive AUCE'I‘isiirq‘ff}; q},,',‘?.‘,â€r,‘.‘,“ bum“: Imuh ’ ‘U'd ‘ . ,wi . ~ I u . u .j . . , “) 'l'lL'Zuéfl-{A'HM AUGUST 30th l“l0lll all stations Toronto to .\u‘ilzl I...) u Heavy Mercerized Curtains, well knotted fringe N .' reacadam Will come very close to this Bros Manf dainty Salt women the writer ever met. was per- ) 0‘ on top and bottom, 2 3-4 yds long, shades of green or é\¢ ! figure. In Wayne County macadam ' 813002 S Coll-6,8 andrTPa Size haps more prominent than her hus- L crimson, at per pair. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . $3.00 , first cost is about 10 per cent less, Spoons, b utifully enamel- band, and without taking'one iota of i o ’ ~ ; I' but that is on] a small . .- ' e r th de d Ge e l ' k! rm; Y part of the led, from 250 up to $2.70. prais fom e a nra it may west thereof in Ontario. _/2 ' CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Lindsay. Ont, to Toronto and retufI1 $2.05 Ans-24:05»: $1.65 3.22. .‘.:.. 7, inclusive. i complete story. The total cost in . be safely eaid that Mrs. Booth was ,W-ayne County for repairs last year â€ur pl‘lce a“! U moderate. lindeed the mother of the Army in ,l on concrete roads was $200, this be- more senses than one. To introduce a 07L A hl. M E E ing on 33 miles of roads. Almost all ' I A . .â€" ' ’ ithe aims and ideasw‘of these devoted E 613g m .l c “tyre E ; of this was spent on ditching and MCC ARIY S lpeopl-e it was felt that Mrs. Booth Cs 2:?" ' hshoulders, a very small part indeed, should speak in the leading chapeIS, A'l . k , . Minimum Rate-“25 cétvscflr 106.1912. :7 .3; AWE} ONE PRICE r ’ being spent on the concrete itself. ' kW 1 Sieve WhiCh are SO abundant in Northeast {3 l he as “he for retumunԠ.uesca:.-.,~- . Tâ€"lxif-Bc ‘4 jig-7.5g 3 During the same year $12,500 was 8 ry ‘ ,‘London, and though it should be re- a ASK ANY GRAND TRUNK AGENT for 5;: i7nz'iicz'431'3â€2:1,,“ 232.7: “.1 W W " ‘ ~ _ "'3 W ' “'v ' i Spent in the 89.1 e WEDDING RINGS†,, ,bered that the Booths were Me- 4) ‘ "“"""'"“*“""*wr‘“""““-‘“‘“" W‘ï¬ï¬.‘ qygohM§o y%%@ 104% 397 92 J h; F3? 3 0m, .hflnth n 90Ҡon â€ads MARRIAGELICEJNbEb ,1â€? t t t th t ti 8 th w . M-.. _ A , he: £ “X g, A ‘ L H ‘ A, M l o a e concrete roads. thod1s 3-, ye a a m , e es- W. R. WIDDESQ Age†Lindsay â€was :1 . ~, . , - g . . Reports for many other localities in W leyans, who were very strong in